Orange diet: fast weight loss, amazing results! Orange diet for weight loss Contraindications to weight loss in this way.

Orange diet for weight loss is a very tasty way to get rid of extra pounds, as it is based on a sweet juicy southern fruit. By organizing your own nutrition with the obligatory presence of an orange, you can significantly lose weight at home and at the same time improve your entire body.

Features of the orange diet

The orange diet is used in several variations, the most popular of which are the 3-day, 7-day and egg-orange diet for 4 weeks. Each of them has its own advantages, so they should be studied separately. The common thing for everyone is that oranges are used for weight loss. This fruit is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In addition, it acts as a powerful antioxidant. It is not surprising that the benefits of orange for weight loss are used in several diets at the same time. By the way, if it is not possible to maintain a complete diet, you can eat an orange at night for weight loss. It contains fiber, which improves digestion and speeds up metabolism, in addition, harmful substances, toxins and decay products are removed, which also contributes to the loss of extra pounds.

Diet with oranges for 3 days

A diet on oranges for 3 days allows the body to recover after a series of overeating, for example, after the holidays, and also lose a couple of kilograms. Its feature is the use of a limited amount of liquid.

  • During the first day, you need to arrange 3 meals, while in just a day you can eat no more than 3 of these sunny fruits, 1 hard-boiled egg, 100 g of wholemeal bread and 100 g of hard cheese.
  • During the second day, the menu and meals are the same as on the first day.
  • During the third day, in addition to 2 oranges, you can eat 100 g of boiled chicken breast and 100 g of skimmed milk.

Such a diet will help deprive you of 1.5-3 kg.

orange diet for 7 days

Thanks to this weekly nutrition system, you can say goodbye to 3-4 and even more kilograms. It is performed in stages and is designed for three meals a day. You can drink liquid without restrictions, but you should not exceed the norm.

An orange diet for a week involves a breakfast consisting of 1 of this fruit, 1 cracker or dietary bread, supplemented with unsweetened tea or coffee. Lunch and dinner differ, but also involve small portions, for example:

  • 1st day: you need to have lunch with a boiled egg, a glass of yogurt or kefir, an orange, a cracker, and dinner with a cracker, 2 eggs and 2 tomatoes;
  • 2nd day: you need to have lunch with sunny fruit, kefir or yogurt (1 glass), boiled egg and cracker, and dinner - orange, tomato, cracker with a glass of yogurt or kefir, as well as boiled beef (150 g);
  • 3rd day: lunch with an orange, bread, boiled egg, 2 glasses of yogurt, dinner - orange, bread with a glass of yogurt and a steak (150 g);
  • 4th day: have lunch with low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), cucumber, tomato and cracker, dinner with an apple, 2 tomatoes, cracker, bread and beef (150 g);
  • Day 5: have lunch with 2 tomatoes, a few lettuce leaves, 2 glasses of kefir and boiled fish (200 g), have dinner with a boiled egg, 2 tomatoes and lettuce (4-5 pcs.).
  • The scheme of this food system in the last two days allows the addition of other products, but in small quantities and with appropriate processing - only boiled or baked, in no case fried.

Diet on oranges and eggs

Egg-orange diet for a month is a diet that includes a daily breakfast of 2-3 boiled eggs and half or a whole orange (can be replaced with grapefruit), as well as a fairly varied, but also light lunch and dinner. Thus, with your own hands and patience, you can achieve amazing results in just 4 weeks, and all because the orange helps to reduce the stomach, therefore, eating less food, and eggs for breakfast do not let you starve. However, in order to lose weight with this diet, you need to give up tea, coffee, sugar and milk. You can quench your thirst with water, green tea, sugar-free juices - no more than 2 liters of fluid per day. Vegetables can be consumed both raw and boiled, but oil, salt and other additives should not be used in cooking.

The orange and egg diet is very flexible, without a rigid meal plan. The menu instructions are as follows:

  • have breakfast with 2-3 boiled eggs, a slice or a whole citrus fruit;
  • have a varied lunch, choosing dishes from chicken fillet, low-fat cheese, 2 small tomatoes, boiled vegetables (beans, peas, carrots, zucchini), vegetable salad, boiled fish - in small portions;
  • have dinner with 2-3 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables, cucumber and tomato salad, boiled dietary meat or fish, if you are not hungry, apples or pears in the amount of 2 pcs.

By applying imagination, you can develop a varied and tasty menu for yourself from the proposed products, so that this meal plan will bring pleasure and good mood. Along with the diet, you can use orange oil for weight loss, which will improve the skin and increase tone. For example, orange oil for weight loss should be added to a moisturizer that is applied to the skin after water procedures, usually in the evenings. A pleasant aroma and step-by-step massage movements will help you relax before going to bed and have a great rest.

Contraindications to the orange diet

Orange is an allergic product, so its use is contraindicated for anyone who is allergic to citrus fruits. In addition, these nutritional systems should be used with caution for people with a diseased gastrointestinal tract. All the diets described are considered quite aggressive, so if you have the slightest doubt, you should consult your doctor.

Orange for weight loss is tasty and healthy, and decide on your own how long to choose a diet, based on your capabilities and desires.

Most of us at least once in our lives, and sometimes more often, begin to think that it would be nice to go on a diet. There are many reasons for such thoughts: summer, wedding, falling in love, the recovery period after childbirth, a feeling of discomfort from being overweight, for health reasons, etc.

And then the question arises: what kind of diet is better to choose? Nowadays, choosing something individual for yourself will not be a problem, since there are a huge number of diet options. But still, problems arise with this, because everyone wants to choose for themselves a more comfortable, sparing and at the same time effective diet. Let's look at one of them.

orange diet. Its effectiveness and benefits have already been proven by many women. Kilograms begin to leave already in the first week, and at the end of a three-week course, the weight decreases by 10-12 kg.

Let's talk about the benefits of oranges

This conversation can be continued endlessly. But above all, this fruit is rich in a large amount of vitamin C. This citrus helps the body in the fight against the so-called free radicals. It also contains many substances that are called biologically active. Therefore, it is recommended to use it:

  • as a prevention of hypovitaminosis;
  • if there are diseases of the heart, liver, blood vessels;
  • For .

Along with this, the pectins contained in it are multifunctional, because:

  • help to improve the process of digestion;
  • improve intestinal motility (thick);
  • remove toxins from the body.

This citrus is also rich in copper and iron, which is so necessary for anemia. The dietary fiber contained in an orange, when swollen, increases the feeling of satiety and promotes the excretion of carbohydrates. Possessing antioxidants and rejuvenating properties, this fruit prevents the aging of the body.

Fruit and your health

The ideal combination of potassium and sodium allows people with blood pressure problems to consume it without risk to their health. After all, potassium restrains the increase in pressure, helps to maintain it in the normal range. A low sodium content, in turn, does not contribute to the development of hypertension.

Orange juice is also considered a good antiscorbutic.

Orange is a low-calorie product, in 100 gr. This citrus contains only 36 kcal. In addition, this fruit is considered a valuable source of lipotropic substances, so it can be used by people of any age. And with almost any health condition. The exception is allergies.

And now the diet itself: menu for the week

To begin with, we will stipulate that this diet is not suitable for everyone, for example, those who want to refrain from it. Consider the orange diet for 21 days.

Menu of the first week

For one day you need to consume 1 kg of oranges. The interval between doses of citrus is 3 hours. Also, the daily menu this week includes two boiled eggs, two liters of water that does not contain gas, but mineral water is also possible. In general, you can drink liquids unlimitedly, that is, as much as you want.

Menu of the second week

Add porridge to your diet. And we eat them as much as we want. That is, not only for breakfast, but also for lunch and dinner. Porridge should be cooked exclusively on water, slightly salted (preferably neutral), but always without sugar. You can choose a variety of cereals for cereals. Buckwheat, pearl barley, millet and, of course, oatmeal are perfect. Also, do not forget about water, you should use 2 liters. Oranges - 1 kilogram.

Menu of the third week

All the same oranges -1 kilogram per day. But cereals are replaced with dishes of fruits and vegetables. They can be consumed both raw and cooked in a special way. For example, vegetables can be baked, boiled or simply steamed. Serving size is not limited. And, of course, we continue to drink water.

If you need to lose weight urgently

Weight loss, compared with a three-week diet, will be much less, it will take about two to three kilograms.

The first day

Morning: 1 citrus; 100 gr. oat flakes (brewed with boiling water); one slice of bread (preferably white).

Afternoon: 1 orange; on a lettuce leaf, a small piece of salmon, which is boiled or steamed or in the oven, it is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice; two pieces of bran bread; yogurt (100 gr.); for dessert - honey (1 teaspoon).

In the evening: in small quantities, olive oil is best, but vegetable oil can also be used: fry a small piece of liver on it (adding champignons is possible). A handful of any berries. Orange.

Second day

In the morning: 1 egg, boiled for 3 minutes; 1 slice of bread, buttered; 200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice.

In the afternoon: leaf lettuce; a small portion of boiled beans; 1 slice of bread, buttered; 1 citrus.

In the evening: a small portion of lean pork (boiled); mashed potatoes; zucchini stewed with carrots; light yogurt (200 gr.); fresh pineapple (100 gr.); 1 citrus.

Day three

Morning: 2 slices of bread, buttered with cheese; 1 citrus.

In the afternoon: a little salad of beets, carrots (boiled) and greens; a small portion of boiled beef (also boiled); rice as a side dish; 1 citrus.

In the evening: a little chicken breast boiled with pepper (sweet); garnish of broccoli and Brussels sprouts (boiled); 1 citrus.

Instructions and contraindications

You can sit on the described diet twice a month. But it is better to combine diets with physical activity. Try doing exercises with a fitball,.

The orange diet is very effective, but like any diet program, it should not be abused. Also, it should not be used if you are allergic to citrus fruits. The same applies to the presence of a stomach disease - it is also not recommended to use it here, since oranges contain high acidity.

Happy and easy weight loss!

There are so many different diets for weight loss that will help you reduce your calorie intake and help you get rid of a few extra pounds. Instead of buying expensive diet foods, you can lose weight by cutting down on high-calorie foods and getting the nutrients you need from low-calorie foods. If you need to lose 5-6 kilograms in a short time or you need to shift the weight during the “plateau” period in the main nutrition system, then the best helper will be a wonderful citrus fruit - an orange.

The orange diet is a healthy way to lose up to 15 kilograms in 3-4 weeks. Such a diet is considered one of the most effective and safe for rapid weight loss.

The orange diet is delicious and easy: you eat small portions and control your appetite. In just three weeks you can see the first results.

Benefits of oranges for weight loss

Orange is just a storehouse of nutrients. Their beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. It is well suited for weight loss as a low-calorie product that contains many nutrients that help the body to function normally.

This citrus is rich in vitamin C, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. One orange provides the daily requirement of vitamin C, which helps fight aging of the body, increases metabolism.

Antioxidants - help lower blood cholesterol levels. The fiber found in oranges helps improve bowel function.

Orange is also an antidepressant, which is also important - while dieting, losing weight, very often there is a deterioration in mood.

In addition, orange is a delicious fruit that adults and children love.

No wonder the orange diet is considered one of the most effective and beneficial diets for our health. This diet can help you lose weight without harming your body like many other diets do. In addition, it helps maintain healthy skin and strong hair.

There is even a legend about the orange diet, which says that it was invented back in the 17th century by Ninon de l'Orslo, mistress of Louis XIV, who believed that this diet would save her youth and beauty and ate at least 10 oranges a day.

Weight loss in the orange diet is due to the low calorie content of oranges. An average orange (170-185 grams) contains only 80-85 calories. A calorie deficit occurs when you burn or expend more calories than you consume.

Low-fat foods with lots of water and fiber can suppress hunger, causing you to eat less. 1 orange contains, on average, about 160 grams of water and 4.4 grams of dietary fiber, which is approximately 18 percent of the recommended daily allowance.

Thus, you can lose weight by reducing food intake, increasing exercise, or both.

Basic principles of the orange diet

The essence of the diet is quite simple - all products harmful to the body are excluded from the diet:

  • Sugar, sweets;
  • White flour pastries;
  • All legumes;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Sausages;
  • Products with high fat content: meat, dairy and sour-milk products, cheeses;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Before you go on this diet, you should always consult with your doctor, as it is low in calories and not suitable for everyone.

It is necessary to leave the orange diet gradually, introducing prohibited foods in minimal quantities.

Physical activity while following this diet should be excluded. If you do not stop completely, then at least make them less active, since the amount of calories consumed is minimal, and it is only enough to ensure the vital activity of the body. Don't create too much of a calorie deficit so you don't hurt yourself.

When cooking, it is forbidden to fry foods in fat or oil, in extreme cases, frying in a pan with a non-stick coating is allowed. Preference is given to baking in the oven, cooking in a slow cooker, steaming in a double boiler, cooking using a grill.

In order to avoid the retention of excess water in the body, it is recommended to reduce or completely eliminate salt intake, it is possible to replace it with soy sauce, but also in very limited quantities.

In each meal, you must include the pulp of one orange or orange juice.

Of all the existing types of bread, choose rye bread, bread from coarse flour, bread with bran or dietary bread - rye, buckwheat, bran.

A prerequisite is strict adherence to the drinking regimen. The required daily amount of water is calculated based on the weight of a person - for each kilogram of weight, about 40 milliliters of water. There are more precise formulas that take into account age, gender, physical activity.

Meat choose low-fat varieties - rabbit, veal, chicken. Remove the skin from poultry before rather than after cooking, so that the subcutaneous fat does not soak into the meat during cooking.

Choose dairy and sour-milk products with reduced fat content, but not completely fat-free, since milk fats are necessary for the body to function properly, especially for women.

Boil eggs (chicken or quail) according to your own taste - hard boiled or soft-boiled.

Nuances of the menu: there are two options for the daily first meal:

  • The pulp of one orange, two boiled chicken eggs or three - four quail boiled eggs. Portions up to 300 grams.
  • The pulp of one orange, one cracker or loaf of bran or whole grains, unsweetened tea or coffee.

The rules of this diet prescribe three meals a day. If there is too strong a feeling of hunger, then, in order to avoid a breakdown, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir, eat a cracker or any vegetable or fruit.

Variants of the orange and orange-egg diet

There are several variations of these diets. The main two options are: 2 weeks (14 days) and 21 days (3 weeks). In addition, there is an express diet for 3 days.

It is allowed to carry out such a diet for 5, 7 or 10 days. Their principle of nutrition is similar. During the diet, the menu includes an orange or juice.

3 day orange diet

The purpose of this diet is to lose 1.5-2 kilograms within 3 days, i.e. over the weekend starting Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.

Such a short express diet will help your body get rid of the toxins accumulated over the last period. In principle, it does not apply to a weight loss diet for those who are really overweight. This is just a quick cleansing procedure.

Here is a sample menu for a three-day orange diet.

Oranges (can be replaced with tangerines) are available throughout the day, plus 3 slices of toast at each meal.

Breakfast: Make a smoothie of 1 orange with 1 small glass of low-fat yogurt with a splash of lemon juice.

Lunch: orange salad (1.5 oranges, red onion, 2 figs, 1 tablespoon olive oil, basil).

Dinner: 1 slice of whole grain bread (preferably with seeds) with butter and 1 orange.

There is no Friday night here. You can eat for dinner after work what you had for dinner for 2 days.

Drink orange juice between meals. The prepared juice must be diluted with water in equal proportions. For a day, from 8 am to 8 pm you need to drink about 6-8 cups of juice.

This is a very strict diet. Therefore, having decided on it, you must first consult a doctor in order to avoid health complications or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

2 week orange diet

Orange diet, designed for 2 weeks, is less strict. During this diet, you can eat eggs and other foods that contain a lot of protein. Here is a sample menu of such a diet

Breakfast: 1 orange and tea with toast (cracker).

Lunch: 1 orange and 1 boiled chicken egg or 2-3 quail.

Dinner: two tomatoes, two chicken eggs and 1 salad (you can orange from a 3-day diet).

In addition, during the day you can drink 2 glasses of kefir and eat 2 toast or crackers.

The menu is the same as on the first day. Only eggs need to be replaced with boiled beef.

These days you need to replace beef with cottage cheese.

Replace cottage cheese with boiled or baked fish.

The food menu is the same as the first day.

In the second week, repeat the menu of the first.

By following this diet, you can lose up to 7 kilograms. If you want more, then you can spend it within 21 days, i.e. 3 weeks.

Another sample orange-egg diet plan for 2 weeks.

In the morning for breakfast, eat 2 boiled eggs and 1 orange daily.

First day

Dinner. Chicken fillet: bake in the sleeve; one tomato.

Dinner. The pulp of one orange, two chicken eggs.

Second day

Dinner. Bread, one boiled chicken egg, the pulp of one orange, low-fat yogurt.

Dinner. Boiled chicken; salad: cut tomato, basil, a drop of olive oil.

The third day

Dinner. Salad: low fat cheese, tomato, cucumber, dill. Season with low-fat sour cream and a drop of mustard, the pulp of one orange.

Dinner. Pollock: bake in the oven; lettuce, olives, olive oil. One orange.

Fourth day

Dinner. Four quail eggs, cucumber, a glass of yogurt. Orange.

Fifth day

Dinner. Beef: stew with vegetables (except potatoes). Orange.

Dinner. Cod: bake in the oven; salad: Pekinka, dill, green onion.

Sixth day

Dinner. Salad: tuna in its own juice, shredded cabbage, bell pepper, dill. The pulp of an orange.

Dinner. Salad: cheese slices, cucumber, parsley, olives, olive oil. Orange.

Seventh day

Dinner. Kura: boiled, stewed vegetables. Slices of one orange.

Dinner. Cottage cheese (5% fat), kefir. The pulp of one orange.

eighth day

Dinner. Four boiled quail eggs, tomato. A glass of kefir. Orange.

Dinner. Seafood cocktail, cucumber. Slices of orange.

Ninth day

Dinner. Chicken fillet: stew with white cabbage. The pulp of an orange.

Dinner. 4 quail eggs: boil, cucumber. Kefir. Orange.

tenth day

Dinner. Boiled veal, baked zucchini. Orange.

Dinner. Cottage cheese with natural low-fat yogurt.

Eleventh day

Dinner. 2 boiled chicken eggs, bread, cucumber. Kefir. Orange.

Dinner. Baked fish, lettuce, cucumber. Orange.

Twelfth day

Dinner. Steam fish; grilled vegetables. The pulp of one orange.

Dinner. Four boiled quail eggs; loaf; kefir. Orange.

Thirteenth day

Dinner. Salad: tuna in own juice, cucumber, lettuce, parsley.

Dinner. Baked chicken fillet; cucumber, greens. Kefir. Orange.

fourteenth day

Dinner. Chicken broth with boiled egg, rye bread. Slices of orange.

Dinner. Boiled chicken; salad: grated carrot, garlic, yogurt.

For breakfast, you need to eat daily 1 medium orange and two boiled chicken eggs or 4 quail eggs.

orange diet 21 days

This diet is more complex and has more requirements, but it is also more effective for weight loss.

Throughout the first week, your daily diet should consist of one kilogram of oranges, two eggs and two liters of non-carbonated table water.

In the second week, you should add porridge with water, cooked without salt and oil, excluding eggs.

In the third week, replace porridge with fruits and raw vegetables. There is no limit to the number of fruits and vegetables you can eat.

Fresh vegetables can be replaced with stewed or steamed. Orange is grapefruit.

There is another type of orange juice diet. It lasts 2 weeks and during this time you can drink only orange juice and water. Although this diet is very difficult for many, it will allow you to lose weight in a short time. The only question is whether it is necessary to accept such sacrifices, which may turn out to be not in the best way for health. An example menu might look something like this.

First week: orange juice, which must be diluted with water in equal proportions.

Second week: 1 kg of oranges, any cereals and cereals in unlimited quantities without oil and salt (preferably buckwheat or rice), two liters of water without gas during the day.

Third week: 1 kg of oranges, fruits and vegetables in any quantity, a liter of pure water per day.

During the diet, it is imperative to exclude alcohol, caffeinated drinks (except green tea), smoking and physical activity. It is recommended to take a course of massage and take a hot bath once a week or visit the sauna. This option is very difficult for the body, and before using it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Orange diet 5 days

This diet helps to lose weight by 10-15 kilograms and lasts 3 weeks. Do not be afraid that you only need to eat oranges, although they are very tasty, but it is too difficult. You should only eat them five days a week, on weekends you can eat as usual.

Not everyone can stand 5 days a week on oranges. Therefore, it is allowed to include low-calorie foods, porridge on the water in your menu.

Weekends you can eat regular food, avoiding fatty, spicy, fried, sweets, smoked meats. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Instead of an orange, you can eat grapefruit. Drink plain still water or green tea. Toast can be replaced with crackers. You can eat dairy products, but low in fat.

The main cons and pros of the orange diet

The main disadvantage of all options for this diet is a fairly limited diet. Therefore, this diet is short-term, its menu is not suitable for a permanent nutrition system. Plus, even the most ardent lovers of oranges can simply get bored of eating it in such large quantities for such a long time.

Choosing an orange diet for weight loss, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Mandatory absence of any kind of disorders in the liver, gallbladder, organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • No allergy to citrus fruits;
  • The diet is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Frequent consumption of oranges can lead to vitamin C hypervitaminosis.

If during the diet there is a rash, pain in the stomach or liver area, then it must be stopped.

The undoubted advantage of the orange diet is the benefits that the orange itself brings to the body, and the diet also eliminates the consumption of harmful foods.

An important factor is the correct drinking regimen, which, in combination with a diet, not only helps to lose extra pounds, but also flushes out harmful waste products from the body and helps fight cellulite.

Oranges protect us from serious diseases, preserve beauty and youth. They also help you lose weight effectively and efficiently. Choose from 11 diets to suit your taste and lose up to 2 kg in just 3 days!

Today, with the help of the orange diet, thousands of charming women around the world lose extra pounds and become even more beautiful. But few people know that Ninon de Lanclos, one of the favorites of King Louis XIV, stood at the origins of such a diet. At the age of 14, she was recognized as the most beautiful woman in Paris, she looked luxurious at 25 and 50 years old. Many said that Ninon received her unfading youth as a gift from a certain old man who presented a similar gift to both Cleopatra and Diane de Poitiers. But, most likely, the whole point is that the Frenchwoman had a strict rule - to eat a dozen oranges daily.

This tropical fruit contains a lot of vitamins and elements necessary for health and beauty. It is enough to eat just one citrus to satisfy the daily need for vitamin C, which prevents SARS, fights free radicals (one of the causes of the development of malignant tumors), preserves the beauty of the skin and hair.

In addition, a sunny fruit:

  • has a tonic effect, due to the essential oils included in its composition;
  • promotes digestion, as it contains a lot of dietary fiber;
  • removes toxins and slags;
  • maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby helping the cardiovascular system to work in a regular rhythm;
  • It is considered the most powerful natural antioxidant and stress fighter.

To get the most out of the Orange Slimming System:

  1. Give up salt and sugar.
  2. Put a taboo on alcohol.
  3. Eliminate milk from the diet, as well as fatty meat and the same fish.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - about two liters a day.
  5. Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  6. Eliminate physical and excessive mental stress.
  7. Spend more time outdoors.

Harm and contraindications

The list of useful properties of oranges is impressive, but do not rush to switch to a citrus diet, as it has many contraindications. It is forbidden for gastritis, ulcers and high acidity. With an increased level of sugar in the blood, it is also reasonable to refuse it. People prone to allergies should eat citruses with caution, and it is better to choose a different menu altogether, since they are considered the strongest allergens. Pregnant women and women during breastfeeding should also not abuse tropical fruits.


The main product in the diet of the orange weight loss program, as you might guess, will be citrus, but there are several variations.

For 3 days

The duration of the express diet is 3 days. In such a short period of time, some manage to lose up to 2 kilograms. You can choose the menu according to your taste.


Divide 1.5 kilograms of oranges into 5-6 servings and eat during the day. Drink plenty of fluids in between.

Second option

  • 1 orange.
  • oatmeal steamed with boiling water;
  • 1 citrus.
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat;
  • 200 ml of kefir with a pinch of cinnamon.

Third option

  • 2 oranges;
  • 100 ml green tea.
  • vegetable soup;
  • 2 loaves.
  • 1 glass of orange-kefir cocktail.

For 4 days

Excellent results of the three-day orange diet are often encouraged not to stop there. You can extend one of the menus above for one day, but make dinner more caloric, for example, add steamed fish or boiled chicken breast.

For 5 days

A five-day orange diet will help you lose up to 3 kilograms. The advantage of such a program is that sometimes you can make some retreats, so it’s not too difficult to endure 5 days. However, do not forget that the diet menu cannot be called balanced, which is why food breakdown is often noted after it, try to control yourself in order to consolidate the result.

Breakfast is the same:

  • cracker or bread;
  • orange;
  • a cup of green tea or black coffee without added sugar.

Meals are tastier

  • Days I and II: soft-boiled chicken egg, cracker / bread, 200 ml of kefir / yogurt, orange.
  • III day: a portion of the fermented milk product must be doubled.
  • IV day: 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a salad of one tomato and cucumber without salt, breadcrumbs / bread.
  • V day: 200 grams of boiled fish, 2 tomatoes, 400 ml of kefir, a few lettuce leaves.

Dinners are as follows:

  • Day I: 2 boiled chicken eggs, 2 tomatoes.
  • II day: 150 grams of boiled lean beef, cracker, tomato, orange, 200 ml of kefir.
  • III day: 150 grams of baked meat, bread, citrus, 200 ml of yogurt.
  • IV day: 150 grams of baked or boiled beef, toast, green apple, tomato.
  • V day: chicken egg, 2 tomatoes, 4-5 lettuce leaves.

For 7 days

If you replace your usual diet with orange for just a week, you can become 4-6 kilograms lighter.

Sample menu for the week


  • Breakfast: orange; 120 ml green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: salad of tomato and greens; a slice of black bread; a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: tomato; a glass of kefir; orange.
  • Breakfast: citrus; tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: tomato salad with dill and iceberg; boiled chicken egg; a slice of rye bread; a glass of kefir or yogurt.
  • Dinner: tomato; soft-boiled egg; a glass of kefir; orange.
  • Breakfast: citrus; a cup of green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef; tomato; a bunch of greens; a piece of bread; a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: lunch portion of boiled meat; salad of tomatoes and herbs; chicken egg, soft-boiled; orange.
  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch: 100-gram piece of boiled beef; tomato; a bunch of your favorite greens; a small slice of rye bread; a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat content.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of lean beef; tomato; egg; orange; 250 ml of yogurt.

Friday and Saturday

The menu is the same: divide 400 grams of fat-free cottage cheese into 5-6 servings and eat during the day. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids - green tea, herbal decoctions, water.


Divide 500 grams of boiled lean meat into 3 servings (this is your breakfast, lunch and dinner). Drink water and tea between meals. It is allowed during the day, as a snack, to eat one tropical fruit.

For 3 weeks

You can stretch the citrus diet for 3 weeks. There are several types of menus.

Gentle option

On weekdays, you eat according to the scheme proposed for the 5-day diet, and on Saturday and Sunday, arrange a weekend for the stomach, that is, eat the usual food, but limit the intake of fatty, floury and salty foods so that the result is maximum. For 3 weeks on such a diet, it is possible to lose up to 10 kilograms.

Rigid diet

This option is suitable for those who want to lose more than a dozen kg. If you strictly adhere to the recommendations and do not deviate from the menu, then you will lose from 4 to 8 kilograms every week.

In the first week, every day you need to eat 1 kilogram of fruit and 2 soft-boiled chicken eggs, and drink 2 liters of mineral water without gas.

In the second week, eggs should be replaced with cereals boiled in water. It can be buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, rice.

The third week is fruit and vegetable. It is allowed to eat a kilogram of oranges and any fruits and vegetables per day (it is still better to refuse bananas and potatoes).

For 4 weeks

Many of those who have achieved excellent results, having lasted 21 days on the orange menu, do not want to stop. However, we do not recommend doing this, since a citrus diet does not supply the body with all the necessary vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. However, if this does not stop you, then we advise you to reconsider the diet and choose an egg-orange or, as it is also called, a protein-orange diet, which will be discussed below.

Diet Options

The orange diet belongs to the category of hard ones, so it is extremely difficult to stick to it. Often losing weight are forced to abandon such a diet for health reasons. If for some reason the standard solution does not suit you, you can diversify the orange menu with other products.


If you give preference to this weight loss program, then, as you might guess, the main products in your diet will be eggs, but not fried, but soft-boiled, and citrus fruits. If desired, instead of oranges, you can eat grapefruit.

Only the unquestioning implementation of the recommendations will allow you to achieve results that will surely cause envy among your friends and colleagues. If you do not like any product from the proposed menu, you have the right to cross it out, but in no case should you replace it. Depending on the desired effect, you can follow the diet for 3 or 5 days, a week, half a month or a month. But keep in mind that if you are allergic to diet products, as well as pregnant and lactating women, such nutrition is contraindicated. It should not be practiced in chronic diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and excretory system.

Egg-orange diet for 3 days

The shortest, but at the same time the most difficult variation is designed for 3 days.

First menu option

  • 1 boiled "in a bag" chicken egg;
  • orange.
  • 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • citrus.
  • 200 ml fat-free kefir or yogurt;
  • a couple of oranges.

The second version of the three-day diet

On the day you need to boil soft-boiled 6 eggs and buy 6 oranges. Eat them throughout the day at intervals of an hour, alternating proteins with fruits - that is, at 8 o'clock you ate protein, at 9 - citrus, at 10 - protein, etc. Do not forget to drink plenty of green tea, water, herbal decoctions.

For 5 days

  • 8:00 am: 2 tablespoons of muesli, 120 ml of black coffee or herbal tea without added sugar, 200 ml of fresh juice, boiled chicken egg, a slice of Borodino bread.
  • 13:00: vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice, boiled egg, bread, freshly squeezed juice.
  • 8:00 am: soft-boiled egg, 100 ml unsweetened green tea, cracker, orange.
  • 13:00: 100 grams of lean steamed beef, vegetable salad, a slice of black bread, orange juice.
  • 8:00 am: unsweetened tea, but not black, hard-boiled egg, slice of bread, freshly squeezed juice.
  • 13:00: 150 grams of baked beef, salad from your favorite vegetables, croutons, citrus.
  • 8:00: a couple of eggs, tea without sugar, 150 grams of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content, a slice of Borodino bread, citrus fresh juice.
  • 13:00: 150 grams of boiled chicken meat, vegetable salad, bread, a couple of oranges.
  • 8:00 am: black coffee without sugar, 2 eggs, a slice of rye bread, citrus.
  • 13:00: 150 grams of steamed fish, vegetable salad with lemon juice, bread, a glass of juice.

For dinner (plan it no later than seven hours), you need to drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir daily. Keep drinking throughout the day.

For 7 days

If you need to lose a few kilograms in a week, eggs and citruses will come to the rescue, you need to eat them every day in equal amounts - 6 pieces each. It is allowed to alternate products or eat at the same time, dividing the prepared provisions into 6 receptions, here it is up to you to decide. With bouts of hunger, you can have a snack in the form of a few slices of tomato or cucumber. Do not forget to drink green tea, herbal decoctions, plain and mineral water, but without gas.

For 2 week

Not everyone can survive for half a month on a limited diet, but losing 5 kilograms is, you see, a great motivation.

Breakfast, as is often the case during diets, is monotonous - every day for a crescent you will have to be content with a couple of boiled eggs, a cup of black coffee without sugar and 3-4 slices of citrus (orange can be replaced with grapefruit).

  • Lunch: unlimited green apples, pears or oranges.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef.
  • Lunch: 150 grams of white meat.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs; tomato and cucumber salad with carrots and peppers; toast; orange.
  • Lunch: tomato salad; 2 slices low-fat cheese; loaf.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of steamed beef.
  • Lunch: apples, plums, pears or watermelon until full.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad; boiled chicken breast.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs; 2 tablespoons boiled beans, green peas or steamed carrots or zucchini.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad; steamed fish; orange.
  • Lunch and dinner menu as on the 4th day.
  • Lunch: baked chicken meat; steam vegetables; grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: any boiled vegetables that do not contain starch.

VIII and IX days

  • The lunch and dinner menu is the same as the second day.
  • Lunch: boiled meat with a minimum percentage of fat; cucumber.
  • Dinner: a couple of eggs, boiled "in a bag"; Vegetable Salad; orange or fresh.
  • Lunch: steamed vegetables; a couple of eggs; white cheese with a minimum percentage of fat in unlimited quantities.
  • Dinner: 2 chicken eggs.
  • Lunch: boiled fish.
  • Dinner is the same as yesterday.
  • Lunch: steamed beef; tomato; fresh
  • Dinner: any, with the exception of bananas, fruits in unlimited quantities.
  • Lunch: chicken breast baked in the oven; tomatoes.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables; orange.

For 4 weeks

A diet lasting a month is suitable for those who want to lose a couple of tens of kilograms. This nutrition program is considered a continuation of the two-week orange diet.

Menu of the first and second week similar to the one suggested above, breakfasts are unchanged for 28 days.

In the third week, you need to eat as follows:

  • Monday: any fruit is allowed until full, but grapes, mangoes, bananas and figs should be excluded from the diet.
  • Tuesday: low starch vegetables, steamed or boiled, salad.
  • Wednesday: fruit and vegetable day, eat everything that was not forbidden yesterday.
  • Thursday: grilled or steamed fish, cabbage salad.
  • Friday: boiled vegetables and lean meat.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Spend the weekend on fruits - eat one type of fruit throughout the day, such as green apples or pears.

Fourth week

Breakfasts, we remind you, remain the same to which you have become accustomed in 3 weeks. There will be no strict menu for lunch and dinner, we will only indicate the number of products that are allowed to be consumed during the day. You decide what will be lunch and dinner and what time they will take place.


  • 300 grams of lean beef steaks;
  • a jar of tuna, canned in its own juice;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • orange.
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • citrus;
  • apple or pear.
  • 300 grams of boiled vegetables;
  • 30 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • citrus.
  • 1/2 boiled chicken (only white meat);
  • cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • orange.
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 10 lettuce leaves;
  • citrus.
  • 2 boiled chicken breasts;
  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • toast;
  • 120 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • orange.


  • a can of tuna canned in its own juice;
  • 300 grams of boiled vegetables;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • toast;
  • citrus.

Chicken orange

For the first time, the diet began to be used in the last century by bodybuilders before competitions, when there is a need to quickly get rid of the fat layer. It is impossible to call such a diet balanced, therefore it is not recommended to adhere to such a regimen for more than a week. This program is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Basic Rules

  1. You can only eat boiled chicken without the skin.
  2. Meat, fruits and water should be consumed after a certain period of time, and not together.
  3. It is necessary to drink water in unlimited quantities, but only half an hour after eating.

Daily menu

  • 85 grams of hard cheese;
  • orange.
  • 100 grams of white meat;
  • salad of cucumbers, peppers and onions, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • 100 grams of chicken breast;
  • 5 plums or citrus.
  • 50 grams of cheese with a low percentage of fat;
  • orange.


The diet on apples and citruses is famous for its great efficiency. If you believe the reviews of those who have lost weight, in a week (namely, the program is designed for it), it takes up to 9 kg.

Within 7 days you have to eat according to the following scheme:

  • 2 green apples;
  • a slice of hard cheese;
  • toast.
  • apple;
  • 150 ml fresh.
  • fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.
  • a couple of green apples;
  • 40 grams of hard cheese;
  • loaf.

Don't forget to drink plenty of water.

On orange juice

You can also lose weight on fresh juice, but not longer than 3 days.

There are several options for such a program:

  1. A liter of fresh juice and as much mineral water as you like.
  2. A liter of freshly squeezed citrus juice, 1/2 liter of tomato juice and as much mineral water as your heart desires.
  3. A liter of fresh and 1/2 liter of kefir.
  4. 1/2 liter of fresh and kefir, to which you need to add a chopped bunch of parsley.


There is a variant of an express diet on kefir and oranges lasting 5 days. Every day it is allowed to eat 200 grams of white meat or lean fish for a couple and 3 citrus fruits, drink a liter of kefir and 1.5-2 liters of water or herbal tea. It is desirable to divide the prepared products into 5 doses.