When you can start having sex after childbirth: tips and rules. Intimate life after childbirth: when can I start it? How to start having sex after childbirth: features and subtleties How long can you live sexually

Gynecologists often hear the same question from young mothers: “when can I have sex?”. Young mothers are more interested in this issue than dads, since the entire pregnancy and childbirth fall entirely on the fragile female shoulders. Women, bearing a baby, completely change, both physically and psychologically. Their vulnerable and delicate body is preparing for the appearance of a child, which completely rebuilds it. Nature made sure that women could endure, give birth and feed their children. Sadly, this can significantly affect intimacy after the birth of a baby.

The very process of pregnancy changes the female body. Many mothers cannot return to their former forms for a long time. Weakened abdominal muscles, stretch marks, excess weight left during pregnancy - all this provokes complexes that a woman accumulates in herself, which negatively affects the intimate relationship between the couple.

The opportunity to resume sexual intercourse for the first time appears after about seven weeks after the birth of the child.

Reasons for not having sex after childbirth:

  • Difficult childbirth;
  • The presence of ruptures of the internal tissues of the perineum and muscles of the uterus;
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones during labor;
  • Postponed caesarean section.

All these reasons can delay the resumption of sexual intercourse until the female body is fully restored.

Do not neglect the recommendations of the gynecologist, because only the attending physician can check how well the genitals and vagina have recovered after the birth of the baby, whether blood flows well there. Mothers who have given birth are offered to visit a gynecologist after one month after the birth of the baby in the event that the birth went without complications.

If, after the birth and discharge of the mother and baby home, pain, bleeding, fever continue, then you need to urgently contact the gynecologist. These symptoms may be caused by an infection during the postpartum period. For this reason, sexual contact also remains strictly prohibited.

Bleeding that occurs after the birth of a baby can last for one to three weeks, gradually “fading away”.

A woman should listen to her body, because only she knows it like no one else. It must be said that the resumption of the desire for intercourse after childbirth depends not only on health, but also on the psychological state and mood.

postpartum period

During the postpartum period, a woman changes psychologically. She often gets tired, irritable, impulsive, which can be caused by postpartum depression or even psychosis. This prevents sex from being as pleasurable and emotionally charged. During this period, the support of the husband is extremely necessary. A young mother, looking at herself in the mirror, often finds fault with the reflection and tries to see in it an insufficiently attractive woman, which significantly reduces self-esteem. Compliments from a loved one are very important here. The husband and dad in one person should understand that during this period the emotional connection established within the couple is important. Assistance in caring for a newborn should be evenly distributed among new parents, which allows each family member to devote at least a little time to each other.

The first intimacy should be set in a romantic mood, light candles, use fragrant oils, turn on pleasant music, cook together or order a delicious dinner at home, which will certainly allow both partners to relax and improve their mood. However, for the first time after childbirth, having sex should be careful, do not forget about the occurrence of bleeding, since the woman's body may not fully recover.

To start sexual intercourse, it is best to use intimate caresses, which will relax and give you the opportunity to feel whether sex will be pleasant or whether it will still bring not very pleasant sensations. Also, many women after childbirth are afraid of dryness in the vagina. To eliminate such problems, you can use intimate lubricant. Of great importance is how the woman's delivery went, whether it was a natural birth or a caesarean section.


A caesarean section occupies a separate place in the list of procedures that help childbirth go painlessly and safely, both for the mother and the baby. A caesarean section is a surgical operation during childbirth that may be needed at any stage of pregnancy. There are many indications for a caesarean section, for example:

  • Premature placental abruption;
  • Incorrect position of the fetus;
  • The occurrence of bleeding for unknown reasons;
  • Winding the cervical groove in the fetus with the umbilical cord several times;
  • Death of the fetus in the womb.

The detection of all these causes requires urgent surgical intervention. Immediately after the operation, a recovery period is required, which lasts from 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, the suture completely heals, and postpartum bleeding also stops. Intimate intimacy should bring pleasure to both partners, a large role in this is played by correctly selected postures during intercourse. That with a caesarean section, that with natural childbirth, it is best to start with a pose when the man is behind. This position allows you not to put pressure on the abdominal muscles and control the penetration of the penis into the vagina, while the man must be careful not to harm his companion.

Among women who have given birth, there is an opinion that after the birth of a baby during the first six months there is no possibility of becoming pregnant again, but this is not so.

The ability to become pregnant in the female body is restored after a month and a half. In women who gave birth by caesarean section, after two months. For peace of mind and safety, it is worth using contraceptives, this allows you to relax completely during intercourse.


Contraceptives after the birth of a child should be treated with caution, but this only applies to medicines that contain hormones. For nursing mothers, drugs are currently being produced that do not contain hormones that can affect the development of the baby through mother's milk. But before purchasing, you need to get an internal consultation with a gynecologist.

It is a good method, but the disadvantage is that it can be installed only after five to six months after childbirth, when the female body is fully restored. The selection of the spiral is also carried out by the gynecologist. Condoms will help protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, but they have the ability to break and no one is safe from this.

Each couple should choose a method of contraception that will suit both partners and not interfere with intimacy and sexual intercourse with unpleasant sensations, which will distract from the mood.

The birth of a baby is the responsibility of both parents. Mutual understanding, support play a big role in family life, it depends on how quickly a woman will return to normal after birth. How long postpartum depression can last, which varies from woman to woman. And this affects the resumption of sexual intercourse between a couple and intimacy. A woman honors herself with confidence if there is a calm, balanced man next to her who is happy to become the father of her child. Sexual intercourse in this case only strengthens the bond between spouses. This gives confidence to both parents as a whole, both emotionally and psychologically.

Young parents, supporting each other, understand more about family values ​​and personal space at the birth of a baby. And sexual contact only strengthens their union.

The first sexual intercourse after the birth of a baby is a responsible decision for a woman, because in her subconscious there may be fears about the occurrence of pain, that her beloved will be disappointed in her, that she does not have the same forms as before pregnancy. And here a man must prove himself as a caring partner who loves his soul mate as much as he loves, but still many times stronger than before. After all, only a loving woman can sacrifice her body, health and beauty in order to give her beloved child.

The birth of a new life is always a celebration for any couple. At the same time, many worries and questions arise, including those about intimate life. Most men claim that the first sex after giving birth is very similar to "the very first time", and this can be explained. Let's figure out when after childbirth you can engage in an intimate life so as not to harm yourself?

When can you have sex after giving birth?

Of course, ideally, in each individual case, the gynecologist should answer the question “how much sex after childbirth” should be based on individual characteristics.

However, some standard answers can be followed here. If no complications were observed during childbirth, then it is possible to restore intimate life after 1-1.5 months. Why not immediately or after a week?

First, few women have a great desire to have sex a few days after giving birth. And this is quite normal, because the woman experienced not only a huge and drastic restructuring in her body, but also a rather difficult and painful process, after which there are usually complications. Secondly, such a period can explain the need for the uterus to restore and heal the area of ​​attachment of the placenta.

Sex during this period is the risk of contracting an infection, which, when exposed to an open wound, can provoke an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. Therefore, it is important to wait until all damaged tissue heals.

The size of the vagina should also return to normal. This organ during natural childbirth expands significantly and does not immediately return to its original dimensions. It gradually shrinks back to its original size. In order to speed up this process, many gynecologists advise doing Kegel exercises to train the muscles of the vagina ().

Accurately answer, kind of you can start to live a sexual life, maybe a gynecologist after the next examination. He must assess the situation and make sure that the organs are back to normal.

After childbirth, the organs of the reproductive system of a woman are prone to infection, so it is very important to use high-quality contraception, as this is one of the most effective methods for preventing and combating infectious diseases.

If, during childbirth, or rather after them, procedures were performed such as scraping, then the period of abstinence from intimacy can be increased to 2-2.5 months, depending on the condition of the woman and the complexity of the procedure, operation.

Seams and tears

Complications that occurred during or after childbirth have a huge impact on a girl's sexual life. And one of the main complications are stitches and tears. Unfortunately, almost every woman faces this problem during natural childbirth.

For example, after undergoing a procedure called an episiotomy (an incision in the perineum to pass the fetus through, followed by suturing), a woman needs a long recovery period in which sex is highly discouraged. This can lead not only to infection, but also to repeated ruptures.

The female genital area is endowed with a huge number of nerve endings, the sensitivity of which can be lost when the perineum breaks.

As a result of compression of the nerve endings, discomfort may occur during walking or during sexual contact. And suturing can lead to changes in the configuration of the vagina, which can cause soreness in some positions and with strong, deep penetration of the penis.

Over time, soreness and discomfort will disappear as the nerve endings adapt to new sensations. But at first, you need to talk with your man so that he is very careful and does not take offense at his partner if she does not want to have sex in one position or another.

In the postpartum period, the skin in the perineal area is more sensitive due to the stitches. And the pressure on the seams, which in any case occurs during sexual intercourse, can cause severe pain and lack of natural lubrication. By the way, breastfeeding also affects the lack of lubrication, in which women often notice dryness during sex.

To speed up the process a little and alleviate the condition, you can use special ones. But, according to most gynecologists, the most effective way to return to a normal sexual life after childbirth is to have sex more often.

Video "When can I have sex after giving birth?"

Informative video in which the expert will give recommendations when in the postpartum period you can start to live an intimate life, and what rules should be followed.

Features and rules of sexual life after childbirth

If the delivery occurred by caesarean section, then the terms of abstinence are usually also 4-8 weeks, depending on the complications and individual characteristics. According to statistics, women after CS are much easier and easier to return to sexual activity than after natural childbirth. This is due to the fact that the genitals have not changed in any way, and there are no stitches and scars in the vaginal area.

Scientists conducted studies in which it was proved that during breastfeeding, a certain hormone is produced in the body of a woman. It is he who causes sensations similar to orgasm. Therefore, a woman does not need an intimate relationship with her husband. But this is far from the only reason why a woman does not need sex after giving birth.

Along with this, there is also chronic fatigue due to constant duty, postpartum depression, low self-esteem and insecurity in yourself and in your body, and so on.

Types of intimate relationship in the postpartum period

After the birth of a child, a lot of changes are observed in the intimate life of a married couple. At first, the couple can adapt to new sensations, while it is very important to find the very position and the very variant of sexual contact, in which both partners will experience pleasure, not discomfort.

There are several types of sex, so each couple should choose the most suitable option for themselves, pay attention to many nuances:

  1. Oral sex. Unlike standard intercourse, after childbirth, you can resume much earlier. In addition, most men are very fond of oral sex, and this will be a great release.
  2. Caresses with hands. If a certain amount of time has already passed, it is already possible to have sex, but the woman cannot decide in any way, then start with caresses with your hands. Remember how it was the first time and start your imagination a little. Believe me, it will bring no less pleasure, because memories of the first time bring a lot of positive emotions.
  3. Correct posture. At first, there may be certain difficulties with vaginal sex. In order not to cause pain and discomfort to your companion, try several different positions, and choose the most suitable one. Usually this is the standard missionary position (man on top) or horsewoman position (woman on top), where the woman has the ability to control both the speed and depth of penetration.

After childbirth, especially when breastfeeding, there is often a lack of natural lubrication. Therefore, take this issue seriously. To avoid discomfort, use a lubricant or oil. This is absolutely normal, and over time, this side effect will disappear.

A man must understand that a woman sometimes experiences not very pleasant feelings. Therefore, all movements should be slow, smooth.

As for anal sex, it is also better not to rush things. This is especially true for those women who, during or after childbirth, have experienced severe perineal tears, anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

In addition, during anal sex, the uterus is stimulated along the back wall, and this, in turn, can provoke severe uterine bleeding.

Symptoms to watch out for

Despite the discomfort, you should still listen to the sensations, which can sometimes indicate a malfunction in the woman's body.

For example, pain during sex can be both physiological and psychological, and pathological. So, if a woman experiences severe pain, then with sexual intimacy it is worth a little delay. Here it is important to find the cause of such discomfort. Sometimes it can be covered in developing pathologies or problems with sutures.

If during or, then this is already a reason for an urgent visit to the gynecologist. Here it is important not to miss a serious pathological process. Blood after sex can be both the remnants of lochia (bloody discharge after childbirth caused by the cleansing of the uterine cavity), and complications and scars and stitches after ruptures. With severe uterine bleeding, you need to call an ambulance, as this indicates more serious consequences.

Don't forget about contraception. No matter how they say that breastfeeding is the best contraception, this is far from being the case. Firstly, this is a very unreliable way to prevent a subsequent pregnancy, and secondly, the lack of contraception can lead to infection.

Take care of your health, and even more so the health of a woman, since the postpartum period is a difficult period in the life of every woman. And in addition to sleepless nights, difficult days with constant duty to the cries of a child, a woman may experience severe pain and discomfort. And during this period, she, more than ever, really needs support.

Therefore, do not rush into sexual intimacy, and give your beloved a chance to recover a bit. And do not forget that now everything will be like the first time - slowly, smoothly and accurately. Let it bring new colors to your intimate life!

Video "Sex after childbirth - the opinion of a sexologist"

Informative video with a detailed discussion of the topic of intimacy in the postpartum period, as well as comments from a sexologist.

The birth of a child is one of the most exciting, enjoyable and important stages in a woman's life. But very often after giving birth, her libido decreases. Many say so: "I don't want a husband." What is it connected with and what to do about it? Let's try to figure it out.

First, remember that a decrease in desire after the birth of a baby is normal.

Secondly, there are two main groups of causes: physiological and psychological.

Physical layer

On average, a woman needs 90 days to recover after giving birth. During pregnancy, there is a real hormonal boom in the body, but after childbirth, the level of most hormones returns to prenatal levels. Of course, during pregnancy, having adapted to higher doses, we experience “withdrawal”: loss of strength, depression, reduced libido. It takes time for the body to rebuild itself.

Depending on how the birth went, a woman may experience discomfort during intercourse, and this can cause fear and rejection of intimacy. Our caring subconscious simply turns off the attraction to insure us from possible pain. By the way, during breastfeeding, a woman’s body produces oxytocin, a hormone of intimacy and affection, it helps to experience deep feelings for the child, but at the same time dulls the libido.

Another nuance that women face after childbirth is an enlarged vagina. Muscles diverge, and our sensitivity decreases. This problem affects us not only on a physical level, but also on a psychological one: we begin to consider ourselves asexual and avoid intimacy, and our subconscious, as always, protecting us from discomfort, turns off desire.

And of course, one cannot write off simple human fatigue. What bed feats, if all we can do in the first months after giving birth is to fall into bed and fall asleep!?

All these problems either go away with time, or, if more than three months have passed since the birth of the child, they require consultation with a specialist.

Psychological level

It is more difficult to deal with psychological problems, because. they are more individual. Let's try to highlight the main ones:

dissatisfaction with oneself and one's figure- during pregnancy and after childbirth, our body changes and it is stupid to deny it. We are embarrassed by our tummy, the weight we have gained, the changed breasts, which hurt and “interfere”. Yes, and in constant worries about the baby, when there is absolutely no time to put yourself in order or just relax and sleep.

changing priorities- before, all our attention was given to our husband and our beloved, and now we have a new family member “dominating”. What thoughts about her husband (he is no longer small, he can handle it himself), and even more so about sex, if the child not only takes all the time, but also occupies all thoughts.

lack of normal life- the birth of a child turns everything upside down: before you had a job, a gym or a hobby, meetings with friends, going to the cinema with your husband, and now? Now the baby, diapers, mixtures, laundry, ironing, cooking, cleaning, instead of the Peppa Pig movies, instead of shopping, a new stroller and children's things, instead of a cafe with friends - a playground. Of course, all this cannot but affect the psychological state. Many women get angry at their husbands, and what kind of intimacy can there be if your own husband is annoying!?

What to do?

To begin with, I repeat once again, to understand that this is a natural process and the vast majority of women face similar problems.

Yes, being a mother means taking care of a child, but you are not only a Mother! You are also a young Woman, Wife and Mistress! Remember this. Allocate not only your time, but also allow yourself to think about something other than the baby.

There are several important steps to normalize the state and harmonize relations:

  1. Exhale - stop and exhale. Sometimes you just need to calm down and realize that everything is not as bad as it seems. Yes, it is difficult, yes, the child requires constant attention and care, yes, there are much more daily chores, and there is a catastrophic lack of strength, energy and normal sleep, but the situation will not change if you continue to drive yourself.
  2. Try to reduce stress- Of course, you want to become an ideal Mom, but don't you want to be a happy Mom? If there is an opportunity to refuse some additional responsibilities, to shift some of the worries to the grandparents-relatives, do it. Your fear for the child is in many ways just a maternal instinct. The world will not collapse if you devote half an hour to yourself, and one of the relatives will sit with the baby.
  3. Take care of yourself, even if you don’t want to and don’t have the strength. Yes, the child does not care what T-shirt you are wearing and how many days you have not washed your hair, but this should be fundamentally important for your man and yourself. Don't let yourself forget that you are a Woman first! Gradually get your body in shape - thanks to regular physical activity, hormones will also return to normal. Make time for a manicure or makeup and do it for yourself first. A well-groomed appearance will return you a sense of "reality". Only when you feel like a Woman can you want sex. Start training intimate muscles - this will not only improve blood circulation and blood oxygenation, but also speed up the recovery process, give additional energy and restore sensitivity and sensuality.
  4. Ask for help and accept it. After the birth of a child, a woman goes headlong into caring for the baby, her whole life revolves around his needs and desires. And what is your man doing at this time? Feels forgotten and unwanted. Still, his woman does not belong to him now, but to love a child who sleeps, cries, eats, says nothing and it is not clear what he wants, Man, oh, how difficult, because nature did not reward him with maternal instinct. It seems to a woman that she is forced to pull everything on herself, she burrows under a heap of cases, gets angry at her partner for the lack of help and support, but, believe me, the Man would be happy to help, but corny does not know how and with what. Ask for help! Do not blame, do not run into, do not demand, namely, ask, let your Man feel his need and importance in your life and the baby. And, of course, thank him for it.
  5. Try to find time to communicate alone with a Man, discussing not only diapers and "what the child ate." Be sincerely interested in your partner's affairs, try to add romance to your time together. The closer you are to each other, the stronger and deeper the relationship will be. Talk to him frankly about what is happening to you and how you feel, do not fence yourself off and do not build unnecessary walls. Speak not from the position of the victim or the accuser, share feelings, tell and explain. Perhaps it is together that you will find a way out of this situation, and the feeling of closeness and support from your partner will also awaken sexual desire in you.
  6. Diversify your sex life. You may not be ready to have sexual intercourse, but this does not mean that you need to close yourself in and pretend that this is how it should be. Try to get out of this state gradually. Imagine that you are schoolchildren and just kiss your man, give him a massage, please him with manual caresses or oral sex. Slowly return yourself to a state of excitement, but do not push your partner away. Ask him for a while to just be gentle and affectionate, without sexual overtones.
  7. Create conditions. If you sleep with a baby or put a crib next to yours, then you definitely do not want to sleep with your husband. Still - the child can wake up! Therefore, try to have the child sleep in another room (use a baby monitor). Can't change the bed? You can always be alone in the kitchen or in the bathroom. And new impressions, and a little extreme, and variety. Of course, it is important not only to retire to another room, it is important to remove all extraneous thoughts from the head. Allow yourself to think only of your partner and your own pleasure. You deserve it, if only because you've been the perfect Mom all day!

Intimate life is intimate for that, so as not to let outside curious spectators into it and not to discuss it at every step, even with friends. But still, there are situations when it is possible and even necessary to talk about sexual life, for example, with a gynecologist after a successful birth. It is known, after all, that pregnancy and the birth of a new small family member leaves its mark on the relationship of the spouses. Including, and on sexual life, which is also undergoing changes and requires a careful approach to the resumption after childbirth.

Sex life after childbirth - abstinence for at least 4 weeks

Sexual life after childbirth is definitely necessary, but the question of when and how to make the first sexual contact after the birth process must be approached responsibly. It is no secret that childbirth is a certain stress for the mother's body, requires significant energy costs from her and leads to certain physiological changes. And after childbirth, a woman definitely needs time to recover: sexual activity in this case is usually shown no earlier than after 4-8 weeks. Of course, everything here depends on the individual anatomical and physiological characteristics of the “newly made” mother, as well as on how the birth took place, how difficult or easy they were.

In any case, earlier than after 4 weeks of sexual contact, doctors do not recommend allowing. This is the minimum time required for the resumption of the uterus after childbirth, as well as for its purification from blood residues. A return to intimate life immediately after the birth of a baby is also contraindicated because during this period the uterus is most susceptible to infection. And the risk of infection will not disappear until she returns to her original state and recovers.

If the birth was difficult, with incisions, even more time should pass before the onset of sexual activity after childbirth. Many mistakenly believe that if the birth took place by cesarean section, then such problems regarding sexual life should not arise with the advent of the baby. And this is a completely wrong statement: after a woman, it takes even more time to recover, until the stitches from the operation completely heal.

Ideally, the “permitted” moment for the first sexual contact after childbirth is better for the couple to discuss with the gynecologist. The specialist will examine the woman's genitals and evaluate the speed and degree of their recovery, which means he will be able to determine when it is possible to start resuming sexual activity. In addition, the doctor will be able to advise the most appropriate method of contraception in order to prevent re-pregnancy almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

Possible problems

But, even if the first sexual contact is made according to the recommendations of doctors, he still may not justify the “hopes” placed on him, both by the mother and the father. The most common problems that young parents face at first after the birth of a baby are anatomical changes in the vagina and its dryness. The first is due to the stretching of the vagina during the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Over time, doctors reassure, the vagina will take its original shape, and this process can be accelerated by performing special exercises (the so-called). A woman can perform them even during pregnancy, which avoids excessive stretching of the vagina and its quickest return to “tone” almost immediately after childbirth.

Vaginal dryness is also a temporary phenomenon that is provoked by estrogen deficiency in the period after the birth of a child. The same factor becomes decisive in the occurrence of postpartum depression and depression in the mother, which are aggravated by fatigue. In this case, men are advised to treat their beloved woman with understanding, not only helping her physically, but also supporting her morally. To cope with the dryness of the vagina will help special lubricants and creams.

Often, women also complain about the discomfort that they feel during sexual contact after childbirth, about the pain at the same time. This situation may arise if the birth took place with tears that require suturing. Painful sensations arise if the sutures "cling" the nerve endings, and in this case it is recommended to work together to look for the most optimal position for having sex, the maximum attention of a man to a woman's feelings. Over time, the nerve endings adapt to new configurations, but for now, you just have to take care and listen to each other during intimacy.

Maximum attention and tenderness

After the birth of a baby, a woman requires increased attention and tenderness from a man. Now, more than ever (about the same as during pregnancy), she needs the psychological support of her beloved man. Regarding sexual life: even if sexual contact is undesirable at first, no one forbids tactile caresses. Now is the time to get to know each other's body again, find new sensitive areas and zones on it, treat each other with maximum caress and tenderness. That's just with female breasts you need to be careful if the new small family member is breastfed. In general, the postpartum period is not only difficult, but also filled with new pleasant worries, joy and awe. This is a new opportunity to re-evaluate the relationship between spouses, an opportunity to re-live the first minutes of acquaintance on a physical level. The main thing here is love, mutual understanding, patience and the ability to listen to each other.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Most women are interested in the question, how long can you have sex after giving birth. The resumption of sexual activity is affected by the physical and psychological state.

The determining factor is the physical condition and the more successful the process of childbirth, without complications, the earlier a full sexual life begins. Consider the types of physical condition, and how to have sex in each case.

Sex after childbirth with a successful delivery

Successful childbirth - without breaks, cracks and hemorrhoids, this is a woman's dream. You can start sexual activity, on the recommendation of doctors, in a month. Why is that?

  • During the month, there is a reduction and cleansing of the uterine mucosa, as well as healing of the "children's place", wounds at the site of the placenta.
  • Increased risk of additional infection.
  • Two weeks after childbirth, the sensitivity of the muscles of the vagina and cervix returns, which are accompanied by aching pain for up to 2-2 months.
  • The internal mucosa was not fully formed. Having sex injures fragile tissues.
  • Six weeks later, the woman comes to the gynecologist for a checkup. According to the results of the conclusion, the doctor will tell you after what time to return to sexual activity.

During sex, discomfort and discomfort may occur due to the physiological aspect - dryness in the vagina. Appears due to hormonal changes, low levels of vitamin A and reduced libido. There is a decrease in sensitivity during sex due to slightly stretched vaginal muscles - Kegel exercises will help, strengthen the muscles of the perineum.

As soon as the muscles return to normal, there will be increased sensitivity, and many women will feel the full spectrum of the first sexual pleasures. As a result of pregnancy and childbirth, the number of receptors - sensitive nerve endings, increase tenfold, and new erogenous zones appear.

The opinion of doctors on the question - is it possible to have sex after childbirth: “You need to start having sex after childbirth. By day 40, a woman is already completely ready for sexual relations. She completes the process of healing and tissue repair. After this period, you can enter a new stage in your sexual life, ”says obstetrician gynecologist Natalya Volkova.

Sex after childbirth with perineal ruptures

Perineal tear is a common occurrence. Statistics show that every 10 women face an unpleasant problem. The main discomfort brings a ban on a sedentary lifestyle, you can only stand or lie down. The gap is sutured with absorbable sutures and therefore precautions are observed for at least one month.

During this period, you can not have sex. When the seam on the perineum begins to heal, then there are pulling, cutting pains, constant itching. The unpleasant moments include the growth of tissue in the form of nodules that can be damaged during intimacy, this causes pain.

For quick healing, it is necessary to use special ointments and suppositories. Sutures dissolve on average 10 months. The healing rate is affected by the depth of the gap and the characteristics of the body: someone has a faster recovery period, which is used to judge when you can make love after giving birth with tears.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene so as not to bring the infection - this is the main danger.

Therefore, sex after childbirth with perineal ruptures, if there are stitches, begins with the following factors:

  • rupture healing by 60%. The area of ​​resorption of the threads and the degree of tissue repair are visually assessed;
  • absence of aching pains and unpleasant odors.

Intimacy begins no earlier than after 3 months, but the following activities should be performed before sexual intercourse in order to avoid discomfort:

  1. Apply softening ointments to the seam of the perineum, a baby cream with D-panthen, vaseline, dexpanthen, etc. will do. They are able to improve the elasticity of tissues, especially with impaired internal secretion, and also contribute to the fastest healing.
  2. Engaged in poses in sex, especially for the first time, as sparing as possible - missionary or rider position, in order to feel and control the whole process. This will reduce pain.
  3. Avoid sudden movements, as you can injure a scar that has not yet fully formed.

Sometimes a situation arises when a woman is physiologically ready, but not psychologically.

Main reasons:

  1. Fear. Fear that it will hurt and inside everything has changed. But you should not be afraid, the main thing is a positive attitude and relaxation.
  2. Reduced sex drive. It is observed only in the first month after childbirth. After all, the body has experienced tremendous stress and it needs to recover, so a protective mechanism is triggered. From the second month there is an increase in sexual desire.
  3. Uncertainty in yourself and your own body, due to lost elasticity and extra pounds. Only a sexual partner will help to increase self-esteem, showing care and patience.

Sex after childbirth with rupture of the cervix

Rupture of the cervix during childbirth is an unpleasant and dangerous injury. It occurs as a result of a violation of the period of disclosure, with a large fetus or its breech presentation, insufficient tissue elasticity.

The healing time is 3 - 4 months, that's how much you can have sex after giving birth. According to research, 80% of couples return to intimate life using contraceptives.

Care is taken not to re-injure the tissue and the seam does not open. Sexual intercourse takes place without sudden movements, preferably in one position. After all, complete healing occurs in a year.

Sex after childbirth with caesarean section

A caesarean section is an abdominal surgery in which a 10 cm incision is made in the uterus and external tissues, then the baby is removed. The incision consists of two types - horizontal, located above the pubis, or vertical - passing from the navel to the pubis.

A caesarean section is done only for medical reasons: contraindications for the health of the woman in labor, a large fetus and its malposition, placenta previa. Despite the fact that the external genitalia are not deformed, this does not mean that you can immediately begin a sexual life.

When to start having sex after a caesarean section, the success of the recovery of the body affects:

  • Complete cleansing of the uterine mucosa from lochia. Its contraction occurs, accompanied by bloody. Gradually brighten and pass, which indicates the adoption of the uterus of its original size.
  • Seam healing. Removal occurs on the 7th day, and in a month a thin scar tissue will form. During the recovery period, you need to carefully watch how the stitches heal.
  • Absence of bleeding, clots and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Not painful feeling. No dizziness, weakness and lethargy. Good psycho-emotional mood.

When you can start sexual activity individually for each woman. The average period is 2 - 3 months. The doctor will tell you the exact time, according to the results of the tests, a preliminary examination and the results of an ultrasound of the small pelvis.

Sex after caesarean section consists of a number of features:

  • Refusal of difficult poses, you need to reduce the load on the press. Using an appropriate and safe posture is classic missionary.
  • In sex, do not show sudden movements and muscle tension, so as not to provoke a rupture of the uterine cavity. Muscles do not have the required tone, due to the still retaining action of the hormone relaxin.
  • Only one position is allowed, no deep penetration and keep the utmost care.
  • Use contraceptives - condoms, at least for the first time for six months, this will protect not only from a dangerous infection that can cause an inflammatory disease, but also from an unplanned pregnancy. If a woman is breastfeeding, then the use of oral contraception is undesirable, since hormones pass into breast milk.

And most importantly - if during or after intimacy there is discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, or there is a discharge, then you should stop and consult a doctor. Passing the necessary tests and additional examination will identify and eliminate the cause of discomfort.

Anal sex after childbirth

Due to undesirable contraindications to the beginning of classic intimacy, many couples consider anal sex after childbirth to be a safe option.

This option is highly undesirable for the following reasons:

  1. As a result of attempts, hemorrhoids and swelling appear - because of this, pain and discomfort occur, accompanied by minor bleeding.
  2. Constant constipation, and the appearance of anal fissures. Open wounds appear, into which the infection gets.
  3. Disrupted muscle function.
  4. At seams on a crotch, because of ruptures at childbirth, repeated divergence or a rupture is possible.

The question arises as to whether it is possible to have anal sex. Due to pain, start 5 months after birth. All this time takes a recovery period and treatment.


Let's summarize the article with the opinion of the obstetrician-gynecologist Natalia Moroz about how long after giving birth they have sex : « You can start sexual activity no earlier than two months later. During this period, the recovery process is underway.

After examination by a gynecologist, who states the facts about the normal vaginal mucosa. No damage, no granulation after stitches, no deformation. The mucosa after childbirth and during feeding is thinned, there is no moisture, and this disrupts the normal sex life.

Therefore, you need to come to the gynecologist and talk about further intimate life, ”she says. There is no need to rush, the body must recover properly. The postpartum period, passing without complications, will allow you to quickly return to sexual activity.