Low placentation during pregnancy 19 weeks treatment. What threatens the fetus with low placenta previa during pregnancy

  • Why is a low placenta dangerous?
  • Migration of the low placenta
  • Why is the placenta attached so low?
  • Low placentation at the 12th week of pregnancy. What's next?
  • Low placentation at 22 weeks pregnant. What's next?
  • Low placentation at 36 weeks gestation. Childbirth with a low location of the placenta
  • The bottom of the uterus is located ... at the top. It is there, closer to the bottom (that is, from above) that the placenta should be attached. But this does not always happen, and in about 15% of cases, expectant mothers will find out during a routine ultrasound examination about the low location of the placenta.

    What is the danger and what can be done?

    Low location of the placenta - where is it?

    Usually, they talk about low placentation when 5.5-6 cm remains from the cervix to the edge of the placenta. The doctor sees this result even at a planned ultrasound at 12 weeks and makes a note about this in the map of the expectant mother. For such a short period, this does not matter, because the placenta grows and moves until the 36th week of pregnancy.

    Why is a low placenta dangerous?

    Doctors have two reasons for concern.

      Poorer blood supply to the lower part of the uterus compared to the upper. The worse the blood supply to the placenta, the less nutrients the baby receives.

      The pressure that a growing fetus exerts on the placenta - after all, no one has canceled the force of gravity! The squeezed placenta not only does not fulfill its functions to the full, but can also exfoliate, which will become a direct threat to pregnancy.

    But, as we have already emphasized, before 22-24 weeks, all this is of no fundamental importance.

    Migration of the low placenta

    During pregnancy, the placenta moves, and this is not surprising.

      Firstly, it is a living organ, in which some parts can die off, and some can grow.

      Secondly, it must meet the nutritional needs of the child, and therefore increase in size as the baby grows.

      Thirdly, it is attached to the wall of the uterus that changes in size, and its position changes along with its stretching.

    You can predict the movement of the placenta based on the place of its attachment, which the doctor notes during the first ultrasound.

    The most favorable location is on the back wall of the uterus, which is closer to the spine. It stretches less during pregnancy and, most likely, by the middle of the term, the placenta will have time to rise to a safe height.

    The least favorable location is from below and in front - it is this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus that stretches the most, and the placenta simply may not have time to "crawl" higher.

    Why is the placenta attached so low?

    The reason, in fact, is one - damage to the endometrium of the uterus in those places where the placenta should normally be attached. But it can be caused by a variety of circumstances. Among them:

      scars after caesarean section or other operations on the body of the uterus;

      tissue damage after abortion or removal of neoplasms;

      changes in the endometrium after infectious diseases;

      large neoplasms (for example, uterine fibroids), which in themselves do not prevent pregnancy, but "occupy the best places";

      malformations of the body of the uterus (for example, saddle or bicornuate uterus);

      multiple pregnancy (twins can have , and in the second case one of them is often attached too low).

    It is clear that you cannot fix the shape of the uterus or the scar after the operation, but the one who is warned is already armed! Now you know that you should not miss a planned ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy.

    Low placentation at the 12th week of pregnancy. What's next?

    Nothing! For a short period, even not the most successful location of the placenta does not affect the course of pregnancy. Listen to the doctor's recommendations (they may relate to limiting physical activity and additional intake of a complex of vitamins and microelements), carefully monitor your well-being, immediately contact a antenatal clinic for spotting and pain in the lower abdomen ( however, this should be done at any time and at any position of the placenta).

    And don't miss your next ultrasound - it's usually scheduled in 10 weeks!

    Low placentation at 22 weeks pregnant. What's next?

    Most likely, during the next examination, the doctor states that the placenta has already migrated along the wall of the uterus and you can no longer be afraid of the course of your pregnancy. If the placenta is still located at the very pharynx of the uterus, then, alas, some measures will have to be taken.

      Limit physical activity. Even special sets of exercises for pregnant women can hurt you now, not to mention running, jumping, lifting weights ...

      Refuse intimacy, in any case, from its traditional forms with deep penetration. Do not once again disturb the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus to which the placenta is attached.

      Try to rest more, if you can lie down - lie down ( Do you remember that gravity is now working against you?) Place a small pillow under your feet while you sleep.

    But the most important rule - do not worry! The chances that the situation will change by the 36th week of pregnancy are very high!

    Low placentation at 36 weeks gestation. Childbirth with a low location of the placenta

    If you are unlucky and the placenta is still at the very edge of the cervix (recall, the critical figure is 5.5 cm), then most likely you will have planned hospitalization and a cesarean section.

    Many women are set on natural childbirth and worry that "everything went wrong." But in this case, surgical intervention is fully justified: a bulky placenta prevents the baby from “moving to the exit”, which seriously delays and complicates childbirth, and in addition (and this is the most dangerous) it can exfoliate ahead of time. Until the baby is born and takes its first breath, the placenta and umbilical cord are also its respiratory organs, without them hypoxia quickly sets in, the baby literally “suffocates” even in the womb. A tragic situation requiring emergency intervention, and the outcome can be much worse than with a planned operation!

    Finally, with the borderline position of the placenta - the same 5.5-6 centimeters, when natural childbirth is also possible, but there is still a risk of an unfavorable development of the situation, the doctor can pierce the fetal bladder at the very beginning of childbirth.

    When the amniotic fluid is poured out, the baby's head quickly descends to the cervix of the uterus and, as it were, presses and pushes the placenta away.

    However, such a solution is possible only if the baby is correctly positioned; low placentation and - unambiguous indications for operative delivery.

    Remember, no matter how your pregnancy proceeds, the main thing is the health of mother and baby. Modern obstetrics can handle the most difficult situations, the main thing is to remain calm and follow the recommendations of your attending physician!

    Prepared by Anna Pervushina

    It is no secret that pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of many women, but it is also the most responsible. Expectant mothers should be very attentive to their health.

    However, not everything will depend on a woman in an interesting position.

    is one of those cases. But, having heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, one should not panic, because this is not a pathology, but a borderline condition.

    Often, by the end of pregnancy, there is no longer any threat. As medical statistics show, in 99% of cases, childbirth with this condition goes well.

    The placenta and its role during pregnancy

    What is placenta? This is a child's place, the mass of which reaches 1.5 kg, and the diameter is 15 cm. The connection between mother and baby is provided by an extensive network of numerous blood vessels that are located in the placenta.

    The role of the placenta during pregnancy is simply huge because it performs very important functions. It is she who secretes a number of hormones, including those responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

    Through it, the fetus receives minerals, nutrients, vitamins, as well as oxygen - all that is so necessary for the normal development of the baby. In addition, the placenta will also remove carbon dioxide reptile.

    The condition and full development of the child directly depends on the functioning of the fetal-placental-phytoplacental system.

    Low placentation during pregnancy: what is it

    After a successful conception, a fertilized egg-embryo seeks for itself a favorable and suitable place for fixing in the body of the uterus. Often this place becomes the bottom of the uterus or the back wall.

    However, for a number of reasons, the embryo may seek a “different haven” for itself in order to gain a foothold normally. This is exactly how the low formation of a place for the fetus - the placenta - happens.

    Reason for diagnosis low placentation during pregnancy, the location of the placenta becomes below 5.5cm internal os. However, this is not such a rare condition.

    So, in 15% of cases, the placenta is attached to the underside of the uterus. Increasing in size, it can block the birth canal. But the situation during pregnancy can change for the better.

    When the fetus grows and the uterus increases in size, the attachment point also rises higher, which means that there is no longer such a threat to the fetus.

    It is worth noting that such a diagnosis is a serious situation when a woman is forced to be under the close supervision of her doctor, since there is a risk of placental abruption.

    Most often, such a diagnosis from a doctor can be heard by patients in whom this pregnancy is not the first. This condition can be detected during an examination - ultrasound. Do Ultrasound on - , - , - pregnancy.

    What is the reason?

    To name the exact reasons for the low location of the placenta are not taken even by physicians. However, low placentation is not uncommon for women who have already given birth.

    Often this condition is promoted by inflammatory processes that provoke changes in the inner walls of the uterus.

    There are a number predisposing factors that can lead to this condition: complicated first births, abortions, uterus, chronic endometritis, parity (a large number of births), as well as the age of the woman (if she is over 35 years old).

    Behavior rules

    If a woman has heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, she should observe a number of simple requirements:

    • do not make quick, abrupt movements, do not run, do not jump, and also avoid physical exertion;
    • give up sexual activity;
    • give an elevated position to the legs in a lying and sitting position;
    • to minimize the movement in public transport;
    • if bleeding or spotting occurs, immediately consult a doctor, and in the event that the bleeding is severe, call an ambulance;
    • you should not refuse inpatient treatment in the department of pathology of pregnancy, if this option is offered by the attending physician.

    There is no need for special treatment in this condition., however, the expectant mother is obliged to closely monitor her condition.

    How is childbirth with such a diagnosis?

    If the distance between the cervix and the placenta is more than 6 cm, childbirth proceeds normally. If the distance is slightly less, then in this case, the birth is also likely to be normal.

    If the doctor decides that the low location of the placenta is undesirable, then he will pierce the fetal bladder. After that, the baby's head will fix the placenta. But in this case, the birth process should be supervised by experienced professionals.

    If the fetus is in the wrong position (legs forward), then doctors will perform a caesarean section to avoid complications.

    If a woman has a low placentation, there may be a situation of complete blockage of the exit from the uterus. In this case it will do on pregnancy caesarean section.

    Dear ladies, it should be borne in mind that in most cases, to - pregnancy, the placenta shifts - it rises up (behind the growing uterus), which means that any threat to mother or baby disappears.

    Pregnancy is the best period in the life of every woman. Waiting for a miracle, a wonderful feeling of the beating of two hearts at once - one's own and a small one, the tapping of a born baby. Nothing more tender and reverent can not be imagined. But besides all this, pregnancy is also the most exciting period; a period when a woman is more than ever concerned about her health. The main protection of the baby during pregnancy, of course, is. This is a thickened part of the embryonic membrane, it helps the little one to eat and breathe, and contributes to its immunological protection. The placenta is formed around the fertilized egg - in the wall of the uterus.

    Low placentation during pregnancy: what is it

    As a rule, the placenta is attached in close proximity to the bottom (the highest point) of the uterus, since it is here that the most favorable conditions for its normal functioning are created, in particular, the blood flow in the vessels is well established. A normally located placenta is considered to be formed at a distance of at least 6 cm from the uterine os.

    Cases where the placenta forms in the lower part of the uterus is called low placentation. This happens if the egg is introduced into the lower part of the uterine walls.

    Causes of low placentation during pregnancy

    Experts name several reasons why the placenta in a pregnant woman may be low located. One of them lies in the anatomical features of the organs of the female reproductive system. Both congenital pathologies (physiological anomalies) and those acquired as a result of exposure to negative factors can contribute to this. Low placentation may be a consequence of past inflammatory processes, genital infections and vascular diseases of the pelvic organs, or surgical interventions in the gynecological organs. Pregnant women of advanced age also fall into the risk group for the formation of low placentation.

    Placentation occurs most often in women who give birth to more than their first child. This is noticed during an ultrasound examination. The position of the uterus is constantly diagnosed by doctors. In particular, they do it - at 16, 24-26 and at 34-36 weeks, they can also conduct a dynamic echographic study.

    What is dangerous low placentation

    Due to the fact that the placenta is close to the pharynx, it partially, and sometimes - even completely - covers the opening. As a result, there is a risk of bleeding, detachment of the placental membrane and miscarriage.

    A low placenta can also negatively affect the baby, because in the lower part of the uterus there is not such a good blood supply to the vessels as in its upper parts, and therefore it is possible that the fetus may not receive enough oxygen and essential nutrients.

    However, there is no need to panic. In fact, less than 10% of all pregnancies with this pathology end in termination due to low placentation. Increasingly, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the placenta simply rises up and falls into place - and this can happen both in the middle of the term and at the very end of the pregnancy.

    Symptoms of low placentation during pregnancy Pregnant women with low placentation are characterized (25% -34% of cases) by a lack of oxygen experienced by the baby. But in general, if the location of the placenta is not critically low, the woman does not observe pronounced signs of this condition, and the pathology is determined by chance during a routine ultrasound examination.

    If the placenta is located very low, then a woman may experience common symptoms of a threatened abortion: pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, bloody discharge from the vagina. It is worth monitoring the signals of your body - detachment of the placenta occurs absolutely painlessly, so you need to observe mainly whether it is.

    Low placentation: treatment

    A pregnant woman needs to be very careful: physical activity is undesirable, you can’t overwork, you should give up sex. The fact is that with heavy loads, pressure in the placenta can rise, which will cause severe bleeding. And therefore, in no case should you make sudden movements, you even need to go to bed with extreme caution, do not travel by transport, so as not to "shake" once again. Even coughing is undesirable. When sitting, it is best to raise your legs a little - this will improve blood circulation. If the doctor offers to lie down for preservation, then this is simply necessary. If there is bleeding from the vagina, you should go to the hospital immediately.

    If the birth is close, and the placenta has not fallen into place, then you need to rely only on doctors. If the baby lies with his head to the cervix of the uterus, then he will do without a cesarean. If there is a breech or foot presentation, then most likely they will procesare. And, most likely - planned.

    Especially for- Maria Dulina

    The placenta (afterbirth or “baby place”) is the embryonic organ in which the growth and development of the child takes place. Its formation occurs no earlier than the 10th week of pregnancy. All this time, the embryo receives micronutrients from the blood vessels of the endometrium of the uterine cavity.

    What is low placenta previa

    The placenta is the home of the fetus. Performs the following functions:

    • Protective;
    • Hormonal;
    • Trophic;
    • Barrier;
    • Nutritious;
    • Oxygen.

    The main role of the placental barrier is to protect the child from the effects of negative factors that await him from the outside.

    The normal location of the organ allows for a favorable intrauterine stay.

    An afterbirth attached to the lateral or posterior uterine wall is considered normal.

    What is placenta previa

    Such localization covers the internal pharynx, which subsequently leads to the development of bleeding during childbirth and negatively affects the baby (hypoxia, risk and high probability of death).

    The pathological process does not have a vivid clinical picture until 20 weeks of the gestational period.

    What is dangerous

    The low location of the placenta hides a large number of dangers, but depending on the type, the tactics of managing a pregnant patient is selected.

    1. At the rear there is a high probability of the placenta moving up, the birth canal is completely open.
    2. Front- causes difficulties in carrying a large child. Increased risk of cord entanglement.
    3. Complete or central placenta previa- the most dangerous condition for a child. completely closed, possible development of hypoxia. Pregnant women with this diagnosis are prepared for delivery.

    Due to low placentation, the blood supply to the embryonic afterbirth worsens, there is a lack of essential trace elements and oxygen starvation.


    With any change in well-being for the worse, urgently seek help from the hospital.

    Previa is fraught with complete detachment of the placenta - a life-threatening condition for the baby.

    Childbirth with low placentation

    Natural childbirth is not a contraindication for a low-lying placenta. Constant medical supervision and a complete examination increase the chances of an independent birth process.

    However, before "letting" a pregnant woman into childbirth, doctors take into account several conditions:

    1. Accurate child seat attachment area.
    2. The course of pregnancy.
    3. Complications resulting from the gestational period.

    OKS () is indicated when the cervix is ​​completely closed by the placenta.

    According to statistics, in 91% of cases, births with presentation are quite successful. Subject to constant monitoring, and only 40% of them CS.

    It is also worth considering that the abnormal location of the placenta is fraught with other complications. For example, the germination of an embryonic organ into neighboring tissues and organs.

    Recommendations for expectant mothers with low placenta previa

    Tips for moms with a low presentation:

    1. Intimacy is prohibited.
    2. Excitement, anxiety, stress and irritation are prohibited.
    3. Restriction of visits to public places and public transport.
    4. In case of difficult bowel movements, taking medications that are allowed during the period of bearing a child.
    5. Refusal of physical work.
    6. YES: walks in the fresh air, use, visit the pool in the absence of a ban from the doctor.
    7. Stay in the hospital if necessary and on the recommendation of a specialist.

    Prevention measures:

    1. Timely treatment of gynecological pathologies.
    2. Contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
    3. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Expectant mothers are attentive to their interesting position, but not always their health depends only on them. Special precautions must be taken in case of low placentation during pregnancy - a dangerous omission that occurs at any week and requires special restrictions. Learn what to do when identifying, how to prevent the risk of development.

    What is low placentation during pregnancy

    After fertilization, the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus - this is where the formation of the placenta begins. Favorable is the attachment of the placenta closer to the bottom of the uterus, on the upper part of the back wall. There are more vessels here, which contributes to better nutrition of the embryo. The low location of the placenta during pregnancy is a diagnosis in which the distance of attachment to the cervix of the uterus is less than 6 centimeters.

    This increases the pressure of the fetus on the base, provokes the risk of bleeding and damage to the membrane. Low attachment of the placenta during pregnancy is a dangerous condition that requires special precautions, but not a pathology. Not to be confused with placenta previa. Pathology is detected when the base of the membrane is located in the cervix. Low placenta previa has a greater risk of separation due to greater pressure and the threat of termination of pregnancy.


    The doctor cannot determine the exact factors for low placental attachment, but this condition is common. Pathology occurs in 15% of pregnant patients.
    Risk factors that increase the likelihood of omission:

    • transferred abortions during unwanted pregnancy, scrapings threaten with internal uterine damage;
    • if the pregnancy is not the first, even normal childbirth may be accompanied by violations of the walls of the uterine lining;
    • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
    • multiple pregnancy;
    • often placentation occurs if the woman is over 35 years old;
    • anatomical features, underdevelopment or fibroids.

    What is dangerous low placentation

    During the course of pregnancy, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors in order to reduce the risks of dangerous complications and negative consequences, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding. Threats associated with prolapse of the placenta:

    1. The risk of miscarriage increases.
    2. When there is a low location of the child's body, this can lead to high pressure on the walls and detachment of the placenta. It is necessary to monitor the presence of uterine bleeding and consult a doctor in case of discharge.
    3. The placenta is responsible for the exchange of nutrients through the blood of the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus, for oxygen saturation and removal of waste products. Its insufficient supply leads to disturbances in the development of the embryo.


    When a low placenta is observed, it does not manifest itself with special symptoms, omission does not mean that there will be alarming signs of the well-being of the mother or the baby's body. Diagnosis is made by scheduled ultrasound. They do an examination at 12-16, 22-25, 30-35 weeks of pregnancy. The location of the placenta is less than 6 cm to the uterine os and is considered low. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the higher the likelihood of a competent response. Even in the last trimester of pregnancy, this is not a sentence. Enlargement of the uterus and movement occurs until 36 weeks, the location of the placenta may still change.

    How to raise the placenta during pregnancy

    Immediately after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to observe the regime of rest and exercise, try not to worry. The placenta moves along with the increase in the uterus, it is dangerous to attach the embryo to the anterior wall, in which case, under pressure, it can move even more down. When placed on the back wall, the position will rise with each week.


    Contributes to the favorable migration of the amniotic membrane wearing a special supporting bandage. The bandage reduces pressure, which reduces the risk of detachment. From it, the walls of the uterus are able to rise. Its use is relevant for movements and loads. It must be worn only as directed by a gynecologist, do not self-medicate.

    Medical treatment

    Standardly, compliance with the regimen and limiting recommendations is required. The doctor prescribes additional medication:

    • Magne-B6- a drug that is involved in metabolism, which is necessary with a low location of the placenta in layers with less blood supply. The advantages of the drug is that the lack of magnesium is restored. Available both in tablets and in the form of a solution. The disadvantages include the need to stop taking it when you feel well, so as not to lead to an excess of the substance in the body.
    • Curantyl- a therapeutic agent that improves microcirculation and is used for the treatment and prevention of placental insufficiency. This drug increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. The advantage of the drug is that it eliminates fetal hypoxia, the minus is the possible side effects. To reduce dyspeptic symptoms, take with milk.
    • Ginipral- a drug that reduces the tension of the uterus, which is necessary to improve the supply of nutrients to the fetus. Pros: reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth. Cons: often causes side effects for the cardiovascular system, therefore, in parallel with it, drugs are prescribed that reduce cardiac activity, potassium preparations.

    What not to do with low placentation

    To save pregnancy, you need to follow certain rules in order to prevent further prolapse:

    1. Do not make quick and abrupt movements, minimize exercise and physical activity.
    2. Bathing is prohibited.
    3. Avoid sexual intimacy.
    4. Limit public transport and air travel.
    5. It is necessary to make a roller, which is placed under the legs in a sitting and lying position.

    Childbirth with low placentation

    You already know how dangerous a low placenta is for a pregnant woman during the gestation period, but the diagnosis affects the birth process. Can a pregnant woman give birth on her own? Yes! In most cases, natural childbirth takes place. If the placenta is close to the pharynx, it is often necessary to pierce it. In such a situation, the presence of an experienced specialist is required.


    In some cases, childbirth is possible only with the help of surgery. To avoid complications, specialists perform a caesarean section if the fetus is in the wrong position (legs forward towards the uterus). With a large degree of omission, a possible complete blocking of the entrance is not excluded, then at 38 weeks an operation is performed as prescribed by a doctor.


    Low placentation during pregnancy can be prevented. Given that its formation is affected by the integrity of the walls of the uterus, it is important to prevent miscarriages and abortions. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor, preventing infectious diseases of the genital organs. It is worth giving up smoking, which can provoke improper attachment of the placenta.


    In 99% of the pregnancy ends safely. With an early diagnosis of low placentation and compliance with the requirements of doctors and a special regime, the location of the fetal membrane begins to rise. This condition is common and is not an indication for abortion. Often, the process of childbirth occurs without complications and is even possible naturally.