Calculator calculating weight during pregnancy. What should be the rate of weight during pregnancy

Most pregnant people think that they should eat for two so that the child will grow normally and develop. However, this is not the case: women in the Regulations are required to eat correctly so that the croche is provided with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. And at the same time do not necessarily eat all day. Compliance with balanced nutrition helps the child grow strong and healthy, and the woman dial only the required kilograms. What is it, a minimum weight gain during pregnancy for weeks.

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Indicators in norm

How to calculate a woman weight gain during pregnancy. To evaluate this indicator and find out if this value is the norm, it is required to know your own index.

It is with his help that will be calculated. It is necessary to build their own growth in the squareAnd then body weight is divided into the number previously obtained.

The formula looks like this: i (index) \u003d m/h2,

where M is denotes a body weight in kilograms, H is the growth of a woman in meters.

Thus, as a result, certain conclusions can be made.

Decoding results:

  • the index is less than 18.5 - this indicator is deficient;
  • level 18.5-25 is considered optimal;
  • 25-30 - indicates an excessive mass;
  • more than 30 indicates excessive weight.

A graph of weight recruitment during pregnancy must be respected by a woman who is carrying a child. Excess or insufficient mass of the baby threaten the worsening of its growth and the development of congenital diseases. The optimal body weight comes from the index, which was observed in the patient before conception.

To find out how much you can dial kg during baby tooling, a table can help:

To understand whether you have a normal body weight on weeks, we can use the weight calculator during pregnancy. This device will help constantly monitor the development of the baby.

Attention! The numbers shown in the table should always be in sight of the patient to conduct daily control, especially in 1 and 2 trimesters.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy on the calculator is not convenient to everyone, so doctors made a special table, thanks to which women manage to always maintain their own organism in strict form, non-compliance with which can cause problems with the development of the fetus.

As you can gain weights for pregnancy - Table:

A week Optimal indicator
2 0,5
4 0,7
6 1
8 1,2
10 1,3
12 1,5
14 1,9
16 2,3
18 3,6
20 4,8
22 5,7
24 6,4
26 7,7
28 8,2
30 9,1
32 10
34 10,9
36 11,8
38 12,7
40 13,6

Important! Sometimes these results can be more or less by 0.5 kg, it all depends on the patient's body features.

The main thing is that every week an indicator at least a little increased in order to know for sure about the healthy and full-fledged development of crumbs.

Thanks to the table of weight gain during pregnancy for weeks, it is possible to find out exactly how much woman

it is possible to recover within a certain period in order not to harm the child's condition and your own well-being.

The necessary mass of the body in each case is considered an individual, but still the minimum indicator woman to achieve.

How weight grows

When the weight gain is occurring during pregnancy. Usually a noticeable increase in mass is observed to achieve 20 weeks, although, as can be seen from the table, it can increase already Shortly after conception.

What makes weight during pregnancy. Its gain is made up of several factors.

Interesting!How to accept: Instructions for use during pregnancy

They are rather rational indicators, namely:

  • 3 kg - child (last month);
  • 0.5 kg - chest;
  • 2 kg - water accumulated by the body;
  • 1 kg - an octoplodic liquid in which the crumb is located;
  • kilogram - uterus;
  • 500 grams of the placenta;
  • 1.5 liters occupy blood (reserve) necessary for the full functioning of the child's body;
  • 4 kg fat, delayed organisms from which it will take useful substances if they are lacking in nutrition.

Usually, the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is equal to such indicators, but sometimes additional kilograms give fat or edema. If this happens, the doctor will appoint a woman a diet, where the optimal amount of water and food will be.

How to correctly calculate the mass of the body of a woman in the position. Exactly can only do a doctor when will To inspect the patient. If she does not figure out how to follow their own kilograms, the gynecologist will help her solve the problem. The body weight is important at, as it can determine the condition of the child and in time to notice developing intrauterine diseases.

Causes of deviations

If a woman is wondering how much you can gain kg during pregnancy, it is recommended to focus on and why they are recruited quickly or, on the contrary, slowly.

This happens for a number of reasons.

The rapid set of kg, which begins when entering the fetus, significantly complicates the process, as the woman needs to wear not only "itself", but also a child.

Even if such an indicator does not exceed the permissible rate, and the patient feels fine, It still negatively affects the state of the mother, since high indicators do not better affect the state of the gastrointestinal organs, heart, liver.

But their work is divided into two organisms, so it is not known whether they can cope with high loads. In this case, for a woman, a strict diet is needed, which will help to normalize the state and relieve mom from edema.

It will be much worse than those women who are constantly gaining extra kg. They will significantly harm the work of the internal organs, not allowing them to fully work. The rapid set of kilograms causes prosthetics, which adversely affects the development of the fetus. To normalize the indicators, you need to sit on the diet and carefully monitor the amount of food received.

If pregnant fails to normalize the indicators, then it leads to problems with the state of the baby or causes congenital anomalies. After all, the mother is not able to provide a small organism with vitamins and other useful components. Insufficient amount of beneficial substances leads to a violation of the formation of the child's bodies and its systems, Often causes miscarriage.

Reflecting on how to gain weight during pregnancy, it is worth considering the recommendations of the doctor, since a specialist calculates the optimal mass of strictly individually.

Special cases

The weight gain during the extension of the fetus also depends on the number of children in the womb.

Sometimes with the help of ultrasound, you can diagnose 2 or more embryos, which as they grow and develop will constantly add kg.

As a rule, during the toasting of two or more children, the future mother is required to fit into the frame from 16 to 21 kilograms.

At the same time, it is not necessary to limit itself, as nutrition and useful components must be enough for two kids. Usually, with multiple tooling, vitamins and useful additives are assigned to the patient, capable of providing toddlers with all the necessary vitamins.

Important! Doctors argue that for the second and subsequent pregnancy can be gained by 2-3 kilograms. This is considered the norm.

It is recommended to use an online calculatorthat will allow you to reveal an excessive set of kg or their non-owner. Strict observance of the norm will make it possible to carry and give birth to a healthy baby without health problems. Otherwise, a child can identify innate diseases or other health problems.

Useful video: Weight set during pregnancy, norm

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During pregnancy, the body of the future mother spares fat tissue. She protects the baby from the cold and external physical factors. Normal weight gain during pregnancy is about 10-15 kilograms. They also include the mass of the fetus, its shells and amniotic fluid.

During the battery period, a woman is recommended to comply with a diet and not exceed the daily calorie rate. Overeating and hypodynamia contribute to obesity. It increases the load on the musculoskeletal, urinary and cardiovascular system of the future mother, increasing the risk of sugar diabetes, atherosclerosis and a number of other, no less serious diseases.

Body mass index

Body mass index or dam - An indicator reflecting the combination of body weight to human growth. With it, the doctor can determine if the patient has obesity or weight deficit.

The calculation of the body mass index is made by dividing the mass in kilograms per square square in meters. The resulting indicator should be equal to the two-digit number by which the result is determined.

The normal value of the CMT is considered from 18 to 25. Such numbers are talking about the good physique and the absence of health risk. The value of BMI is less than 18 corresponds to a body weight deficit. This figure indicates an increased risk of dystrophy development, anemia, cachexia.

The indicator of BMI, which flows from 25 to 30 is a border situation in which the patient has an increased body weight, but it is not considered obesity yet. People with such an index value must try to lose weight.

Attention! Normally, in the entire pregnancy, a woman with a shortage of weight should dial no more than 18 kilograms, with a normal mass indicator - no more than 15 kilograms, with obesity - no more than 9 kilograms.

BMI over 30 speaks about the presence of obesity. The higher the degree of indicator, the stronger the profit profits in humans is expressed. People with a body mass index of more than 30 have an increased risk of diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction and other diseases.

The calculation of the body mass index does not have prognostic value for people who have over-development muscles. The value of BMI in athletes may exceed 25, but it will not talk about the increased weight of the body. This feature is due to the fact that muscle fabric weighs much more than fat.

Also, the body mass index is not credible in young children, in patients with amputated limbs and pregnant women. In predictive purposes, the meaning of a woman is used during the bearings of the kid to conceive. Using the calculation of the body mass index, the doctor can learn a normal increase in weight on each period of pregnancy.

Distribution of increase

It is an erroneous view that the weight gain during pregnancy is associated only with a mass of the fetus and fat deposition. In fact, in this indicator several factors include:

Fetus. The baby picks up the mass from the first week of pregnancy. However, a significant increase in its weight is observed in the third trimester. To this period, all organs and systems of the future child are formed, he begins to prepare for the emergence of the growth and set of mass. Usually by the time of birth, children weigh from 2500 to 4000 grams.

Occople water. Amniotic fluid is the habitat of the future child. Its quantity increases in proportion to the toddler's growth of about the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy, reaching 2-2.5 kilograms. After that, the volume of accumulating waters gradually decreases. By the time of the child's birth, the amount of amniotic fluid reaches 1.2-1.5 kilograms.

Uterus. To pregnancy, its size does not exceed 8 centimeters. During the toasting, the kid of the uterus increases 500 times, its muscle fibers are hypertrophy. By the end of pregnancy, the body weight can reach 1000-1200 grams.

Placenta and fetal shells. These structures also grow with the baby. The greater the mass of the child, the hardest and large placenta and an amniotic bubble. By the time of delivery, the weight of the last is about 500 grams.

Mammary gland. Influenced by the sex hormones of estrogen and prolactin there is an increase in breast. It is achieved by the growth of gravel ducts. Breast swelling begins with the first week of pregnancy. By the end of the period of tooling, the mass of the mammary glands increases by 500 grams.

Intravascular liquid. During pregnancy, the mother's cardiovascular system works "for two", since the baby's nutrition depends on its operation. The future child requires intensive blood supply, which is why in the body of the future mother there is an increase in the amount of blood. This change occurs in the middle of the beating period. By the end of the pregnancy, an increase in the volume of intravascular fluid is about 1200-1500 grams.

Edema. In the last trimester of the child tooling period, an increase in the load on the urinary system of the future mother is observed. The kidney women do not have time to recycle due amount of fluid, which falls into the intercellular space. Normally, by the end of pregnancy, the mass of edema should not exceed 2-3 kilograms.

Fat. His deposition is considered to be a physiological reaction of the organism of the mother during pregnancy. However, a normal weight gain due to adipose tissue should not exceed 4-5 kilograms.

Important facts about raising weight during pregnancy

Graph of weight recruitment during pregnancy

To determine the physiological increase, a woman should know his BMI to pregnancy. With a lack of body weight, a normal increase in weight is more than that of future mothers with the right physique. Also, women with elevated BMI should score fewer kilograms compared to pregnant women with a standard figure.

When entering twins, the normal weight gain is significantly higher than when ordinary pregnancy. To calculate the rate of weight set, the future mother can take advantage of a special table, where values \u200b\u200bindicate a possible increase in kg:

Mass deficiency before pregnancy

Normal mass to pregnancy

Excessive mass before pregnancy

Cheating twins

Overweight during pregnancy

Excessive weight gain during the breaking period of the child is the risk factor of certain diseases. Sometimes an increase in body weight is associated with the development of edema. Most often, this situation is observed at the end of pregnancy, but sometimes stagnant fluid occurs in the second trimester.

Massive edema are one of the signs of a dangerous complication of pregnancy - gestational arterial hypertension. This disease is characterized by an increase in blood pressure, the advent of the protein in the overall analysis of urine and the loss of fluid in the interstitial space.

If a woman observes swelling, spreading above the ankles, or on the upper limbs and face, she should contact a specialist. Gestational arterial hypertension is characterized by a stagnation of fluid, not passing by the morning.

Overweight during pregnancy is a risk factor for the development of gestational diabetes. The disease is characterized by an increase in serum glucose. Gestational diabetes can provoke fetal hypertrophy.

Pathological gain in weight enhances the load on the musculoskeletal system. Due to the strong pressure on the spine, the chance of the occurrence of pain in the back, osteochondrosis, hernia of the lumbar department increases.

The excessive weight gain can cause the complications of generic activities. Full women are much more often observed primary and secondary weakness of kits and fence. Also, extra kilograms can provoke leading to the hypoxia of the fetus.

To reduce weight during pregnancy, several rules should be followed. It is impossible to very strictly limit yourself in food, because an unbalanced diet is the cause of pathologies by the fetus.

A pregnant woman should be powered by a fractional and small portions of 5-6 times a day. The future mother is recommended to exclude flour, oily, fried, smoked. Woman should try not to overeat, stop meals after saturation.

Also in order to reduce the weight, the future mother should keep prevention of constipation. Stagnation of fenders worsens the metabolism and contributes to the deposition of unnecessary kilograms. To prevent and treat constipation of pregnant women, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of pure water a day, use dried fruits, white cabbage, plum, apricots.

Once in one or two weeks it is useful to arrange a unloading day. During him, a pregnant woman should not be starved, she should draw up a menu from fresh vegetables and fruits, kefir and cottage cheese. Also in the diet of the unloading day, a buckwheat and rice croup can be included.

Insufficient weight during pregnancy

Weight deficit during pregnancy is a dangerous state for the health of the future child. With an insufficient diet, the kid does not receive all the necessary vitamins, proteins and minerals. The lack of nutrients in the diet of the future mother contributes to the intrauterine delay in the growth and development of the fetus, the pathologies of its nervous system and anemia.

With a lack of weight gain, a woman is recommended to slightly increase the calorie content of the diet. However, the diet should not include harmful products - semi-finished products, chips, mayonnaise, fast food. To enhance the energy value of the menu, nuts, galley cookies, olive and butter should be used.

Quite often, the lack of mass in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with. To combat the future mother, it is recommended to have breakfast, without getting out of bed, consuming enough water, often snack.

During toxicosis, many women helps to eat mint, lemon, orange, crackers, sour cream, bananas. If the future mother is bothering vomiting for more than 5 times a day, she should consult a doctor.

Sugar diabetes and pregnancy

If the future mother has diabetes mellitus of the first type, when drafting, it should be consulted with a doctor. The specialist determines the necessary dose of insulin, depending on the period of pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes mellitus is a complication of pregnancy, after delivery, the amount of glucose in the blood is normalized. When identifying this pathology of the future mother, you should carefully plan your daily diet.

The choice of products for diabetes mellitus should be based on the number of "bread units". The future mother should exclude food rich in fast carbohydrates - candy, flour, chocolate, potatoes, rice, sweet vegetables and fruits.

Weight control and diet

Careful weight control during the baby tooling warns dangerous complications. To track the increase in body weight, it is recommended to conduct a schedule according to the pregnancy calendar. A woman needs to be weighed at least once a week in the morning after emptying the bladder and intestines. The obtained values \u200b\u200bshould be entered into the chart opposite the length of the hatching.

Smooth gain throughout the pregnancy is considered the norm. Pregnant woman should alert the following indicators:

  • set more than 2 kilograms per week on any gestation period;
  • any decrease in body weight in a week on any gestation period;
  • set of more than 4 kilograms for the first trimester;
  • set more than 1,500 grams in one month of the second trimester;
  • set more than 0.8 kilograms per week in the third trimester.
Diet during pregnancy should include a sufficient amount of protein food - meat, fish, birds, eggs, dairy products. Also, the future mother should use the beneficial carbohydrates contained in the croups, vegetables, fruits and berries. To fill the fat shortage of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to include nuts and vegetable oils in the diet.

An exemplary daily diet for normal weight gain is as follows:

  • 8:00. 100 grams of cottage cheese 3%, banana.
  • 11:00. Omelet from 2 eggs, 200 grams of fresh tomato salad and cucumbers with vegetable oil.
  • 14:00. 150 grams of baked chicken breast, 150 boiled buckwheat cereals, a piece of rye bread.
  • 16:00. 200 grams of casserole from zucchini and potatoes, 2 apricots.
  • 18:00. 150 boiled fish, 200 grams of boiled rice cereals, a piece of rye bread.
  • 21:00. 1 apple, 250 grams of kefir 1%.

130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230

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2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Your result

A set of each extra kilogram is very painful perceived by the majority of women. But there is a period in life when the weight gain does not avoid - this is a period of pregnancy. There is a certain rate of weight gain, and significant deviations from it in one or the other side can harm both the woman itself and her child. Is it possible to calculate the norm on their own, and how to keep the figure during pregnancy and at the same time not harm the baby - the answers to these questions will allow each woman to discard extra experiences.

What is the number of kilograms gained from

Most experts tend to believe that ideally a woman should recover at 10-14 kg. But this does not mean that each should and can meet these borders. These indicators are medium, and the norm for each particular woman may differ somewhat. The number of kilograms that can be typed for the entire pregnancy period affect certain factors:

How to calculate the rate of weight gain for yourself

First of all, learning about his interesting position, a woman must know how much it weighs and fix this indicator. It will be the starting point for the subsequent calculation of the addition. Each pregnant when registering in the female consultation passes the ritual of weighing on the existing scales. Subsequently, this procedure will be carried out at each visit to his doctor, and the changes are fixed in the card.
However, to obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to have own scales at home and carry out weighing for all the rules:
  • Weigh on the same scales. Different scales may have a small error in one direction or the other side, therefore it is better to have some scales for which they fix their changes. As for the scales in the female consultation, even if they are alone, then after hundreds of pregnant women who will stretch on them, they can also be insignificant (for several grams) to distort the information.
  • Weighing it is necessary in the morning in front of breakfast. The rate of weight gain, given in any source, is usually calculated on weekly pregnancy, so it is enough to weigh once a week.
  • Weighing follows in the same clothes, and if there is such an opportunity, then without it. It is the error with clothes most often not taken into account in women's consultation. It is one thing to weigh in the sundress and slippers and completely different - in denim overalls and shoes.

Weighing results must be recorded in a notebook to be able to compare and compare them with the norm. The second indicator that the woman needs to calculate the rate of weight gain is the body mass index. It can also be calculated independently: it is necessary to divide his weight in kilograms to the value of growth in the square (the growth is taken in meters). The resulting value must be compared with the table: Stripping from the results obtained sets the rate of increases for the period of pregnancy:
For convenience, in calculations, you can use the online weight gain calculator during pregnancy. It will help calculate normal weight values \u200b\u200bfor weeks.

Is it possible to regulate your weight during pregnancy

The question of how to keep the figure during pregnancy is interested in all women. To respond to it, it is necessary to understand how the scheduling weight is distributed during pregnancy:
  • Fruit - 3 - 4 kg.
  • Placenta - 0.5 kg.
  • The uterus is 1 kg.
  • The accumulative liquid is 1 kg.
  • Blood - 1, 5 kg.
  • Water in the body of a woman - up to 2 kg.
  • Fat deposits of the mother - 3 - 4 kg.

As can be seen, directly on the fat mass falls not so much. And if you do not overeat and follow your health during pregnancy, then after childbirth, weight loss to their normal parameters will not be a lot of work. Despite the fact that a pregnant woman needs to eat well, it does not mean that it should eat "for two."
In fact, for the normal development of pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the number of calories in the first trimester for 200 units, and in the following - by 300.
If you want to navigate the weeks, then the weight during pregnancy is not evenly recruited. For the first three months of pregnancy, there is no significant increase, the woman is gaining up to 2 kg, depending on its original parameters. Early toxicosis can be played in this not a small role, because of which the appetite may disappear.
A noticeable weight leaving occurs after 20 weeks, and over the next week, a woman can add an average of up to 300 g every week. In the third trimester, after care to decree, this indicator may increase to 400 g per week. And only by 9 months it is possible to lose weight about 1 kg associated with the preparation of the body towards childbirth.
From weight gain during pregnancy directly depends on the state of the health of the future kid, as well as the course of childbirth.
To keep your weight in the norm, a woman should calculate how much extra kilograms she can afford. With proper nutrition and lifestyle, it will not be much difficult to get rid of overweight after childbirth. And during the pregnancy of experiences about their figures should go to the background. After all, as they say: "Pregnancy to the face!"

Pregnancy is a very exciting and responsible period in the life of a woman. After all, at this time it is responsible not only for himself, but also for his future baby. So many factors need to be considered! And very many moments relating to their own well-being and health, you need to keep on control. Some of them, for example, the presence or absence of nausea, dizziness, pain in the stomach, are extremely subjective. But at the same time, there are those that can be considered objectively. This also includes the weight of a pregnant woman for weeks - the calculator, presented below, easily cope with this task using the data you entered. He will show what the body mass index is and what should be the increase and, accordingly, the weight, by a certain week of pregnancy.

To obtain the result, fill in all fields.

Now, when there are ready-made numbers, they can be compared with the real state of affairs: is your weight indicator normal? However, even knowing whether this indicator is laid in the framework or not, it is necessary to understand why these norms are needed. Take this and talk in the article.

Weight gain in pregnant women

We all know that in the process of tooling the baby, the mass of the body should grow. And it is natural, because the new organism is growing inside the woman. However, the indicators are changed not only by the mass of the fetus. What else adds a woman in the position of kilograms?

  • Future kid (about 3.5 kg);
  • growing uterus (approximately 1 kg);
  • placenta (more than 600 g);
  • oily water (almost 1 kg);
  • fetal shells, umbilical cord (250 g);
  • added amount of blood (1.2 kg);
  • growth of the mammary glands (0.5 kg);
  • fat fabric (2.5 kg);
  • intercellular liquid (2.7 kg).

It turns out about 13 kg. The upper limit of the norm is an increase of 14 kg. If a woman before pregnancy had a mass deficit or waiting for twins, then another 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bcan be added to this figure.

As you know, pregnancy "divide" for periods. So, conventionally speaking, the unit on which the term is considered is a week. All indicators that need to be monitored are attached to 7 days. Why so why not by month? The fact is that for the week the fruit "overcomes" a whole step of its development. The weight of pregnant on weeks - the calculator is also focused on this period of time. The weeks, in turn, are combined into trimesters. From 1 to 13 week the first trimester flows, from 14 to 27 - second, from 28 to 42 - the third.

The calculation of the weight during pregnancy is made with the meaning that the fruit itself develops evenly and measured, but all other elements are not. This means that the gain will not be the same throughout the duration of the baby to wear, but they vary from trimester to the trimester.

In the first 13 weeks, the digit on the scales should not significantly increase. Every week a woman with a normal CMT should be added on average for 125-150 g. But in the earliest period, the gain can be only 50-80 g, and by the end of 1 trimester - for example, 200g. The most "fruitful" trimester is the second. Every week a woman can recruit up to 400 g per week. Whereas in the third trimester for a month you can score a maximum of 1 kg. Thus, in the first half of the waiting period of the child, the future mother will take 40% of the total mass of the body, and for the second - 60%.

Chance or weight loss in pregnant women

Sometimes when trying to check the weight of a pregnant woman for weeks, the calculator gives the figure greater than it actually is. In this case, we are talking about the ability of body weight. Why can this be?

First, there are physiological reasons. For example, a small fruit (if dad is 1.5 m in growth and mom 1.40 m, you should not wait for a child-giant), respectively, it weighs less than 3.5 kg. The volume of blood may increase not so much, the placenta is also easier. Therefore, if the mother and baby feel good, the development of the fetus on the ultrasound is consistent with the obstetric period of pregnancy, the child does not experience oxygen starvation - to worry about what. There are no reasons for concern and in the event that a woman has had an increased mass before the child's waiting. It may not add kilograms until the second half of the first trimester. The absence of a set and even some weight loss is even good in this situation.

But it happens that the shortage of weight is a sign of one or another pathology:

  • strong beds in the early stages (in simple - toxicosis), when a woman often tears, she cannot eat normally. In this case, it is even a sharp weight loss. This condition is dangerous both for the most future mommy and for her crumb;
  • malnutrition;
  • measuring pregnancy.

The first and third paragraph require the hospitalization of the future mother to the obstetric department of the pathology of the early terms. And if gestosis is removed by progesterone and antiemetic drugs, as well as supporting treatment, then a frasonal pregnancy, unfortunately, will have to be aborted. Malnutrition is adjusted by a diet.

Excessive weight during pregnancy

But the exceeding indicators is always not very good. On the one hand, again, it can be caused by physiological causes, for example, a large fruit (more than 4 kg). However, even in this case, most of what pregnant can afford - to gain 15 kg.

Among the pathological causes of excess weight:

  1. Edema. This phenomenon is developing quite often during the waiting period of the child. It is associated with a slowdown of blood current due to the relocation of many vessels of a growing uterus and an increased burden burden. However, they should not linger for a long time. If they are presented, the obstetrician-gynecologist recommends soft preparations, often films that will help you get rid of them. But swelling in the third trimester is a reason to beat the alarm! Especially if they are combined with elevated arterial pressure and the presence of protein in urine analysis. These signs can be a heavy state signals - preeclampsia. Immediate hospitalization and urgent delivery is required.
  2. Thyroid problems. Often hormonal disorders cause extra kilograms. And during the period of the child's waiting, the existing pathology can give themselves to know. Especially dangerous for pregnant diabetes. Among other things, it "gives" extra kilograms, and not only due to the high mass of the fetus, but also due to the increase in adipose tissue, etc.
  3. Overbinding and a sedentary lifestyle. It is believed that a pregnant woman should not refuse to eat. Bananas with mayonnaise and potatoes at 3 o'clock in the morning? You are welcome! 5 kg of ice cream? Easy! But it's completely wrong! And if the future motley really will eat so much, then problems are possible. Her mass will differ significantly from the norms in which the weight of pregnant women should be laid, the calculator will be "merciless".

A quick set of kilograms is not useful. This may negatively affect the cardiovascular system, kidneys. A woman becomes hard to breathe, you want to move even less, the mood deteriorates. And what could be "unstable" pregnant, and even a frustrated woman?

On the question of what is worse is a bust or chance of mass, to answer quite difficult. But I tend to the fact that all the same bust. This situation negatively affects all organs and systems of women who are already exposed to significant overload. In childbirth, the weakness of generic activity may be observed, often the date of the delivery is delayed, and the fruit is born transferred.

Women diet during the waiting period

In order for the weight of a pregnant woman in norm, it is necessary to observe several power rules:

In addition, it is certainly a moderate physical exertion to give the body. Of course, no one will put the "lady in the position" on the treadmill. But you need to walk, move, useful to dance, engage in special gymnastics. And if this is not done, then the meter of weights inexorably crawling up.

Thus, the body weight indicator for weeks is a very important figure throughout the life of the child's waiting. It will help to calculate the weight of a pregnant woman for weeks a calculator, issuing a normal indicator. Remember that the presence of inconsistencies may indicate not only the individual characteristics, but also about the pathological condition. Selfless or massive mass can cause complications during pregnancy, so it is necessary to follow kilograms on the scales.

Often you can hear that a pregnant woman needs to eat for two. From the point of view of medicine, this statement has nothing to do with the truth. There are two - this means to quickly gain a mass of the body. And during the tooling of the baby, extra kilograms are an additional burden on the maternal organism and high risks of complications. What proper to be a normal increase in weight in different periods of pregnancy, we will tell in this material.

Why is the weight grow during pregnancy?

Weight in pregnancy - the criterion is quite individual. In some women, it in the first and third trimesters can decrease if, for example, a strong toxicosis is observed. Others - weight is constantly growing. Initially, the weight of the future mother depends on its body body and body weight before pregnancy.

In the ladies suffering from obesity, the total weight gain during pregnancy can be twice as smaller than the total increase in slender subtitle girls.

Weight in one degree or another during the launching of the child grows constantly. However, the mass of the body of newborn boys and girls on average is the same - from 3000 to 4000 grams. It depends little on how many women scored for pregnancy - 5 or 15 kilograms. Different additions are an individual trait of future mothers.

The growth of body weight is made up of several components:

  • Kid. His weight is about a third of the whole mother's increase. Usually babies are born with weight from 2500 to 4000 grams.
  • Placenta. On average, about 5% in total pregnant weight is given to the "kindergarten". The placenta usually weighs about a half-kilogram - from 400 to 600 grams.
  • Amniotic fluid. Waters in which the baby floats, the third trimester reach weights in half a kilogram. True, closer to childbirth, their number decreases, as well as weight. The mass of ammunition is about ten percent of the total gain.
  • Uterus. The main reproductive body of a woman is consistently growing so that the baby can fit in it to the birth. The weight of the uterus by the end of the hatching time reaches a whole kilogram, and it is about 10% of the total increase.

  • Chest. The female breast begins to undergo changes from the very first weeks of pregnancy, and it is most often significantly increased due to the increasing iron tissue. Women easier to imagine these changes in volume.

But we are talking about the mass, and therefore it is worth taken into account that the weight of the grudge breast is on average about 600 grams, it is about 2-3% of the total weight gain of the future mother.

  • Blood volume. In the body of a pregnant woman, the volume of free circulating blood increased by about 2 times compared to women non-deaths. On average, the weight of the blood pumped the heart of the future mother is about one and a half kilograms.
  • Fluids of cell and intercellular. Their mass in the body of the future mother can approach 2 kilograms. And together with the volume of blood, which we talked above, the liquids make up about a quarter of the entire weight gain.
  • Fat stocks. The body pregnant in advance begins to take care of postpone fat as an energy source for upcoming birth and postpartum period. Fat in the body of the future mother is postponed about 3-4 kilograms, which is about 30% of the total weight gain.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 07/27 January 31 January 31, 18 April May June July July August 2013 December 2020 2019

Changes in body weight

The dynamics of the growth of body weight of pregnant Nonodynakov in different times:

  • For the first half of the hatching period, a woman is on average gaining about 40% of the total gain.
  • For the second half of pregnancy, the increase is about 60% of the total number of kilograms acquired for the entire dentition of the child.

In the early stages for the accumulation of fat corresponds to the hormone progesterone. It launches in the body of a future mother a lot of processes aimed at preserving and further development of the embryo. The creation of a fat "stock" is also one of the mechanisms for the preservation and well-being of the fetus.

In the second trimester, the placenta is actively growing and developing, the number of circulating blood increases, which invariably leads to an increase in body weight. Even if in the first trimester there was a decrease in weight due to toxicosis and the absence of appetite, in the middle of pregnancy, when the nausea subsides, the woman will be able to gain everything that was not scored in earlier timing.

In the third trimester, the number of accumulating waters begins to decrease, but the weight continues to arrive due to the fact that the child is actively adding in its own mass. Only in the last two or three weeks the weight begins to decrease somewhat, because the child has already gained its weight, and the amount of amniotic fluid has reached its minimum. In addition, the body is pregnant begins to physiologically prepare for childbirth, on the natural level, free from all too much, which can interfere with it in the process of childbirth.

Prostinal norms - how to calculate?

A normal increase depends on what weight was a woman before pregnancy. For a woman with their own normal weight, an increase is considered from 10 to 15 kilograms for the entire length of wear. If a woman has slightly exceeded their own weight, its normal increase can be considered weight not exceeding 11 kilograms. In women with obesity for nine months, mass should increase no more than 7-8 kilograms.

The doctor who will take into account all the factors affecting the weight of this future mother - its complex, the presence of multiple pregnancy, etc. will help to make it possible to make an individual gain.

On average, the first trimester is the rate of 200 grams per week. Up to 12 weeks, the weight of a woman should increase the maximum of 3-4 kilograms. In the second trimester, when the appetite is improved, and toxicosis, if it was, retreating, the increase is more intense - up to 400 grams per week. At the very end of pregnancy, an increase is usually not more than 100-150 grams per week.

During the first visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, when a woman comes up for registration, its growth and weight will be measured.

If the future mother knows its parameters before pregnancy, you must report them to a doctor.

Based on these two values, the doctor will calculate the BMI (body mass index), which will allow to judge the correct or excessive weight gain during the whole pregnancy. The body mass index is the weight that was divided into growth in the square.

For example, the weight of a woman is 55 kilograms, and its height is 1 meter 60 centimeters. Calculations will look like this: 55 / (1.6 ^ 2). It turns out that the BMI of this woman is approximately 21.5. This corresponds to normal weight, and the increase of 10-13 kilograms in this case will not be considered pathological.

Depending on how the BMI will succeed, the maximum allowable absorption limit is installed:

  • BMI below is 18.5 - insufficient weight, such a woman has a weight gain during pregnancy can reach up to 18 kilograms, and it will be quite normal;
  • BMI from 18.5 to 25 - normal weight, an increase can be from 10 to 15 kilograms;
  • BMI from 25 to 30 - excess weight, the increase should not exceed 9-10 kilograms;
  • The BMI from 30 and above is obesity, and the weight gain is higher than 7 kilograms for the entire toal period will be considered pathology.

If a woman does not carry one kid, but twin or triple, then the add-on norms will be completely different in comparison with one-lodge pregnancy.

Prostinal norms for the entire period - Table:

When calculating the individual norm, various female consultations use different norms of real-grade ratio with body mass index. We above reviewed the most popular evaluation system. However, in some consultations, the doctor uses a different system, international according to which BMI below 19.8 is considered normal weight, above 19.8 to 26 - overweight, and above 26 - obesity.

The body mass index itself is calculated in the same way as described above. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to calculate an individual increase for weeks and months. Depending on which the system was calculated by the BMI, the rates of increases may look like that.

Table of accommodation for weeks by different calculations BMI:

Term of gestation, week

BMI less than 18.5 (kg)

BMI from 18.5 to 25 (kg)

BMI over 30 (kg)

BMI less 19.8 (kg)

BMI from 19.8 to 26 (kg)

BMI over 26 (kg)

No more than 3,3.

No more than 2.6

No more than 1,2

No more than 3.6

No more than 3.

Not more than 1,4.

No more than 4,1

No more than 3.5

Not more than 1,8.

No more than 4.6

Not more than 4.

No more than 2,3.

No more than 5.3

No more than 4.9

No more than 2.6

Not more than 6.

No more than 5.8.

No more than 2.9

No more than 6.6

No more than 6.4

No more than 3.1

No more than 7,2

No more than 7.0

No more than 3,4.

Not more than7.9

No more than 7.8.

No more than 3.6

No more than 8.6

Not more than 8.5

No more than 3.9

Not more than 9.3.

Not more than 9.3.

No more than 4,4.

Not more than 10.

Not more than 10.

No more than 5.

No more than 11.8.

No more than 10.5

No more than 5.2.

Not more than 13.

Not more than 11.

No more than 5.4

No more than 13.5

No more than 11.5

No more than 5.7

Not more than 14.

Not more than 12.

No more than 5.9

No more than 14.5

No more than 12.5

No more than 6,1

Not more than 15.

Not more than 13.

No more than 6.4

Not more than 16.

Not more than 14.

No more than 7.3.

No more than 17.

Not more than 15.

No more than 7.9

Not more than 18.

Not more than 16.

No more than 8.9

Not more than 18.

Not more than 16.

Not more than 9,1

According to this table, a woman with any body mass index, no matter how the way it is given to him, will simply understand how much it should add in weight to weeks and months.

However, the specified values \u200b\u200bare only basic, averaged, demonstrating the rate of weight gain with different body mass of the body of the future mother before pregnancy.

The rate of weight gain in each particular case is individual, and only attentive observation of its dynamics allows the doctor to judge whether everything is in order with the future mother and her baby, there is no pathology of pregnancy.

How to control?

The dynamics of changes in the body mass of the future mother are monitored with each planning visit to the doctor in women's consultation. And here, the future mothers arise a lot of questions related to the fact that weighing in the office shows not the numbers such as home scales.

Women should surely take into account that they are weighed at home in the minimum number of clothes, whereas in the consultation they are dressed and shod, so an experienced doctor will always make an amendment on the outfit pregnant.

In addition, weighing with all the visible lightness of this procedure requires proper preparation, otherwise the scales in the female consultation will be shown weight exceeding the real, and quite essentially. Before weighing at home yourself or go to the reception to the akuster-gynecologist, the woman should remember the rules of the right weighing:

  • it is best to weigh in the first half of the day;
  • with home weighing, it is necessary to measure the same day every week, so the dynamics will be more apparent;
  • it is desirable to measure an empty stomach;
  • home weighing is carried out in a minimum number of clothes, you can - naked;
  • before weighing, it is necessary to go to the toilet and save the bladder from urine, and the intestines from the accumulated carts.

If these scales in women's consultation are more than a kilogram, differ from home measurements, a woman must be able to start a calendar in which it will indicate its gain, measured by all the rules at home.

Calendar can be taken with me to receive and show a doctor. In a medical map of a pregnant doctor, each method will draw the weight gain graph. The same woman can draw and independently at home, it will help you to notice the periods in time when the future mother begins to dial up too much, the periods when the weight stops or starts falling. The uneven schedule is always an alarming sign that needs to be discussed with the attending physician.

Strong and sharp increase can talk about the beginning of gestosis, the appearance of internal edema, which are not visible with external inspection. If the weight grows slowly, changes little not only for weeks, but also by months, it can talk about various pathologies in the development of a child, placenta, reducing the number of accumulating waters and other unpleasant processes.

What is dangerous rapid weight gain?

As we have already found out, the norms are individual, but the pace of weight gain is of great importance. Even if the woman has a weight during weighing, which the table fits into the norm of the norm, but just a week ago, the weight lagged a lot, then such an increase, even though she is quite adequate, it is unlikely to please the Doctor.

It is important that the mass of the body of the future mother grouped gradually, smoothly, with valid at different time intervals.

Women tend to underestimate such a criterion as its own weight during pregnancy. On numerous forums of future mothers, women are often expressed that the doctor "terrorizes", forcing them to lose weight, and the "competently" advise each other "Do not pay attention to it."

Excess weight in the period of tooling the child is such an increase in which:

  • for a week, a woman added more than 2 kilograms (on any period of gestation);
  • for the first trimester, the future mother "sank" by 4 kilograms and more;
  • if in the second trimester, the woman adds more than one and a half kilograms in the second trimester;
  • if the third trimester increases per week exceeds 800 grams.

Excess weight is a very real risk of late toxicosis. Evenkers can be external, which a woman easily looks out of the characteristic footprints from the rubber socks, it is impossible to wear or remove the engagement ring. Usually swelling wrists, face and ankle. But even if there is no visible edema, it does not mean that there are no edema of internal, much more dangerous and insidious.

Normal blood flow in the system of "mother-placenta-fruit" during swelling and changes in blood pressure is violated. As a result Kroch receives less useful substances and necessary for its proper development of oxygen.

Extra kilograms and an active weight gain are also dangerous and the likelihood of premature births of up to 30 weeks, as well as a pregnancy to the pregnancy after 39 weeks.

Excessive increase in 30% of cases leads to early aging of the placenta, and this means that the baby will not receive a large amount of nutrients for him by the last weeks of pregnancy, very necessary in the process of preparation for the upcoming birth.

Extra kilograms often lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids, varicoses, as well as the emergence of the weakness of the generic forces in the process of childbirth, as a result of which the doctors have to carry out an unscheduled emergency operation of cesarean section to save the life of the child.

What is dangerous for the shortage of mass?

Insufficiency of body weight during pregnancy leads to different forms of hypotrophy of the fetus. The kid does not precipitate the necessary substances and vitamins. In 80% of cases in women with too small gaining kids appear more weak, with a small body weight, severe hypotrophy (insufficient subcutaneous fat). Such children are harder adapting to the environment, they are harder than thermoregulation processes.

The delay of intrauterine development increases the risk of congenital neurological diseases, as well as hormonal disorders, the consequences of which can touch any system and any organ in the body of the kid.

Sometimes a small set or lack of additions are associated with the fact that the woman in the literal sense of the word is starving, does not donate. This happens not only in socially disadvantaged families, but also in future mothers with a complete lack of appetite against the background of the toxicosis of pregnant women. This leads to the deficiency of the estrogen level, and ten times the likelihood of miscarriage in the early periods, interrupts of pregnancy and premature births in the middle and late gestation period increases.

Insufficient, a weight set is considered to be less than 800 grams for the first trimester, less than 5 kilograms - in the second and less than 7 kilograms in the third trimester, closer to the 36 week of pregnancy.

What if the weight is excess?

If the weight is gaining too sharp, jumps, intermediate weighing shows that the increase is pathological, a woman is prescribed an analysis of hormones, because in addition to overeating, the reason for such "behavior" of body weight can be wounded in hormonal imbalance.

If such a version is confirmed, then a woman is carried out Hormone therapy, As a result of which the hormonal background is restored, and problems with intense weight set are solved.

If the reason for overeating and small physical activity (and many pregnant women, alas, are confident that it is necessary to eat for two, but to load yourself with hiking and swimming is harmful), then a woman is recommended a universal diet for pregnant women.

There is a future mother should be 5-6 times a day, every 3-4 hours, except for the time allotted on the night's sleep.

One-time portions should be reduced to such a volume so that the amount of food seems to be visually fit into the palm of the woman, if she folds them with the "boating".

After 28-29 weeks allowed to arrange unloading days. Once a week, the pregnant woman is allowed to take 5-6 times the shelter of non-fat curd or 400 grams of boiled bucks, or a liter of fermented milk products. Sugar and salt in unloading days are completely prohibited.

Depending on how intensified the weight of the body weight, the woman is set by the amount of calories that can be dialing per day. Most often it is 2200-2500 kcal. On the sites about dietary food there are counters that allow you to quickly find out the number of calories in both separate products and ready-made dishes. This will help you easily calculate the menu for a week, month and every day.

The last meal is carried out no later than 2-3 hours before the deposit to sleep. All dishes are cooked without frying, fryer, abundance of spices. Also following the drinking regime - the woman should consume from 1.5 to 2 liters of pure water per day.

Permitted products and dishes - cabbage, zucchini, porridge, apricots, watermelon, apples, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, milk, beef, veal, turkey meat, chicken, rabbit, cottage cheese without greater fat content.

Prohibited products - chocolate, baked baking, fatty pork, smoked sausages and fish, all roasted, salted, pickled, peas, beans, semolina, barley, fast food, ice cream, condensed milk, grapes, bananas, canned food (meat and fish ).

The amount of salt is reduced to 5 grams per day. From sugar, it is generally better to refuse, replacing it for slow carbohydrates (sweet fruits and cereals). Not allowed carbonated drinks, syrups, beer.

For the help of pregnant women who try to take their weight under control and reduce it, special gymnastic exercises come, walking in the fresh air, swimming, yoga. If there are no contraindications, Doctor will surely advise increased physical activity. This will help with the correction of power to bring an increase to valid standards.

Actions with insufficient increase

If the weight of the woman is insufficient, its deficit is observed, the doctor will also be obliged to give a direction for a survey from a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist. If a woman has no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or hormonal "malfunctions", she will also carry out power correction.

The caloric content of its daily diet must exceed 2500 - 3000 kcal. In the ration necessarily include oil - creamy and vegetable, pearl and semolina, peas and beans, sdobu, fatty varieties of fish and meat.

The ban, as well as the weight of weight, concerns smoked, pickled and fried. Otherwise, the approach to the diet is the same. Preferably fractional power, with a normal portion of portions, ensure that the content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in its diet is sufficient. In addition to the correction of food, the doctor appoints vitamin complexes so that the child with the blood of the mother can get the necessary nutrients.

If a woman has a strong toxicosis, in which in the literal sense of the word "a piece does not climb into the throat", a woman will have to adapt to this an indivible state and to force themselves At least small portions in the intervals between the attacks of toxicosis.

Choose for this follows the moments in which nausea is unlikely.

Many future mothers with painful toxicosis eat at night in bed or try to eat only in the fresh air.

If a delay in the development of the fetus is diagnosed with an insufficient weight set, the treatment of a woman will have to be held in a hospital, where it will be introduced and dripped the necessary drugs that improve the uterine-placental blood flow, vitamins, and will also give all recommendations on the organization of high-calorie food.

Usually after such measures, the mass of the body of the future mother increases, and, although the average price passes at the bottom boundary of the norm, but still fits into it. Such a pregnant can be shown more frequent ultrasound scanning to monitor the development of the placenta, a child, as well as to conduct a preliminary analysis of its intended body weight.

About the important facts about weight during pregnancy will tell the doctor an obstetrician gynecologist in the following video.