How to find a job that you like? How to find a job I like I can't find a job I like.

Work is of great importance in our life. It is a reflection of our inner world, determines the circle of communication and interests, status and place in society. Work is imprinted on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state. That is why it is important to do what you love and know how to find an interesting job for you.

Signs that you like your job

  1. you do not “adjust the time”, do not count the minutes before the end of the working day and the days before;
  2. you always go to work in a good mood, without experiencing negative emotions from the need to engage in unloved activities;
  3. money is not the main motivation for the performance of their job duties;
  4. in any circumstances you are able to do your job;
  5. you experience joy in the work you do.

If the above signs do not apply to your professional activities, then you should think about finding another job that is more suitable for you.

How to start looking for the right job

  • Finding yourself

Before looking for a highly paid job, you should find yourself, understand your desires, properties and character traits, likes and dislikes. Not infrequently, a future favorite job that brings a lot of profit is what you are now ready to do for free, devoting all your free time to this activity.

  • Experiments

If the description of spiritual preferences and character traits turned out to be difficult, then it is enough to resort to the trial and error method. Challenge yourself in various activities. On a piece of paper, write down ten or more directions that seem attractive to you and start trying in each of them sequentially. Don't stop until you've tried all the activities that interest you. After all, only by comparing everything, you can determine what you like best.

  • Character as a determining factor

The areas of desired activity that you have written out should suit your character. If you have a calm nature, then you need a quieter job and vice versa, a more active person needs a job that he will not be bored with.

Sometimes, with the help of work, you want to correct your character traits. For example, if you are constrained and communication with strangers is difficult for you, but with the help of your work you would like to fix this, then engage in activities that are directly related to communication. This may be a job as a waiter, a sales assistant, the provision of real estate services or activities in the field of direct sales.

  • Refusal of advice from others

The advice that relatives, friends and acquaintances can give you is advice that applies to their lives, but not to yours. Only you can know how and where to find a job to your liking. Perhaps the best job for your closest person is to work in an office center in Moscow, and for you - at a fish factory in Kamchatka.

  • Leaving a job you hate

If your work has ceased to be enjoyable, you look forward to vacations, weekends and holidays, wake up with difficulty in the morning and go to work in a depressed mood, then these are sure signs that it is time to change activities. You are happy to go to your favorite job on a day off or come early. After all, if you do your job, you do not get tired, and a good mood has a positive effect on your physical condition.

  • Money is not the most important thing

“I want to find a job that I love. Yes, so that they pay a lot and work a little. It is unlikely that with such a wording it will be possible to do what you love. Quite often, those who work solely for the sake of money feel much worse than those who do what they love, even if it is not a highly paid job. In reality, over time, those who enjoy work make more money than those who were initially only interested in prosperity.

  • unpaid labor

When looking for something you love, you should be prepared for the fact that for some time you will have to work for free. If you work at least one month without pay and are not very upset because of this fact, then you will definitely like this job.

  • big goals

To find a suitable job, you first need to decide on life goals. If the real work does not meet the big goal, then you can safely quit it. Never give up your dreams for money. According to opinion polls, only one in ten people was able to find a job to their liking. So you are not so alone in this problem, but it is in your power to solve it.

Causes of failure in finding a job to your liking

Finding a job is not the goal in itself

To begin with, you need to decide what your job means to you: do you want to be the head of a company in Moscow and work according to a clearly established schedule, or do you prefer working on the Internet, and the ability to adjust your own working hours is an indisputable advantage.

Uncertainty is the worst helper

Low professional self-esteem can be a big obstacle in finding the desired job. Your professional qualities must be presented in a favorable light for you.

leave the fear

For many, fear of the unknown is a huge problem. Do not be afraid of change, boldly and confidently move forward.

The job won't find itself.

In order to find a good job, you should act, and not wait for a miracle.

Don't be irresponsible

If you find a vacancy to your liking, then take the time to write a competent and high-quality resume, take the trouble to prepare for an interview. After all, it depends on the first impression whether you get the desired position or not.

How to make money on the Internet

A separate section would like to highlight the possibility of earning money on the Internet. Many people no longer want to work for someone else, to comply with a rigid schedule and a dress code. The ability to plan your own working hours, a cozy apartment instead of a stuffy office and the absence of the need to spend time every day standing in traffic jams on the way to and from work attract more and more people. And then the question arises: how to make money on the Internet. Only one thing can be said unequivocally, that on the Internet, as in life, offers of easy and fast money are a scam.

What are the ways to earn money on the Internet?

- Performing various tasks that do not require special skills. For example, completing surveys, writing reviews, watching promotional videos, etc.

— Rewriting and copywriting of articles.

- Participate in affiliate programs.

- Administration of groups.

- Paid consultations.

And this is not a complete list of possible options. You can learn more about the options for online earnings without investments.

How to find the desired job?

You have already decided on the type of activity that you would like, and then the question arises, how to get the desired position.

  • Appearance

Use some detail in your clothes that will make you recognizable. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Bright blue hair will obviously be superfluous in the corridors of a law office.

  • Find "helpers"

Find out what requirements apply to applicants in the desired field of activity. If possible, ask people you know to spread the necessary information about you in the appropriate circles. Rumors told through third parties are much more effective than self-promotion.

  • Start a blog

If your achievements and successes are open to society, then the chances of attracting professional interest will increase significantly. And do not disregard those who show a desire to make acquaintance with you.

For few people, finding a job to their liking has an end point. Interests and desires often change over the course of life, so you can say to yourself more than once: “I want to find another job.” The main thing is to get rid of the fear of change, to easily move to new levels. It is much more terrible to realize at the end that you did not live your life the way you would like, were engaged in an unloved business and felt out of place.

High school left no vivid traces in my mind and I hardly remember it. But one day the class teacher said a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life:

“I,” she said, “teach you how to learn. Then I thought it was very funny and stupid:

“How can you teach to LEARN,” I thought. - What is there to learn? Sat down at the desk and you are already studying. Everything is simple.

By the age of 31, I had a higher education, little experience, and for the last 5 years I spent on maternity leave with a child. Calling organizations on ads, I realized that finding a job is not as easy as it seemed to me at first. All required women under 30 years old, with at least two higher educations, years of continuous experience and with adult children. And how to find a job for me after I spent 5 years with a child, I did not know.

The longer I looked for a job, the more nervous I became, and in the end I decided that I just needed any Job. I was ready to do anything to find any job.

One day, when I went to the grocery store near my house, I saw a job ad on the door and went to the director. After a short internship, I was accepted. The joy of knowing that I had a job was soon overshadowed by the conditions of pay and work in general. I was not satisfied with many things, but I continued to endure these conditions, because. I was sure that I could not find anything better.

I did not believe in myself, I thought that I would not get a job anywhere else, that age, lack of experience and a more highly valued education were more important. I did not find my ability and desire to work sufficient to look for better working conditions.

But the longer I endured and pretended that everything suits me, even non-payment due to the negligence of other employees, the worse and worse the conditions in which I worked became. And every day it made me feel more and more depressed. But I again endured, persuaded myself: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If I quit, I won't find anything. You have to sit and be patient, it's like that everywhere. There is no normal payment anywhere, they cheat everywhere, etc. and so on". Then I did not think that the reason for what was happening was only in me, only in my low self-esteem. The fact that I did not know how to appreciate myself.

People from our team constantly quit and after a while came to visit, they said that they got a new job, where working conditions are better and they pay well and without cheating.

I continued to stay in place, because. The prospect of finding a job scared me. Attempts to understand myself did not give results, I continued to blame the employer in this situation: “Now, if the employer paid more, if only they treated him better, etc.”

Then I didn’t find my mistakes: “I go to work on time, I do quality work, I’m great. And only the management is to blame for the fact that I am not satisfied with this work.

But at some point I realized that I could no longer endure and endure troubles in silence, and so I decided to leave. What was my surprise when the leadership began to cling to me. After all, I worked well and efficiently, for a penny, in general, a valuable employee and it's a pity to lose.

That situation allowed me to look at myself differently and appreciate myself. Then I realized that my work is valuable. What am I afraid of? I can fulfill myself elsewhere. But how I did not want to be unemployed again!

Here I remembered what the teacher told us many years ago. About the ability to learn.

Why did the job search scare me so much? Because I CANNOT look for a job. And instead of learning this, I prefer to take what is available, the first one that comes across.

I pulled myself together and began to literally search through the mountains of information on the topic "how to find a job." The most valuable conclusion that I learned then: “Finding a job is a real job, the payment for which will be the job of your dreams!”

So, I started learning how to look for a job. I re-read a bunch of articles and brochures on the topic “how to find a job”, asked my friends how they could find an interesting job. I looked at job search sites. And, in the end, I found what I was looking for, found the job of my dreams. Now I will tell you in order how I did it.

First- you need to decide on the industry where you would like to work and assess your chances of working there. You just have to be realistic about yourself. Let's say you are an engineer, no one will take you as a lawyer, you need to understand this. But if you have time to complete another higher education, then the road is open. Now we will not talk about a radical change in profession.

I rated myself like this:

- I like to work with a computer;

- easily mastered the accounting program 1C;

— I like working with the database;

- I can work with papers.

Conclusion - I need a job as a database specialist in any program, tk. I can easily learn it.

Second- Explore the market for available vacancies in this industry. I chose trade and began to look through all the organizations in which there were vacancies and in which there are such specialists at all.

Third- call all your friends and relatives and let them know that you are looking for a job. Tell them what you can do and where you can work. People work in different places and knowing that you are looking for a job will have you in mind if they find out about a vacancy in their enterprise.

This is a very efficient method. Most people get their jobs this way. In addition, someone can tell you that people may be needed somewhere. In my case, just a friend told me that a new company is entering the city and recruiting will be carried out.

Fourth- register on job search sites. There are many vacancies, enterprises, there is a forum where you can learn more about various employers. I looked for information about large, reputable organizations on such sites, found out what working conditions are there and whether it makes sense to get a job there. How are they paid there.

Fifth- make a resume in which you highlight your best qualities and experience in this specialty. Drop everything that is not related to this specialty. Feel free to embellish yourself. Post your resume on websites.

sixth- go around all large organizations and leave your questionnaire in the personnel department. All self-respecting organizations make up a database of candidates. Sberbank conducts this practice. And my friend got a job there, even without any experience in a bank. Now she is the head of the department.

seventh- View new vacancies and call everywhere, go for interviews. When I found out about a new organization coming to our city, I sent my resume to the site. They didn't answer me. But I waited, and when the job fair was announced, I went again and wrote an application. Now my application has already been selected and invited to the tests, which I successfully passed and was accepted into the company.

eighth- vacancies that require a certain age, 5 educations and a huge experience - brush aside, most likely, they do not need specialists and you will simply lose time. Now, working in a reputable company, I can say this with accuracy. Age is not important, what is important is the desire to work and learning.

ninth- if the organization is solid and they have a vacancy below your requirements, do not neglect it, get settled and move up. Over time, you will get the position you wanted. Study, pass tests, write an application for a promotion and you will receive it.

tenth Don't despair if you can't find what you need for a long time. Believe and seek and you will definitely succeed.

Sincerely, Larissa Kim.

How to find a job that you like? An ideal job, this is the job that you love and for you it brings great satisfaction and decent pay. A workplace that you like is a luxury for a person. Life is moving forward by leaps and bounds and there are many new opportunities in new sectors, in new companies. Employers are most often looking for professionals. And applicants for a job that would bring satisfaction and decent pay for their work. They dream of exploring the career topic with serious intentions, creativity and originality, with an unconventional resume.

  1. Be realistic. Are you doing job satisfaction analysis? Every job has its ups and downs, its good days and days you hate. Do not expect eternal euphoria in life and work. But if you love your job and are in harmony with the work environment, you will know and feel like an extension of your personality, and not like a grueling ordeal of routine activities. Job satisfaction does exist, taking on all sorts of forms and guises in the presence of a great mood. Many people love their job and their chosen career.
  2. Explore your values. Determining the things that are really important to you will help you get rid of headaches, suffering in the future and save a lot of time. There are many tests and indicators to determine the important criteria for yourself in life. You can ask yourself what is truly important to you and prioritize them. The list might be something as varied as a house in the country, time with family, a great team, workplace insurance, a company brand, or maybe it's continuous learning and development or something else. The list can be very long or short, but it will be unique for each person. It is important to prioritize each position by figuring out what matters most to you.
  3. Define your interests. Ask yourself what do you usually want and like to do? Maybe you are an aspiring artist? Do you draw cartoons in the margins? Maybe you like working with numbers? You have discovered in yourself a penchant for learning foreign languages. And are you looking forward to the weekend to practice your French skills with guests on a city tour or write an article or teach French to kids? Maybe you like to compose and you are a poet? Or do you like to travel? Most people excel at the things they love to do.
  4. Reveal your strong abilities and skills. Of course, you have highly developed skills and skills that are poorly developed. It can be not only hard-earned skills in school that have a positive impact in life, but also other skills and abilities that lead you forward, inspire, motivate and help you interact with people. But all your skills, when put together in one unique resume, will help you land your dream job in today's career market.
  5. Be prepared to be retrained. Retraining does not mean that you will immediately be hired for a job that you like. For an extended period of time, you can conduct on-the-job training programs. It is not necessary that you will be sent to training, it can be a self-study program or a self-improvement course. Knowledge contributes to maintaining and deepening skills.
  6. Analyze. Do research. Conducting research and reviewing companies and industries, orienting yourself in real positions of future work and for building your career, requires not to stop there. Connect with people who work in your area of ​​interest and get a feel for what a day of their working life looks like. Match their work time with your interests, skills, and values. Fill out an information letter on the company's website and after the interview walk around the office, talk to the people who work there. Find out what people value in a job, career, and company. Make sure it's the one you're aiming for and matches your values, abilities, and interests. Ideally, the more you learn, the more chances you have to avoid making mistakes.
  7. Assess the quality of your working life. Factors influencing the motivation to decide to get a job: earning a livelihood, responsibility, harmful or healthy working conditions, nutrition at work, positive relationships in the team, the possibility of using and developing human potential, prospects for further growth, living and working in space (work schedule). Increased workload, overtime, lack of time for rest can have serious consequences for family life. This is a very serious criterion for the applicant! The quality of work life assessment shows you that you are completely your own decision maker.
  8. Consult a professional consultant or trainer. Once you have found that you are unable to identify your professional, personal needs, develop a plan for making an employment decision. For some people, it's just the realization of their capabilities. They come to an independent active implementation of the thoughts that have arisen and gladly decide to change their attitude to work. Others find they need to do something to try and realign work from wellness, asking for an extra hour to go home and feed the kids, or a sabbatical or extra training or more regular performance reviews or better communication with the boss, etc. . Remember, if you lack the know-how or confidence, you can get training, help and support from those you trust by contacting a friend, professional consultant or trainer. Most importantly, realize that you are in control of your career.
  9. Practice meditation for 10-15 minutes a day. Just be quiet every day. Let yourself know that you have a job you love, a job that is fulfilling and well-paid. Do not allow any extraneous negative thought during meditation. Close your eyes and imagine where you want to be in a few years. How do you feel? What are you doing in the picture presented to you? Don't be afraid to dream and think outside the box as your interests and career aspirations can be matched. This will probably be the most beautiful, positive part of your day. The meditation period allows you to focus on what you “want” and find inner harmony, attract positive energy, feel confident in yourself, in your strengths, in achieving success!

If you feel that the process of creating something more significant and interesting could give you much more pleasure than current activities that bring you absolutely no moral satisfaction, estet-portal will tell you how to radically change your life and, finally, find your calling.

Wise Confucius said: "Find a job you like, then you will not have to work a single day in your life." However, often this search is delayed indefinitely, a person decides to accept, gives up and stops searching for his vocation, being content with not particularly beloved, but at least some kind of work. And only after many years you can realize what occupation should have been devoted to all this time, which now seems to be wasted. If you feel that the process of creating something more significant and interesting could give you much more pleasure than current activities that bring you absolutely no moral satisfaction, estet-portal will tell you how to radically change your life and, finally, find your calling.

After a person finds his true calling, his passion, obsession, what makes him burn, life is divided into "before" and "after". It is the hobby that makes people create incredible, ingenious things.

That is why Van Gogh woke up every day at 5 am and began to paint a picture that was completed by the evening. Thanks to such enthusiasm, over a short creative life, the artist created more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings.

The literary heritage of Leo Tolstoy includes 270 works. Mozart managed to create music wherever he was, even at a noisy party, writing down his creations on paper napkins. Just imagine, we could never enjoy the works of such great composers, artists and writers if they chose the path of "engineer".

What if while you are killing time as an accountant, cashier or manager, Van Gogh, Erich Maria Remarque or Coco Chanel is dying in you?

Stage number 1. Find activities that bring you pleasure

Before you find your calling, take the time to consider what activities you truly enjoy. After brainstorming is over, put your findings on paper by making a list of 30 fun activities. If you find yourself in a stupor trying to find such activities, the following questions can help:
1) What did you enjoy doing as a child and as a teenager?
The child does not need to earn his living by spending 9 hours in the office from 10 to 19, so he has a lot of time to do what he really likes. Try to remember how you spent your time when you were a child - drawing all day long, sculpting from plasticine, sewing dresses for dolls. If you can’t remember something specific, connect relatives to the process who will definitely be able to tell a couple of funny stories.
2) what can you not do?
For example, you just love to pick up outfits and always look stunning, like to pick up decor elements for your apartment or are fond of watching movies and can discuss the watched feed with friends for hours. It's time to think about how you can turn something without which you cannot imagine a day into a profession.
3) what would you like to learn?
If you have difficulty with the two previous questions - try to think carefully about it. So, make 5 points, each of which will be what you would like to learn someday. The next step is to choose training courses. Drive away thoughts a la “I can’t learn anything”, “what if this is a mistake?” and "what am I going to do with it then?". And what will you do when you realize that you have not been able to find a job you like and have been doing an unloved job for 60 years?
4) What do you absolutely dislike doing?
Such a list is also very important since you do not have to break yourself for the sake of work. Your task is to find a calling, given your unique qualities and character traits.

Stage number 2. Decide what you're good at

Your task is to find what you can do better than others, or at least not worse than others. Here you will need a support group consisting of family and friends who need to be asked (or forced) to name 5 different cases that you are doing "excellently".

Stage number 3. Find an area of ​​interest

What granite of science do you gnaw on at regular intervals? Perhaps you never part with specialized literature, or do you always have a couple of interesting magazines in your bag? Or every weekend, instead of going to a bar with friends, do you choose a quiet evening at home watching movies from the 50s? Observe yourself for a week and highlight the sources of information that you use regularly.

Stage number 4. Eliminate the influence of the monetary factor

Perhaps money can be a motivation, but not for long, because work should be fun. If a person is engaged in a business that he is absolutely not interested in, no amount of money can save him from a decline in productivity and depression. Now you will again need a notebook and a pen to write down what you would do if you had enough money.

Naturally, every person at least a couple of times dreamed of untold wealth and imagined servants running around him, and he, rather lounging on the sofa, enjoys his position. Rest is great, but sooner or later you will get tired of it, and boredom will force you to find something to do. So imagine what you would do in the absence of the need to think about how to earn money for a new sofa or car. Write down at least 10 activities of your carefree life.

Stage number 5. Summing up and choosing possible calling options

If, after all the previous stages, you didn’t have a pile of scribbled paper in front of you, go back to stage number 1, because in this case it is pointless to move on. Your next task is to give shape to your desires, to understand which area suits you best. After you decide on the area, make a list of professions. For example, if you have a soul for writing, you can be a journalist, blogger, copywriter, screenwriter.

Stage number 6. Feel the profession

In order to understand "mine" or "not mine" you need to try. All that is required of you is to immerse yourself in your intended calling at least once. Know that working and dreaming of a calling are two different things. Finding a job that you love and that you really enjoy doing is your goal.

Stage number 7. Showcase your creativity

Show everyone what you have managed to create by sharing it on social networks. There is no need to be modest here, but you should not rant too much about the talent that suddenly opened up in you either.

Stage number 8. Work with objections

At this stage, you need to work with inhibitory mechanisms and objections.
"You can't make money from this." If someone in the world makes money on this, then why can't you?
"I don't have the right skills and education." Today there are a lot of different courses in which you can be taught anything, this is not a problem at all.

"I'm scared to start over." It is time to take out that same notepad on duty again and divide the sheet of paper into two columns. It's time to describe your future in 50 years. On the left, describe how you see your future if you still don’t decide to change anything, and on the right, what your life will be like if you find a job according to your vocation. After that, compare the two options and decide which future you like best.

"At my age, it's too late to change anything." Did you know that Van Gogh decided to attend painting classes only at the age of 27, and Christian Dior began working as a designer only at 42? This proves that age is not a barrier.

Now that you know how to find your calling, you just have to be patient and diligent, because only in this way will your life become better.

You feel tired from the very morning, it seems that the people around you look unfriendly, nothing at work arouses interest, and there are no impressive results for a long time either. A doctor would call it chronic fatigue syndrome, a psychologist would suspect professional burnout. There can be many reasons for this disease. Find yours, take the necessary measures, and you will have a second wind.

"How tired everyone is!"

Anyone who works in the service sector communicates with a large number of people every day. The sales manager talks to customers, the hairdresser listens to dozens of other people's stories and problems... But there comes a time when customers and even random fellow travelers in transport begin to evoke a feeling of irritation.

Solution. There is a golden rule in marketing: "Listen to the customer!" You, as a responsible person who loves your work, try every day to take into account the wishes of customers, look for compromises with suppliers, take care of the staff... You need to treat yourself with the same attention.

Clearly plan the time of work and rest and stick to the schedule.

If possible, go to a nearby cafe for lunch. A change of scenery and a short walk distract from business and help to calm down faster.

"I'll do better"

Even at school, there was only one mark for you - “excellent”, the rest was regarded as a failure. Your parents didn’t even praise you, because the five is not a holiday, but the norm. Ever since then, you can't afford to do anything that isn't great. Sterile cleanliness in the apartment, no semi-finished products for dinner, and at work you bring every task to perfection at any cost ... Even if you still don’t know that the price for it is quite high, namely your health, you need to reconsider your attitude to work as soon as possible and prioritize correctly.

Solution. Ideal people do not exist. Accept it as an axiom, allow yourself to be imperfect and sometimes make mistakes. Try to look at life easier. It doesn't make her any less interesting.

If the boss criticized the report, this is not a collapse of a career, but a guide to action and a couple of hours of brainstorming.

After productive work, give your brain an equally productive rest. For example, you can read a book, but such that it captures you completely. By the way, then you will work with greater efficiency. By shifting your attention away from work problems, you allow yourself to look at them from a different perspective. As a result, you can find the shortest ways to solve a problem or see how to present your work in the most beneficial way.

"I can't do anything"

Young mothers are also at risk of burnt out at work. Doubts in the spirit of “I pay little attention to the child and the house” do not allow me to focus either on work or on the family.

Solution! If you too are facing a similar problem, try to find a balance between work and family.

Weigh your options and prioritize.

Do not refuse the help of friends and relatives.

"What if they get fired"

The threat of dismissal, fierce competition, high responsibility - all these are signs of life in modern companies. The constant need to hold positions and win new ones is very expensive for us. Nervous breakdowns and stress are inevitable.

Solution. Ask yourself the question: “Do you live in order to work, or do you still work in order to live? Most likely, you will choose the second option. This means that some changes will have to be made.

With the problem of professional burnout, as a rule, people who have an interesting and favorite hobby are unfamiliar. In this case, work does not become the only meaning of life, you think about more interesting things, you experience pleasant emotions, and this is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Control your emotions and rest before you get tired. After all, your goal is to work at your favorite job with joy and pleasure? So let everyone see that you are a confident person and are not afraid of anything.