When you can cut hair on oracle. When you can cut hair on oracles Best time for hair clippers March

In the lunar calendar, the haircuts for April 2019 various events have a certain effect on the human hair haircut. Having chosen the most favorable day for the haircut, you save your positive forces and get rid of all negative, gain harmony with you and the outside world.

April 2019 is predicted by astrologers as a month of contrasts in an ambiguous year of the dark snake. Sophisticated labor activity will be replaced by fun and entertainment. Although a tense period is expected in public life, there are great opportunities for establishing relations, understanding their actions and actions. This period will make more persistent those who can withstand the main Credo April - excerpt and composure.

The first warmth makes women take off the hats, and beauty issues and hairstyle come out at one of the dominant places. The lunar horoscope will help to choose the right time to the hairdresser in accordance with your goals. If you consider the lunar cycle of this month, it can be noted that at the beginning of the month the moon will be descending, and therefore it is not necessary to hurry with the fundamental change of appearance. At least until April 11 - until the moon goes to the constellation of the Taurus.

Full moon falls on April 25th. Be sure to note the day of New Moon - in April this is the 10th day. These days should be abstained from any action with hair. We also take up the day when the moon passes under the most favorable signs of the Virgin and Taurus - except for the 11/12 April this is 21, April 22. From April 3, the moon is growing actively - this is the last quarter. And after the full moon from April 26, it is also actively decreasing.

The lunar calendars of the haircuts by day a year ahead:

Moon Calendar Stregging for April 2019 - Hair Coloring

The perfect effect of hair coloring can be obtained in the first decade of the month.. Up to 9 numbers, even at a decreasing moon, the paint will stay perfectly, thanks to the passage of the moon through the signs of Aquarius, fish and Capricorn.

An excellent solution will make coloring and timing at this time. - The hair does not grow long and the paint holds perfectly on the strands. Their growth is now slow, and you will be able to do without the next top of the roots. Classy hair after curling can be three or four days, excluding the days of full moon and new moon.

Lunar Calendar Stregging for April 2019 - Hair Ward

Perfect at this time will be kept curling. The decreasing moon will allow chemicals with a more gentle way to affect the Volo sy. Since the chemical curling of the hair holds from 3 to 6 months, it is worth choosing time in accordance with the lunar cycle. If you love magnificent wavy, and nature has endowed you with absolutely straight hair - do not be discouraged!

In April, you at least for a while, but you can make correction to the hairstyle . Especially - the summer is ahead. So, reserve softening gels and moisturizing creams - and forward, in the salon! Favorable days for curling - 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and from April 18 to 23.

Moon Calendar Stregging for April 2019 - Favorable Days for Hair

In early April, the decreasing moon will be held by the constellation of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Fish and Aquarius. For hair growth, this is not a very favorable time, but it is perfectly to carry out procedures for strengthening hair roots and treatment. Of course, it is possible to cut these days, but do not hurry with fundamental transformations. Wait for the most favorable days after the new moon. You can safely go to stylists: 12, 13, 21, April 22 - these are days when the influence of the constellations of the Virgin and Taurus is felt. From 18 to 24, it is possible to go to the hairdresser at least daily - the haircut will be perfectly harmonized with your way, every discomfort is practically excluded. Perfectly, if you have enough parties and holidays at this time - you can completely demonstrate your diverse images and be at the height of the courage.

The end of the month belongs to the Archers and Capricorn - in combination with a decreasing moon, you can expect some downturn of vitality, hairstyles will grow long. And if your hair weakened and require help, you will have to pay a lot of attention and care daily. Determine your hair type and make a mask from folk remedies.

Experts say that after washing the hair should not keep a long towel on his head - it is better to dry hair with a natural way. For the treatment of hair masks make twice a week. With healthy hair just once a month to feed them. A good folk agent for hair growth is rope of nettle. I am cozy after washing, and they will grow faster, besides will become alive and shiny.

Lunar Calendar Strezhek by day for April 2019

Apr 1 2019 8:36 - 6 lunar day. Moon in twins from 31 mar. 2019 20:10 to 2 Apr. 2019 21:28.

5 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract illness in your life or just fall into depression, which will affect your appearance.


2 Apr. 2019 9:20 - 7 lunar day. Moon in twins from 31 mar. 2019 20:10 to 2 Apr. 2019 21:28.

7 Lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - fulfilling this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life.
The moon in the twins - the haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will succeed the state of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

3 Apr. 2019 10:13 - 8 lunar day. Moon in cancer from 2 Apr. 2019 21:28 to 5 Apr. 2019 1:36.

8 Lunar day very well suited for a haircut. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life.

4 Apr. 2019 11:15 - 9 lunar day. Moon in cancer from 2 Apr. 2019 21:28 to 5 Apr. 2019 1:36.

Haircut at 9 lunar day is not favorable because it can attract an ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to clean up using soft natural components.
Moon in cancer - haircut favorable. You can make styling, adjusting the hairstyle. Avoid chemical procedures.

5 Apr. 2019 12:24 - 10 lunar day. Moon in Lev from 5 Apr. 2019 1:36 to 7 Apr. 2019 7:26.

10 lunar day is favorable for haircuts and hair coloring. Your strength, good luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthanche).

6 Apr. 2019 13:36 - 11 Lunar day. Moon in Lev from 5 Apr. 2019 1:36 to 7 Apr. 2019 7:26

11 Lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Lev, it's just a "bomb". Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and the mind is insightful.
Moon in Lev - haircut favorable. One of the best zodiacs for strikles. Haircut will change your life for the better.

7 Apr. 2019 14:49 - 12 lunar day. Moon in Virgo with 7 Apr. 2019 7:26 to 9 Apr. 2019 16:06.

12 Lunar day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. SROG LA NGON).

8 Apr. 2019 16:02 - 13 Lunar day. Moon in Virgo with 7 Apr. 2019 7:26 to 9 Apr. 2019 16:06.

13 Moon day perfectly suitable for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness as a magnet. (Bzang BSKYED)
Moon in Virgo - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

9 Apr. 2019 17:14 - 14 lunar day. Moon in scales from 9 Apr. 2019 16:06 to 12 Apr. 2019 1:54

14 Lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not wait to wait. You will attract property, material well-being. En SPYOD `Pel)

10 Apr. 2019 18:25 - 15 lunar day. Moon in scales from 9 Apr. 2019 16:06 to 12 Apr. 2019 1:54

In 15 lunar day, it is better not to stand - there may be a pressure problem with a pressing of incomprehensible fear.
Moon in scales - haircut favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "Dandelion" guaranteed. The haircut will add ease and neurosis.

11 Apr. 2019 19:34 - 16 lunar day. Moon in scales from 9 Apr. 2019 16:06 to 12 Apr. 2019 1:54

16 Moon day is absolutely not suitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract unhappiness and ill-wishers into your life.
Moon in scales - haircut favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "Dandelion" guaranteed. The haircut will add ease and neurosis.

12 Apr. 2019 20:42 - 17 Lunar day. Moon in Scorpio from 12 Apr. 2019 1:54 to 14 Apr. 2019 13:58

17 Moon day unfavorable for a haircut - attract diseases and unpleasant situations associated with outsiders. (HA RTSI SNGO GDAN GNOD).

13 Apr. 2019 21:48 - 18 Lunar day. Moon in Scorpio from 12 Apr. 2019 1:54 to 14 Apr. 2019 13:58

18 Lunar day is bad for a haircut, since there is a huge chance to attract situations associated with theft of property or a damage.
The moon in scorpion - the haircut is unfavorable. You can take a chance if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of how to change your life for the better and make it even worse.

14 Apr. 2019 22:52 - 19 Lunar day. Moon in Sagittari from Apr 14 2019 13:58 to 17 Apr. 2019 2:36.

19 Lunar day is favorable for a haircut (TSHE Ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the zodiac sign) eliminates the haircut, do not be angry.

15 Apr. 2019 23:53 - 20 lunar day. Moon in Sagittari from Apr 14 2019 13:58 to 17 Apr. 2019 2:36.

20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty into a material and spiritual world. On Tibetan: DBULTOG
Moon in Sagittarius - Haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in the magic plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, she changes life for the better, brings the richness and luck.

17 Apr. 2019 0:48 - 21 lunar day. Moon in Sagittari from Apr 14 2019 13:58 to 17 Apr. 2019 2:36.

21 lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (Gzugs Bzang)
Moon in Sagittarius - Haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in the magic plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, she changes life for the better, brings the richness and luck.

18 Apr. 2019 1:37 - 22 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn from April 17 2019 2:36 to 19 Apr. 2019 14:06.

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get the desired and get the necessary amount of money.

19 Apr. 2019 2:19 - 23 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn from April 17 2019 2:36 to 19 Apr. 2019 14:06.

23 Lunar day is good for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid haircuts today, if other aspects talk about it.
Moon in Capricorn - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for a haircut. The hair is smaller, and raptit faster.

20 Apr. 2019 2:55 - 24 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius from 19 Apr. 2019 14:06 to 21 Apr. 2019 22:46.

The haircut in the 24 moon day will bring in your life of the disease and misfortune (Nad`ong).

21 Apr. 2019 3:25 - 25 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius from 19 Apr. 2019 14:06 to 21 Apr. 2019 22:46.

24 lunar day unfavorable for a haircut - you can lose the most important thing, not to see coming and outgoing opportunities. (Mig Tshag ONG)
Moon in Aquarius - Haircut is favorable. Time is successful for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you, it is better to choose another day.

22 Apr. 2019 3:52 - 26 lunar day. Moon in fish from 21 Apr. 2019 22:46 to 24 Apr. 2019 4:02.

26 Lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. It will bring you happiness and destiny will help you favorably.

23 Apr. 2019 4:16 - 27 lunar day. Moon in fish from 21 Apr. 2019 22:46 to 24 Apr. 2019 4:02.

27 Lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and a good mood will not leave you for a long time. (DGA` Ba Byung).
The moon in fish - haircut is favorable. Drag may appear, and the hair can become brittle and dry.

24 Apr. 2019 4:39 - 28 lunar day. Moon in Aries from 24 Apr. 2019 4:02 to 26 Apr. 2019 5:20

Ideal for a haircut day - you will attract benevolent people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (GZUGS MDZES)

25 Apr. 2019 5:02 - 29 lunar day. Moon in Aries from 24 Apr. 2019 4:02 to 26 Apr. 2019 5:20

Haircut at 29 Moonday is categorically not recommended - you can get off the way and get a bunch of trouble. (bla `khyams)
The moon in the Aries - the haircut is unfavorable. Can weaken immunity, diseases appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

26 Apr. 2019 5:27 - 30 lunar day. Moon in Taurce from 26 Apr. 2019 5:20 to 28 Apr. 2019 4:56.

30 lunar day is better not to cut - transfer the haircut for another day, especially since 30 lunar day is very short.

26 Apr. 2019 15:16 - 1 lunar day. Moon in Taurce from 26 Apr. 2019 5:20 to 28 Apr. 2019 4:56.

1 lunar day is absolutely not suitable for a haircut. Tibetan wise men say that the haircut on this day shortens life.
The moon in the Taurus - the haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable standing moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less sequently.

27 Apr. 2019 5:56 - 2 lunar day. Moon in Taurce from 26 Apr. 2019 5:20 to 28 Apr. 2019 4:56.

The haircut in the second lunar day can attract unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day.
The moon in the Taurus - the haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable standing moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less sequently.

28 Apr. 2019 6:30 - 3 lunar day. Moon in twins from 28 Apr. 2019 4:56 to 30 Apr. 2019 5:06.

Haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract illness in your life because of the energy imbalance. Also, such a haircut can commemorate you on the crazy waste of money.
The moon in the twins - the haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will succeed the state of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

29 Apr. 2019 7:11 - 4 lunar day. Moon in twins from 28 Apr. 2019 4:56 to 30 Apr. 2019 5:06.

The haircut on the fourth moon day is not recommended, as it can attract various fears to your life, especially about the loss of something or anyone.
The moon in the twins - the haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will succeed the state of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

30 Apr. 2019 8:03 - 5 lunar day. Moon in cancer from 30 Apr. 2019 5:06 to May 2. 2019 7:32

Haircut at 5 lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. Very good day, in order to radically change your appearance.
Moon in cancer - haircut favorable. You can make styling, adjusting the hairstyle. Avoid chemical procedures.

Moon Calendar Stregging for April 2019 - When is it better to cut your hair?

When cutting hair on the lunar strife calendar for April 2019
The lunar calendar has long been applied to determine the days in which it is preferable to cut, curl or color hair. Naturally, hair health depends on proper nutrition and care.

Our moon Calendar Stregging for April 2017 Let you, without knowledge of astrology and any calculations to find favorable days for the haircut in April 2017. Even if you do not believe that the lunar haircut really affects what is worth just take and check it out? You can fully trust the data provided on this page because they have high accuracy. We are constantly striving to improve our Moon Calendar of Stregging for April 2017. Be sure to face the days favorable for haircuts and happiness will come to your life and unexpected success! .

Apr 1 2017 8:36 - 6 lunar day


5 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract illness in your life or just fall into depression, which will affect your appearance. Moon in Gemini - haircut favorable

2 Apr. 2017 9:20 - 7 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

7 Lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - fulfilling this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Gemini - haircut favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will succeed the state of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

3 Apr. 2017 10:13 - 8 lunar day


8 Lunar day very well suited for a haircut. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Cancer - haircut favorable

4 Apr. 2017 11:15 - 9 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

Haircut at 9 lunar day is not favorable because it can attract an ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to clean up using soft natural components. Moon in Cancer - haircut favorable. You can make styling, adjusting the hairstyle. Avoid chemical procedures.

5 Apr. 2017 12:24 - 10 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

10 lunar day is favorable for haircuts and hair coloring. Your strength, good luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthanche). Moon in Lev - haircut favorable

6 Apr. 2017 13:36 - 11 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

11 Lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Lev, it's just a "bomb". Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and the mind is insightful. Moon in Lev - haircut favorable. One of the best zodiacs for strikles. Haircut will change your life for the better.

7 Apr. 2017 14:49 - 12 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

12 Lunar day is absolutely not suitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. SROG LA NGON). Moon in Virgo - haircut favorable

8 Apr. 2017 16:02 - 13 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

13 Moon day perfectly suitable for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness as a magnet. (Bzang BSKYED) Moon in Virgo - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

9 Apr. 2017 17:14 - 14 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

14 Lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not wait to wait. You will attract property, material well-being. En SPYOD `Pel) Moon in scales - haircut favorable

10 Apr. 2017 18:25 - 15 lunar day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

In 15 lunar day, it is better not to stand - there may be a pressure problem with a pressing of incomprehensible fear. Moon in scales - haircut favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "Dandelion" guaranteed. The haircut will add ease and neurosis.

11 Apr. 2017 19:34 - 16 lunar day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

16 Moon day is absolutely not suitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract unhappiness and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in scales - haircut favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "Dandelion" guaranteed. The haircut will add ease and neurosis.

12 Apr. 2017 20:42 - 17 Lunar Day


17 Moon day unfavorable for a haircut - attract diseases and unpleasant situations associated with outsiders. (HA RTSI SNGO GDAN GNOD). Moon in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable

13 Apr. 2017 21:48 - 18 lunar day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

18 Lunar day is bad for a haircut, since there is a huge chance to attract situations associated with theft of property or a damage. Moon in Scorpio - haircut unfavorable. You can take a chance if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of how to change your life for the better and make it even worse.

14 Apr. 2017 22:52 - 19 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

19 Lunar day is favorable for a haircut (TSHE Ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the zodiac sign) eliminates the haircut, do not be angry. Moon in Sagittar haircut favorable

15 Apr. 2017 23:53 - 20 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty into a material and spiritual world. On Tibetan: DBULTOG Moon in Sagittar haircut favorable. The haircut is good in the magic plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, she changes life for the better, brings the richness and luck.

17 Apr. 2017 0:48 - 21 lunar day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

21 lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (Gzugs Bzang) Moon in Sagittar haircut favorable. The haircut is good in the magic plan, but for your hair, perhaps, not very. However, she changes life for the better, brings the richness and luck.

18 Apr. 2017 1:37 - 22 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get the desired and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Capricorn - haircut favorable

19 Apr. 2017 2:19 - 23 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

23 Lunar day is good for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid haircuts today, if other aspects talk about it. Moon in Capricorn - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for a haircut. The hair is smaller, and raptit faster.

20 Apr. 2017 2:55 - 24 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

The haircut in the 24 moon day will bring in your life of the disease and misfortune (Nad`ong). Moon in Aquarius - haircut favorable

21 Apr. 2017 3:25 - 25 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

24 lunar day unfavorable for a haircut - you can lose the most important thing, not to see coming and outgoing opportunities. (Mig Tshag ONG) Moon in Aquarius - haircut favorable. Time is successful for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you, it is better to choose another day.

22 Apr. 2017 3:52 - 26 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

26 Lunar day - a wonderful day for a haircut. It will bring you happiness and destiny will help you favorably. Moon in Fishes - haircut unfavorable

23 Apr. 2017 4:16 - 27 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

27 Lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and a good mood will not leave you for a long time. (DGA` Ba Byung). Moon in Fishes - haircut unfavorable. Drag may appear, and the hair can become brittle and dry.

24 Apr. 2017 4:39 - 28 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

Ideal for a haircut day - you will attract benevolent people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (GZUGS MDZES) Moon in Aries - haircut unfavorable

25 Apr. 2017 5:02 - 29 Lunar Day


In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

Haircut at 29 Moonday is categorically not recommended - you can get off the way and get a bunch of trouble. (bla `khyams) Moon in Aries - haircut unfavorable. Can weaken immunity, diseases appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

26 Apr. 2017 5:27 - 30 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

30 lunar day is better not to cut - transfer the haircut for another day, especially since 30 lunar day is very short. Moon in Taurus - haircut favorable

26 Apr. 2017 15:16 - 1 lunar day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

1 lunar day is absolutely not suitable for a haircut. Tibetan wise men say that the haircut on this day shortens life. Moon in Taurus - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable standing moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less sequently.

27 Apr. 2017 5:56 - 2 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

The haircut in the second lunar day can attract unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid haircuts on this day. Moon in Taurus - haircut favorable. One of the most favorable standing moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less sequently.

28 Apr. 2017 6:30 - 3 Lunar Day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

Haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract illness in your life because of the energy imbalance. Also, such a haircut can commemorate you on the crazy waste of money. Moon in Gemini - haircut favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will succeed the state of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

29 Apr. 2017 7:11 - 4 lunar day


In general, this is not the best day for a haircut.

The haircut on the fourth moon day is not recommended, as it can attract various fears to your life, especially about the loss of something or anyone. Moon in Gemini - haircut favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will succeed the state of the nervous system and respiratory tract.

30 Apr. 2017 8:03 - 5 Lunar Day


In general, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

Haircut at 5 lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. Very good day, in order to radically change your appearance. Moon in Cancer - haircut favorable. You can make styling, adjusting the hairstyle. Avoid chemical procedures.

Thank you for viewing our lunar calendar haircuts for April 2017. We hope that you can easily find lunar days favorable for haircuts. We are responsible for business, and we understand that the state of people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Hair haircut on the lunar calendar for April 2017 favorable days - Discover whether haircut is favorable today? That is why our Calendar of Stregging for April 2017 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars worldwide. Hair haircut in the lunar calendar for April 2017 - Favorable days for haircuts can be found on this page. We believe in karma, and make a site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

Attract good luck and monetary well-being will help the haircut in the right day. The lunar calendar of the haircut for April 2017 will help choose a prosperous day.

April 1, Saturday. At 9:36 begin 6 lunar days. The moon is in the twins.
The haircut will help to defeat the disease and increase the cash flow. From dyeing hair it is worth refrained to not provoke a disorder in the family.

April 2, Sunday. At 10:20, 7 lunar days begin. The moon is in cancer.
Unfortunate day for a haircut. The hair will be bad to grow, will begin to fall out, and the laying will not hold.

April 3, Monday. At 11:14, 8 lunar days begin. The moon is in cancer. At 22:41 comes 1 quarter.
The haircut brings to you. Stacking make the most simple, at home. Nobody let's touch your hair.

April 4, Tuesday. At 12:16 begin 9 lunar days. The moon is in cancer.
Refrain from the visit to the hairdresser. Stacking can be done only at home, it is about this that the hair clip calendar speaks.

April 5, Wednesday. At 13:24 begin 10 lunar days. The moon is in Lev.
Today, the haircut will turn out incredibly successful. Will delight you and make money profit. Hair coloring in golden tones also contributes to an increase in cash flow.

April 6, Thursday. At 14:36 \u200b\u200b11 lunar days begin. The moon is in Lev.
Excellent day for a haircut! Money will flow by the river, as well as new necessary connections. Staining hair in copper and golden tones will help win the love of the team.

April 7, Friday. At 15:49 12 lunar days begin. The moon is in the Virgin.
If you want positive change, the haircut will help. Hair dyeing in natural colors improves the body.

April 8, Saturday. At 17:02 13 lunar days begin. The moon is in the Virgin.
The haircut guarantees material well-being, like painting by natural dyes.

April 9, Sunday. At 18:14 14 lunar days begin. The moon is in the scales.
After the haircut, the offensive of depression is possible. If there are some cases that do not manage to finish, something interferes, paint your hair into your natural color. This will help.

April 10, Monday. At 19:24 begin 15 lunar days. The moon is in the scales.
Transfer the haircut, it will provoke a disease. Hair dyeing in dark color will help "hide" from troubles and problems.

April 11, Tuesday. At 20:34 the 16 Moon Day begin. The moon is in the scales. At 10:09 comes full moon.
Hair is not streaming not to attract problems from the endocrine system. To preserve the energy, you can paint the hair into the dark color by natural dyes. To attract the energy of space, assemble your hair into a bundle.

April 12, Wednesday. At 21:42 begin 17 lunar days. The moon is in Scorpio.
The haircut is shown only to those who want to completely change their lives. The same one who does not plan to be cardinal change, it is better to refrain from the haircut. Staining henna in red color will attract money.

April 13, Thursday. At 22:48 18 moon days begin. The moon is in Scorpio.
Today, the haircut will benefit on health, give strength. Especially we advise you to visit the hairdresser for those who have problems with respiratory authorities. Staining in the color that you had in the period of absolute happiness.

April 14, Friday. At 23:52 begin 19 lunar days. The moon is located in Sagittarius.
Hair haircut is prohibited. Coloring only in dark tones to escape from trouble. Try to spend the whole day in the headdress.

April 15, Saturday. The 19 Moon Days continue. The moon is located in Sagittarius.
An extremely unfavorable day for hair cutting. Staining with natural dyes in dark tones. Hair cover with a headdress, or braid into the tight braid to save energy.

April 16, Sunday. At 0:52 begin 20 lunar days. The moon is located in Sagittarius.
Postpone the haircut as another day not to lose your energy. It is best to cover your hair with a headdress.

April 17, Monday. At 1:47 begin 21 lunar days. The moon is in Capricorn.
According to the horoscope today a favorable day for hair cutting and staining in light tones. You can make felting, coloring and bleaching hair.

April 18, Tuesday. At 2:36 begin 22 lunar days. The moon is in Capricorn.
You can cut your hair, but not too short. Haircut attracts energy and money energy. To improve well-being, paint your hair into your natural color.

April 19, Wednesday. At 3:18 begin 23 lunar days. The moon is in Aquarius. At 13:58 comes 4 quarters.
Today is an unsuccessful day for a haircut. If you do not want to attract different kinds of trouble, refrain from the haircut. Hair dyeing only with natural dyes. Curling on the curlers will help to acquire a positive attitude.

April 20, Thursday. At 3:54 begin 24 lunar days. The moon is in Aquarius.
Haircut will help get a huge stream of energy. The hairstyle will continue for a long time. Hair dyeing only in dark tones. Stacking make volume.

April 21, Friday. At 4:25 begin 25 lunar days. The moon is in the fish.
The haircut will only bring negative, wait for a more successful day. Staining will not be able to refrain from him too. Cool hair today as often as possible.

April 22, Saturday. At 4:52 begin 26 lunar days. The moon is in the fish.
If you crash your hair, health problems will begin. Staining only in golden shades by natural dyes to attract cash energy.

April 23, Sunday. At 5:16 begin 27 lunar days. The moon is in the fish.
The haircut will result in monetary difficulties. Hair dyeing only in dark shades.

April 24th, Monday. At 5:39, 28 lunar days begin. The moon is in the Aries.
Stream hair can not be categorically! Coloring only natural dyes in light tones. Choose hair more often.

April 25, Tuesday. At 6:03 begin 29 lunar days. The moon is in the Aries.
It is impossible to cut, it will entail the disease. Staining will not be successful, refrain from him too. You can wind your hair on hair curlers or make a simple volumetric laying.

April 26, Wednesday. At 6:28 begin 30 lunar days. The moon is in Taurus. At 16:17 comes a new moon.
The haircut will be successful, long to keep the form. The hair will be thicker and stronger. Staining in any color. You can make a chemical twist, it will bring less harm to hair than other days.

April 27, Thursday. At 6:56 begin 2 lunar days. The moon is in Taurus.
Excellent day for haircut and changing image. Haircut will improve health and accelerate hair growth. Coloring will lead to increasing profits.

April 28, Friday. At 7:30 3 lunar days begin. The moon is in the twins.
If you want to increase your income, be sure to raise today. To get the energy of nature, make a hair mask and paint them with natural dyes.

April 29, Saturday. At 8:12, 4 lunar days begin. The moon is in the twins.
Do not be angry today, otherwise all your plans will be failed. Hair coloring in your natural hue will help keep money.

April 30, Sunday. At 9:03 begin 5 lunar days. The moon is in cancer.
The haircut is contraindicated, painting only in light tones.

The second website. Info, reports that the most favorable time of epilation is 12-14, April 16-23, 2017.

Recommendations are given for a calendar day (Moscow time).
Haircut calendar is drawn up with a lunar calendar, the calendar provides additional information about the position of the moon in a certain calendar day.

Attention! The horoscope is prohibited to overcompublic and copying.
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Olya Likchev

Beauty - like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious :)


How many expectations are associated with the New Year holiday and with the beginning of the next stage of life. Anticipation of change, fresh trends. Many girls are already thinking about shifting hairstyles for spring offensive. Lover of astrology, pay attention to the lunar calendar of the haircut for March 2016, to find out what days are for such manipulations. From where is located in the sky of the moon, what day of the month and the sign of the zodiac, the haircut itself depends. Let's turn to the cosmos forms for the suggestions.

Influence of the moon phase on hair haircut

If you passionately want the hair below the waist, then the haircut is better planning for the first two quarters. Together with the magnification of the moon in the sky, your hair will grow. Those who want to make laying or intricate haircut must choose the last two weeks of the lunar cycle. The haircut will last longer and will be preserved better. It will reduce the number of hair drops after it. The lunar calendar of the haircuts for March 2016 shows that the influence of the moon phase on the speed of growth of curls will be particularly strong.

There are days when it is better to forget about the visit to the stylist, otherwise the hair slows down the growth or will remain on your comb. On other days, the haircut will cause the appearance of dandruff or deterioration of the state of strands. If you are an infrequent guest in the hairdresser and are not interested in changing hairstyles, then you should do hair when the moon will decrease. Then the haircut will lead to the fact that the roots of your hair will become stronger, they themselves will fall less, but also grow slower. The haircut in the new moon is contraindicated, it will make life shorter.

The most favorable days for haircuts on the Oracle calendar

The lunar calendar of hair procedures for March 2016 shows how heavenly events affect your look. Some experts believe that the power of the Aries above the moon is an inappropriate time to change the length of the curls, because of this, the body's ability to resist diseases. If you apply a visit to the stylist when the moon is in Sagittarius, then the new hairstyle will help the career.

Scorpio promises unclear changes in personal life. For hairstyles, you should not choose the days when fish, cancer and aquarius have the greatest impact. When the moon owns cancer, it is best to refuse even from washing curls, otherwise they will resist even simple laying. Fish is also considered not the most favorable sign. If during their primacy to correct the length of the curls, even simply wash them, the consequence will be the occurrence of dandruff.

Especially the stylists should be avoided on days, submissive aquarity, because of which they can even fall out. The same days will be favorable in March when scales, lion, calf, Capricorn, Gemini and Virgo show their power. Under their influence, the hair will be more obedient and all that you do with them will only lead to the most positive result. It must be remembered that the day of the lunar month is important. To achieve the greatest effect, all possible influences should be taken into account.

The most successful days of March 2016 to change the hairstyles

March 2016 will see the full moon of the 8th, and the new moon - the 23rd. These will be either other manipulations with hair. On the first day of spring will grow stronger at the beginning of the month and much slower in the middle and end. Take a hairstyle or haircut in the days when Capricorn (4, March 5, and 31), Aries (March 7, March 5, and March 31), Lion (19 and 20), Virgo (20,21), will be ruined in the sky.

Unsuccessful haircut days in March 2016

Hair-experiments are undesirable to new moon and full moon, March 23 and 9. It is necessary to avoid transitions between the lunar quarters 2, 9, 16 and 30 March. Most more that it is worth doing these days - massage and cosmetic masks, hair care is also important. Everything else can have unpleasant consequences. Below is a detailed horoscope in which you learn when it is better to cut your hair.

Full lunar hair cutting calendar for March 2016

Descending Moon in Streltsy, 22th Moonday

The lunar horoscope for today from the oracle warns: the haircut is fraught with a set of extra quill in the future. If you decide to paint your hair, natural colors should be preferred.


The campaign to the stylist only worsen the general condition. It should be careful to be with hair colors, choosing only the best.

II- Capricorn, 24

Is it possible to stop today? Comment: It is better to refrain. By doing anything with strands, there is a chance to harm your sight.

II- Capricorn, 25

Hairstyle will change the image and well-being for the better. Choose any hair painting colors.

II- aquare, 26

Condure - it will give you energy.

II- Aquarius, 27

On this day, it is good to cut the hair and change their shade.

II- Fishes, 28

The change that touched the hair can also lead to changes in the marital status, attention will increase from the cavalier.

II- fish, 29

The manipulation of the stylist on your head will damage the memory, and the change in their color is financial condition.

New Moon in Aries, 1 and 2

Forget the new moon about the haircut, it takes time lifetime. Use natural preparations for coloring.

Growing moon in Aries, 3

Do not cut the curls. Choose natural preparations for clarification.

Icity, 4

The new image will provoke the appearance of unnecessary alarming experiences.

II- Teltsy, 5

Shortening or attaching tips, you will make money. This will be promoted by the bright shade of strands.

Icity, 6

It is impossible to cut, fraught with diseases. Bad day for coloring.

II- Gemini, 7

Changing the status of the curl will affect extremely favorable. Krable in any color, not afraid to harm yourself.

II - twin, 8

The campaign to the stylist will give a quarrel with anyone.

II- cancer, 9

Leave the curls alone, otherwise tighten your health.

II- cancer, 10

Do not think about extravagant hairstyle or give up the idea to shave, everything will be to failure. Coloring will help health.

II - in Lev, 11

New haircut will give life a new force. The strands that are brown or golden on this day will improve financial position.

II - in Lev, 12

The excellent period to put up with strands. Increase beauty and attractiveness.

II- Verine, 13

It is better to forget about hair experiments. This day is not an option.

II- V.V. 14

The most crazy idea with hair, such an update promises good luck, but paint is better preferred on a natural basis.

II- V.

Hair-change will lead to headaches.

New moon in scales, 16

Change haustriate health. The dark color of the strands will allow to take the right decision.

Descending moon in scales, 17

Stream contraindicated.

II-scorpion, 18

An attempt to change the image will lead to injuries, but light or red hair paint will improve your relationship.

II-Scorpio, 19

Hair-change will lead to losses.

II-scorpion, 20

Trust the stylist and life will become longer. Natural color will lead to new acquaintances.

II- Sagittar, 20

Forget about the haircut.


Good luck smiles to you - the hike to the stylist will lead to luck, benefit.

II- Capricorn, 22

Do not choose hair-change if you do not want to gain weight. Only natural shades are suitable for coloring.

II- Capricorn, 23

Hair-change - health risk. If you want to change the color, use paints with the addition of natural preparations.

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Spring - time when the body presents unpleasant surprises, which are reflected in the appearance.

That this does not happen, it is important to trust not only the recommendations of the doctors, but also the advice of astrologers.

When can you cut your hair in April 2019? And what days do not attend the hairdresser?

General Cutting Rules in April 2019 in accordance with the lunar calendar

In April 17, the days are more suitable for haircuts when the night luminaire is either in the first or in the second quarter.

And if you want to save on a visiting hairdresser, try to cut the curls on a decreasing moon - so the hair grows slower, but they become stronger.

In the new moon, astrologists strongly advise not to enter the hairdresser and not bend to the scissors. In their opinion, a haircut during this period a person reduces the days of his life. And although this is true or a lie, it is unknown, it is unlikely to check such things.

Coloring and haircut hair in April 2019 by day

  • April 1st. The moon is growing, but is in the twins, so the haircut should be abandoned, otherwise you risk harvesting your health. Blooming the hair is prohibited, and you can only paint with natural dyes.
  • April 2. Despite the fact that the moon is still growing and the growth of your curls after the haircut on this day will accelerate, they will become naughty. As for staining, it is better to leave the hair on this day alone.
  • April 3. The moon in cancer growing. The haircut today will slow down the hair growth and you will have to grow them for quite a long time. Coloring better in bright shades, as they will help you avoid many problems and failures.
  • April 4 - An unfavorable day for hair cuts in April 2019, as immunity can weaken and on this basis will increase the risk of various diseases. For similar reasons, a question from coloring hair should be postponed.
  • April 5. The moon growing in a lion sign. If you decide to face today, the hair will become stronger, will grow well, they will gain resistance to external negative effects and the cross section will decrease. For coloring, choose gold or copper colors - in a short time they will bring your profits.
  • April 6th. Make a new haircut and create the image of an independent, strong and decisive woman due to it, but note that only the roof and bass are allowed for staining.
  • On April 7, 2019, the night luminaire will be in the sign of the Virgin. The moon is growing, but on this day it is only better to attack the tips. Be sure to make hair coloring in April only in the cabin and only in already proven colors.
  • But on April 8, you simply need some small changes in appearance, so you can face and paint your curls in any colors and shades. In short, experiments are welcome!
  • On April 9 and 10, the growing moon is in the scales. This is a favorable day for hair cutting. You are suitable fashionable, elegant haircut, and the hair will accelerate their height and their condition will significantly improve. 9 Numbers Use for coloring natural paints in order to succeed in affairs. On the 8th of April, red or bright shades are recommended.
  • 11 April. Full moon, moon in the sign of the scales. Refuse haircuts and any hair-related procedures - even if it is your usual hair mask. Of course, it is also forbidden to paint (including light tonic), otherwise the curls will damage and the problems of the split tips you cannot avoid.
  • April 12, the moon will decreasing. Since the luminaire is in the sign of Scorpio, visiting the hairdresser will turn out for you positively: the hair after the haircut will grow faster, you get rid of the secting tips, perhaps even a quick and pleasant acquaintance with the opposite sex representative. Color your hair with natural paints, but do not try to discolor.
  • April 13th. The effect of scorpion is preserved. With a haircut on this day, you will attract success in study, in business or business, and for staining, select a color that always affects you positively.
  • On April 14 and 15, the moon still decreases, but is already in Sagittarius. These are two drastically opposite days. If the 14 number is suitable for haircut and staining in any color, and this will attract financial well-being to your side, will increase your authority in the working team, then on April 15 - the day is unfavorable, so it is impossible to cut and paint, it is impossible to leave hair once again not recommended.
  • April 16th. Moon is the last day in Sagittar. It is undesirable to be painted, and the haircut will not affect the health of your hair, but it is possible that she will attract troubles and failures into your life.
  • April 17th. Descending Moon, located in Capricorn. Not a suitable day for the haircut, and from staining it is still possible to refuse.
  • The 18th is no longer recommended for hair hair, otherwise you will face financial problems, with difficulties in relationship with others, in study or work. Deciding to paint the hair, do not take anything new - use already proven shades, colors.
  • April 19th. Moon descending, in the sign of Aquarius. If you are depressed or susceptible to melancholy, then do not fight and do not paint today - it will only help strengthen the sad and negative thoughts in the head.
  • April 20, on the contrary, suitable for a haircut. It will be enough to even cut the hair of everything on half astimeter to feel the tide of the vitality. And bring the energy of money to your life will help light tones in hair coloring.
  • The 21st of April. Do not be angry and do not hang your hair on this day. Of course, they will speed up their growth, but they will become naughty. In order not to bring the trouble on your head, refuse from staining.
  • On April 22, any manipulations with hair, be it a haircut or their staining, will not bring you anything good - the results will not like you definitely.
  • The ideal for a haircut day is considered April 23. It is especially recommended to trim today, who has been doing business recently in life and at work. Even radical solutions are allowed in staining, you in any case will be able to attract the attention of others and strengthen your attractiveness.
  • Haircut April 24 will help you influence your financial position, and dark tones for hair will attract good luck.
  • Not suitable for any hair manipulations day - April 25. Even minor changes risk reflected on you very negative.
  • April 26 and 27. The moon is in Taurus, the new moon. Neither a haircut, no coloring today is not allowed today, any procedures with hair also better postpone - on your overall health it will affect bad.
  • April 28, the moon is growing newly, now in the sign of the twins. Since there is a chance to worsen the quality of the hair and damage them, it is better to refrain from the campaign to the salon, as well as from hair coloring.
  • The last two days of the April month should not be called favorable for the haircut. So, 29 numbers, combing even a very small strand, you will face a deterioration of concentration and attention, and hair styling will turn into a real test. Deciding to paint the hair on this day, you will turn away from yourself.
  • As for April 30, 2019, then both haircuts and staining of curls can not go too successfully.

Now you know exactly when you can cut and stain your hair in April of this year, and therefore you can boast before your girlfriends with your well-kept and beautiful curls.