Synopsis of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world according to fgos in the senior group. Synopsis of a lesson on introducing children to the outside world Getting to know the outside world in a senior topic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 73 "Polyanka" of the city of Cheboksary

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group "Trees of our forest"

Developed by:

Osterova E.D.

Educator 1 sq. cat.

Cheboksary - 2017

Software content.

Purpose: deepening and improving children's knowledge about the trees of our forests.

Educational task: to teach children to distinguish and recognize trees by external signs, fruits and leaves; to consolidate knowledge about the structure of trees and their significance in human life.

Correctional and developmental task: to continue work on word formation (the formation of relative adjectives from nouns denoting the names of trees); develop memory, mental operations, coherent speech;

Educational task: to cultivate interest and respect for trees, the ability to behave correctly in the forest on vacation.

Vocabulary work: expand and enrichvocabulary of children through adjectives formed from nouns.

Materials: pictures of trees, poems, riddles, d / and "From which tree the leaf."

Lesson progress:

Hello children! Today we will go to a forest fairyland (reading a poem)

fairy tale forest

A veil is woven from fragrant branches,

Pine trees do not let the wind to the heart of the forest...

There, in the cool silence, there is a babbling stream,

Fresh and cool, clean and shiny...

And, fearfully hiding in the coastal grass,

A snow-white lily of the valley looks into that stream,

And keeps a strong curtain of branches

A dormant fairy tale - a fairy tale in the heart of the forest...

Guys, who are the main inhabitants of this fabulous country? (children's answers)

Correctly! Of course trees!

What are the benefits of trees to the forest? (children's answers)

Well done! Trees are the main source of oxygen on the planet. They inhale the dirty smell and exhale the clean one!

Our forests are rich in different trees. Let's look at some of them. For this, I have prepared riddles for you (I read the first riddle)

White-barreled beauties

Together we stood on the path,

The branches go down

And earrings on the branches.


Correctly! Birch! (showing a picture of a birch)

Guys, what does a birch look like? (children's answers)

Well done! The birch is very beautiful, small curly leaves, white trunk, it is slender.

What benefits does birch bring to a person? (children's answers)

Furniture, crafts and souvenirs are made from it. In Russian villages, huts have long been heated with birch logs. Birch buds and leaves are used in medicine. Tasty and healthy birch sap, which is harvested in early spring.

Let's listen to the second riddle with you:

It stands above the steep

Mighty Bogatyr:

Shoulders parted,

He threw up his hands. (Oak)

Correctly! Oak! (showing a picture of an oak tree)

Tell the children, what is the trunk of the oak tree? (children's answers)

The trunk is thick, covered with brown-gray bark with winding cracks. The older the tree, the deeper the cracks. Oak is considered the personification of heroic strength, power and nobility.

What is the fruit of an oak tree called? (children's answers)

Correctly! Acorns! And what forest dwellers like to eat acorns?

Well done! Wild boars, deer, field mice, jays like to eat acorns.

And what benefits does oak bring to humans? (children's answers)

It is used in shipbuilding, furniture and carpentry.

Now let's listen to the following riddle with you:

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Spruce)

What tree do we always decorate with toys for the New Year? (children's answers).

Correctly! Christmas tree!

Tell me, what benefits does a tree bring to a person? (children's answers).

It makes beautiful furniture. Also, paper and musical instruments are made from spruce wood.

Let's listen to the following riddle with you:

Kidneys - odorous

Leaves are sticky

Fruits - volatile (Poplar)

Poplar! Tell me, what is the use of poplar leaves? (children's answers)

They purify the air of dust and soot and release a large amount of oxygen into the atmosphere.

Now let's get some rest!

Didactic game "From which tree is the leaf?"

Children are given cards with the image of trees, leaves. It is necessary to find a pair (birch leaf - birch tree), etc.

And now guys, let's remember how to behave in the forest so as not to interfere with the forest inhabitants.

Reading a poem.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest.

Even sing very loudly.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge!

In vain do not tear the flowers!

Do not shoot from the slingshot!

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who do they interfere with,

There is no need to catch them here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies.

Young guys!

Let's remember once again what kind of trees grow in our forests.

1 Lesson on familiarization with the outside world

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group "Family is happiness!"

Educational area: society

Section of organized learning activities : Acquaintance with the outside world.

Topic:Family is happiness.

Target:continue to form in children an idea of ​​​​the family and their place in it.

Educational task: teach children to name their family members; know that everyone in the family cares and loves each other; understand the role of adults and children in the family.

Development task: Develop cognitive interest, logical thinking.

Educational task: Raise your child to be proud of their family.

Material used: pictures "sun" and "cloud" for each child, photo or illustration of a boy.

Vocabulary work: responsibilities, family member.

Lesson progress:

Motivational and incentive stage.

Circle of Joy:

“All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other."

Bring up:Hello, what a wonderful mood you are today! And I am pleased to invite you to visit the boy Nikita. He, along with his family, loves to receive guests. Are you willing to visit?

The children agree.

Organizational-search stage.

Bring up:To find out with whom Nikita lives, we need to solve riddles:

1. Putting on pajamas before going to bed,

2. Fragrant jam,

pies for treats,

delicious pancakes

At the beloved ... (grandmother)

3. He did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

4. Who will teach you how to hammer a nail,

Let the car drive

And tell you how to be brave

Strong, agile and skillful?

All you guys know -

This is our favorite ... (dad)

5. Who is a funny karapuzik

Quickly crawling on the belly?

amazing boy-

This is my youngest ... (brother)

6. Who loves both me and my brother,

But does she like to dress up more?

Very fashionable girl

My youngest ... (sister)

Bring up:That's what a big family Nikita has.

A family is a group of people living together. Why do you think a family is needed?

Right! To help each other, raise and educate children, takes care of the elderly.

Nikita really wanted to know about your families, tell us guys about your family.

Suggestive questions:

Who do you live with?

Who is the oldest in your family?

Who is the youngest?

How do you take care of your family members?

Do you love your loved ones? Why?

Well done! It is good that there is a family where they love each other, help and take care of each other.

Do you love helping your loved ones?

We know that every member of the family has their own household chores. What household duties do you have?

Children's answers.

Bring up:Are you tired? Let `s have some rest.

Fizminutka "Family exercise"

D / game "Joy and sadness"

Bring up:Guys, how do we express love to our loved ones? (children's answers)

Right! We also do good things and never do bad things so as not to upset our parents. What do you think joy (sadness) looks like in the sun or in a cloud?

I will name actions. If you think that this act will upset your mother, raise a cloud, if it pleases - the sun.

Painted a beautiful picture;

Fight with a friend;

Ate semolina;

Removed toys in place;

They tore the book;

On a walk, they soiled a jacket.

Educator: Well done, guys, you understand correctly what brings joy to your family and what grief.

Let's say goodbye to Nikita and invite him to visit our kindergarten.

Children say goodbye to Nikita.

Reflective-corrective stage.

Bring up:Whom did we visit today?

Why does a person need a family? What did you like about the lesson? (children's answers)

The teacher praises children for their activity and responsiveness.

Expected Result:

What the child knows (Know): members of his family.

How the child mastered the material (To have) /: the idea that everyone in the family should have their own responsibilities.

How does the child apply the mastered material in activities (To be able) /: talk about his family with the help of leading questions.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 12" "Children's Salt No. 65" Anchor "

Arkhangelsk region, city of Severodvinsk

Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world

"Learning to understand other people's feelings"



Vyalenko Elena Albertovna


Course progress.

Educator. Guys, the guests came to our lesson. (children greet)

Children stand in a circle.

Educator. How else can you say hello?

Children.(fingers, clap, stroke)

In the center of the circle is a "magic apple", around it are hearts.

Educator. Guys, time has passed and the “magic apple” is again interested in what other good deeds the children managed to do.

Children take turns talking about good deeds, the “magic apple” encourages children and calls their actions “good deeds”. (the child is given a heart and is attached to clothes).

Educator. And now let's join hands and turn into one big, kind heart. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Educator. Let's breathe together

Show how our heart beats (palms) Children sit on chairs.

Educator. Let's imagine such a situation. All the guys sit on chairs, and Lera jumps, jumps, indulges, falls and cries. (Lera shows)

Educator. How does Lera feel? (pain).

Educator. Who knows what to do first? (calm down, help, ask where it hurts)

Educator. What would you say to Lera to calm her down?

Children.(you'll see, everything will be fine, pull yourself together, everything will pass, do not lose heart, be patient a little, we will help you now, please calm down).

Educator. What pain did the girl experience? (physical)

Educator. What do you understand by the expression: "pull yourself together" (hold back tears, endure pain, do not cry when tears flooded).

Educator. Are you Lera? How did you feel when the guys said words of comfort to you? Lera. I felt that I was not alone, it became easier, the pain went away.

Educator. How can you call people who come to help? (good, real friends)

Educator. How can we call our action? (noble, good deed).

Educator. Now let's imagine a different situation: For his birthday, Kolya was presented with a beautiful new car. He was so pleased that he played with her all day long. But then an unforeseen event happened. Quite by accident, he stepped on it and the car shattered into small parts.

Educator. What did the boy feel? (pain)

Educator. What pain did the boy feel when he broke the donated toy? (mental, emotional).

Educator. How to help Kolya? Please suggest a way out of this difficult situation.

Children.(let me try to fix it, calm down, if dad can't fix it for you, you can take it to the workshop, I have the same car, I'll be happy to give it to you to play.

Educator. When you're upset, who helps you feel better? (I calm myself, parents, animals, friends)

Educator. Guys, do you like to receive gifts? What about giving?

Educator. What is more pleasant to receive or give?

Educator. Now we will play the game "Gift to a friend". With the help of gestures, facial expressions and pantomime, show us what you will give to your friend or girlfriend, and we will try to guess.

Game "Gift to a friend" Educator. What is your mood now?

Educator. Imagine that you are going to go to the park with your friends, ride a carousel, what kind of weather can prevent you from going to the park? (rainy)

Phys. minute.

The children are standing on the carpet.

Rain clouds floated: "Let, rain lei"

The raindrops are dancing as if alive - drink rye!

And the rye, leaning towards the green land, drinks, drinks, drinks

And the warm rain is restless pouring, pouring, pouring

Zhenya went out for a walk

Begged for rain

"Rain, rain, wait

Rain, rain, don't rain

We don't need you, we don't need puddles

The children sit on the carpet.

Educator. Guys, show with facial expressions how you feel about the rain.

Children show.

Educator. Why do we love rain?

Children,(I love walking in the rain, no need to water the beds, flowers grow faster, take a walk under an umbrella, it's fresh outside.)

Educator. Tell me why you don't like the rain?

Children.(the rain prevented the walk, the garden bed was not dug up, the rain prevented the completion of work, wet clothes, wet shoes, sad mood,

Educator. How do you think two people can feel standing in the rain?

Children. One is happy, the other is sad, his mood is spoiled.

Educator. Rain is a natural phenomenon and we cannot influence it, our mood depends on what we think about it.

Children approach the easel.

Educator. This is a magical meadow, very unusual, flowers grow on it. The main one is the queen rose. She said that she was very sad and lonely alone,

Educator. What is missing in the field? (colors)

Educator. To find out what flowers grow in the meadow, listen to the poems. (Children recite poems about a lily, about a burdock, about a rose)

Educator. I suggest you become magicians and revive the flowers. You need to draw any mood of the flower that you want. (Children are invited to draw eyes, mouth, eyebrows, nose)

Finger gymnastics: "Our scarlet flowers."

Children draw. Music by Tchaikovsky "The Lilac Fairy"

Educator. Let's plant flowers in our meadow.

Educator. What mood did you draw?

Why are they having so much fun?

And who else painted the mood?

Children.(it rained, they met together).

Educator. So that you always have a good mood that you would give to people around you and loved ones, the queen of the rose gives you little surprises and thanks you for your help.

I distribute stickers with flowers.

Educator. And we will give a surprise to the guests "Song of Friendship".

Children sing a song.

Educator. Guys, I think that you have already learned to determine the mood and feelings of other people, and you can also help them in difficult times. And your friendship, mutual assistance and mutual assistance help you in this.

List of used literature

    We teach to communicate children 3-7 years. Volkova Yu.S.

    Development of emotional responsiveness of older preschoolers. Andreenko T.A.

    Journal "Preschool Education" 1997 No. 5.

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the senior group

Theme: "Insects"

Educational area: knowledge, communication, artistic creativity.

Activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

Methods and techniques:

  • Visual (show, demonstration);
  • Verbal (artistic word, conversation, question-answer);
  • Practical (entertaining exercises, experiments);
  • Pedagogical technologies: student-oriented, research, gaming.
  • Health-saving technologies: physical education minutes.



  • To expand and consolidate children's knowledge of insects, to introduce the general concept of "insects" into the active dictionary of children. Continue to practice making sentences of different constructions using the union because - because. Continue to learn to compose a short story based on a series of paintings.


  • Cultivate a good attitude towards small neighbors on the planet.


  • Develop visual and auditory memory.
  • Activate, enrich the vocabulary of children on the topic.
  • Develop connected speech.
  • Develop figurative speech.
  • To develop the verbal and logical thinking of children, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason, draw conclusions, exclude the fourth extra subject with the justification of their answer.
  • Continue to learn to guess riddles and justify your answer.
  • Develop general motor skills, coordination.
  • Continue to learn to group objects according to their main features.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles, observations, reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”, V. Bianchi “Happy bug”, watching cartoons, application “Butterfly”, modeling with the image of insects, looking at toys, pictures, selection of physical education minutes on the topic, selection of illustrative material , selection of games for attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: subject pictures of insects (butterfly, bee, grasshopper, ant, caterpillar, ladybug, dragonfly). Flower, the didactic game "Spread into groups", the didactic game "The fourth extra", D / and "What first, what then" (plot pictures that show the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly). A soft toy - a caterpillar, a table covered with a green cloth on which flowers, a letter, insect toys - a bee, a ladybug, a dragonfly, an ant, a beetle, a fly are located.

Planned results: the child has an elementary idea of ​​​​insects; is able to maintain a conversation on a given topic; actively and benevolently interacts with the educator and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks.

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction


Today we will go to visit the little inhabitants of the forest clearing - insects. Getting ready for the trip:

“We went out to the forest clearing, raising our legs higher,

Through the bushes and tussocks, through the branches of the stump.

Who walked so dexterously, did not stumble, did not fall?

Guys, look, where are we? We are in a forest clearing. (the teacher with the children comes to the table, covered with a green cloth and decorated with flowers)

When in a fragrant pine forest,

You will sit on a stump in the spring.

Take a good look around

You will notice a lot around!

Children, and who lives with us in the grass, on flowers, in the ground, on trees, bushes? (children's answers).

Insects are the oldest and most numerous inhabitants of our planet. They appeared about 250 million years ago and have adapted very well to life on Earth.

Look, there is no one in the clearing, I do not see a single insect. Only the letter lies, I wonder from whom it is? He reads the letter: “Dear guys, we are in trouble, the evil witch has bewitched us, help us, please!”


Guys, something happened to the six-legged kids, are you ready to help? (children's answers).


And to help our six-legged kids, you and I will also turn into insects. I have a magical flower that will help us. The teacher takes a magic flower and pronounces the words together with the children:

Close all your eyes and repeat after me:

Help us, flower, turn us into insects! Here we have turned into insects and we will fly to a forest clearing. Pass insects, sit down. And here is the first task from the evil witch: "You need to solve riddles and find pictures - clues."

2. Riddles. Topic conversation.

The teacher reads the riddles, the children guess, find the picture and put it on the flannelgraph.

  • She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes

They call her ... (dragonfly).


How did you guess that it was a dragonfly, what words helped you find the answer?

  • Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is nice to all people

And her name is ... (bee).


What words helped you guess that it was a bee?

  • He is a real worker.

Very, very hardworking.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

He builds a house from needles.(ant).


What words helped you guess that it was an ant?

  • She is bright, beautiful

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And he likes to drink flower juice. (butterfly).


What words told you that this is a butterfly?

  • She is sweeter than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet on it.

And circles on it

Black dots.(Ladybug).


And in this riddle, what words suggested that it was a ladybug?

How can you call in one word those who are depicted in the pictures?

What is the main feature of all insects? (All insects have 6 legs.)

Is a spider an insect?

Name insects that are predatory (dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug)

Why are they called predators? (Because they prey on other insects.)

Name useful insects. (butterfly, bee, ant.)

What are the benefits of bees, butterflies, ants? (Bees pollinate flowers, give us honey and wax. Ants carry the seeds of many plants through the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Name the harmful insects. (A fly carries germs, a caterpillar eats plant leaves, a mosquito.)

Well done, they solved all the riddles, and we saved the dragonfly and the bee, but other insects are waiting for our help, let's move on.

3. Fizminutka "Centipede"

1. There was a centipede

(children walk in a rhythmic step, slightly springy)

On a dry track.

2. Suddenly it started to rain: Drip-drip-drip!

(Children stop and sit down.)

Oh, forty paws get wet!

3. I don't need a runny nose

(children walk, raising their knees high, as if walking through puddles),

I'll go around the puddles!

4. I won’t bring dirt into the house

(children stop, shake one leg),

Shake every paw!

(shake other leg).

5. And then I will stomp

(children stomp their feet)

Oh, what a thunder from the paws!

4. The game "4 extra". Making sentences with the union "because".


Look carefully at the pictures and say which picture is superfluous here and why do you think so?

  • An extra spider, because it does not belong to insects.
  • Extra ant, because he does not fly, and the rest of the insects fly.
  • An extra butterfly, because it flies, and the rest of the insects do not fly.
  • An extra butterfly, because the rest of the insects are predatory.


Here we are with you still saved the ant (an ant appears). Let's continue our journey.

5. The game "Spread the butterflies into groups"(on the carpet).


Look how beautiful butterflies flew to us. I propose to sort the butterflies into groups. Katya, spread out the butterflies. Educator:

Katya, on what basis did you arrange the butterflies? The child explains:

I laid out the butterflies in shape. Educator:

And now Diana will put the butterflies into groups, but in a different way. Diana, on what basis did you arrange the butterflies? Child:

I sorted the butterflies by color. Educator:

And on what other basis can butterflies be decomposed? Children's answers:

To size. Educator:

Arina, spread out the butterflies by size. Educator:

So we freed the grasshopper and the beetle. What good fellows you are! (A grasshopper and a beetle appear.) Educator:

Let's continue the journey. (Children sit on chairs)

6. Didactic game "What first, what then."

A caterpillar appears, grumbles, is very unhappy:

Everything about butterflies, but about butterflies, but they forgot about me. Educator:

No, the caterpillar is not forgotten. We will help you turn into a butterfly. Guys, let's help the caterpillar turn into a butterfly. The teacher is talking:

What is the first thing a butterfly lays? Children's answers:

Butterfly lays eggs. Educator:

Who comes out of the egg? Children's answers:

A caterpillar emerges from the egg. Educator:

What does a caterpillar do? Children's answers:

She eats leaves and grows. Educator:

Who does she become? Children's answers:

The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis. Educator:

Who comes out of the chrysalis? Children's answers:

A butterfly emerges from the chrysalis with wet wings. The butterfly dries its wings in the sun, as soon as the wings dry, the butterfly begins to fly. Educator:

I suggest you tell how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, first in a poem with movement, and then in pictures.

7. Physical education - coordination of speech with the movement "Caterpillar".

This strange house without windows (slowly turn around)

People call it "cocoon".

Twisting this house on a branch, (rotate hands)

A caterpillar slumbers in it. (palms under right cheek)

Sleeps without waking up all winter. (palms under left cheek)

But the winter is passing by - (wave your hands up)

March, April, drops, spring ... (clap hands for every word)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun (draw the sun with your hands)

The caterpillar is not up to sleep. (threaten finger)

She became a butterfly! (running in a circle, waving their arms like wings)

8. Stories of children in a chain:

  • The butterfly laid eggs on a flower.
  • Then came the caterpillar.
  • The caterpillar fed on the leaves and grew.
  • Then the caterpillar turned into a chrysalis.
  • A butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. She has wet wings. The butterfly dries its wings in the sun. As soon as the wings dry, the butterfly begins to fly.

9. The result of the lesson.

Educator: So our journey has come to an end, what good fellows you are all for helping the insects. The insects thank you all. Take insects and settle them in our forest clearing.

(Children take insect toys and place them in a clearing near the flowers.)

Look how beautiful the meadow has become. Let ants and beetles crawl on the ground, let grasshoppers jump on the grass, let butterflies and dragonflies fly, and let the world we live in always remain blue and green! And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. But first we need to turn into children again. The teacher takes a magic flower and says the words: Close your eyes and repeat after me:

You are a flower, help and turn us into children!

Did you enjoy being insects?

And if you had such an opportunity to once again turn into insects, who would you like to turn into and why?

What game did you like the most?

You were all great today!

10. Relaxation. "Butterfly flutter"

Guys, today we traveled a lot, we are tired. Let `s have some rest.

Lie down on the mat, close your eyes and remember how you were insects.

Imagine a beautiful summer day. You are lying on a green meadow. Everything around is calm and quiet. You are warm and comfortable, you breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are light butterflies with large and beautiful wings. Your arms are light, light, they are butterfly wings. And your body also became light, light, flapped your wings and flew. With each inhalation and exhalation, you float higher and higher in the air. A light breeze gently strokes your wings ... (pause - stroking the children). Stroking, gently touching ... (name). You feel good and happy. But now it's time to go back home. Stretch and open your eyes on the count of three. Smile at each other.