Cupping (vacuum) massage from cellulite at home. Cellulite jar massage: description and reviews Silicone jars application

Anti-cellulite massage is the most productive method of dealing with the "orange peel". It is performed by the usual medical jars of different sizes. In traditional glassware, a vacuum was created by burning the air inside. In free sale, in a pharmacy, modern jars for massage from different materials with a pear are sold, helping to quickly get rid of cellulite.

When the jar is placed on the skin, a low pressure zone is created. Part of the skin is pulled inward, thus improving blood circulation, normalizing the microcirculation of the interstitial fluid. During the massage process, the bank moves through the body, there is a change in pressure in different areas. This promotes the absorption of seals. The external symptoms of cellulite disappear.

Vacuum massage has the following advantages:

  • stimulates blood circulation and improves the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • edematous and stagnant processes disappear;
  • the fat layer becomes smaller, which helps to remove cellulite;
  • collagen production is stimulated, skin rejuvenation occurs (especially effective for the face), a lifting effect occurs.

Massage using cans to get rid of cellulite is effective only when combined with a balanced diet and physical activity. It all depends on the perseverance and desire of a person. Many, hoping for a quick result, stop regular procedures.

This method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications. It is not recommended to perform some procedures on your own, it is better to contact a specialist in a beauty salon.

The choice of cans for massage

For massage, there are several types of cans:

Preparing for a massage

In addition to the cellulite massage jar, special oils are used during the procedure which are sold freely in pharmacies. It is possible to prepare a mixture from natural ingredients. It is necessary to take 100 ml of essential oil (olive, grape, etc.) and 20 drops of essential, but not more than 6 types.

  • Geranium oil dehydrates, activates lymphatic drainage, makes the skin supple.
  • Juniper - eliminates harmful substances, relieves swelling.
  • Cypress - accelerates the process of skin regeneration.
  • Cedar enhances blood circulation, filling the layers of the dermis with oxygen.
  • Grapefruit is effective for getting rid of cellulite and obesity.
  • Orange is able to enrich the skin with oxygen, vitamins, promotes the removal of harmful substances and regeneration.

It must be remembered that for the preparation of the mixture, the dishes must be clean. Essential oils should be added to base oils, not the other way around.

Execution technique step by step

Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to warm up the problem areas: massage until the skin turns red. Thus, the accessible area of ​​​​the body is heated independently.

  1. Lubricate the skin with massage oil. Hands should be dry, as the jar should slide over the body, and not in the hands.
  2. Having installed the jar on the problem area, the following must be observed: the skin should not be retracted by more than 1.5 cm, otherwise injuries may occur.
  3. With a jar, we perform continuous circular movements from the bottom up clockwise. If the tightness is broken, the jar must be reinstalled.
  4. During the procedure, the popliteal region, groin and inner thigh area should be avoided;
  5. The massage time is up to 20 minutes, until redness appears.
  6. After the session, it is desirable to moisturize the treated area with cream or oil.

Cupping massage scheme

In this way, a jar massage is performed.

Features of massage on the abdomen

Anti-cellulite massage with cans of the abdomen is very effective for getting rid of excess fat deposits. You need to start the procedure with cleansing the treated area with an alcohol solution. Apply oil. When the jar comes into contact with the skin, a vacuum is created. It is necessary to ensure that there is 1.5 cm inside the skin.

The jar needs to be moved clockwise in zigzags moving away from the large intestine. During the session, pain symptoms should not appear. The duration of the procedure is approximately 7 minutes. After the session, bruises may appear, which quickly disappear. For the most noticeable effect, once a month it is necessary to conduct a massage course of 10-15 sessions.

Features of massage on the hips and buttocks

Cellulite usually appears in the thighs and buttocks. The vacuum created by the jar activates the circulation of lymph and blood.

This is an area available for self-massage, warming up for seven minutes can be done as follows:

  1. put your foot on a chair;
  2. in a circular motion move up from the knee;
  3. lie on your side with your legs bent. Set the jar on the thigh and move continuously from the bottom up, then in zigzags and undulating movements.

If massage is necessary for the shins, then circular continuous upward movements are made with the help of the jar. You need to finish the procedure at the point of venous outflow.

Features of facial massage

Facial massage with a jar has a rejuvenating effect.

How vacuum works:

  • Muscle tissues are relaxed.
  • Stimulates lymph circulation.
  • In the lower layers of the dermis, microtraumas are created that provoke regeneration. An additional capillary network is formed, which contributes to oxygen saturation, blood circulation improves. Reduced pores.

For the procedure, they take the same silicone jars used in cellulite massage.

2 options are required:

  • 1 cm in diameter - for smoothing fine wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds.
  • Bank 2-3 cm is used for intensive influence on the lower layers of the dermis and muscles. It is used on the forehead and cheeks.

For the procedure of the facial area, you should carefully consider the choice of oil. It must be cold pressed and contain no preservatives. You also need to comply with the storage conditions. Spoiled oil is not suitable for massage.

It must be remembered that the oil is very well absorbed into the skin of the face, so it must be of good quality.

Any vegetable oil is supposed to be used. Among them, black cumin oil can be distinguished, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. It needs to be taken a little and mixed in equal proportions with another oil.


  1. Warm up the face in the shower, do not steam or conduct a session after the sauna;
  2. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse the skin, everything that is on the outer layer is easily absorbed;
  3. Apply plenty of oil.

There are 2 main techniques for vacuum facial massage:

  • static. Squeeze a little jar and set on the face. It is necessary to ensure that the vacuum is small, the skin is retracted by a few mm. Wait 5 seconds. Carefully remove by releasing the vacuum. In no case do not tear the jar from the skin.
  • dynamic the technique involves the continuous movement of the jar over the face. You need to be very careful to keep your skin relaxed.

You need to start the procedure with an average jar. Massaging the cheeks is carried out from the nose to the auricle, without affecting the area under the eyes. We put the jar at the nose, bring it to the ear and remove it. We lower it down and do the same movement. On the cheeks, visually highlight 4 parallel lines along which you need to move the jar.

We divide the jaw visually in half. In the middle we put a finger and from it we draw a jar to the chin, remove it. Then we make the same movement, but to the ear. The chin is massaged in a circle, with a medium-sized jar. Muscles need to be relaxed.

The same jar massages the area at the bottom of the chin to get rid of the fat layer. The movement is from the middle of the bottom to the side (left and right). Massage the forehead with a medium-sized jar. Moving from the bridge of the nose up. Then, along the massage lines, from the middle to the sides. It is necessary to ensure that the jar does not touch the eyebrows.

Perform all movements with a medium-sized jar 4 times.

With a small one, we begin to massage the nasolabial folds. The skin needs to be held back slightly. Set the jar and move up in smooth circular motions. Go back down and repeat. The area around the lips is massaged in the same way. Move the jar in both directions. We remove the “crow's feet” by massaging over the bone. It is necessary not to allow the skin to deform.

Eyelid massage requires a very delicate approach. The upper eyelid is processed by moving the jar to the outer edge, holding the skin near the jar with your finger. On the lower eyelid, the bank moves along the line from the outside to the inside. All massages with a small jar should be done 2 times. For eyelids, repeat 5 times.

How long does it take for different zones

Each treatment zone has a different session time. For the effectiveness of the procedure, these periods must be adhered to. Anti-cellulite massage should last 5-15 minutes. You need to start with a minimum time, increasing each session by 2 minutes.

The foot treatment can take up to 20 minutes. Especially carefully you need to massage your face. The jar should be on the skin for only a few seconds.

Frequency of holding

There are 2 schemes for the frequency of performing massage with banks:

  1. Regularly, every other day for 10-15 sessions. Run up to one month. Between courses take a break of 2-4 weeks.
  2. Intensive course to spend a week every day. Then, once every 7-14 days, make a supporting massage.

If necessary, the intensive massage method should be repeated and returned to the maintenance session. It must be remembered that the result of the procedure (getting rid of cellulite using cans) does not come immediately. For this, there is a rest period, when the skin is reanimated from microtraumas received during the session.


  • The presence of thrombosis or the predisposition to its formation.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • The presence of birthmarks on the massaged area.
  • Any damage to the skin.
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Hypertension of the third stage or a tendency to hypotension.
  • Inflammatory, fungal diseases.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.
  • Varicose veins or close location of the venous network.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, bladder.
  • The state of fatigue, overwork.

If there is at least one of the listed contraindications, then it is better to consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself. When vessels are close to the surface, massage with jars is not contraindicated. But in this case, it is better to contact an experienced cosmetologist. The procedure helps tighten the skin and slightly reduces the problem.

According to experts, cupping massage helps to get rid of cellulite only with an integrated approach. To achieve the best result, you need to reconsider your diet. Give up flour and sweets, limit the use of smoked meats, pickles.

It is necessary to observe the water-salt regime: the body needs at least 1.5 liters of water per day. To get rid of the "orange peel" exercise helps. If the gym is not for you, then a daily walk of 5-6 km will help. The main thing in the fight against cellulite is the systematic and proper combination of different methods.

Video: cellulite massage jars

How to carry out vacuum massage with cans, find out in the video clip:

What interesting things await you in the article?

Every second woman dreams of removing fat from the abdomen and sides. Many "attacking" search engines with queries "?" hoping to find some panacea. The best way to help get rid of belly fat is to combine exercise, proper nutrition and all kinds of cosmetic procedures.

You can jump rope - all these physical exercises have proven to be effective means in the process of combating extra pounds.

Cupping for weight loss is an effective procedure for the correction of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Thanks to this procedure, you can eliminate flabbiness of the skin and significantly reduce the fat layer. Cupping massage is based on the vacuum effect. Massage affects the skin and subcutaneous fat deposits, tissues and muscles, thereby accelerating blood circulation and metabolism.

Cupping massage you can do at home, you do not have to spend money on expensive specialists. The main thing is that you do not have to adapt to someone else's schedule, because you can do cupping massage at any time on your own.

Cupping massage: indications and contraindications

Indications for cupping massage:

  1. Loose skin.
  2. Cellulite and fat deposits.
  3. Stretch marks.

Cupping massage is not suitable for everyone, it contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Less than 2 months have passed since the birth.
  3. Abdominal hernia.
  4. Chronic diseases of the abdominal organs.
  5. Gynecological diseases.
  6. Menstruation.
  7. Severe chronic diseases such as diabetes, oncology and others.

If at least one of the listed items applies to you, then cupping massage is strictly contraindicated or possible only after consulting a doctor.

Types of cups for massage

There are silicone, rubber, glass and plastic jars for weight loss. The material from which the can is made affects how it will be used, and more specifically, how the vacuum will be created.

How to do cupping massage at home?

So, let's look at how to properly do anti-cellulite massage with cups at home.

First you need to lubricate the stomach with anti-cellulite cream. If you don't have one at home, don't worry. You can use a regular massage cream. By the way, you can cook it at home. To do this, you need olive oil and essential oils. You can add cinnamon, rosemary, lavender, citrus essential oils to the cream. If the procedure will be carried out in the shower, then you can use a regular shower gel.

Instructions for conducting anti-cellulite cupping massage for weight loss at home

  1. Grab a few bottles and let's get started.
  2. First, warm up the abdominal area. You can do this with a hot shower jet.
  3. Apply oil on the stomach, rub evenly. We put banks on two sides of the navel. Cans cannot be placed in the middle of the abdomen. The edges of the cans must be greased. The skin of the abdomen should retract no more than 1.5 centimeters.
  4. Lie on your back and begin to gradually drive the cans in a circle. Such movements should be carried out for 6-10 minutes.
  5. Move the jars to the sides and back.
  6. After the procedure, apply the cream that you have on the skin of the abdomen and lie under the covers for 15-20 minutes.

The procedure is unpleasant, the skin may turn red in extreme cases, bruising may appear. If this still happened, then you should not worry too much. All this is just a temporary phenomenon. A few days will pass and all bruises and redness will disappear, leaving no trace.

If you are doing cupping massage at home, then do not forget to follow all the rules. To achieve a result, this procedure must be performed regularly. If in doubt, then consult a doctor or those girls who have already tried this procedure.

  1. You feel hungry.
  2. Less than 2 hours have passed since the meal.

How often do cupping massage?

Experts advise to carry out the procedure for 1 month, only in this case you can achieve results. The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per day, it is possible every other day. If you simultaneously exercise and use cosmetic procedures, the result will be achieved in a shorter time. You can also visit baths, saunas, apply body wraps.

Cellulite jar massage at home video:

Massage with vacuum jars at home video:

Cupping massage for cellulite and for weight loss of the abdomen: reviews, photos before and after

Numerous positive reviews about the can massage procedure indicate that such a weight loss remedy really deserves attention. Cupping massage is recommended by doctors, noting that it helps to cope with stagnant processes in the internal organs.

Massage for the abdomen is the best way to lose weight, reviews of this procedure speak for themselves.

Alena, 25 years old

I have a pretty good figure, but, to my great regret, I have a tummy. I decided to try cupping massage. I read a lot of good comments about massage. Used glass jars. The process went pretty well. The only thing I didn't like was the bruises that were left on my stomach. It looks, to put it mildly, not very good. But I decided not to stop and try to hold out for a month. And I did it. The stomach was asleep. I was very happy and so was my boyfriend. After starting to download the press. And after 2 months the result was excellent. The belly became taut and beautiful.

Katerina, 32 years old

After childbirth, the stomach sagged very much and became flabby. It seems that after 5 months the weight became like prenatal, my 60 kg, but that's belly. Horror, in front of her husband began to be shy, complex. It's time to take action! I began to carry out can massage in courses of 10 procedures per month, alternated with and, of course, limited myself to food (I excluded flour and all sorts of harmful things, like mayonnaise) and sports. After the first course of cupping massage, the result is, so to speak, “on the stomach”.

Victoria, 40 years old

I am very hard to endure the pain, so for me this procedure was unbearable hard labor. After it was carried out, the skin turned red, and bruises appeared the next day. Decided to try the next day to put the banks. This was the last day I had a cupping massage. The second day was very painful. Just beyond words. Therefore, if you find it difficult to endure pain, then this procedure is not for you. Look for some alternative.

Lera, 20 years old

I am a big girl. At 20, I weigh 80 kilograms with a height of 165 cm. I decided to lose weight, as I began to feel uncomfortable among my peers. I read about cupping massage. The procedure was carried out for 2 weeks. Before it started, I took a photo of how I looked before. After 2 weeks, I photographed my result. And he really was. The stomach was a little drawn in, the sides disappeared a little. I forgot to add, during these 2 weeks I was engaged in physical education: I ran, jumped rope, twisted the hula hoop. In general, I sweated. But not in vain. I am satisfied with the result, I recommend. Girls, do not be lazy, everything is in our hands.

Tatyana, 29 years old

Last year I lost 20 kg in 3 months. I was afraid that the stomach would become flabby and sag, a friend advised cupping massage. I carried out the procedure a month every other day, it came out 15 times. I liked it very much! The skin is firm and smooth. Now, to maintain the effect, I spend a monthly course every 3-4 months.

Karina, 37 years old

Yesterday I finished a cupping massage course. Did at home. I just went to the pharmacy and bought silicone jars there. The massage was carried out every day for two weeks. Of course, I have a tummy, but cellulite is my real problem, but after the cupping massage, it really became less, and the skin became more elastic, pulled up. Of course, the first 2-3 procedures were painful, I had bruises, I thought I’d quit, but I resisted. After the massage, I applied a cream with a sauna effect to the skin. I am satisfied with the results!

Cellulite is a scourge among the female half of the population, for which a wide variety of methods and means are used to get rid of it. Cupping massage from cellulite is one of such effective methods. Today, this procedure is included in the anti-cellulite program in almost all institutions specializing in female beauty. Massage with vacuum cups effectively copes with the "orange peel", increases the elasticity of the skin, improves blood flow, accelerating the metabolic processes in the body, providing the effect of lymphatic drainage and, in general, making the appearance of the skin of problem areas better.

The effect of cupping massage from cellulite.
Cupping massage for cellulite is based on a vacuum technique and has the same effect, regardless of where it is performed, in a salon or at home. This is due to the fact that it allows you to knead cellulite strands at a deep level, which other anti-cellulite methods cannot do at home. During the cupping massage, in particular when the cups move over the skin, lymphatic drainage is carried out, which stimulates the removal of fluid from the tissues. Also, such a massage helps to accelerate blood circulation and gradually leads to the restoration of metabolic processes in the skin at deeper levels. In turn, this helps to get rid of congestion in cells and tissues, which provoke the formation of the hated "orange peel".

The level of effect from cupping massage procedures is directly dependent on the stage of cellulite development, the regularity of the procedure, the quality of the procedure and additional measures. Remember that cellulite treatment should be combined with other anti-cellulite methods, the only way to get rid of this unpleasant problem. The course of procedures visually significantly improves the condition of the skin, makes it smooth, firm and elastic, improves the condition of the subcutaneous fat several times.

Rules for cupping massage from cellulite.
Carrying out a massage with cellulite jars is feasible only if there are no contraindications to it.

Cupping massage should be carried out in certain directions and with skin properly prepared for it. Before the procedure, it is important to take a warm (not hot!) bath (no longer than ten minutes) and cleanse the skin of dead particles with a ready-made or homemade scrub. In addition, the use of a scrub will warm up the subcutaneous fat layer, which will positively affect the final result.

After cleansing, the skin must be treated with any massage (children's is also suitable) or vegetable oil (olive, linseed, grape seed, apricot, peach, sunflower, etc.). The oil facilitates the sliding of cans on the surface of the skin, preventing the appearance of abrasions and bruises after the procedure. Anti-cellulite products, in particular creams, are not suitable for this, as they are quickly absorbed, which will complicate the procedure.

To increase the anti-cellulite effect, it is recommended to enrich vegetable oil with essential oils and add a small amount of ground red pepper, mustard or cinnamon. For three tablespoons of the base, take three to four drops of the essential component. Here is a recipe for a massage mixture: combine three tablespoons of olive oil with a pinch of cinnamon and the same amount of ground red pepper. Warm the mixture a little with a water bath. Next, add four drops of any citrus oil (tangerine, orange, grapefruit) to the composition. In addition to these essential oils, geranium, juniper, cedar, and cypress oils are effective against cellulite.

The next step is the direct movement of the jar over the skin. The jar can be absolutely any (silicone, rubber or ordinary glass with a rubber pear at the end). It is more convenient, of course, to use a rubber and silicone jar, they should be applied to the skin and pressed a little. Gradually drive the jar over the body, as if to glide. The procedure should be carried out slowly, otherwise the skin will be covered in abrasions and bruises.

During the procedure, with the help of cans, it is necessary to observe a certain sequence in movements: first, the skin should be treated from the front from the bottom up (legs, hips, abdomen), and then from the back from the top down (back, buttocks, legs). You can move banks during the procedure directly or perform circular movements. But it is necessary to process the stomach only strictly in the clockwise direction. When massaging the back, do not touch the spine.

At the end of the procedure, the skin needs to be massaged a little (where you can get it) with your hands, then remove the remaining oil with a paper towel and apply an anti-cellulite agent. Then it is advisable to take a comfortable position, cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for half an hour.

The cupping massage procedure gives a greater effect in the fight against cellulite, if combined with anti-cellulite baths and body wraps.

The duration of the massage should not exceed fifteen minutes, but the condition of the skin is important here. If she is very reddened, the procedure should be completed. You should not get carried away with such a massage, three or four procedures a month will be enough.

Cupping massage from cellulite, choose cups.
In pharmacy chains, you can buy any cans for such a massage - these are glass, rubber, and silicone. It all depends on personal preference. They are equally effective, not expensive, do not cause inconvenience and difficulty in use. But for me, silicone or rubber cans (vacuum) are more convenient. Unlike glass, they easily stick to the skin by lightly pressing them. But when using glass ones, you have to exert a little pressure on a special rubber pear located on top. However, such cans are most suitable for massaging more delicate areas (stomach, arms, inner thighs), and silicone cans are best for massaging the buttocks.

Benefits of vacuum jar massage.

  • The method is easy to use and affordable.
  • It does not require special skills and a lot of time.
  • It does not require special training and any specific means.
  • When used correctly, it does not leave bruises on the skin.
Disadvantages of cupping massage against cellulite.
  • There may be pain during the procedure (with strong pressure or low pain threshold).
  • Redness of the skin, which creates some inconvenience in the summer.
  • There is a fairly large list of contraindications, in particular varicose veins.
  • Massage of some areas is difficult, outside help is required.
Contraindications to cupping massage from cellulite.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Bleeding of any nature.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • The presence of a capillary network.
  • Diseases of the lungs (tuberculosis).
  • The presence of diseases of pustular and fungal nature.
  • vascular thrombosis.
  • Acute chronic diseases.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Areas of accumulation of large moles or birthmarks (on problem areas) cannot be treated with cans.
Cupping massage is contraindicated on the chest and along the spine.

Regular vacuum massage procedures in combination with other anti-cellulite methods will help you quickly get rid of cellulite and significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin. Be patient and don't be lazy. Good luck!

Cellulite is considered a cosmetic problem due to age-related features (the older - the brighter it appears) and excess weight (the more - the more noticeable). Those who have already encountered him know about his cunning. With regular use of wraps and creams, the orange peel seems to go away, but as soon as the course ends, after some time it appears again. That is why cardinal measures are needed here, which will not allow fat capsules to go deep, but will break them and remove them from the body. In particular, they include canned or.

The essence of the procedure

Don't let the name fool you. It does not force anyone to use household glass jars for the procedure - special massage jars are used here. They can be rubber and silicone, glass and magnetic, with suction cups and pumps.

They are attached to the problem area of ​​the body (where cellulite reigns) due to the vacuum created inside them. Air is either removed from them beforehand (for example, it is enough to simply squeeze a silicone jar with your hands), or it is pumped out after installation with special pumps.

Then they are either left in a motionless state, or they begin to move around the body. The second technique is more aggressive, since hematomas and pain syndromes are guaranteed as side effects. However, it is also more effective, because at the end of the course of such a massage there is no trace of fat capsules.

To carry out the procedure at home, you can purchase all the necessary equipment, but it is difficult to learn. In the absence of certain knowledge, you can seriously injure both the skin and internal organs. Therefore, experts strongly recommend signing up for a cupping massage from cellulite in a salon with a professional.

Operating principle

How does cupping massage help with cellulite? Through the same vacuum. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • the skin, as it were, is drawn into the jar;
  • it irritates her receptors;
  • the body turns on the mechanisms of self-regeneration - blood rushes to this part of the body, lymph flow accelerates, nerve endings become aggravated;
  • the result - the tissues receive the maximum amount of nutrients, the lymph takes with it harmful toxins and slags;
  • but most importantly, on this “island” in the tissues, the amount of oxygen increases, which is known as an excellent fat burner;
  • under the influence of oxygen and vacuum, fat capsules burst, and their contents are excreted - by lymph and through the sweat glands.

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of cupping massage in the fight against cellulite has been scientifically proven and confirmed by many examples in practice, not everyone dares to undergo the procedure. There are a lot of pitfalls: do not expect pleasant sensations, in most cases there are a lot of hematomas on the body, and even without diet and sports, no one will give you a 100% guarantee that the problem will not return again.


The vacuum pressure created by cupping has a powerful effect on many subcutaneous layers. This affects various biochemical processes in tissues. And if something is initially wrong with the body, there is a risk of harming it even more. Therefore, this procedure has its own contraindications that do not allow the use of this method in the fight against cellulite:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • infections;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcer, lichen;
  • large moles and convex age spots;
  • rosacea;
  • oncology;
  • fractures, injuries;
  • damage to the skin: bruises, scratches, wounds, fresh stitches, cuts;
  • with varicose veins, you can not do cupping foot massage;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

When deciding to fight cellulite with cupping massage, you should first undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications. And do not forget to carefully inspect the treated area so that nothing on it is damaged.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cupping massage from cellulite has both advantages and disadvantages. Weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.


  • ease of use;
  • availability;
  • high efficiency;
  • The result is visible after the first procedure.


  • pain sensations;
  • multiple and sometimes dangerous side effects;
  • long list of contraindications;
  • when working with more modern devices, special skills are required;
  • it is difficult to massage in some places without outside help.

The benefits of cupping massage in the fight against cellulite are undoubtedly good. But at the same time, it is still worth paying special attention to the shortcomings so that they do not disappoint you.

How to choose banks

If you plan to do everything yourself, you will first have to choose banks, so it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with their main types and features.


  • ordinary cans (silicone and rubber): vacuum is created by manually squeezing the body;
  • glass with a rubber nozzle: a vacuum is formed after squeezing the nozzle;
  • with a pump that pumps out air.

At home, it is better to use ordinary and glass jars. Those with a pump require certain skills and are most often used in salons. A small overview of their main advantages and disadvantages will allow you to make the right choice.

  • glass

Even when attached, the glass massage cups can be adjusted, allowing them to be used in almost all places - even sensitive and hard to reach places. Glass does not absorb massage cream, so they are easy to care for. But at the same time, they can break, and the cold of the glass causes not very pleasant sensations when in contact with the body.

  • Rubber

The kits contain jars of various sizes. Low cost, safety and ease of use are their main advantages. But they absorb cream and sweat from the body, are poorly washed, and contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in such an environment. So in terms of hygiene - this is not the best option.

  • Silicone

At home, cellulite massage is best done with silicone cups, as they have practically no drawbacks. They are inexpensive, safe to use, as hygienic as possible, easy to clean, and cause a minimum of discomfort compared to the rest. They are ideal for treating the hips and buttocks.

  • latex

The characteristics are very similar to silicone. Their advantage is in longer operation. However, more money will have to be paid for them. One massage bank in a set - with a round opening. She works with cellulite on large areas of the body. The second - with an oval, its task is to facilitate access to hard-to-reach problem areas.

  • With pump

The air is removed from them by a special pump. Material - medical plastic. The good thing is that you can control and adjust the intensity of exposure. Do not "peel off" until the end of the procedure. But at the same time, they are dangerous, as they stick too strongly to the body and often injure the area.

  • With magnetic tips

Some kits include special magnets (built-in and removable) that need to be placed inside the cans. They create a special magnetic field that penetrates the body to a considerable depth and acts like a needle. This is a unique massage that combines acupuncture, magnetotherapy and vacuum therapy.

  • suction cups with valve

Banks with a valve for regulating rarefied air - a novelty. They work through the deep layers, breaking fat capsules without residue. Often they are supplemented with magnetic nozzles.

Features of the procedure

In order to do cupping massage at home, you need to study a lot of information. And it is best to trust the professionals for the first time, spare no expense and sign up for a salon. First, you will see the reaction of your body to this procedure and evaluate the results. Secondly, you will feel and remember how the master does it, so that later you can repeat it yourself.

If this is not possible, watch instructional videos and master classes on how to do cellulite cupping massage correctly. There, usually the execution technique is described in great detail, and most importantly, everything is clearly demonstrated. Roughly, you need to act according to the following instructions.

  1. Take a hot shower or bath to warm up your skin.
  2. Treat the body area with cellulite Vaseline, gel, oil or fat burning cream.
  3. Squeeze the jar with force and set it in the right place.
  4. Then you can go two ways. Method 1 - static. Place such cans at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other over the entire surface of the problem area and leave in this form for 10-30 minutes. Method 2 - kinetic. Perform circular and zigzag movements with a vacuum jar for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Remove the jar by pressing on it.
  6. Treat the skin with any cream. Better - soothing.
  7. After the massage, you need to lie down in a relaxed state. You can only go outside after half an hour or an hour.
  8. Course - from 10 to 20 sessions. It will be possible to repeat it not earlier than in 3-4 months.
  9. Throughout the course, you do not need to abuse saunas and solarium.

But even this is not enough to know. Before carrying out the procedure, you should study the massage scheme. It shows in which directions cans can be moved on a particular part of the body. In fact, this is a map of the lymphatic system, and all massage lines coincide with the lymph flow. If the movements are chaotic, you can seriously harm your health.

To improve the results, try to use the entire arsenal of means against it: pick up a special set of exercises, sit down, get enough sleep and follow the daily routine. All this in the end will please you with a quick and amazing effect.


When deciding on a cupping massage, it must be taken into account that throughout the course the body will be covered with hematomas. For some, they are more pronounced, for others they are almost invisible and cease to form after a couple of sessions. But if this is a natural side effect that is easy to manage, then other complications may arise that will require serious medical intervention.

  1. You can get rid of hematomas with bodyagi, heparin ointment, lyoton-gel, troxevasin, Bruise-off, indovazin, arnigel, etc.
  2. If you started doing a massage for cellulite on your legs, while having the experience of varicose veins, then venous bleeding may open. They will require long-term hospitalization.
  3. One of the most serious complications is the separation of a blood clot under the influence of a vacuum, which creates strong pressure on the circulatory system. If a vital vessel (for example, the pulmonary artery) becomes blocked as a result, everything can end in death.
  4. If a cancerous tumor develops in the body, under the influence of vacuum, the growth of metastases can accelerate several times.

As practice shows, those who have already understood that it is very difficult to fight cellulite with conventional cosmetics turn to cupping massage for help. While using the cream, the fat capsules go deep, removing the orange peel from the surface of the skin. As soon as it ends, they return again. And this happens during most anti-cellulite procedures. But the vacuum technique does not leave a single chance for fat deposits, acting on them directly. At the same time, you need to understand how aggressive this method is and what side effects you will have to face.

Currently, cellulite can be eliminated not only with the help of expensive cosmetics and procedures, but also with the help of cupping massage at home. For this simple, but effective technique at home, you just need special banks.

Cupping massage is one of the most effective ways to fight cellulite at home. After 2-3 procedures, you can already notice a slight smoothing of the skin.

In addition to the main effect, you can notice other results from the procedure, in the form of:

  • Puffiness reduction;
  • Increased muscle tone;
  • Reducing the number of stretch marks;
  • Scar resorption;
  • Improving blood circulation and tissue oxygenation.

Important! To achieve the most positive result, you will need 10-12 procedures.

The principle of cupping massage is that a strong vacuum is created on problem areas. Under its influence, metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves. This effect helps to reduce the orange peel.

Advice! To achieve a more lasting effect, the procedure should be combined with diet and light physical activity.

Anti-cellulite vacuum massage with cups, carried out at home, is in great demand due to a number of advantages.

The benefits include:

  • Long action;
  • performance;
  • No recovery period;
  • Low cost;
  • Few side effects;
  • Reduction of volumes in the worked out zones.

A session of such a massage in cosmetology clinics costs about 1,500-2,000 rubles, and to perform the procedure at home, you only need to buy cans.

Cupping massage is very effective for cellulite and at the same time performing it at home can save both time and money.

Video: cellulite jar massage at home.

To avoid unpleasant consequences on the skin, in the form of bruises and bruises, you need to follow certain rules when performing a vacuum procedure.

How to do anti-cellulite massage with cups?

  • Before massaging, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  • Start setting cans, you need only after a light manual massage of the skin. This will warm her up and prepare her for the procedure.
  • Before and after the massage, the skin should be generously lubricated with oil. Coconut oil, linseed oil, almond oil, and any baby moisturizing oil are perfect for this.
  • Cans should not be kept on the skin of the abdomen for more than 10 minutes. This is due to the anatomical features of the skin in this area.
  • If severe pain occurs, the procedure must be stopped.
  • How much time to do cupping massage from cellulite? The duration of the first session should not exceed 5 minutes. In subsequent procedures, the time can be gradually increased up to 10 minutes.

Do not massage for more than ten minutes!

  • In home use, it is best to use silicone jars rather than glass.

  • In no case should banks be placed on the inner side of the thighs and arms, mammary glands, spine, and also the heart area.
  • Self-massage from cellulite with banks should be carried out in the direction of the lymph flow (on the legs - from the feet to the hips, on the stomach - clockwise, etc.).
  • It is impossible to treat the skin on problem areas before / after the procedure with creams based on “burning” components - pepper, ginger, etc.

During the procedure, the body is cleared of toxins, so after it, some weakness is possible. To alleviate your condition after cupping massage, you need to drink plenty of water.

Cellulite massage with cans is extremely effective, many women talk about the result in their reviews. You just need to follow all the tips and rules.

Photo of the buttocks and thighs before and after cupping massage from cellulite.

Frequency of use

How often can you do a vacuum massage for cellulite? Massage can be carried out in a course followed by a break. The number of procedures of one course is approximately 10-12. After the course, you must definitely take a break - one or two months, and repeat if necessary. If there is no need, you can perform a prophylactic session about once a month.

For a normal skin condition, the frequency of using cellulite cans should be observed: a break of 2-3 days should be taken between sessions of vacuum massage. During periods of "rest" the skin should be lubricated with moisturizers.

The number and duration of procedures depend on the degree of cellulite. Accordingly, the smaller it is, the faster the result will be.

Pay attention to the oppositetestimony

In order not to harm the body, you should know in which cases the use of vacuum massage is unacceptable. Such situations include:

  • Anti-cellulite massage with cups is completely prohibited for varicose veins.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • It is worth abandoning the procedure if there are birthmarks and moles in the area of ​​the procedure.
  • Women should avoid this procedure during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contraindications must be taken as responsibly as possible! Otherwise, such a massage, instead of the desired effect, will harm the body.

Important! When in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor and a massage therapist!

Preparation is an important step

The effectiveness of cupping massage from cellulite largely depends on proper preparation. You can not ignore the stage of preparation for the procedure, because, not observing it, you can bring yourself harm or lack of results.

Preparation in the procedure includes the following steps:

  • Immediately before the procedure itself, you need to bathe in warm water while using a body scrub.
  • Next, clean, heated skin should be slightly kneaded with soft massaging movements.
  • After that, problem areas need to be treated with oil. But, many women now use ordinary shower gel instead, explaining that it glides well over the skin, and is easily washed off after a massage.

If a woman has poorly lubricated the treated area with oil / gel, then the procedure can be very painful, with subsequent bruising and bruising. Also, it is possible to "bulge" the veins, which will also affect the general well-being of a person.

Cupping massage from cellulite, carried out at home - is not a painless procedure. Pain, although subtle, must be present. The absence of pain indicates the ineffectiveness of the procedure.

The correct technique for performing the procedure

The technique of performing cupping massage from cellulite at home is very simple. The first step is to take banks. It is better to give preference to silicone jars for cellulite than glass ones, as they are much easier to use. Also, glass jars can burn the skin. But, if the choice fell on the last option, then it is better to choose their improved models - with rubber tips.

It is better to use silicone jars for anti-cellulite massage.

When choosing silicone jars, the first thing to do is to let the air out of it, holding it tightly in your hand, then you need to present the jar to the already well-oiled skin with oil and release it by “sucking” it to problem areas.

If during the massage there is a loud sound from the cans, it means that there is not enough vacuum and the procedure needs to be redone.

Important! In no case should you do cupping massage on the inside of the thigh and under the knee, as there are the largest lymph nodes.

Foot massage

Starting the procedure, you should always know how to massage with jars from cellulite on the legs:

  • On the buttock, you can make circular movements, clockwise.
  • On the legs, the massage is done in the “bottom up” direction, while reaching the top point, the jar does not go down, but is removed and placed at the starting point.
  • The front of the thigh is massaged in a sitting position on a hard surface (the knee should not be bent).
  • The folds under the buttock can be “worked out” while kneeling.

On the stomach

Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen with cups should be done with extreme caution!

  • Banks should be placed very slowly and carefully.
  • The movements must be strictly clockwise (slow!).
  • After 1 minute of the procedure, you need to stop the massage for 15 seconds and follow your feelings.
  • If the person feels normal, then the procedure can be continued.

On the back

It must be remembered that the banks are installed parallel to each other, while not affecting the spine.

  • Movements should go from bottom to top (from the buttocks to the neck).
  • You can “drive” the jar not only with straight lines, but also with twisted, wavy ones to affect all problem areas.

On hands

You should always consider the rules of cupping anti-cellulite massage on the hands:

  • This procedure can only be carried out on the outer surface of the hands.
  • Moreover, the movements should be straight, in the direction from the hands to the shoulder.
  • After the cupping massage, you need to smear the skin with an anti-cellulite cream and lie under the covers, in a relaxed state for half an hour.

To achieve the effect, it is necessary to properly massage with cellulite jars, following the instructions will help.

Video: how to do anti-cellulite massage with cans at home.

Vacuum massage at home - if carried out correctly, will bring a huge effect - getting rid of cellulite, firmness and smoothness of the skin. The most important thing is to approach the matter wisely, and not overdo it.

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