27 week of pregnancy What happens to the baby. All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

On the 27 obstetric age week of pregnancy Women, as a rule, mark up improvement. This is due to the fact that the hormonal system of the fetus begins to function independently.

Starting from this period, kid actively gains weight And pulls out in growth. It can already feel tastes, smells, touch, reacts to light and sounds.

The size and development of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy

By this time, the baby becomes looks like a newborn. Its body is proportional, but even thin. From this week, the subcutaneous fat is just starting to stock. Therefore, soon the epithelium will not look shy and the skin will become white smooth.

Puffed hair darker, begin develop hair follicles. Fully formed, it is possible to distinguish individual features. During this period, only cheeks are not developed.

On average for a period of 27 weeks frup growth It is about 35 cm and more, the weight reaches 1000 g. His legs are crossed, and the handles are pressed against the chest. What, however, does not prevent him from turning over - the place in the uterus for free movements is still enough. These exercises become all tangible and more visible, when the palm or a small heel opens on the stomach of pregnant. On this date, the baby usually takes position head downin which it remains until the moment of birth.

Western changes in the appearance of the fetus proceed against the background of significant internal physiological processes. In this period:

  • the hypophies actively produces growth hormone - Sonatropine;
  • the brain is rapidly developing, neural connections are becoming more active;
  • a immune system is formed;
  • due to the insulin synthesis of the pancreas and the production of hormones of the thyroid
  • the work of exchange processes is being established.

In the lungs Alveolar moves begin to form and accumulate the surfactant necessary for the disclosure of the Alveol at the time of the first breath after birth. And during this period, breathing is accompanied by the swallowing of the accumulating waters. From this kid often IkatWhat is felt like a rhythmic movement.

Perfectly function sense organs. Not yet born kid can already feel tastes, smells, touch, reacts to light and sounds. It is already able to open and close the eyes, and even keeps the definite sleep mode.

With particular attention to its body should be treated at pregnancy double. A large belly often interferes with normal blood circulation, which is disturbed by sufficient nutrition and enrichment of oxygen fruits.

In the case when it is getting twins, 27 week of pregnancy often becomes the latter. Multiple pregnancy in half cases ends with premature childbirth. For the most part, subject to the provision of qualified medical care on this date, the kids appear on the light almost fully adapted to life outside the womb.

What happens to mom at 27 week

Mom belly At week 27 is already quite large, mom is harder and harder to find a comfortable position. Lying on the back the fruit can handle a hollow vein, from this may appear dizziness. To avoid this, it is best to lie on the left side. Above you can see the photos of the mothers mom at the 27th week of pregnancy.

For the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy Women's body actively preparing for the upcoming births:

  • the amount of accumulating waters and the upper segment of the uterus reaches the chest, so the stomach becomes much larger;
  • from this week, a woman, which is due to a larger mass of spindle water and an increase in blood volume, placenta, chest, rapidly increasing the kid;
  • on this time, pregnant can feel the first;
  • most women complain about pain in the back, lower back, legs, tension of bundles in sides and stomach;
  • active fetal movements, strong shocks and movements at the 27th week of pregnancy can deliver discomfort.

To a bit reassure the child, you need to talk to him, slowly walk, stroke the belly. You can put it soothing music or sing a lullaby.

The norm for pregnancy at the 27th week is homogeneous, liquid, translucent odorless. If brown appeared or - you need to urgently consult a doctor! Also, you should not be surprised if it starts out of the chest.

Changes occur not only in physical, but also a psychological state. Irritability is observed, mood swings, disturbing dreams. You can not get closed, you need to share your experiences with loved ones. It is important to learn to switch attention from negative thoughts to positive, engage in pleasant affairs, attend various cultural events, read interesting books.

Analyzes, surveys and ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy

Starting from this period attend a doctor It is recommended at least once every two weeks. Inspection by a doctor includes a number of standard procedures:

  • weight measurement, abdomen circle;
  • determination of the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  • measuring blood pressure;
  • listening to the heartbeat kid.

In addition, laboratory urine research, clinical blood test. It is on this time that it is important to determine the likelihood of development. As a rule, at week 27 are not prescribed. But there are also exceptions in which without this study can not do - when a doctor must be traced, as the child's body develops and operates, eliminate the possibility or. Such indicators as the body length, the degree of body development are of great importance in determining possible deviations from the norm.

We offer you to watch the video of the ultrasound of the fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy, and above you can consider the photo of the baby.

Possible deviations from the norm

Based on all the results obtained, the doctor expects the likelihood of the development of one way or another. pathology. And if in the process of research the diseases will be revealed, timely taken measures have repeatedly increase the chances of avoiding serious problems.

This period is possible premature childbirth, therefore, if you have strong pulling, grapple-shaped pains, bloody or brown discharge, urgently call "ambulance". With a rapid response, pregnancy can be saved to a child safe.

When the temperature rose and other symptoms did not assocbiate with pregnancy, necessarily should consult a doctor. In no case cannot be engaged in self-medication.

Mom's diet and exercise at the 27th week of pregnancy

Future mom's diet implies balanced and useful food. For the normal development of the child, products must contain. Food is recommended to take fractionally - often and small portions.

  • in the daily menu, there must be products containing protein and calcium;
  • eliminate fatty, smoked, fried, flour, sweet, salted, sharp;
  • food should be rich in fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • for breakfast it is preferable to use complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • in the middle of the day you can take protein food;
  • dinner should be easy, it is useful to drink kefir before bedtime.

Skin care and clothing at week 27

The rapid growth of the abdomen can provoke unexpected unpleasant sensations - irritation and itching of the skin, a feeling of burning or tingling. Intensive increase in the uterus causes severe skin tension in this area. Therefore, the stomach is recommended to be regularly lubricated. special moisturizing lotions.

If itching is felt in other places, you need consult with a doctor. Perhaps additional research will be needed to detect the cause of these unpleasant symptoms.

Changing the forms of a woman creates the need to revise their wardrobe. It is unacceptable to use clothes that has become Mala. Things should not fade movement, woman and baby need a scope and freedom.

Sexual relations at week 27

If pregnancy proceeds normally, there are no contraindications. Doctors even recommended to have sex At the 27th week of pregnancy - it will strengthen family relationships, fill the body of a woman and a child with hormones of joy, will contribute to the tide of the blood to the pelvis area and will help prepare the generic paths.

Some restrictions may concern poses during sex. Woman is not recommended to lie on his back. It is better to be from above or in such a position when the penetration is carried out from behind.

The processes that proceed in the body of a woman at the 27th week of pregnancy, suggest a special way of life that is not limited to visits to the doctor and compliance with a certain diet. Some recommendations will help make this period of life. more comfortable and safe As for the health of the future mother, and not yet born child:

  • and cramps of the legs will reduce light massage and cool poultry;
  • during the rest lying on the back, lift the legs above the pelvic level;
  • reduce the use of water and salt;
  • back pain will reduce a special bandage;
  • it is undesirable to sit, throwing his leg to the leg - it can provoke.

Video about 27 week of pregnancy

More useful tips How to cope with the unpleasant sensations during pregnancy, what tests to take during this period you will find in this video down. This is a kind of memo, which will tell me how to deal with a long time to deal with the disease and treatment do not affect the child, what to do in the case of acute dental pain or much more.

27 week of pregnancy - the end of the second trimester. You are standing on the threshold of the beginning of the third trimester when your body will fully prepare for future birth. And the baby is now diligently gaining weight and prepare for independent life outside your tummy.

Features in the development of the fetus

The baby grows, its weight reaches up to 1 kilogram, height up to 36 cm. Weight and growth rates may differ, because every child grows in its own way and weight gains differently. It all depends on the nutrition of the mother and the individuality of the body as mom and the child.

The baby actively gains weight from this week not only because it increases the subcutaneous fat, but also began to produce growth hormone. In addition, the activity and other glands of internal secretion responsible for the growth of the kid increased.

The kid actively behaves, although with each week there is less space for him, but he continues to lie, how he will do, most often up his head, down the baby's head will drop a little later. An interesting occupation of the baby remains to push and touch mom, which sometimes leads to painful sensations and discomfort. With the help of daily "training", the baby exercises its muscles, strengthens the muscles. He really like his finger, he constantly sucks him, while continuing to train a sucking reflex.

The floor system is fully formed. Girls completed the Follicle Bookmark. The boys the testicles finally dropped into the scrotum, although there are cases when the testicles do not fully fall, it will occur after birth.

During this period, the brain is actively growing, the central nervous system at the shuttle stage. That is, the body of the child has completely established the system of feeding signals from the brain to all organs.

The endocrine system of the child from 27 weeks of pregnancy becomes independent of the mother's organism. That is, the child no longer affects your hormonal state, since he already produces hormones. What the mood improvement is entitled if you previously felt a federation. And the most interesting thing, if a woman has endocrine pathologies, the kid's body is now producing hormones and for mom, so the woman feels better.

Also improved the immune system of the baby so that he can fight after birth with infections. When forming the immune system, most of the antibodies kid took from your body.

The respiratory system continues to be improved. Light fabric increases in the lungs, that is, alveoli. The surfactant continues to be produced in order to help lightly deal after the first sigh.

All features of the face, nose, ears, eyes were formed. Toddler's eyes are already fully open, they are protected by centuries and cilias. The kid learned to blink. The retina is formed, the baby is already distinguished by the intensity of light, that is, very bright light or not.

The appearance of the baby is increasingly reminiscent of the newborn. His handles, legs and body become a plunge and rounded, Mimic works with might and main.

Feelings of a woman

So the second trimester of pregnancy approached the end. And with him and returned some unpleasant symptoms as in the first months of pregnancy - fatigue and frequent urination. Permanent pressing of the tummy on all internal organs, heaviness when walking, the constant load on the legs and the lower back led to the feelings of physical fatigue. Also, due to the fact that the child scored the weight, began to pressed on the bladder.

In order to go through the third trimester in a calm rhythm, now you must realize that from next week you will constantly feel fatigue. Your grown tummy gives a very large load on the back. You can begin to disturb pain in the legs and in the lower back area. From each week everything will be more difficult to move. During this period it is time to change the mode of the day, rest must be more than activity.

In connection with the fatigue and load, sleep disorder appears, insomnia. Try to take breaks during the day for sleep, the best option to sleep, after lunch. In the afternoon, it will be easier for you to fall asleep and find the right position, since the baby sleeps around 20 hours a day, and more often in the daytime, it kicks less than you.

The kid grows and constantly presses on the bladder, chasing you into the toilet even when you just went. Unfortunately, these symptoms can not be removed, they simply need to survive, after the birth of the baby, urine will be improving and will come to normal.

Some women may begin involuntary urination. It occurs during a chisanium or strong laughter, since in these moments the cuts of muscles in the abdomen increases the pressure on the bladder. In order not to be in an awkward situation, use gaskets. Also, to prevent such a symptom, there are special gymnastics for the hip part of the body, which helps in the fight against this problem.

At the 27th week of pregnancy can increasingly disturb false contractions. The uterus is diligently prepared for future birth. You do not need to panic, you just have to be able to distinguish between the fights are real from false. First of all, false contractions are not regular and they do not become more often with time.

You are rapidly gaining weight and rounded. On average, the weight of a pregnant woman by the end of the second trimester rose to 9 kg. But this indicator is average, do not concentrate much attention on it, because each female organism is individual and every woman gains weight in different ways. But all women during this period the tummy has already grown, so it's inconvenient to engage in an intimate zone hygiene and you already see my legs standing badly.

The chapels of the kid became the usual phenomenon, you are accustomed to the fact that your tummy walks a chance when and how he wants. Now not only strong shocks, but also small touch of the baby. And also you feel vibration in the tummy when the baby is playing.

Now it is no longer required to be weighed to control weight gain. You can only dial the amount of weight that needs to be your body, but under the control of the doctor.

Useful advice from doctors:

  • Regularly do therapeutic charging, yoga or gymnastics exercises, to strengthen the muscular system, and to reduce lower back pain. Of course, continue to eat right, follow the intake in the body of all vitamin.
  • Change the day of the day, now you need more rest and even an additional two hours of day sleep will help you cope with constant fatigue.
  • Premature childbirth can begin. Be careful when the abdominal pain appears, and the feelings that the belly is like mow. With unusual sex tract discharges, urgently call ambulance. With timely handling of the hospital, your pregnancy can save. But, in the case of childbirth, according to statistical data, the child survives and develops in the future without deviations.
  • A cool baths or standing on a cool surface are suitable for help against spasms in the legs, massage and bending / extension of legs in the lying position.
  • It's time to think about who will be present in childbirth. Of course, a large number of people be in the ward will not be able, but one person can, more often it is the future dad. Now you can already discuss with him, whether he wants to attend childbirth. Dad himself must decide whether it will be present or not, in case of his failure, do not be discouraged, it simply means that it is emotionally hard for him.


Our permanent video guide will tell about what is happening with the future mother and her baby:

Photo kid on ultrasound

Since the egg fence fell fertilized, 25 weeks passed, your baby is actively preparing for birth. At this time, you are also morally and physically starting to prepare for childbirth. Now the fatigue of your body will constantly make yourself felt, because of this you will be more often resting. You come to the point when you become the most pleasant Word in the world - Mom.

The long-awaited meeting will occur very soon, because the 27 obstetric week of pregnancy began. A child on this period when appearing on the light and timely rendered assistance can already survive outside the maternal organism.

What happens on 27 week

The third trimester of pregnancy is the active preparation of the female body to the delivery and upcoming motherhood. That is why the future mother needs this period in a long holiday and dream. It is important not to overload your body, because any stress and tension can negatively affect health and cause premature birth.

In 27 weeks of pregnancy, the kid looks like a newborn. All of his parts of the body are proportional to the head there are already hairs, and on the face you can see eyebrows and even eyelashes. By the beginning of the third trimester, many kids are already occupied by the parent position, which is anatomically correct. Pelvic position - pathology, which can complicate the process of the delivery. Therefore, during pregnancy in the diagnosis of such a fetal location, the doctor appoints special exercises to the future mother.

The growth of the fetus from the crown to the heels is about 34 cm. According to its size, the baby is like a cauliflower kochan. On this period of pregnancy, all internal organs and systems are being improved, preparing the child's body to the upcoming independent existence.

An active weight gain is occurring. The weight of the child in 27 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 1 kg.

Changes in the body of a woman

Women at the 27th week of pregnancy occurs a heap of cholesterol level in the blood. But this is a normal physiological phenomenon and should not cause anxiety. This is due to the fact that the useful cholesterol helps the placenta to produce hormones intended for the preparation of a female organism to the upcoming birth and breastfeeding.

The uterus during this period rises to the level of the ribs, the height of its bottom is about 27 cm. This indicator will increase each subsequent week, and for a gynecologist's doctor, it is the main indicator of the proper development of the fetus.

The stomach has already grown significantly and this change not only attracts the attention of others, but also gives the discomfort of the future mother. Women usually look for a convenient posture for sleep, so they often suffer from insomnia.

Continue to increase and prepare for feeding of dairy glands. All veins are clearly visible for them. During this period, the nipples may start highlighting the colostrum, which is dirty underwear. In this case, it is recommended to use special boosters for the chest. It is categorically forbidden to squeeze colosure from the chest.

At the 27th week of pregnancy there is a sharp increase in the weight of the uterus, which is associated with the growth of the child. This can lead to the emergence of such symptoms as dizziness, fatigue and feeling of weakness.

The main changes at this week of pregnancy in the female body include:

  • The appearance of cramps provoked by the pressure of the uterus to the surrounding organs and nerve endings. To facilitate these symptoms, every evening should be resting with raised upside down;
  • Eveniness of the upper extremities (hands, wrists and fingers). In most cases, swelling do not give rest at night. To prevent complications, it is important to limit the use of fluid, incorporate food in the diet with a vitamin B6 content;
  • Muscle spasms of legs that can be associated with a lack of an important calcium trace element in the female body. Special diet, massage and wearing compression stocking will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations;
  • Feeling heat and high sweating.

As well as 27, the obstetric week of pregnancy can manifest itself in difficulty breathing. It is due to the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and the muscles located under the lungs. It is not dangerous for the life of the future mother, but to improve the state it is important to avoid lifting weights.

Increased weight

A weight gain at week 27 is approximately 9-10 kg. From this mass, the weight of the fetus for the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy is only 1 kg. Because of this increase, the back and legs can begin to get sick. Therefore, you should choose comfortable shoes.

But the weight change directly depends on the body mass index to childbirth. If it was very low, the woman can recover much more reference value. But in this case, the gain will be smooth, starting from the first month and ending with the latter, and after childbirth, all extra kilograms will leave.

In girls with a magnificent figure and overweight, an increase in body weight to the beginning of the third trimester will be only 5-5.5 kg. To control the weight gain, it is important to power properly and monitor the weekly increase, which should not exceed 400 g, since extra kilograms complicate the generation process.

Feelings at week 27

The child at the 27th week of pregnancy has already occupied the entire cavity of the uterus. Therefore, almost all his movements, the future mother feels good. Especially pronounced becomes a fetal hob, which is similar to vibration in the stomach. It occurs when swallowed by a child of an oily fluid and caused by the contractions of the diaphragm.

The chapels of the child are already strong and intense, especially elbows and heels. It can jerk and kick the belly and internal organs that delivers a woman's uncomfortable feelings. To calm the baby, sometimes enough just to stroke the tummy.

Too active or rare movements may indicate the discomfort of the child's stay in the womb. Therefore, if you notice sharp changes in the activity of movements, you should consult with your doctor.

The uterus presses quite strongly on the bladder, so the urination is raised to urinate. And also this body squeezes the lower hollow and iliac vein. This leads to stagnation of blood at the bottom of the body. As a result, blood does not reach properly to the brain, and a woman has dizziness. Therefore, on this period, it is not recommended to lie on the back, as well as sit in the post "foot leg".

In connection with the rapidly increasing belly and skin stretching, itching may appear. In the event that itch becomes unbearable, it may indicate a violation of the liver operation due to double load. Therefore, a pregnant woman is advised to pass the analysis of liver samples.

Many women, especially primible at this stage, may feel the fear of the upcoming births.

The uterus is preparing for childbirth, so training bouts can be observed. They do not threaten to wear pregnancy, if they do not deliver strong discomfort and quickly pass. In the case when the cuts in the uterus are accompanied by intense grabs and long-lasting pain, then urgently apply to the medical institution.

A pregnant woman can disturb pain in the sides, which are associated with the tension of the ligaments holding the uterus. Especially pain is enhanced with sharp movements.

Uzi at week 27

A planned ultrasound study is most likely behind. At the same time, the doctor may appoint a re-examination in the 27th obstetric age week of pregnancy. Indications are usually served by infectious diseases of the future mother, suspicion of pregnancy pathology and delay in the development of the fetus.

By ultrasound, a specialist can estimate:

  • Location of the fetus;
  • The degree of maturity of the placenta, which should be 0. And also investigate its location;
  • The heartbeat of the baby, which is approximately 140-150 shots per minute;
  • How does the development and growth of the future kid occur? This is carried out in order to identify the delay of intrauterine development;
  • State, thickness and size of the uterus.

And the doctor can estimate the quantity and quality of the accumulation waters. About 1-1.5 liters are considered to be a normal volume. If the volume is more than 3 l, then such pathology is called multi-way. The less than 500 ml detected by less is considered to be low. In case of detection of such deviations, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment.

If the baby at the past ultrasound studies did not show his gender, then in 27 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will well be able to determine the sexual belonging of the future kid.


The main development of the kid has almost already over, now all organs and systems begin to improve and prepare for life outside the tummy.

What happens to the baby in this period?

  • In the development of the cerebral cortex on this period, the decisive stage is associated with the activation of neural connections. The immune system of the fetus is also improved, since it can already respond to allergens incoming via placenta. That is why the future mom should carefully choose food during this period;
  • The skin of the crumbs every day is increasingly smoothed. This is due to a constant increase in subcutaneous fatty fiber. The baby has its own metabolism in the body. That is why the appetite of many women begins to gradually decrease;
  • Starting the endocrine system of the child. Thyroid and pancreas produce hormones, and with each day the baby is less dependent on the hormonal background of his mother. A woman can feel it in improving his well-being.

The development of the fetus at the 27th week continues to occur in the respiratory system. In the lungs there is an amniotic fluid, which makes it possible to constantly stretch and increase in size. In bubbles located at the ends of bronchiole, the vital substance surfactant continues to be produced. It not only does not allow them to stick together, but also protects against penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

The child's breathing is carried out during the intrauterine development through the placenta, but it can already perform respiratory movements due to reflexes. The fruit is already reflexively performing about 40 movements per minute. Oxygen is vital to the child for the development and proper functioning of the internal organs (first of all, the hearts), and its disadvantage can lead to hypoxia. One of the main symptoms of such a state is the participated movements of the fetus.

Surprisingly, the baby already feels the tastes of amniotic fluid and can distinguish them depending on the mother's power. Sometimes a child with his active movements is noting a pregnant woman about what product he was not to taste. This often happens when receiving too acute food.

According to the activity of the future child, it is possible to determine its approximate mode, which often does not coincide with the lifestyle of the future mother. The kid already opens and closes his eyes and is able to respond to light. The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy is already well heard, especially his mother's voice is pleased. Therefore, this week is recommended to talk more often with the baby, singing him with lullabies and tell the fairy tales.

Sex tract

Due to the fact that pregnancy after the twenty-seventh week may end premature childbirth, followed carefully for their disclosures.

Allocations at the beginning of the third trimester should be normal, transparent or slightly yellowish. At the same time, they should not be impurities of mucus, pus and bunches. These negative symptoms may indicate the presence of infection, diseases and other hazardous states.

Also should not be abundant watery discharge, which usually indicate the leakage of spindle water. Waters of water can be both simultaneous and gradual. In small parts, the amniotic fluid can be departed with the horizontal position of the future mother. Such pathology is extremely dangerous, therefore requires consultation with a specialist.

No less dangerous is the bleeding, especially accompanied by pulling grapple-shaped pain and dizziness. With any change in color, consistency and quantity of vaginal discharge, it is important to consult with a gynecologist.

Possible problems

The main problems on this period of pregnancy are:

  • The threat of premature births. Provice childbirth at the 27th week of pregnancy can any external and internal factors, as well as nervous overvoltage, stress, fall, hypertonus.
  • Eastic-cervical insufficiency - the pathology of the cervix, at which it cannot perform its functions. To prevent the leaving of the waters and early disclosure, seams are superimposed on it.
  • Fetoplacentar insufficiency is a violation of the functioning of the placenta, which leads to a violation of the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Gesters - pathology manifested by edema, an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine, which is associated with the deterioration of the kidney work.
  • Malotion, which is characterized by a small abdomen circumference, a low bottom of the bottom of the uterus, the largerness of the baby.
  • Multi-way - is characterized by too much stomach, active movements of the fetus. The cause of such pathology is the presence of an intrauterine infection.
  • The delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus is due to infections, improper work of the placenta, genetic disorders and anomalies.

If the woman is pregnant twins, a problem may appear in 27 weeks of pregnancy, like feto-fatal transfusion. This pathology is characteristic only for twins, united common chorium and is dangerous in the death of both one and two kids at once.

Pregnant woman can disturb constipation, often leading to hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is important to eat correctly, excluding the products fixing the chair. From the diet you should remove fresh bakery products, sweets, rice, semolina porridge, fatty meat, cabbage, which can cause increased gas formation. It is also recommended to limit the use of nuts, legumes, etc. In the event that the diet did not give positive results, the doctor appoints laxatives. By self-treatment in this important period, it is impossible to engage in any case.

In addition to the constipation, some pregnant women meet anemia and impairment of vision.

To prevent possible complications, the future mother should carefully refer to his health, undergo planned surveys and analyzes.

Food for 27 weeks

A pregnant woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy needs to eat right, and balanced. Do not be used in excessive quantities fatty, fried and salty food. Sweets are recommended to abandon sweets and chocolate, which are stuck with harmful substances and contribute to weight gain. It is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits, and for the proper development of muscle tissue and bone system in the fetus, you need to include products containing potassium and proteins.

What to pay attention to

  • To control the state of a woman and the future child, it is important to take the reception to the doctor on time, and take all the appointed tests. Gynecologist, leading pregnancy, on each reception measures the circumference of the abdomen, the height on which the bottom of the uterus is located. In addition, it measures blood pressure, and the weight of the future mother. For rent overall analysis of urine and blood;
  • Refuse too close clothes;
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman should relate as closely to the state of his health and movement. The increasing belly and the displaced center of gravity can lead to loss of equilibrium (especially on a slippery road). It is important to exclude any incidence, as they can lead to different consequences;
  • The twenty-seventh week is the perfect time to visit classes and courses to prepare for childbirth. Usually it consists of 4-5 classes, on which instructors teach women the right breathing technique during childbirth. And Yoga teaches other important things that can significantly facilitate the process of the delivery.
  • Tonus of the uterus, multiple pregnancy, multi-way and presence threats of pregnancy - the main contraindications to intimate intimacy. With their absence, sex is allowed, but only with that partner, which was in a woman before conception.

The baby perfectly feels the mood and state of his mother, so stressful situations should be avoided. Recommended frequent stay in the fresh air. And it is also necessary to avoid places of large cluster of people if possible, in order to reduce the risk of infectious diseases.

How many months at the 27th week of pregnancy

Many women are interested, what month on the 27th week? To answer this question, it should be understood as the term of pregnancy. There is an embryonic and obstetric count.

The embryonic starts from the moment the child is conceived, but the exact day is difficult to track enough. Therefore, it is customary to carry out calculations on the obstetric period, which begins on the first day of the last menstruation. It is believed that in the 1st obstetric month of 4 weeks or 28 days.

That is why 27 weeks of pregnancy are 6 obstetric months and 3 weeks. Very soon there will be complete 7 obstetric months. If you take into account the usual calendar month, then 27 weeks are approximately 6 months and 1 week. The fetus age at this stage is approximately 25 weeks.

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The twenty-seventh week marks the beginning of pregnancy. At this time, the kid reaches a symbolic weight - one kilogram.

The main task for the future mother for the last three calendar months of pregnancy is to show maximum caution when performing any cases, to fully eat, keep calm and confidence.

The baby will have to gain strength at this time before appearing on the light. All of its bodies continue to develop and improve. The future mother should communicate as much as possible with the child at least mentally - it will help strengthen his mental health.

Poster in weight

During the 27 week of pregnancy, the future mother can recover for 350-550 g. The total body weight gain over the entire period from the time of the start of pregnancy ranges from 7 to 9 kg and depends on many factors: the initial weight of the woman, the singularities of metabolism ,.

importantIn connection with the increase in weight of the pregnant woman, it is recommended to wear shoes only on low - this will allow not to load an overlooking the spine and reduce the risk of falls and bruises.

Size of the belly

The belly at the 27th week of pregnancy becomes even more impressive. 7 cm above the level of the navel. In some cases, this body begins to squeeze the hollow vein, as a result of which the blood supply is disturbed and the danger of wrinkles. To avoid and losing consciousness, in no case should not be easily resting on the back. Sit down, far back down on the back of the chair, is also undesirable.

Due to the fact that the uterus squeezes other organs (in particular, the intestines) it is desirable to further crush their diet to avoid occurrence and.

The size and development of the fetus

At week 27, the growth of the child from the top to the bottom of the buttock is 24 cm, the total length of the body is 34 cm. Mass reaches 1000 g.

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy in the kid's body, the following changes occur:

  • the immunity of the fetus is able to react to various substances, incl. Allergens, so the future mom is desirable to exclude "dangerous" products from their diet;
  • the thyroid gland is actively functioning, producing hormones that affect the metabolism of the child;
  • the skin becomes lighter due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • the child sleeps around 20 hours a day.

informationIn the case of the chance of a child for survival, 85% are. This indicator increases significantly if, upon the onset of the first signs of the beginning of the generic activity, immediately contact the specialized clinic, where there is equipment for the impression of premature babies.

The light 6-month kid is not yet completely developed, so in the specified case it is necessary to use equipment to ensure the process of breathing a newborn.

Physiological changes

With the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman can feel even more comfortable: all the systems and the kid organs are already formed, the baby remains only to gain weight gaining weight.

At week 27, the following changes are possible in well-being and appearance:

  • The content of cholesterol in the blood of a pregnant woman can increase. This substance is necessary to accelerate the production of certain hormones, so at this stage of pregnancy, the change in the value of this indicator is the norm.
  • Sometimes abdominal pain may occur. Such sensations are associated with the tension of the ligaments supporting the uterus, and intensify when trying to get up after a long rest on the chair or bed. In order to prevent the appearance of pain, all movements must be performed smoothly and slowly. Caution should be shown in sneezing and cough, since these reflex actions may cause sharp pain in the abdomen or side.
  • Periodic spasms similar to the contractions, should not inspire fears - The body of pregnant "trains" before the upcoming births. But in the event of a significant increase in pain or the appearance of other symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
  • Care should be taken during walks, descent and lifting on the stairs or on the porchbecause Due to the increase in body weight and the appearance of badness in movements, the risk of falls and bruises increase. Especially dangerous porchs of some stores and institutions in winter time: slippery steps or poorly attached mats can cause fall.
  • Be sure to sign up for courses of future mothers If there is such an opportunity. Dad can also attend such events, because knowledge of the first signs of approaching childbirth, to help pregnant, care for the baby will probably not be superfluous.
  • Should immediately change the position of the body when a feeling of the emergence of "goosebumps" appears in hands or legs: It is impossible to allow the progress of the limbs and circulatory disorders in them.
  • Mandatory is observance of a healthy lifestyle. Nothing to change the food habits should not: the child has already adapted to the taste of certain types of food.
  • It is recommended to be careful and, if possible, to give up a visit to crowded places and travel in public transport. After a few months, all this can be afforded, but for now you should care yourself and the child.

Pregnancy Calendar for Weeks

Every day, the baby's intrauterine life is a truly unique event. This article will tell about the features of the development of the child at week 27.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

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Anatomical features

To determine how fully the baby is growing, doctors apply special ultrasound methods of surveys. When carrying out such research, the doctor can get the main dimensions of an actively growing child.

Normal values \u200b\u200bof the specified indicators on each time of pregnancy differ. The table that follows below is presented. the norms of the main clinical parameters of the fetal body determined during fetometry.

In addition to determining how much baby weighs and what it is in length, with the help of the same ultrasonic survey, specialists can see how the fetus looks like. Modern devices on which such types of research are carried out, allow you to get a fairly clear picture with the main features of the face of a child in the maternal womb.

The main features of the face of the crumbs by the week 27 are already quite well formed. Ears have a small size and start to move a little to the sides. Eyeballs outside cover eyelids.

Little eyebrows grow over the upper edges of the eyes. The fetal has even formed small eyelashes. With each subsequent day of pregnancy, the child is becoming more and more nice. His skin gradually acquires a physiological color and becomes a pale pink with a gray tint due to the original lubricant.

On the body in a child - a lot of wrinkles. They appear mainly due to the fact that the fetus is all the time in the water environment. The effect of spindle water contributes to the fact that the skin becomes wrinkled.

The kid to the end of the second trimester of pregnancy is already becoming more plump. The change in its appearance is due to the fact that under the skin of the fetus begins to actively increase the amount of brown fat. It is necessary in order that after his birth, the child simply has not worried. Brown fat appears in the children's body it is no coincidence that it is capable of entering the metabolism faster and, if necessary, give a child energy. That is why in the children's body, quite a lot of brown fatty fiber.

The baby's cheeks are becoming more and more convex every day. This feature is also largely due to the accumulation in the children's body of brown fat. The baby appears characteristic versions near the elbow pits, as well as the first body fat folds.

What does the kid feel?

The intrauterine development of the fetus for this period of pregnancy undergo a number of features. The main vital internal organs in crumbs have already been formed, many of them even begin to function. Exercise in full-fledged internal organs will be able to only after the child's appearance. In the meantime, such a mode of their work can be called "training".

By July 26-27, the child's pregnancy show their performance of secretory authorities. So, in the blood of the kid increases the concentration of some hormones. Scientists have established that the fetus already forms its own somatotropin, thyroxine, insulin and other essential hormones. The pituitary, thyroid gland and pancreas are involved in their formation.

By the 27th week of pregnancy, the child has a pretty good nervous system. A characteristic feature of this period is the active development of certain brain departments responsible for thinking and mental activity. Scientists have established that the total number of furrows and sobulas, which give the crust specific allocations, continues to increase daily to the very coming of childbirth.

Such a special structure of the "main computer" in the children's body contributes to the fact that every day, the fetus increases the number of reflexes that are necessary for him for further life.

The intensive development of organs responsible for the perception of various irritants of the external environment contributes to the fact that the sensation experienced by them is beginning to change. By 27 weeks of its intrauterine life, there are already quite many different emotions.

The ability to hear

The perception of various sounds is a rather bright feeling that is able to experience fruit on this period. The child can easily distinguish parental voices. A special positive impact on him is his mother's voice - it has been proven that the maternal voice has a relaxing effect on the kid.

With each subsequent day of pregnancy, the number of sounds perceived by the baby increases. In addition to the votes of their parents, the baby is able to perceive and sounds from the external environment. Kroch can already hear the sound of the TV or radio. Of course, to disassemble speech and meaning it can not yet.

The fruit distinguishes the sounds mainly by intensity and volume. So, overly loud sounds can cause a certain discomfort to the baby. The change of the child's mood in this case will quite quickly feel his mother - the baby will begin to kick and move.

An excellent version of the pastime on this period of pregnancy is to read the fairy tales of the baby or listening to musical works. It is believed that the formation of a musical taste in a person occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, so you can form musical preferences in a child quite consciously. To do this, it is best to listen to the classics - it will definitely not call the toddle of the negative.

Natural natural sounds have a fairly beneficial effect on the body of the kid. Since the child himself is in a water environment, he will be pleasant to the same water sounds - the noise of the surf or the peaceful murmur of the stream. Walking next to natural reservoirs will have a beneficial effect on the children's body.

The possibility of perception of light

At 27 week, the baby is able to open and close the eyes. In the period when the child is awake, his eyes are ajacked. The light falling on the face of the baby is able to call him a response. So, scientists conducted a number of scientific research proving: the hit of the bright light on the face of the fetus leads to the fact that he tries to turn away in every way from the rays.

Doctors believe that in a true functioning the visual analyzer in the child will begin only after his birth. Long and very strong insolation contributes to the fact that the motor activity of the fetus increases.

The possibility of determining tastes

Before the occurrence of birth a few weeks, and the baby can already distinguish tastes. His special microscopic grows in this language - nipples help him. They are peculiar receptors who are responsible for the perception in the human body of various taste options.

Recognizes the taste of the oily waters of the crumb when they are swallowed. During the day, it is able to swallow about 500-600 milliliters of fluid. The oily water falls along the digestive tract of the baby inside, where some nutrients are absorbed. An essential substance that falls in this way in the bloodstream is glucose. Without it, the full development of the nervous system, in particular, the brain is impossible.

The kid, which in its size resembles the middle kochan of cauliflower, is already able to distinguish between bitter, salty and sweet taste. Ingestion of a fairly large number of accumulating waters contributes to the fact that the fruit begins to ick. This manifestation of the toddler's life is quite normal and indicates a gradual development of the digestive system.

Ability to move

One of the brightest characteristic features of 27 weeks is a rather intensive motor activity of the fetus. The active movements of the child on this term is already able to feel His mother, and many women note that at the 27th week of pregnancy, the motor activity of their babies was manifested quite pronounced. So bright sensations that the pregnant woman feels in his stomach, contributes to a rather big size of the fetus.

The number of movements performed in the fetus increases significantly. To study his own body by the 27th week of intrauterine life, the baby has already bored, more interest in him now causes the water medium in which it is located. Every day the child becomes interesting to study the borders of the world, where he still lives.

Such research interest leads to the fact that the child can push with its legs of the uterus wall. Such push in your stomach and feels a pregnant woman. Also, curious fidget can touch the walls of the uterus with their own hands. Shone and movements in a pregnant woman can arise in various departments of her belly, this affects the location of the child in the uterus.

It is important to note that no all the time for the day is active.The kid already has a circadian rhythm, that is, the ability to recognize the day and night. In the daytime, the child is usually quite active, whereas in the night he sleeps. Son of the fetus at this stage of its intrauterine development lasts, as a rule, at least 16-17 hours a day. Some kids can sleep longer - up to 20 hours.

Motor activity is a very important criterion for assessing the state of the fetus. So, if the baby becomes very active, it may indicate that something brings him discomfort. In this case, the future mother should necessarily discuss it with his obstetrician-gynecologist.