What does pikaper mean. Pickup

Many girls dream of stormy and fast-paced romance with a confident and handsome man who will grow into and.

However, they often become pickup victims. A pick-up man - who is he, why is he dangerous and how to distinguish him?

Pickup - what is it?

Pickup- this is a technique for seducing girls and women, which uses the psychological nuances of their stereotyped reactions in a given situation, modeling the situation itself and the behavior of a man for dating, quickly turning into an intimate relationship.

The purpose of the pickup truck is to develop the relationship between a man and a woman as quickly as possible and obligatory follow-up sex.

Who is a male pickup artist and what does he do?

A pickup artist or pickup driver is a man who trying to win a girl's heart using certain psychological techniques. At the same time, his goal is acquaintance and intimacy without further obligations, while the girl becomes a victim in a kind of hunt.

You can perceive a male pick-up artist differently - perhaps some girls will like a one-day romance.

But at the very source of the pickup is not a man's real interest in a girl, not his passion, and even more so not deep feelings, but the success of the seduction process itself. Usually after sex pickup artist's interest in the girl disappears, as he needs the next victim.

Pickup techniques are often resorted to, which have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex.

In this case, it can be considered as a correction of one's own behavior, which does not carry any antimoral actions.

However, for some men this becomes a hobby.

And from the very beginning of their acquaintance, they know that after sex they will look for another girl to seduce.

At the same time, the girl herself often does not even know the true reasons for both the acquaintance itself and its abrupt ending.

Psychology of behavior

Initially, in a pickup truck, relationships between opposite sexes are viewed as a kind of battle in the ring, a victory in which a man wins when he enters into an intimate relationship with a girl.

For this, various tools and techniques developed on the basis of NLP are used.

And it comes down to the fact that anyone can learn more successful communication with others, to find a common language with them, and in general - to control the process of communication.

Pickup uses a conscious influence on various representative systems girls - visual, auditory, kinesthetic - in order to cause the required reactions.

At the same time, a girl may feel that she has found a like-minded person, a loved one, a kindred spirit - that is, in a short time she begins to experience interest and trust in a man.

Anchors are used- certain stimuli that correspond to a certain one, causing the desired reaction in a girl - for example, a romantic song, a walk along the embankment, where many couples in love meet along the way, etc.

Also in the pickup, attention is paid to such a concept as frame control- a generalized, but not directly expressed message about a particular situation.

For example, the expression "Kolya in shock" can not only say that a person at that moment is experiencing some kind of spiritual upsurge, that he is more successful than usual, but also testifies that he succumbs to some kind of his weakness - for example, he did not calculate with alcohol or allowed his inherent error.

In pickup, whoever controls the frame is generally considered to have control over the flow of communication.

Is it possible to recognize such a person in real life?

In order not to become a victim of a pickup truck, a girl needs to have an idea about his behavior and some pickup techniques.


Is it possible to calculate the villain? How does a pickup truck behave?

Technique examples

There are a lot of template techniques in the arsenal of pick-up artists that are used when meeting. At the same time, the meeting can be taught both casually and caused by genuine interest in you. For example:

  1. A young man in the rain comes up to you with an umbrella in the rain. He looks good, does not impose himself on acquaintances at all - he just goes along the way. Nevertheless, immediately there is an interesting topic for conversation and a reason to continue acquaintance.
  2. A funny question or address that implies continued communication. For example - “Girl, do you have a fountain pen? To write down your phone number."

Pickup techniques don't end with getting to know each other.

After the reason for starting communication is won back, there is an adjustment to, and most often this may look completely invisible For a girl:

  1. When asked about your hobby or place of work it turns out that you have a lot in common with a man- for example, he also had the same hobby, was fond of the same activity, or dreamed of what you achieved.
  2. When talking about more personal topics it turns out that you have the same views on the relationship of a man and a woman. People tend to find and appreciate like-minded people, which is what pick-up artists use.

Transition to touch also might look harmless enough:

  1. You get off public transport and pickup immediately gives you a hand.

    It seems like a rather innocuous and caring gesture, but it implies that touch is becoming the norm in your communication.

  2. Man removes mote from your dress or hair- again, some reason is necessarily used to invade personal space.

Pickup truck techniques, with proper skill, look completely realistic with the only difference being that for a girl it will look absolutely natural, however, for a pick-up artist, this is a meaningful process of gaining trust.

How to deal with such a guy?

To behave correctly with a pick-up artist means control the frame itself.

It is under your control that the situation should be, and not vice versa.

For this also should be closely monitored as the situation evolves. and relationships, determine the tricks of the pick-up artist when winning your favor.

It is the awareness of him and your behavior that will give you trump cards in the game against the male seducer.

How to send it off?

In order not to become a victim of a pickup truck, you should learn to keep a distance between you and a man, which he will constantly try to break:

How to teach?

If you are confident and you are offended by the fact that a man is trying to use you by putting himself another “tick”, then you can teach the seducer a lesson.

To do this, you can play along with him using the same pickup techniques. Show that you are very interested in him and that you do not notice anything unusual in the fact that the relationship is developing so rapidly.

How more naive you will show yourself, the more confident and careless the pick-up artist will begin to behave.

After he realizes that you are on his hook, simply refuse him further communication.

It will be the rejection the most painful blow for a pickup artist, and the realization of lost time, its failure can discourage the desire to try to drag into bed for the sake of the process of seduction.

Pickup is a set of techniques and tools that can help act for the benefit of a shy man who has sincere feelings for a woman, but it can also be used immorally for girls whose main task is to check how deep a man's feelings are.

How are pick-up artists and womanizers bred? Tricks and secret pick-ups:

I had absolutely no idea what is a pickup some time ago. And now for those like me, I want to give a clear definition and explanation of this word/concept/science. I was extremely interested in what kind of male science of seduction. And I decided to look into it. After talking with pick-up artists long and hard, I decided to write an article about it! Many thanks to the authors of this site for allowing it to be published!

A pickup truck is a large car with a body. This is the Russian meaning of this word and everyone knows it.

But the word pickup is not known to everyone. This is the name of the popular science in the west about the seduction of women. From the word pick up - in translation "remove", "pick up".

Definition1: pickup is the science of how to quickly seduce a woman with minimal effort in a minimal period of time, and breed for sex. That is - to seduce FAST! For - pickup! So they say in the ranks of modern pick-up artists.

Definition 2. Who are pickup artists?

These are people who devote most of their time to wandering the streets in search of women, and the implementation of their Napoleonic plans in the field of love victories!

What is pickup science based on?

Pickup, as a science of seduction, is based on another science called NLP, which has been quite popular lately. This is the science of communication, and not only.

The basic principles of a pickup truck:

  • Any girl can be seduced. It is important to know the approach.
  • Experience determines success. The more you practice, the better!
  • There are no mistakes - there is feedback. (from NLP)
  • There is no better woman in the world, so changing all women for one is ridiculous!

Pickup Lifestyle:

The lifestyle of a pickup artist is quite chaotic. Men are pick-up artists, like any other men, they constantly want new women and new sensations. This is their nature. If ordinary men hide it - then pick-up artists - on the contrary, put it on display!

They are not at all shy about showing that they want a lot of women at once. And fickle. Then after they walk - most pickup trucks gets himself permanent girls. But this takes time!

Therefore, the lifestyle of a pikaper is constant trips to the streets for women, to bars, discos, and frequent parties. Often the leaders of these parties gather to discuss some new pickup idea! The nightlife of a pickup artist must be said to be diverse. It's not too cheap though. Not all pick-up artists can resist expensive liquor in clubs, leaving their pocket empty! And here, willy-nilly, I want to laugh “they don’t want to pay for women, but they spend much more :) because of women :)”

For some reason, pick-up artists who don't hang out in bars have earned me the most respect. They hunt in other places - on the way to work in the subway, or in traffic jams. According to them, the best women can be found there, since the bars usually go to those who burn their lives and liver. And many girls of decent origin do not like bars. Therefore, this type of pickup truck has to be content with the metro and traffic jams. There are also galleries, theaters, but I don’t think that they often go there, although they talk!

Pickup Beliefs:

It is impossible to be put down more than it.

This means that you cannot pay more for her than she does for you, love her more than she loves you, call her more than she does for you, and so on.

This belief, according to their leaders, saves pickup artists time and money.

Pickup goals:

Faster to fuck a girl, while spending less money, time, effort (resources).

Pickup terms:

Bitch-shield- protection of the bitch, translated from English. Many women, when they are approached, do not behave quite correctly. They are being rude and rude. Sometimes this happens because a woman wants to protect herself from external interference in her space. When a drunken man comes up to me and sticks - I turn on this protection! So it's not so bad for us women. But it interferes with pick-ups. Therefore, they need to remove this protection. Remove bitch shield. To communicate normally.

Examination We women test men when they start dating. We evaluate them. Who is he? What is he like in life? How smart is he? How smart? Or how persistent is he? According to the pick-up theory, we do it instinctively, without realizing it ourselves, since, according to pick-up artists, we need to determine in which part of life to define this man. The sex part, the relationship part, or the service part, pay at the bar or take you to work. Depending on how he - a man - behaves - we will determine him there. Logically. Either he will be my boyfriend, or a lover, or a friend who gives me a lift to work and takes me shopping. Good idea, right? :)

DOD: when a girl says - let's be friends - this is DOD.

Primari - the main girl in the harem

Secondari is not the main :)

MLTR- long-term relationship with several girls. It's customary for them to say that :) It's kind of cool! I have MLTR

SLTR- long-term relationship with one girl. But when someone says this, everyone becomes sad. Since such a person is lost for the society of pick-up artists!

HB - Hot Baby - hot baby. This is a girl that you really want to look at for a long time, because he is beautiful. And not only look!

SHB - Super Hot Baby - This is not just HOT - but a very hot girl. When you look at her - except for the fact that you want to continue to look - everything freezes in the nutria and the jaw drops!

Opener - a phrase with which a pick-up artist begins communication with a girl. For example, "hello", or "can I meet you" - these are openers!

Complement- this is a pleasant thing said to a girl.

Neg hit is a hooked complement. Ordinary complements often do not catch, so sometimes they do not connect the hook. For example, “cool legs, (complement) one is slimmer than the other (hook).” How are you?

And there are hundreds of such pickup trucks!

Open means to open communication with a woman.

close– close communication by going to the next stage of the relationship, or by being refused!

CINEMA is not a cinema where films are shown! This is from the word kinesthetic - touching a girl for different parts of the body. Pick-up artists do this to excite the girl a little, in order to win her over.

light cinema- gentle, barely noticeable touches, I must say that sometimes very pleasant. (OK).

Hard Cinema- hard pawing, grabbing different parts of the girl's body. Sometimes it is scary and unpleasant, to be honest. But this is done in order to make it clear to the “victim” that they are holding her tightly and are not going to let go. According to the pickup theory, when a woman realizes that she has no choice, she gives up! But if you don't give in, nothing happens! Sooner or later he gets tired of mocking you, and retreats! But not for long :) After giving you a couple of minutes to rest, he can continue, and so on until you get used to it and surrender to him on your own. Such is the wave method!

Pickup Pros:

For men who have spermatotoxicosis, a pickup truck is very useful. It increases the number of women. It is important to learn pickup from a normal person. For women - those of us who only want sex and an unobtrusive lover - you need to look for pickup trucks!

Pickup cons:

Too twisted and heaped up about completely simple things. According to pickup masters who have been doing it for years, all this can be explained in a completely different priest, ordinary language in much less time.

For women, it is difficult to establish a long-term relationship with a pick-up artist, and marry him for a husband!

Women's pickup?

Is there a female pickup?

No, according to the authors of this project, women need other things. For us, it is more important how to find and keep a man than to sleep with him quickly! This is taught by project instructors who explain to women how they are with a man, based on their experience of communicating with a huge number of women who, one way or another, made a lot of mistakes!

In the modern world, such a term as a pickup truck is actively used. However, many still do not fully understand who pick-up artists are, what is the purpose of their activities. In fact, this is a kind of subculture, rooted in America, beloved by many. In our country, this trend appeared only in the last decade, but has already become widespread. Now, in almost all major cities, special trainings and seminars are held to teach the pickup truck and reveal the main secrets of seducing women.

Unfortunately, until now, most girls, answering the question of who pick-up artists are, pick up only negative adjectives, associating these men with rudeness and debauchery. In reality, everything is quite the opposite: they are often distinguished by a broad outlook, well-delivered speech and frankness in communication.

So, young people who are fond of pickups tend to seduce the girl they like as soon as possible. Some men use the acquired knowledge and acquired skills in a positive way in order to find the one and only and make her life interesting, and the time spent together unforgettable. Others arrange some kind of competition, working only for quantity, not for quality. The last category is really to be feared, because it will be unpleasant for any girl to find out that she was only a fleeting sexual infatuation of a partner. Be that as it may, all the ladies are dreamers who want to see a knight.

Who are pick-up artists and how to recognize them?

The main distinguishing feature of the adherents of this trend is assertiveness, frankness, even a little arrogance is possible. If on a walk, at the cinema, in a club or cafe, a rather persistent young man approaches you, diligently trying to find an approach to you, then he may already be a pick-up artist. Usually, after a short conversation, such people go on the offensive: they invite you on a date and take the phone number of the lady they like.

Surprisingly, a competent pick-up artist is able to charm a girl in a couple of minutes, and sometimes continue communication in a secluded place. If the conversation was limited only to the exchange of contacts, then all his further actions will be aimed at captivating and intriguing the lady. In other words, to turn the situation in your favor, you will fall in love so much that you yourself will look for dates.

In modern practice, there are also pick-up girls, but the overwhelming majority are still men. It is worth noting that any member of such an unusual club was deprived of the attention of the opposite sex in the past, therefore, he seeks to learn new things and catch up. Some guys, who were not popular with girls, listen to the advice of pick-up artists at special seminars with only one goal: to take revenge on the beautiful half of humanity, ruthlessly seducing and then leaving the ladies. People of this circle very rarely talk about themselves, because their main task is to get to know the interlocutor. The more information a man receives, the more ways to charm a girl he will come up with.

Summing up, we can answer the question of who the pickup artists are. These are young people who want to seduce a girl for a short period of time with a specific goal.

Many young people often face this problem: they like a girl, but they do not know how to get to know her, how to start a conversation, how to win her over, etc. There are many reasons for this, be it inexperience, fear or self-doubt. If a young man does not know how to win the heart of a stranger, then such a science as “pickup” comes to his aid, which gives answers to the questions “who is a pickup master” and “how to become one”.

Pickup as a science: terms and ideology

It is worth starting with where the term " pickup". This concept has nothing to do with cars, but takes its origins from the English language. " Pick up " is translated as "remove", "pick up". It is believed that the science of a pickup truck originated in the early 90s of the XX century in the United States. The term "pickup" appeared in Russia in 1995 thanks to Sergey Ogurtsov, who organized a conference dedicated to the acquaintance of men and women and the further development of their relationship.

So, what is a pickup truck? This the science that tells how to seduce Many do not consider a pickup truck a science and give a slightly different definition: a pickup truck is a strategy consisting of measures and actions to attract a person of the opposite sex.

Along with the term "pickup", it is worth considering a few more fundamental concepts:

  • pickup artist - this is a person who masters the art of a pickup truck and puts it into practice;
  • Pickup Master is a person who has reached the highest level in seducing objects of the opposite sex.

It is believed that only males can be pick-up artists. For the most part, that's exactly what it is. But among the girls there are also pick-up artists.

Fundamental Principles of Pickup Masters

As in any science, in a pickup truck there is set of rules, which must be followed to achieve the goal - seducing a member of the opposite sex. But, despite the existence of certain principles, the pick-up artist must develop his own strategy for attracting girls, and it depends on him which rules he will use and which ones are not suitable for him.

So to fundamental pickup rules can include the following:

  1. Pikaper creates himself. Clarification: the appearance of a pick-up artist is of minimal importance, external inferiority must be compensated by other qualities, for example, a sense of humor, a well-delivered speech, etc.
  2. There are a huge number of rules, but it is impossible keep them all. Clarification: the standard pickup strategy is half theory (at the initial stage, theory takes more place), the pickupper creates his own rules and methods based on achieving the goal.
  3. If the girl laughs, the goal is achieved. Clarification: everyone knows perfectly well that a well-developed sense of humor attracts the fair sex.
  4. The intersection of interests is the key to the "object". Clarification: in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carefully find common topics and interests, while doing this carefully, without “pulling out” information and the banal question “what are you interested in?”.
  5. The girl must understand everything. Clarification: the pick-up artist must make it clear to the girl that he likes her, that he is interested in talking, etc. But again, you shouldn’t do this head-on with the words “you know, I like you”, this should be done with hints, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
  6. The conversation must go on and on. Clarification: it is important that there are no pauses in the conversation. A pikaper must constantly emphasize and attract attention, change and generate new topics of conversation.

It is important to remember that the pickup builds himself, selects the rules for himself and for a specific situation, so that .

Types of pickup masters

Developing their own strategy of seduction, pickup masters still can be classified. So, there are different groups of pickups:

  • Eagles: main features - inaccessibility and freedom; this style of behavior is often chosen by pickup artists with an attractive appearance; the result of the “eagle” strategy will be that the girl will catch every breath, but at the same time, such pick-up artists do not forget sometimes to descend from heaven to earth;
  • Hares: main features - fearfulness, lack of initiative, passivity; "hares" can quickly escape, but this fuels interest; they also know at what point you need to make sure that they catch up with you;
  • Wolves: main features - lonely, rude, but a good defender; the main weapon of the “wolf” is loneliness, the girl will have to do everything so that such a pick-up artist stops feeling lonely, while the “wolf” will educate the fair sex in such a way that she will not be able to manipulate him or powder his brains;
  • snakes: the main features are manipulators and schemers; such pick-up artists are rubbed into confidence, find out all the secrets, become irreplaceable.

There are also other types of pickups. Again, it all depends on the strategy created and the behavior model of the pickup master.

Myths about pickup trucks

Due to the fact that many girls suffered from the actions of inexperienced pick-up artists, there appeared a lot of myths. Here are some of them:

  1. The main goal of a pick-up artist is to pick up the phone and not call back (the myth appeared after pick-up training, where students practiced this exercise);
  2. The pikaper only wants to seduce the girl to physical intimacy (in fact, the man goes through the process of socialization and improves his skills);
  3. Pick-up artists always immediately leave girls when they reach their goal (in a pick-up truck there is such a thing as “environmental friendliness” - parting without quarrels, while experienced pick-up artists always try to maintain friendly relations with a girl when parting).

Myths appear in connection with the incorrect application of the theory in practice by young pick-up artists, or their passion for achieving the main goal - to get close to the girl as quickly as possible and at minimal cost.

Why don't they like pickup trucks?

Because of the myths that have appeared among the people, pickup masters are not liked. Stereotypical thinking gave rise to other reasons hatred for pickups. So, men do not respect real pick-up artists, because they themselves cannot achieve such serious results.

In general, people do not like those who stand out from the crowd, and professional pickup artists are hard to miss. Some even believe that pick-up artists use hypnosis and cunning manipulation in practice, but this is completely not true. Yes, many pickup rules and techniques are taken from psychology, but only for a better understanding and decoding of the girl's behavior.

So, now you can give a concluding answer to the question "who is a pickup master." A pikaper is a person who is looking for love in a non-standard difficult way. He looks great, speaks beautifully and intelligently, has a sharp sense of humor, and is certainly confident in himself. A real pikaper will make a girl happy, bringing her comfort and pleasure. He does not stop there, wanting to constantly increase the experience. Pickup - a complex and subtle science of not only the seduction of women, but socialization in society as a whole.

Video about pickup masters

In this video, Anton will show how a pickup master works, what tricks he uses to seduce light bulbs:

Reading time: 3 min

A pikaper is a person who uses pre-established psychological techniques to meet, establish relationships and achieve their goals in them. Why do we need a pickup truck, why are men interested in it? When people find out about a pickup truck, a rather skeptical attitude often arises towards it, the question hangs in the air - why get acquainted with a girl, which pickup trucker will still break up with after one or two dates?

Everything is not so clear here. Yes, pickup methods often fall into unscrupulous hands, very young guys who still don’t know themselves, or the opposite sex, or what they want from life and relationships, full of complexes and negative programs, begin to use it. In the language of psychology, a pickup truck becomes an overcompensation that does not help solve personal and interpersonal problems, but only drives them deeper and aggravates them.

However, there are also cases of the beginning of a successful relationship thanks to a pickup truck. How does this happen, can a pickup truck really be used for the benefit of both the pickup artist and his “victim”?

There is an opinion that having seduced a girl, and in fact most often a pickup truck is aimed specifically at them, the pickup artist should immediately rush to new conquests. Often this happens with guys who strive to collect as many checkmarks as if the number of sexual partners and broken hearts is a measure of them and the assessment of others. Another category of pick-up artists, more experienced and well-formed as individuals, can leave a girl after a couple of intimate meetings with her because it is pleasant for them to engage in sex, but the girl did not interest them with her inner content.

And then the ball is already on the side of the girls - it turns out that a pickup truck is a kind of hacking, a girl’s divorce for an intimate relationship, which she is not willing to do by nature, but behind this is no mystery? After all, many guys really encountered female intimacy, which for some reason is not so condemned by society as a pick-up hack of such manipulations. Here we face the question of real relationships and the possibility of building them, regardless of the methods, whether it be a pickup truck or the advice of girlfriends. Whose fault, if I may say so, is that a pickup truck takes place on the streets of cities? What strengthens this almost scandalous trend - the complexes and cynicism of guys or the emptiness and commercialism of girls?

How does a pickup truck behave?

It is worth saying that even people who are uninitiated in this technique use the techniques included in the pickup unconsciously when meeting. This manifests itself, for example, as a natural desire to charm the girl you like, to be stronger next to her, to protect, care for, compliment, smile and gush with emotions. The pickup brings them to the level of conscious use, creating a concentrated dose that becomes a powerful weapon against even the most closed girls, depriving them of the opportunity to think and make a choice.

How to recognize a pickup artist? The pickup has grown into a separate subculture. And if the punks cut their Iroquois and paint them in different colors, and the Goths dress in all black, then the signs of a pick-up artist are the number of victims and the skill with which he frames them. High skill is recognized as the ability to breed a girl for intimacy on the evening of acquaintance. A three-date date is considered a classic - when intimacy is achieved in three dates during the pickup process.

How not to confuse a pick-up artist with an ordinary guy who really liked you so much that he decided to ask you for a phone? He will most likely be shy, he needs at least a couple of minutes to gather his courage, and only then to attract attention. Also, the beginning will be rather standard if it is not prepared in advance with the help of special techniques and other people's minds. The pikaper will get acquainted with brilliance and chic, exuding confidence and complete calmness.

Unshakable confidence is a learned skill that kicks in every time a seasoned pickup artist spots a pretty girl. He has such confidence that he immediately begins to look into your eyes, and after ten minutes of acquaintance he tries to touch you. As instructed in pickup courses - this should include in the CBD, females, a sense of relaxation and special attention.

The pick-up artist does not answer questions about himself, because he, like no one else, knows that no one is interested in a person except himself. He will ask you questions, literally bombarding you with questions, but he will not give any extra information about himself. He asks to amuse your ego and find in the information received the very key that will open you like a box.

How to recognize a pickup artist in real life?

Girls, who are more romantic by nature, often want to know how to recognize a pick-up artist, so as not to fall for the bait, not to fall in love with a man who only wanted a short intimacy.

Some active, enthusiastic guys, often successful in business and with a large circle of friends, use a pickup truck as a tool to win a girl around her methods, although they could get her attention without special techniques. But the pickup truck allows them to control the situation, which is very important for the guys in control warehouse. Having received sexual discharge, then they can think more critically, feel whether the girl is really interested in them. It is often difficult for them to understand this before intimate relationships, while a pickup truck allows them to habitually reach their goal and then decide what to do.

Consideration here is subject to a young man to engage in a pickup truck, his attitude to life and values ​​that lead him to just this way of dating. A pickup for many people gives away, an instrumental attitude towards people and primitive intimacy.

What is the ultimate goal of a pickup truck? Pickup implies the presence of desires, which he can help satisfy. There are guys who are naturally good with girls. But there are those who can't start dating - and a pickup truck can help them with this. Some of the guys know how to get acquainted, but want to have more partners who are more beautiful, smarter, more interesting. Some guys with the help of a pickup truck when they met even created families in the future. Someone wants to return the former, someone wants to fall in love with the girl with whom he sat at the desk, being quietly and unrequitedly in love with her. It turns out that a pickup truck, like a magic wand, allows men to get what they want, but the question is where these desires will lead.

Pickup coaches, in response to criticism of their direction, focus on the fact that this is just a way of getting to know each other, and if a girl attracted a guy in earnest, the pickup does not force her to leave her and rush to the next one. Here they are right, because the pickup is just a tool, its use depends on the master.

The pickup technique is environmentally friendly in the sense that it does not teach girls to promise mountains of gold or a family, but allows them to achieve intimacy, which, according to statistics given by pickups, women love no less than men.

Another question is what kind of intimacy it is. After all, a woman is by nature a more emotional being, she is tuned to a deep spiritual connection, in which she can reveal herself and reveal a man. Quick intimacy for women is less comfortable, and if a girl went for it, she unconsciously wanted to bind a man who she really liked, to set in motion further relationships, like some kind of advance for the future. Women become more attached and therefore try with all their might to resist the rapid removal.

How to communicate with a pickup artist

Pick-up artists adhere to the principle that it is better to wait half an hour than to persuade half a day. Therefore, he can absolutely calmly disappear for a week immediately after taking your phone number. That is, this week he is waiting for you until you warm yourself up so that by the date of the date you are already burning with impatience.

Let's say you didn't consider the signs of a pick-up artist, or you consciously decided to go on that magical date. And here the key word is magic, because a pick-up artist will not take you to an ordinary date. All these cute banal gatherings in cafes and walks in the park are alien to him - most likely he will arrange an amazing date for you so that you admire all his eccentricity, and, as a result, sleep with him that same evening. Of course, even an ordinary guy can try to surprise you - but he obviously will not be so persistent in bringing up the issue of bed.

The universal way to discourage a pickup artist is to keep your ears open and endure at least five dates. An ordinary guy will wait, and the pickup artist will simply fall off and will no longer appear in your life.

A meaningful and congruent personality is interesting to others by itself, charming and seductive naturally, while leaving the choice for the other person, without pushing through it. A pickup truck helps to upgrade oneself, to take higher positions in terms of attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex, however, it is quite directive and initially aimed at success, reeking of Pavlovian behaviorism. Knowing that a guy is using pickup techniques often turns a girl away, she feels that he crushes her like, suppresses her freedom and does not take into account her interests.

Is it possible to build a true life-long relationship on such principles? If you do not deviate from the principles of a pickup truck, then love as a deep feeling will not come, because it is not based at all on, but on respect for the personality of another, self-disclosure, acceptance, the ability to even sometimes be weak and surrender to a partner, patience in difficult situations. This is all the more relevant the longer the couple is together. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that a pickup as a tool can be used at the first stages of acquaintance, if a person lacks personal charm or if control over the situation is urgently needed. However, just as freely as they resorted to it, you need to be able to leave it, having entered the line of contact with a partner without a mask, a crutch called a pickup truck.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"