Toxicosis in men is an amazing phenomenon. Why pregnant women feel sick from the smell of their husband The frequency of vomiting and its intensity matter

A dreary condition, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy in the morning is a very common occurrence in the first half of the term. Perhaps that is why most women who are expecting a baby treat toxicosis as an inevitability and do not try to fight it.

Toxicosis or nausea during early pregnancy

“In itself, early toxicosis is really not terrible, but women suffering from it are more likely to have later, more serious complications,” says Lyudmila Murashko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Pregnancy Pathology Department of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - So, preeclampsia - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy - is fraught not only with high blood pressure, swelling in the legs, but also with possible eclampsia with muscle cramps of the body and loss of consciousness. This is such a dangerous condition that a woman's life is on the verge - it is not for nothing that preeclampsia is in third place in terms of the number of deaths among mothers and children. Therefore, you should not treat early toxicosis irresponsibly, you must remember about its possible consequences.

Does frequency and intensity of vomiting matter?

— Of course. Toxicosis is divided into a mild stage, when a woman feels sick during pregnancy up to five times a day, moderate severity - from 5 to 10 times, and a severe form - when she vomits more than 10 times a day. The first stage occurs in almost every pregnant woman and is corrected by proper nutrition and regimen. With the second degree of severity of toxicosis, when vomiting is more than 5 times, hospitalization with infusion therapy is already preferable - inevitable with the most severe complication of pregnancy. Then intravenous drip administration of drugs is aimed not only at cleansing the body (as with moderate severity), but also at vitamin therapy, sedative effects that calm the nervous system, and treatment to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is often necessary to drip immunoglobulins - women with autoimmune disorders, especially with incompatibility of spouses.

- Is it when a wife is sick of her husband?

- Roughly speaking. Immunological incompatibility between father and mother is indeed one of the causes of toxicosis and is not so rare. The mother's body tries to reject foreign cells - especially during the first pregnancy, which is why there is a need for special immunotherapy. We take blood from the husband, “wash” the lymphocytes and inject them into the wife. Such therapy is quite popular and effective.

- And the psychological factor cannot cause toxicosis?

- It happens. Mom, for example, talked about how she felt sick and vomited during pregnancy, and her daughter is impressionable ... For such and similar cases, psychologists and even psychotherapists work in our center - we often have patients who are observed in psychiatric centers.
Here's an example. Recently they brought a woman from another republic with severe toxicosis. She did not have any obvious pathology, but there was such vomiting that she lost 7 kilograms. We injected her with a liter of fluid a day to avoid dehydration, but could not establish the cause of this condition. Until they called a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist, to be exact. She acknowledged certain problems, as a result of which we put the girl on very high doses of droperidol, a drug that affects the central nervous system. It was mainly thanks to him that she went home with a progressing pregnancy. This is the second serious case this year when psychotherapists had to be included in the treatment.

- I did not understand - the patient suffered from a clear mental disorder?

“We have no right to make such diagnoses without contacting relatives or herself to the appropriate specialists. It was necessary for the girl to progress the pregnancy - we called a psychotherapist, who wrote in the medical history: “a depressive state” and gave appropriate recommendations. Everyone who comes to us, we cure one way or another.


- Lyudmila Evgenievna, is there a predisposition to toxicosis?

- Usually it is associated with chronic problems. So, early toxicosis occurs more often in women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis or an ulcer is practically a guarantee of future toxicosis. Although not necessarily long and heavy. The same can be said about thyroid diseases - a very high percentage of pregnant women with thyroid problems have nausea and vomiting in the first half of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman planning to become a mother should first see a doctor in a antenatal clinic or a therapist in order to find out her general condition. Going into pregnancy should be healthy.

How often do you meet completely healthy people now?

- The expectant mother should improve her health. That is, rest, take vitamins, eat well, play sports. Especially take care of their condition should be women who are going to give birth after 30 years. At this age, chronic diseases are no longer a rarity, so you should always remember about responsibility to yourself and your unborn child. It is important not to neglect a visit to the gynecologist: if a woman is periodically observed in the antenatal clinic, then she, of course, has a better pregnancy and the likelihood of toxicosis is less.

- You said it can be corrected by proper nutrition. What does it consist of?

- Eating more often and less - the so-called fractional nutrition. It is advisable to give up spicy, salty foods that cause sharp reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, and prefer milk and cottage cheese containing calcium to them. But in general, during this period, a woman should eat what she wants, listen to her desires.

- You can get really fat that way. By the way, is toxicosis more common in thin or large women?

- There are no specific statistics, but, according to our observations, they are thin. As I said, toxicosis occurs in pregnant women with thyroid disease, and they do not differ in large dimensions.


Are there medications to help control vomiting?

— Yes, for example, torekan. It should be taken one tablet 3 times a day before meals. It removes the manifestations of mild toxicosis, as well as tsirukal.

- Isn't it harmful in principle to get involved in pills during pregnancy?

- Depending on what. Taratogenic drugs are really dangerous during pregnancy due to the detrimental effect on the development of the fetus, and therefore are prohibited in obstetrics. Others, if necessary, have to be taken - the doctor who recommends the treatment is responsible for this. But, of course, it is preferable that a woman cope with toxicosis without a special purpose - through diet, fractional nutrition, vitamin therapy, good sleep.

- Can traditional medicine recipes be used?

- No herbs can cope with toxicosis. I think that you should not rely on other non-traditional methods - this is too big a risk for the mother and child.

- Then what vitamins should I take?

- Special complexes for pregnant women - now there are a huge number of them. It is desirable that there are all trace elements and iodine. At present, we do not recommend drinking folic acid alone, which prevents fetal malformations in the early stages, or vitamin E - you need a full complex. Although women with the second stage of toxicosis often do not tolerate them - that's why we inject them with vitamins intravenously through a dropper.

- The most exciting question: does sexual contact affect toxicosis?

- If only the husband is sick ... No, it does not play any role.

- But relationships of a certain kind during pregnancy are not contraindicated?

- If a woman does not have a threat of miscarriage, then you can live sexually up to 30 weeks - after that it is already undesirable. After all, what is the husband's sperm? These are mainly prostaglandins - a group of physiologically active substances, or hormones, which are used in obstetrics for labor induction. In order not to induce labor prematurely, we do not recommend sexual activity from 30 weeks. And women obey. At least that's what they tell us.



Imagine this situation: You became pregnant and told the father of the child about this wonderful news, but he had two feelings. On the one hand, the future father was very happy, and on the other hand, he was very upset. After some time, you notice in your chosen one the same symptoms as you. He is sick, drawn to salty, his mood often changes. Do not worry - perhaps the future dad has "kuvad syndrome".

Kuvad syndrome, or "false pregnancy" is a mental illness. Usually, "false pregnancy" occurs in dads under 30 who are expecting their first child. It happens that the syndrome manifests itself in young fathers who are expecting a second child.

Couvade syndrome is susceptible unbalanced, nervous and hysterical men . It is difficult for such men to restrain their emotions, because of the slightest failure they start to panic and, as a result, depression. In addition, "false pregnancy" often manifests itself in those men who do not occupy a leading position in the family, but are "under the heel" of their wife. Men who have "false pregnancy" syndrome often have sexual deviations. Frequent ejaculation or erectile dysfunction is an example.

The most common symptoms of couvade syndrome are 3-4 months pregnant wife . The next stage occurs at the end of pregnancy, i.e. for 9 months . Next to such a man it is very difficult for a pregnant girl, because he is not able to go shopping, help you around the house and support you in difficult times. As a rule, if a man suddenly manifests couvade syndrome, a woman, on the contrary, feels almost no signs of pregnancy, since she has to take care of her “pregnant husband”.

Physiological symptoms of a future dad's false pregnancy include:

  • Flatulence;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Heartburn and indigestion;
  • lumbar pain;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Cramps of the limbs;
  • toothache;
  • Irritation of the genitals and urinary tract.

Mental symptoms include the following:

  • Insomnia;
  • Unfounded fear;
  • Frequent mood swings;
  • Apathy;
  • Prostration;
  • lethargy;
  • Irritability;
  • Anxiety, etc.

spouse can repeat the behavior of his pregnant wife . Pain in the abdomen and lower back with kuvad syndrome is exactly the same as with contractions. During the period of increase in the abdomen of the spouse, the man may feel the divergence of the pelvic bones. If the spouse is afraid of childbirth, the “pregnant spouse” will also worry and worry, and possibly hysteria. This will be especially acute at the approach of childbirth .

Rarely, Kuvad syndrome lasts the entire pregnancy, until the very birth. At the same time, the man experiences the same thing as the wife: contractions, urinary incontinence, imitation of childbirth, crying, etc.

Where does Kuvad syndrome come from?

In some cultures, it was customary for men to experience the pain of their wife during childbirth. In order to experience all the hardships and hardships of his wife at the time of childbirth, the man lay down, refused to eat and drink, writhed in pain, depicting childbirth. It was believed that this would help a woman to endure childbirth more easily, because. the man takes some of the pain upon himself.

Modern psychologists believe that the kuvad syndrome is a kind of experience of a man’s fear for the fate of his woman and unborn child, as well as an awareness of guilt for the pain and suffering that a woman experiences during childbirth.

What to do?

The answer to this question is simple - the patient needs to be treated. Psychologists deal with this issue. The specialist will find out the hidden cause of the syndrome and help the man cope with it. No medicines will save you from a false pregnancy, except for sedatives.

To control "false pregnancy" , a man needs to do the following:

  • Sign up for courses for future parents;
  • Tell family and friends about your problems as often as possible. If there are none, make an appointment with a psychologist;
  • More often to be with a pregnant wife and discuss issues of interest and concern;
  • Read specialized literature.

Couvade syndrome is a rather interesting and unusual phenomenon. Main - during a false pregnancy, a man should try to remain calm and not to get a pregnant wife, because one inadequate and pregnant woman is enough for one family.

Nausea, weakness, intolerance to smells - all these are unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. But it is in the power of the future dad to make life easier for his soulmate and help cope with toxicosis. What to do?

1. Always be ready. Nothing shows your partner's love and care more than being willing to help when you're feeling down. Helping you get to the bathroom, bringing a glass of water or mints to freshen your breath - all this is in your power, and the pregnant woman will definitely appreciate your efforts.

2. Help around the house. Morning sickness will be much less if you prepare a light breakfast for the expectant mother and take it to her before she gets out of bed. Keep ready light snacks or crackers - they are good at dampening the feeling of hunger and at the same time do not provoke nausea.

3. Fulfill the wishes of the expectant mother. The mood of a pregnant woman can change 10 times a day, so be patient. Follow her requests, even if she wants to be alone. Believe me, during this period she has a hard time, and jokes about her condition are completely inappropriate.

4. Foreign odors . Often the cause of toxicosis is intolerance to certain smells: if it is the smell of perfume, stop using it for a while. If it smells like cigarette smoke, don't smoke at home and avoid public smoking areas.

5. Don't Complain. Pregnant women find it difficult to understand that someone else is suffering just like them. If possible, help your soul mate in all matters, do not complain, even if you are also tired after work.

Expectant mothers should not be worried, so do not provoke quarrels and it is better to make concessions once again.

Causes of toxicosis

Many have heard about this phenomenon and its symptoms, but not everyone knows the cause of toxicosis in pregnant women. By the way, scientists still cannot explain why toxicosis occurs only in 15% of pregnant women, but the doctors were still able to identify the main probable causes of this condition:

  • Hormones. Already from the first days of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is attached to the walls of the uterus, significant hormonal changes occur in the woman's body. Because of this, the well-being of the expectant mother may also worsen: nausea begins, increased sensitivity to smell and taste. For the female body, the embryo is also a foreign body, so the reaction is appropriate. But after the first trimester, the level of hormones stabilizes, the mother's body gets used to its "purpose";
  • Defensive reaction. Many scientists believe that toxicosis is nature's protection for the fetus, because as a rule, the expectant mother develops an aversion to cigarette smoke, coffee and other drinks containing strong substances, eggs, meat, fish (they may contain pathogenic microorganisms). Nausea and vomiting do not allow dangerous substances to enter the mother's body, and as a result, the fetus's body. In addition, a woman's body produces insulin after each meal, which can also negatively affect the growth and development of the embryo;
  • Placenta. During the first trimester, the placenta is formed - it is during this period that most women suffer from unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis. The formation of the placenta ends at 12-13 weeks: now the baby will be reliably protected, because in addition to the nutritional function, the placenta can still retain toxic substances. In the meantime, it is not formed, the expectant mother has to cope with nausea and vomiting;
  • Stress and irritability. This notorious psychological factor can also provoke the appearance of toxicosis. Nervous disorders, irritability, stress, unexpected shocks can cause nausea. Doctors came to the conclusion that toxicosis often occurs in women whose pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted. In addition, a great thing is self-hypnosis, and if a woman subconsciously sets herself up that she will feel bad during pregnancy, she gets the appropriate result;
  • Restructuring of the nervous system. In addition to other processes, during pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes changes in the nervous system. The centers of the brain are activated, which are responsible for the sense of smell, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, taste buds - it is their enhanced function that causes intolerance to certain smells and tastes - everything is individual here;
  • Diseases and the immune system. The chronic form of diseases, weakened immunity are fraught with many troubles and are one of the root causes of toxicosis. That is why doctors advise even before pregnancy to undergo examinations and get well treated, take vitamin complexes, strengthen immunity;
  • factor of heredity. The genetic predisposition also works in this case: if all the women in your family suffered from toxicosis, this phenomenon is unlikely to pass by you, so ask your mother and grandmother carefully if they experienced morning sickness and how they dealt with them?
  • Age. This is not a well-tested theory, in its defense we can only say that pregnancy after 35 years is really considered more risky. It is often much easier for young mothers to bear a child than for mature women, but there are exceptions to any rule;
  • Twins, triplets. Multiple pregnancies are several reasons for joy at once, but carrying two or three babies is much more difficult than one. Therefore, expectant mothers experience morning sickness much more often, but the theory is comforting that if a woman begins to have toxicosis, then the likelihood of a miscarriage decreases significantly.

Of course, no one can give a universal remedy that will save a woman from all manifestations of toxicosis. Ideally, it is advisable to prepare for motherhood in advance in order to reduce the risks of all kinds of complications, but if pregnancy has become an unexpected joy for you, do not worry - toxicosis can, if not overcome, then significantly reduce its manifestations. Well, future dads will be able to help them with this.

The hypersensitivity of pregnant women to smells has become a common subject for jokes. However, many pregnant women are not laughing when they start to feel sick from the usual smells, for example, from such a native natural smell of a husband. Or from his cologne. What to do?

The appearance of nausea in pregnant women with the appearance of long-familiar odors, experts cannot fully explain. There is an assumption that against the background of the “pregnant” hormonal background, the mucous membranes of the nose swell, which distorts the perception of odors. The psychogenic factor is also not excluded.

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of nausea from the smell, you need to look for ways out of the situation. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet come up with a drug that could help a woman in this situation. There is only one thing left: complete frankness with your husband: if your husband's toilet water suddenly becomes your worst enemy, do not be silent, but let him know about it! The request to wash as often as possible (at least when approaching you) in your position is also completely justified.

Nasal congestion during pregnancy

Nasal congestion during pregnancy is another problem that occurs quite often. The thing is that during pregnancy, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and sinuses develops. As a rule, the problem of difficult nasal breathing occurs from the second half of pregnancy. Most women describe signs of nasal congestion similar to those of a runny nose, but there is no discharge from the nose.