What vitamins should I take during my diet? Vitamins for weight loss: what vitamins should you take for weight loss Vitamins for a protein diet name.

Vitamins during a diet are the key to maintaining a healthy body and creating a beautiful body. Let's look at what vitamins the human body needs during the process of weight loss, that is, during a diet.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – lowers cholesterol levels, participates in the process of transforming glucose into energy necessary for a full life and performance. The vitamin is necessary to protect the body from atherosclerosis and heart disease. A lack of vitamin C means constant fatigue, slow wound healing, bleeding gums, and dizziness.
  • Vitamin D – strengthens bones and helps absorb calcium. Responsible for the processes of fat production in the human body. The vitamin is involved in the treatment of cancer and protects against rickets.
  • B vitamins - take part in the processes of digestion and metabolism. They transform energy from the food they receive, that is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. B vitamins accelerate metabolic processes, increase the protective functions of the immune and nervous systems, and maintain muscle tone in the body. A lack of vitamin B is the cause of headaches, bad mood, anxiety, stomach upsets and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) – reduces hunger pangs and is an excellent antidepressant. It is not produced by the body, so it must come from food.
  • Magnesium – controls the process of energy production and activates metabolism. Protects against metabolic disorders during periods of dietary restrictions.
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the normal functioning of the endocrine system and gonads. Ensures uninterrupted functioning of the immune system and increases its protective functions.

The vitamins described above are only part of what the human body must receive to function properly. Sharp weight loss and dietary restrictions are the cause of malfunctions in the body. Since the body stops receiving the vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other beneficial substances necessary for normal functioning. Because of this, the body begins to break down its own fats, which leads to weight loss. But the loss of accumulated vitamins by the body is not replenished, and this causes complications: hair loss, blurred vision, brittle nails, iron deficiency anemia and much more. To prevent this from happening, and to prevent your diet from causing deterioration in your health, you need to take vitamins. The choice of vitamins depends entirely on the type of diet.

What vitamins should you take while dieting?

What vitamins should you take while on a diet and are there any dangers to the body if there is a lack of nutrients? This is the first and main question that everyone who goes on a diet should ask themselves. Almost all vitamin complexes for losing weight include B vitamins, antioxidants and thermogenics (fat burners and metabolism accelerators). This is due to the fact that no diet provides the body with the amount of nutrients necessary for normal functioning.

For example, no diet provides the body with a daily dose of vitamin A. Vitamin A is responsible for normal muscle growth, skin firmness and elasticity, and eye health. Vitamin A deficiency is the cause of sagging skin and difficulty during physical activity. Vitamin E maintains skin elasticity, accelerates regeneration processes and calms the nervous system. B vitamins improve carbohydrate metabolism and protect body cells from toxins and other harmful substances. Vitamin B1 reduces appetite and normalizes blood sugar levels. It is because of these beneficial properties that B vitamins are present in almost all dietary supplements and vitamin complexes in the diet.

When dieting, you need to drink vitamins B2 and B12, as they maintain hemoglobin at normal levels. These vitamins are indispensable for those who adhere to a vegetarian diet. Vitamin B6 helps muscles recover quickly after physical activity, so it should also be taken during a diet. A must-have vitamin for a limited diet should be vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. All of the vitamins described above must be taken during a diet, as they ensure proper functioning of the body.

But do not forget that there is a certain category of people who are prohibited from going on diets and limiting their diet, even if they take vitamins. Diets are contraindicated for:

  1. Pregnant women - expectant mothers are prohibited from dieting. This is explained by the fact that a lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects the process of formation and development of the fetus. No amount of vitamins during a diet will correct this situation. Moreover, in addition to a complete diet, the expectant mother must take special vitamin complexes. The only exception is a therapeutic diet, which helps reduce toxicosis and nausea, which very often occurs in pregnant women.
  2. Women during lactation – following a diet and taking vitamins will not worsen the taste of milk for the baby, but poor nutrition will lead to the removal of microelements and vitamins from the mother’s body.
  3. Children and adolescents are another category for which dieting is contraindicated. Every child should eat well and take a number of vitamins that will protect the body from the negative consequences of hormonal development. The exception is therapeutic diets prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Elderly people - pensioners are prohibited from going on diets to lose weight. This is explained by the fact that any diet, even one that is accompanied by a complex of vitamins, is a load on a “worn out” body.
  5. People with diabetes and any chronic diseases - it is necessary to understand that any diet can become life-threatening and cause exacerbation of diseases or provoke new ones. Therefore, before losing weight through a diet, you should consult your doctor.

If you decide to go on a diet, then you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • When limiting yourself in food and taking vitamins during a diet, it is forbidden to limit your fluid intake. This is due to the fact that a lack of fluid can lead to dehydration of the body, which is very dangerous, as it causes severe intoxication.
  • It is not recommended to go on diets in the spring. During this period, the body already suffers from vitamin deficiency, and additional stress, that is, diet, can lead to serious diseases.
  • It is forbidden to adhere to diets that promise great weight loss in a short period of time. Since even vitamin complexes taken during this period will not save you from the disastrous consequences for the body.

Names of vitamins for diet

Knowing the names of vitamins during a diet, you can choose effective vitamin complexes that will help you cope with the diet and improve its results. Most vitamin preparations for losing weight include B vitamins, thermogenics and antioxidants. But this is not enough for the body to function fully and the metabolism not to be disrupted. Let's look at several vitamin complexes that need to be taken during the diet.

Additiva Multivitamins

Micro- and macroelements in combinations. The main indications for the use of Additiva: increased need and lack of vitamins in the body caused by poor nutrition, after antibiotic therapy, seasonal hypovitaminosis. The drug has a multivitamin pharmacological effect, as it stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

One tablet contains: vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, PP, D, folic acid and other substances beneficial to the body. The vitamins come in tropical fruit flavored effervescent tablets to be dissolved in water. During the diet, it is recommended to take one Additiva tablet per day.


Multivitamins, which are recommended to be taken during the diet, for the prevention of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiencies, during periods of intense physical and mental stress. Vitamins must be taken during a diet and in conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamins. The vitamin complex includes vitamins: A, D3, E, C, B6, B1, PP, B12, B2, biotin and folic acid. It is advisable to take 1-3 tablets of the drug per day. Vitamins are also available in the form of syrup, so they can also be taken by young children as a complex to strengthen the immune system and the health of the body.

If the dosage is not observed, the drug can cause hypervitaminosis A and D. Similar symptoms also occur with long-term use of the vitamin complex. Therefore, when taking any vitamins, you need to take breaks. Alvitil may cause allergic reactions. Please note that in some cases, the use of the drug may cause urine to turn bright yellow.


A multivitamin preparation that contains a complex of vitamins that play an important role in metabolic processes and provide increased body resistance to various diseases and infections. The main indications for use of the drug: prevention of reduced intake of vitamins in the body, malnutrition, pregnancy and lactation, prevention of vitamin deficiency in children and the elderly.

Vitamins must be taken one tablet per day; if this dosage is not observed, allergic reactions are possible. One Vitamult tablet contains: vitamins A, O, B, B2, B6, PP. After taking vitamins, you need to take a month's break before the next course of taking Vitamult.


A vitamin preparation containing vitamins E, C, A, selenium and other beneficial substances. The main indications for use of the drug: poor nutrition, adherence to diets that do not provide the body with sufficient amounts of vitamins E, C, A and selenium. It is recommended to take vitamins during excessive mental and physical stress, and during prolonged exposure to various types of radiation on the body.

The drug will be useful for smokers and people living in polluted environments and industrial centers. It is recommended to take 1-2 capsules of vitamins for 1-2 months. The drug should be taken 2-3 times a year. Vitamins have no side effects, but they are contraindicated if you are hypersensitive to the components.

Vitamins Jungle

A vitamin complex containing 10 essential vitamins that are essential for the human body. The drug contains: vitamin A, beta-carotene (provitamin A), B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin C, E, D3. Main indications for use: prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. Vitamins are suitable for patients of all ages, for people with an increased need for vitamins and disorders in the absorption of vitamins. Vitamins are recommended to be taken in case of inadequate limited nutrition, to increase the body's resistance during various infectious diseases and after illnesses to restore the immune system.

When dieting, it is necessary to take vitamins during meals, as this improves the absorption of the drug. Vitamins are contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In isolated cases, the drug causes allergic reactions. When it is discontinued, all side symptoms quickly go away.

Vitamins Alphabet for diet

Alphabet vitamins for dieting are a complex of vitamins that supply the body with all the necessary microelements and nutrients necessary for proper functioning. Many people mistakenly believe that mono-diets, fruit, vegetable, and buckwheat diets saturate the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. But this is not so, since even the most balanced diet at first glance does not cover the body’s daily need for vitamins and minerals. The main disadvantage of any mono-diet is the poor absorption of vitamins from foods. Therefore, you cannot do without vitamins during a diet.

Vitamins Alphabet Diet are distributed in three tablets of different colors. This is necessary so that the patient knows which pill to take at what time. In addition, consistent intake of vitamins ensures proper functioning of the body and ensures normal well-being without causing side effects. Let's take a closer look at each of the Alphabet vitamin tablets for dieting.

  • Morning pill

The vitamin is coffee-colored and contains caffeine, which is an officially recognized stimulant. Caffeine speeds up metabolism and raises blood pressure, making a person feel alert. It has been scientifically proven that small doses of caffeine suppress appetite and act as a fat burner.

The tablet is responsible for energy processes in the body and normalization of metabolism. The tablet contains the following vitamins: B9, K, H, B12, B5, L-carnitine and green tea extract with caffeine, calcium, D3 and succinic acid.

  • Daily tablet

The main component of the daily vitamin is plantain extract, which is known as insulin (not to be confused with a hormonal drug). The extract is safe for human health and reduces cravings for sweets due to the inhibition of a number of receptors in the oral cavity. In addition, the ingredient improves carbohydrate metabolism.

Yellow tablet for daily use Alphabet Diet, contains: vitamin C, E, B12, B6, A, PP. The vitamins also include manganese, selenium, insulin, iodine, zinc, chromium, manganese and lipoic acid. The main task of the yellow tablet is to support and restore the normal functioning of the immune system.

  • Evening tablet

The evening tablet contains carnitine, which is produced by the human body. But to produce it, you need to consume at least 150 g of pure protein daily. The substance affects metabolism and speeds it up, takes energy from subcutaneous tissue, which increases the effectiveness of cardio training. That is, the benefits of the evening vitamin Alphabet can only be obtained under the condition of physical activity.

The tablet is gray in color and contains: vitamin C, B1, B9, A, lemon balm extract, insulin, iron and copper. The drug supports the formation of blood elements and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Copper, iron and folic acid protect the body from anemia, which is very important for dieters or fasting people.

The main advantage of Alphabet vitamins over other vitamin complexes is that Alphabet Diet contains plant fibers that are not digested by the stomach, but create a feeling of satiety. Due to this, by following a diet, breakdowns can be avoided and the psychological severity of restricted nutrition can be reduced. The vitamins and minerals included in the Alphabet complex do not conflict with each other, since a break of at least three hours must be observed between taking each of the tablets.

Since Alphabet tablets have different physiological effects, they must be taken in turn. A coffee tablet invigorates well in the morning, a yellow one suppresses appetite and gives strength, and a gray one calms. This suggests that following the regimen and sequence of taking vitamins Alphabet with a diet, a positive result of the diet is guaranteed.

  • If during the diet you maintain a schedule of meals (although they are limited), then observing the intervals between taking Alphabet tablets will not be difficult. The tablet must be taken during meals with a glass of water.
  • If, while following a diet, the normal meal schedule is disrupted, then the first tablet should be taken immediately after waking up, the second at lunchtime, and the third before bed. All components of the Alphabet vitamin complex are well absorbed, so the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimal.

Main indications and contraindications for the use of the Alphabet vitamin complex on a diet:

The main indications for the use of Alphabet vitamins are limited nutrition that exceeds a week. Vitamins are also necessary when refusing any product, to maintain normal functioning of the body. Vitamins are also useful after illnesses that are associated with depletion of the body. The alphabet is prescribed to athletes during competitions and during increased physical activity to maintain good shape.

The beneficial substances distributed among different tablets of the drug reduce the list of contraindications and side effects. Vitamins are hypoallergenic, therefore they practically do not cause allergic reactions and other negative symptoms. Vitamins are allowed for adults, but prohibited for children under 14 years of age. Alphabet is also contraindicated for people with hyperthyroidism. In other cases, vitamins during the Alphabet diet are well tolerated, help you easily complete the diet and maintain good health.

The best vitamins for dieting

The best vitamins during a diet help you to cope with food restrictions and not break off your dietary regimen. Let's look at some of the best vitamin complexes that are recommended to be taken during the diet.

  1. Vitrum

The vitamin complex contains vitamins and minerals that normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and take care of the immune and nervous systems. These vitamins are considered the best for those who are on a diet. Since they affect lipid, carbohydrate, protein and energy processes in the body. The components of the vitamin complex take an active part in biochemical processes in the body. Vitamins increase libido and protect against chronic stress.

The vitamin complex includes vitamins such as: B1, B2, B6, B12, A, C, E, biotin, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium and other useful substances. The main indications for use of the drug: physical and mental stress, limited nutrition, chronic fatigue and stress, vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, vitamins are also recommended for people living in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Vitamins should be taken in the first half of the day with plenty of water. Adults are prescribed one tablet for 1-2 months. Adverse symptoms after using the drug appear extremely rarely, causing allergic reactions, vomiting and nausea. Sometimes, the drug causes insomnia. Vitrum is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, patients with impaired liver and kidney function, and mental and sleep disorders.

  1. Centrum

The best vitamins for a diet, which include: vitamin A, E, C, D, B3, PP, iodine, calcium, zinc, silicon and other useful substances. The main indications for use of the drug: treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis, prevention of mineral deficiency, limited nutrition with a lack of vitamins. Vitamins are taken one tablet once a day. Vitamins can cause allergic reactions if you are hypersensitive to Centrum components.

  1. Duovit

A combined multivitamin complex that supports the body with a lack of vitamins and minerals. Duovit stimulates and accelerates metabolism and compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. The main indications for use of the drug: increased physical and mental stress, diet, pregnancy and lactation, heavy menstruation and increased sweating.

Vitamins come in two strips with red and blue tablets. The red tablet contains: vitamins A, E, C, PP, B6, B2 and other useful substances. The blue tablet contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese and other substances. The main contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components.

  1. Selmevit

Selmevit is a complex preparation of 11 vitamins and 9 minerals. The vitamin complex contains the most necessary nutrients for the human body. Vitamins have an antioxidant effect and improve regeneration processes. The drug effectively improves the functioning of the endocrine gonads and has anticancer activity.

The main indications for use of the drug: increased mental and physical stress, treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies, unlimited nutrition and deficiency of vitamins and minerals, stress, increased performance and chronic fatigue. The tablets should be taken only after meals. This will prevent the feeling of nausea. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets per day. Vitamins can cause an allergic rash, anaphylactic reactions, and nausea. Vitamins are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, and in case of individual intolerance to the active ingredients.

  1. Multi-tabs active

A vitamin product that contains herbal supplements, macroelements and microelements necessary for the body to function properly. The main indications for use of the drug: prevention and treatment of lack of vitamins and minerals in food, vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis. Vitamins are recommended to be taken during diets, increased physical and mental stress, stress, and increased fatigue.

Vitamins can be taken from the age of 12, taking one tablet in the morning and drinking plenty of water. Vitamins can cause adverse reactions, such as increased nervous excitability, arterial hypertension, and convulsions. Multi-Tabs is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the vitamin complex.

Vitamins for the Dukan diet

Vitamins in the Dukan diet help the body not to experience a lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins due to dietary restrictions. Any diet, like the Dukan diet, is stress for the body, which causes a decrease in the functions of the immune system, muscle tone and the intake of carbohydrates in the body. Any vitamin complex must be taken from the first days of following the diet.

Since the Dukan diet consists of three phases, each of which involves restrictions on certain foods, it is necessary to select vitamin preparations with a full range of useful components. While following the Dukan diet, you can take vitamins Alphabet, Multi-Tabs and others.

While on a diet, it is strictly forbidden to take dietary supplements and diet pills. Since this can lead to disruption of the processes of normal fat breakdown. In addition to vitamin complexes, you can take laxative teas and herbal infusions that have diuretics. This will help remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.

Vitamins for a protein diet

Vitamins are extremely necessary during a protein diet, since the body experiences a significant deficiency of nutritional components. The diet is based on the fact that carbohydrates, proteins or fats are excluded from the diet, which does not have a very good effect on the general well-being and condition of the body.

  • The protein diet is based on foods high in protein: fish, cottage cheese, cheese, chicken. A protein diet is considered low-carbohydrate and if this diet is followed, the body feels a lack of ascorbic acid, that is, vitamin C and fiber. To maintain normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to take bran and multivitamin complexes rich in vitamin C and fiber.
  • If you follow a low-protein, that is, vegetarian diet, you also need to take vitamins. This kind of diet is based on eating fruits and vegetables, that is, plant foods. In this case, the body feels a lack of vitamins A, B, E, which are found in food of animal origin. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes rich in vitamins B, A and E.
  • If you adhere to a low-fat diet, this will negatively affect your health. To support the body and immune system, it is recommended to take fish oil capsules and vitamins that contain this ingredient.

When taking any vitamin complex, you must adhere to the instructions of the drug, strictly follow the indicated dosage and duration of use. If the diet involves a week of limited nutrition, then vitamins should be taken for 2-3 weeks.

Vitamins after diet

Vitamins are needed after a diet in the same way as during a diet. Vitamins after a diet help restore normal functioning of the body and improve the protective functions of the immune system. Today, on the pharmaceutical market, there are many vitamin complexes and multivitamin preparations that contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function properly.

After the diet, it is recommended to take vitamins Alphabet, Duovit, Multi-Tabs, Vitamult and others. These vitamin complexes protect against breakdowns during the diet, blocking the feeling of hunger and supplying the body with energy. The drugs saturate the body with all the substances, minerals and vitamins necessary for full functioning, improve metabolic processes and speed up metabolism, which has a positive effect on the results of dieting.

Wanting to get rid of the accumulated pounds, most people resort to low-calorie diets, and many get carried away with them to such an extent that they cause considerable harm to their health. Reducing food portions, giving up sweets, smoked meats and excess fats have never harmed anyone, but those who want to lose weight – more often women – tend to “suffer themselves out” as quickly as possible, depriving themselves of necessary food products – for example, animal proteins.

The body needs proper nutrition all the time - it is not his fault that additional fat (sometimes tens of kilograms) has been added to it: after all, it must maintain metabolism, build tissue, renew cells, etc. It is vitamins that ensure the uninterrupted flow of many vital processes ; We won’t list everything here, but it’s enough to remember that the energy level depends on the composition of the diet; with a lack of vitamins, a person’s performance decreases, and then their overall health noticeably deteriorates.

Unfortunately, hypovitaminosis due to abuse of low-calorie diets is not uncommon, but solving this problem is not so difficult if you take vitamin-mineral complexes in parallel. Let's figure out which vitamins are best to take when dieting.

Lack of retinol

The lack of nutrients and vitamins during diets can be judged by certain symptoms. So, with a lack of retinol - vitamin A, a person gets tired faster, his muscles weaken, and his skin begins to fade - all this indicates a metabolic disorder. Vitamin A is also necessary for normal vision. This suggests the conclusion that when dieting, as with any method of losing weight through nutrition, it is mandatory to consume foods rich in vitamin A.

Antioxidant tocopherol

Vitamin E - tocopherol - has antioxidant properties; like retinol, it is fat-soluble, and when combined with selenium, its properties are enhanced. With a lack of tocopherol, fats begin to quickly oxidize, metabolic processes and the functioning of the reproductive system are disrupted. So when dieting, provide your diet with vitamin E, without which a full and healthy life is impossible.

B vitamins

For normal functioning of the central nervous system, B vitamins are needed - especially for women. For example, if there is not enough vitamin B1 - thiamine, the appetite may “jump”, and toxins and waste accumulate in the cells. But this is why we start diets, to reduce appetite and cleanse the body, so vitamin B1 must be present in the diet when dieting. The same applies to other B vitamins, and today more than 12 of them are known.


With ascorbic acid - vitamin C, the situation is complicated even without diets. Even in the summer, during the season of berries, vegetables and fruits, not everyone has enough of it: people living in cities often eat agricultural fruits full of nitrates and pesticides - they should not be eaten raw, and heat treatment destroys vitamin C. In addition, few people will begin to eat raw berries and vegetables every day, in large bowls and glasses, and this is exactly how much they need to be absorbed in order to receive the daily requirements of vitamins.

In winter, there is not enough vitamin C by definition, and diets aggravate the condition: the skin begins to dry out, depression “attacks,” gums bleed, hair falls out, immune defense weakens - this is not a complete list of problems caused by strict diets, poor vitamins and minerals. Dear beauties, draw appropriate conclusions!

Which ones are synthesized in the body?

People often think that their “passion for vitamins” is not worth paying attention to. Not wanting to “complicate” ourselves with issues of our own health, we remember that the body can synthesize vitamins itself, which means that you don’t have to worry about replenishing nutrients and vitamins even during diets. Is it so?.

The body actually synthesizes some vitamins in sufficient quantities - under the condition of complete health.

Thus, vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of the sun - of course, for this you need to be in the sun for at least a few minutes a day; healthy intestinal flora is able to produce biotin - vitamin H, which is actively involved in metabolism, and vitamin K, necessary for normal blood clotting, maintaining the structure of bone tissue and blood vessels.

The amino acid tryptophan, when entering the body, can be converted into niacin - vitamin PP, but it is found precisely in those foods that are excluded from many weight loss diets: meat, Dutch cheese, eggs, fish, cereals, pasta, dairy products, etc. .

But the body cannot synthesize vitamins A, E, C and group B - it does not have such an ability, so during diets and when losing weight they must be obtained from food. With poor nutrition, during diets, this becomes almost impossible, so pharmaceutical vitamin preparations come to the rescue. Many manufacturers produce vitamins that you need to drink during diets. We invite you to consider the best and most effective ones.

Which ones are better to drink?

The best vitamins Alphabet Diet

One of the most famous vitamin-mineral complexes on the market, developed for use during diets, can be considered the drug Alphabet Diet. Its composition is very rich - we will not give it, but briefly - the drug is a set of tablets of different colors - coffee, yellow and gray. The manufacturer claims that the Alphabet Diet provides all organs and systems with the necessary substances, helps to tolerate the diet more calmly, reduces the likelihood of side effects and relieves depression. The effect of tablets of different colors is different, so it is recommended to take them separately.

In the morning they drink coffee to invigorate the body, at lunch - yellow, for efficiency and reduction of appetite, and gray - at night, as a sedative. However, you can take all three tablets at one time if you feel the need.

Vitamins Vitrum for diet

The most common vitamins during diets are Vitrum.

A diet with the drug Vitrum is called smart and competent. The components in it are selected to normalize metabolism, reduce the impact of toxins and prevent stress on cells.

Also, taking Vitrum allows the body to get the necessary energy, improves mood and allows you to “not break down”, but to calmly and “without nerves” complete the diet, and even get out of it correctly.

Referred by Evalar

Quite often vitamins are also advertised by the Evalar company. They are described as vitamins in any low-calorie diets that promote weight loss, stimulate energy metabolism and maintain body tone.

Alvitil for metabolism

You can also choose Alvitil, which includes the necessary antioxidant vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins and biotin. This complex is presented as stimulating metabolic processes, ensuring the prevention of hypovitaminosis during periods of exercise - and diet is a load for the body; indicated for conditions where the need for vitamins increases - this indication also applies to diet.

Diet aids - Stressstabs vitamins

Women, and especially those leading an active lifestyle, should pay attention to the Stressstabs vitamin complex. In addition to the fact that it prevents iron deficiency anemia and increases resistance to stress, it protects cell membranes and maintains the health of the genital organs. Stressstabs helps the body absorb protein, neutralize saturated fats and simple carbohydrates - with its help you can endure a diet noticeably easier and calmer.

Vitamins in Triovit capsules are also suitable for use during diets. The description of the drug says that it is indicated for any overload - mental and physical, for malnutrition and an unbalanced supply of nutrients to the body, for a deficiency of any vitamins and selenium - just what is needed.

Health must always be maintained, with or without diets. Remember that any dietary restriction has a detrimental effect on health, beauty and youth, as it is a severe deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. But I want to be slim. This means that everything must be done wisely. Choose a gentle diet, follow its menu for a short time and add physical activity. You will succeed and your health will be at its best.

What vitamins should I take during my diet?, today we are talking on the portal about losing weight “Lose weight without problems.”

This question is especially relevant for those who, in the struggle for a slim figure, are ready to exhaust themselves with fashionable diets, hunger strikes and other tests for the body. When the diet becomes unbalanced, you can not only lose weight, but rather “earn” a whole series of problems with the body, because you deprive it of the necessary vitamins and minerals that are involved in metabolism, the proper functioning of internal organs and systems, etc.

What vitamins are needed during the diet?

There is no single answer, because it all depends on what specific diet you have.

If you are on a low-carb diet, then there is a lack of vitamin C and fiber.

Those who adhere to a vegetarian diet or are on a low-protein diet lack B vitamins and are deficient in vitamins E and A. Below we will talk about the complexes in which these elements are found.

What vitamins should you take on a diet based on reduced fat intake? In this case, you should pay attention to complexes that contain fish oil.

A separate question is which vitamins promote weight loss.

Of course, these are all B vitamins, which help break down carbohydrates, remove toxins, normalize metabolism (by the way, vitamin C also has the same effect) and reduce the stress that inevitably occurs in those who are on a strict diet. Vitamins D enhance the effect of any diet and help better absorb calcium.

It is also important for those losing weight to take complexes that contain chromium (which helps break down carbohydrates and fats, converts them into energy for activity), zinc (normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland).

So, we have just discussed on the website portal which vitamins promote weight loss and are also essential for those who are on diets.

Now let’s look at the various vitamin complexes that you can find on sale today.

Additiva Multivitamins

  • B1, 2, 6, 12,
  • C and E,
  • vitamin D,
  • folic acid and other beneficial components.

The drug stimulates metabolic processes and is suitable for replenishing vitamin deficiencies associated with poor nutrition.

Multivitamins Alvitil

Contains vitamins A, B1, 2, 6, 12, C, E, PP, folic acid, and biotin. It is important to strictly follow the recommended dosage to avoid hypervitaminosis.

Be sure to take breaks - watch and act strictly according to the instructions, or better yet, after consulting a doctor. Caution - this drug can lead to allergic reactions; in some cases, the urine turns bright yellow.


What vitamins to take during a diet if it does not contain enough vitamins A, C, E, selenium, that is, for those who follow a low-protein diet? Manufacturers of Triovit recommend this complex. In the instructions you will see that the drug is suitable for those who have an unbalanced diet or people on strict diets.

Alphabet Diet

It is impossible to talk about all the drugs in one article, because there are so many complexes on sale: Vitrum, Duovit, Centrum, Multi-Tabs Active, Jungle and others. For example, there is also this Alphabet complex - you've probably heard about it.

Alphabet Diet – do these vitamins help you lose weight or is it just a marketing gimmick? There are various reviews, but it is best to consult with your doctor whether you should take them and for how long. The manufacturer offers us pills in three different shades.

The morning-after tablet is coffee-colored. It contains caffeine, which speeds up metabolism, raises blood pressure, and is designed to give you energy. A number of studies show that caffeine suppresses appetite. This pill also contains vitamins B 5,9,12, K, H, L-carnitine, D3, succinic acid, calcium and some other components.

The daily pill is yellow in color and contains plantain extract and vitamins B6,12, E, C, provitamin A, PP, selenium, iodine, zinc, chromium, manganese, inulin, as well as lipoic acid. The main tasks of this pill are to normalize the functioning of the immune system, establish carbohydrate metabolism, and minimize.

In the evening, the manufacturer offers another pill containing. It speeds up metabolism and improves the performance of cardio training. The composition contains vitamins B1, 9, A, C, copper, iron, inulin and lemon balm extract.

So, this is only an incomplete overview of commercially available vitamin complexes. One thing is important - if you restrict yourself in nutrition strictly enough, it will not be in vain for your health. A balanced diet is the key to health and a thriving appearance.

Now you know which complexes contain vitamins that promote weight loss and replenish the deficiency of useful elements that is inevitable with strict diets.

It is extremely important that the body receives all the vitamins it needs during the diet. Only in this case will the diet be beneficial not only for appearance, but also for health.

Any diet is a stressful situation for the body. When a person limits his diet and reduces portion sizes, it not only helps to get rid of excess weight, waste and toxins, but also removes valuable nutrients from the body. This is detrimental to health and negatively affects well-being. Therefore, it is important to think about this issue in advance and start taking vitamins during your diet. Only in this case can you get the best result:

  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • avoid health problems in the future;
  • prevent vitamin deficiency;
  • balance nutrition during the diet;
  • feel energetic even while dieting.

Moreover, it does not matter at all for what purpose a person is on a diet - wanting to lose weight or, for example, for some medical reasons. Diet therapy always has approximately the same effect on the body.

Where to get vitamins when dieting

A person receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and microelements from food. The most valuable in this regard are vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, and meat. Consumption of these foods satisfies the body's daily need for vitamins. In this case, a person’s daily diet should be approximately 5000 kcal.

But with such a dense diet, it is impossible to get rid of excess weight, because diets are very low in calories. Consequently, the body simply has nowhere to get the required amount of vitamins. That is why there are various vitamin complexes and supplements designed specifically for people who are on a diet.

On the one hand, vitamins for the diet do not interfere with the process of losing weight, on the other hand, they saturate the body with essential nutrients.

Why is it so important to saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, and microelements? It's very simple - they play a vital role in the balanced functioning of the whole organism. Consequently, appearance, including normal weight, also directly depends on whether the body has enough vitamins and minerals or whether it lacks them.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals is a big obstacle on the path to an ideal figure, and every woman suffering from excess weight should know about this. It is vitamins that help speed up the process of losing weight.

What microelements are needed by the body?

There are several microelements and vitamins that the body urgently needs during diet therapy. And the person following it must know which vitamins to take during the diet are absolutely necessary. Here they are:

  1. C. Ascorbic acid reduces the level of bad cholesterol, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, and gives a boost of energy.
  2. D. Helps strengthen the skeletal system and complete absorption of calcium, regulates fat metabolism.
  3. B, B1, B6, B12. They improve metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system, accelerate metabolism, increase immunity, strengthen the muscular and nervous systems, maintain hemoglobin at the required level, and give energy.
  4. E. Strengthens the immune, endocrine and reproductive systems.
  5. Omega-3. Fatty acids are a natural antidepressant and give a feeling of fullness.
  6. Magnesium. Balances and improves metabolism.

It is worth noting that the body’s need for valuable elements is much higher, but this list is the most necessary for normal functioning. In diet therapy, in any case, there is a deficiency of these substances. If a person does not take multivitamins, he faces serious complications. For example, iron deficiency anemia may develop, hair may begin to fall out or nails will peel, vision will deteriorate, a person will feel chronic fatigue and weakness, etc.

Which complexes are better to choose? This directly depends on the chosen diet.

Vitamins for the Dukan diet

There are a great variety of different diets, but the most fashionable recently are the protein diet and the Dukan diet. Vitamins for the Dukan diet should be taken from the first day of entering it.

The Dukan diet consists of three stages, each of which involves limiting certain foods. Consequently, at each of these stages the body is deprived of certain microelements. Vitamin therapy must be formulated in such a way as to completely replenish the body’s need for these elements.

People who adhere to the Dukan diet need to choose vitamin complexes with a complete and rich composition that contain a full range of essential minerals, trace elements, etc. Such complexes include, for example, “Alphabet” and “Multi-Tabs”.

In addition to multivitamins, you can drink herbal infusions and teas with a laxative effect. They will promote even better removal of toxins and excess fluid.

It is strictly forbidden to take any dietary supplements or medications for weight loss. Otherwise, the body will receive a “double blow”, as a result of which metabolic processes, in particular the process of fat breakdown, may be disrupted.

Vitamin complexes for other diets

The protein diet is no less popular. Its essence is that carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. As a result, the body experiences nutritional deficiencies.

A limited intake of carbohydrates into the body leads to a deficiency of vitamin C, so you need to choose vitamin complexes with a high content of ascorbic acid in the composition. The second component that the body actively needs is fiber. Therefore, you need to include bran in your diet.

Another type of diet is vegetarian. Regardless of whether a person is a vegetarian by conviction or has temporarily decided to relieve the body with plant foods, he should also take multivitamin complexes. Plant foods - vegetables, herbs, fruits - are poor in vitamins A, B and E. That is why vegetarians need to look for preparations that contain increased dosages of these particular vitamins.

A diet that eliminates fat from the diet can also negatively affect health. In particular, immunity may decrease. For adherents of this diet, there is an excellent solution - fish oil capsules. The latter is rich in Omega-3. You can replace fish oil with multivitamin complexes that contain unsaturated fatty acids.

Good options are the Vitrum, Selmevit, Duovit, Centrum, and Multitabs-Active complexes.

Regardless of the diet you choose, you need to know about important rules. Following them will help you lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. Here are the most important ones:

  1. Compliance with drinking regime. It is very important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, otherwise dehydration may occur. This is a dangerous condition because it causes severe poisoning of the body. You can drink water, herbal infusions and decoctions.
  2. Gradual weight loss. In no way should you “lose” weight very quickly and in large quantities. Such diets exist and work, but they are incredibly harmful to the body. It is better to get rid of extra pounds gradually - in this case, it will bring less stress and harm to the body.
  3. Choose the right period for your diet. It is better to go on a diet in the fall, when the body has had time to saturate itself with vitamins over the summer. The most inappropriate time for diet therapy is spring, because after winter all people already suffer from vitamin deficiency.
  4. Compliance with the rules for taking vitamin complexes. You must strictly follow the instructions. The course is usually 2-3 weeks. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor before going on a diet.

In pursuit of a slim figure, you don’t need to lose common sense. It is contraindicated to go on a diet if: a person has a chronic disease or has recently undergone surgery, during pregnancy and lactation, or in old age. The only exceptions are those cases when diet therapy is a medical indication and recommended by the attending physician.

What vitamins should you take when losing weight - this question should be asked to yourself at the stage of drawing up the right diet. Their deficiency can lead to results that are not at all pleasing - slow metabolism, premature aging, dullness and sagging skin, hair loss. If you want to successfully lose weight and at the same time maintain an attractive appearance, performance and taste for life, it is recommended to enrich your menu with micronutrients.

Read more about why they are so necessary, how they work, and which of them will be the most effective helpers.

Is there an effect on body weight?

What vitamins to take while losing weight is a question women rarely consider the most important. Indeed, there is no direct connection; you can successfully lose weight without thinking about a complete diet that satisfies all the body’s needs.

Often the phrase “calorie deficit” is associated with a state close to exhaustion. But in fact, the presence of vitamin products in the menu has a beneficial effect on your figure, and also helps to maintain energy and good spirits, which makes getting rid of fat deposits faster and more enjoyable.

When food contains all the necessary nutrients involved in biochemical processes, the appetite does not “play tricks”. You feel full longer and don’t feel an overwhelming desire to eat something delicious.

What vitamins are needed for weight loss and in what doses - it is better to consult a specialist about this. It depends on age, lifestyle, physical activity and health characteristics. Remember that hypervitaminosis, like hypovitaminosis, can cause the development of diseases and a deterioration in the quality of life.

Nutritionist's comment:

Changing the diet, without which it is impossible to reduce body weight, is always stressful for the body. In this situation, micronutrients are consumed faster than usual. Therefore, it is very important to consume vitamin and mineral complexes that will help cope with stressful conditions and speed up metabolic processes.

Uncontrolled use and overdose are fraught with flaking of the skin, pain in the joints and bones, and even the accumulation of fluid in the brain. This is very serious, you cannot experiment with your health.

Why do vitamins demonstrate a fat-burning effect when losing weight?

Vitamin supplements do a very important job - they promote better absorption of nutrients, including minerals. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the metabolic rate - after all, the body receives everything it needs for daily productive work, so it does not tend to accumulate reserves.

And the opposite effect - a lack of micronutrients serves as a signal that it is necessary to activate the “energy-saving mode” due to the low nutritional value of food. In case of a chronic lack of these elements, metabolic processes slow down, and in addition, the body, with the help of an aggravated feeling of hunger, pushes you to overeat, trying to compensate for the deficiency of important elements.

But remember, vitamin supplements are only an aid. If you do not adjust your diet and maintain a passive lifestyle, a miracle will not happen; fat deposits will remain in the same places.

Important vitamins that promote weight loss - D, C, A, B

Let's tell you in more detail how exactly micronutrients work:

  • D (cholecalciferol) - a fat-soluble component helps the absorption of calcium and reduces the feeling of hunger, since after its consumption leptin appears in the body, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety. It is the most important participant in energy exchange. Its deficiency leads to obesity. Sources include yolks, butter, mackerel and tuna fish, parsley.
  • C (ascorbic acid) - participates in the formation of hormones that have a beneficial effect on a slim figure - these are carnitine and thyroxine. The substance is also a powerful antioxidant that prevents the development of signs of aging. Another important feature is that it helps in the absorption of iron, which in turn helps process B vitamins. Contained in sauerkraut, black currants, and citrus fruits.

  • E (tocopherol) - promotes the absorption of zinc, which reduces the amount of insulin, and therefore appetite. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, enhances the body's protective functions, and promotes the elimination of toxins. Present in peanuts, flax seeds, corn and mustard oil.
  • A (retinol) is one of the main participants in the construction of muscle and epithelial tissue. This component cannot be ignored; without it, even with successful weight loss results, you risk looking bad. Flabbiness and dullness of the skin, muscle weakness - such consequences can occur. Sources are butter, animal liver, beef heart, sour cream.
  • B2 is responsible for thyroid function. It can be found in offal, milk, hard cheese, and chicken eggs.
  • B3 can lower blood sugar levels, which minimizes the risk of acute uncontrollable hunger. Sources include poultry, salmon, mackerel, cottage cheese, prunes, dried apricots, and wheat bran. B6, which is found in cereals, cod liver, potatoes and molasses, has the same effect.

  • B4 regulates fat metabolism. Present in cucumbers, cauliflower, spinach, yeast, liver, eggs.
  • B5 also helps convert lipids into energy rather than into subcutaneous deposits; panthenol can be obtained from peas, buckwheat, chicken, liver, and heart.
  • B8 is another effective assistant in fat processing; the component prevents the formation of fat reserves. Found in sprouted wheat sprouts, sesame seeds, melon, veal and beef brains.
  • B12 - promotes a cheerful mood and activity, is involved in the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids. Contained in kelp, hops, seafood, milk, cheese, and offal.

Which vitamins are best for losing weight on a low-carb diet?

Today, nutrition systems that contain a minimum of cereals and flour products are popular. Refusal of cereals and bread is relevant for the Dukan diet, keto diet, and paleo. In such a situation, there is a possibility that the body does not receive enough micronutrients from group B, as well as fiber and macroelements.

You can purchase a multivitamin complex at the pharmacy, but nutritionists recommend enriching your diet with vitamin foods. The fact is that taking these drugs is associated with a high risk of allergic reactions.

If for some reason it is impossible to introduce bran bread, oatmeal and buckwheat, you can obtain the necessary substances in two ways:

  • take pills;
  • give intramuscular injections.

Both options require consultation with a doctor. Excess leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness.

When there are practically no fats on the menu, fat-soluble vitamin compounds do not enter the body. By leaning on colorful vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, you are not getting enough beneficial elements, namely retinol, cholecalciferol and tocopherol, which are found in butter and vegetable oils, and fatty fish. If you are determined to give up lipids further, you need to balance your diet with synthetic analogs of D, A and E, which are available at any pharmacy. Their deficiency can lead to dullness and sagging skin, a decrease in the body's protective properties, and a slowdown in metabolism.

How to use

How to properly drink vitamin D, which affects weight loss - it is recommended to do this with meals. The prophylactic dose is approximately 800 IU. For people who experience problems such as overweight, obesity and diabetes, a higher dosage is necessary, which should be checked with a doctor.

It is advisable to consume this fat-soluble compound together with calcium.

Nutritionist's comment:

Excess cholecalciferol is unsafe; long-term use of unreasonably high doses can lead to urolithiasis, joint pathologies, sleep disorders, as well as impaired kidney and heart function.

How to take vitamins A and E to reduce weight and appetite - the most popular option is gelatin capsules, which contain both retinol and tocopherol in an optimal ratio. They can be consumed regardless of food intake and time of day, the main thing is regularity and medical supervision.

Also available in the form of an oil solution, used drop by drop. There are also ampoules on sale intended for intramuscular administration.


Cholecalciferol (Vit D) should not be taken in the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypercalcemia.

Vitamin D should be taken with caution for weight loss in case of heart failure, atherosclerosis, during breastfeeding, and pregnancy.

In addition to hypersensitivity, the reason for the rejection of tocopherol (vit E) is a heart attack.

Assign with caution at the risk of thromboembolism, with injuries, obesity, varicose veins, heart failure, severe lung pathologies, nephrotic syndrome, pregnancy, use of hormonal contraceptives.

Taking vit. And it has the following contraindications (except for hypersensitivity):

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • obesity;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • nephritis;
  • heart failure.

When losing weight, it is better not to drink B vitamins if you have one of the following problems:

  • acute allergic reaction;
  • exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • bradycardia;
  • sick sinus syndrome;
  • erythremia, erythrocytosis;
  • hypovolemia;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • porphyria.

Also, the use is hampered by the poor tolerance of lidocaine, since the injections are quite painful. Particular attention should be paid to contraindications when choosing multivitamin preparations.

What manifestations are likely if you do not drink vitamins during a diet and exercise for weight loss

The lack of micronutrients significantly affects both the appearance and well-being of a person. Even if you eat as usual, a deficiency of valuable substances will certainly appear. When we adjust our diet and experience stress from new nutritional principles, the effect will be even more obvious.

Group B

In almost any hypovitaminosis, changes affect the skin, and this case is no exception. The epidermis becomes dehydrated, peeling, itching, rashes, the formation of age spots, and the appearance of early wrinkles are noted. Hair loss and brittle nails may occur.