If the child sucks a finger .... How to wean a child suck finger: causes and ways to fight bad habit of child sucks her mother's hand how to wean

Sucking fingers with a small child can turn into a serious problem. If earlier such behavior was considered simply one of the bad habits, trying to keep his finger with all the might, now the attitude towards this problem has changed. Why does the child begins to suck the finger and how to wean him from such actions?

The reasons

The main reason for the sucking of the finger is the desire of the child to satisfy the instinct of sucking. It is noted that children who have more feeding frequency, suck the fingers less often. Also those kids that suck milk faster, more often resort to sucking fingers than kids sucking milk for a long time.

The child can suck the finger, because:

  • He is hungry or still wants to suck the chest.
  • He's a teeth and want to scratch the gums.
  • Baby lacks attention and love of parents.
  • So the child soothes himself.
  • He is just boring.
  • Its too early or very sharply excised from the chest.


Most often, the sucking of the finger can be noticed in breast kids, and the type of feeding affects the development of this habit.

With breastfeeding

The kids receiving Mamino Milk, suck the finger rarely, especially if the mother gives a bough chest on demand and does not interfere with sucking. Mom does not see if milk is in breast, so gives the baby the opportunity to suck longer than when feeding from the bottle.

With artificial feeding

Often, artificial infants begin to suck the finger if they drink a portion of the mixture too fast. Normally, the baby must suck the milk from the bottle for 20 minutes (this is only sucking, without taking into account the recreation gaps), and the holes on the nipple should be selected in such a size to ensure the sucking of milk in such a time interval.

Children older than the year

The child is very rarely starting to suck the finger at this age, it was usually seen in this action before. Children over 12 months suck the sake of calmness, when they miss, grieved, tired or want to fall asleep. And therefore, to get rid of such habits, they need quite different measures than the first year of life with a strong sucking reflex.

Sucking thumb

In most cases, children suck exactly thumbs up. If such a habit is rooted and the child continues to suck a thumb over the age of 4, there is a great risk of bite disruption, as well as speech. The problem is that when sucking the skin of the finger is cut and even can inflame. Long-term sucking can also cause thumb deformation.

Influence on the growth of the teeth

Often, kids who suck finger suck, the upper milk teeth come back in front, while the teeth below are slightly tilted back. The longer the child will suck the finger, the more pronounced will be the displacement of the teeth. In many ways, the position of the teeth will be determined by the position of the finger in the mouth during sucking. However, it should be noted that this action does not affect the constant teeth if the child stopped sucking the finger until the six-year-old age.

How can not wean?

In the ways of teaching the sucking finger, parents show considerable ingenuity, but it is not recommended to do with the baby the following:

  • To smear the finger of Aloe juice, mustard, bitter varnish or something else with very unpleasant taste.
  • Binting fingers and tie hands.
  • Turn the tight mittens or sew them to the shirt.
  • Screaming to a child, forcing him to remove the finger.
  • Threaten the punishment or punish.

Why not bind?

Toddler's hands binding and other restrictive measures make the baby suffer. In addition, such actions do not get rid of the baby from the sucking of the finger. As soon as the mother stop tie the hands or smear the finger of something unpleasant, the child will return to his habit and will suck even more intense than before binding, since he will need to calm himself.

What do we have to do?

Take measures to sucking a finger need immediately, as soon as the parents noticed such actions of the baby. The baby's first three to four months of life are especially needed, and after half a year most children, a sucking instinct begins to decrease. And therefore, the first attempts to suck the fingers of the kids take up to 3 months. A little later, all the kids begin to suck and eat their fingers because of the cutting teeth. Such behavior should be distinguished with sucking finger.

If the baby on breastfeeding, the duration of breastfeeding should be increased to 30-40 minutes.In cases where mom for one feed gives a baby at once both chest, she should keep the baby as long as possible at the first breast. It is necessary to choose a child-artificial child to choose a nipple for a bottle so that the child suck the mixture long enough.

Reduce the amount of feeding in the baby, sucking the finger, is not recommended. On the contrary, sometimes you need to add one feeding, which can be canceled with time.

Children over a year should find out the cause of such behavior. Perhaps the child lacks the society of peers, toys, communicating with mom. Try to protect the karapuz from different stresses, as well as increase your mother's physical contact with the baby.

If a child is 3-6 years old, still sucks a finger, talk to him, as with an equal companion. Go with a child to the dentist, let him tell why it is harmful to suck his finger. Also tell the baby that a similar habit is suitable only to small kids, focusing on the fact that the child stopped sucking a finger becomes completely adult.

We find alternative

Parents can:

  • Teach a child to calm down in another way, for example, to express your own feelings with words, read the book, sit in the arms of mom.
  • Give a child toy, which he can hammer with his fingers, for example, a small rubber ball.
  • Make a little fashionable Cute manicure, similar to Mint, who does not want to spoil.
  • Kids can offer a teether who will be an alternative to the sucking of the fingers.

How old is it becoming a problem?

The sucking finger of infants practically does not cause adult anxiety. If the child has already been shown a year, and he continues to suck the finger, parents begin to worry, but it is not necessary to worry. Often, such sucking is still a reflex and unwanted habit of quickly goes into the past, if adults understood her reason and helped the baby.

The situation becomes more serious if the finger sucks 3-4-year-old Karapuz. First of all, it is necessary to estimate the psychological state of the baby, because such behavior can have very serious reasons. And to get rid of the addiction to suck the finger at the age of 3 years is already more difficult, and the risk of negative influence on the teeth and is increasing.


The main secret - if mom already falls into despair in his desire to wean the crumb from such a harmful habit in her opinion, she should stop. The sucking of the finger is indeed an alarm signal to which you need to react. But it is not necessary to consider it a catastrophe from which to urgently cope.

Be patient and act in succession. Try to create the baby the most favorable conditions for the development and life. Only from parents depends the well-being of babies. And if the mother understands it, the chances of successfully saying goodbye to the habit of sucking the finger will rise.

If the child is actively sucking only a thumb, you can offer him not to deprive other fingers, and sucking them too. Many kids trying to fulfill the instructions, so tired of sucking the fingers that they stop doing it at all.

Opinion E. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician, like other doctors, considers the reason for the sucking of the finger instinctive satisfaction of the sucking reflex. He proposes to switch the child's attention to a pacifier, experimenting with their different species. Komarovsky is confident that it is easy to deal with instincts - it is useless. If the parents "take" a finger from the child, they certainly need to offer something in return. Not to eradicate this phenomenon, but to create an alternative to him.


So that the baby does not start sucking his fingers, such actions will be suitable:

  • Breast kid give suck chest for a long time.
  • If the baby is strongly expressed by a sucking reflex, to teach a child to a pacifier.
  • In the period of rubberizing the teeth give the baby "Rodzuni".
  • More to communicate with the baby, play, show the world around.
  • Constantly engaged in what improves a small motorcy and takes hands - modeling, playing with sand, folding of puzzles, designer, mosaic and similar.

Some parents face that their son or daughter constantly pulls his fingers in the mouth - one or more immediately. Perceiving this action as a bad habit, they begin to look for answers to the question, how to wean a child to suck the finger.

What is the danger?

Deformation of bite

If a child sucks a finger for more than 6 hours a day, this is a drive to the displacement of teeth and deformation of the upper tooth row. Because of this, the so-called "open bite" is formed.

Damage to finger

The easiest harm to sucking a finger is its redness or swelling. But with long-term sucking, more serious injuries of the skin are arise.

Child from birth to 2 years old: satisfaction of the sucking reflex

Olga, Mom of a four-month Misha: "I worried when the son began to constantly suck the finger during the day: it usually happens between feeding. In addition, he worries and cry. At the inspection, the pediatrician said that he had enough milk, but I would take it too quickly from my chest (I feed for 15 minutes) and he did not have time to "go."

The reasons

Unsatisfied sucking reflex

The baby is born with a set of unconditional reflexes required for survival. Request is a basic baby. Passing the procedure of ultrasound still pregnant, the woman could see that her future child holds his fingers in her mouth. Instinct is present in all children, with the exception of those born with severe somatic or neurological pathologies. Every kid has a different degree of intensity.

When the sucking reflex is not fully satisfied, the child tries to compensate for it at the expense of the sucking of the thumb (most often), as well as other fingers on their hands and legs, a corner of blankets, clothes, whirlwind. This happens in cases where:

  • he is hungry;
  • for a short time in the chest;
  • the bottle is too large, and the mixture of a baby quickly drinks;
  • the baby refuses the nipple or parents themselves do not offer it.

Introduction Prikorma

Sometimes when Introduction, Moms are trying faster to replace puree and porridge a mixture or applying to the chest. The child again experiences dissatisfaction with the sucking instinct and / or begins to experience hunger (vegetables, for example, in calories are inferior to breast milk and mixtures), which leads to the fact that the baby begins to pull the fingers into the mouth.

Relief from chest

Children can start sucking a finger, when in 1 year or earlier there is a sharp ridder from the chest. Such a process becomes traumatic, and discomfort and anxiety are superimposed on a dissatisfied suck reflex, which sucking the fingers are somewhat dulled.

Very often, moms take toddlers from the breast after a year, so until 2 years he can continue to suck the finger remembering his mother's chest and thus calming down.


Feeding on demand

In the first case, you need to trace how long the break between feedings is long: it is possible to cut it, especially if the child is powered by breast milk, as it is quickly absorbed than the mixture.

The transition to feeding on demand often completely solves the problem of sucking the finger in the baby.

This implies the attachment of a baby to the chest every time he shows that he wants to suck, or feel discomfort, crying. Some moms are afraid to reconcile, but it happens very rarely: the child actively eats the first 20 minutes, the rest of the time does non-intensive sucking movements, satisfying the reflex.

Gradual rejection of breastfeeding

If there is an opportunity, feeding should be folded gradually: first remove the daily one by one for several weeks, then the night. Some mothers often leave applying to the breast only at night, which allows children to quietly survive overpower.

If for some reason it is impossible to roll up gradually breastfeeding, you need to take care of its replacement - a bottle, a pacifier.


If the free breastfeeding method is not suitable for mom, it is best to introduce a pacifier. It is also necessary in the case when the base of the baby's nutrition is a mixture that is easier to drink from the bottle easier and faster. Modern nipples for children under 6 months provide a slow flow due to a small hole. An approximate time for which the baby drinks milk must be 20 minutes. If the baby copes faster, you need to pick up that nipple, which will allow you to lengthen feeding.

The duration of the sucking reflex for each child is individual - some children begin to fade in 10-12 months, and someone continues in 2 years. All this is a norm option.

However, not all pacifiers are equally useful. Some of them are able to inhabit the same damage to the teeth of the baby, like the sucking of the finger. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend choosing an orthodontic nipple. Her advantages:

  • thin cervical base does not deform the dental row;
  • the step at the base of the pacifier sets the correct structure of the incisors;
  • the flat head saves the place for the correct position of the language in the mouth.

Protection for fingers

You can purchase special finger protection. It is put on the entire handle and fixed with a strap or strings. As a rule, such protection has several steps: from 0 to 3 years and from 3 years and older.

The kids cease to pull the fingers in the mouth as soon as the sucking reflex fade.

Sometimes children can still keep his finger in the mouth in a dream - especially when they see emotional-saturated dreams. As a rule, the night sucking of the fingers is also not pathology until a certain age - most often this habit itself runs about 3 years.

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky so talks about it: "It is unlikely that the habit of sucking a finger remains for life - this" dangerous "phenomenon is usually distinguished."

Finger sucking in 3-5 years: psychological problems

If the child sucks a finger at 3 years and older, this phenomenon may indicate a pathological character. It is necessary to deal with the reasons to eliminate the problem.

Olga, Grandma of a four-year-old wiki: "Vika still can suck a finger during the day. The girl is already brought up with our grandfather, her mother left to work in another city after a divorce. Daddy daughter does not attend. When we try to remove her finger from the mouth, the girl asks to allow her to sue a little bit. "

When gracee children continue to pull fingers into her mouth or return to this after they stopped for some time ago, it may indicate an experience of them by the traumatic situation, which is called:

  • disadvantaged atmosphere in the family (loud scandals, alcoholism of adults);
  • parental divorce;
  • physical punishments;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • complex adaptation to kindergarten or nurse.

It is impossible to smear the finger of mustard, scold, constantly pull out the finger from the mouth. These are destructive methods that will not solve the problem, but will only exacerbate it: the child's anxiety will only increase, which will inevitably lead to the desire to calm themselves.

Without an analysis of the family microclimate and the desire for adults, influence the cause of the problem, change their behavior, we will not be impossible to wean from sucking a finger. If parents understand that they do not cope independently, the best solution will turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

In addition to these reasons, there may be others:

  • boredom;
  • fears, phobias;
  • mental or emotional overload.

Lack of attention

When a child is constantly granted himself, it begins to take himself as familiar to him - sucking his fingers. Usually the problem is solved by itself when he gets the opportunity to create a game space with adults, mastering role-playing games with them, communicate with peers, attend children's ideas and holidays. If the child is already passed by age, you can start drive it into some sports sections.


You need to properly observe the balance: too strong permanent impressions, the overwork gives an increased load on the nervous system, and this, in turn, aggravates the problem, and does not solve it.

The same can concern those cases when the mother is passionate about early development, giving mental loads that do not correspond to age and demanding a high result.


At about 5 years, children are formed the first fears of darkness, otherworldly forces, sorcerers, death - especially with excessive emotional impressionability and vulnerability. At this time, a refund to the old habit of sucking the fingers as a fossil and giving confidence can occur.

Usually, the correction of fears successfully occurs with the help of art therapy, which is carried out psychologists or psychotherapists - individually or in a group. Working, drawing, creating frightening images, children learn to interact with them, which gradually leads to a weakening of the reaction and to stop the sucking of the fingers.

How to cope with the problem at this age?

Provide the right climate in the family

It is necessary to protect the child from strong nervous shocks and to ensure that he does not witness the adult quarrel.

Pay attention to the child

Joint with parents holding leisure activities (reading books, conversations, mobile and board games) - the best way to instill confidence in the child, give him an emotional warmth, eliminate boredom.

If he visits a kindergarten - try to find out in detail how the child spends its time in it, whether conflict situations happen between children, and how they are allowed.

Diversify Leisure

It is worth providing a child everyday life, filled with interesting activities: visiting playgrounds, sports club, theater, reception at home.

Sucking your finger is microbes!

Show your child what microbes look like. At this age, children already understand the explanations of adults and the story about terrible microbes with bright pictures can help overcome the habit.

Suggest wearing bright protection

This innovation must appear on a voluntary basis. If a child is against, it may aggravate the problem. Therefore, choose comfortable and bright applements that will like him.

Observe the day of the day

It is necessary to monitor the day of the day, giving regular physical leisure and unloading the brain, making breaks in emotional games; Reduce mental load if it is too much.

Do not punish

The prerequisite is the elimination of physical punishment. Even three-year-old kids are able to respond to requests and explain the causes of their act - if they teach them with the help of regular pronaling out loud.

Contact psychologist

When sucking fingers after compliance with all the recommendations does not pass, you need to contact a psychologist.

5-6 years and older: obsessive-compulsive disorder

Mom Andrei is 7 years old: "I led to a reception to a psychotherapist of my son - he already sucks his fingers for two months and nibbles nibble. Andrei said that he understood that it was not good, but nothing could do about it, it was against his will. After a series of sessions and the correction of ours with her husband, the relationship to the Son, he stopped sucking a finger. "

Why does a child suck finger in 5-6 years or older?

Occasionally sucking the finger can be part of the symptoms of neurosis of obsessive states (obsessive-compulsive disorder). It may begin in 3 years and even earlier, but most often develops after 6 years. Doctors do not give descriptions the exact causes of the development of the disease, calling only possible. It can be:

  • biologically determined factors (insufficient serotonin level or profamos increase in brain, genetic changes);
  • worsening health after severe illness;
  • strong or chronic stress.

How to understand whether sucking a finger is a sign of this disorder?

Usually, besides him, there are other habits:

  • wares hair on the finger or pulls them;
  • nibble nails or foreign items (for example, pencil);
  • combs, rubs the skin in certain places;
  • intrusion pass.

Older children can demonstrate the presence of constantly repeated thoughts from which they cannot get rid of the obsessive rituals before bedtime, a variety of phobias, increased anxiety, reduced mood up to depression.

Solution to the problem

In any case, in order to deliver or eliminate the diagnosis, you must contact a profile doctor: a children's psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Usually the disorder is adjusted by psychotherapy with drug support.

Game and art therapy, hypnosugal and cognitive-behavioral can be used. The latter applies more adult children (schoolchildren), since it is necessary to realize its illness to fulfill its implementation. Hypnosis can be used for children, but exclusively a specialist who has permission to hold it.

What can parents do in this situation?

  1. It is necessary to ensure a calm comfortable atmosphere of the house.
  2. Do not allow nervous and mental overvoltage, as it aggravates the course of the disease.
  3. Do not focus on sucking your fingers or other obsessive movements.
  4. Stay for any changes in the behavior and condition of the child, in time by the doctor on time.
  5. If psychotherapeutic treatment is scheduled, be sure to visit all classes.

So, sucking your fingers is a phenomenon that often happens in childhood. It does not always mean pathology: aged when a suction reflex is strong, this is an option of the norm. The child must be granted an alternative - a dummy, a bottle, mother's chest. At an older age, this may indicate psychological problems to be resolved by parents. Less often sucking a finger indicates a psyche disorder that can be corrected from a psychotherapist.

Video on the topic

The overwhelming majority of newborns suck fingers, and how can be seen in the pictures, which are obtained by ultrasound, do not even kids in the maternal womb.

Such an action is laid by nature, because the sucking reflex is necessary in order for the child as far as the baby could survive and get food - Mamino Milk.

Sucking a finger for still unrolved babies - it means to train. That is why the caught baby with the trained reflex grabs the lips everything that touches them.

The sucking reflex is so strong that often the newborn sucks fingers not only because of hunger, but also in order not to lose an important skill.

The interaction of facial muscles, triple, wandering and nasopharynk nerve trunks during sucking helps to stabilize the work of the central nervous system and intensifying the activities of the brain.

The important outcome of this "action" is not only the improvement of the functioning of the CNS of a small child, but also the calling of such emotions important for him as a sense of security, calm and psychological satisfaction.

Why is the baby older sucks a finger?

And if the behavior of the baby appeared on the light can be explained by basic instincts, then why does a child suck finger in more adulthood? Scientists have allocated several main reasons for such behavior:

  1. Sucking the cam after 6 months can be explained by the fact that the language and the mouth cavity of the child turns into a means of studying the surrounding world and obtaining important for the development of information. All that fell in the handles, the baby sends in the mouth. It concerns these toys, blankets, pets of domestic animals and, that is naturally your own fingers.
  2. The obvious reason that the baby sucks the finger is a sense of hunger. It does not matter whether the child is on natural feeding or feeds on a special dairy mixture, the assault is the only opportunity to extract food. That is, the baby dragging his cam in her mouth, signals the mother, which was hungry.
  3. Excessively early excavation from the chest often leads to such a situation when the child sucks a thumb. Moreover, a certain pattern is visible - the shorter there was a period of natural feeding, the higher the probability that the baby will start pulling the cam in the mouth.
  4. Another reason for sucking fingers is accompanied by soreness. To remove the unpleasant feeling, "scratch" irritated guy, the child drags not only fingers and fists in his mouth, but any other items located nearby.
  5. Mine breasts for the baby is a guarantee of security, so he perceives sucking the way to calm down, feel safe. That is why with any emotional discomfort, anxious situation, the appearance of an unfamiliar man who appears in the house of an unfamiliar man stretches to the finger as a substitute for the mother's breast.
  6. Baby in 2 years (a little younger or a little older) can suck a finger due to a lack of parental attention. When a child misses without mom, he subconsciously pulls his finger into the mouth to compensate for the heat of the mother body.

It is believed that children who receive the parent's breast on demand, without any restrictions, very rarely suck fingers. This is explained simply: the kids satisfy all the basic instincts and the desire to be near mom.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky is convinced that sucking the finger is not a children's problem, but the parent problem. It is the parents who are worried about this, especially if you hear negative comments around.

Most often, this habit disappears independently, unless, of course, it is not fixed due to the wrong actions of mom or dad . However, stereotypical behavior can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  1. With sucking fingers, it is possible to enter the digestive tract of various harmful microorganisms and larvae. Of course, this does not happen in 2 months or a little later, when the child spends all the time in the crib. But with the onset of the active period, the baby begins to explore the surrounding world, although it is not always pure fingers in the mouth.
  2. According to many orthodontists, such a childhood weakness is fraught with the formation of an improper bite (the front upper teeth come forward) and even problems with the formation of speech skills. This is possible if the sucking fingers continue and after the five-year-old age, when milk teeth fall out.
  3. If the habit has passed into the senior preschool and even the initial school age, then the child will have to be disadvantaged due to the ridicule of peers. And this is already fraught with serious psychological problems and challenges with adaptation.
  4. Suffer from sucking and fingers. The effect of teeth, the pressure of the gum, constant contact with the saliva leads to the appearance of cracks, corns, abrasion and deformation of the nails. Through damaged skin covers in the blood, pathogenic bacteria can fall, resulting in infection of tissues and their inflammation.

Thus, the ingrained habit of sucking the fingers is potentially harmful to the child: both with hygienic and psychological points of view.

How to wean the baby from this is a failed predilection? The choice of the method will depend on the reason for which the crumb is draws to fingers, its age and personal features.

How to wean a child from sucking your finger?

More recently, in the go, it was possible to say "older" methods of getting rid of this negative habit. And so far some kindness can advise the alarmed mother such extremely ambiguous ways as:

Some parents consider such methods quite effective, others indicate their cruelty. For example, mustard can harm the oral mucosa.

Such restrictive measures often end with the relapse of the harmful habit. As soon as the parents cease to bind the handles or lubricate the fingers with something bitter, the baby begins to suck even more intense to calm down and return a positive psychological attitude.

Parents should choose the most painless method of extermination of negative addiction. The most reasonable and obvious step is to find and eliminate the root cause, according to which the baby and sucks the fingers.

Up to 2 years

Usually by the beginning of the second year of life, a sucking reflex fade in itself. However, due to the dissatisfaction of the basic instinct in infancy, the sucking of the finger can go into the habit. The rules of getting rid of the addiction will depend on the method of feeding the child.

If the baby feeds with the mother's milk additionally sucks a finger, mother, first of all, you should make sure how correctly it has settled the feeding of the kid. Most likely, the reason is very simple - the child was hungry and demanded the mother's chest. What to do?

  1. Try to increase feeding duration. Let the child be at the chest more than half an hour. In this case, the sucking kid will notice, and the basic instincts will satisfy.
  2. If for each meal you give a baby both breasts, try to offer them with a certain interval. That is, the second breast is given only after the kid will assign the first for 25 minutes.
  3. No need to worry that the child is reest. No matter how much it was near the mother breast, it will take such a quantity that is necessary for full saturation.
  4. If the crumb during feeding is distracted by something, you do not need to turn the meal. Wait a little, and the child will return to her mother's chest.

If possible, turn the fingering process gradually. At first, you need to reduce the number of day feedings, and then move to the night. This will allow the child to calmly survive excommunication from the chest.

If a child is an artificial, then the teaching from the harmful habit will be carried out by several other ways. In the case of Yves, children are fed according to a certain schedule, and the portion of the mixture is dosed. What to do in such a situation?

If the baby has a teeth, you need to purchase a high-quality teether with an additional cooling element. This device will help the child to abandon his fingers.

In general, the councils of specialists concerning the habit of sucking fingers at this age are reduced to the satisfaction of the sucking reflex. Mine breasts can come to the rescue, a bottle with a mixture or orthodontic nipple-dummy.

From 2 to 5 years

When the baby is 2 or 3 years old, the factors that make it sucking their finger, are no longer associated with reflexive behavior. Psychological reasons for obsessive behavior arise at the head of the corner.

Among the main reasons for the formation of a bad habit or return, experts identify the following "catalysts":

  • unfavorable family furnishings;
  • strict methods of upbringing;
  • mamina deficiency;
  • problems with addiction to kindergarten;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • fears.

Before switching to solving the problem, you need to establish its true cause. This can be done independently by analyzing your and child behavior, or contact a specialist who will prompt how to wean a crumb to suck the finger. General recommendations are as follows:

  1. Pay more attention to the child. Read books, communicate, engage in rolling games, more often play a small ball to take baby fingers. In general, give the child a warmth and safety sense.
  2. Reduce emotional or intellectual load. This is especially true of those mammies who are passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200bearly child's learning. Another rule - give up the load in the evening, instead of games, enter the swimming ritual in the bath.
  3. Closer to five years, the kids appear various fears and phobias: the fear of darkness, monsters, fabulous characters. An impressionable child seeks to suck the finger and calm down. It is better to deal with this cause with the help of psychologists.
  4. Refuse punishment, especially bodily. Three-year-old children are already able to explain the cause of their behavior. In turn, they can also be told about why sucking the finger is ugly and unhygienically.

If you spent a lot of effort, and the positive result did not achieve, you should contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will help to cope with a difficult problem.

From 5 years and older

If the child sucks a finger and after the five-year-old age, parents should be alerted. In most cases, such a habit testifies to serious psychological problems that require interventions of professionals.

Thus, some cases of sucking the fingers of school and adolescence children are a manifestation of neurosis of obsessive states arising from physiological and psychological reasons (for example, due to severe stress).

To make sure that the harmful habit is the symptom of this violation, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs. So, the suction finger of the child can demonstrate:

  • hair winding onto finger or pulling the curls;
  • nail biting or, for example, pencils;
  • cooling the skin or pinching it;
  • obsessive cough.

Senior schoolchildren often demonstrate obsessive thoughts, various ritual actions, high anxiety, various fears, depressive mood.

Naturally, to produce or exclude such a diagnosis, you need to contact a neurologist or a psychiatrist. The specialist will appoint the necessary drugs and psychotherapeutic procedures - gaming, cognitive or artistic therapy.

Parents in such a situation must comply with the following recommendations of specialists:

  • provide a comfortable home furnishings;
  • prevent emotional and intellectual overvoltage so as not to aggravate the course of illness;
  • refuse to sharpen children's attention on sucking fingers and other obsessive actions;
  • track each change in child behavior.

Scold baby for such addiction, of course, should not. Punishment will only strengthen the manifestation of negative symptoms and will extend the recovery period.

As withdrawal

It is necessary to go from this bad habit, but if nothing happens, you should stop and translate your breath. Sucking fingers, of course, an disturbing sign that requires adult response. However, it is impossible to consider his catastrophe.

The choice of preferred method will depend on several factors, among which the age of the child, the causes of negative addiction. It is better to abandon hard methods like mazania to fingers mustard or binding hands.

Thus, the process of teaching the habit of sucking the finger can take a lot of time. And yet it is not necessary to despair. Mom needs to be gaining strength and patience, and the baby necessarily completely refuses the idea to pull the fist in the mouth.

Each baby at least once in his life tries his fingers to taste. After all, the sucking reflex is laid in man from birth. If the baby sucks the finger instinctively, then why do some children grow out of the diaper and do not change the old habit? If a child sucks a finger, what measures do to take, how to wean a baby from sucking your fingers? Kroch cannot answer these questions, leaving his parents in thought, who are seriously concerned about such behavior of children.

Why a child sucks finger

Baby, still being in the womb, meets his own handles. Inseparably connected with mom, so he reacts to its alarming state. When the baby sucks a finger, he feels protected. This is justified by the instinct of sucking. Appearing for the light, the crumb instinctively continues to engage in the usual thing when hungry or no discomfort feels - it calms the infants.


The baby is very attached to the mother. For him, Mother, above all, is her breasts. Journery, he can suck the chest, even when the milk ended. What to make a baby if he is on artificial feeding, because quickly sucking the milk from the bottle, the sucking reflex remains unsatisfied? The result is a newborn sucks a finger. In this case, you need to correctly pick a bottle, paying attention to the nipple type, material manufacturing, size and number of holes. The fewer holes, the slower food access.

Many parents resort to a pacifier. Manufacturers produce nipples, in accordance with the needs of different children's ages. Form, holder, product manufacturing material vary. Each baby has its own preferences when choosing. Chief Criteria - Security: Nipples should not be collapped, deal into parts. For teaching to a pacifier, it can be blown up with breast milk or mixture.

It is especially difficult to parents when the kid reaches the age of 5 months. At about this time, he not only sucks, but he can bite his fingers. The phenomenon when the child pulls his hands in the mouth - a sign of the first teeth. Kids are cut into teeth. Everything comes across on the way: toys, clothes, furniture and your own fingers! It is not necessary to scare, you need to take measures: to ensure crumbling with special teethers, deserts.

In 2-3 years

The baby will grow up and acquires new skills, but it can stay faithful to habits, for example, the baby sucks a finger. It is important for parents to understand the reasons for which their favorite child, is in no hurry to part with this skill. Perhaps the baby tired of his toys, he does not know what to do and instinctively pulls his hands in his mouth. He may not be enough attention from the mother. At such moments, Karapuza becomes anxious, and he sharpens his fingers again.

Another reason may be the soreness of the baby, generic injuries, hypoxia, as a result of which the baby becomes quickly tired, restless. Situation is more difficult if family psychological problems are observed: divorce, conflicts between parents, alcoholism of one or both family members. Since children are very emotional and sensitive, the harmful habit can gain themselves from them for many years.


If the sucking of the fingers of the children under the age of 3 years does not bring big problems to the body of the kid, then after 4 years, this action is fraught with consequences. The habit may affect the development of speech and cause dental problems. It can manifest itself unexpectedly when the preschooler will be 6 years old and the milk teeth will begin to fall out. Then, Chad, a desire arises to touch his staggering tooth, he pulls his hand in his mouth and then triggers a well-known sucking reflex.

Children of school age

The launched case when Chado for years at the slightest stress pulls his hands in the mouth, requires mandatory assistance of psychologists and neurologists. It is impossible to leave such problems without attention. School children are more often sucking one finger. Sitting in the lessons in a state of thoughtfulness, a schoolboy, leaning on the elbows, unconsciously puts the thumb into the mouth, it can lead to the appearance of a new bad habit!

Parents of schoolchildren in this case should urgently take action. After all, besides nonesthetics, this phenomenon can be harmful to health. If at home you can track your hands well, then in school he constantly touches dirty items: handles, textbooks, parties. In addition, frequent finding hands in the mouth leads to another bad habit - nibble nails, it is even more difficult to get rid of it.

Consequences of sucking finger

As long as the baby is infant, there is no special problems. If a more adult child sucks a thumb or other fingers, you need to be prepared for the following problems:

  • Infectious diseases
  1. influenza and other ORVI
  2. salmonelles
  3. cholera
  4. typhoid fever
  5. hepatitis A
  6. dysentery
  • Dental problems
  1. anomaly bite
  2. deformation of the upper sky
  • Speech problems
  1. sigmatism
  2. incorrect pronunciation of letters C, C, T, D
  3. pulling language when talking
  • The child may experience psychological stress when communicating with peers

What to do if the child sucks finger

If the baby pulls his hands in the mouth, there is no base for panic. If the kid after 3-4 years is constantly doing this, here you need to understand the reasons for such a habit and try to eradicate it to prevent health problems. Large reasons for concern should occur from parents of 5-6 year old preschoolers and schoolchildren. At the heart of the habits of their children can lie deep psychological injuries. Here you may need together with a psychologist.

How to wean a child suck finger

Do not blame the baby for the harmful habit. With children over 3 years old need to talk, explaining the consequences on visual examples. You can draw terrible worms together, explaining how they fall into the stomach or come up with a system of encouragement in the days when Chado has heard. Many are used by Dedov's ways - Mazhut's fingers, mustard, etc. For the wakeful baby, the method will work, but do not be surprised when you see how the sleeping child sucks a bitter finger. Home methods do not help - psychologists have therapy to combat bad habits.

While the baby is in infant age, teaching methods are as follows:

  • If the baby is on breast feeding, simply increase the power time, on artificial feeding - choose a bottle with a slow milk supply.
  • Enter the use of dumbers, various teethers.
  • To try to occupy crumb sticks so that there are always interesting toys in access, books.
  • Paying more attention to the crumb to do not feel the mother's deficit.


Have you noticed that your baby systematically sucks his finger? Sometimes, even, not alone, and two, three or immediately the whole pry? What to do? The child sucks a finger! This is the bad habit. And it is non-mentally, and ugly. Let's start with the fact that you are not alone in such a situation. And with such a problem there are many parents. Of course, the first encouragement of any mom will be categorically forbid crumbs even bring hands to the mouth. But, usually, the bans of great benefits do not bring. But if you figure it out in detail for the causes of such behavior of the Karapuz, it may well occur so that you will not have anything to prohibit anything. How to wean a baby to suck your finger? Yes, just give it to him, the lack of what he is trying to compensate for a similar time. After all, it is often a compensatory character that sucking the finger, and the reasons for the development of such a habit are psychological.

First of all, parents need to find out the reason why their baby began to suck the finger

Why is your baby sucks a finger?

  • In the infancy of the child begins to suck a finger for two reasons: when he is hungry, and when he needs to satisfy the instinct of sucking.
  • Older children are thus trying to calm themselves.
  • And some kids sucking a finger - a sign that they lack parental attention, love, support.

Typically karapuz, upon reaching 3 years of age, get rid of the habit of sucking the finger. If this does not happen, parents should make some efforts to help him in this.

After all, nothing useful in such children's addictions. Rather, even, on the contrary.

The habit of sucking a finger in infants is connected, rather, with errors in nutrition and the routine of the day. Psychological reasons prevail in preschoolers and adolescents

Is it harmful?

  1. When the kid sucks his fingers, bacteria from the external environment fall into its digestive system. And these bacteria are not always harmless. Some of them may be causative agents. It is clear that when the crumb is still in his cradle, the likelihood of such developments is small. But the time comes when the Karapuz begins to move independently and actively study the items around him. Then it is very undesirable that his little fingers constantly find themselves in his mouth. This is at least unhygienically.
  2. Sucking a child's child in infancy on the growth of his teeth has no special influence. But if the crumb will not get rid of such a fucification until they reach 5 years of age, it is fraught. Often, such kids, the front top teeth are turned forward, and the lower - grow a little back.
  3. Among the preschool and children of the younger school age, the owners of this habit are not so much. But those karapuses that have not yet had to get rid of it may experience problems in communicating with peers.
  4. Forests who sucks sucks, also falls out. Cracks and corns can appear on them. And it is possible that experiencing pain, the baby will begin to suck the finger more actively to calm down.

When the baby is growing, the habit of sucking the fingers can cause the formation of the wrong bite

Is the habit of sucking a finger for a child? From the above, we can conclude that, yes, of course, it is harmful.

You need to save your baby from it. But how? This directly depends on the reasons why a child sucks a finger and from his age.

How to wean a child from a similar habit?

If you asked for representatives of the older generation, how to wean a child to suck the finger, for sure, heard the grandparents at least a dozen recipes, one of the other "efficient." The most popular in their ranking is to smear the mustard or something else, as unpleasant.

Different tire-type limiting means on the elbows of the baby or mobs on the brush, also used to be used in folk use. But they all just force Karapuz to suffer. Isn't that goal? And will the crumb develop fully if it is constantly limited in movements?

It is not necessary to smear the baby's fingers to the mustard, sprinkle with pepper and other unpleasant substances for crumbs. Just a child. Do not hurt him unnecessary suffering

How to save the child from this not a useful habit of painless? Not causing him suffering and inconvenience? The only correct way is to eliminate the reason why the baby begins to suck the finger.

Until a year

  • Carefully look around, in what circumstances your baby begins to suck the finger. If this happens shortly before feeding, then the cause of this behavior before the banality is simple. He was hungry and just. The amount of milk or mixture is not worth the increase in one. The baby must suck his age norm. So you need to increase the number of feedings per day for a while. If the crumb has eaten every 3 hours, try to feed it every 2.5 hours. If you have already started feeding the karapuz with four-hour breaks, come back again to the previous schedule when he eaten more often.
  • There is another point to which you should pay attention. You probably know that children are born, already having a set of unconditional reflexes in their arsenal (they are still called instincts) that help them survive in a new medium for them until they dwell in their organism conventional reflexes. One of these reflexes is a reflex. In the child itself, the nature itself is programmed as he needs to suck so as not to stay hungry. If for some reason the feeding time is reduced, the unsatisfied fully sucking reflex will make the crumb to look for, to suck. And your own finger is best suited for this purpose. Especially since it is always available.

In breastfeeding, try to increase feeding duration

With breastfeeding

According to statistics, the infants are much less sucking finger than children on. This is explained by the fact that they feed their moms, mainly on demand. And they are at the parent breast as much as they need in order to and satisfy, and satisfy the sucking reflex.

If, nevertheless, you noticed that your baby periodically takes her fingers in his mouth and starts to suck them in passionately, the first thing you need to do is make sure you have established correctly.

What should pay attention to?

  1. Increase feeding duration. The baby must be at the mother's breast 30-40 minutes. Then he will satisfy and hunger, and a sucking instinct.
  2. If you have been offering a child for one breast for one feeding, we only suck the first 20-30 for about 20-30 minutes.
  3. Do not worry that Karapuz reest. This happens only when the child is strongly hungry. Being 40 minutes from one breast, the crumble will receive as much milk as in 20 minutes.
  4. If the baby is some time after he began to the meal, disgusting from the chest, drew his attention to something else, do not rush to finish feeding.

With artificial feeding, pay attention to the stiffness of the nipple, and the hole in it

When feeding with mixtures

With artificial feeding, the specifics of the fight against the child's habit of sucking the finger is somewhat different. After all, here you feed the baby strictly according to the schedule, and clearly dose the portions of the mixture sucking them.

  1. But you can reduce breaks between feedings, if you see that Kroch begins to feel a feeling of hunger and, accordingly, pulls his hands in his mouth to suck them, a little earlier than it is supposed.
  2. To satisfy the sucking Reflex of Karapuz, buy a nipple more hard and smaller hole. Then the baby will leave much more time to cope with its portion of the mixture.

And, in contrast to the baby, an artificial child can try to suggest sucking the pacifier instead of the finger. And, not excess will be repeated, do not rush to go to a smaller feed rate. Four-hour breaks between food receptions can be done when the child matures it.

Discharolate suck finger when testing psychological discomfort

In 4-8 years old

When Karapuz will grow, the reasons for which it sucks the finger is no longer associated with physiological processes in its body. They should be sought, rather, emotional and psychological subtext.

Baby is boring or scary. It is excited, excited, sorry. The child feels uncomfortable or he lacks parental attention. Then he uses the habit of sucking a finger as a kind of rescue circle in the world of his experiences. It becomes his personal sedative. And he enjoys them in certain cases.

If you understand, because of what Kroch is experiencing psychological discomfort, which takes it out of equilibrium, and this reason to eliminate, the habit of sucking the finger will very soon disappear from the life of your baby because of his unclaiming.

In adolescence, sucking the finger, along with other intrusive movements, may be a symptom of CNS diseases - central nervous system

At 10 years and older

Most often addiction to their own fingers in children before they begin to change their teeth, passes. But each rule has a number of exceptions.

When, besides the fact that the kid sucks his fingers, he has other obsessive movements, and these symptoms tend to be aggravated with age, parents make sense to consult specialists: a neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist.

Bringing the child for his habit is not worth it. Better parents make a maximum effort to help their choia cope with them.

The fact that the child sucks a finger in adolescence may be not just a bad habit. Similar, often indicates the disorders of the nervous system or the problems of a psychological nature that require professional assistance. And the sooner the child to give such help, the faster and successfully he will cope with his problem. For yourself, and, of course, on the joy of parents ...

Video "What to do? Baby sucks finger "