How to remember last names. How to remember the names of new acquaintances: five reliable tricks

Imagine you show up at a party and meet new people. Everything goes fine, you feel like the soul of the company, but (!), then you understand that half of the people did not remember their names. Terrible situation, isn't it? Today we will look at 3 proven ways and learn how to remember people's names.

Don't worry, bad name memory happens to most people. Research by English scientists published in the journal Experimental Psychology suggests that all people have some problems remembering names.

Why don't we remember names

But our brain perfectly notices all sorts of little things, subsequently by which we identify a person and add him to the “list of acquaintances”. The thing is that the names are very conditional and are not a description of a person, which is why our brain perceives such information as secondary, without storing it in a long-term memory cell from the very beginning. Here's the problem, huh.

But, as after any nightmare, a long-awaited awakening follows, so in our case, everything is not as bad as it might seem. Thanks to scientists and everyone who is interested in the issue of human memory, because thanks to such people we have as many as 3 effective ways to remember all the people at the party (and not only), which can be applied today, but what is there, right now! So, let's look at each of them so that you choose the most suitable for yourself.

Method #1: Use an abbreviated version of the name.

People with long names are often faced with being called differently from what is written in their passport. What to do if your interlocutor has already told you a couple of stories from his childhood and considers you his friend, but you still do not know how to contact him? There is one simple but very effective way: break the name into parts and choose only one that will be easiest for you to remember. The point is that now, the memorable part of the name of your interlocutor will serve as your starting point to his “full version”. Easy, right?

For example, take the name Svetlana. In Russia, it is very popular, which cannot be said about Europe, for example. Therefore, in European countries, you can often find an abbreviated version of this name "Lana". Thus, the Europeans adapt "our" names to a more familiar option for them. Why go far here, remember the last time you called your girlfriend not Sveta, but Svetlana? I think the answer is obvious - almost never. And this is not because you are already familiar and formalism is out of place here, no, no. It's all about laziness, namely, the desire of our brain to optimize its work and reduce energy consumption.

Hence the rule: do you want to remember? Reduce!

Method number 2: use a nickname or nickname.

There are people with such names that it is almost impossible to shorten or find a memorable part in them. In such cases, “Nickname”, familiar to all of us from computer games, comes to the rescue, or, translating into Russian, a nickname. Think up to your interlocutor the so-called "klikuha". No, no, no need to go to extremes, because these are not your yard friends, right? Just look closely at the person and think about what associations he evokes in you? After that, tie his name to the chosen image and say goodbye to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgetting his name out of your head in the next couple of weeks.

The secret of this method lies in the structure of our brain. The whole point is that the brain's image system interacts so well with long-term memory that it practically "engraves" in our minds. Have you ever wondered why people often turn to psychotherapists with the problem of constantly thinking about someone? Yes, that's why. If you have an unloved name, then remember who its bearer is and in 99% of cases, this will turn out to be an unpleasant person for you.

Method number 3: say the name out loud.

Often, in order to remember something, we need to hear it clearly. Remember, in childhood, at school, we were constantly told to read aloud. This was due not only to the need to develop speech abilities, but also to the ability to better remember what was read.

As soon as you meet a person and he introduces himself to you, do not forget to say his name out loud, as if clarifying. If you are afraid to seem tactless, then attribute your clarification to any situation, for example, say that your childhood friend has the same name, and he, by the way, is a very responsible person. Having made a compliment to the interlocutor in this way, as if by chance, you are likely to immediately arouse his disposition towards yourself. And, what is important in our case, at least double your chances of remembering his name, because you will use not only auditory, but also associative memory!


Here, in general, and all the advice. They turned out to be as capacious as possible (you remember everything?). These 3 tips are simple enough that you can put them into practice today. Meet, communicate and be attentive to your interlocutor.

At the moment of acquaintance, attention is usually paid not to the name, but to the appearance of a person (facial expressions, figure, clothes). Therefore, when we hear the name of the interlocutor, we can immediately forget it, and it is inconvenient to ask again. Many people find themselves in the awkward position of not being able to remember the name of a person who expects to be remembered. So that the next time you meet a person, when you see his face, you can remember his first or last name, you can use a few simple mnemonics.


Sometimes it is difficult for all of us not only to recognize a person whom we have seen only once or twice, but also to remember his name. Knowing people and understanding their problems can bring significant business success.

Everyone wants to remember the names of the people they meet. When you are first introduced to someone during a job interview, business meeting, or cocktail party, the first thing you hear is the name.

At the moment of acquaintance, attention is usually paid not to the name, but to the appearance of a person (facial expressions, figure, clothes, etc.). Therefore, when we hear the name of the interlocutor, we can immediately forget it, and it is inconvenient to ask again. Further, a situation that is not pleasant may arise when you are addressed by name and patronymic, and we cannot answer the same. Our interlocutor has the impression that he is treated disrespectfully. A good way to imprint a name on your mind is to start repeating it. Say the name out loud a few times and say it to yourself as you move away from the person. It is advisable to write down the name in a notebook or smartphone, associate it with the image of a person, give the name and surname a semantic meaning. For example, Konstantin Voronin - “put” a person on a raven carrying a bone in its beak; Ivan Stolyarov - “put” a man on a workbench in the shape of the letter I. When you are about to leave, take a look at your notes and go through the names.

Thus, in order to remember his first or last name at the next meeting with a person at the sight of his face, you need to:

  1. reproduce the name to yourself or out loud as accurately as possible;
  2. associate with the image of a person;
  3. give a name or surname a semantic meaning.

It is important to remember that in perception and memorization, not only the physical appearance, but also facial expressions, gestures, voice, speech, and gait are of particular importance.

The method of creating an image has proven itself very well when meeting someone in absentia. An image is a representation. From pieces of other people's stories and our impressions, we ourselves can create a certain image, our own. We will never confuse our own with someone else's and we will never forget.

When we are told about a certain Ivan Ivanovich, we want to know how he looks, and what he does, what he enjoys. This will help us match the stranger with our mental images (after all, in our view, a worker is one thing, and an accountant is quite another). There are also social stereotypes: it is believed that a professor is an absent-minded person, a student is always cheerful and reckless, the British, as many stereotypically believe, are stiff and arrogant, and the Balts can be slow.

Salespeople are well aware of the importance of remembering their customers' names, using simple techniques to help make connections between names and faces. To do this, it is necessary to mentally connect the dominant feature of the appearance of the represented person with his name. If the new person's last name is Zelenev, then you can imagine him with a green nose, if the nose is a notable feature of his face. In the same way, one can imagine Mrs. Rozanova with a large bouquet of roses on her head, if the hairstyle stands out most on her head.

Unfortunately, not all people have remarkable facial features, but you can come up with any imaginary features of appearance. If a person has the surname Lisov, you can imagine him with a long fox nose, and imagine Medvedev as big and awkward.

Many surnames do not evoke simple figurative associations. In such cases, aliases can be used.

Some people have common surnames, and you already have a person with such a surname in your memory, for example, a famous movie actor. Imagine that the person you were introduced to is talking to this artist.

To successfully use this method, remember the following rules:

  1. Don't try this method at a casual party to remember everyone you meet, because it's hard to have a conversation and make associations at the same time.
  2. Remember the names of only those people with whom you may meet again.
  3. If you didn't catch the person's name the first time, feel free to ask them to introduce themselves again. Such a request indicates interest in this person on your part.
  4. To refresh your memory, remember the names of the people you met, draw their mental images.

Retrieving names and faces from memory

Many people find themselves in the awkward position of not being able to remember the name of a person who expects to be remembered. This happens when you meet a person in an unusual environment. It can also happen that, when talking to people who have not met before, you suddenly realize that you cannot introduce them to each other. The reason is one: you can't remember the name of one of them.

In order not to get into a mess, use the following tips.

  1. Keep talking, maybe during the conversation you will receive a hint with which you can identify the interlocutor.
  2. Try to remember where you last met him.
  3. Run through the alphabet in your mind to see if the name you are looking for pops up. Maybe it starts with the letter A, G, M, etc.
  4. If all else fails, keep talking. It would be indecent to admit that you do not remember the name of a colleague or, even worse, a boss.
  5. Entering into a conversation with a stranger, introduce yourself to him, this technique will help to avoid an awkward situation. The same is true of common courtesy.

Distinguishing Method

Many people in their school years had nicknames. One was "Bespectacled", the other - "Redhead", the third - "Donut". All of these are hallmarks. The nickname is individual in nature: it immediately makes it clear who it is. A nickname is a word that is easy to visualize.

A distinctive feature allows you to remember a specific person. You can “attach” accurate information about a person to it. Distinctive features can be memorized sequentially.

Even if you know exactly the person's last name, first name, place of work and residence, it may be necessary to memorize additional information about him: his cell phone number, the cipher of the combination lock in the entrance of his house. Then the distinguishing feature is distinguished by the type of human activity, his habits, manner of behavior, style of clothing, and his character. If your friend is a doctor, a distinctive feature (image) suggests itself - a syringe. Your girlfriend is playing the violin - give her the image of "violin". You can assign distinctive features to your close relatives.

It often happens that a distinguishing feature must be distinguished from a stranger standing in front of you. Knowing that you are about to meet a new person, try to identify in advance the distinguishing feature of the future interlocutor before they are introduced to you. The surname of the person should immediately be attached to the selected sign, the name and patronymic should be fixed.

Repeat the memorized information during the conversation, call the interlocutor by his name several times.

Good distinguishing features are the height of a person, his figure (full or thin), unusual behavior, speech features, gait. At the same time, it is desirable not to single out distinguishing features by clothing or hairstyle, because people often change both their hairstyle and clothes.

If the image of the future interlocutor is not known to you, you can work with the name of this person. Slavic surnames are relatively easy to translate into images.

  • Svettsov - the image of "light", "lamp".
  • Chernov - "blackness", "darkness".
  • Tikhonov - "turtle".

To create an image based on a foreign surname, you need to break it into several parts, then translate each of them into an image. These images are connected in association:

  • Martenson - mar - ten - sleep (March - awning - bed).

Remembering surnames, names and patronymics

Surnames are transformed into images by suggestive associations (coding by consonance, composing a word by syllables). Let's take common surnames:

  • Pchelintsev - "bee".
  • Ozerov - "lake".
  • Belogolovtsev - "white head".
  • Malkov - "fry".
  • Evgrafov - "count".

We will do the same with foreign names.

  • Berg - "shore".
  • Darley - "radar - lemon."

It is possible to encode names into images in the following way. If your friend's name is Katya and she works as an ice cream seller, then you can designate all people with the name Katya as "ice cream". All Nina can be designated as a ladle if your friend Nina works as a cook.

Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and
the most important sound to him in any language.

(Dale Carnegie)

There is no good or bad memory for names. There is only a good or bad strategy for memorizing them. I'll introduce you to strategies that will make you feel differently about your ability to remember names. Make a firm decision right now to learn how to do it better! This decision will give you many advantages and protect you from embarrassing situations.

There is a vicious circle of our ideas about ourselves. Get rid of limiting beliefs about your memory for names and focus on a new effective strategy. Try your best to remember the names, show interest in them, imprint people in the memory, associating their images with the names.

Imagine that you met a man who promised you a million dollars if you remember his name in a week. Do you remember this name? Of course, remember! When a name is important to us, our memory always works brilliantly.

The methods that I will share with you have been known for centuries. All you have to do is change the way you think a little and use the amazing associative abilities of your brain. Some people claim that they have tried to memorize names using the association method, but they have not succeeded. Nothing will come of it if you don't practice. Nothing in our lives happens by itself until you start working on it. All winners of memory championships use associative methods and easily memorize more than a hundred names with their help in less than half an hour. I am sure that if you use champion strategies you will get exactly the same results. But you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty!

Untrained memory is not a very reliable thing. The average person often just relies on the fact that the names will somehow settle in his head. The strategies I share with you work flawlessly. Use them!

So, if you want to learn to remember names like masters of memory, you must focus on the four Ks.

1. Concentration

Imagine that you are meeting a person whose name is exactly the same as you. Do you remember his name? Yes, because you care about that name. You hear it all the time; when it is spoken, your attention is at its peak. This is a meaningful name for you, you associate it with yourself. By following the same basic strategy, you can always remember the names of new acquaintances.

When introducing himself, a person usually says his name so quickly that it is impossible to make out. Therefore, try to take control of the dating process yourself! To hear the name well, you need to slow down the pace of what is happening. Prick up your ears and do your best to hear the new name. Let the memorization of names be an important moment for you.

Oliver Wendell Holmes 1 said: “Before you forget something, you need to understand it.”

1 American physician, poet and writer.

To begin with, you must hear the name well. After all, you cannot remember what you have not heard. Then repeat it after the person introduced themselves, so you will help your memory. If you didn't hear, ask again. If the name is difficult, ask the interlocutor to spell it out.

Listen to your interlocutor and be sincerely interested in his name. We tend to be so eager to be interesting that we forget to be interested. When you are interested in another person, you want to know their name. Learn to listen to people by putting yourself in their place. This will help you improve not only your memory, but also your social intelligence.

2. Creativity

Think of visual images for the names, so that later it will be easier to restore them in memory.

Surely you often hear this phrase from people:

“I know the face, but I can’t remember the name in any way ...” However, no one ever says that he easily remembers names, but quickly forgets faces. Faces are imprinted in our memory in the form of visual images, so we remember them well. Names are usually not

"settled" in the head, because we are trying to remember them exclusively by ear. However, it is pointless to try to make the image sound, nothing will work. In addition, auditory memories are never as durable as visual images.

To remember a name, we must come up with a visual image for it. Remember how we created associative images for the names of US presidents? If you give the name a specific meaning, then it will be easier for you to keep it in your head.

However, if you do nothing with the new name, it will quickly disappear from your memory. This happens because RAM is not capable of storing information. Short-term and long-term memory must work together. You should think a little about the name because we only remember what we think about.

When you meet a new person, you only have 20 seconds to come up with an association with their name. If you didn't, it will quickly disappear from your memory. The more associative links and meanings you come up with for a new name, the better it will “fix” in your head.

For some surnames, such as Rybin, Kuznetsov or Sorokin, it is easy to find associations. My last name is Horsley. It is not difficult to remember it with the help of the word "choir" and Bruce Lee (choir with Bruce Lee - chorus with Lee). With other surnames, it may be a little more difficult. Make an effort, use your creative abilities, and you will be able to turn any name into a visual image and come up with an association with it.

3. Structures / Complex

Always remember that all learning is a process of making connections between the known and the unknown. If you already know the face, then you just have to combine it into one construction/complex with an unknown name. When you see a face, there should be a memory trigger in your head or a hook to store information, in this case, a name.

Here are some ways to create links between a name and a person. All the methods that I tell you about take longer to explain than to apply.

Relationship through comparison

This method consists in comparing your new acquaintance with another person who has the same name. For example, you met a man named George. In order to remember this name, you need to think of another person who is also named George. Do you know anyone named George? It could even be a celebrity like George Clooney.

Next, all you have to do is mentally compare the two people. What color is your friend George's hair? What color is the new George's hair? If you compare not one, but two traits of appearance or character, then you will pay even more attention to a new acquaintance, which means you will make the connection between his face and name even stronger.

The more similarities you can find, the more you will focus on the new person, and these are ideal conditions for keeping his name in long-term memory. It's simple ... You just need to mentally compare two faces. In addition, you can fix the result even more reliably if you imagine a new acquaintance with two heads: one head is his own, and the other is your old acquaintance with the same name.

I like this method because it helps, firstly, to remember a new person, and secondly, to brush up on the name of another of your acquaintances. Give it just a few seconds, and you will forever save a new name in your memory. The mnemonic principle in this case is to use a name from long-term memory to remember a new name that is still in short-term memory.

Some people ask me: “What if I don’t know a person with the same name? With whom then to compare a new acquaintance? In this case, you can use other methods. Now I will tell you about them. Choose the method that suits you personally.

Communication through faces

This method consists in creating a connection between the name and a particularly remarkable feature of appearance. Each person's face is unique, and each face has some particularly remarkable feature. Let me give you an example. Imagine that you met a woman and immediately noticed her amazingly beautiful blue eyes. This is her remarkable feature. When she says her name, you will already have a place to store it. Let's say her name is Anna. Now you need to link the name and the notable trait. Anna looks like a pineapple. Imagine a pineapple winking at you with amazingly beautiful blue eyes. Such silly associations will help you firmly connect the face with the name.

Never tell anyone exactly how you use this method because people get offended sometimes. One day I met a woman named Viola. She asked me how I remembered her name. And I told her that I just thought of Viola cheese - and it was a big mistake. She was not at all impressed by my trick. Always remember that most people identify with their name, love it and perceive it as their unique brand. It may seem to them that if you treated their name with humor, then you laughed at them.

Here are a few questions I am usually asked when it comes to this method:

What if I meet four people and they all have the same remarkable feature - a big nose?

Finding a noteworthy feature will help you focus on the face. Usually we don't pay that much attention to it. Most of us hardly look at the people we meet. But now a remarkable feature will fall into the focus of your attention, and then turn into a strong connection with the name. I once demonstrated in public that I could memorize over a hundred names in half an hour using this method. When you meet a hundred people at the same time, you have to use many of the same remarkable features, but surprisingly there is no confusion. Practice applying the method on Facebook, there are millions of photos at your service.

Can I match the name of a new acquaintance with his clothes?

Yes, but only if you remember his face anyway. People change clothes, but their faces are unique. The faces hardly change.

What to do if you can’t create a visual image for a name in your head?

In this case, you can mentally write the name on the forehead of a new acquaintance. Imagine that you are writing with a bold red marker. Use your creative abilities. If you somehow recreate the name in your head, then you can remember it with the same ease as you remember faces.

Communication through a place of acquaintance

In most cases, we easily remember the places where we met someone. They are well imprinted in our memory, but the names are not very ...

Our next method is to combine names with places of acquaintance. We will use a route with hooks to store the names in memory. Let's say you met a woman named Rose. Ask yourself: “What will I remember about the place where we met?” For example, you will remember the buffet counter. So, you need to mentally connect a large red rose and a buffet counter. Now, thinking about this place, you will immediately remember the name of your new acquaintance.

4. Hard work

You concentrated and heard the name well, then gave it a specific meaning and mentally combined it with the face; this is how you stored the new name in your short-term memory. However, in order to remember it forever, you need to use it constantly.

Talk to the interlocutor about his name. If it's foreign, ask what it means or how it's spelled. Always use the name in conversation. The more you use it, the less you will need to rely on your RAM and the sooner you will retain the name in your long-term memory.

Periodically ask yourself the question: “What is the name of this person?” After answering it, ask yourself again:

"Did I remember correctly?" Throughout the day or evening, try to strengthen your associations with the name.

Always remember names. Create a special file in your diary, computer or mobile phone with the names you would like to remember. Add new acquaintances as "friends" on social networks, so you can easily check their names later. Review your list of names periodically to keep it in long-term memory. It is enough to indicate there the name and meeting place. Review this list over and over and you'll have a solid naming system in your head. This way you will never again get into embarrassing situations because you forgot the name of someone.

With these methods, you will be able to memorize the names of hundreds of people you met at the same event. It will also improve your concentration. And also, if you remember others, they will not forget you either.

© Kevin Horsley. Limitless memory. Remember fast, remember long. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2018.
© Published with the permission of the publisher.

Probably, many of us are familiar with the unpleasant situation when we meet a familiar person, but we cannot remember his name. Or, even worse, we get to know someone and after 5 minutes we have no idea how to address him. This can happen anywhere - at a friend's party, at a business lunch or in a new work team.

How to learn to remember names? There are several proven ways to do this.

According to an article in Psychology Today, the ability to remember names also deteriorates with age. It turns out that about 85% of middle-aged and older people forget names. However, this does not mean at all that forgetfulness of names appears only with age, because many young people also notice such a shortcoming in themselves.

Why do we forget names

This phenomenon can be explained. When we meet someone for the first time, our attention is scattered on many factors - the face, the appearance of the person, his voice, the way he speaks, gestures and the environment around him. An overabundance of information and a defocusing of our attention often lead to the fact that we cannot remember the name of the person in front of us.

Remembering the name is important

If you want to get the attention of a person, the easiest way to do this is by calling him by name. Research shows that the pronunciation of our name activates our brain, even if we are in a noisy environment. That is why many influential leaders attach great importance to names and try to use them to the maximum. The effect of this is easy to verify: I suppose it is pleasant for everyone to realize that he is remembered when he hears his name. Conversely, the forgetfulness of others causes negative emotions.

How to remember names

If you, like many other people, constantly forget names, Christy Hedges, professional coach, speaker and author of The Power of Presence: Unlock Your Potential to Influence and Engage Others, offers some proven tips to help get rid of this shortcoming once and for all.

Met - repeat

When you hear someone's name, don't just nod back and continue the conversation, but repeat that name, including it in your conversation or asking a new acquaintance about something. For example, if your new acquaintance's name is Mark, you can say: "Hi Mark, nice to meet you" - or ask him the question: "How long have you been working in IT, Mark?".

Use the name throughout the conversation, but don't overdo it and don't repeat it too often. Also include the name in the parting phrase and, while saying it, look into the face of the interlocutor in order to fix in memory his image and name together.

Write down

Dr. Gary Small, a psychiatrist and memory expert, suggests asking a person to write down their name, especially if it is unusual or rare. This technique will be effective if you have a well-developed visual memory. Alternatively, you can ask the person for a business card and read their name on it while you chat with them. This will create a connection between the person and the visualization of their name in your memory.

And immediately after the meeting, write down the name of the person and basic information about him in your contacts. So you save all the most important things and, on occasion, easily remember the interlocutor. You can record both personal information and features of his appearance or the topic of the last conversation.

Use Associations

Many experts advise that when you hear a new name, create a verbal connection or a picture for association in your imagination. This can be any fact that you know about a person - his hobbies, field of activity, place of residence, etc.

Vivian Zhang gives an example of this advice, which she learned from Dale Carnegie's training course:

Imagine pictures that sound like a person's name and match them with other facts you know about them. If you meet someone from Brazil named Laura, imagine her wearing a laurel wreath on her head, floating in the Amazon River.

Create connections

Another way to remember names is to match a person with another person with the same name whom you know well. For example, with your friend or relative.

Christy Hedge learned this technique at one of the trainings, which was attended by 15 people. She was surprised when the coach, after a brief greeting with each of the participants, walked around the group again and addressed each of them by name without a single mistake. He then used a simple technique - to associate each person with a famous person (or a person known to him). For example, Ryan was associated with Ryan Gosling. At first it may seem difficult, but with practice you will learn to instantly create such connections between people and remember their names.

Pay Attention

Most psychologists and memory experts claim that one of the main reasons for name forgetfulness is that we don't focus on it and in a moment our attention is diverted to other things that we are surrounded by.

The same advice is given in the first place by one of the most sociable people on the planet, Keith Ferrazzi:

If you make a conscious decision to remember the name because you are paying attention to the people you meet, you will immediately begin to do it much better.

I hope that these simple tips will help you remember names better and avoid awkward situations in the future. Personally, I will definitely take into service the very first tip with oral repetition of the name. It seems to me that it is easiest to start practicing with him. Tell me, how do you remember names and do you experience difficulties with this?

Including , and . There are also mnemonics methods that allow you to quickly memorize names and faces.

Most people have been in a situation at least once. having met a familiar person, they could not remember his name in any way. Because of this, awkward situations arose, for example, you need to introduce people, or you pass by a person and want to call him by name and say hello.

There are other embarrassments - you get acquainted with the interlocutor. and in a minute you already forget his name, and then you have to ask him again. Such situations can occur anywhere - during a festive feast or a business dinner, or in a new work team.

First you need to understand why we forget names, and is it normal. In fact, there is nothing strange in this, because when we meet a new person, we involuntarily evaluate literally everything: his voice, manner of speaking, clothes, the environment around. In addition, we are forced to control our behavior. It is not surprising that our attention is scattered, and once the name said by the interlocutor is immediately forgotten.

How to learn to remember names? To do this, there are several methods of mnemonics.


To begin with, try to address people by their first names as much as possible. When meeting, try to call the person by name for any reason. When you show interest in a person and learn more about them, you build more associations with them. Also, by repeating his name several times, you fix it in memory.

Association with other people with the same name

A memorization method based on the mental placement of a person in a group of people with the same names works well. You sort of form squads of people, and then, remembering which squad you assigned your new acquaintance to, you can easily remember his name.

If you don't have any acquaintances with such names, remember famous historical figures, celebrities. It is advisable to pick up more of such famous people, and remember them, so that later you can use their names.

To remember the name and patronymic, place a person in two groups - the main and auxiliary.

Selection of other variants of the name

For example, variants of the name Alexander: Sasha, Sanya, Shura, Sanya and so on. As soon as the person says his name, silently try to call him all the other variants of names.

Name spelling

Imagine the name of the interlocutor, printed, or written on paper. What is the first letter in this name? What are the vowels in this name? What is the length of the name?

Name Binding

While meeting a group of people, try to quickly mentally highlight the memorable features of each person, and tie them to their name. For example, Yura has long hair, Vladimir has a thick build, Yulia has curly locks, Igor has glasses.

How to remember last names?

Remembering the last name can be based on the methods of mnemonics, which are used to memorize unfamiliar words. For example, the surname Kuznetsov can be associated with a blacksmith, and the surname Semyonov with seeds. Created associations try to bind to some feature of the face or figure of a person.

How to remember a face?

One of the principles of memorization - if you can not remember the whole object, divide it into parts, and memorize separately. Make mental descriptions. To describe means to remember. First describe the common features, then the standout, distinct features, and then add the details.

The description of a person is done from top to bottom - from head to toe. The head is also described from top to bottom. In the face, they describe in turn: hairstyle, forehead, eyebrows, ears, eyes, nose, lips, wrinkles and chin.

Usually all the details are described on a three-level scale: narrow, normal and wide. Professionals use a five-level scale: very narrow, narrow, normal, wide, very wide. Some elements have several characteristics, for example, at the nose, you can describe the hunchback, linearity, size of the wings, and so on.

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