Pros and cons of childbirth in nature. Correct birth from nature The main advantages of domestic birth

All Slavic girls and women should know about it! And men also!

It is from this that the life of every person begins ... It is very important, in what conditions, in which environment and in which mood is pregnancy and childbirth will pass! Ideally, it is best to live in nature at this time, away from cities, noise and fuss ...

The main advantages of domestic birth:

1) A woman who gives birth to houses is in the conditions familiar to it, and at home as comfortable as possible. At home, a woman - feels like a hostess of the process. And in hospitals \\ maternity hospitals, a woman has to face the fact that it is not the mistress there and is subject to different manipulations and pressure from the side of the medical staff.

2) Home microorganisms for 9 months are becoming for the immune system of a woman and a child - relatives and safe, unlike "hospital" alien. Therefore, allergic reactions and infections in maternity hospitals and hospitals occur so often.

3) Birth of the house - occur in the pose most convenient for the feminine (by choosing: standing; sitting squatting; standing on his knees). And in hospitals, in 99% of cases, women are forced to give birth in the most painful and unnatural, but it is convenient for doctors pose ("Lyzh on the back").

4) During domestic birth, the child will turn carefully and with love. And in the hospital, children often damage the neck during birth.

In many "maternity hospitals" and "maternity branches", hospitals use the so-called "obstetric benefit" or "turn to the handle". That is, when the head is released, it is turned it. Sometimes, the crunch is heard ...

During this action, partial damage to the cervical spine occurs. Of course, all this affects the health of the child. Complications after this permit - can be noticeable immediately, or manifest itself in several months of years.

The newborn all the bones and the spine fabrics are very sensitive and fragile, and therefore any turning is very dangerous. Unfortunately, most "clever" in white coats are not understood. Therefore, this crushing practice is still often applied. And, who gives birth to a woman - does not know about it, after all, lying on his back, she does not see that with her baby make "Melvers" in white coats. "Pleasant" surprises of the deterioration of the child's health - begin as a rule, after discharge from the "hospital". Only then, women begin to guess that they did something with their children ..

Moreover, fighting this pest practice, no one is really trying. And even if this practice is banned, then many "cleverships \\ clever" in white coats will be performed by habit. Why? After all, if at birth, the child is immediately subjected to hydration and cruelty, then his health deteriorates, which means it will be guaranteed to become a constant consumer of medical services / drugs in the future. After all, without patient customer, medical business will not survive ... Therefore, inflicting the maximum harm to children in the "Roadoms", Medinstrey - forms a client base for himself.

5) Nobody will force at home to make vaccinations and malicious chemical manipulations with the baby (for example, to handle eyes with chemicals).

6) Houses Parents have the opportunity to prepare the conditions for a comfortable and soft arrival of the child in this world: Push the curtains, light the candles, turn on soothing music. And in the hospital, the child is born when illuminating bright lighting devices, which is harmful to the sensitive eye of the baby.

7) No one will cut the umbilical umbilical at home earlier than the placenta will be released and the umbilical cord will be released, and all the blood, as conceived by nature, will talk to the baby from the placenta. You can never cut the umbilical cord before than an hour after childbirth !! Remember it! If you crop the umbilical cord before, the child will not receive a part of placental blood. And this blood is not only important for the harmonious vital activity of the body, but is also very important to strengthen natural natural immunity.

8) No one will unwind a child with parents for the sake of unnecessary and malicious manipulations.

9) at home, most often a bio-energetically calm atmosphere (aura), unlike "hospitals" \\ hospitals, where thousands of women in suffering and tears gave birth to children, leaving behind the space filled with negative, unhealthy energy + negative energy supported by the medical staff for which are giving birth - not a creative and natural process, and the next conveyor.

10) No one will use chemical preparations for stimulation (acceleration) of generic activities and thanks to this, the child will be born in their own, unique, natural rhythm. Thanks to childbirth without stimulation, a child and mother - will not be poisoned by chemistry, which weakens natural immunity and causes different diseases. At home, no one will rush the giving birth to the words and screams: "Poozed, bespoke ... faster ...". Thanks to this, the girl can feel the whole process of childbirth and calmly concentrate on the process. And in the maternity hospitals and hospitals very often stimulate childbirth, so that the girls give birth faster, because there are many patients and doctors want to have time to accept everyone.

Even in the hospitals, the "reception of the crystaller" is often used .. the essence of which is that if the baby or the placenta does not leave for a long time, then the "doctor" begins to put pressure on the belly, squeezing the child \\ placenta. Instead of making a woman massage; Instead of reassuring a woman and instead of other natural methods, "clever" in white coats - put on the stomach ....

As a result - bleeding, breaking, pain and fear of a woman who, after such "adventures", is unlikely to want to give birth to children.

11) At home, the father of the child himself can accept childbirth under the supervision of midwives, and no one will prevent the birth of a child in the hands of the Father. And in hospitals \\ maternity hospitals, very often, fathers are not even allowed for childbirth, inventing different excuses. And sometimes, "clever" in white coats - extort money from fathers for the opportunity to attend childbirth.

12) And one more important factor. With childbirth at home and immediately after such birth, a man, a woman and a child can be together, in one living space. During childbirth and in the postpartum period, women are very needed by supporting a beloved man, because a man at the spiritual level (energy) is able to help her recover after childbirth. If there are no men near the girl (or a woman), he cannot protect it from psychological pressure and harmful manipulations of medical personnel.

It is very important that the beloved man was constantly next to the woman and child. This is important for a woman and for the family. In the first days, the child is especially important to see Mother and Father, it is important to be threesome, to visually the child remember you like parents. It is necessary that the family on the deep, spiritual level becomes one whole ... it is sometimes called the word "imprinting" or in Russian: capturing. Also in nature occurs when the cubs appear on the light, they perceive someone who is next to them like a parent.

And in the maternity hospitals and hospitals, very often the child as a "parent" remembers the midwife or the "doctor," which he is pulled out of a woman, often rudely and with injuries. Then it is too early to circumcise the umbilical cord, that for the child - hurt and harmful! The child is carried away, put the nasty called "grafting \\ vaccine", handle the tender eyes of the child with caustic chemicals and in essence separated him with their parents for a while. Some fathers - for many reasons, do not even want to attend childbirth. And the child feels that the biological parents - he was in essence threw, betrayed, allowing him to mock it and hurt! And then the parents are surprised why their children begin to hurt ... And in more mature age, parents will be surprised at the lack of mutual understanding with children, and all because their first deep contact - did not take place after childbirth ... such parents, throughout their lives will not be for children Relatives, but only biological, hence and misunderstanding ...

Modern medicine did everything so that women from the separation arose depressed and a bad mood. License with a beloved man - negatively affects the health of women. And the negative emotional state of the woman is passed to the child, and the baby begins to cry. Women who give birth in the hospital / hospitals - with difficulty restore their physical and bioenergy state. And after such experience of hospital childbirth, women often do not want to give birth again.

The medical industry turns pregnancy - into the disease, and childbirth - in the surgical operation ... in the "Roadoms \\ clinics" complicate childbirth and harm the health of the feminine and children.

We wish all the future parents to carefully study the questions of the correct passage of pregnancy and childbirth. Do not expect everything to the system, approach these most important issues coming and sanity. The health of the nation, families and your children begins with a conscious attitude towards life, the right world perception and love. Too, peace and happiness to you!

When it comes to the birth of a child, first of all the ordinary clinic comes to mind, then the hospital, and so on. But in remote corners of the planet, where life is still little different from the fact that it was a hundred or two hundred years ago, rites are preserved, accompanying childbirth in vivo. The founder of the Wild Born scientific and creative project travels around the world and removes the beauty of this purely female business - the sacrament of the tooling and the birth of a child.

(Only 11 photos + 1 video)

"Women in Indian tribes have broad traditional knowledge in the field of nature, which contributes to healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Women of the Cosos tribe prepare a deepening with boiled water, heated by stones, and throw a harvest from a fry tree, root and herbs. Then they sit on top of this deepening, allowing a couple to carry them out their body and relieve pain, help relax and recover after delivery. "

The project participants set themselves to learn the sociocultural, environmental and economic aspects of traditions and rites of natural childbearing in women from various aboriginal tribes that were on the verge of extinction due to the influence of civilization.

The project was founded by photographer Alegre Ellie in 2011. She wanted to study and capture traditional ways and sacred rituals associated with pregnancy and childbearing, as well as how they change over time. In the pictures taken during the expeditions, the role of ancient knowledge in childbearing, overhanging grandmothers, ecology, local flora and fauna for rites, anesthesia and nutrition is studied.

The girl from the tribe Taut Batu, Palawan (Philippines).

Every seven years, this tribe makes a rite to purify peace and restoring the space balance.

In 2011 and 2012, the expedition went to Papua - New Guinea to find out what it is like to give birth to the jungle. Next year, activists visited the Palaw, the Philippines. In 2014, they went through the way from pregnancy to childbirth with the Chemical tribe in Namibia, and this year will be monitored by how they cope with the birth of women's children in Yamal.

These bright pictures are reminded that it is necessary to take care of customs and traditions, try to keep the wealth and diversity of cultures, and that the birth of children is, perhaps, the most natural and at the same time the most mysterious process that can only watch.

On this video, the experienced attribute from the Chemical tribe in Namibia massages the belly of pregnant a few hours before delivery.

Before the birth of a child.

Newborn chemical tribe.

"On the way to the formation of a woman. I was a witness of several social rituals while Himba lived among the tribe, including the rite of the Girl Initiation. Having reached Pubertata, the girl leaves the village while during the rite will not lead to a new social status. With the support of women from the community, the girl leads to a special premises, where it is spiritually protected during the first menstruation. At this time, she gets a lot of gifts, and as soon as he is imagined, the change of status becomes official and the traditional leather crown is put on his head as a sign that it can be married. In the photo, the girls gathered in a small temporary tent, which was built for the rite of initiation to assign them the status of women with the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In the framework of the ceremony and on a regular basis, a woman harness various roots to get a fragrant smoke, which is used as perfume perfumes. "

The birth of a child is the holiday of the whole family. How the process passes, largely depends on the mother. Modern couples have the opportunity to plan a place in advance, the time of the joyful event. Spouses get acquainted with the terms of the hospitals, the medical staff, however, some parents choose childbirth in nature. The argument in favor of such activities is the environment, the conditions for the appearance of the world. A person comes to our world away from urban noise, smog. There is no fuss around. Everyone is calm and impatient, benevolent faces are waiting for the baby.


A woman who gives birth in natural conditions is in the habitual setting for it. Comfort has great importance. An unfamiliar environment is not afraid. Nearby there are no crying, moaning. The future mother feels like a hostess of the process, no need to obey the orders of medical staff. On the one hand, this is a huge advantage, on the other can be considered as a flaw. The obstever suggests what and how to do, not every woman during uterine abbreviations can be aware.

Allergic reactions often occur in the maternity hospitals. At home, it is possible to avoid them. The immune system of the feminine gets used to 9 months to surrounding microorganisms. They become safe, relatives. Whereas sick leave are considered alien.

A woman gives birth in nature in a convenient position. It occupies the position automatically, feeling relief from the position. In most maternity homes, generic activities take place on the chair in the "lying on the back" position. It is painful, unnatural, but convenient for obstetricians.

Horn in the conditions of the natural environment, the woman takes the baby carefully, draws him with love. In the clinics, this moment depends on the mood of the medical staff. Also inexperienced motion can be injured.

When a baby is born in the hospital, he immediately make vaccinations, treated with chemicals. Appearing in the forest, the water, the child is insured against such actions. Some manipulations are considered malicious, but actively imposed medicine.

It is believed that the umbilical cord does not need to cut off until the placenta comes out. All blood must do to the baby. The body matters for harmonious vital activity, strengthening the immune system. The child is deprived of all this if the cut has happened earlier.

Birth in nature is held in a relaxed atmosphere, natural birth does not need stimulation. Chemical preparations are not used, the baby is born in its unique, natural rhythm. No one hurries the mother to "climb." Suffering, tears of other fencers do not distract. Aura reigns, filled with positive energy.


The birth of a child can take place in nature if the mother has no concomitant diseases, deviations. Often the natural generic process ends with operational intervention. "On the grass" such actions are unacceptable. Mom's life, baby will be threatened.


  1. antisanitary;
  2. mother's Health Risk, Child;
  3. lack of obstetric skills;
  4. no equipment in case you need.

If the baby does not leave for a long time, the obstetrician will tell the Genovers, what to do how to breathe. If necessary, connect the devices. To avoid breaks, make a section in a timely manner. Blood loss with generic activity will be minimal.

Sterile atmosphere reigns in hospitals. Father, attending childbirth, puts on a disposable suit, no extra objects nearby. When the baby is born extraly not in the maternity hospital, even ordinary water may be absent.

Natural childbirth is in nature under the conditions of increased risk of injury. Do not forget about the improper position of the fetus. Alone to turn it inside the mother will not be able.

Often painful sensations become unbearable. Massage manipulations aimed at reducing pain do not help. A woman does not react to a soothing voice of her husband, loses consciousness. A situation requiring the connection of special equipment is created. In the natural environment, it is not, to the hospital getting far away. Therefore, choosing a place for the appearance of a child in this world, weigh everything for and against.

Stages of birth

So that the woman is not afraid of the approaching event, you need to clearly represent how it will pass. Nearby there will be no medical staff capable of suggesting, to assist. All manipulations will have to do it yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare. Generic activity will be held in 3 stages: preparatory, waiting, the output of the placenta.

How do women give birth in nature:

  • physically, morally prepared for the upcoming event;
  • tow, choosing a convenient pose;
  • pushing out the placenta;
  • cut sliced \u200b\u200bumbilical.

When unpleasant urge begins at the bottom of the abdomen, the child is preparing for birth. Soreness will slowly increase. Drive the scratch count. The intervals between them make up even periods of time. Accelerate increasing cuts should not be accelerated. The neck of the uterus will not have time to open, there will be a gap. In the conditions of the natural environment, it will be sewed.

When the wave-like bumps are worried every 3 minutes, the woman has begins the tactics of proper breathing. A deep breath alternates with a slow exhalation. The child is moving "to freedom", the pressure is felt on the pelvic bottom. If a woman gives birth in water, the liquid smoothes the manifestation of pain.

The baby's head appears, then the shoulders and the whole body. The process goes quickly, mom takes a child in his arms, applies to himself. A little time on vacation, then the placenta comes out with a powerful push. Woman cuts the umbilical cord. Further actions are dictated by surrounding conditions. If there is water nearby, the woman in labor wakes up the baby, wraps the baby into the cooked fabric.

When the generic activity takes place in vivo, the presence of a near close person is very important. Mom will be psychologically calm. The child, appearing on the light, will see both parents at once. Act "Imprinting" will occur. The word "family" will be not just sound, but one whole on the deep, spiritual level.

One woman from Australia decided to demonstrate to all mankind that body opportunities are completely enough to give birth to a child.

In this article you will learn about it all!

Despite the fact that the United States is the richest country in the world, which spends billions of dollars on health care, yet, people do not always receive proper care.

On every 1000 gods account for 6 infant deaths. It is almost 3 times more than in Finland or Japan.

Another problem is a caesarean section: each 3rd fever is exposed to this test.

As you know, this method is applied only in the extreme case.

Another study showed that childbirth may have a number of side effects.

It leads the following numbers: the possibility of cesarean section, when a woman gives birth to a hospital - 31%, while at home this figure is 5.2%.

In women who give birth at home, there are fewer cases of episiotone, Pitocin, and only 1% of children born at home were urgently delivered to the hospital.

Another study conducted in the Netherlands found that children born with the help of cesarean cross-section more often have problems with intestinal bacteria and with a decrease in the level of useful bacteria.

"In the first hours of his birth, babies face a huge number of bacteria. However, some of them are useful and contribute to the healthy development of the gastrointestinal tract, "say scientists.

Some scientists note: in order to avoid damage to the internal organs, you need to follow the signals of your own body, and not listen to the commands of doctors and constantly stumbling.

Calm and unnewned vagabal labor retains health to women in labor. Consequently, the need for seams is disappeared.

Some researchers note that in many hospital institutions, a cesarean section is carried out without extreme necessity. And this is very harmful to health.

According to the Global Medical Center, the Hife must be responsible for his childbirth. This reduces the risk of receiving infections that can be distributed in the hospital.

Most likely, childbirth at home strengthen the child's health, because It is born at the desired dates, and not at the discretion of the obstetrician.

This mother from Australia decided to demonstrate how to give birth in natural conditions.

"This was my long-standing dream," says this woman. Once she walked into the Daitree Forest, in the northeast of Australia, and noticed there a wonderful stream. "It was the cleanest and amazing river, which I have ever seen."

Her contractions began at night. Up to 10 in the morning she remained in the bathhouse of his garden, then went to this stream.

While the children played near, she lay on the rug next to the water. Births went very quickly: by 10:50 in the morning she had already held her girl in her arms.