Irina Toneva - biography, information, personal life. Irina Toneva: My husband should be wealthier than me Irina Toneva personal life family group factory

The soloist of the Fabrika group, Irina Toneva, is called the main "partisan" of Russian show business, because little is known about her personal life. The singer tries not to disclose the details of her love affairs, so the news that took place wedding of Irina Toneva (photo) turned out to be premature, since the girl herself did not make any loud statements about her marriage. Therefore, in our article we will try to find out: did Irina Toneva really get married and does Irina Toneva have children?

Before turning to the answer to our question, let us remind our readers that in 2002 the Factory group became the winner of the first Star Factory. Three beauties immediately aroused special interest among the public. And, despite the fact that more than 10 years have passed since the release of the program, Irina Toneva, her biography and personal life are still interesting to her fans today.

Biography of Irina Toneva

Irina Toneva was born in the military town of Krasnoznamensk, so it is not difficult to guess that there were no musical performers or artists in her family. And her parents could only guess from whom their daughter inherited musicality.

In kindergarten, Irina was a real star, so in addition to the secondary school, she also studied at the music school. In addition to music, Irina attended the section of sports and ballroom dancing, and in high school she became seriously interested in chemistry. It was this subject that became decisive for her in choosing her future profession. After school, she entered the Moscow University of Technology and Design, choosing the specialty of a chemist-technologist.

Having received a diploma, Irina goes to work at a leather factory in Kuntsevo, but the music did not let her go and Toneva receives another diploma, graduating from the famous Gnesinka. A ticket to the pop world was presented to her by the head of the military orchestra Roman Gutsolyuk. It was he who made Irina the soloist of his orchestra, and became her mentor.

"Star Factory" and "Factory"

Toneva's stellar career began in 2002 at the Star Factory. Irina came to the competition as an accomplished artist, so it was easy and simple for the teachers to work with her. At the end of the project, Toneva continued her career as part of the Fabrika group, along with Sati Kazanova and Sasha Savelyeva. After Casanova left the team, the composition of the group changed several times, but Savelyeva and Toneva remain in the "Factory" today.

In addition to her career, the singer Toneva decided to try her hand at cinema. She graduated from the acting school of German Sidakov and successfully played roles in such films as "Woman on the Edge", "Cinderella", "Snow Angel".

Personal life of Irina Toneva

Now let's talk about what interests the singer's fans most of all, namely, the wedding of Irina Toneva (photo) - is it true or rumors?

Irina Toneva is considered a closed person, and all because, unlike her stage colleagues, the girl does not like to talk about her personal life. However, once in the press they started talking about a love triangle. Two men looked after the singer at once: TV presenter Otar Kushanashvili and DJ MTV Yuri Pashkov. Toneva chose Pashkov and connected her personal life with him. It was then that fans began to stubbornly make requests on the networks " Irina Toneva and her husband Yuri Pashkov, wedding“, in the hope of finding wedding photos of Toneva and Pashkov. But, as it turned out, the couple broke up after four years of relationship.

A year after breaking up with the DJ, Toneva was noticed in the company of the lead singer of the BandEros group Igor Burnyshev. Upon learning that Irina and Igor were officially dating, the press immediately started talking about the fact that in the near future everyone would know the news - Irina Toneva and her husband, their wedding. But alas, the relationship between young people quickly ended.

In 2015, the singer's fans learned that Toneva met a new love in the face of a young dancer Alex. With her new boyfriend, Irina came to the anniversary evening of the Ivanushki International group. Instagram users began to stubbornly follow the account of the performer, hoping to find out all the details of her personal life, and see the long-awaited news " Irina Toneva and her husband, wedding". But the singer herself is in no hurry to reveal all the secrets of her relationship with Alex. True, in one of the interviews, she admitted that everything was fine with her on the love front, and when asked by journalists who she wants to meet, Irina replied: “with her child.”

Irina Toneva, a soloist in the Fabrika group, is widely known for jealously protecting her personal life from prying eyes. According to rumors, Irina's husband is a dancer Alexei Brizha, who performs in dance shows. Irina Toneva's husband dances in a group and works part-time as a dance teacher.

Irina Toneva and her husband - photo, wedding

Alexey's stage name is Alexey Soul. Irina Toneva and her husband do not advertise their relationship. Looking at them, there is no doubt that these young people are in love with each other. A photo of Irina Toneva's husband often appears in print next to Irina. They both look the same age, although Toneva is 13 years older than him.

Youthful Irina can be given the appearance of no more than 25 years. It is known that she is a “raw foodist”, does not eat meat and fish, and her diet consists mainly of raw vegetables and fruits. Many actors are now trying to stick to this diet in order to maintain youth and beauty. Irina admitted that she never liked fish and meat, that it was not difficult for her to give up these products. Her diet also includes nuts, cereals and cold-pressed sunflower oil.

Biography of the singer

Irina Toneva was born as the only daughter of an engineer and a soldier in the military town of Krasnoznamensk. It is known that she went in for sports and was fond of chemistry. After graduating from the university, Toneva received the profession of chemical technologist. Passion for music and singing led her to a military band. But the real path of the star opened up before her at the Star Factory. No wonder the group in which Toneva continued her performances on stage is called "Factory".

Here she met Alexei. The fact that Toneva's husband is 13 years younger than her does not bother young people. Before uniting in marriage, the young met for about 2 years. The ubiquitous journalists found out that they signed at the Khoroshevsky registry office in Moscow. The wedding was attended by relatives and close friends of Irina and Alexei. After the wedding, Toneva and her husband continued their work in the group, tours, rehearsals, everything, as usual.

Alexey tours with Irina, at the same time he is a teacher at the Svetofor dance school, and also performs the duties of a producer at a recording studio. When Andrey just moved to Moscow, he worked part-time by distributing flyers. But basically, the personal life of Irina Toneva with her husband remains under seven locks.

The singer's life is closed to the public

Irina Toneva is considered the most closed singer. So little is known about her personal life that one can only make guesses and assumptions. Whether Alexei is really her husband or not is not known for certain. Some sources claim this, others deny it. It remains only to guess from the photo from Instagram. There is a photo where Irina is photographed in a very beautiful wedding dress. However, in the photo next to her, there is no photo of her life partner.

The singer does not want to take her relationship to the public court. In one of her interviews, Toneva frankly admitted that she had no problems in a love relationship, and to the tricky question of who she would like to meet, the singer said that she would like to meet "with her child." Perhaps the artist has long dreamed of children.

Irina Toneva often posts her photos on Instagram and makes her fans puzzle over the riddles she provides them. She recently posted a photo with her engagement ring. Did Alexei and Irina really get married, or is it just a game for the public? The question remains open, since there was no official statement about their marriage. Their marriage photos were not published either.

Irina Toneva was born on June 27, 1977 in the city of Krasnoznamensk, Moscow Region. The girl grew up in the family of her father, a career military officer, and her mother, an engineer. At an early age, parents were able to discern their daughter's musical talent. At matinees in kindergarten, the girl was a real star. Therefore, my mother took her daughter to two schools at once: secondary and musical. But this young artist was not enough. In the primary grades, she singled out her favorite from all the lessons, physical education. The teacher noted her incredible plasticity. This became the starting point for visiting another school: ballroom and sports dancing.

In high school, Irina became seriously interested in chemistry. The girl decided that it was this circumstance that should be decisive in the matter of choosing a profession. Therefore, after graduating from school, she entered the Moscow University of Design and Technology, choosing the specialty of a chemical engineer. After graduating from the Moscow State University of Design and Technology in 1999 with a degree in chemical technologist for leather and fur, she worked for several years at the Kuntsevsky tannery. Also, in parallel, she graduated from the pop-jazz studio named after the Gnesins in the class "Variety Vocal".

In the fall of 2002, Toneva ended up at the Star Factory. Here, the music school and a long visit to the choreographic studio came in handy for her. The factory owner turned out to be a well-formed artist, with whom the “factory” teachers worked easily and simply. "Star Factory" turned out to be the launching pad from which Irina's star biography began. Thousands, if not millions, of fans of the TV project learned about the talented vocalist. The girl managed to win in the confrontation with Vitas. With another contestant, Pavel Artemiev, she sang the hit "You Understand", which for a long time kept in the rotation of many radio stations.

After the end of the project, the brilliant career of Irina Toneva began as part of the popular women's team "Factory". Together with Sasha Savelieva and Sati Kazanova, Toneva sang many hits, the best of which are: “The Sea Calls”, “Factory Girls”, “Fish”, “We are so different”, “I will kiss you”.

The singer was often invited to participate in various rating shows. In 2005, she became a participant in the reality show "Heart of Africa", which was broadcast on Channel One.

In 2013, Toneva entered the acting school of German Sidakov and on March 29, 2014 made her debut on the theater stage in the title role in the experimental play "The Tale of Sonechka", based on the works of Marina Tsvetaeva, as well as the story of Fyodor Dostoevsky "White Nights", where she plays three roles : Marina Tsvetaeva and two other men.

In January 2017, Toneva presented two solo songs "At the Top" and "Come On", which immediately became popular in Russia. And a year later, together with her husband Alexei Brizha, she released a joint song “Find Your Own”.

Awards and Recognition of Irina Toneva

2003 - "Golden Gramophone" (in a duet with Pavel Artemyev for the song "You Understand" and as part of the "Factory" for the song "About Love")
2004 - "Stop hit" (as part of "Factory") for the song "About Love"
2004 - "Golden Gramophone" (as part of the "Factory") for the song "Lyolik"
2005 - "Glamour" (team of the year, as part of the "Factory").
2006 - "Golden Gramophone" (as part of the "Factory") for the song "I'm Not Guilty"
2014 - "Golden Gramophone" (as part of the "Factory") for the song "Do not be born beautiful"

Creativity Irina Toneva


2003 - Factory girls
2008 - We are so different


2003 - About love (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by M. Andreev)
2003 - Oh mom, I fell in love (music by I. Matvienko, I. Polonsky, A. Savelyeva - lyrics by A. Savelyev)
2003 - The sea is calling (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko, K. Arsenev)
2003 - Factory girls (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by A. Shaganov)
2004 - 5 minutes (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by Y. Buzhilov)
2004 - Lelik (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by A. Yelin)
2004 - Fish (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko)
2005 - He (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by Yu. Buzhilov)
2005 - Over the horizon (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by P. Zhagun)
2005 - I'm not guilty (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by K. Arsenev)
2006 - Raspberry (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by M. Andreev)
2006 - Romance (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by K. Arsenev)
2007 - White-white (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by O. Rovnaya)
2007 - Lights are lit (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by O. Rovnaya)
2008 - We are so different (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko)
2009 - And you want to love so much (music by S. Mezentsev - lyrics by S. Mezentsev)
2010 - I will kiss you (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko, I. Stepanov)
2010 - Ali Baba (music B. Buranov - lyrics B. Buranov)
2011 - Stops (music by L. Novykh, T. Novykh - lyrics by L. Novykh, T. Novykh)
2012 - She is me (music by E. Novykh, T. Novykh - lyrics by A. Ivakin)
2012 - Films about love (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko, K. Arsenev)
2013 - Do not be born beautiful (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko, D. Pollyeva)
2015 - Secret (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by A. Shaganov)
2015 - Fell in love (music by A. Kazakov, Y. Ryabchuk - lyrics by A. Kazakov, Y. Ryabchuk)
2016 - And I'm behind you (music by I. Stepanova - lyrics by I. Stepanov)
2017 - Butterflies (music A. Shapovalov, V. Kovtun, Y. Levchenko - lyrics A. Shapovalov, V. Kovtun, Y. Levchenko)
2018 - Vova Vova (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by I. Matvienko)
2018 - She could as best she could (music R. Kiyamov - lyrics M. Gutseriev)
2019 - On the bridge (music by I. Matvienko - lyrics by A. Shaganov)

Childhood and family of Irina Toneva

Ira was born in Krasnoznamensk. In kindergarten, the girl sang at matinees more than once. At seven, she immediately went to a general education and music school. The girl's favorite subject was physical education. Having matured a little, the schoolgirl decided to take up more and sports dancing. By nature, she was plastic and mobile. Over time, most of all at school, Irina began to like chemistry. In addition to school, she began to devote more and more time and energy to dancing. In the end, Toneva realized that she could not imagine life without dancing.

Irina Toneva and Pavel Artemiev - You understand

After school, the girl became a student at the University of Design and Technology. Her specialty is a chemical technologist for leather and fur. After graduating from the university and receiving a red diploma, she got her first job in her specialty. It was a leather factory in Kuntsevo.

The beginning of the career of the singer Irina Toneva

In addition to working at the factory, Ira studied vocals with a teacher, and also sang as a soloist in a military orchestra led by Roman Gutsoluk. She performed popular songs of that time, as well as a number of Gutsoluk's author's songs. He helped her in the production of the voice.

In 2002, Toneva quit the factory. She decided to try her hand at the Metro casting.

Irina's next job was the Stimulus Color Cosmetic company, where she worked as a chemical technologist. Her responsibilities included managing the production process for hair dyes. Not forgetting her love for dancing, Ira began attending the Studens dance school. In 2002, Toneva again changed her job. This time it was the company "Chemistry-2000", where she worked as a manager for five months.

Irina Toneva at the "Star Factory"

In October 2002, Ira ended up at the Star Factory. This became possible due to the fact that for several years she was engaged in staging her voice, dancing. The temperament of the future singer also contributed to this. The thirst for life is always seething in her, she is an active person striving for self-improvement. Her dreams were helped to come true by the "Star Factory".

Having won the confrontation with Vitas, she began her ascent as a pop vocalist. The stage became a part of her life, as the girl devoted a lot of time to rehearsals and singing, she lived by this. The Fabrika group gave Irina the opportunity to devote herself completely to the viewer.

Ira Toneva and Pasha Artemyev "You Understand"

In order to improve in the profession, Ira entered the Gnessin School, without stopping dancing in the studio.

Toneva in the group "Factory"

In the group, the girl was always the tallest. Irina came up with the image for herself. For the period from 2003 to 2006, "Factory", which also included Sasha Savelyeva and Sati Kazanova, was awarded the Golden Gramophone award three times. In 2005, the girls were awarded the Glamor Award.

The singer drew attention to herself by singing the song “You Understand” with Pavel Artemiev. Pavel later became the lead singer of the Roots group. For Irina, performances in the Factory group became a kind of springboard on the way to the stage. The audience appreciated her voice.

Toneva acted in films several times. She took part in the work on the film "Cinderella", "Snow Angel", "Women on the Edge", "Hello, I'm your dad!".

Personal life of Irina Toneva

Although some people get the impression that Irina is a reserved and uncommunicative person, her parents and friends have the opposite opinion on this matter. The singer's mother claims that her daughter has a wide circle of friends and knows how to find a common language with everyone. She easily converges with people and can find a topic for communication with everyone.

Irina does not like to talk about the personal. Everything that does not concern the stage, she keeps to herself. About the girls from the "Factory" and their personal lives are often written in the media, including a lot of far-fetched information. About Irina Toneva, such articles practically do not appear.

It can be argued that Ira was one of the three characters in the love triangle, where, in addition to her, there were Yura Pashkov and Otar Kushanashvili. Irina chose Yuri.

One day in the life of Irina Toneva

For some time, Irina had a romantic relationship with Igor DMCB, who was the lead singer of the Band Eros group.

The media wrote that the singer was dating a businessman, but she did not give his last name. Irina believes that relationships should be long and solid. The girl does not believe in crazy passion. Toneva prefers not to waste on fleeting, short-term novels, as they can interfere with seeing her fate. It is important for Ira that the man next to her does not have a need for several novels at the same time.

Interesting about Irina Toneva, singer today

Irina has always been distinguished by the presence of her views on life. She is fond of reading books by occult writers, shares the philosophy of P. Coelho. Among her favorite writers are also Richard Bach and his work Jonathan's Seagull.

The singer is absolutely indifferent to the Internet. She rarely even checks her email. She likes to spend her free time with her family. She likes to listen to good music, especially relaxing music. Irina also writes her own poems. Being a romantic nature, she dreams of one day buying a house by the sea.

Ira likes a sporty style in clothes. From food, she prefers mushrooms and oatmeal. Her favorite candy is Bird's Milk.

Ira was born in Krasnoznamensk. In kindergarten, the girl sang at matinees more than once. At seven, she immediately went to a general education and music school. Physical education was my favorite subject at school. Having matured a little, the schoolgirl decided to also take up sports dancing. By nature, she was plastic and mobile. Over time, most of all at school, Irina began to like chemistry. In addition to school, she began to devote more and more time and energy to dancing. In the end, Toneva realized that she could not imagine life without dancing.

Irina Toneva and Pavel Artemiev - You understand

After school, the girl became a student at the University of Design and Technology. Her specialty is a chemical technologist for leather and fur. After graduating from the university, having received a "red" diploma, she got her first job in her specialty. It was a leather factory in Kuntsevo.

The beginning of the career of the singer Irina Toneva

In addition to working at the factory, Ira studied vocals with a teacher, and also sang as a soloist in the Military Orchestra, led by Roman Gutsolyuk. She performed popular songs of that time, as well as a number of Gutsoluk's author's songs. He helped her in the production of the voice.

In 2000, Toneeva quit the factory. She decided to try her hand at the Metro casting.

Irina's next job was the Stimulus Color Cosmetic company, where she worked as a chemical technologist. Her responsibilities included managing the production process for hair dyes. Not forgetting her love for dancing, Ira began attending the Studens dance school. In 2002, Toneva again changed her job. This time it was the Chemistry 2000 company, where she worked as a manager for five months.

Irina Toneva at the "Star Factory"

In October 2002, Ira ended up at the Star Factory. This became possible due to the fact that for several years she was engaged in staging her voice, dancing. The temperament of the future singer also contributed to this. The thirst for life is always seething in her, she is an active person striving for self-improvement. Her dreams were helped to come true by the "Star Factory".

Having won the confrontation with Vitas, she began her ascent as a pop vocalist. The stage became a part of her life, as the girl devoted a lot of time to rehearsals and singing, she lived by this. The Fabrika group gave Irina the opportunity to devote herself completely to the viewer. Ira Toneva and Pasha Artemiev "You understand"

In order to improve in the profession, Ira entered the Gnessin School, without stopping dancing in the studio.

Toneva in the group "Factory"

In the group, the girl was always the tallest. Irina came up with the image for herself. For the period from 2003 to 2006, the Factory, which also included Sasha Savelyeva and Sati Kazanova, was awarded the Golden Gramophone award three times. In 2005, the girls were awarded the Glamor Award.

The singer drew attention to herself by singing the song “You Understand” with Pavel Artemiev. Pavel later became the lead singer of the Roots group. For Irina, performances in the Factory group became a kind of springboard on the way to the stage. The audience appreciated her voice.

Toneeva acted in films several times. She took part in the work on the film "Cinderella", "Snow Angel", "Women on the Edge", "Hello, I'm your dad!".

Personal life of Irina Toneva

Although some people get the impression that Irina is a reserved and uncommunicative person, her parents and friends have the opposite opinion on this matter. The singer's mother claims that her daughter has a wide circle of friends and knows how to find a common language with everyone. She easily converges with people and can find a topic for communication with everyone.

Irina does not like to talk about the personal. Everything that does not concern the stage, she keeps to herself. About the girls from the "Factory" and their personal lives are often written in the media, including a lot of far-fetched information. About Irina Toneva, such articles practically do not appear.

It can be argued that Ira was one of the three characters in the love triangle, where, in addition to her, there was Yura Pashkov and Otar Kushanashvili. Irina chose Yuri.

News Block MTV: Sexy photo session of the Fabrika group

For some time, Irina had a romantic relationship with Igor DMCB, who was the lead singer of the Band Eros group.

The media wrote that the singer was dating a businessman, but she did not give his last name. Irina believes that relationships should be long and solid. The girl does not believe in crazy passion. Toneva prefers not to waste on fleeting, short-term novels, as they can interfere with seeing her fate. It is important for Ira that the man next to her does not have a need for several novels at the same time.

Interesting about Irina Toneva, singer today

Irina has always been distinguished by the presence of her views on life. She is fond of reading books by occult writers, shares the philosophy of P. Coelho. Among her favorite writers are also Richard Bach and his work "Jonathan's Seagull".

The singer is absolutely indifferent to the Internet. She rarely even checks her email. She likes to spend her free time with her family. She likes to listen to good music, especially "relaxation" music. Also

Irina writes her poems. Being a romantic nature, she dreams of one day buying a house by the sea.

Ira likes a sporty style in clothes. From food, she prefers mushrooms and oatmeal. Her favorite candy is Bird's Milk.