First trimester of pregnancy. Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy Typical complaints in a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester

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A few decades ago, any woman knew about the gestational age only that it was approximately 9 months. But times are changing, and almost every expectant mother has the idea that the entire period of bearing a baby is conditionally divided into three components or three trimesters.

Each of the trimesters has some features and distinctive features that should be considered so as not to harm the fetus. The most important and responsible is the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is at this time that a new life is born and all systems and organs of the future person are laid.

It is generally accepted that the duration of the first trimester of pregnancy is 13 weeks. However, some experts offer a different principle for dividing trimesters and insist that the first trimester lasts not 13, but 12 weeks, since during this time the important organs of the fetus have time to form. Nevertheless, in response to the question, the first trimester - how many weeks is it, it is better to name the number 13, because this corresponds to 1/3 of the entire gestational age.

Calculation of the date of birth

What happens in the first trimester

Strange as it may sound, but the beginning of the so-called obstetric gestation period, the total duration of which is about 40 weeks, is considered not the moment of conception, that is, the meeting of the sperm and egg, but the first day of the last menstruation preceding conception. Thus, in the first and second weeks of pregnancy, it is still too early to talk about the accomplished fact of conception, because it is not known whether fertilization will occur in this period.

And only in the third week of pregnancy, less often in the second or fourth, the direct process of fertilization and subsequent development of the embryo begins. Particularly sensitive women literally from the first days of conception may notice changes in their well-being, but most women do not even know about the upcoming imminent motherhood.

Further, the development of the fetus proceeds at a rapid pace. The body of the expectant mother experiences significant changes both at the physiological and at the mental, emotional levels, because a lot of resources are needed to meet all the needs of the child.

Fetal development

During the first trimester, significant changes occur in the body of the fetus. Actually, at the very beginning of this period, the fetus as such does not yet exist, because only in 2-3 weeks the mature egg will merge with the most active sperm. Then the process of cell division begins. It is at this stage that any negative factors can have an adverse effect on the body and disrupt the programmed process of the formation of the baby's body.

The first days and weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is called the embryo. Initially, three germ layers are formed in the embryo, these are the rudiments of the internal organs and tissues of the body. After some time, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Every day the number of embryonic cells increases, these cells become more and more differentiated.



Toward the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, i.e., by the beginning of the 13th week, the body weight of the embryo, which by this time is already called the fetus, reaches 14-20 grams, and the body length is 6.5-7.8 cm. Despite small body size, all organs and systems of the fetus at this stage are practically formed, in the future they will develop and improve. When conducting an ultrasound in the photo, a woman sees only the contours of the baby's body, and only a specialist can understand all these pictures.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

For many women, the 1st trimester of pregnancy becomes a real test, because it is at this time that a sharp restructuring of the hormonal background of the female body occurs, a restructuring of the work of all systems and organs. All this leaves a significant imprint on the well-being of the expectant mother.

In addition, some women in a rather acute form have all the manifestations and features of toxicosis. In general, most expectant mothers note the following sensations and symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • aversion to food in general or to certain types of food;
  • nausea, vomiting, especially in the morning;
  • an increase in the mammary glands, a feeling of heaviness in them;
  • drowsiness, distraction;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • worsening mood and well-being, the appearance of some symptoms of depression;
  • excessive irritability and nervousness, behavior becomes more impulsive.

As a rule, the above manifestations partially or completely disappear by the 12th or 13th week, that is, by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the female body successfully adapts to functioning in a new mode for it. A woman begins to feel calm and self-confident. But all this is ahead, but for now we need to be patient and strong.

The tummy of the expectant mother in the first trimester of pregnancy is still very small, because the uterus is not yet so enlarged. However, in some women, especially those who are quite thin, by the end of the first trimester, the stomach already protrudes forward, so others can quite accurately determine that she is pregnant.



Unlike the abdomen, the breasts increase significantly in size almost from the first days of pregnancy. It would seem, why do such changes occur in the female body at such an early stage, because before the birth and feeding of the baby is even more than six months? However, the mammary glands will be enlarged throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy, so the expectant mother will have to buy a new larger bra almost immediately after she finds out about her condition.

Analyzes and examinations in the first trimester

It is recommended that the expectant mother visit the antenatal clinic two to three weeks after the delay in menstruation and visit a specialist who will manage the pregnancy. You can register for pregnancy later, but not by much, because the main tests are prescribed at 10-13 obstetric weeks. The indicated terms are recommended in cases where the woman is relatively healthy.

If the expectant mother has previously had miscarriages, an ectopic pregnancy, or has serious chronic diseases, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, even a few days after the delay, especially if pharmacy tests show the coveted “extra” strip.

When registering, pregnant women are prescribed the following types of tests and examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • a blood test to determine its group and Rh factor;
  • analysis for HIV and syphilis;
  • vaginal swab.

In addition, during each visit to the medical institution, the specialist will determine the weight and size of the woman's abdomen in order to control the dynamics of body weight gain. The exact list of tests that pregnant women take when registering can be found in the antenatal clinic.

At 11-13 weeks, that is, closer to the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman should undergo the first prenatal screening, which consists of an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the fetus and determination of the level of certain hormones, primarily human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Based on the results of examinations, the doctor determines the degree of risk of congenital chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. If the test results are disappointing or questionable, the woman will be advised to visit a geneticist and undergo other, more in-depth, types of research. Such an examination, such as, for example, a chorionic villus biopsy, will allow you to determine the sex of the baby with an accuracy of 100% and find out what is happening to the child at the chromosomal level.

Main hazards and risks

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most serious risks for a woman are ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

An ectopic pregnancy is one of the most serious dangers for a woman. In this case, the embryo begins to develop not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. For the expectant mother, this is a mortal danger, because a sudden rupture of the pipe can end very sadly. The main symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is a sharp pain in the abdomen or side. But such an outcome should not be expected, because this pathology is very easy to detect during an ultrasound scan and to carry out surgery in time with a minimal threat to the woman's body.

The risk of miscarriage is higher in the first weeks of pregnancy. According to statistical studies, up to 60% of all cases of spontaneous abortion in the 1st trimester are due to genetic abnormalities in the embryo (fetus), so the female body itself gets rid of the incorrectly formed embryo. Nevertheless, the rest of the cases are caused by the fact that there are some disorders in the woman’s body that do not allow her to carry out pregnancy normally, for example, too high or low levels of certain hormones, abnormal structure of the female genital organs, etc. In this case, it is necessary to take all measures to safely preserve pregnancy, and for this in the arsenal of modern medicine there are a number of effective methods. Subject to the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor who will conduct the pregnancy, the likelihood of saving the child is significantly increased.

The most important tips for expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to get rid of all bad habits if the expectant mother has previously smoked or consumed alcoholic beverages. Any dangerous toxic substances during this period are very harmful to the fetus, so no imaginary pleasure from their use should outweigh the health of the unborn child.
  • Almost all medicines are also banned, even those that can be purchased without a prescription. It is unacceptable to take any, even seemingly safe, medicines without consulting a doctor, who should be informed of her pregnancy.
  • The developing fetus needs sufficient nutrients, so the expectant mother should regularly eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish. But sweets need to be limited, because almost all of them do not contain anything useful, only extra calories.
  • Since the first trimester is a rather critical period for the embryo (fetus) and at this time there is a possibility of miscarriage, you should refrain from intimate relationships at this time.
  • Excessive physical exertion should be avoided and the level of habitual physical activity should be somewhat limited in order to protect yourself from a possible miscarriage or any complications.
  • Visiting crowded places should be avoided as much as possible, as this can lead to infection with infectious diseases, which at this stage are especially dangerous for the developing fetus.
  • You can take vitamins as prescribed by a doctor who will advise how much additionally the baby needs certain nutrients.

An exact list of recommendations on what can and cannot be done in the first months of pregnancy can be obtained from a antenatal clinic specialist who will be able to take into account the woman's health status and the available examination results. For more information, please watch the related video.

During the first six days after conception, the embryo "travels", moving along the fallopian tube. Then it enters the uterine cavity and attaches to the mucous membrane of its walls (the so-called implantation occurs). For the first six days of life, the embryo lives autonomously, like a chicken in an egg, feeds on its own reserves and is not connected with its mother in any way, its heart will begin to work in 23 days. After implantation occurs, a connection arises between the child and the woman through the umbilical cord and the branched chorion, which is formed at the site of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine mucosa. By the 16th week of pregnancy, the branched chorion turns into a placenta.

At the 5th week, the corpus luteum of the ovary, which produces the hormone progesterone to support pregnancy, reaches a peak, and a real hormonal explosion occurs in the woman's body. Because of this, the expectant mother is often tearful, irritable, gets tired quickly, and swelling may appear on her face.

In addition, by the 5-6th week, nausea and vomiting often increase, the breast becomes more sensitive and even painful, the skin around the nipples darkens. The uterus, which before the start of the 9-month wait was the size of a tangerine, is actively growing, presses on the bladder, forcing the expectant mother to run to the toilet more often, and on the rectum, which can cause constipation, and more secretion is released from the vagina.

Gynecologist in the 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you will meet with an obstetrician-gynecologist from the antenatal clinic, who will assess the state of your body, send you for additional examinations and consultations, and advise on how to cope with an anxiety state. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations on lifestyle, behavior and nutrition.

First weeks of pregnancy

What health problems can occur in the first weeks of pregnancy?


What to do? Lay the expectant mother so that her head is below the level of her heart, let her drink strong sweet tea, open the windows in the room. To avoid fainting, your doctor will advise you to walk more (especially before going to bed), avoid stuffy rooms and smoking companies.

Nausea, vomiting, weight loss

What to do? Consult a doctor, take a urine test for acetone, in the morning, without getting out of bed, eat something “small” (for example, cookies), eat often and in small portions during the day.

Blood discharge

What to do? Lie down, calm down and dial "03". It often happens that bloody discharge appears on the days of the expected menstruation. This usually happens in women who, even before pregnancy, had problems with the menstrual cycle (ovulation did not occur in the middle of the cycle, but shortly before the “menstruation”). In any case, the obstetrician-gynecologist must find out why the bleeding appeared and prescribe treatment.

If the cause lies in hormonal deficiency, you will need to undergo a special examination, and then the doctor will prescribe the mini-doses of hormones that are necessary to maintain the pregnancy. If this is due to an incorrect location of the branched chorion, which can be found out during an ultrasound examination, you will be recommended bed rest and a sedative.

Pain in the lower abdomen

What to do? Lie down, calm down, take a comfortable position, you can insert a candle with papaverine into the rectum. If the pain persists or recurs frequently, see your doctor.

early pregnancy

In order for the child to be comfortable and receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen (all this comes to him through the blood), try to lead a proper lifestyle. Remember that you need to sleep at least 8-10 hours at night, spend more time in the fresh air, for example, walk with your husband before going to bed. If you feel sick in the morning due to low blood sugar, try eating a cookie or an apple before you get out of bed. Eat what you want, often and in small portions. Drink herbal tea (mint, ginger) to help reduce nausea. Do not eat spicy and fatty foods, avoid strong odors, smoky and stuffy rooms. At the beginning of pregnancy, do not limit yourself in the choice of food: you can eat almost anything you want, just not very much.

Try to include more dairy products, meat, juices, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Do not forget about foods that contain fiber and help the intestines work. For the sake of your baby's health, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is known that alcohol can harm a child and cause him an alcohol syndrome, which then becomes the cause of his mental retardation. Smoking leads to abortion, in addition, the baby can be born with a low weight.

Infections, working with chemicals or using a computer in a large volume in the early stages of pregnancy can provoke a stop in the development of the child. This is due to the fact that in the first eight weeks all the organs and systems of a small organism are laid down, and any harmful effect can cause heart disease, a violation in the development of the central nervous system.

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During this important period, women feel differently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. In the first trimester of pregnancy, all the tissues of the fetus and its organs, limbs and nervous system are laid down. The prototype of the central and peripheral nervous system is the neural tube. Its proper development, timely closure is the most important event that takes place in the first trimester.

Unfortunately, it is the first trimester that is the period of the most frequently occurring abortions due to the impact of adverse factors.

Changes in the female body

A common symptom for all that accompanies the first trimester of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Small bleeding from the vagina in some women is still possible. They are so similar to menstrual bleeding that a pregnant woman may not be aware of her condition for 3 months.

Colic in the lower abdomen

When there is a threat of termination of pregnancy in the discharge, there may be blood clots that look very similar to pieces of raw liver. Bleeding has a different character, it is not abundant, one-stage, may be accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder. Vaginal discharge during miscarriage is insignificant, may have a brownish, gray or pinkish tint, last 3-4 days.

In any case, if atypical vaginal discharge occurs, accompanied by pain of any nature, you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination and ultrasound. Only a specialist will be able to distinguish the symptoms of abortion from other pathologies.

In this condition, the fertilized egg begins to develop not in the endometrium of the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. The fetus grows outside the uterus, and at the same time, the danger to the life of a woman grows, since a rupture of the tube can result in severe bleeding and even death. A characteristic symptom of this pathology is a pronounced dull pain in the lower and side of the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder. At the same time, a woman first has a slight brown vaginal discharge, or bleeding, similar to menstruation.

When a pipe breaks, the pain is so severe that women lose consciousness from the pain shock. Frequent cases of a critical condition with which a woman goes to the hospital are explained by the fact that until the last moment she does not realize that she is pregnant.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy:

    Infections of the reproductive organs in history;

    Previously transferred ectopic pregnancy;

    Complications after surgery in the form of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, blocking the patency of the pipes;

    The use of an ectopic device;

    Pregnancy after IVF or ICSI, when the embryo is inserted into the fallopian tube artificially.

At the first suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for an ultrasound of the uterus and fallopian tubes, if indicated, perform a puncture of the retroperitoneal space. The level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood of a woman with a tubal pregnancy increases, which is also an important diagnostic sign.

If the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" after the examination is confirmed, the woman undergoes a cavity or laparoscopic operation to remove the tube. Recovery after the intervention takes 6-8 days. After 2 menstrual cycles, the next pregnancy is possible. The functions of the removed tube will be taken over by the remaining fallopian tube, and ovulation will occur regularly.

The reasons for the fading of the fetus against the background of complete well-being often remain a mystery for both the woman and the doctor conducting the pregnancy. This pathology can occur at any time of the first and next trimester (up to 28 weeks). The fact that the fetus does not show signs of life, a woman may not immediately determine. Some women claim that they simply "stopped feeling pregnant" - the nausea, soreness and swelling of the breast disappeared. A woman with a missed pregnancy has atypical vaginal discharge: bloody, bloody, the lower abdomen may hurt a little.

Causes of pregnancy fading:

    Infectious diseases of the reproductive system;

    Inflammatory gynecological diseases in history;

    Genetic and chromosomal pathologies of fetal development;

    Artificial termination of pregnancy, produced by a woman earlier.

When diagnosing a missed pregnancy, the doctor removes the dead fetal egg, conducts conservative treatment to prevent infection of the woman's body. The next pregnancy can be planned in 6-12 months. In most cases, it ends successfully.

Pregnancy management is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist in the antenatal clinic. In the first trimester, a woman should visit her doctor at least once a month, unless she has special health problems.

At the first appointment, the doctor will prescribe a woman to conduct tests for a comprehensive examination of her health:

    Blood test for Rh factor;

    General analysis of blood and urine;

    A smear for urogenital infections;

    Blood chemistry;

    Vaginal smear for flora and cytology;

    Test for rubella, toxoplasmosis, and herpes virus.

In case of trouble in the work of some organ, specialized specialists will deal with the treatment of a pregnant woman, taking into account her condition.

At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, as part of the screening of the first trimester, an ultrasound of the fetus is performed. A short period allows it to be carried out by the transvaginal method, less often the study is carried out transabdominally, that is, through the abdominal wall. Timely ultrasound will reveal possible pathologies of the fetus, uterus and placenta.

If problems arise (pelvic pain, bleeding, suspected ectopic pregnancy), an ultrasound examination is performed unscheduled. It allows you to exclude genetic and chromosomal pathologies of the unborn child.

Vaginal discharge in the first trimester

During the entire period of pregnancy, clear or white mucous leucorrhoea is considered normal vaginal discharge. They have a small volume, almost odorless. Atypical vaginal discharge requires urgent medical advice:

    Green color with an admixture of mucus, with an unpleasant odor - indicate infection of the reproductive organs;

    Thick yellow leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor - attachment to the microflora of the vagina of cocci or Escherichia coli, purulent inflammation;

    White flakes in the form of cottage cheese are a sign of vaginal candidiasis, a fungal infection due to reduced immunity;

    Bloody discharge of brown or scarlet color is a symptom of dangerous conditions and diseases (detachment of the fetal egg, missed or ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion, miscarriage that has begun).

Any atypical discharge requires a doctor's consultation, a thorough examination and treatment.

Normally, in the first trimester, a slight increase in body temperature up to +37.5? C. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, the acceleration of metabolism. If the temperature values ​​​​are higher than these figures, and, possibly, a pregnant woman has acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.

The danger of this condition is that pathogens can penetrate the placental barrier and harm the fetus. In addition, the use of drugs in the first trimester should be limited, since many of them have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can cause fetal deformities. Colds should only be treated by a doctor. Most likely, he will recommend bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids to detoxify the body, rinsing the nose with sea water, and gargling with saline or soda solution. Herbal preparations should be used with caution, as some of them increase the tone of the uterus.

Sexual relations between spouses in early pregnancy are not prohibited, provided that there are no contraindications:

    twin pregnancy;

    Sexual infections in one of the spouses;

    Habitual miscarriage.

During the hormonal restructuring of the first trimester, the structure of the genital organs of a pregnant woman changes somewhat - the tissues of the vagina and cervix become looser, easily damaged with the formation of abrasions of the mucous membrane. Early toxicosis of pregnancy changes a woman's perception of the world around her, she becomes irritable, quickly gets tired. These factors can lead to a temporary restriction of intimate contacts between spouses.

In order for the first trimester of pregnancy to become a time of well-being and well-being for a woman, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a timely manner, engage in feasible physical education, and properly form your diet.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

The first trimester is the most responsible and very difficult pregnancy. It is now that the main organ systems are being formed in the child, and the expectant mother is just getting used to her new position. Why is the first trimester important?

The first period of pregnancy lasts 3 months or 13 weeks. During the first trimester of pregnancy however spotting may occur due to implantation. Because of this, many women are not even aware that they are pregnant. Also, thrush may appear in the 1st trimester of pregnancy - read how and how to treat it.

The first trimester is often accompanied by general malaise and. This is because the hormonal background is changing dramatically. A woman's breasts may swell a little, the areolas of the nipples may darken and others may appear. At this time Pregnancy doesn't show up externally..

In the first months, many women may feel mild pain in the pubic area. If it quickly recedes and does not cause severe inconvenience - do not worry, the body is being rebuilt. If the pain intensifies and does not recede for a long time, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this. Any in the first trimester is very dangerous.

The first obstetric week is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. At this time, the maturation of the egg occurs in the woman's body, which is accompanied by menstruation. The pregnancy itself has not yet occurred. During this period, it is necessary to eat right and pass all the necessary tests.

By the end of the second week, with the onset of the egg, it is fertilized by the sperm, after which it begins to move along the oviduct towards the uterus. The onset of ovulation can be tracked with regular measurements.

By the end of the week, the fertilized egg reaches the inner cavity of the uterus and attaches to its wall. At the time of attachment of the egg, a woman may experience spotting - implantation bleeding.

The egg becomes an embryo and is firmly fixed on the wall of the uterus, after which it begins to develop. At this time, the yolk sac begins to appear in the fetus. At this stage, the sensitive can already show a positive result. It is very important that in the first trimester the pregnant woman should avoid stress, walk more, and give up bad habits.

At this stage, the future man begins an active laying of body parts and organ systems, the circulatory system. The embryo is about the size of a grain of salt. By the end of the week, a tiny heart begins to beat. The woman notices.

Now the rudiments of eyes, ears, internal organs, spinal cord and brain begin to appear in the embryo, the umbilical cord is formed, lungs are formed. The length of the fetus reaches 1.5 mm.

The embryo increases in size by almost 2 times, and now its length is 3 mm. Now the limbs are beginning to form, the heart and eyes, the organs of the respiratory system continue to form. The kidneys and stomach begin to function, the mouth appears. At this time, many women find out about their pregnancy due to the manifestation of toxicosis.

The embryo grows up to 8 mm. His milk teeth begin to form, limbs continue to form. The brain, heart, intestines, esophagus, stomach develop. There are already cubes and a language. At this time, many women register with the antenatal clinic and take tests in the first trimester of pregnancy. The doctor prescribes blood donation for diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis. The blood group is also determined in future parents. They also do general and biochemical blood tests. You should definitely pass a general urine test (it should be done monthly) and a stool test. At a scheduled appointment, the gynecologist takes a swab from the vagina for possible infections.

The embryo reaches 10 mm. Now his face continues to form: eyes, tongue, lips, forehead, and a nasal fossa appears. The baby has its own blood. There is a sense of touch. At this time, the tail process disappears from the embryo. Mothers are often at this time at a loss, they begin to fear the difficulties associated with pregnancy and the appearance of a child.

The baby becomes like a tiny man, facial features appear. Neck, ears, nose, eyelids appear. He develops skin on the handles, the first milk teeth continue to develop. The embryo becomes a fetus. It is already 20 mm long.

The fruit grows up to 50 mm. His nails, muscles and genitals are formed, and the heart is already well auscultated by a special device - a stethoscope. The liver, pituitary gland, gallbladder, and nervous system function.

Fetal organ systems continue to develop. The child begins to react to sounds and bright light, the sense of touch improves. It is already 60 mm long. The woman is still suffering from toxicosis. It is very important to take in the first trimester if it is not possible to fully eat.

The fruit continues to develop intensively, it is already 70 mm in length. The child's eyes and eyelids continue to form, blood appears in the bones, and can yawn and smell. The kidneys and intestines work. At this time of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman does, at which you can consider the sex of the baby. Now the child can already move his limbs, clench and unclench his fists, open his mouth. A woman at this time increases her appetite due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy are worried about toxicosis. For that, to alleviate the condition during this period eat less, but often. Eliminate all junk food from the diet: smoked meats, salty foods, sweets (you can eat in limited quantities). Steam or boil meat and fish. Eat more vegetables, dairy products and fruits.

Ventilate the room periodically spend more time outdoors. In the first trimester, a woman should not exhaust herself with heavy physical exertion. Be sure to drink special vitamins for pregnant women, as well as preparations that contain folic acid (it contributes to the proper development of the embryo).

Many couples are concerned about the question: is it possible to engage in pregnancy? Gynecologists say that in most cases there are no contraindications, but sometimes it is necessary to refrain from it:

  • at ;
  • if present (bloody, curdled or others);
  • with infectious diseases in parents (treatment of infections involves a temporary absence of sexual contact).

It is highly undesirable to take any medications, and not controlled intake of antibiotics during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can lead to sad consequences. Do not self-medicate!

First trimester video

We invite you to watch a video that tells everything about the first trimester of pregnancy.

The pregnancy has come. For most women, this is a joyful event and two coveted stripes on a quick test is just the beginning of a difficult, responsible and interesting path in life. Ahead of 9 months of pleasant expectation, excitement, fears and joys. Getting pregnant, carrying and giving birth to a healthy child is the main goal of any normal woman. For the convenience of doctors and expectant mothers, the entire calendar period, consisting of 9 months, is divided into trimesters of pregnancy. Conventionally, each trimester is three months of pregnancy.

Terms of pregnancy

A trimester lasts a certain number of weeks. In gynecologists, it is customary to calculate the period in obstetric weeks, which begin their countdown from the first day of the last menstruation. Any table or calendar for pregnant women is built taking into account the obstetric gestational age. The embryonic period, the actual conception, occurs, as a rule, 2 weeks later, but not everyone knows the exact date.

The obstetric period is 280 days or 40 weeks, which is equal to 10 obstetric months, consisting of 28 days. The division into trimesters of pregnancy is also convenient in monitoring the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. To determine the expected date of birth, they also use calculations from the last menstruation. In the future, the period is specified with the help of ultrasound and features of the development of the fetus.

How many weeks are in each trimester? When does one end and the next start? All these questions are of interest to any pregnant woman, especially if such a condition for a woman is the first time.

Let's take a closer look at each of these periods. What they carry and what to expect for mother and future baby in each of them.

First trimester

He brings the woman the joyful news of the pregnancy. He is extremely important. It was at this time that many dangers and threats lie in wait for the mother and the unborn child. Fertilization occurs, attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus, laying and formation of all vital systems.

At any of these stages, unpleasant events can occur. The most dangerous periods in relation to miscarriages are the time of attachment of the fetal egg at 3–4 weeks and hormonal changes at 8–12 weeks. A woman's breasts swell, many begin toxicosis (early preeclampsia), mood changes, increased emotionality.

The embryo develops rapidly. The laying of the nervous system begins, at 4–5 weeks a small heart is already beating. The first trimester ends at week 12, by which time the fetus has:

  • Spine.
  • hemispheres of the brain.
  • The organs of the endocrine system (and are already working hard).
  • Distinguishable features of the face and the first movements appear.
  • The gender of the future baby is formed.
  • Marigolds grow on the fingers.
  • The rudiments of teeth appear.

The first three-month period of time you need to carefully monitor your condition, especially during dangerous periods. For any pain, spotting, cramps in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help. Naturally, you must already be registered in the antenatal clinic.

Sex during this period should be gentle and delicate, especially if a woman has a threat of abortion. But leaving your man without attention is also not worth it. How much to have sex, each couple decides for themselves. Mutual care and love is needed. Pregnancy is not a pathology, but a physiological process.

Second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy begins at week 13 and ends at week 27. This is the most blessed time for most pregnant women. Early toxicosis and the most dangerous periods are behind, the stomach is still small. The expectant mother has a lot of energy and strength for further successful bearing. The second trimester of pregnancy changes a woman, she blossoms, her walk changes, her tummy begins to grow.

When the center of gravity changes, the load on the spine increases, and as a result, back pain is possible. The enlarged uterus begins to displace other organs located in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes heartburn appears at this time, due to the size of the uterus, urination becomes more frequent (it presses on the bladder). Frequent constipation. But this is all temporary: changes in the body associated with pregnancy can and should be tolerated.

Sex during this period is the most wonderful. Toxicosis and the threat of miscarriages do not interfere, you can safely practice any kind of sex, this will strengthen and bring the spouses together and will not do any harm, but only benefit if there are no special contraindications for sex due to the health of the expectant mother. Sex is an additional opportunity to show feelings for each other during this crucial period. Yes, and unwanted pregnancy can not be afraid.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by increased growth and development of all fetal systems. In this period, the mother feels the first movements of her child. In a baby, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy was spent on the formation of the excretory system, the kidneys, intestines are functioning, the endocrine system is working. The cerebral cortex is actively formed, the intellect and the main sense organs are born.

The placenta is already well developed and meets all physiological requirements. But there is one important point: if it is incorrectly located, there is a danger of detachment. During this period, it is important to undergo genetic screening, especially for women at risk of pathological pregnancy. If this is not neglected, the second trimester of pregnancy will leave only pleasant impressions.

Which baby, when does the second trimester of pregnancy end? It already weighs approximately 1.2 kg. His height (or rather, length) is about 35 cm. You can clearly determine the sex with ultrasound.

third trimester

The third trimester is calculated from the 28th week and lasts until the very birth. How many weeks are given to a particular woman for this period, only nature knows. At this time, the tummy grows significantly due to the growth of the fetus and an increase in amniotic fluid.

The baby hears you, his hair grows, his movements become more rare, he takes a permanent position and gradually prepares for going out. The body is covered with lubrication for successful advancement in the birth canal. All organs and systems are formed, he breathes, sleeps and is awake, feels the taste.

For a woman, the third period is not easy, it is harder for her to walk, it is uncomfortable to sleep, fatigue and shortness of breath quickly set in. But the joy of the upcoming birth and patient waiting give strength at the finish line. In this period, there are dangers of late toxicosis, edema, the appearance of protein in the urine, rapid weight gain due to pathological edema, and high blood pressure. You need to take good care of yourself to avoid further problems. Weighing and control visits to the doctor are mandatory.

Sex during this period should not be too active and extreme. But you shouldn't give it up either. Some couples, with the threat of overgestation, are recommended to have active sex in order to stimulate labor. At the end of the third trimester, the woman will receive the desired result - the long-awaited child.