The manager called on his subordinates to observe executive discipline. Recruit new ones or work with existing ones

Posted On 05/30/2018

If a company has several employees, then the issue of executive discipline is practically not raised. The manager gave the task - the subordinate completed it. But what if the organization is large and consists of departments and branches? In this case, performing discipline is a difficult-to-regulate process. But everything can be done if management in the organization is initially organized correctly.


Executive discipline is a process when an employee or work team carries out orders, instructions, decisions and instructions put forward by the boss. This type of discipline may arise due to the authoritarian behavior of managers or regulated social necessity.

Also, this type of discipline can be understood as timely completion of assigned tasks and a qualified approach to one’s work.

In small companies, executive discipline may not be applied, since the manager has the opportunity to monitor his subordinates and give instructions. But when it comes to large organizations, a lack of control can negatively impact the overall performance.

Main features

Labor and performance discipline is characterized by the following main features:

  1. The quality of the work performed. This includes fulfilling basic work requirements, compliance with established parameters and standards, and ultimately obtaining positive results.
  2. Efficiency. Obtaining from the results of work the connection between the result and executive resources.
  3. Timeliness. Completing assigned tasks on time without compromising the quality of work.
  4. Practicality. To what extent the result of the work performed can be applied in practice and be useful in the future.


Performance discipline is a clearly organized process, which is formed according to the following algorithm:

  1. The manager gives instructions to the employee, setting a clear goal and requirements by which all work will be evaluated in the future.
  2. The period for completing the work is determined.
  3. Demonstration of the result of the work done.

In general, the scheme is simple: the manager said - the employee did. But we must not forget that there are also intermediate phases of performing this or that work.

Control of performance discipline means that the employee submits a report on the completed task from time to time. Practice shows that the work for which a report is submitted after the deadline is completed much worse than that which was monitored throughout the entire execution time.

The company may suffer losses due to an incorrectly performed task, and proper management of performance discipline will help to avoid this. Management includes: a system for monitoring the execution of work, tracking deadlines, ensuring teamwork, and improving working conditions.

Increase the level of discipline

Performance discipline is a process where performance can be improved if the manager pays due attention to certain points. Before hiring a new employee, the employer must make sure of his professionalism, skill level and experience. You need to carefully study his characteristics from his previous job, and also ask what kind of work experience the applicant already has in this field. There are also managers who are of the opinion that people without experience should be hired, since it is easier to “sculpt” them into what is needed. When hiring a new employee, it is necessary to take into account all possible factors.

Among other things, you need to restore order within the enterprise:

  1. Discipline. The disciplinary procedure in the workplace must be the same for the entire team, and fines must be imposed for failure to comply with the established rules.
  2. Versatility. Any job has its own characteristics, so many experts recommend creating different groups of workers within the team. One group performs the work according to established rules, and the other adjusts the completed work to the requirements.
  3. Qualification. Any employee must develop. Consequently, the more experienced the worker, the higher his level of qualifications.


Let's take a closer look at what a violation of performing discipline can be. This may include:

  • absenteeism;
  • constant lateness to work in the morning and after the lunch break;
  • appearing at work in a state of intoxication (alcohol, toxic, narcotic);
  • misappropriation of the employer's property;
  • waste of company funds;
  • intentional damage to the employer's property;
  • untimely leaving the workplace;
  • performance of labor duties not to the extent established by the rules;
  • disclosure of trade secrets;
  • non-compliance with labor safety rules leading to an emergency or accidents;
  • refusal to undergo training or undergo a medical examination if they are necessary for the qualified performance of job duties;
  • ignoring the orders of the boss;
  • violation of the employee’s position in the labor relations system;
  • intentional failure to comply with the requirements of orders and decrees.


Measures for executive discipline can be either punitive or rewarding in nature.

Penalty measures include:

  • rebuke;
  • comment;
  • termination of the employment contract.

The imposition of disciplinary penalties that are not provided for by law is unacceptable. For one offense only one penalty is imposed. And you can only make a record of termination of the employment contract in the employment record.

Incentives include tangible and intangible actions. Materials include bonuses, various allowances, and gifts. Intangibles include certificates, awards, honorary titles. The procedure for encouraging employees in the organization is established by the manager.

In order to understand at what stage compliance with performance discipline is, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate analysis: monitor the performance of duties by employees, compliance with the regime, labor safety rules, etc. After analyzing these situations, it is possible to carry out certain measures that strengthen discipline in the team.


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In this article: Who needs an indicator of performance discipline and why. What to evaluate with its help. How to implement performance discipline assessment: two alternative approaches.

In almost every project of ours to implement a remuneration system based on performance indicators, one of the most key indicators is “executive discipline”.

Indeed, there are many positions whose goal is only the strict execution of regulated operations on time. But upon closer examination, it turns out that control of executive discipline is no less important for heads of structural divisions and for such creative positions as, for example, sales managers and marketers. Almost any specialist, in addition to the immediate goals of his position, is required to perform various regulatory operations. For sales personnel, this is, for example, timely submission of primary documents to the accounting department, accurate filling of data on counterparties in the accounting program, and so on.

§ 7. Executive discipline and control over the execution of orders

For managers - provision of plans and reports. For marketing - execution of project tasks on time. And so on.

Management needs to control the timing and quality of operations.

It is obvious. But sensible employees who are results-oriented and who value clear, common rules of the game also support the introduction of such an indicator. First, they understand that their performance depends to some extent on the performance of other links in the business process chain. So the accountant will not be able to prepare reports if he does not receive the primary documents on time. And the sales manager will not be able to process the sale if supply does not timely enter data on new product items, or if the warehouse does not process the receipt. Secondly, such employees understand that they are the same link in the company’s business processes and the work of other departments and the results of the company as a whole depend on them. Thirdly, they prefer that all requirements for them be clearly recorded, and not appear suddenly during periods of emergency, causing disputes and claims from management.

Performance discipline: What to evaluate?

The performance discipline indicator includes an assessment of the quality and timing of execution of tasks and assignments. In this case, we can talk about the assessment at three levels:

  1. Execution of project tasks and instructions of the management. These are quite large tasks for which deadlines and requirements for results are established.

Examples from practice:

  • One of the managers of the sales department has been instructed to “clean up” the directory of counterparties in 1C within a month, transferring inactive customers to the archive.
  • The system administrator has been tasked with developing a project for introducing internal communications based on IP telephony.
  1. Execution of routine operations, the deadlines of which are determined in the form of a specific date.

Examples from practice:

  • Heads of structural divisions must submit a cost plan for the next month by the 25th of each month.
  • The procurement department monitors supplier prices twice a year until a certain date.
  1. Execution of “process” tasks, the deadline for which is defined as a period from the moment of a certain triggering event. These are tasks that are part of a business process and are “launched” after the execution of some previous operation.

Example from practice:

  • The accounting department executes the payment no later than the next day after receiving the invoice for payment.
  • The warehouse processes the receipt in the accounting program no later than 3 hours from the moment the vehicle is placed for unloading.

With each level, the requirements for administering the performance discipline assessment system increase. If you limit yourself to the first level, you can keep records manually, and the assessment can be done directly by management decision. At the third level, the volume of recorded transactions will make manual maintenance of full accounting impossible. You will have to choose between a subjective assessment and the implementation of an automation system.

Subjective assessment or total control

If you concentrate exclusively on “large-scale” control, it is enough to keep records, say, in Excel, by, for example, an office manager. This is exactly what one of our client organizations did. During the annual planning, project tasks and instructions were formed for department heads and individual specialists. They were recorded in an Excel table with the heading “Annual Plan” indicating the planned execution dates. A dedicated employee monitored compliance with these deadlines. Based on the results of certain reporting periods, management assessed the work of those responsible.

However, firstly, the tasks actually had different weights and meanings, which made it difficult to introduce a simple reward system. Secondly, management felt an increasing need to take into account smaller, but no less significant tasks.

Total control involves fixing the planned and actual deadlines for the execution of tasks for all three levels mentioned above. This is the only way to get a complete picture of an employee’s performance discipline. Keeping such records manually is not realistic. The implementation of an automation system is required. Such a system should automatically create routine and “process” tasks for the employee, record actual deadlines, include some mechanism for assessing the quality of execution and, of course, generate appropriate reports.

The cost of implementing such a software solution for small and medium-sized businesses is quite high. Using the example of the 1C-Document Flow program, which we had to deal with, we are talking about several hundred thousand (taking into account the adaptation and modification of the program to the needs of the customer). Additionally, management who has decided to implement such a program will have to come to terms with the need to introduce a new staffing position - the system administrator.

An alternative to implementing a program for recording tasks and assignments is to abandon complete control in favor of recording only failures. In this case, the assessment will be based on the number of violations of deadlines and cases of poor quality execution of tasks. Information about small process operations will have to be sacrificed. The assessment in some cases will be subjective. The amount of work to administer the system will be quite large: you will have to manually record tasks and violations of deadlines, consolidate data into single reports for the employee, and so on.

We will talk about our experience in developing a system for assessing performance discipline, in what values ​​to measure this KPI, and how to link the indicator to a monetary bonus in the following articles.

Performance discipline

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Performing discipline - involves the execution of planned tasks, instructions, orders, resolutions and decisions within the established time frame.

Performance discipline management

Performing discipline involves the execution of planned tasks, instructions, orders, resolutions and decisions within the established time frame.

Weak performance discipline of management personnel.

Control of performance discipline: manual and automated options.

The most important role of execution discipline in the work of a trader is, perhaps, one of those few issues on which there is complete unanimity among specialists. Where there is chaos in the head and disorder in actions, nothing good can be expected, with the rarest happy exceptions.

Decisive strengthening of state, labor, production, executive discipline in the administrative apparatus, strengthening the responsibility of leaders for the assigned work.

In construction, planning and performance discipline has weakened, and the practice of obtaining unjustified income is beginning to become widespread. The construction ministries, in case of non-fulfillment of assignments for the commissioning of capacities and facilities, systematically overfulfill the profit plan. In 1988, it was exceeded by almost 19 percent.

The main criterion for evaluating performance discipline is the implementation of the approved personal work plan of the staff, namely, compliance with deadlines, quality of work, volume.

In the context of deteriorating general performance discipline in the country, enterprises that have fulfilled their contractual obligations to consumers, but have reduced the growth rate of this indicator for objective reasons independent of their production activities, will have to pay a tax for the excess of the actual wage fund compared to the normative one.

The automated system helps ensure high performance discipline and timely execution of citizens' requests.

Taking into account the fact that executive discipline in our country is not yet at the proper level, all documents that require a management decision or the implementation of any actions, drawing up a response or other document must be put under control. For administrative documents, for example, orders, the subject of control is the decisions contained in it. Accordingly, every item, every task or instruction contained in the administrative document is put under control.

The introduction of this subsystem helps to increase performance discipline and reduce the number of unfulfilled works.

Currently, it is necessary to increase executive discipline, ensure the unity of the legal space of Russia and the implementation of federal legislation.

Currently, there is a sharp decline in executive discipline in government bodies. In this regard, it should be noted that cases of systematic non-compliance with federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and court decisions not only discredit state power, create conditions for corruption and abuse, but also violate the rights and freedoms of citizens and undermine the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia.

The first type of monitoring is the monitoring of the performance discipline of structures that are part of the executive or other branch of government on issues that require unconditional execution.

Since childhood, each person is instilled with respect for elders and the rules of behavior in society. Briefly, this can be formulated as follows: "The younger must respect the elders, and the subordinate must respect the authorities." It sounds a bit paramilitary, but at work, as in war: without order, rules and subordination, any tactic will be a failure! Any process of joint work needs the placement of workers, timely control, as well as debugging relations between its participants. These relationships are always built on power and subordination. Respect by the boss of a subordinate and vice versa, mutual distance, compliance with established rules and constitute such a thing as subordination. And most workers perceive it as a necessary condition of work, and not as an infringement of their rights.

Definition of the concept and content of subordination

Subordination comes from the Latin word subordinatio, meaning subordination, and is a system of official relations associated with hierarchy, the subordination of some managers along with their departments to managers of higher levels. Such regulated relations are the subject of subordination. The content of subordination is following the established rules of interaction between persons of different hierarchical levels (managers at various levels and ordinary employees) within the work collective, organization, institution.
Subordination provides for a respectful relationship between a superior and a subordinate, a special procedure for giving orders and instructions to the superior, as well as reporting the results of their implementation to the subordinate. In addition, the rules of subordination regulate the appeal of the actions of a superior to a superior superior. The lower-level manager (together with his department) is subordinate to the upper-level managers.

Subordination system

A clearly regulated system of business relations allows us to achieve coordinated work of the entire team, united by a common goal. Many people can work on one task. Each employee at his workplace must clearly know which of the other colleagues he interacts with, whom he has the right to ask, and who has the right to ask him.
Subordination presupposes strict and unquestioning subordination (depending on the individual's official position in the company or position) of juniors to seniors and is based on the principles of official discipline. A striking example of a system of subordination is the mechanism for regulating relations adopted among military personnel. However, in almost any team from the public sphere, the principle of subordination is observed at all levels.
In commercial organizations with more than one manager, the introduction of a system of subordination of juniors to seniors is also mandatory. This becomes especially relevant when the number of employees increases and the company’s functions expand. Then there is a direct need for bosses, each of whom manages his own department.

Important and urgent - task management rules

The head of a small company may be separated by one or two steps from those at the lowest organizational level, and in large organizations there may be more than a dozen management positions between the steps.
Meanwhile, experts come to the conclusion that a short hierarchical chain is optimal, otherwise there is a high risk of problems associated with the distance of ordinary employees from the highest level managers. In foreign companies, there has been a tendency to reduce the length of the hierarchical ladder and increase the role of horizontal service relationships. At the same time, the opportunities for ordinary employees to make organizational decisions are expanded. But, regardless of the length of the management chain, any department head has the authority to make decisions solely within the limits of his own official responsibility.

For your information. Strict observance of subordination implies that each manager must automatically transfer to higher levels the solution of those tasks that go beyond the boundaries of his competence. After all, “jumping” over the steps of the management structure can reduce the authority of higher management.

Subordination as the basis of corporate etiquette is based on the rules of labor discipline or “unwritten laws”, which are transmitted orally to newcomers. Labor regulations imply that discipline is observed in relationships within the team and they are strictly within the framework of work. Each employee has a direct supervisor whose instructions must be carried out. In case of disagreement with the actions or orders of management, you can appeal them in the manner established by the work regulations, without violating the chain of command and without going over the head of the immediate supervisor. Following the rules of business communication is one of the most important components of success these days. The ability to maintain subordination is a significant element of professionalism.

Standards of behavior exist not only for subordinates

Insubordination is a common occurrence. Most often this is expressed in violation of labor discipline. Punishments include reprimand, reprimand and dismissal with the mandatory preparation of reports or explanatory notes.
However, each employee may have his own idea of ​​the boundaries of what is permitted. In order to avoid conflicts in internal labor regulations or in job descriptions, it is useful to set out in detail what exactly is considered subordination and its violation. Just as for ordinary employees there are fixed rules for observing subordination and measures of responsibility for its violation, so for management there are rules and techniques that allow them to increase the level of business communication and their own authority, and avoid mistakes. It is the leader who lays the foundation for the psychological climate in the team by defining patterns of behavior.
Experts highlight some rules of business communication for managers:
1) make comments when employees fail to complete tasks. But criticism should occur in a form that is not offensive to the subordinate and should concern not some of his personal qualities, but professional shortcomings;
2) do not discuss their personal problems with subordinates and do not give advice. The distance must be maintained on both sides;
3) under no circumstances show your subordinates that you have ceased to control the situation, even if this has happened;
4) be fair. Any success, even insignificant, should be encouraged;
5) reward your team with kind words even when success is achieved mainly due to your efforts. Without the help of employees, the assigned tasks would not be fully realized;
6) do not create favorites: their appearance causes envy and hostility in the team. Treat everyone equally to maintain a healthy work environment;
7) do not reprimand the guilty in public. Such degrading treatment is unacceptable. Such tactics of behavior can not only seriously offend a person, but also cause a serious nervous breakdown;
8) when communicating with subordinates, be correct and give orders according to the levels of the hierarchy;
9) observe the principle of emotional neutrality in relation to subordinates. Treat everyone evenly and with restraint. Personal likes and dislikes are inappropriate;
10) regulate the procedure for employees to gain access to you.
The basics of subordination are a universal concept. But each organization sets its own level of strictness of compliance. The lack of business ethics and standards of behavior negatively affects the working atmosphere and the mood of the entire team, which can lead to violations of discipline and failure to complete tasks.


Sometimes the subordination system becomes a special tool with which the manager achieves high-quality work and high performance.
The need for subordination, for a certain subordination, is caused by the need for many people to achieve common goals, the interrelation of common interests and special, private ones. That is, superior management subjects set goals for subordinates, who are called upon to implement them taking into account their individual interests.
To ensure subordination, the use of direct power methods of managerial influence is typical. And the abuse of this instrument leads to strict regulation of the activities of performers to the detriment of their independence, to the underutilization of their creative potential. Subordination accompanies the natural course of professional events and labor relationships in any organization and helps to ensure basic order and efficiency of activities in it. However, sometimes it can turn out to be “inconvenient” and unprofitable. If a manager needs his subordinate to take initiative, boldly put forward original ideas, and perhaps criticize his ideas, he can offer to “put aside” the chain of command for the duration of such a discussion. When joining a team, a new employee gets used not only to established rules and behavior, but also to a certain “family” nature of working relationships and, unfortunately, sometimes forgets that he does not work among close people, but primarily among colleagues and under the guidance of his superiors. . For example, he may flare up or become “you” in communication, often be late or allow himself to make inappropriate statements. And if in small companies or firms with a democratic “form of government” they can turn a blind eye to such familiarity or, at most, make a remark, then in large corporations or government agencies for such an offense they can not only be fired, but, for example, ruin their reputation among “their own people.” “and deprive not only career growth, but also decent work in the future. Only the manager decides when and to what extent subordination is appropriate.

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In production at Russian enterprises there is an extremely low level of labor discipline. What does it say? The fact that our people are not used to working in an organized manner, and are not going to do so. But this problem must be dealt with.

What is disorganization and lack of discipline?

The following problems faced by Russian managers and owners of enterprises can be identified:
Ignoring and failure to comply with orders and instructions from management;
Low performance;
The need for constant monitoring of employee actions to achieve results;
Violations in technological processes that lead to defects;
Low level of controllability by workers.

Many managers believe that it is enough to choose a competent incentive system to organize work. But in Russian realities this does not work. Most managers are convinced from their own sad experience that the use of various labor systems, European innovations in management, and non-material motivations do not lead to positive results. Why?

In Europe and Japan it is simply “accepted” to work well. In Russia, on the contrary, it is not customary to observe discipline and strictly follow instructions from above.

This is due to certain features of the Russian mentality.

The first thing to do is to create the organizational culture of the enterprise. In particular, for working personnel.

What is needed to create an organizational culture of an enterprise

In order to organize workers, it is worth understanding that these people are, as a rule, simple, “of the people.” Therefore, the rules should be as clear and reasonable as possible.

First stage– development of clear labor rules. Many workers are simply confident in their impunity, since there are no clear production rules regarding absenteeism and failure to fulfill their duties. They simply do not understand what is at stake in their attitude towards work. And management often doesn’t explain this to them. Accordingly, the workers reason simply: “Well, the boss will shout, well, he’ll deprive me of part of the bonus, and that’s it, I’ll continue working.”

At the same time, it is equally important to convey these requirements to employees, give reasons for them, and convey them to the audience. It is best to work with a small group of people so that the arguments are perceived more quickly.

Each requirement must be justified, why it is necessary to act this way and not otherwise, what consequences may be for the organization as a whole and for the employee in particular.

There should be no “good” intentions to unite the team in “special” ways. They only discourage employees and cause them to misunderstand. These include such innovations as incomprehensible work rules, such as a polyphonic anthem in the morning, unnecessary requirements for a dress code when there is no such need.

Most managers believe that it is worth taking drastic measures only in three cases:
The employee negatively influences the behavior of other colleagues, and no amount of talking helps;
The employee lies a lot, especially when it comes to serious issues. Here it is better to lose an employee who cannot and does not want to admit his mistakes and correct them, causing damage to the common cause;
When theft occurs. This needs to be ended immediately.

Also. The sequence of actions must be followed. If new rules are introduced in production, their implementation should be carefully checked and monitored constantly. Moreover, you should not do anyone any favors. This separate attitude, the separation of some workers from the team will cause additional opposition from the rest and will not lead to anything good.

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Moreover, prepared rules should be mandatory for everyone. And managers at different levels must comply with them themselves, setting an example for other employees.

Workers should not observe a situation that can be interpreted as “double standards.” Discipline requirements are mandatory for everyone. Indulgences for a certain circle of people are unacceptable. This will lead to the fact that such a policy will be perceived by workers as unfair if more stringent requirements are imposed on them, and management personnel will have a more tolerant attitude towards similar actions.

Thus, it is necessary to establish uniform rules of the “game” that will be understandable to all actors, including workers. They will understand what can and cannot be done, and what will follow violations or discipline. Staff loyalty reduces the use of double standards.

They need firm guidelines that are mandatory for all participants in the enterprise. Then it becomes clear to people what needs to be done in order to gain management approval.

One of the main principles of working with working personnel is justice. A person must understand that he is being treated fairly. Then the return will be different. Even if the manager sets strict requirements, they will be accepted and the staff will follow them.

When communicating with operating personnel, you should always consider and them interests. The easiest way is to fire a person, but if you sort out the problem together with him, you can get an excellent employee who will make it his goal to complete tasks more efficiently.

The main thing is to communicate with employees and try to understand their problems.

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(1) Most of the students in our group successfully completed their course project. (2) Another series of proposals from the chief engineer.

(3) A minority of employees are still against it. (4) one hundred and twenty hectares. (5) Several employees from working overtime. (6) Three job applications are on the table. (7) Thirty-two people at the new site. (8) One hundred and forty-one deputies are in session. (9) One million dollars for the construction of a new facility. (10) A thousand people for retraining. (11) years. (12) an hour and a half.

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Topic 9. Culture of business communication 1. International properties of official business writing.

2. Types of documents.

3. Speech etiquette in a document.

4. Mark the sentences where the participial phrase is used correctly. Correct the mistakes in sentences with adverbial phrases.

(1) Leaving my hometown, I felt sad. (2) Entering the engine room, I was overcome with heat. (3) By translating a poem into another language, it loses its beauty. (4) I was immediately interested in the story when I opened the collection of works. (5) Having received a high mark in the exam, he was happy. (6) Once on the coast, we enjoyed collecting shells.

(7) When reading an article, I always make notes. (8) Having rested, thoughts come to mind better. (9) Having found out that production has decreased, the question arises as to the reason for this. (10) I had to work in difficult conditions, without having a single free day for many weeks. (11) An explanation of these phenomena can be found by taking recent events as an illustration. (12) Having free time, you can do a lot. (13) While completing the task, the students flocked to the dictionaries.

(14) Having arrived in Moscow, I liked the second day of our excursion.

3. Venediktova V.I. About business ethics and etiquette. - M., 1994.

4. Veselov P.V. Axioms of business writing: the culture of business communication and official correspondence. - M., 1993.

5. Veselov P.V. You are the secretary. - M., 1993.

6. Vodina N.S., Ivanova A.Yu., Klyuev V.S. and others. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person. - M., 2001.

7. Kirsanova M.V., Aksenov Yu.S. Office Management Course:

Textbook allowance. - M.; Novosibirsk, 2002.

8. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person:

Ref. - M.: Flint; Science, 1997.

9. Muchnik B.S. Culture of writing. - M., 1996.

10. Plushenko T.P., Fedotova N.V., Chechet R.G. Fundamentals of stylistics and culture of speech / Ed. prof. P.P. Fur coats. - Minsk, 1999.

11. Rogozhin M.Yu. Business communication documents. - M., 1999.

12. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. / Ed. IN AND. Maksimov. - M.: Gardariki, 2002.

Optional lesson in 8th grade, topic: “Fight for the culture of speech!”

Soloviev E.Ya. Modern etiquette and business protocols. - M.: Os-89, 1999.

14. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. - M., 1989.

15. Streker N.Yu. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003.

Topic 10. Official business writing 1. Advertising in business speech.

2. Unification of the language of official documents.

3. New trends in the practice of Russian business writing.

4. Correct errors resulting from failure to distinguish paronyms (use explanatory dictionaries).

(1) The manager called on his subordinates to observe executive discipline. (2) Some of our films receive appreciation abroad. (3) He gained respect and good fame as an innovator, as a man of creative thought. (4) Bathing areas must be equipped with life-saving equipment. (5) He put on overalls and went to the workshop. (6) The essence of this book is its nationality. (7) The metro turns out to be more convenient than overground transport in terms of speed of movement and the absence of traffic jams. (8) Applying fertilizers to fields helps increase yield. (9) We present to your attention a report on the work of V. Nabokov. (10) The title role in the play “Juno and Avos” brought fame to the actor Karachentsov, where he played the character of Count Rezanov.

Literature 1. Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2000.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. allowance. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2001.

3. Veselov P.V. Axioms of business writing: the culture of business communication and official correspondence. - M., 1993.

4. Veselov P.V. You are the secretary. - M., 1993.

5. Vodina N.S., Ivanova A.Yu., Klyuev V.S. and others. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person. - M., 2001.

6. Kirsanova M.V., Aksenov Yu.S. Office Management Course:

Tutorial. - M.; Novosibirsk, 2002.

INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: Siberian Agreement, 2000.

8. Muchnik B.S. Culture of writing. - M., 1996.

9. Plushenko T.P., Fedotova N.V., Chechet R.G. Fundamentals of stylistics and culture of speech. / Ed. prof. P.P. Fur coats. - Minsk, 1999.

10. Rogozhin M.Yu. Business communication documents. - M., 1999.

11. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. / Ed. IN AND. Maksimov. - M.: Gardariki, 2002.

12. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. - M., 1989.

13. Streker N.Yu. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003.

Educational and practical publication Methodological instructions for completing tests in the course “Russian language and speech culture” Compiled by: Svetlana Viktorovna Barsukova Editor N.A. Yushko Signed for publication on July 2, 2005. Format 60x84 1/Online printing. Offset paper.

Pech. l. 1.16. Uch. ed. l. 1.0. Edition 50.

South Russian State Technical University 346428, Novocherkassk, st. Education, Shakhty Institute (branch) 346500, Shakhty, pl. Lenin,

Pages: | 1 |

How to establish discipline?

Today, public sector institutions, like commercial structures, can develop successfully only in conditions of a strict organizational culture based on the personal interest of employees in the final result of their work. However, many employees are demotivated, unfocused and, as a result, unorganized. How to deal with this problem? Practice shows that even the application of labor legislation does not always lead to the desired result. In reality, perhaps only the leader himself can influence internal discipline in an organization.

What demotivates the team?

To answer the question of how to establish discipline in a team, we must first look at the specifics of the organization of the social sphere without rose-colored glasses. One of the obvious advantages is that the functioning of such institutions is a well-established system controlled by the state. The “rules of the game” here are clear both to the director and HR specialist, and to the employees themselves. A significant disadvantage is that the rigidity of the requirements for organizing the work process and discipline is “compensated” by a formal approach to their implementation.

Let's give an example from practice. At the beginning of his career, the author of the article worked in one of the correctional orphanages in the Sverdlovsk region. Personnel officers know that state control in the field of education, and especially in correctional orphanages, is one of the strictest. Unscheduled inspections by the RONO commission, analysis of documentation, visits to lessons - the employees of the institution were afraid of all this like fire, but continued to violate the established disciplinary norms. And it wasn’t just about staff violations of the working hours: in addition to morning tardiness and long lunches, more serious offenses were added. However, the violations were never identified: the team learned about the inspections, including unscheduled ones, in advance. In the director's office, the "informant" called, after which a hasty and total bringing of the institution's activities into order began.

Another example: in a music school in one of the remote villages of the Sverdlovsk region, children are taught to play the button accordion by a teacher suffering from alcohol addiction. He does not come to class on time, skips classes for weeks, but the head of the institution does not fire him. Why? After all, there are rules, a rigid system, there is a team, before whose eyes a gross violation of discipline occurs. Because the director understands that there is no other accordion teacher in the village, and young specialists will not go to the outback.

This is a manifestation of a formal approach to organizational requirements, and a formal approach on the part of the manager, and not ordinary employees. The director of the orphanage could not tell his subordinates that an inspection would soon come, and the perpetrators would be punished. The director of a music school could fire a teacher with a bad habit, and children would have to choose between piano and violin, classes in which are taught by sober and disciplined teachers. Many managers do just that. However, the point of the examples is that even within strict limits, the behavior of managers remains variable.

Another disadvantage that hinders the establishment of discipline in public sector organizations is lack of competition for jobs. A rigid organizational structure often demotivates the team, extinguishes creative abilities in employees, the desire to work for results, and increase their earnings. The employee knows: no matter what happens, he will be paid a salary, he will leave work at 17.00, and he can only face dismissal under an incredible set of circumstances. In other words, if a young specialist with enormous potential works part-time at an institution, his desire to realize himself will not affect his workload in any way: the specialist will still have a half-time job.

But what is much worse is that competition for a job is often not observed even at the stage of negotiations between the applicant and the employer. In ninety cases out of a hundred, the first interview with a personnel officer is purely formal; the applicant is de facto already employed.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that most employees come to such organizations through acquaintances: commercial structures also use personal connections when searching for candidates for available vacancies. However, as soon as a “good friend” crosses the threshold of a commercial company, he is subjected to a total test of competence. This is not always the case in the public sector. In order to register a new employee without any unnecessary questions, the HR officer sometimes only needs one phrase from the director: “Tomorrow a good girl will come, and we will place her on staff.” No one thinks about what is meant by the phrase “good person.” Is he disciplined, what was his schedule at his previous place of work, how much time will the new employee spend to get from home to the institution? HR departments start asking these questions later, when the new hire falls out of the general work schedule, and begin to solve problems that could have been avoided in the first place.

Organized Game Rules

All managers want to answer the main question: what needs to be done to establish discipline? Fine? But in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no such measure as a fine; it is prohibited to fine employees. Should we pay bonuses to disciplined employees? But what kind of bonuses are we talking about if a person is on a salary? To deprive part of vacation due to absenteeism? Then, in addition to a demotivated employee, the organization will also receive an unrested employee.

For your information. Being late for work without a good reason is a disciplinary offense, since the employee violates the working hours established by the internal labor regulations of the organization or the employment contract.

Responsibility of a manager for a subordinate

For committing a disciplinary offense, an employee may be subject to disciplinary liability, which is provided for in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is a reprimand, reprimand and dismissal for appropriate reasons. Thus, disciplinary action in the form of a fine is not provided for by labor legislation, which means that its application is illegal.

However, there is an algorithm of actions that will help improve the work process without applying radical measures to employees. First of all, the director of the institution must think: how is his own working day organized? The behavior of the "boss" is reflected in the actions of the employees, as in a mirror, so the first step is the following: The leader begins the difficult struggle for discipline with himself. The saying that many social institutions still cannot get rid of - “the bosses are not late, they are delayed” - must be forgotten. A punctual and responsible leader is an example for his employees.

The second step is to explain the “rules of the game” in writing to absolutely all employees. Many managers, in response to such a recommendation, begin to actively object: “Why is this necessary if we have a standard, standardized working day?” The schedule is indeed standard, but the functionality of employees of the same institution is different: for example, the work of a methodologist and a violin teacher at a music school differs greatly. That is why the director must issue a fundamental document regulating the work process - internal labor regulations. It should spell out in as much detail as possible the disciplinary requirements both for the organization as a whole and for each structural unit separately. It is advisable to further consolidate the provisions of this local regulatory act in a collective agreement (its conclusion is not mandatory for the employer and employees, but the presence of a collective agreement will help to dot the i's on many issues).

The second most important document that should appear in the organization and be publicly available to employees is: bonus clause. The wages of employees, as a rule, include a variable part, and no one bothers the head of the institution to prescribe on what conditions its value will depend. Among the conditions under which an employee is paid the maximum amount of the variable part of the salary, there must be proper performance of job duties (including compliance with labor discipline).

The employee is still late

But what should you do if, after familiarizing yourself with local regulations, the employee continues to violate discipline? Don't rush to cut from the shoulder. Very often, both managers and personnel officers perceive personnel as parts of one large and smoothly operating mechanism. However, employees have different biorhythms and temperaments, they are stuck in traffic jams, public and private vehicles break down, and they also have children, parents, relatives, and pets. Therefore, before punishing a late worker, you should personally ask him about the reason why he violated the work schedule.

The manager should remember: most employees have a sense of responsibility and do not seek to violate established rules, but sometimes they find themselves victims of circumstances. A simple example is a single woman with a child. The kindergarten opens at 7.30, she needs to be at her workplace by 8.00, and the journey takes 40 - 50 minutes. As a result, the woman is constantly late for the start of the working day by 15 - 20 minutes. The employee herself is not happy with this state of affairs and offers her boss options to solve the problem: stay late after work or reduce her lunch time. The director does not agree, citing an “iron” argument: “I’ll allow one, everyone will request it. And they will work when they want.” Here is an illustration of how a flexible approach to organizing the labor process, widely used in commercial firms, is very difficult to take root in the public sector.

At the same time, labor legislation does not prohibit the head of an institution set a time limit for late arrivals. If an employee is late for ten minutes, it will not become a crime. Of course, being late should not be practiced every day, but three to four times a month, for objective reasons, can be considered acceptable. In addition, by taking a step towards the employee and his circumstances, the director extracts additional benefit from the situation: in case of force majeure, he will be able to briefly detain the subordinate after the end of the working day.

There are also hopeless situations when a person who copes well with his duties is absolutely unable to maintain strict discipline. Such cases are not uncommon among people in creative professions who devote themselves completely to their favorite work. As a result, they listen to criticism, lose a variable part of their salary, their vacation is cut, but they still cannot improve, but they do not quit their favorite job. Losing such employees is short-sighted, and many managers understand this. The author of the article witnessed a case when the head of a museum “knocked out” a different rate for a creative, but extremely disorganized employee, only to change his functionality and, accordingly, slightly change and “weaken” the schedule. The qualifications and enthusiasm of the subordinate turned out to be more valuable than following strict standards. This was the right thing to do: the number of delays decreased, the employee began submitting reports on time and, finally, fit into the organization’s work routine.

The conclusion is this: never rush to fire a professional because he does not fit into the established framework. You can fight for good employees. Let them work for you rather than for someone else.

Notice the changes

Of course, the methods of struggle for the organization of the team are based on the characteristics of the psychology of each of its members. For example, there are institutions where employees are completely apathetic about the division of responsibilities. Day after day they go to work, year after year they are dissatisfied with the modest salary, but it is impossible to force them to eat lunch for less than two hours and reduce the time they spend in the smoking room. “He looks me in the eye and shows with all his appearance: “You won’t do anything to me!” “Of course, I can strain myself, but what will happen to me for this?” one of the managers told the author of the article. Such a psychological game between a boss and a subordinate occurs quite often, and it is useless to put such employees in their place.

The foundation of team organization is built on mutual agreement of the parties, and it does not matter what its nature is. If employees want the manager to stimulate their discipline, do so, because they do not specify the size and equivalent of the “bonus”. Here the director must show ingenuity. There was a case when the head of a social sector organization equipped modern workplaces, first for disciplined employees. Funds for renovation were allocated in parts, so the director could not replace old furniture and computers all at once. Then he decided to turn the disadvantages of the situation into advantages: he announced that the first in line for the updated workplace would be those who worked for a quarter without delays and “tails”. Over the eight months during which tranches were allocated from the local budget, unprecedented order reigned in the organization.

When fighting for discipline, do not forget one more important rule - notice changes. If the manager gave the team the task of “pulling themselves up,” then after a certain period of time his assessment of the results achieved should follow. Don't be afraid to praise and encourage employees, even though they are expected to be organized and follow a work schedule without any motivation or rewards. If you see that the result of working on a discipline is positive, let the team know this. Organize a small celebration: organize a tea party or a walk in a nearby park.


Business trainer,

coach consultant,

training for managers


Labor discipline is mandatory for an employee. Often the final result of the work, quality and economic indicators depend on it. But this does not mean that the employer sets the rules himself. There are mandatory requirements for the parties to an employment contract to fulfill, which constitute the rules of labor discipline.

Labor discipline is the employee’s compliance with generally binding rules of conduct defined by the Labor Code, additional agreements, collective agreements and other regulations, and the creation by the employer of appropriate conditions.

Responsibilities of employees and labor discipline

General responsibilities of employees are determined by the Labor Code and include:

  • fulfillment of assigned duties
  • compliance with internal labor regulations
  • compliance with labor protection requirements
  • careful attitude of the employee towards the property of employees and the enterprise

In addition, each employee must qualitatively and conscientiously perform professional duties defined by the contract, regulations and job descriptions.

Labor responsibilities are specified in the employment contract and additional agreements thereto. As well as internal labor regulations, collective labor agreements, and regulations on bonuses for employees. An employee can be required to comply with labor discipline and perform assigned duties only if the employee is familiar with the relevant document against signature.

The employee did not comply with the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

Responsibilities of employers aimed at ensuring labor discipline

The employer also has a certain range of responsibilities for ensuring labor discipline:

  • creating conditions for the employee to perform job duties
  • ensuring labor protection
  • supply of necessary equipment and tools
  • providing equal opportunities for remuneration of employees
  • full and timely payment of wages
  • encouragement for conscientious performance of labor duties and punishment for their violation
  • compulsory social insurance for all employees
  • compensation for damage caused during the performance of duties by an employee

One of the mandatory local acts is the Internal Labor Regulations. They are approved by the employer, but the provisions of the Rules must not contradict the mandatory requirements and rules.

Encouragement as a method of ensuring labor discipline

Labor legislation defines two main methods of ensuring discipline: encouragement and punishment.

Encouragement is public recognition of an employee’s professional merits, the provision of public honor, and awards. This method can be applied both to an individual employee and to the work team as a whole.

For conscientious performance of duties, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of incentives:

  • bonuses
  • announcement of gratitude
  • awarding a certificate of honor
  • rewarding with a valuable gift
  • nomination for the title of best in profession

Other types of incentives may be provided for by internal regulations, collective agreements, enterprise charters and other regulations.

For special labor services to the state, an employee may be nominated for a state award. An entry about employee incentives is made in the work book.

Violation of labor discipline

An employee often faces violations of his labor rights, mainly in non-state owned organizations. The most common of them are: the use of unauthorized penalties, illegal dismissals of employees, non-payment or partial payment of wages, payment to employees of amounts that do not correspond to accounting documents, failure to provide regular vacations or provision without pay, non-payment of benefits for temporary disability, and so on.

An example of such a violation is the arbitrary imposition of penalties on an employee by an employer at a time when the regulatory acts of the enterprise do not provide for such an impact.

Responsibility for violation of labor discipline

Violators are subject to disciplinary action through disciplinary action. The basis for such involvement is the employee’s misconduct.

A disciplinary offense is an unlawful intentional or unintentional failure to perform or improper performance of duties by an employee.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, these include:

  • comment
  • rebuke
  • dismissal

Such a list is exhaustive and cannot be supplemented by internal regulations or an employment contract, with the exception of a certain category of employees who are subject to discipline provisions and charters. For example, a law enforcement officer who is subject to disciplinary action may receive a warning about incomplete performance, a reduction in class rank, or lose his badge.

The application of liability measures to an employee for violation of labor discipline must be justified and carried out in accordance with established rules.

An order from the employer is issued to impose a disciplinary sanction. After conducting an internal investigation and drawing up the appropriate Act. Employees may appeal any disciplinary action by filing a disciplinary complaint. In case of violation of labor discipline, compliance with the rules for bringing to responsibility is very important, and the employee can use methods of protecting labor rights in case of the slightest violations.

Performance discipline

In this article: Who needs an indicator of performance discipline and why. What to evaluate with its help. How to implement performance discipline assessment: two alternative approaches.

In almost every project of ours to implement a remuneration system based on performance indicators, one of the most key indicators is “executive discipline”.

Indeed, there are many positions whose goal is only the strict execution of regulated operations on time. But upon closer examination, it turns out that control of executive discipline is no less important for heads of structural divisions and for such creative positions as, for example, sales managers and marketers. Almost any specialist, in addition to the immediate goals of his position, is required to perform various regulatory operations. For sales personnel, this is, for example, timely submission of primary documents to the accounting department, accurate filling of data on counterparties in the accounting program, and so on. For managers - provision of plans and reports. For marketing - execution of project tasks on time. And so on.

Management needs to control the timing and quality of operations. It is obvious. But sensible employees who are results-oriented and who value clear, common rules of the game also support the introduction of such an indicator. First, they understand that their performance depends to some extent on the performance of other links in the business process chain. So the accountant will not be able to prepare reports if he does not receive the primary documents on time. And the sales manager will not be able to process the sale if supply does not timely enter data on new product items, or if the warehouse does not process the receipt. Secondly, such employees understand that they are the same link in the company’s business processes and the work of other departments and the results of the company as a whole depend on them. Thirdly, they prefer that all requirements for them be clearly recorded, and not appear suddenly during periods of emergency, causing disputes and claims from management.

Performance discipline: What to evaluate?

The performance discipline indicator includes an assessment of the quality and timing of execution of tasks and assignments. In this case, we can talk about the assessment at three levels:

  1. Execution of project tasks and instructions of the management. These are quite large tasks for which deadlines and requirements for results are established.

Examples from practice:

  • One of the managers of the sales department has been instructed to “clean up” the directory of counterparties in 1C within a month, transferring inactive customers to the archive.
  • The system administrator has been tasked with developing a project for introducing internal communications based on IP telephony.
  1. Execution of routine operations, the deadlines of which are determined in the form of a specific date.

Examples from practice:

  • Heads of structural divisions must submit a cost plan for the next month by the 25th of each month.
  • The procurement department monitors supplier prices twice a year until a certain date.
  1. Execution of “process” tasks, the deadline for which is defined as a period from the moment of a certain triggering event. These are tasks that are part of a business process and are “launched” after the execution of some previous operation.

Example from practice:

  • The accounting department executes the payment no later than the next day after receiving the invoice for payment.
  • The warehouse processes the receipt in the accounting program no later than 3 hours from the moment the vehicle is placed for unloading.

With each level, the requirements for administering the performance discipline assessment system increase. If you limit yourself to the first level, you can keep records manually, and the assessment can be done directly by management decision. At the third level, the volume of recorded transactions will make manual maintenance of full accounting impossible. You will have to choose between a subjective assessment and the implementation of an automation system.

Subjective assessment or total control

If you concentrate exclusively on “large-scale” control, it is enough to keep records, say, in Excel, by, for example, an office manager. This is exactly what one of our client organizations did. During the annual planning, project tasks and instructions were formed for department heads and individual specialists. They were recorded in an Excel table with the heading “Annual Plan” indicating the planned execution dates. A dedicated employee monitored compliance with these deadlines. Based on the results of certain reporting periods, management assessed the work of those responsible.

However, firstly, the tasks actually had different weights and meanings, which made it difficult to introduce a simple reward system. Secondly, management felt an increasing need to take into account smaller, but no less significant tasks.

Total control involves fixing the planned and actual deadlines for the execution of tasks for all three levels mentioned above. This is the only way to get a complete picture of an employee’s performance discipline. Keeping such records manually is not realistic. The implementation of an automation system is required. Such a system should automatically create routine and “process” tasks for the employee, record actual deadlines, include some mechanism for assessing the quality of execution and, of course, generate appropriate reports.

The cost of implementing such a software solution for small and medium-sized businesses is quite high. Using the example of the 1C-Document Flow program, which we had to deal with, we are talking about several hundred thousand (taking into account the adaptation and modification of the program to the needs of the customer). Additionally, management who has decided to implement such a program will have to come to terms with the need to introduce a new staffing position - the system administrator.

An alternative to implementing a program for recording tasks and assignments is to abandon complete control in favor of recording only failures. In this case, the assessment will be based on the number of violations of deadlines and cases of poor quality execution of tasks. Information about small process operations will have to be sacrificed. The assessment in some cases will be subjective. The amount of work to administer the system will be quite large: you will have to manually record tasks and violations of deadlines, consolidate data into single reports for the employee, and so on.

We will talk about our experience in developing a system for assessing performance discipline, in what values ​​to measure this KPI, and how to link the indicator to a monetary bonus in the following articles.

The concept of subordination at work is understood as a set of rules of business etiquette, the function of which is to establish relationships among team members. This concept refers to the rules of communication both with superiors and among subordinates. Subordination is associated with respect for superior authority, following orders, culture and manifestations of personal initiative, as well as the occupation of each employee in a certain niche.

Who is obliged to comply

It is peculiar not only to subordinates. The duties of any manager involve similar adherence to the principles of business ethics, issuance of orders that have the correct form, and the absence of attempts to humiliate juniors in positions and criticize their personal qualities.

There is always a certain order in the matter of giving orders to subordinates. At the same time, each employee must have an idea of ​​the acceptable forms adopted in this organization, in which the management is reported on how the work has been done. In certain situations, a lower-level employee has the right to appeal the actions of his immediate superior.

Why is subordination at work so important?

These days there is a lot of talk about business partnerships, which allow any employee to become a single member of the team. This ultimately strengthens the corporate culture and helps to solve common problems. The function of the partnership is to work out important goals and ways to achieve them. Thanks to subordination, the situation in the team remains healthy, manifestations of familiarity, conflicts, insults and dismissive treatment are excluded.

What are the rules of subordination? If there are no such officially established norms at the enterprise, the workflow can be disorganized. Any employee has the right to information about who is capable (moreover, obligated) to give him the necessary advice, from whom orders should be expected, and whose duty it is to obey. If the structure is large enough, clear regulation is indispensable. In such cases, as a rule, the principles of subordination of some units to others are prescribed. Documents regulating the principles of subordination - specific orders and instructions, as well as the charter of the organization.

Where is it written about

The service hierarchy is also built according to the principles set out in specific documents - job descriptions, internal regulations, clauses of the collective agreement. They are also contained in the text of the labor agreement concluded between the employer and the employee.

Certain structures (for example, the army) require the wearing of special insignia in the form of a uniform, etc., but in small companies, the main core around which the subordination in the team is built is boss authority.

A new employee should be familiarized with the basic principles of corporate ethics immediately upon hiring. This happens in the process of negotiations about its functionality, official powers and responsibilities.

What is she like

Service relationships can be vertical or horizontal. What is meant? The names speak for themselves. The first (vertical) relationships are top-down (boss-subordinate) and bottom-up (employee-manager). Speaking of them, by default they mean obedience to the orders of higher management.

A real boss who adheres to the rules of corporate culture will never allow familiarity towards those who occupy lower positions. In order to avoid work troubles, the distance must always be observed, and in a mutual way. After all, there are situations of incorrect behavior on the part of employees in relation to the manager. This can be expressed in a banter or an inappropriate categorical tone.

Such familiarity goes sideways to the workers. Regularly violating the principles of subordination are usually the first candidates for layoffs. For his part, a leader who delve into the personal problems of his subordinates, who is able to share with them experiences of a private nature, who forgives non-obligation and indiscipline, behaves short-sightedly and ultimately loses his authority.

Is the boss always right?

But, of course, everything is in moderation. Many modern leaders suffer from just the opposite qualities - they do not hesitate to behave arrogantly or treat subordinates with undisguised contempt. Of course, all these extremes do not contribute to the improvement of the working environment.

An excessively authoritarian leadership style is accompanied by a reduced level of employee initiative. When only a constant stream of commands, instructions and orders comes from the authorities, subordinates automatically cease to be interested in the essence of the production process and are focused only on the blind (sometimes formal) implementation of instructions. If emergency situations arise, one cannot expect responsibility from them, nor can one expect a correct decision that is not supported by an order from management.

A flexible style of interaction with subordinates is much more productive. The leader may well afford some deviations from the rules in situations where listening to an independent point of view is required. It is for this case that meetings and brainstorming sessions are held, when a decision is made through the application of joint efforts, and a plan for further operations is optimally worked out.

How to communicate with peers

Horizontal relationships are understood as those that are typical for the communication of colleagues of the same level in their own environment. This also includes those that are formed between leaders who are equal in position. This is subordination between colleagues of the same "weight category". Horizontal relations are built on the principles of partnership and equality. The postulates of corporate ethics are based on friendly interactions in the work environment and fair distribution of workload.

Attempts to belittle and constantly pointless criticism of colleagues are unacceptable. Any employee professing this line of behavior runs the risk of irretrievably spoiling relations in the team. And not every leader will tolerate a squabbler in the working environment.

It is no secret that in any team there are sometimes cases of attempts by employees to shift their own responsibilities onto the shoulders of colleagues, using, for example, friendly relations. But an idler in the workplace, sooner or later, is still calculated and punished both in a disciplinary and monetary sense.

When the Deputy Director is out of work

What are the most common mistakes that can be cited as typical examples of violations of the principles of subordination? One of them - the most common one - issuing orders to a subordinate by higher management, bypassing the one who is the immediate superior of the latter. For example, the foreman tries to give instructions to the workers, bypassing the foreman or foreman. Thus, the authority of the head of the department can be significantly reduced, and employees stop taking him seriously.

Such an error leads to an imbalance in the controllability of the entire corporate system. The director should not include in the scope of his many duties the additional burden of managing personnel. The task of monitoring the implementation of his instructions is the business of another employee.

Another danger is that very controlling link (immediate supervisor or deputy director) sometimes sins with arbitrariness and requires the organization of the work process to its own taste. In order to avoid misunderstandings, its powers should be clearly specified at once. The danger is that the chief executive may not know all the intricacies of the situation. In the example mentioned above, the head of the workshop entrusts the foreman of the site with only clearly specified and fixed by the service instruction functionality.

Other errors

The third point is that two different people are appointed as executors of the same order. In this case, the workflow can be disoriented, as there is a serious risk of shifting responsibility between performers.

Very often there are cases of appealing to senior management, bypassing the immediate superior. First of all, it is customary to notify the head of the unit directly about the problem that has arisen.

The inability to prioritize also refers to the manifestations of broken subordination at work. The task of the performer is to clearly imagine what of the planned needs to be done immediately, and what can be postponed for the coming days.

About rudeness and tactlessness

If you criticize the boss behind his back, such behavior not only violates the chain of command, but is also downright unethical. Such criticism will sooner or later reach the ears of the leadership. And those who are “smart enough” to emphasize the incompetence of the boss in the event of a public conflict are most at risk. Management, as a rule, does not forgive anyone for undermining their own authority.

Among the most tactless and gross violations of subordination are attempts to criticize not official, but personal qualities of employees. There is also a rude tone in the expressed negative assessments of the work done, which in all cases without exception produces a painful impression.

When criticizing an employee or subordinate, it is important to adhere to the desire to improve the work of both him personally and the entire organization. In attempts to discuss behavior, there should be no desire to humiliate or demonstrate power.

Sometimes in large and small teams, subordination at work, as well as the ethics of business communication, are completely absent. Small structures, where everyone knows each other quite well, are especially guilty of this. Addressing "you" is not always appropriate in a business environment, blurring the lines between superiors and subordinates, and it is difficult for a junior in position to perceive leadership in its true light in such an atmosphere. He is less motivated to follow instructions unconditionally.

What should be feared

What are the consequences of non-compliance with subordination at work? All manifestations of familiarity with the authorities, the lack of implementation of his instructions, incorrect criticism, one way or another, affect the business foundations of the enterprise and significantly reduce the authority of the management. As consequences in such corporations, one can observe rampant disciplinary measures in the form of reprimands, comments, deprivation of bonuses, etc. Well, the extreme measure of retribution for errors against subordination is dismissal.

When there are only a few people working in an organization, questions about the performance discipline of employees do not arise. The boss said - the subordinate did and immediately reported. However, with the development of business, organizations begin to enlarge, divisions and departments appear, new directions appear, and offices are opened in other cities. In this case, the manager begins to face the problem of employee discipline.

Executive discipline is, first of all, the implementation by employees of orders, instructions, decisions, instructions adopted at a higher level of management. The maturity of the organization can be judged by the level of execution.

The manager forms an assignment for the employee with a clear statement of the goal and criteria by which the task will be completed and evaluated. Then the deadlines required for the contractor to implement the assignment and the level of importance and urgency in comparison with the current work are determined.

  • In order for the order to be executed on time and with the required level of quality, it must be understandable to the immediate executor. It is recommended to use SMART principles (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed) for problem setting.
  • However, it is not enough to give an instruction to an employee, because the manager needs to know how the issue is being resolved, and the executor needs to remember about interim reports on the work done.

There are a number of problems that arise for managers:

  • failure to meet deadlines for completing assigned tasks;
  • low quality of workmanship;
  • failure to comply due to “forgetfulness” of employees.

For an organization, low performance discipline of employees will be expressed in the amount of fines, payment of penalties due to failures in deliveries under contracts, overdue obligations, as well as missed opportunities and wasted human resources of managers.

In this case, the solution may be to introduce an effective system for monitoring the execution of orders.

The use of an automated control system will allow:

  • take into account instructions and tasks;
  • control the deadlines for the execution of contracts, orders, minutes of meetings, etc.;
  • improve the quality of task completion;
  • promptly monitor the progress of execution of orders;
  • ensure collective coordinated work of the team;
  • receive automatically generated reports on employee performance discipline.

In order for the system to start working immediately after implementation, it is necessary to convince employees of its necessity. When something new appears in an organization, it is met with resistance, despite the need. The manager must be persistent in using the system and encourage employees to use it in the early stages.

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– There are a number of tools to ensure a high level of employee performance of their duties.

Recruit new ones or work with those who are there?

This is the first dilemma. Each approach has its pros and cons. New employees are like fresh blood in the body. The introduction of new ideas, non-standard, sometimes creative, solutions, the undeniable authority of the leader, the opportunity to start “from scratch” are just a few of the advantages of this option. At the same time, it takes a lot of time to select, design, adapt and reach planned targets, and this makes you think. And where are the guarantees that new employees will be better than the previous ones?

How to select effective employees, reduce the risk of random people joining the company, and speed up the process of entry of newcomers - this is a topic for a separate big conversation. Let's focus on those who already work in the company.

Who is there?

Yes, indeed, but do you know them for sure? The potential of many subordinates is sometimes limitless. After all, everyone has education, certain experience, abilities and skills. To what extent are they revealed and implemented?

The responsibilities of one of my employees included planning joint events with related partners and further monitoring with reporting. It didn't work out very well for him, to put it mildly. The quality and deadlines did not satisfy either me or my partners. And he himself suffered no less. Constant scoldings and the latest Chinese warnings had no effect. The question arose about my future stay in the company. One fine day, while lingering in the office, I noticed how he was tinkering with the computer with great enthusiasm, developing a presentation for an upcoming meeting. Everything fell into place. Since then I have had no problems with presentation materials (flyers, commercials, presentations, etc.).

Long-term collaboration does not guarantee that you know everything about each team member, his skills and new quality acquisitions. People change, don't forget about it.