Competent how to give children 6 years. Harmonious development of children at the age of six

Children on the age of 6 of life are actively preparing for admission to school. This is the most responsible period in the life of both a child and his parents, because the knowledge and skills will depend on the first class. There are a number of criteria by which the physical, mental and emotional development of the six-year-old preschooler is estimated. These norms now define not only doctors - pediatricians, psychologists, neurologists - but also teachers.

  1. Easily oriented in space, quickly adapts in unfamiliar places.
  2. It has initial geographical information: knows the name and capital of its country, calls other countries and their inhabitants (Americans - Americans, England - the British).
  3. Able to determine the time not only on the digital scoreboard, but also in the direction.
  4. The drawings find up to 10 low-interest differences.
  5. Compares objects in height or length, width or depth.
  6. Can reproduce printed letters. Capital letters Children 6 years of life, as a rule, do not know how to write. Specialists and do not advise themselves to learn this: the child must keep the handle when writing correctly, its handwriting depends on it.

Making conclusions about the mental processes of the preschooler, specialists evaluate not only common indicators, but also separate criteria.

Logical thinking

The logic to this age is quite developed, and sometimes you only have to wonder the judgments of yesterday's baby. He sets out his thoughts accurately and clearly, follows the progress of his own reasoning. He loves all sorts of logical rebuses and riddles, hesitually comes up with interesting tasks:

  • selects a summary word to a number of objects and, on the contrary, can spread this word homogeneous;
  • allocate the "extra" subject in the proposed series, constitutes such rows of words independently;
  • finds causal relationships in surrounding phenomena;
  • makes its own conclusions and generalizations from what has seen and heard.

Video: examples of riddles for preschooler 6 years.

Mathematical knowledge

For admission to the first grade, a six-year preschooler must demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:

  • easily to count to 10 (perhaps and more) and back;
  • accurately determine the number of objects within familiar numbers;
  • know a graphic image of numbers, write them yourself;
  • independently compare the number of items within 3-5 units;
  • solve simple examples for addition and subtraction (most often on a visual material);
  • know many geometric shapes, including complex, depict them on paper.

Creative thinking

The child at 6 years old begins to think creatively, it is already working not according to the sample, its own images arise in his head. This creates fantastic animals from plasticine and paper locks, painted patterns and mosaic patterns. From the designer or sets of cubes, it builds buildings and the tower not according to the scheme, but by their imagination.

Six-year children love to play with sand. Only now they build whole cities with underground strokes and tunnels, dig a trench and ponds, decorating them with natural materials.

Heard fairy tales or stories The child can complement its details or completely remake them. This does not mean that he forgot or confused, it is evidence of its developing fantasy and creative thinking.

Knowledge of the world

The ideas about the world are wide enough and constantly updated with new information taken from walks, adult stories, from books, pictures and drawings:

  • knows all the items that surround it, without knocking calls and shows them;
  • according to the description, the main distinguishing features are guessing any of the familiar subjects;
  • independently allocate important components in the subject or phenomenon;
  • knows many animals and birds, their cubs;
  • can call wild and pets, winter birds and migratory;
  • distinguishes trees and shrubs, remembers their names, finds and shows them on a walk;
  • he knows and calls in order of days of day, days of the week, names of months and seasons.

Attention and memory

All mental processes in 6 years have been developed almost completely, every year they will only be improved. The child is already able to concentrate attention in one lesson until 20 minutes, provided that it is interesting for him. Basically, a five-minute break is required to continue, for which the preschooler rests and distracts, after which the work has completed.

A arbitrary memory begins to prevail over involuntary memory. The child deliberately repeats several times the lines from the poem to remember him, just he comes with unfamiliar words. The child is able to remember and tell the bulk poems with the expression, retell a recently heard fairy tale or children's story. Of the 10 words spoken by adults, immediately repeat up to 7 words, and after time - up to 5.


The active vocabulary of the child is large enough and varied. His speech is understandable to others. Many six-year children are already able to read in syllables, although it is impossible to call it the absolute norm. However, at this age, they should know all the letters and be able to distinguish them from sounds, to call the word called the letter. Speech skills for which the child should be able to speak at 6 years, are reduced to the following:

  1. Uses the words of all parts of speech, builds complex syntactic structures using homogeneous members, complex offers, involvement.
  2. Owns synonyms, can form diminutive words, replaces repeating words by pronuches.
  3. Regulates the voting force, intonation, emotional expressiveness of its speech.
  4. Finds the named letter in the word, shows pictures or objects that begin with the desired letter.
  5. Share the word on syllables. A common mistake is that parents, not knowing the rules for the division of words on the syllables, teach children who are then difficult to move. All learning on letters and reading is better to provide teachers.
  6. Clearly utters all the sounds, including. If some sounds the child replaces or misses the speech at all, we need classes with a speech therapist. This is the age when problems with speech are solved quite quickly with the right approach, in a later period to correct the pronunciation will be much more complicated.

The dialogue form of the conversation still prevails, but the baby is already quite capable of pronounce a monologue. In the process of the monologue, you can see that the child stopped, lost his thought. It is advisable to help continue the question, asking questions, thereby keeping the conversation. Such monologic stories should be encouraged, trying to say the child as long as possible. The development of oral monologue speech is one of the serious evaluation criteria when passing an interview for admission to school.

Video: Development of the preschooler. Consultation speech therapist.

Physical development

The child of 6 years of life is very moving, practically does not sit on the spot. Loves games associated with jumping or running. Highly owns his body, coordination is developed, movement is accurate and confident:

  • walks on a log or crossbar;
  • quickly climbs on the vertical staircase;
  • pulls up at the crossbar several times;
  • jumps over the obstacles - height and length;
  • it is worth a long time and jumps on one leg;
  • it owns the ball: it hits it, not blunting, catches, throws another player or goal.

Small motorika

The movements of the child's hands in 6 years are coordinated and accurate, it is able to fully control them:

  • it is properly holding a pen, pencil and brush;
  • looks sophisticated plasticine figures using small parts - eyes, legs, tail;
  • cuts out the figures on the contour by scissors, without leaving for it;
  • collects small items one by one;
  • bolds a thread in a needle, sews an independent button;
  • conducts straight and wavy lines, without leaning a pencil from paper;
  • according to the cells, it gives the missing half of the symmetric pattern.

Social adaptation

Social skills are developed, as a rule, during the game, the rules of which he listened carefully and follows them, waiting if necessary for its turn.

Fully developed self-service skills. A child without reminder performs all hygienic procedures, up to the evening bathing. Without the help of parents, it is capable of driving a meal, cover on the table, wash the dishes.

Children of this age with pleasure help parents. Do not interfere with their enthusiasm, and then the skills in the game form will be remembered for a long time, eventually enter the habit.

It confidently feels among unfamiliar people, if someone from loved ones is nearby, is not lost in communicating with adults, answers their questions. Easily makes new acquaintances. In 6 years, the child has real friends with whom he prefers to communicate more than others.

It is very important to teach a child to be compliant, find a compromise in a controversial situation, control their emotions. He must realize his mistakes, be able to assist and show sympathy.

Physical development. Your child is 6 years old. How he grew quickly! According to WHO, the hexlet growth on average increases to 116 cm, while the permissible range is from 110.1 cm to 120.8 cm. Like other indicators, girls' growth is somewhat less than that of boys, and by 6 years should Make up 115.1 cm (acceptable variation of values \u200b\u200b- from 110.1 cm to 120.1 cm). The boys grow up to 116 cm under the boundaries of the norm from 111.1 cm to 120.8 cm.

We will call the highlights characterizing the normal physical maturity of children of six years:

  • begins the change of dairy teeth for permanent;
  • abdominal breathing is replaced by the breast, the diaphragm is strengthened;
  • there is an active development of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine;
  • the number of respiratory movements per minute (about 20-25) is approaching an adult norm;
  • rose lungs;
  • heart dimensions increase because this requires a rapidly growing organism;
  • the frequency of heart abbreviations changes (up to 85-100 shots per minute) and blood pressure;
  • the immune system is actively functioning;
  • the nervous system is strengthened, the kid better tolerates the increased emotional, physical, psychological and intellectual loads;
  • speech is being improved, vocabulary expands, pronunciation defects disappear.

Age peculiarities. The child grows not only externally, but also internally - becomes more conscious, organized, asks many questions, including sexual differences of people. The age features of children in the age of 6 are such that they often strive to attract attention, especially if there are younger children in the family. This indicates their needs for love, acceptance and self-expression. It is clearly pronounced, but the own "want" is often torn, and the child constantly checks the strength of the borders exhibited in the society and family. So children learn to understand that it is certainly possible, and what is prohibition, and also assimilate the norms of behavior in society.

By six years, the guys cope well with their mood and emotions, strive for independence, but at the same time, very attentive to the behavior of others and are prone to imitation. It is still difficult for them to keep attention on one topic, especially if it is not interesting for them. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to conduct training in the form of the game and first intrigue to the crumb.

Psychology baby six years old. Psychological features of children at this age are associated with different areas of their development:

Often, parents catch the sixlets on the lies. Most likely, this is due to the fear of punishment for certain actions. In this case, talk to the baby, explain that you should always tell the truth. And if he did something bad, then it should be honest. Never go to the identity of the child, expressing his discontent with his act.
If the lie has become systematic, it is worth talking to a crumb of souls. Agree that if he tells the truth - you will try not to be angry and appreciate what he did not deceive. Of course you will not jump from joy because of bad actions, but if he honestly tell you everything - you will try to calmly understand the situation.

Always remember that you are an example for your children, and they mostly copy your behavior. To tell the truth yourself is the surest way to teach the child to be honest.

Taking care of the causes of the children's lies, it is worth considering several factors: family relationships and a comfortable emotional atmosphere of the house, as well as the presence of stress that can push the baby to excessive fantasy.

Intellectual development. What a child should know for six years:

  • his name, surname and middle name, age, birthday, address, city of residence, as well as the names of parents, friends, family members, pets;
  • professions of parents;
  • days of the week, months, seasons, time of day, their names and sequences; parts of the body; domestic and wild animals, water inhabitants and insects;
  • the most common plants, trees, berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • colors and some popular shades;
  • where right and left;
  • how to move the road, signs and rules of the road;
  • how to behave with unauthorized adults;
  • generally accepted holidays and their meaning;
  • numbers up to 10, count, distinguish signs plus and minus;
  • form and state of objects;
  • poems, fairy tales, songs by heart;
  • natural phenomena;
  • focusing at least 15-20 minutes;
  • show the differences between two items;
  • copy drawings, movement, facial expression;
  • hold in memory up to 10 items;
  • memorize text in length in 3-4 sentences;
  • recognize the read book for an excerpt;
  • define an excess object from the proposed and justify your choice;
  • to fold the puzzles, figures from the designer, incl. with sample;
  • draw people and animals, plants and other objects;
  • gently paint, stroke, adjust the power of push to the pencil;
  • create appliques, sculpt from plasticized recognizable items;
  • write some letters and numbers;
  • ride a bike, scooter;
  • make daily rituals independently;
  • own scissors;
  • navigate in space (forward-back, closer-on, up and down, right-left, over-under);
  • make a versatile conversation, answer questions.

Crisis 6 years. Are you waiting for another age crisis? Before starting to deal with the problem, it should always be understood in its reasons. And already, based on this, take action. Perhaps the baby copies the behavior of someone in the family. After all, children often imitate adults. Here are the main reasons for disobedience of children:

  • complications during pregnancy and generic injuries;
  • various diseases of the nervous system;
  • psychological disorders;
  • quarrels and conflicts in family relationships, stressful situations at home.

Terrorizes peers, stick, lying, take note of the following tips:

  • do not rush to punish. Explain your child the elementary rules of behavior. The baby must understand that their execution is not your whim, that there are causes and they are obliged to perform everything. Tell me that the rules will be punished. Let him choose himself, observe them or not. So you bring up responsibility in the crumb for your behavior. For example, today the peers hit the platform - you go home and do not walk anymore, and tomorrow there will be a new chance to behave well;
  • do not give in to cry and phrase: "I will not be so no longer." Stand firmly on your own. She guessed - answer for his actions. Otherwise, the child will enlighten that if he asks for forgiveness, it will be possible to indulge again and nothing will be for it;
  • cut together more free time. So between you establish mutual understanding and trust relationship;
  • more often, praise the baby, and in cases of failure to push. He should always feel your support;
  • filter the information you received. Make sure that the child is watching on TV. Do not forget to limit the spending time at the computer;
  • do not buy a lot of unnecessary toys. Often, thus parents are trying to compensate for the lack of attention. However, nothing will replace the care and warmth of mom and dad. Give preference to developing toys, board games that you can play the whole family. And you and your choa will bring it a lot of pleasant emotions and will only benefit.


Moms of six-year-old children are already puzzled. It is necessary to tighten children's knowledge, and choose a great school, and learn about teachers, and school supplies to flashes. But do not forget about yourself! We again about preventive techniques in doctors - health should be preserved!

Sometimes moms of six-year-old children think about the birth of a kid. So that the older child goes to the school, and with a newborn, then walk. We hope that you have an assistant who will divide these care - after all, the load is quite serious.

Joint weekdays

A variety of classes for kids from 6 years is so great that it is unlikely to list them all. If you stick to the enlarged classification, then children's leisure can be divided into home and street, movable and calm. When planning outdoors in the fresh air, take into account the weather - in winter it can be skiing, skiing on cooks and sledding, as well as the first samples to stand on skates. Summer spells are best done on the lake and for funny active games: hide and seek, catching, jumping on the rope, bike races and rollers. Even the most ordinary walk can be turned into a fabulous journey by adding some intrigue and fantasy.
Movable leisure most often involves an introduction to any sports activities that can be practiced at home. For example, you can hang the horizontal bar in the doorway, allow children to play the ball or hide.
To relaxed pastime include role-playing games, reading books, creative classes, theatrical performances, watching fairy tales and cartoons. To the last way to pass the time should be resorted by limited and infrequently - the children quickly get used to the speaker screen, and to wean them is quite problematic.

Pope, pay attention! At a six-year-old age, the Father's figure comes to the foreground, which gives the right social benchmarks and teaches the Son to male classes. Daughters, on the contrary, to mother, manifest femininity and are fulfilled with interest female affairs, help mom at home. Therefore, it is extremely important in this transitional period to give your grown kids the correct values \u200b\u200band installations that they will carry through their entire lives.

Dear Parents! Remembering your hobbies at this age, it will be easier for you to understand what to do with your child 6 years old.
An excellent solution, how to entertain the child of six years at home can become:

Your baby has already reached the six-year-old age and will soon go to school. At this stage, parents are very important to understand how they are ready for such a load - physically, emotionally and psychologically. It is especially important to assess the knowledge and ability of your child.

Remember yourself when you were 6 years old. What did you get involved in, what did you feel how they reacted to criticism, punishment and instructions of adults? We did not begin in vain from this issue - often the parents of six-year-old kids were completely forgotten how the child perceives themselves and feels at this age. After all, this is a wonderful, carefree time, full of unknown and curious discoveries! Do not turn this light and rainbow period of your child to the infinite stream "You must", "that you like small", "because you are already big", etc. Of course, this is not a one-year-old baby, but not a small copy of an adult. And therefore he has the full right to his own opinion and personal mistakes.

Together with your child at 6 years old, respectively, on equal, confidentially, in a friendly, confident, authoritative, understanding, kindly, patiently, carefully, sincerely.

To raise a harmonious and happy child, it is necessary, first of all, to raise yourself.

When choosing classes for your children, rely on its temperament and warehouse character. This information will help you understand what natural data must be developed, and which carefully adjust. Ask the kid himself that it tastes. Otherwise there is a risk to hear soon that he does not want to attend lessons, because they do not like him.

Do not pursue a romantic goal to create a great athlete or artist from the child. The main task is to diversify his leisure, to instill love for sports and grow healthy, active and comprehensively developed.

To-do list

  1. Start searching for the school itselfwhere your child goes.
  2. Collect information about teacherswho will "recruit" first-graders.
  3. Check the level of knowledge of the child And, if necessary, tighten.
  4. Cook a child to the thought that has already grown and will soon go to schoolwhere everything is wrong, in kindergarten, and "adult". If there are problems in behavior, it's time to pay for them a little more attention. Adjusting problem areas, you will greatly facilitate the adaptation of the child in the new society.
  5. Make a child vaccinated (According to the National Vaccination Calendar).
  6. Suggest a child to engage in various sections (sports, creative and intelligent and choose them together.
  7. Strengthen children's immunity.


At a six-year-old, children make revaccination against measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis.

The period of 6-7 years is the age of change: the child is on the border between the senior preschooler and the youngest schoolboy. His behavior changes noticeably, the child has already clearly learned the social norms and rules of behavior, it becomes less impulsive, can restrain his aggressive motives, to defend his opinion and beliefs before children and adults, to come to the rescue to friends, fairly distribute roles in the game.

Relations with peers

More and more important to the child acquire relationships with peers. For the kid, it is very important to have your own circle of communication with regular friends. Try to keep it in this desire. Again with my parents of his friends about joint walks, invite these children to visit.

In the event of difficult situations with friends, help the child to figure out what happened and find the best way out.

At this age, an interest in the opposite sex appears, thoroughly hidden behind the ignition disregard or, on the contrary, manifested in the form of sincere and immediate "courtships".

Tell us in an affordable form to your child about the purpose and relationships of men and women.

Communication with parents

The baby begins to play more with his peers and is somewhat distinguished from the parents. This is quite natural, and in no case should it be prevented by guided by parental jealousy. Remember that you still remain for your child the most significant people in his life and the most important teachers.

Try to the child it is interesting to you. Share with him your knowledge (now he is able to perceive quite complicated information), attend together interesting exhibitions and museums together.

Collect along with the child, learn it to handle various tools and workers of labor.

Discuss the events of your shared life and what is worried about the child. Make him to think about various issues.

With attention treat all his inventions or reasoning.

And remember, if the child knows that he can always count on you, it will be easier for him to communicate with other people.

Child development and school preparation

The psychological development of the child undergoes progressive changes, its physical abilities are even more strengthened, and mental abilities are expanding. And soon the leading activity of the kid will be intellectual learning.

Not far from the mountain that day when the kid will cross the school threshold. Then he will have to do quite a lot of time what he demands an adult from him, and not what he wants at the moment. It is desirable, now gradually teach a child to a new activity for it, developaches and attention. But, of course, the baby should have a lot of time on things that are interesting to him personally, because he still experiences a greater need for the game. And classes under the leadership of the adult must be targeted, but at the same time gaming and entertaining. Thus, the game will continue arbitrariness and handling behavior.

The readiness of the child to school affects the success of his further training. Upi readiness for school, teachers understand not knowledge of numbers and letters, but above all motivational readiness That is, the presence of a child of the desire to learn and interest in gaining knowledge (cognitive motivation). How to achieve this? Each normally developing child already has a huge potential for learning ability; He crares out to receive new knowledge and skills, he wants to conquer new peaks. Therefore, the question is more legitimate: how not to lose?

Many parents in the last year before school are particularly engaged in the child. Try to have your classes never turn into a tedious duty and always wore the character of the game, creativity, so that during them the child often made their own discoveries.

If you decide to drive a baby on special training for school preparation, choose a bright teacher for him, with which the child will be interested. Remember that it is better not to do anything, than to instill a kid aversion to study by boring tasks (because boredom for a child also hard as punishment). The most important thing is not to discover the desire to learn!

Tell your child about the school, how you studied in her, what they were doing in the lessons, which did on change, which estimates received that you were learning at school, etc. This will help the baby psychologically tuned to a new school life, will remove some fear before unknown, as many children dreaming to become schoolchildren, still afraid to go to school.

From the point of view of a psychologist

Below we will give interesting in our opinion the findings of several leading domestic children's psychologists:

Wenger L. A. believed that "be ready for school - does not mean to be able to read, write and count. Be ready for school - it means to be ready to learn everything. "

L.I. Bojovich and A.I. Forecorption believes that "... readiness for the school is made up of a certain level of development of thinking, cognitive interests, the volitional regulation of behavior, the child's position of the schoolboy."

What else should be paid attention to, determining the level of child's preparedness to school?

According to the classification of the children's psychologist Leonid Alexandrovich Hanger there are a number of major psychological abnormalities in a child of preschool age:

. related to mental development (they include problems with memory, attention, difficulties in mastering new knowledge, skills and skills);

. associated with the behavior of children 5 - 7 years old (this is: undisciplined, aggressive behavior, rudeness, uncontrollability, falsity);

. associated with an emotional background (depression, reinforced excitability, anxiety, emotional instability, low self-esteem, reduced mood);

. associated with the communicativeness of children (the uncommunicability, inadequate desire for leadership, substrastness, syradiability, communication problems);

. associated with neurology (they include fatigue, headaches, insomnia).
If you have noticed that your child is experiencing any of the above difficulties, consult a good children's psychologist or a neurologist, which will help them overcome or significantly reduce.

Education of responsibility

It is time for preschool childhood, at this stage, it is desirable to pay special attention to the development of such qualities as a responsibility, a sense of duty and conscientiousness.

- Pre-knowledge. In the family by agreement of all family members in advance should be The rules are established: for example, we turn on the computer only with the permission of the parent, toys and things do not scatter (and the latter refers to all family members).

- Household duties. At this age, the child must have his home duties, let it have not yet been difficult: help remove from the table after dinner, pour flowers, wash the floor in the bathroom. Connect it to everyday homework (even if you have a housekeeper).

- The result of work. Praise and thank the kid for the work done, but deservedly. Teach him to a conscientious attitude. To do this, allocate the child's own site of work when it helps you to do something so that it can easily see and evaluate the quality of his own work (for example, when washing the floor, highlight it its "plot"). Learn the baby to this and patiently commit to correct the poor-quality work.

- The ability to choose. The child should have the opportunity to choose not only actions, but also the consequences of their actions. For example, or now we will clean together and go to walk early, or you wait until I desalted, but then we will have much less time for a walk.

- Your reaction to the poor behavior of the child should be short.
If the child did something wrong, you must briefly explain to him to briefly explain the intricatement of such actions, help eliminate the consequences of his "oversight" and no longer remind of misdemeanor. It happens, moms in order to more efficiently punish the child, deprive him of the most expensive - communication with mom - and can not talk with their own chad for 2-3 days. This is a non-disabilities.

Time flies quickly enough, and here you are 6 years old. He comes a new stage of life, namely the campaign in the first class. What should a child know in 6 years before going to school? What knowledge and skills will help the future first-grader better navigate in school life?

Knowledge required for a hike to school

Experts of the whole world claim that every child before going to school should learn his name, patronymic and surname. He also should know what his parents call and what posts they occupy.

To hone these knowledge, the child needs to perform various kinds of tasks for children 6 years. For example, show the child various pictures, and he must call what he saw on them, describe how it looked.

It will be very good if the baby can call and distinguish pets from wild animals. At the same time, the future schoolboy must clearly formulate his thought. Otherwise, he will appoint additional classes.

Best of all before going to school on their own to work out with her child. Considering with your parents, the baby will quickly master the material.

Physical exercises

A very important aspect is physical activity. The more the child moves, the better its metabolism. If the exchange processes are at a normal level, the coefficient will increase

In the six-year-old age of the future schoolchild, it is best to go to the athletic section where he learns discipline will strengthen his health and increase the intellect. Thanks to this, the kid will learn everything that the child should know in 6 years.

Mathematics and child

Younger schoolchildren should not only be engaged in their physical condition. Parents are obliged to take care that the kid learned the maths of math. The child should be able to count to 10. Also, the future schoolboy must compare nearby numbers. Mathematics for children 6 years should include in the study

It is quite important to study a simple example, a triangle, square and a circle. These knowledge will help the baby to join the school life.

It is best if parents teach their child with such concepts as more and less. As examples, candy or fruits can be brought, which you like the baby.

If the child does not win the initial knowledge of mathematics, it will be hard among his peers who already know how to write figures.


A big role is played by a child's speech 6 years. Some children at the age of 6 can not distort a part of the beeches. At the same time, they are hard to make a story from 5 sentences. Taking the child to communicate to express my thoughts to connect, you can begin the next task.

Parents call the future schoolboy words, and he says on the contrary. For example, the fire is hot, and the ice is cold. For the child to understand what parents want from him, it is necessary to bring him an example.

It is also necessary that the baby can repeat simple patters that an adult pronounces him.

In order to finally deal with the development of speech, you need to teach the child to call words in the plural, after he will say the word in the singular. For example, a handle - handles.

If the child will speak well and express his thoughts, it will be easier for him to perceive the information that the teacher in the lessons gives.

Environmental education

Mathematics and speech development are not the basic skills that the future schoolboy must have. The question arises about what a child should know in 6 years to be fully ready for school.

Knowledge of the world around the world should be very important. Such information can be obtained during the outdoor walks. Stone around the park, you need to tell the baby about trees, birds and the like things.

The kid should know at least 7 different plants. By calling these plants, the child should describe the shape and color of the leaves. Having understood with plants, you can go to the animals.

A six-year-old child is obliged to know several birds that do not fly to the south. At the same time, he must call the reason why birds remain in their native edges.

It will be useful to tell the baby about wild beasts, about what differences are from domestic animals.

How to help your child prepare for school?

There is nothing terrible if your baby knows something. Each parent should help the child to overcome the difficulties that arise when preparing for school. That is why experts advise many parents to independently deal with the future schoolboy.

To train the child alphabetically not the simplest task of those with whom parents will face. To study the alphabet, you will need an alphabet for children of 6 years. Success will be seen after one week. Although there are children who are very quickly mastering the alphabet.

So that success in school is guaranteed, parents need to be a simple program. The program must include such objects such as arithmetic, reading, cleaning library.

Before you teach a child to write clean, you need to visit the store and purchase registration for children 6 years. At first, the baby hooks and letters will jump, as he is still hard to keep the handle in his hands. Over time, the handwriting will be more beautiful, and the written text of the detrimental.

To quickly teach a child to memorize various things, you can spend tests. For example, a test for classification. Its essence is that the child must among the called words find too much, and also explain why it is not suitable for other words.

Another interesting test is in the text not shorter than 400 characters, the kid must find how many times the letter is found. A good result is only 5 mistakes made.

Choice of educational games for a six-year-old child

It is necessary to remember that the children's brain works on the principle of sponge. It can instantly remember both positive and negative information. Before allowing the baby to proceed to the game, it must be studied carefully. It is necessary to check that the application does not have cruelty and information affecting the psyche. Logic games for children 6 years old must be intuitive and interesting.

Programs for learning an account will help the child to prepare for school, namely, develop mathematical abilities. You can win in a mathematical game only if you correctly solve a simple task.

An application with guessing or drawing up words will help replenish the vocabulary. It is best to start such a game after the alphabet for 6 years will be completely mastered.

Drawing applications will help the future student to train memory, as well as improve perception.

The creation of children's games is a large number of specialists who should know the psychology of six-year-old children. Before posting the application to the network, experts thoroughly test it for errors.

During games, children get skills, not noticing what they learn, and not just play.

Do not forget that the time behaved behind the computer should be limited, since you can spoil your eyesight.

It is important that the kid playing with his peers and honed the surveyed skills in the real world.

Development of visual memory

To determine how good the child needs to have a special test. These tasks for children are 6 years old will be quite simple. Child need to show 10 different pictures. Each picture can be viewed for 6 seconds. After watching all the pictures, the future schoolboy must call the items that saw them.

If the kid called more than 8 pictures, it is a good result. The average result is 5-7 guided pictures. Less than 5 pictures will be considered unsatisfactory result.

A few days later, the auditorium will improve, and the child will be easier to memorize pictures.

Development of auditory memory

It is quite important that the child has not only visual memory, but also the auditory. Education of children 6 years will be faster if you repeat the exercise several times a day.

It is necessary to choose 10 simple words that will be not too long and easy to memorize. The following words include the following words: spruce, cat, summer, brother, glasses, chair, horse, home, lion, table. Words can be chosen and others, but that they were simple, understandable to the baby.

Slowly reading these words, you need to ask the child to pronounce everything he remembered. It is best to repeat the task at least 5 times so that they are well deposited in the memory of the baby.

The norm is considered if the future schoolboy remembered 4 words from the first time. All words it must reproduce after 4 repeats.


So, what should a child know in 6 years? First of all, the baby should learn to keep a handle and clearly express his thoughts. If the child does not know how to get upset, because you can make an effort to achieve this.

First of all, we make simple programs for which the kid will be trained. Remember, you should not load a future schoolboy too much, as it is only preparing for serious classes. In the interruptions between school it is worth allowing him to play or engage in their affairs, and also run on the street.

To facilitate classes, it is best to spend in a game form. After reading the article, parents will know how to prepare their preschooler to the campaign in the first class.

After a few months, the kid will be fully prepared to go to school. He can easier to stop in the classroom and carefully listen to everything that teacher says.