How to quickly enlarge a penis: a method for quickly increasing a penis in an hour or a day of sex. How to effectively increase the thickness, volume and diameter of the penis? Volume increase 10 44 fz

It's no secret that trends in the provinces are set by the Dom2 TV project. It is difficult for an advanced Internet audience to imagine this, but take my word for it.

A few years ago, following them, the inhabitants of "House 2" provincial clowns massively sewed hair cut either from corpses or from the homeless, and disfigured their mouths, enlarging their lips. This, of course, is stupid, unaesthetic, disgusting, but at least it is not harmful to health, so I kept silent.

Now in "House 2" there is a new trend: the local girls are "promoting" breast augmentation with silicone. I'm afraid it will become a mass phenomenon. They won’t scrape up money for decent surgeons, they will go under the knife to the butchers. I wouldn't like it very much, so I'll speak out.

I love Russia very much. Having the opportunity to live anywhere in the world, I can’t imagine myself outside my country. It seems to me that we have the best, the most beautiful, the coolest. And, being such a patriot to the marrow of my bones, I will say it as it is: breast augmentation cannot be done here.

We have not yet grown a generation of plastic surgeons who could do this at least close to the Americans. No experience, history. What can we talk about if Marilyn Monroe has already flaunted with silicone breasts in America?

The Americans have a huge practice in breast augmentation, more than half a century of experience. There, such operations are very easy. I did not wear any corsets, at 8 am I was on the operating table, and at 12 pm I was already registering the car.

Today we’ll talk about the specifics: how many sizes you can increase your breasts.

In “House 2”, this aunt wished to enlarge her breasts:

She announced that she wants "3+".

Let's see: is it possible for her to have such a size in high quality?

No. Although the surgeon will say: "Yes."

Surgeons have their own conditional range of sizes: 150 ml of silicone, on average, gives a breast enlargement by one size. In this context, "average" is the key word.

Not a single sane surgeon will undertake to increase the chest by more than 2 sizes according to their “150-milliliter” scale. Why?

The fabric is not enough to beautifully cover more than 300 ml of silicone. If you insert, say, 500 ml, as porn stars do, the silicone will be felt, its “ribbing” will become noticeable at certain positions of the body and hands. And sometimes visible:

The implant is not plastic, but soft. At a certain position of the hands and body, its edges will be "collected". But if your own tissues are sufficient to “cover” the implant well, then these waves will not be felt or seen. If there is too much silicone, then the "waves" will be felt.

Is it possible for a girl from "House 2" size "3+" without probing the waves? Let's figure it out.

Its native size is somewhere around 1-1.5. We add 2-2.5 sizes according to the surgical, that is, "150-milliliter" scale. We get 3.5. It seems to be possible. But there is a nuance.

The size of the chest in humans, not in surgeons, is the difference between the girth of the chest at its most protruding points and the girth under the chest. The larger the difference, the larger the size.

The girl from "House 2" will never get a size 3.5 by universal standards, because she is very powerful, her girth under her chest is heroic. To get her "3+", she needs to pump in more than 300 ml of silicone, which is very likely to "collect".

My chest size turned out to be large only because my girth under the bust is 67 cm. The girth of the “new” breast at its most protruding points is 95 cm, which gives 28 cm in difference.

A woman with a nipple circumference of 95 cm will have a third size if her circumference under the breast is 78 cm, which is not so much. This is an ordinary woman. Such - every second. All the rest are more.

The size of a single breast gland in such a woman with a “three-ruble note” and mine will be the same. However, due to the fact that I myself am fractional and narrow, my new breasts look huge.

According to generally accepted sizes, a difference of 28 cm is generally F or 6+, no matter how scary it sounds.

But I still prefer the “Italian” and “French” scale, in which the breast size is calculated according to the formula: chest circumference at the nipples minus the circumference under the bust and divided by 6. In my case it looks like this: (95-67) / 6 \u003d 4.7.

Moreover, I have not just thick, but extremely thick skin and fleshy, due to 15 years of fitness experience, pectoral muscle. This allowed me to place implants a little more than the “safe” norm of 300 ml.

However, it is 300 ml that guarantees the average woman that the implant will not noticeably “gather” under the skin. My surgeon said that he had never met women with such thick skin as mine in all his many years of practice.

If you decide to have surgery, it is very important to understand that when you talk about size, you and the doctor mean completely different things.

The doctor is guided by the fact that 150 ml of silicone, on average, increase the breast by 1 size, and you are guided by the difference between the girth of the chest along the nipples and the girth under the breast.

My surgeon operated on two more of my friends. He delivered almost the same amount of silicone to all of us: to me - only 50 ml more because of atypically thick skin. As a result, I got a “wow what” size, Yulka - a confident “three”, and Anka - “2+”.

All three have implants from the same company, my additional 50 ml is a drop in the ocean. However, due to the peculiarities of the skeleton, such a different result was obtained.

It is the skeleton, not the fat layer. Both of my girlfriends are thin: it’s just that I’m very small, Yulia is average, and Anka is a tall, broad-shouldered, big and strong woman, albeit thin. Well, like a volleyball player or a pole vaulter.

If you are thinking about breast augmentation, take these nuances into account and never place implants larger than 300 ml. Will "collect" with a high degree of probability.

With the help of silicone implants, the average woman can increase her breasts without “ripples” by no more than 2 sizes on the surgical “150-milliliter” scale. Women with very thin skin - less. Women with thick skin - a little more. The decisive factor is, in any case, the width of the bone, not the amount of silicone. The smaller your underbust girth, the visually larger your chest will be.

Imagine a Barbie doll. Does she have a confident chest? Now imagine these same boobs on a Soviet baby doll with a wide torso: there will be two pimples.

Penis size is important for all men. Many of them are dissatisfied with natural data and think about how to really increase a penis in order to raise self-esteem. Not everyone is ready for the operation, but traditional medicine offers the most convenient means for increasing male dignity.


There are five effective ways to make the penis huge:

  1. Vacuum pump - a special flask is put on the organ, in which reduced pressure is created. Due to this, the penis increases in size. If you use this method every day, after a year you can notice clear results. But at the same time, the quality of erection suffers.
  2. Stretching with a weight - it is attached to the penis to stretch, left like that for several hours. The length of the penis increases, but the thickness decreases. In addition, improper suspension can lead to deformation, impaired sensitivity.
  3. The operation is an effective way to build a penis, but only if it is professionally performed. After the intervention, scars remain on the penis that do not look aesthetically pleasing. And if the operation is unsuccessful, you can forget about the erection.
  4. Medications - give an effect only for a while. Most contain a vitamin complex and substances that improve blood circulation. But to lengthen the penis for a long time in this way will not work.
  5. Physical exercises - are aimed at improving blood circulation, quickly normalize the amount of hormones in the blood. Increased blood flow to the penis ensures its enlargement.

Alternative medicine offers several effective remedies that can be used at home:

  1. Thyme - grind, brew, insist. Ready means to drink within four months in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Garlic - finely chopped, pour alcohol, mix thoroughly, leave for ten days in a dry place, then drink twenty-five drops for three months.
  3. Infusion prepared from ginseng, hawthorn and ginkgo leaves - rub into the genitals.
  4. Wormwood seeds - pour cold water, boil for about ten minutes, then strain, cool and take inside.
  5. Mix butter, milk and chopped asparagus, add carrot and turnip seeds, send the resulting mass over medium heat until thickened.

These are the most popular folk remedies used to enlarge the male genitalia. But the possibilities of herbal medicine are almost limitless, so you can choose a more effective decoction of medicinal herbs.

Benefits of folk recipes

Enlargement of the male organ with the help of herbs has several advantages:

  1. Herbal preparations are available, sold at any pharmacy. If desired, useful ingredients can be collected in the field or in the meadow.
  2. Safety – Pharmaceuticals cause side effects. Phytotherapy is absolutely harmless to men's health.
  3. Long-term effect - regular herbal treatment gives a stable result. It does not come immediately, but persists for a long time.

If you show patience and make some efforts, you can definitely achieve results.


The increase in folk remedies has several disadvantages that are important to know about:

  1. The first results can be observed only after a few months, but not all men are willing to wait.
  2. The required components must be prepared: collected, processed, dried, then prepared from them infusion. This takes time and effort.

This method is quite simple, but brings discomfort. The penis at the base is tightened, Vaseline is drawn with a syringe, injected under the skin of the penis. This method requires careful preparation and care, the procedure is carried out by a person with medical experience.

After the procedure, the skin should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. If you strictly follow all the instructions, the result will surprise you. But it is very important to do everything carefully - the uneven distribution of petroleum jelly causes serious injuries.

Doctors consider this method of penis enlargement dangerous for several reasons:

  1. A foreign body that has fallen under the skin provokes the formation of a tumor, which can only be removed surgically. If this is not done on time, the man is threatened with impotence or amputation.
  2. Together with petroleum jelly, various infections can enter the bloodstream, which also increase the risk.
  3. Vaseline can cause severe allergies that are expensive to treat.

Such dangerous complications are a reason to think about the appropriateness of using the described method.

Folk methods for penis enlargement do not always involve the use of medicinal herbs and rare components, sometimes the goal can be achieved using other means. The sex shop sells special products containing special substances. Entering the tissue of the penis, they cause its increase. You can also use inexpensive, time-tested methods. One of them is baking soda.

The procedure is performed in the following way:

  1. Take a hot shower to steam the skin, dry with a towel.
  2. Lubricate your penis with vegetable oil along the entire length, apply a small amount of soda on top.
  3. Within a few minutes, using a soft sponge, massage the male organ.

As a result of all these actions, the penis should increase by several millimeters. There is an effect, but it lasts only a few hours. If there is discomfort during the procedure, you can additionally use a softening cream.

Many men are complex because of the size of their body and think about how to increase manhood with the help of folk remedies. There are quite a few ways, but doctors consider them dangerous and recommend choosing surgical methods.

It all depends on whether your institution is state-owned or budgetary or some other.

As stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

dated November 16, 2015 N D28i-3363 "On the application of the provisions of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ" if the possibility was provided for by the procurement documentation and the contract, and if the purchase was made from a single supplier (contractor , performer) contract, it is allowed to change, by agreement of the parties, the essential terms of the contract during its execution if, at the suggestion of the customer, the quantity of goods supplied, the volume of work performed or the service provided are reduced by no more than ten percent. At the same time, by agreement of the parties, it is allowed to change, taking into account the provisions of the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation, the price of the contract in proportion to the additional quantity of goods, additional volume of work or service based on the price of a unit of goods, work or service established in the contract, but not more than ten percent of the contract price. When reducing the quantity of goods, volume of work or service provided for by the contract, the parties to the contract are obliged to reduce the price of the contract based on the unit price of the goods, work or service (subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 95 of Law N 44-FZ).

At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a methodology, in accordance with which, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Art. 95 of Law N 44-FZ, in cases where the quantity of goods, the volume of work or services is reduced, while the price of the contract is reduced. On the basis of this norm, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1090 approved the Methodology for reducing the number of goods, volumes of work or services with a decrease in the price of the contract, which, in accordance with its paragraph 1, determines the procedure for reducing the number of goods, volumes of work or services with a decrease in the price of public (municipal) contract in accordance with the reduction in accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 161 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation previously communicated to the state or municipal customer as the recipient of budgetary funds of the corresponding limits of budgetary obligations in the cases provided for in paragraph 6 of part 1 of this article.

In addition, it is envisaged that the reduction in the quantity of goods supplied, the volume of work performed or services provided is carried out based on the price of the state (municipal) contract to be reduced, and the need to maintain profit as part of the price in an amount not exceeding 1 percent of the costs of the supplier (executor, contractor) to pay for purchased components (semi-finished products) and works (services) and 20 percent of other costs under the state (municipal) contract.

However, based on paragraph 6 of Art. 161 of the RF BC, rule p. 6, part 1, art. 95 of Law N 44-FZ applies to contracts where the customer is a public institution.

Even if you apply Part 1 of Art. 95 of Law N 44-FZ, in which it is permissible to change the essential terms of the contract, incl. pp. “b”, paragraph 1, then the possibility of changing the essential terms of the contract is conditioned by the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:
1) the possibility of change is provided for by the procurement documentation and the contract;
2) the initiative to make changes comes from the customer;
3) the number of goods supplied, the volume of work performed (services rendered) increases by no more than 10%.

In any case, you need to read the documentation. Contact a lawyer. Legal services are now available at your location.

How to increase the thickness of the penis? This question worries almost every man. For many, the thickness and length of the penis is of great importance. If, in their opinion, it is not long enough, then they resort to various methods that help improve the parameters of the penis. It is worth noting that according to statistics, 85% of women are satisfied with the size of the manhood of their partners. But, despite these data, men continue to look for the most effective methods with which you can increase the penis not only in length, but also in thickness.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about penis enlargement

Professor, urologist Tachko A.V.:

In our country, a huge number of men are not satisfied with the size of the penis, I tell you as a doctor. This is a delicate issue that is not customary to talk about openly, but I constantly encounter such complaints.

In general, there have long been various exercises for penis enlargement, but, alas, they require a colossal amount of time and, oddly enough, do not work. There is a more radical solution - surgery, but operations cost a lot of money, and not everyone will dare to take such a step.

But what then to be if your size is not enough? The only tool that has been tested on millions of men and really works is Python Gel, with which you are guaranteed to add + 3-5 cm to the length of the penis in a month. This gel does not provoke allergic reactions and other side effects, is not addictive, and the result that you have achieved after application remains with you forever. In addition, as part of a special promotion, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it for free.

Learn more>>

How to increase the thickness and length of the penis?

Increasing the thickness of the penis is a rather complicated and lengthy process. None of the known methods can instantly make the penis longer and more voluminous. But if you regularly perform special exercises, massage and use special creams, then you can achieve the desired result. What methods of increasing the thickness of the penis are the most effective, painless and economical, you will learn from our review article.

Having learned about the most popular methods and their features, advantages, each man will be able to choose the most optimal option for himself. Each method has its own advantages and features, some techniques can be combined to achieve maximum effect. The main thing is to choose the most pleasant and convenient way, and how to choose the right way to increase, read our article.

Is it possible to enlarge a penis?

For a long time there have been debates between doctors, sexologists and scientists, some of whom argue that it is impossible to enlarge the penis. Others believe that such methods exist. There are many different methods by which men can increase the thickness and length of the penis. And in this matter, the most effective are not only operational methods, but also manual techniques, mechanical devices.

Be careful!

Most penis enlargement exercises are dangerous for men. various types of sprains have an extremely negative effect on potency.

If you do not want to drink Viagra all your life, then it is not recommended to do penis stretching exercises, moreover, there is an absolutely safe and effective method of increasing male dignity - this is PYTHON GEL gel. The drug allows you to achieve an increase in the penis up to 7 cm in length in a natural, and most importantly safe way in the shortest possible time. In addition, a campaign is now underway to spread the brand, in which every resident of the Russian Federation can get a gel for free.

With the help of modern methods, manhood can be increased by 2-3 cm in length and 1-2 cm in thickness.

Already, millions of men around the world have taken advantage of costly and low cost penis enlargement techniques. It is they who share their experience and feedback, talking in detail about successes. Before and after photos clearly show that it is possible to enlarge the penis, but it is not so easy to do it. Despite this, every man can use special devices that increase gels, creams, massage techniques and jelqing and get high results.

Should I resort to changing the size of the penis?

The reproductive organ of each man has individual dimensions in length and thickness. If one of the guys has a penis length of 20 cm, this does not mean that the rest will have similar sizes. In addition, the size in a calm and erect state will be different. For example, in some men, the length of the penis at rest and during arousal may not change, while in others it may increase by 3-4 cm. If a guy has a small penis, this can cause serious psychological complexes.

The following parameters can be attributed to the normal dimensions of the penis: length 13-25, thickness or circumference measured in the middle section - 10-16 cm. If you notice that your manhood does not fit these parameters, then there is a solution to the problem. You can increase the penis both in thickness and in length. All that is needed at the initial stage is to familiarize yourself with all possible methods of penis enlargement and choose the best option.

The best drug for penis enlargement - FOR FREE

A new drug for penis enlargement appeared on the Russian market - Python Gel
At the moment, this is the most effective tool that gives +3-5 cm in a month!

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Operating methods

Surgical intervention to increase the penis in men is used, as a rule, in the most difficult cases. Most often, operations are prescribed for those patients who have congenital or acquired defects and pathologies of the reproductive system.

Surgical method

With the question of how to increase the thickness of the penis, many patients turn to plastic surgeons. And this is not surprising, since with the help of surgical intervention it is possible to increase the reproductive organ up to 5 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width. But before going for a consultation with a plastic surgeon, it is worth considering the possible risks and disadvantages of this procedure. Surgery is always a risk. The patient may begin suppuration of the wound after suturing, bleeding may open.

In addition, surgical methods require postoperative rehabilitation and require serious material costs. On average in Russia, the cost of penis enlargement surgery is 40-50 thousand rubles.

Pumping with hyaluronic acid

An increase in the length of the penis, as well as its width, is carried out with the help of injections, during which hyaluronic acid is injected subcutaneously.

This method has been used for a long time, but at the same time it has several disadvantages.

Hyaluronic acid has the ability to dissolve. The same applies to other biomaterials that are compatible with body cells. The procedure is performed on an inpatient basis and does not require further outpatient rehabilitation. A few days after injections of hyaluronic acid, a man can resume sexual activity.


If you want to know how to increase the length of the penis by 3-5 cm in the shortest possible time, then you should pay attention to ligamentotomy. This operation is performed under anesthesia and consists in the intersection of the supporting ligament. Surgical intervention is carried out in stages:

  • preoperative consultation with the surgeon;
  • patient preparation and administration of anesthesia;
  • cutting the skin on the scrotum in the middle;
  • transection of the ligament with a scalpel;
  • suturing the incision.

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination to identify indications and contraindications. By using painless procedure there is a visual increase in the genital organ up to 4-5 cm. At the same time, after the manipulation, the patient is required to wear an extender according to a special scheme.

Pumping fat mass

An increase in the volume of the penis is also achieved with the help of lipofilling. This procedure consists in maintaining the patient's own lipid tissue - the patient's autofat - into the subcutaneous tissue of the penis. The intake of fat is carried out from that part of the body, which is discussed directly with the patient in advance.

The procedure itself is carried out as follows: the doctor takes adipose tissue from the buttocks, abdomen or thigh and is stabilized so that its uniform consistency is achieved.

After that, auto-fat is injected using a microcannula and a disinfecting dressing is applied to the puncture site. After the manipulations, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for a month.

Increase at home

In addition to medical procedures for penis enlargement, more gentle methods are also used that can be used independently at home. These include special exercises, the use of simulators, gels and lubricants, massage techniques that increase the penis in thickness by a couple of centimeters.


If you want to know how to increase the thickness of the penis at home, then you should use special massage techniques. This method is one of the safest, most pleasant and affordable. It is necessary to carry out massage in a relaxed state using lubricants or special gels, which enhance the effect of manipulations several times.

To perform the exercise, you need to grab the base of the penis with the fingers of your left hand, forming a ring and make twisting movements with the right hand. In this case, with each manipulation, you should move a couple of centimeters higher. The procedure increases the penis by a couple of centimeters in thickness and length.


To date, many exercises have been developed that help solve the problem of how to increase the volume of the penis. The most popular techniques include jelqing, Kegel exercises. Special exercises help to increase the penis in circumference by a couple of centimeters, if performed regularly and correctly. For the greatest effect, before carrying out manipulations, a special gel or cream should be applied to the organ. Such funds improve blood flow and allow you to exercise painlessly and safely.


A common way to increase the length of the penis, and affect its blood supply. It is an imitation of the milking process. The right hand is placed at the base of the reproductive organ, squeezing it. The left one squeezes the area above the head. It is important to do this without effort, not allowing it to turn blue. From the base, lead a clenched hand to the head, then change the position of the hands.

  • With proper manipulation, the flow of blood into the cavernous bodies increases and you can count on the following results:
  • The penis becomes larger visually, the sexual capabilities of a man increase.
  • Erection improves.
  • Increases libido.
  • Intimate stamina increases.

To increase the penis by 3-4 cm in length and up to 2.5 additional in diameter, you need to jelq daily, not periodically. This method can be combined with other options for improving the parameters of the reproductive organ. For example, with the reception of decoctions and infusions, with hanging loads or with local application of funds.

wet method

One of the options for jelqing. It is called so because of the use of a lubricant, which includes gel, ointment, spray, oil and similar products. Penetrating into the skin, they soften it, preparing it for manipulation. The fabric becomes more pliable to manual impact, and the risk of damage is minimized. The rest of the jelqing technique is discussed above. For a positive result, it is advisable to perform this manipulation for at least 1 month in a row, provided there are no gaps even for 1 day. If the goal is to achieve results quickly, then this method will not work, since the lengthening and expansion of the penis is only in the long term.

dry method

Jelqing of the classic type (without the use of lubricants) is called dry. In terms of how to increase the diameter of the penis, this method is completely suitable for enlargement. To a small extent, the increase in the length of the penis occurs due to increased blood flow to its head. The disadvantage of the method is the need for daily use, the initial signs of penis enlargement are noticeable only after 1 month (minimum).


Enlarging a penis in diameter is a difficult task. But not if you use a special device - an extender. For maximum results, it is necessary to use the device for 4-6 months daily. However, it must be used within a few hours. The extender is designed for long-term stretching of the phallus, which contributes to its growth in length and width.

  1. With proper and regular use, the penis increases in girth by 1.5-2 cm, in length - up to 4 cm.
  2. The disadvantages of this technique include the long duration of the procedure, the possible appearance of discomfort.


An increase in the girth of the penis is also possible with the help of devices - pumps. They come in different types - vacuum, mechanical, water, hydropumps. The most popular is the vacuum pump. It consists of a cylinder and a hand pump. For the procedure, the penis is placed in a cylinder, and air is pumped with a pump, creating a vacuum.

This method is used not only for pumping the penis, but also for the treatment of erectile dysfunctions. The disadvantages of using a pump include the appearance of bruising and pain, but such consequences most often occur due to improper use of the device.


One of the most dangerous ways to increase a male member in length is to hang a load. Apply:

  • Rings. Such devices have a steel core and a silicone (or rubber) shell.
  • Giri. They have a standard appearance, the volume is from 200 g to 1 kg.
  • Vacuum hangers. To create a system, you need to purchase a cap (it should not exceed the size of the head), a winding and a holding sleeve. The listed elements are fixed to each other, the cap is put on the penis. The cost of the device as a whole (subject to the separate purchase of each of them - up to 1500 rubles).
Important! Regardless of the weight of the weighting agent used, numbness of the head should not occur during the procedure.

Before carrying out the manipulation, the genital organ must be rubbed to improve blood circulation. In addition, a small preliminary massage reduces the risk of fracture of the corpora cavernosa under the weight of the weighting agent.

Hormonal drugs

In search of the optimal remedy, men are interested in whether it is possible to increase the thickness of the penis through the use of hormones. Substances of this group in 95% of cases provide an increase in its size. But it is not always possible to predict how the hormonal agent will act after accumulation in the body.

To improve the indicators of male dignity use:

  • Gonadotropin. A hormone produced by the placenta during a woman's pregnancy. The effect of the application is an increase in the amount of sperm, an increase in muscle mass, an improvement in libido and potency in general.
  • Testosterone. Male sex hormone produced by the prostate gland, adrenal cortex and testicles. The introduction of the hormone provides an increase in the production of ejaculate, an increase in sexual desire and an increase in blood supply to the cavernous bodies.
  • Somatropin. Human growth hormone is produced by one of the parts of the brain. Promotes growth of cavernous bodies. Destroys fat cells, which is especially important if the presence of a small penis and excess weight are simultaneous problems.
Important! Each of these hormonal substances can lead to complications.

If it is possible to choose an alternative option, it is better to increase manhood with more gentle methods. Artificial and active replenishment of the body with substances that it does not need leads to adverse consequences. Possible side effects- muscle pain, the appearance of pustular rashes, excessive sweating, insomnia, headache.

The use of modern medicine

Reliable ways to achieve a positive result (increasing the size of a man's dignity, ensuring an erection) are a course of injection therapy or surgery. Each of them has advantages, disadvantages and contraindications. Therefore, choosing the best option for yourself, you need to take into account possible risks and minimize them.


One of the effective ways to increase the length, thickness and volume of the penis is injections. For this purpose, hormonal preparations, petroleum jelly or hyaluronic acid fillers are used. The expected effect is an increase in the body, the normalization of its blood supply.

The procedure is performed as follows: the man is in a sitting position, treat the surface of the penis with an antiseptic solution. Then, the drug is injected directly into the cavernous bodies - by dosed chipping of the organ along its entire length (up to the head). After each injection of a small amount of the drug, the tissues are massaged to better distribute the solution. The volume of such for each man is selected individually.

Vaseline is a cheap remedy, the cost of it is minimal. Hyaluronic acid fillers are not cheap - an increase in the penis from 12 to 15 cm (in length) and from 2.5 cm to 4 cm (in diameter) will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

Attention! The filler used (its country of origin and volume) matters.

Hormonal drugs are not cheap, the cost varies depending on the form of the drug used (in the form of a spray, tablets, injection solution). The average price of drugs based on gonadotropin is up to 350 rubles. for 1 bottle and up to 1,500 rubles. (depending on the manufacturer, the volume of the active substance). Testosterone will cost up to 400 rubles. per bottle, somatropin - from 380 rubles. for 1 bottle. It should be borne in mind that the prices are indicated only for 1 unit of the product, and for the full course you will need an individual amount of the drug.

Procedure risks:

  • Suppuration of the injection site.
  • Anaphylactic shock (allergic reaction to the drug used).
  • Bleeding followed by hematoma formation.
  • Amputation of an organ (with improper administration of a substance or the use of petroleum jelly).

The listed consequences can be avoided if you turn to a specialist and do not administer various drugs at home, filling the cavernous bodies with them.


An operation to introduce a certain amount of adipose tissue into the cavernous bodies (it is taken from another part of the body). The patient is placed with cosmetic sutures that dissolve on their own and do not require removal. An increase in male dignity occurs in 100% of cases, since we are talking about its surgical variant. A possible risk is tissue rejection, inflammation of the suture line, bleeding.

Gels and sprays

If you are interested in the question of how to increase the diameter of the penis safely and painlessly, then the best option would be to use special gels and creams. The most popular and in demand are Titan Gel and Dominator spray. They not only allow you to achieve serious changes in the size of the penis as soon as possible, but also have a wide list of advantages:

  • increase in sexual possibilities;
  • increased sensation at the time of ejaculation;
  • the ability to control the moment of ejaculation;
  • sensitive, long-term erection;
  • elimination of problems with premature ejaculation.

The enlargement of the penis in width is achieved through a specially selected combination of components. All substances in the cream and gel are of natural origin, so they are absolutely safe and harmless. Many guys have already appreciated all the benefits of sprays and creams that provide rapid growth and thickening of the reproductive organ. Other creams and gels can be attributed to no less effective means. For a complete list of medications, please see the table below.

Titan gel and spray Dominator are quite effective products that have a visual effect 3-5 minutes after application. At the same time, the penis size increases by an average of 25-30%. Every man who is thinking about purchasing a penis enlargement gel and cream can look at detailed reviews of popular products that are presented on our portal. Follow the link and get a 50% discount on the purchase of an effective product on our portal.

Baking soda

Many guys often ask if it is possible to increase the thickness of the penis with baking soda. It is worth noting that this method has a place to be, since baking soda increases the elasticity of the penis, but it is useless for its increase or thickening. Soda baths, at best, will temporarily increase the elasticity of the penis, but after a few hours the effect will pass. To prepare the bath, you need to take a glass of warm water and stir one teaspoon of baking soda in it. Placed in a glass in a solution, you need to wait 15-20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Stimulant pills

Another option, how to increase a penis in girth, is to take stimulant drugs. Medicines and dietary supplements are sold in the public domain in pharmacies and specialized online stores. They improve blood flow to the vascular tissue of the penis. Due to this, it increases.

Before buying stimulant pills, you should carefully study their composition. Taking preparations consisting of chemicals can aggravate the situation, as some components can cause allergic reactions.

Which way to choose?

It is almost impossible to answer unambiguously the question of how to increase a member in width. There are a huge number of techniques with which you can achieve decent results, but they all have their own characteristics and nuances. Today, to increase the penis, you can use not only special simulators and devices, but also innovative gels and creams. Most of them are made from natural ingredients that provide thickening and lengthening of the phallus.


You have 2 million sweat glands.

Use an extender. There are many of them at the present time, but they have one principle of work. All extenders give results and even help to straighten the penis. Use the extender for 2-3 hours a day for several months. It has a stretching effect on the cells of the penis. In response to prolonged exposure from the outside, the body forms new cells at the point of application of the extender. Since it has a three-dimensional structure, its growth goes both in length and in width. With regular use and perseverance of the owner of the penis extender, you can increase the size of the penis by several centimeters. And the result achieved with proper use remains forever.

Remember that the pharmacological industry is currently releasing all sorts of dietary supplements (BAA), with the use of which you can achieve the goal without resorting to physical impact on the penis. The action of all these substances leads to an increase in the blood supply to the cavernous bodies, which ultimately stimulates its growth, increases the duration of erection, and provides better control over ejaculation. The most available dietary supplements contain mainly vitamins E and B3, hawthorn, ginseng root extract, dodder seeds, Goryanka herb, Ginkgo Biloba extract and herb, cayenne pepper fruit and other adaptagens and stimulants. The recommended period of use of dietary supplements is 4 months or more. Side effects are due only to individual intolerance to the drug. Various creams and gels to increase the size of the penis have similar effects.

If the above remedies are ineffective or if you want to get the maximum possible effect in a relatively short time, resort to a surgical solution to the problem. Male penis enlargement surgery is performed in a hospital, usually under local anesthesia. The use of implants is not required. And the postoperative scar is no more than 3 cm.

At the same time, vital organs are not affected during the intervention, and the risk of serious complications is minimal. As a result of the operation, it is possible to achieve an increase in the length of the penis up to 4 centimeters. Penile thickening is surgically achieved by transplanting the patient's fatty tissue under the skin of the penis. In this case, 200 ml of adipose tissue is usually injected. The result is a uniform thickening of the penis.