Choice of generation z profession. Parents - all about choosing a profession and an educational institution for a child

Gradually, the labor market is filled with those who were born in the last 20 years of the last century: they grew up in the era of high technology and are radically different from their predecessors. Scientists call them generation Y. For employers, they are still dark horses. And not everyone knows how to properly attract and motivate them.

generational theory

The theory of generations in sociology was formed relatively recently, in 1991. Scientists have tried to describe in it all the generations that were represented in the 20th century - to give them a name and a description.

Currently, the labor market is dominated by representatives of the last three generations of the past century: baby boomers, unknowns (or generation X) and millennials (or generation Y).

Baby Boomers were born between 1943 and 1963. Their main features are optimism, idealism, team orientation and personal growth, nostalgia and religiosity. Their worldview was shaped by events such as the Soviet thaw, the emergence of the USSR as a superpower, the conquest of outer space, and the Cold War. The result is a generation of winners.

Representatives of generation X were born in 1963-83. They were influenced by the continuation of the Cold War, perestroika, the war in Afghanistan. A generation of pragmatic individualists has formed, relying only on themselves.

After the Xs came the Ys, who have many names - the Google generation, www, millennials. They were born from 1983 to 2003. Among the events that influenced their development were the collapse of the USSR, numerous terrorist attacks and military conflicts, and the development of high technologies. As a result, free people living here and now entered the scene.

A little about values

Scientists argue that each of the generations has its own values. But at the same time, they pass on to the next generation not what was important for themselves, but what they lacked.

Boomers lived for the common good, and they were seriously successful in achieving it. But to their children, representatives of generation X, they conveyed the idea that individuality and personal achievements are the highest values. The "Xs" built their lives according to these principles (in particular, they were engaged in self-education all their lives), and they succeeded in this. And their children, “millennials”, adopted from their parents the idea of ​​the importance of freedom and fun.

Indeed, the “Greeks” do not allow anyone to restrict their freedom. And for their work, representatives of the Google generation require immediate compensation. They will never do something for the sake of a long-term perspective - they immediately need a visible result.

It is these employees who fill the labor market today. In the very near future, they will become leaders, will build a business, and the success of companies will depend on the “gamers” over the next few years. To find an approach to such employees, the employer must know as much as possible about them.

Generation Y: who are they?

Representatives of generation Y value their time, are focused on results (therefore, in particular, it is not the process of acquiring new knowledge that is important for them, but the presence of a diploma. In this they are fundamentally different from their predecessors). Representatives of this generation do not think "for a long term", they live in the present moment, because they most acutely feel the ephemerality, brevity and instability of life. This feeling was formed under the influence of numerous terrorist attacks and military conflicts. And if everything that has been achieved can collapse in an instant, then why plan and assume? After all, you can live in pleasure and have time to try a lot. In addition, generation X passed on to them the idea of ​​the importance of freedom and fun, which the "gamers" adamantly follow.

Yelena Semyonova, Head of the ROSNO Recruitment Department, told about what the representatives of generation Y are like: “Generation Y specialists, or the so-called “millennials” (from the English Millenials), are those who started working after July 1, 2000 . These specialists do not rely on generally accepted standards, but on their own ideas about their career and their place in the life of the company. Among other things, the representatives of generation Y skillfully use modern technologies and consider them as an important tool.”

Naturally, it is quite difficult to motivate such wayward and original employees. Standard methods are not suitable here. Nina Khryashcheva, Director of the Training Institute of the State Corporation “Training Institute – ARB Pro”, candidate of psychological sciences Nina Khryashcheva, says: “According to the American society for training and development, by 2014, 47% of the working population will be people born from 1977 to 1997 - this is exactly what generation will determine the direction of development of business learning. Therefore, the search for new L&D formats should be focused on the needs of Generation Y, or the WWW Generation. The personnel and managers of the "new" generation strive for commonality, the destruction of the system of rigid hierarchy in the organization, they prefer an informal style, and in training they strive to get away from the usual classroom format.

These employees cannot be subject to the management tools that were previously used. For example, the "management by objectives" approach was created during the television generation (the generation of people born after World War II). Tools related to pay-for-performance, KPI implementation, individual goal setting were actively used for generation X (people whose value was individual achievements). Today it is necessary to manage through meanings.

The reality is that HR tools that were effective in working with people of previous generations are not applicable to generation Y. When we say to a Y employee: “Come on, you will work better, and we will pay you more money for this,” he just shrugs. Because it's not the most important thing for him."

What motivation tools will be effective?

Handing out gingerbread wisely

Our experts analyzed the values ​​of generation Y and concluded how to build an effective motivation system for these employees. Elena Semenova says: “If an employer places a vacancy on the Internet, focusing on representatives of the Y generation, then already at the stage of attracting potential employees, he should stand out among others. In particular, it makes sense to use publications with illustrations and videos that express emotions and action, send e-mails with pictures to candidates (for example, with a handshake if the applicant is invited for an interview). The job description should be non-standard, emphasize the importance of the position and express respect for the applicant.

When looking for a job, a representative of generation Y will first of all pay attention to attractive advertisements to attract staff, the fame and recognition of the employer, the lack of work experience requirements and the opportunity to get a quick training "on the spot" ("gamers" in principle are not particularly patient and do not like strongly "strain", so they need the result not in a year or two, but now). Also, for millennials, the opportunity to quickly make a career, the atmosphere of a team-family are important. Another significant plus will be the provision by the employer of a choice of schedule and place of work (so as not to spend a lot of time on the road). It is these means of motivation that will be the most effective.

“The ideal employer of the WWW era is Google, which gave its employees freedom. Each employee can spend 20% of working time on their own project. She gave fun, interest, organized an interesting environment, provided the possibility of entertainment, up to the fact that you can bring dogs to the office. But not all companies can provide an environment like Google. And what if there are no such opportunities? One of the solutions for working with generation Y, in our experience, and the experience of our clients, is a clear fixation of responsibility. When the employer/manager indicates the conditions, he speaks about the consequences of doing or not doing the work. If an employee has not coped with the task, it is important that he takes responsibility for the result and experiences the consequences, which he himself identified. Such an approach requires trust and an individual approach,” says Nina Khryashcheva.

Indeed, the generation that values ​​freedom above all else will also prefer free creative work. The inestimable advantage of the employer will be that he will allow the “Y” employee to work on a flexible schedule, and even remotely. In addition, it is necessary to motivate “millennials” “with fiction”, not only financially. For example, some companies attract employees by the fact that during the year an employee can take five days off for their personal affairs. And you don’t have to report for this - write an application for a vacation or provide a sick leave. Some managers give their employees the opportunity to go to study at any courses at the expense of the company or the opportunity to quickly move up the career ladder.

And who will come after?

The next generation after the “Yers” will be conventionally referred to by experts as Z. Since it is still unknown what events in the future will affect its development and shape its values, experts can only make predictions.

“It is still difficult to say what values ​​generation Y will pass on. The environment is changing at a high speed, we have not yet had time to fully get used to social networks, wide access to information and have not fully understood Y. It can be assumed that generation Y will broadcast to their children the value of creativity, creativity, diversity. And those who really learn how to manage diversity will be successful in managing generation Z,” says Nina Khryashcheva.

But this is not the only assumption about the values ​​of the new generation. Perhaps its representatives will get tired of the freedom that was so dear to their predecessors, and decide to return to earlier values ​​- for example, to stability.


A pig in a poke, or typical mistakes when choosing a profession

Today's notes about what mistakes young people make when choosing a profession. So what not to do...

Choose a profession without having reliable information about it.

Most young people who are thinking about further educational plans or about employment are generally very little aware of what professions are and what their representatives do. As a result, the guys find themselves in a situation of choosing a pig in a poke.

Analyzing whether this or that profession suits you, I would recommend first of all to find information about how, in fact, a typical working day of its representatives develops, how much time they spend on what specific activity. After all, the essence is not in the name of the profession, but in what exactly and under what conditions one has to do.

It is important to think about these questions as well. What requirements does the profession impose on a person’s abilities and what are its contraindications, what level of training is necessary to master it, where can it be obtained, does it give career prospects and what exactly are they connected with, is the profession in demand on the labor market.

Focus only on such signs as prestige and / or profitability.

A common misconception is to view a prestigious profession in itself as a source of income - they say that money comes simply for the fact that a person has it. Here you need to understand the following.

Firstly, it is not the profession that is paid, but the position, that is, the performance of specific functions in an organization. Of course, the potential level of profitability in different areas of activity varies, but the point here is not primarily in the profession as such, but in the place of work of a person, his status, skill level, the balance of supply and demand in the labor market.

Secondly, those professions that are perceived as prestigious, in fact, are not necessarily the most profitable ones. After all, those who want to engage in them usually turn out to be much more than is really required. So, for example, the average income level of skilled workers in recent years is higher than that of economists or lawyers, but compare the competitions for training in these specialties...

In addition, the very concept of “prestige” is very relative: it depends on the circle of communication (in the eyes of different people, completely different types of work are seen as prestigious) and changes quite quickly with time.

Put an equal sign between the profession and the subject.

A common misconception among schoolchildren, and sometimes even students, is to actually put an equal sign between an academic subject and some area of ​​professional activity, arguing on the principle: “I like literature, so I will be a writer.” But what kind of profession is this, may I ask? Author of fiction, or what? Of course, in principle this option is also possible, but much more often we are talking about many other types of professional activity. You can be an editor, proofreader, teacher of Russian language and literature, translator, researcher in the field of philology, etc. All these are different professions, and the activities of their representatives are not very similar to what schoolchildren do in literature classes.

This reasoning applies to other subjects as well. They are not professions, but certain areas of knowledge, the basics of which must be mastered, including for professional development.

To transfer the attitude towards a person, a representative of a certain profession, to the profession as such.

If we like or dislike a particular person, this is in no way a characteristic of his specialty and does not indicate that we should do it. "Good man" is not a profession. Of course, I want to be like him, but this concerns personal qualities and a general attitude to work, and does not replace the ability to a particular type of activity.

And if, on the contrary, we met someone unpleasant, repulsive? Sometimes this can also turn away from his profession: “I don’t want to be like him.” But you see, in the same circumstances, the opposite conclusion is also possible: “I will become a good representative of this profession, and not like him”!

So the conclusion about how to respond to whom, as well as the responsibility for professional choice, still remains with us.

Choose a profession "for the company."

In fact, behind this position is a departure from personal responsibility for making a decision. But sometimes, by the way, such a choice can be successful - after all, the company most often gathers people whose abilities and interests largely coincide. However, this is precisely an element of luck-bad luck, and not a consequence of a conscious and meaningful decision.

Replace the choice of profession with the choice of the level of education or the place of its receipt.

A more justified position is when a person first decides what he would like to do, and then considers possible options for obtaining a specific profession, and does not proceed from the desire to study in a certain place or simply get a higher education as such, no matter what specialty.

If an applicant, wanting to master a certain profession, could not go to study exactly where he wanted to initially, it is more logical to remain faithful to the profession and look for other options for obtaining it. For example, to go to receive not higher, but secondary specialized education, bearing in mind that in the future there will be an opportunity to continue education at a university. This is better than entering a specialty that is obviously not interesting for you, even if it is at a prestigious university.

Ignore your own abilities and interests.

It is expedient to make your profession what you like and what you are good at. Of course, this sounds trite, but it is surprisingly often overlooked.

Sometimes people consider it not important at all (say, I will do anything, as long as they pay well). But after all, a person will not be able to achieve high results in work that does not correspond to his individual characteristics or which he simply does not like to do. In addition, it is unlikely that such a person will feel happy, realizing that he “throws out of life” a huge amount of time and effort in exchange for money.

Another reason for such a mistake is ignorance of one's own abilities and interests. It is impossible to say whether the work will be liked and whether it will work well without trying something similar. Of course, not all works can be tried on personal experience without first having received the appropriate education. But in such cases, one can judge the propensity for them by indirect signs: interest in a particular area, the desire to actively receive information about the activities of such specialists, the ease of comprehending and remembering this information.

Listen to the opinions of people who are not competent in matters of choosing a profession.

It just so happened that many of our compatriots are very fond of giving advice, including on the question of “who to be”. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to recommend something in such a serious area as professional self-determination, only if several conditions coincide.

These are: knowledge of the specifics of the professions in question, as well as the situation on the labor market; knowledge of the individual psychological characteristics of the one who makes the choice; understanding the essence of psychological problems that arise at different stages of professional self-determination.

It is clear that either a specially trained professional (psychologist, employment service worker) or someone who knows you very well and is familiar with a certain group of professions from his own experience can reasonably talk about this.


Professions for the most quick and for the most diligent

Settled comfortably

Recently, one of the foreign sites dedicated to careers, audited two hundred professions according to 5 parameters (working environment, income growth potential, employment forecast, physical activity and stress). As a result, professions turned out to be the most comfortable mathematician, actuary (specialist in insurance calculations), statistics, biologist, software engineer, computer systems analytics, historian , sociologist , industrial designer and accountant . But they did not stand up to criticism - according to the same criteria - professions lumberjack, dairy farmer, taxi driver , sailor , ambulance paramedic, roofer , cleaner , welder , auxiliary worker O, metal worker and builder.

Yes, representatives of the "losing" professions have no time to sit in an armchair, drinking coffee. But is it really that bad? After all, minimizing the physical load of successful professionals at work has its downside.

Why are office chairs dangerous?

At the very beginning of their career, sitting at a table for 8 hours a day in a formal suit is perceived by young specialists as something very serious and attractive, as a new level of solidity and responsibility. Of course, all this would be so, if you do not take into account the issue of health.

Scientists from the University of Sydney (Australia) have proven that workaholics who do not leave office chairs for 10 hours a day are 50% more likely to risk their health than those whose work is “moderately sedentary” and who have to spend working time sitting only 4 hours a day . From the fact that a person has “grown” to an office chair, his cardiovascular system is worse off, he also has an increased risk of diabetes and obesity, and cholesterol metabolism in the body is disturbed. All this hypodynamia, and it is diverse!

However, it is obvious to any neurologist, even who has nothing to do with the aforementioned research team, that the sitting position harms, first of all, the spine. Intervertebral discs cannot absorb such a load on the vertebrae forever. Over time, they dry out and sometimes crack. And this is not all the surprises that osteochondrosis of the spine is capable of - a disease so common even among middle-aged people that it needs mass prevention.

It's time for us to understand: when in funny pictures depicting the evolution of Homo sapiens, a modern person, bent in front of a computer, is added to a number of increasingly upright subjects, this is no longer funny.

From the most nimble to the most diligent

In what professions is movement sufficient?

Applicants rarely ask such a question. Of course, if you aim to get a profession acrobat or stuntman, movie actor or theater artist, model or pop singer, physical education teachers or sports coach, choreographer or psychotherapist in dance movement therapy, then you have to think in advance about the nature of your future physical activity - and about how many years you can “dance like that” at work. The fact that, for example, ballerinas retire very early, and being in excellent dance form (compared to untrained people), makes all those who are going to use the art of movement in their work and make a living from it, take seriously questions load and endurance.

For citizens a little less restless, professions are intended that are most often obtained in the system of secondary vocational education (and earlier, primary education too). Here no one forces you to dance the perfect steps, but you have to move a lot, and that's good, but there is an obvious minus - the movements seamstress, hairdresser, factory worker, factory confectioner, repairmenin the service center monotonous, monotonous. In addition, many of these professionals constantly have to work standing up. (Knowing this risk in advance, many rush to the other extreme - and find themselves captive to sedentary work.)

But no matter how stressful it is at work flight attendants, educators, salespeople, surgeons, veterinarians, nurses their physical activity is relatively balanced. But it happens by accident! When choosing a profession, none of them thinks that a pleasant bonus to the main job duties will be the opportunity to spend working time either on their feet or sitting.

The balance of perseverance and activity has already been disturbed by those who leave the office desk only for on-site negotiations, coordination of work issues and on business trips. This architects, engineers, account managers, regional representatives of companies and sometimes correspondents . But even these groups of professionals do not immediately notice the quantity and quality of such "training", paying attention primarily to the weather conditions that accompany a particular trip.

You can also name individual professions, the activity in which is peculiar. For example, archaeologist . He travels on expeditions, lives in a tent there, and cooks his own food in the field. However, it is impossible to rush back and forth across the excavation area; you discovered a find - and for a long time, carefully clean it right on the spot, sketch it, write a description of it, and then spend time in libraries and compare it with similar samples already found. Still, this profession is for assiduous people. On the contrary,freelance artisanwho makes his crafts at home, orpainter, seemingly not departing from the easel, are engaged in hard physical labor.

But for the most diligent people - professions archivist, notary, site content manager, IT specialist and civil servant. And not only these, of course; After all, the office form of employment is one of the most common.

Dancing from the stove

And now that we know the main options for working physical activity, let's dance from the stove. In other words, let's focus on the moment of choosing a profession and starting a career!

At the beginning of your career, do not neglect the opportunity to work in different areas, try yourself in the role of, say, courier, promoter, cloakroom attendant or waiter - this work, typical for undergraduate students, will help you get an idea of ​​the various physical activities in the process of work.

And when choosing the main business of life, imagine career options that are different in terms of physical activity, which the profession of interest to you suggests. Do you like design? No matter how much the created game designer characters in the space of a computer game, the work of their author is sedentary. And hereindustrial designerdeals not only with the drawings of objects, but also with their testing in reality, and this involves traveling and meeting with production workers and customers.

By the way, just industrial designers, together withergonomic psychologists(ergonomics studies the effective organization of working conditions) and furniture workers help humanity solve the problem of physical inactivity in the workplace. In particular, models of modern desks are being developed - these are tables at which you can work while standing. Among the companies involved in traditional desks, we will name the American StandUpDesks and the Russian Uchprogress. In general, there are many more original developments specifically in this area: after all, it is really possible to design a desk so that there is not a floor under the table, but a treadmill; the door to the office is quite compatible with the folding table for ping-pong; and elements of the simulator fit the office chair.

So you can choose a profession that will allow you to help humanity take care of their health at work - even in a traditionally sedentary one.

If you do not foresee such motives and you consciously choose sedentary work, you should prepare for its risks!

For those who decide to work at the table

So, your work will be mental. How to take care of health in these conditions? Both schoolchildren and students have plenty of situations in which they can rehearse the optimal strategy of behavior and consolidate the necessary skills.

Sit right!Hunching in front of a computer monitor, and even more so over a notebook that lies on the table at all, is definitely harmful. A strictly vertical position of the back is appropriate for an office setting and is suitable for a number of yoga poses, but it is more useful to deviate the back 135 degrees from the horizontal. At the same time, the lumbar spine cannot “trust” the back of the chair too much and sag. The back should be straight. And remember: sitting, in principle, is less natural for a person than lying, standing, running, and even climbing trees!

Take breaks in class.The lunch break sometimes becomes the only break that an employee is allowed during the eight hours of the working day. As long as you can interrupt your activities more often, appreciate it. Decided to eat? There is nothing good in the student habit of snacking on the go; The healthiest food is at home. Decided to talk at a break? The older the student, the more imposingly he moves along the corridor of the educational institution, devoting his free time not to "children's" running around, but to endless conversations. However, this is the case when naive little children are more right than wiser teenagers.

Go in for sports.Pre-compile a training program that is right for you. A qualified trainer and sports doctor will help you with this. However, just playing football in the yard is also a very good option. But do not count on the mechanical alternation of sitting at the table and breaks for intense sports as a supposedly good balance. And if you have never been involved in sports, it's time to start doing it for the sake of your own harmonious development.

Rest actively.Daily walks for many overworked high school students seem like a utopia, but you need to walk! Soon, at the age of 18, it may seem to you that walking is a child's activity, and real adults, if they appear on the street, are increasingly in a hurry to do business, and do not walk at all. False: everyone has the right to take a walk. And at home it is better to limit passive pastime: since you still decide to watch TV, select a specific program and do not switch from channel to channel. Do not spend the weekend on the couch - every half an hour or an hour you need to change the type of activity. And, of course, when you're just moving around the house—like cleaning—make sure your back stays straight.


The popularity of secondary vocational education (VET) and the quality of training in technical schools and colleges have grown significantly over the past few years, although many applicants consider college education only as a stepping stone on the way to a specialized university. In what specialties and in what regions do families show the greatest interest? The Navigator of SVE Institutions prepared by MIA Rossiya Segodnya as part of the Social Navigator project will help answer these questions.

The study included data on admission to the first year in 2014 of students from 664 institutions of secondary vocational education from 56 regions of the Russian Federation.

Study Leaders

The most demanded areas of training, with the greatest competition, among the entrants of secondary vocational education turned out to be "Equipment and technology of land transport", "Equipment and technology of construction", "Economics", "Jurisprudence", "Service and tourism", said the head of the group for the implementation of national projects of the "Social Navigator" RIA Novosti Ivan Nikitin.

"The highest competition for budget places, over eight people per place, was recorded in the Krasnodar Humanitarian and Technological College (for the specialty "service and tourism"), the Crimean Medical College ("health care") and the Cheboksary College of Construction and Municipal Economy ("applied geology", "mining", "oil and gas business" and "geodesy"). The average competition for budget places in all institutions of secondary vocational education and training areas was 1.4 people per place," he said.

The expert noted that in the vast majority of technical schools and colleges there was no competition for paid education. The most notable exceptions were the Ship Mechanical College of the Kerch State Marine Technological University and the Simferopol College of Railway Transport, in which the competition in certain areas exceeded 10 people per place.

At the same time, the cost of paid education can differ by 80 times: it ranges from 1,500 rubles a year (Saratov Lyceum of Railway Transport) to 120,000 rubles a year in several metropolitan USPOs. The average cost of education within the framework of paid admission is 32,800 rubles per year.

Economics and Law

According to the navigator, the highest average score on the certificate (4.9) was scored by applicants from the Bazarnokarabulak College of Agribusiness from the Saratov Region in the direction of "Economics and Management". It is followed by an average score of 4.8, which was scored by applicants from the Volga State College from Samara (specialty "jurisprudence") and Kislovodsk Medical College ("clinical medicine").

Demand for physicians with secondary vocational education has so far remained consistently high, although in the future it may be affected by the current reduction in health workforce. But how much are in demand on the labor market for specialists who have received secondary specialized education in the field of economics and jurisprudence?

The demand for these specialists varies greatly from region to region, says Fyodor Dudyrev, chief expert of the Institute of Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

"The number of economic specialties at the level of secondary vocational education includes, for example, the specialty" banking ". Today, in several federal districts, there are six colleges of the Central Bank, which perfectly prepare specialists for this organization. And their graduates have almost guaranteed employment in very promising jobs," - he told RIA Novosti.

From one party to another

In his opinion, there is another reason for the demand for these areas of training: many universities implement higher education programs that are "docked" with the specialties of secondary vocational education. And quite a lot of families send their children to colleges so that over time they continue their education in a similar field of study at a university, avoiding the need to take the exam.

"Therefore, when we talk about the high demand for economic specialties in the vocational education system, we must keep in mind that very soon the graduates of these programs will continue their studies at universities," the expert emphasized.

The results of the monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for April 2015 show that 67% of college graduates with a degree in management economics and about 50% with a degree in jurisprudence continue their studies at the university. At the same time, the average share of graduates who continue their education in all specialties is about 20%, Larisa Serova, head of the department for forecasting staffing needs at the PetrSU Center for Budget Monitoring, told RIA Novosti.

“Economics and management graduates are salespeople, cashiers, and dispatch service operators. Such specialists are in demand in the labor market, many of them subsequently receive higher education, but mainly by correspondence, combining education with work,” she noted.

Those who have received an education in the specialty "jurisprudence" are employed in the field of public order and crime detection. According to experts, today such specialists with a college degree are in little demand, since the quality of training a lawyer at a university is much higher.

"Nurses, obstetricians, laboratory assistants - graduates of clinical medicine specialties - are in demand on the labor market, but at the same time, 50% of them plan to continue their studies at universities, combining study with work," Larisa Serova said.

Demand in the labor market

Despite the popularity of economic and legal specialties of secondary vocational education among applicants, experts note that working professions are most in demand on the labor market today. There is a high demand for painters, electricians, machine operators, confectioners, etc.

"Salaries in these specialties are often higher than the salary of a cashier or an accountant, so it is necessary to orient the population towards simpler in terms of training, but very popular professions," Larisa Serova believes.

At the same time, the requirements for the quality of training in secondary vocational education among employers have grown today, the expert notes. According to surveys, in-demand specialists should have multidisciplinary competencies: knowledge of automated systems (working as a CNC machine operator), computer programs, and foreign languages.
The situation with the employment of vocational graduates in specialties related to transport and construction is quite stable, Fedor Dudyrev believes.

“Today, many parents understand that Russian Railways and other large organizations that carry out transportation or maintain transport infrastructure (and this is the basic infrastructure in most regions) are usually quite stable economically and provide a good prospect and a very decent level of initial income for graduates," he said.

He also noted that a worker who has received a construction specialty is unlikely to be left without a job.

"Construction professions are massive, they themselves guarantee workers from adverse social consequences. If you are a radio electronics engineer or a microwelding operator, you may have difficulty changing jobs, because there are only one or two specialized enterprises in the Russian Federation. And reinforcement and concrete workers due to the mass nature of this type of employment, they will always find a job," the expert emphasized.

According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, today only 1% of graduates are not employed in construction specialties, Larisa Serova said.
In the next 5 years, there will be a reassessment of the value of the free software system by the population, she believes.

"Parents are already beginning to understand that higher education is necessary to obtain a certain social status, and in order to work, in many cases it is enough to have a secondary vocational education. It can be expected that in the coming years, parents will no longer focus their children exclusively on universities," - summed up the expert.

Generation Z is one of the least studied generations, as its representatives (people born after 1995) are now just taking their first steps in the labor market. However, it is the representatives of this generation that differ significantly from previous generations, because most of the professions mastered by them are multifunctional and interdisciplinary at a high level. Ksenia Pomogaeva, a first-year master student of the Technological Innovation and Technology Transfer program at ITMO University, conducted research on the little-studied generation Z. Thus, the student found out what factors influence the choice of profession and employer, as well as what exactly affects the productivity of the team, as a whole consisting of representatives of generation Z. The research was carried out jointly with the international innovative biotechnology company BIOCAD, in which Ksenia is currently undergoing an internship.

Ksenia Pomogaeva

Why did you start studying Generation Z? How did it happen that your research began to be carried out under the auspices of a well-known international company in the field of drug development BIOCAD?

BIOCAD, along with other companies, is the master of my master's program at ITMO University. At the beginning of the semester, we had a meeting where undergraduates could get acquainted with representatives of partner companies (BIOCAD, RexLex Nova, ITMO University Business Incubator and others), who presented their cases. Everyone could choose a topic they liked and report their decision to the head of the department, after which all undergraduates were assigned to companies. It should be noted that the BIOCAD company presented a case not specifically about generation Z, its focus was rather on the formation of an effective team. Since I chose the issue of developing a new methodology for personnel management as a topic for my master's thesis, I paid attention to BIOCAD cases. However, in a personal meeting with Tatyana Tangisheva, head of personnel development at BIOCAD, which is now my head, we decided to conduct a study on the example of generation Z, because today there really is not much systematic information about this generation that is just entering the professional environment.

How was it decided to organize the work?

We decided to divide the study into several parts, two of which have already been implemented. The first study was aimed at identifying the factors that determine the choice of profession and employer among this generation. The second study was conducted in order to identify the factors affecting the non-productivity of the generation Z team and suggest ways to increase productivity. Both studies were conducted during the winter semester, and as a result of the work, I got an internship at the HR department of BIOCAD.

What did you find out about the factors influencing the choice of profession and employer?

We assessed motivating factors using surveys of students from various universities - both "metropolitan" and regional. The focus was on students of natural science specialties, since BIOCAD is interested in such personnel to a greater extent. We found out what motivates them when choosing a profession and when choosing an employer, and identified differences in motivation. For example, it is known that representatives of generation Y more often want to develop their business and manage, but for Z it is not so important, because they want to be evaluated. It is not enough for them just to complete the task, it is important for them that their actions are approved and praised. It turns out that it is more relevant for them to go to those places where they will pay attention to their personality. We also managed to find out that representatives of generation Z are not as interested in vertical growth as horizontal growth - salary for them is not at all in the first place, training and self-development are much more important for them. Perhaps this is due to the fact that now there is an abundance of multidisciplinary specialties on the labor market, which include many professional components and skills, and the guys learn to meet these requirements from their student days. It is also important to take into account the economic situation of the representatives of the younger generation - generation Z is initially in a more stable financial situation.

How did you conduct the second study?

After the first study, we decided to conduct a hidden experiment on the interaction of participants in a team. Since there are not so many teams consisting of Generation Z specialists yet, because they are just entering the labor market, I conducted an experiment on my team in a case championship - at that time I participated in the Marketorium case championship at ITMO University. At the time of the study, we had been working together for almost a month. The team members were students and graduates of universities in St. Petersburg and Belarus, specializing in marketing, management, IT. I asked the manager to divide the team into two parts: one team worked under constant control, the other - autonomously. Constant control means that team members report on each stage of work, while offline work means that team members received only the task and deadlines - no one supervises their work. We looked at which subteam works more efficiently, what deadlines fit in, and also what quantity and quality of ideas we have at the output. Based on the results of the experiment, we also conducted a survey of the team leader, in this case a manager, and a survey of the participants - until this moment, the guys did not know that they were participating in the experiment. When we got the final data, we realized that generation Z is significantly different from the generation Y that preceded it. Initially, we put forward the hypothesis that people work autonomously more efficiently, but it turned out that this assumption, which is true for older generations, is wrong for Z. So , team members who worked autonomously still reported to the manager, as they are more comfortable when their work is evaluated at all stages. In addition, we noticed that members of both teams tend to be non-confrontational - it is important for them to be heard in the team. In the event that conflict situations arose, the team broke up. Subsequently, the reasons were revealed during the interview process: the participants said that they were not satisfied with the attitude between the team members, and especially that it was impossible to listen to all opinions. In other words, in Generation Z, the emotional factor plays a significant role.

If we compare the "Greeks" and "Zeta" among themselves, what conclusion can we come to?

The industry has managed to study representatives of Y sufficiently, which cannot be said about the modern generation. For example, a study conducted by several Western companies and universities (INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, Universum, MIT Leadership Center and HEAD Foundation) suggests that the majority of "Greeks" pursue the goal of gaining leadership positions. A quarter of respondents in the field of education choose online education, and 41% of respondents show interest in entrepreneurship. Approximately half of the respondents are worried about the correctness of their chosen profession. If we talk about the representatives of the next generation, there is not much information, but most researchers believe that individualism, infantilism and dependence on new technologies are most pronounced among the Zetas. Even though we live in an era of interdisciplinarity and teams of the same kind, it is important for the Zetas to work independently because they have confidence in their own uniqueness. It is no coincidence that in the field of professional preferences of the Zetas, the possibility of self-expression and solving interesting problems, respect for professionalism and competence come to the fore.

My research showed that the most important thing for Generation Zers is to make decisions in a project (51.7% of respondents) and to offer their ideas (35.7% of respondents). For 78% of respondents, the ability to have a flexible schedule is extremely important. It is also interesting that the dismissal of an employee in most cases can be affected by the lack of opportunities for development.

It should be understood that the existing management techniques are focused in most cases on previous generations. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further research on the features of management for generation Z specialists. This is necessary, first of all, in order to draw up a universal methodology that takes into account the similarities and differences of employees, and, of course, to increase the efficiency of teams of intellectual specialists of various ages.

How is the research going to continue?

In addition to the task that I received during my internship at BIOCAD, I also want to conduct the next stage of my research on Generation Z there, analyzing the activities of interns. In addition to me, the company hired about 30 interns in various fields in January. I plan to conduct surveys of both "trainees" and their leaders to assess the effectiveness of their work.

Generation Z, whose representatives are actively beginning to penetrate into all areas of business, is considered to be transitional from the 20th century to the 21st century (according to various approaches, these are those who were born in the 1990s and up to 2010). What their parents called "the technologies of the future" is already an ordinary present for them. They are creative, inventive, prefer the virtual world to the real one, but at the same time they are often lazy and infantile, and it is almost impossible to motivate them with long-term goals.

What should they learn?

People of this generation are distinguished, first of all, by the maximum proximity to the information with which they are able to work perfectly.

“People of this generation are distinguished, first of all, by the maximum proximity to information, with which they know how to work perfectly. Children are now actually born with a mobile phone in their hands, and the computer becomes the first toy for them. Those who are now 30 years old and over were brought up on books, but generation Z thinks in completely different categories. The maximum that they can read is some article, but mini-news, the format of tweets and statuses on social networks are much more familiar to them. Their way of thinking is fragmented and, in some respects, superficial. This is a wonderful age, in my opinion, although it is accompanied by a certain infantilism, inertia, ”says the company’s HR director "Rossita" Anastasia Kurakhtina.

Representatives of this category, as a rule, are positive and enjoy their work. Learning is not a dogma for them; they themselves choose the path of their development, and the education system supports them. One of their main qualities is creativity, and such a popular phenomenon as a flash mob illustrates this very clearly. They are attracted by shocking, non-standard ideas, bright projects. They try to approach every case creatively.

They have many useful skills that we should learn from: for example, the ability to make decisions quickly, since the dynamics of their lives are much higher. And even if some important points are missed and risks are not always calculated, conclusions will be drawn later. For them, the result is important, not the accompanying factors; own opinion, not reputation in the team.

“Despite the fact that almost the entire life of people of generation Z takes place in the virtual space, their interest in high-quality, deep real communication without loss of technical capabilities is gradually growing,” continues Anastasia. - They teach us to be constantly in touch: for any vacation, we still take a laptop with us. If you look at the pages of young people on social networks, the number of friends there can reach several thousand. It is clear that they do not communicate with everyone every day, but they still do not let them out of focus, follow the news and updates.

Since Generation Z is the main talent pool for many companies, management and HR have to play by its rules. We understand more and more how to work with the strengths and weaknesses of the guys in order to use them most effectively. For example, we develop sales technologies in the form of bright teaching aids on 15 pages - we get a colorful book with pictures. Tools such as infographics, presentations, social media are generally extremely powerful and reduce the distance for communication. That is, it is important to constantly voice and visualize images.

Children of their time

Representatives of generation Z are in many ways individualists, they need to be explained why teamwork is so important.

Generation Z is inseparable from the Internet, and in the global network, as you know, there is no hierarchy. In addition, after perestroika in Russia, all the old values ​​at the level of the state and society collapsed. Therefore, the generation of the 90s does not recognize authorities and recognized leaders - for them this is a convention. Modern youth is the complete opposite of people with a Soviet past, who have a sense of hyper-responsibility, patriotism, unity with each other. Accordingly, it is very difficult to find contact between “fathers” and “children”. The way out is to try to speak the same language, to be as mobile and easy to communicate with. In the role of an authority for generation Z, a person of a close age category, but more professional in something, can act.

“For example, if my store mainly employs students and university graduates aged 20-23, then I will no longer put a 40-year-old manager in charge of them. Because he has a completely different understanding of the team, responsibilities, conveying information, etc. Directors are those employees from the line staff who consistently showed excellent results, earned respect, a positive reputation among colleagues,” Anastasia explains.

It is quite difficult to gather representatives of generation Z into a single team. “We have a sense of collectivism formed even at the level of kindergartens and schools: we are together, we are strong, we will achieve everything - hence all these detachments, Octobrists, pioneers and Komsomol members. In the 90s, when the old had already collapsed, but nothing new had yet been created, children watched their parents survive on their own, without any help from the state. That is why they now do not have common unifying values. They are in many ways individualists, they need to be explained why teamwork is so important.

For generation X, admission to the institute was the prerogative of a relatively small stratum. It was the cherished dream of many young people - to get a higher education, which was a ticket to a better life. The complexity of the task dictated a serious level of preparation of applicants and their conscious choice of university, faculty, profession. Since the beginning of the 90s, the number of budget places has sharply decreased, commercial training has come to the fore, and the most popular areas have become economic, financial, legal - they were considered the most "monetary". Guided by this, schoolchildren entered universities without the slightest understanding of whether it would be useful to them in principle or not, and often not of their own free will. The main thing is that caring parents paid for the education.

“As a result, only with a diploma in their hands did the graduates really think about their professional destiny. En masse they went to work not in their specialty, some then received additional education, since the first and main turned out to be completely useless. But, unfortunately, situations are not uncommon when young people, having received the desired crusts, stop developing, lose interest in further professional development and gaining knowledge. Of course, each case is unique, but the trend is still negative,” comments the psychologist, business coach Svetlana Bulgakova.

Workers with special needs

Representatives of generation Z are not inclined to stay in one place of work for many years: they get bored, incentives are lost. They easily agree to offers from other companies if they offer an exciting project, real goals that can be achieved in a short time. Motivations designed for long periods, even for a year, do not arouse their enthusiasm. The team, friends among colleagues, as already mentioned, are also not a deterrent: with modern means of communication, keeping in touch is not a problem.

“These people want to live and work here and now - this is generally a feature of the consumer society. If you show them a clear perspective, clear and understandable stages of a career path, the opportunity to get a managerial position or a salary increase in a short time, clear examples of achieving certain indicators - as a result, you will get interested, involved and effective employees. Actually, retail companies do just that,” explains the commercial director of Rossita. Elena Ivashchuk.

Anastasia Kurakhtina tells how a young man was hired for the position of a trainee salesperson in a retail chain of stores. On every issue he had his own opinion, which he fiercely defended. But you must admit that this is not normal: either we all work according to the same regulations, or everyone reinvents the wheel; if every newcomer starts teaching everyone how to work, the business will simply fall apart. It is clear that this man did not stay long, but the most interesting things became clear only later. He did not have a higher education, he was in a permanent "search for himself", did not actually do anything and lived on the means of his parents. Then he suddenly realized that he wanted to do photography. Mom and dad sponsored the training, the purchase of equipment - and now, less than a year after leaving the company, his works are exhibited in one Italian town.

Representatives of generation Z are not inclined to stay in one place of work for many years: they get bored, incentives are lost.

This example once again shows that there are many talented people among this generation, but often they themselves do not know what they need. They are not ready to obey the general rules or pretend to agree with them. But when they still find something to their liking, they transform and give themselves to it without a trace.

As for the Z-leaders, they are completely inherent in the features of their generation. If people of the "old school" will support their positions with strong inner qualities, then those who replace them will be a cult of technocracy. An indicator of status for them is not an apartment and a car, but the latest technical developments, gadgets, etc.

Born entrepreneurs will also become less and less, based on the mentioned difficulties with self-motivation. However, those who have it well enough developed will become distinctive and successful, especially in new niches that have not yet been developed for the market.

“This generation does not know how to work and rest at the same time, evenly distributing time for both,” Svetlana Bulgakova believes. - Young people can be passionate about doing something important and useful, but at some point individualism makes itself felt, and they give up everything. Until they feel the urge to work again. And all because they do not feel responsible for their lives, they are not afraid of hunger, like their grandparents. Z-children grew up in a period when the birth rate was generally low, so they have always been (and remain) favorites and darlings. Parents actively support them financially, which explains the ease, which develops into frivolity, with which young people go through life.

Coming to an interview, young people without hesitation make unreasonably high demands on salary, but cannot clearly explain their goals, aspirations and wishes for work. As a result, the level of interest, potential, career guidance have to be identified directly in the "fields". To find contact with generation Z, Anastasia advises to speak out, simulate situations, analyze business cases, and observe from the outside. If, at the same time, the necessary competencies and personal qualities are manifested in a person, and there are enough motivating factors, the employer is lucky.

Today everyone is discussing the generations of the future -Y,Z andA, while the most economically active people of the generation X. Little is said or written about them, but they are shaping the future of the global economy and politics. About who are the people of the generation X, and how they differ from representatives of other generations, read our article.

The most active in economic terms today are representatives of the so-called generationsX. It has largely influenced the formation of the modern business environment and has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the global economy. Gen Xers have a unique value system that allows them to excel in all areas of life.

Generation X value system

This system is a set of behavioral and social attitudes that have developed under the influence of many factors. The system has a direct impact on a person's opinion regarding certain phenomena and things that he encounters throughout his life. It is she who is the main reference point in the process of making important decisions. Changing the value system during life is possible, but extremely rare.

Due to the huge variety of values, it is customary to divide them into several main categories. Most often, researchers identify 2 types of values :

Value #1


This category is one of the fundamental ones. This includes all attitudes and ideals, under the influence of which the individual's ideas about the good, justice, beauty, goodness, evil, and so on are formed. It is on a set of spiritual values ​​that ideas about what is necessary and due, preferences and desires, aspirations and inclinations depend;

Value #2


Material values ​​include consumer values ​​expressed in material form: essentials, private property, availability of goods and services.

The final set of values ​​of each person is individual and unique. It is quite difficult to take into account each element of this system. However, there are certain combinations of values ​​(gender, family, national, professional) that are inherent in representatives of certain "generations".

generational theory

For the first time, several scientists started talking about this theory at once in the first half of the 90s. According to this theory, approximately every 20 years, a new generation of people is born whose value system is fundamentally different from the value system of their parents, grandparents. The formation of the value system of a representative of each new generation actually ends by the age of 11-15, after which it is only supplemented and strengthened. Already at this age, the first differences can be noticed: the attitude towards other people, money, material and spiritual wealth, the style of consumption and behavior in general.

The calculation and description of "generations" begins at the end of the 19th century. Each of the generations has its own unique values, which were formed under the influence of many factors. The activities of representatives of each generation provoked the creation of new conditions, which, in turn, began to influence the formation of the value system of the next generation.

The Lost Generation (1890 - 1900)

The first generation referred to in the mentioned theory are people born in 1890-1900. This era is characterized by social inequality, stratification of society, disillusionment with civilization, decline in culture and decadence. Representatives of the “lost generation” grew up and formed in conditions of despotism and monarchism, and the most important event of that era was the hitherto unprecedented global military conflict - the First World War and the collapse of the imperialist state. As a response, representatives of the generation took an active part in revolutionary events, the formation of modern states, the creation of new ideas, the development of science and a new culture.

Winners (The Greatest) (1901 - 1925)

According to different versions, representatives of this generation were born from 1901 to 1925. These people grew up in an era of global changes in the social and political world order. Bold ideas, new areas of science and technology, the strengthening of totalitarian and authoritarian societies - all this influenced the value system of the representatives of the "winning generation". People born at this time were participants or witnesses of the Second World War, the creation of the UN, the post-war restoration of the world order.

Silent (1925 - 1945)

People born on the eve of and during the Second World War (1925-1945) are usually called the “silent generation”. They had to grow up and live in the post-war period, to restore the destroyed economy and industry. The beginning of the Cold War, the slow but steady growth of the economy, the gradual improvement of living conditions and the quality of life, the absence of global shocks, and the strengthening of power structures fall on the period of their activity. However, the childhood of these people was extremely difficult, which could not but leave an imprint on their whole life.

Baby boom (I) (1946 - 1964)

The representatives of the silent generation and the "winners" produced a huge number of children, resulting in a population explosion (1946-1964). The baby boom era saw the beginning of the sexual revolution, the heyday of rock music and the hippie culture. Authoritarian rulers no longer suited society, which often led to unrest and local conflicts. Demonstrations, rallies, popular performances and protests have become typical of this era.

At the same time, protest moods and narcissism begin to prevail. Generation Me people prioritized self-actualization, refusing conventional social responsibility. This generation was one of the first to start talking about the fact that the main thing in life is to have fun and change the world. People from the baby boom generation actively promoted the ideas of equality, non-violence, democracy and tolerance.

Generation X (1965 - 1979) (according to some researchers - up to 1982)

The socially active and freedom-loving baby boomers were replaced by representatives of generation X, born from 1965 to 1979 (according to some researchers - until 1982). In some cases, all children born before the 1990s and even 2000s are also included here, but this is not true.

The formation of the “X” value system was influenced by: the war in Afghanistan, the Chechen war, the stagnation and fall of socialist regimes, the end of the Cold War, the opening of borders, freedom of movement, globalization, the growth in the number of emigrants, the fall and subsequent rapid growth of the economy.

The representatives of the unknown became even more independent of the official authorities. However, in contrast to the worldview of the baby boomers, attempts to change the world have been replaced by the absolute or partial indifference of the "X" to what is happening in the political arena. Sexual relations outside of marriage have become the norm, as well as the lack of religiosity and patriotism. Gen Xers are getting divorced more often, but family values ​​still play a primary role for them.

These people are not used to stability. Before their eyes, the whole system of the world was changing radically, and they got used to the difficulties associated with these changes. Infantilism and decadence are alien to them, they are active, quick-witted, they can be called "punching". They rely only on themselves, always have a plan "B", do not get lost in the face of difficulties and are ready for any difficult situations.

"X" changed the world beyond recognition. These people are characterized by high performance and productivity, they are persistent and diligent. For "people X" an important role is played by a career, level of education, material wealth. They strive to be successful, but often they do not look for new ways, but use long-proven routes.

HR Director at Relief

People after 45 are professional and diligent, without unnecessary ambitions. Explain this to company management

Sometimes employers are afraid that subordinates will be older than the leader. But it's not scary! The main thing is to entrust age employees with suitable work that is not associated with high rates and constant stress. And there is always enough such work at the enterprise. For example, we have many employees in our company who are celebrating their 50th birthday this year. Just a year of anniversaries. And all these specialists work productively. Therefore, I am happy to take people over 45 years old to my department. They are more efficient, reliable, professional, and at the same time they do not have excessive ambitions (like a university graduate who does not know how, but wants a lot). I can rely on such an employee, because I am sure that everything will be done 100%. After all, he has both responsibility for the result and unwillingness to lose his job. This is exactly what HR directors should explain to top managers of the company.

Millennials (Y, YAYYA) (early 80s - late 90s)

Most economic models and incentive systems were created specifically for the Xs. Thanks to this, an HR director can quickly achieve an increase in labor productivity, while using a “standard” set of motivators, both tangible and intangible.

"X" are accustomed to achieve everything themselves. Career and life in general for them is a kind of step-by-step strategy. First you need to finish school, then go to college or university, get a profession and "crust". After that, the newly-minted specialist comes to the enterprise and starts from the bottom - works as a line or junior office staff with the prospect of slow but steady career growth. Managerial or expert positions "X" reached (and still reach) at the age of 30-40 years.

Employee motivation X

In most cases, rapid career growth is not possible for them. Representatives of the "X" are trying to "sell themselves" more profitable, but at the same time they understand that in order to implement such a plan, you need to match the declared price. Empty ambitions are rare for them, they are well aware of their own worth and require adequate remuneration for their labors.

Material motivation plays a huge role in stimulating generation X workers. Moving up the career ladder, obtaining new powers or responsibilities, solving assigned tasks, fulfilling the production plan - all this should be noted not only in the form of praise or recognition of merits from the management, but also quite tangible material rewards. By itself, the increase or bonus may even be insignificant, but it must be.

The most effective way of non-material motivation for X employees is the opportunity to gain new knowledge and improve their skills. Courses, seminars, business trips, webinars - all this will be appreciated by representatives of generation X.

An equally important role is played by the recognition of merit - public awards, the provision of a personal workplace, personal benefits, and so on. An excellent way to recognize the merits of such an employee is to appoint him as a mentor who should be involved in training newcomers to the team. With this technique, the personnel service can immediately decide 3 problems:

Problem #1

Increase the motivation of the mentor

By appointing an employee as a “teacher”, management demonstrates its loyalty and trust, which in turn encourages the mentor to better perform their own work;

Problem #2

Reduce newbie adaptation time

It will be easier for a new employee to join the team and get involved in work processes if an experienced employee, and not a representative of the personnel service, is engaged in adaptation and training;

Problem #3

Reduce the workload of the HR department

How to use the X's human resources

The “Unknown Generation” was formed at the dawn of the era of media communications, when the Internet and other types of mobile communications were more of a rarity than the norm. For this reason, for many Xs, live communication and real human relationships are of fundamental value. They are not so dependent on social networks and the Internet in general, so their picture of the world is much more realistic than representatives of Y and Z.

Characteristics of people from generation X

  • have rich life experience
  • have a great work experience
  • have some merit
  • have a good education
  • diversified,
  • tactful
  • sociable.

These people are best suited to perform stable and responsible work that requires perseverance and a thorough approach.

Xs are attentive to people and details, so they make excellent managers at all levels. The consistency and predictability of actions allows them to be appointed as leaders of serious projects or developing business lines.

Thanks to business acumen and the ability to build working relationships, Xs can be safely sent for negotiations to other companies. They can be entrusted with the implementation of serious projects with pre-planned results.

Disadvantages of employees X

Unlike Y people (YYYA), whose representatives are very ambitious, Xs can and will work hard. It was this generation that gave rise to the term "workaholism" - dependence on work. An unfulfilled project, failures at work, missed deadlines - all this is taken very seriously and painfully by them.

Excessive workloads and responsibility provoke stressful situations from which the moral and physical health of these individuals suffers. For this reason, the X's are more prone to nervous breakdowns, moral exhaustion and depression. Damage to physical health manifests itself in the form of headaches, reduced sexual activity, heart attacks, early heart attacks and strokes.

Such consequences can be avoided only with the help of regular alternation of “work” and “rest” modes, creation of comfortable working conditions and a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Test yourself

What are the 2 main types of values?

  • gender and family;
  • professional and national;
  • spiritual and material.

What is the name of the generation born between 1946 and 1964?

  • lost;
  • baby boom;
  • millennials.

Which generation is the most active in the economy at the moment?

  • Baby boom;

What's different about Generation X?

  • high efficiency;
  • unwillingness to grow up;
  • protest spirit, active participation in political and public life.

The main disadvantage of generation X is:

  • inflated ambitions;
  • susceptibility to stress;
  • dependence on modern technology.