How to wean a child to suck your finger: the causes and ways to combat the bad habit. How to quickly wean a child suck finger baby sucks her mother's hand how to wean

A small child requires constant attention and care, the lack of parental care often leads to the emergence of bad habits, such as lip peppering, sucking fingers and cams. If the child sucks a finger for a long time, it leads to the destruction of the enamel of the nail plate, deforming the phalange of the finger and can cause the bite curvature, as well as the lesion of the gums. In addition to the above-mentioned trouble, constant sucking fingers contributes to the body of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, which causes all diseases. Therefore, the optimal option will be the timely teaching of the crumbs from such a bad habit.

Why does a child suck fingers?

The sucking reflex in an infant is considered one of the most important, since in this process three main nerves are involved - a threefold, nasopharynk and wandering. The simultaneous work of such important bodies leads to an improvement in digestion, stabilizing the work of the nervous system and the psychological equilibrium of the baby, activating brain activity. The need of newborn crumbs in sucking breasts or something else is due not only to the feeling of hunger: thus the kids soothe and develop.

What to do parents to normalize the status of crumbs? First of all, to determine the cause of concern. Unified reason why the child sucks a finger, no, the prerequisite for this can be:

  • lack of breast feeding - If a child spends little time near the mother breast, his sucking reflex is not fully satisfied, so the crumb can suck fingers or toys;
  • pain from cutting teeth - The process of teething the first tooths brings quite painful sensations, and sucking the finger helps to calm the irritated lesions;
  • psychological factor - If the baby sucks his fingers aged 2-3 years, the main reason for this is most likely the lack of attention from the relatives. Thus, the crocha tries to calm down and fill the launch of heat and affection, most often in this situation the child sucks a thumb. Another reason may be fear or excessive excitability, for example, after active games before bedtime, sucking soothes and removes excessive activity;
  • boredom - habit of sucking fingers can be acquired due to the lack of interest in what is happening around, it happens that the kids suck fingers just boredom.

In any case, noticing his child to suck fingers, parents should take timely measures to eradicate such a harmful manner.

How to wean a child suck finger?

Few know what to do when the child sucks her fingers or other items, so often inexperienced parents are making radically irrational and unacceptable measures to eradicate this habit.

There are several ways to wean a child to suck your finger, you can do this:

  • for infantry Try to increase breastfeeding time, leaving him near mom for 30-40 minutes. If the crumb is on artificial feeding, choose a nipple with a narrow hole so that the child sucks the bottle longer;
  • older children who suck fingers to a greater degree for calmness, it is important to take something. Invite the child new classes: or clay, folding puzzles or constructor, etc., so hands will be busy and the need for sucking will disappear;
  • often kids pull hands in mouth at certain points, For example, while watching TV or joint reading. In such a situation, the easiest way to switch to the crumb to another item is to give it a soft ball or a cube that can be arms;
  • girls easy to wean, offering to make them an adult manicureOf course, with a special children's varnish. Little fashionists will not want to destroy a beautiful coating, especially if you promise to paint your nail constantly;
  • you can visit the dentist togetherwho, along with a test, tells about the harmfulness of the sucking of the fingers, usually the opinion of such an authoritative person (which almost all kids fear) has a positive effect;
  • focus on age factors Also a lot affects the behavior of the child. Tell him that adult girls and boys do not suck fingers, and such behavior is permissible only for the smallest, remind him of this in those moments when Kroch claims that he is already an adult.

Such distracting maneuvers will have to do not be done one day, so prepare for long-lasting dumping from sucking your fingers and in no case scold the baby. Remember that the main reason for the appearance of any bad habits is the lack of your attention and caress, so try as much time as possible with your favorite and more often show him the word and how much you love him.

What can not be done to teach crumbs from sucking your fingers?

Many parents allow a lot of mistakes when tearing children from sucking fingers. There are some measures that no circumstances cannot be applied to such:

  • putting the handles and legs in gloves or diapers - the most common incorrect way to learn the infants from serving and resorption of the handles. This method does not give any result, because immediately after revealing the kid will again be sucking the cams;
  • finger flaws with bitter substances (mustard, red pepper, aloe vera, etc.) - This method can lead to an affect of the mouth mucous membrane and the stomach walls of the child;
  • sokhikov and physical action measures - a categorically unacceptable measure for the upbringing of kids, since it is impossible to punish a child for disobedience in any case, in no case cannot be avoiding the subsequent disorder of the children's psyche.

All listed means of combating the bad habit do not lead to a positive result, and on the contrary, exacerbate the position and cause whims and concern to the baby. It is worth noting that constant punishments and threats of physical reprisons negatively affect the mental state of the crumbs, and sucking the fingers in this case will be a protective reaction of the body for fear.

The tiny miracle that appeared on the light, the first months of his life exists, submitting to natural instincts and reflexes. The child eats, sleeps, "walks" to the toilet and gets used to the new world. No matter how much baby is from the family, 1 day or 5 months, it needs comfort, safety and a good mood. If something does not like something, something gives discomfort in physical condition, he reacts with crying and whims. Another reaction - the child sucks a finger. Where does such a habit come from, why does a child suck the finger, what makes it make it? We are looking for answers to these questions.

Why does a child doing so?

Sucking is the first natural infant reflex. It is based on the work of the three main nerves - the ternary, wandering and nasopharynknoe. The healthy stability of their functions provides the kid correctly digestion, streamlines the work of the nervous system, develops brain activity. Nipples on the mother's chest itself created in order to support this reflex.

It should be understood that for a child, sucking the finger is a kind of replacement of the mother breast, which is currently unavailable for him

Krocha takes the breast not only because of hunger - she gives him peace of mind and harmony with the world, participates in the development of the baby. Suddenly the moment comes when the child besides the mother's chest pulls her substitute to her mouth. Understanding that such a habit is not beneficial to the baby, the mother is looking for a solution to the problem, finds out the reasons.

What is the reason?

Why the newborn drags the finger in the mouth, it is easy to determine. It is enough to carefully watch the little man and deeply feel it. The child sucks his fingers - it can be caused:

  1. Feeling of hunger. The mismatch of the biological rhythm of the lifestyle of crumbs with the regime established for him can lead to the fact that it will pull in the mouth all fingers or will suck only large. The kid is just hungry and tries in this way to replace the chest or mixture.
  2. Emotional concern. Conflicts of the house, Mother's cry, someone else's man, approaching the crumb, sharp sounds provoke a baby's nervous system failure. In search of protection, he is looking for breasts, but does not receive it, so chooses an alternative.
  3. Lack of attention. Give your little miracle so much attention as he wants. Communicate, play, kiss, stroke, spend massage, smile to him so that the crumb felt your warmth and love. Statistics indicate that the orphans suffer from such a habit more often.
  4. . The period when most children stretch to chew toys, fist - everything you can scratch inflamed gums.

So that the baby does not feel deprived of attention, Mom should be as far as possible - playing with a crumb, take it, show your love and affection

Maybe it's a habit?

It may happen that the fingers of the child sucks from the first day of life. Of course, there is a proportion of sucking reflex, but if you lose time, the action can become a habit. If the crumb is already a year, but nothing has changed, you should not scold him, it is better to look for a way to remove a bad addiction. Did you miss time and in 2 years the child still sucks your fingers? Look for a solution in the psychological discomfort of the baby. Watch for his fears, find out why a little man is worried.

Noisy evening games excite crumb - to calm down, he resorts to his beloved lesson, in the same way he solves the problem of boredom. It is possible to correct the situation with the help of a visit to the dentist: the doctor will tell the baby, what kind of teeth curves will be, if the child will suck the finger. Often, children listen to unauthorized people and trust their opinions more.

Regarding the formation of incorrect bite as a result of sucking fingers, experts express different opinions. Of course, the risk is, but the dairy teeth are still unstable. Looking at sucking fingers, they do not affect the growth and location of permanent teeth. Given that in 5-6 years, children appear constant teeth, and the bad habit of this time disappears, then the danger decreases, but it is better to tear a baby from her at an early stage.

How to remotely remove the habit?

If the child does not stop sucking his fingers, it continues at an older age, then it is worthwhile. Obviously, in 3-4 years, parents have to make more efforts to eliminate unwanted actions. You used to suck your fingers or not yet, it is better to provide such a situation in advance, and try to warn it. How to wean a child suck finger:

  1. Extend the breast feeding of the baby. If Mom has no serious problems affecting breastfeeding, do not annoy her crumb. Pediatricians believe that the child can be breastfeeding up to 2-3 years.
  2. For artificials, it is recommended to increase the number and duration of feeding. Pour a bottle less than the mixture and reduce the hole in the nipple so that the child was not completely different nipple in the mouth.
  3. Dr. Komarovsky recommends using a pacifier when the mother does not feed the baby breast, and the child wants to suck his fingers (see also :). You must replace it with something at least at first, especially since the pediatrician is argued destroying the myth of the dangers of dumb. The child will suck the pacifier and calm down.
  4. When teething teeth give a lot of special toys, "rodents". They will distract the crumb and habit will warn.
  5. Keep the psychological comfort of the newborn. Avoid frequent visits of other people unfamiliar to the crumbs of people. Show him only a good mood, let's positive emotions.

Additional measures

  1. The habit is preserved in 3-4, even in 5 years - it means that the baby is not enough of your attention. Play with him more often, take interesting and new games. Read the sick or daughter a fairy tale, look along with them a cartoon, discuss seen or read. Little man should feel its significance for you.
  2. Choose for the baby classes in which the participation of the hands is needed (picking up puzzles, laying from plasticine, drawing). They noticed that he pulls his palm up while watching cartoons, suggest him to take a ball or a cube. Let him be kneeling and turns them. For the girl you can buy a children's manicure set. Young fashionista hardly wants to spoil a beautiful manicure, stuck it in his mouth.
  3. Anger and punishment are bad helpers. Try not to focus the attention that the child sucks a finger. Quietly go to the baby and pull it out his fist from the mouth.

What should not do?

The fight against a bad habit cannot be guided by receptions that may aggravate the situation. Our tips will help you correctly approach the elimination of a bad habit. When the child began to suck his fingers, do not wave it tightly (we recommend reading :). A very bad solution is to smear the hand with sharp and bitter seasonings. In addition to taste discomfort, Kroch can get a stomach mucosa burn. By pulling her hand, the baby can get into his eyes, which will lead to a sharp unpleasant feeling and stress.

Permanent parental care and attention is the best protection against any bad habits that should begin to combat them. If you are always next to the children, pay them enough attention, they will not spin the hair, regularly stroke the tip of the nose or the uhi lobe, chew the edge of the clothes.

Why do baby fingers sucking? The answer is simple - he has no reliable emotional relationship with his parents. By blowing the crumb, you will only achieve the fact that he will hide from you.

Appearing in childhood, the habit does not go into adulthood. With proper behavior and attitude of parents, the child will easily say goodbye to her. We also reviewed all measures that can be taken to break out the faster.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychologist

Irina Sizova
Harmful habits or why children suck finger in 3 years?

Sucking fingers is among the most common harmful habitsarising from young children.

The little child requires constant attention and care, the lack of parental care often leads to the appearance of bad habits, such as lip pepper, sucking fingers and cams.

At the age of 3 and older years - this is the psychological factor and the main reason for this, most likely, is a shortage of attention from the relatives. Thus, the crumb tries to calm down and fill the shortage of heat and affection, most often in this situation the child sucks big finger. Another reason may be fear or excessive excitability, for example, after active games before bedtime, sucking soothes and removes excessive activity.

If a child is sucking finger for a long time, this is leads To the destruction of the enamel of the nail plate, the deformation of the phalange of the finger and can cause the bite curvature, as well as the lesion of the gums. In addition to the above-mentioned trouble, constant sucking fingers contributes to the body of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, which causes all diseases.

Noticing from his child habit suck fingers, parents should take timely measures to eradicate such harmful manner.

How can not be collected from sucking finger

"Ingenuity" Some parents simply do not know the borders. They are:

Mazhaut's fingers of their children mustard, aloe juice, covered with a special bitter varnish;

tied handles and bandage fingers;

Wear (and sometimes sewn to the shirt so that it is impossible to remove) Woolen mittens.

This is quite brutal ways that deliver a lot of suffering. And, most importantly, they cease to act as soon as parents stop repressive measures. And everything returns to the circles. Are permanent savings are useless "Reel finger from the mouth» - from some moment children just cease to react to them, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body on habitwhich for one reason or another for the body is important. Moreover, threats and punishment sometimes lead To the exact opposite result. After all, as we found out, the child often sucks finger for calm. So, in stressful situations (namely to stress sounds and punishment) The kid will be with a double strength to strive to somehow calm himself - with the help of sucking.

How to wean OT. habits suck finger in 3 years?

Take a child, walk more often with him!

Make your life calm life. Often at this age, the baby begins to use fingers for peculiar relaxation. Your task is to create a peaceful atmosphere in the house. As soon as the child begins to worry or nervous, try to change his mood from the mark of minus on «+» . Play with him, suggest walking on the street or just listen to pleasant music.

The child should always be in a good mood.

The child is already large enough to be a full-fledged companion of an adult. You should explain to your chalver that this habit It is destructive for teeth and outlines all sorts of effects.

Girls are easy to wean, offering to make them an adult manicure, of course, with a special children's varnish. Little fashionists will not want to destroy a beautiful coating, especially if you promise to paint your nobs constantly.

You can visit the dentist together, which along with the test of the teeth will tell about harmful sucking fingers, usually the opinion of such a reputable person (which is afraid almost all kids) It has a positive effect.

The emphasis on the age factor also has a lot of affects the behavior of the child. Tell him that adult girls and boys are not sucking fingers, And such behavior is permissible only for the smallest, remind him of this in those moments when Kroch claims that he is already an adult.

Such distracting maneuvers will have to do not be done one day, so get ready for long-term dumping from sucking your fingers and in no case sweat the baby. Remember that the main reason for the appearance of any harmful habits is the lack of your attention and affection. So, try to spend as much time as possible with your pet and more often show him a word and how much you love him.

Publications on the topic:

Game lesson "What does it mean -" bad habits "?" Target audience: juvenile 7 - 13 years. Form and methods of work: game, analysis of the situation, talence story, conversation, reading the story,.

Gaming lesson "What does" bad habits "mean Target audience: juvenile 3 - 6 years. Form and methods of work: review illustration, conversation, viewing cartoon fragment,.

The abstract of the morning reception of children in the middle group "Let's live great! Useful and bad habits " Objectives: 1. Socialization, health, safety, knowledge and physical culture: to educate in children responsible attitude to their health,.

An abstract classes "Bad habits" Target audience: minors 8 - 12 years goals: to form motivation to overcome habits harmful to health (nails gnawing.

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Plan-abstract conversation "Useful and bad habits" with children preparatory for school group Purpose: Formation of ideas about useful and bad habits and their effect on human health. Conversation stroke: Educator: Hello,.

Child, a sucking finger - a pretty comfortable picture for others. But it should not be such for the parents of the baby. Sucking a finger is not just a bad habit, this is a sign that says that with a child is not all right. True, not always with this phenomenon you need to start an open struggle. In some cases, the need for a small person in sucking should be satisfied. True, the finger will need to leave alone alone, otherwise the habit will really become harmful.

Why a child sucks finger

A child can start sucking a finger immediately as he appears such an opportunity, even if he has not yet been born. In many family archives, snapshots of the ultrasound are stored, on which the baby is captured in the womb with a finger in the mouth. The fact is that sucking instinct is one of the basic for the child.

"I think - it means I exist," the French philosopher Rene Decartes said. Replace the verb "Think" to "suck", and you will understand what this process means for the baby. Through it, on the conclusion of scientists, the child improves digestion, the nervous system develops. Until a certain pore, sucking for a small person is the only way to achieve psychological comfort. Another question is that over time this habit should go to no. And if this did not happen, the parents need to take action.

Why suck finger baby

A child can start sucking a finger at the age of 2-3 months. This indicates that its main instinct of sucking at this stage of life is not satisfied. Parents need to think about whether they do everything right in the fee of feeding their baby. It is with the process of nutrition that the main reasons are that the child of the breast sucks the finger:

  • Child is hungry. The most banal and most simply solved problem of the sucking finger infants.
  • The feeding process occurs very quickly, and the amount of applies to the chest is small.
  • Child or too early excused from the mother's chest or did it too sharply. It is possible that the decision to transition to feeding the baby from the spoon was hasty. After all, it turned out that my mother's breast is no longer, and there is still a need for sucking. So he comes up for an alternative for himself.
  • The baby is on artificial feeding. It would seem that the instinct of sucking with a bottle should be satisfied. But in this case, there are their pitfalls. Parents need to be convinced of the "correctness" nipples. It can be too stretched, because of which the saturation of the child is happening very quickly. That is, he no longer wants to eat, but would love to work even lips and tongue. After all, as we understand, the need for sucking has remained unsatisfied.
  • The child was too early deprived of the nipples. Another reason for the unsatisfied instinct, because of which the child's finger can be in the mouth.
  • The kid has a teeth. At this time, the gums swell, itch, they hurt. To relieve unpleasant sensations in the mouth, the child will pull everything in him anything, including its own finger.

Children's psychologists agree that sucking the finger in infants can not be considered a bad habit. This is just a kid 'need signal. But if the finger in the mouth remains a child older, then for parents it is a sign that it is time to take action.

Festive video recipe:

Why suck finger children-reached

As a rule, the habit of sucking a finger in babies goes by itself by itself by the time they are marching. Hoping that it will also happen with those children who are older, it is impossible. After all, the reasons for this behavior of those who are from two to five, more depths:

  • The child is experiencing a deficiency of adults. He feels lonely and no one needs. Finger in the mouth is an affordable way to compensate for the lack of attention, spiritual heat, caress and care.
  • The child is emotionally excited. His nervous system at some point received an exorbitant load, which he tries to remove the finger sucking. Perhaps his something strongly frightened or overly grieved, or he was not ready for life change (let's say, just started attending kindergarten). At this point, with the help of sucking a finger, the child takes on the role of a psychotherapist who has a client - he himself.
  • Children can suck finger at the moments of special concentration. As you know, it may be at that moment he tries to solve some of the global problem in his presentation, and this requires a special concentration of thought.
  • Boredom - another reason to shove your finger in the mouth. There is nothing to do, attention to focus on nothing, does not happen around anything interesting - how else does the child self-subsertainment in this event vacuum? Just designate your own presence in the world through the main sucking instinct.
  • The child wants to be small. Often, such a desire arises from those children to whom the parents say something: "You're already an adult, you are big." It still happens when another child appears in the family. And the first one forced to take the role of senior. But he does not want to be either older nor adult or great. It seems to him that if he is again, as in infancy, a finger will be drunk in his mouth, then Dad and Mom will not impose responsibility for him by years, and the kid's privileges will be returned to him.
  • It is impossible to exclude a medical problem: a child who does not want to get a finger from the mouth can be worm.

When a finger sucks a child at the age of preschooler, that is, all the reasons to talk about the presence of his really bad habit, the disposal of which will take time and strength. But the child is older, the reasons for such behavior more seriously.

Why sucks a schoolboy's finger

Finger sucking a child aged 6 and older and up to adolescent can acquire a pathological character. Then without specialists - psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists - will no longer do. In this case, the finger in the mouth, along with other intrusive movements, should be considered not as a bad habit, but as a symptom of diseases of the central nervous system. So, professional assistance will be required.

Valid habit

In the parent environment, then the case flashes on the topic: "Do I need to fight a children's habit of keeping a finger in the mouth or everything will pass everything over time?" The answer to this question from specialists is unequivocal: it is necessary to fight, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid other, more serious problems. What can threaten those children who are infinitely sucking their finger?

  • Bacteria get a permanent residence in the children's digestive system. The child will always carefully monitor the purity of his hands, his fingers in his mouth can get at any time and anywhere. Consequently, avoid problems with the system of the gastrointestinal tract will not be possible.
  • The systematic effect on the finger of teeth and lips can lead to the destruction of the nail enamel and deformation of the finger phalanx.
  • The finger may have injuries - cracks and even corns appear on it.
  • Improper bite formation and defective teeth. Children who regularly and for a long time suck finger can be distinguished in appearance - the front teeth they will be released forward, and the bottom go back.
  • Children-preschoolers and adolescents who cannot control the location of their fingers threaten mockery from peers.
  • Children sucking fingers have speech defects. They have problems with the pronunciation of some sounds.

So this question: to fight or not with a habit of sucking your fingers - rather rhetorical. Of course, fight. The main thing is that the means of struggle to be acceptable and did not harm the child.

The child sucks finger: how to react to parents

Parents react differently to the child's sucking finger. Everyone has its own tactics: some do not pay attention to such behavior at all, others notice changes in the behavior of the child, but do not take any action, live hope that this habit will pass by itself, and the third is configured to decide. True, often setting a goal to eradicate the "bad" inclination of his Chad by all means, the Pope and Moms can be captivated in this fight to reach the absurd. Meanwhile, adults must behave very wisely and carefully.

What to do if the finger sucks baby baby

Finger in the mouth of a baby-baby - not yet a bad habit, but only the need for satisfaction of the sucking instinct. The only thing that parents can make for their baby in this case are to help him satisfy this instinct fully.

  • If the child is on breastfeeding - increase the time and frequency of feedings. It is believed that one feeding should be equal to at least 30 minutes. No need to stop it earlier, even if the baby is distracted by something. In any case, it will not reestall, just feeding spread over time, but the child will be able to fully enjoy the process of sucking.
  • If, when feeding, the mother uses both chest, then the second must be applied to the baby only after it fed from the first 20-30 minutes.
  • If the child feeds not to maternal milk, but with milk mixtures, it is recommended not to make big breaks between feeding. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the nipple is tough, and the hole in it is small. It is important that the feeding from the bottle occupied as much time as the breast. That is, the child must spend at least 30 minutes. The longer, he will work, absorbing the dairy mixture, the greater the likelihood that his sucking instinct will be satisfied to the maximum extent. So, he does not have to pull his fingers in the mouth.
  • And I still do not need to forget about the nipple, which will also be able to become your assistant in meeting the natural needs of the kid.

Similar tools are good until the child is breastfeeding or from a bottle. If your son or daughter is no longer infants, but their fingers are still invariably in their mouth, then this is the sign that the child really develops a bad habit. Moreover, it is necessary to fight not so much with it, as with those psychological reasons that provoked it.

What can I do

Parents, trying to wean your child to suck a finger, can make a lot of mistakes. Therefore, it is worth examining the advice from children's psychologists on the topic, no matter how you do not need:

  • It is impossible to shake, scold, punish your child for sucking a finger. The problem will not be solved in this way, on the contrary - will be aggravated. The child, feeling his guilt for the fact that he is "bad" and "wrong", will hide its inclinations, but in the experiences only to secure them.
  • It is not recommended to post a child's hands in gloves and mittens. After all, when they are removed, everything will come back into their circles.
  • It is impossible to smear the children's fingers mustard, pepper or other bitter substances. So you can harm the stomach of the child.

These and other measures are bad because their action is temporary. As soon as the repression stops, the child will begin to go back as you get used. In addition, the finger in the mouth of the baby is only a consequence of some emotional discomfort.

What to do is

For a little man, it is important to understand that he will love him, even if he does something wrong. Therefore, if your task is not to make an exemplary and exemplary child from your baby, but really help him cope with fears and alarms and, accordingly, to neutralize the habit of sucking a finger, then you need to tune in for long work:

  • Try to make your family in your family, a friendly atmosphere. No need to swear and find out the child. Exclude everything from your life, which can provoke stress from the baby. Then he will not have a reason to engage in the self-treatment of his nervous system with a finger in the mouth.
  • Clear the child as much attention as possible: Walk together, talk, play. Bear next to him not felt lonely and abandoned, especially at the moments of some vitality.
  • If the child sucks a finger from boredom, take it with something helpful. Let it sculpt, draws, builds, collects puzzles. When a child is concentrated, and his hands are busy, he will forget about an obsessive habit.
  • If the baby holds a finger in the mouth during passive pastime (when the TV is watching or listens to the fairy tale), let him in the hands of some item - a toy or ball. Let me might and tread them.
  • Connect to the explanatory work of authoritative individuals. Agree with a dentist so that it is during the next admission, as if by chance, it has mentioned that sucking the finger can harm the teeth.
  • You can schitrate - try to replace your finger in the mouth with a cracker or drying. True, in this case, there is a risk to form a child with another bad habit, for example, all the time there is something.

As a rule, such steps do not remain unsuccessful, and the children are completely getting rid of the harmful habit of five years.

Piggy bank of individual secrets

The answer to the question of how to wean a child to suck the finger, looking for almost every second family. And many are successfully found, and then we are pleased to share our developments with other parents. Here are some techniques:

  • Girls make a real "adult" manicure. Rare little fashionista wants to part with such beauty. Most likely, it will be easier for her to abandon the bad habit.
  • The boys demonstrate pictures with terrible fabulous heroes, who have ugly teeth, because they also suck in childhood. "
  • Gambling can be interested in the platform board on which to celebrate with special icons or bright stickers of their successes in the fight against the bad habit: the day without a finger in the mouth is one sticker plus. I could not resist - minus.
  • For getting rid of the habit of sucking a finger to a child, you can promise a gift. Suppose he does not pull his hand in his mouth for three months, and a computer gives him for it. During this time, the habit comes to no, and the child will get the desired. The main thing is to fulfill your promise.

Of course, getting rid of the harmful habit is the work of not one day. But even if the success of parents should not be relaxed. After all, the sucking of the finger can be a signal about the psychological problems of the child. Therefore, having won one habit, you need to make sure that her place did not occupy any other, no less harmful.

The overwhelming majority of newborns suck fingers, and how can be seen in the pictures, which are obtained by ultrasound, do not even kids in the maternal womb.

Such an action is laid by nature, because the sucking reflex is necessary in order for the child as far as the baby could survive and get food - Mamino Milk.

Sucking a finger for still unrolved babies - it means to train. That is why the caught baby with the trained reflex grabs the lips everything that touches them.

The sucking reflex is so strong that often the newborn sucks fingers not only because of hunger, but also in order not to lose an important skill.

The interaction of facial muscles, triple, wandering and nasopharynk nerve trunks during sucking helps to stabilize the work of the central nervous system and intensifying the activities of the brain.

The important outcome of this "action" is not only the improvement of the functioning of the CNS of a small child, but also the calling of such emotions important for him as a sense of security, calm and psychological satisfaction.

Why is the baby older sucks a finger?

And if the behavior of the baby appeared on the light can be explained by basic instincts, then why does a child suck finger in more adulthood? Scientists have allocated several main reasons for such behavior:

  1. Sucking the cam after 6 months can be explained by the fact that the language and the mouth cavity of the child turns into a means of studying the surrounding world and obtaining important for the development of information. All that fell in the handles, the baby sends in the mouth. It concerns these toys, blankets, pets of domestic animals and, that is naturally your own fingers.
  2. The obvious reason that the baby sucks the finger is a sense of hunger. It does not matter whether the child is on natural feeding or feeds on a special dairy mixture, the assault is the only opportunity to extract food. That is, the baby dragging his cam in her mouth, signals the mother, which was hungry.
  3. Excessively early excavation from the chest often leads to such a situation when the child sucks a thumb. Moreover, a certain pattern is visible - the shorter there was a period of natural feeding, the higher the probability that the baby will start pulling the cam in the mouth.
  4. Another reason for sucking fingers is accompanied by soreness. To remove the unpleasant feeling, "scratch" irritated guy, the child drags not only fingers and fists in his mouth, but any other items located nearby.
  5. Mine breasts for the baby is a guarantee of security, so he perceives sucking the way to calm down, feel safe. That is why with any emotional discomfort, anxious situation, the appearance of an unfamiliar man who appears in the house of an unfamiliar man stretches to the finger as a substitute for the mother's breast.
  6. Baby in 2 years (a little younger or a little older) can suck a finger due to a lack of parental attention. When a child misses without mom, he subconsciously pulls his finger into the mouth to compensate for the heat of the mother body.

It is believed that children who receive the parent's breast on demand, without any restrictions, very rarely suck fingers. This is explained simply: the kids satisfy all the basic instincts and the desire to be near mom.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky is convinced that sucking the finger is not a children's problem, but the parent problem. It is the parents who are worried about this, especially if you hear negative comments around.

Most often, this habit disappears independently, unless, of course, it is not fixed due to the wrong actions of mom or dad . However, stereotypical behavior can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  1. With sucking fingers, it is possible to enter the digestive tract of various harmful microorganisms and larvae. Of course, this does not happen in 2 months or a little later, when the child spends all the time in the crib. But with the onset of the active period, the baby begins to explore the surrounding world, although it is not always pure fingers in the mouth.
  2. According to many orthodontists, such a childhood weakness is fraught with the formation of an improper bite (the front upper teeth come forward) and even problems with the formation of speech skills. This is possible if the sucking fingers continue and after the five-year-old age, when milk teeth fall out.
  3. If the habit has passed into the senior preschool and even the initial school age, then the child will have to be disadvantaged due to the ridicule of peers. And this is already fraught with serious psychological problems and challenges with adaptation.
  4. Suffer from sucking and fingers. The effect of teeth, the pressure of the gum, constant contact with the saliva leads to the appearance of cracks, corns, abrasion and deformation of the nails. Through damaged skin covers in the blood, pathogenic bacteria can fall, resulting in infection of tissues and their inflammation.

Thus, the ingrained habit of sucking the fingers is potentially harmful to the child: both with hygienic and psychological points of view.

How to wean the baby from this is a failed predilection? The choice of the method will depend on the reason for which the crumb is draws to fingers, its age and personal features.

How to wean a child from sucking your finger?

More recently, in the go, it was possible to say "older" methods of getting rid of this negative habit. And so far some kindness can advise the alarmed mother such extremely ambiguous ways as:

Some parents consider such methods quite effective, others indicate their cruelty. For example, mustard can harm the oral mucosa.

Such restrictive measures often end with the relapse of the harmful habit. As soon as the parents cease to bind the handles or lubricate the fingers with something bitter, the baby begins to suck even more intense to calm down and return a positive psychological attitude.

Parents should choose the most painless method of extermination of negative addiction. The most reasonable and obvious step is to find and eliminate the root cause, according to which the baby and sucks the fingers.

Up to 2 years

Usually by the beginning of the second year of life, a sucking reflex fade in itself. However, due to the dissatisfaction of the basic instinct in infancy, the sucking of the finger can go into the habit. The rules of getting rid of the addiction will depend on the method of feeding the child.

If the baby feeds with the mother's milk additionally sucks a finger, mother, first of all, you should make sure how correctly it has settled the feeding of the kid. Most likely, the reason is very simple - the child was hungry and demanded the mother's chest. What to do?

  1. Try to increase feeding duration. Let the child be at the chest more than half an hour. In this case, the sucking kid will notice, and the basic instincts will satisfy.
  2. If for each meal you give a baby both breasts, try to offer them with a certain interval. That is, the second breast is given only after the kid will assign the first for 25 minutes.
  3. No need to worry that the child is reest. No matter how much it was near the mother breast, it will take such a quantity that is necessary for full saturation.
  4. If the crumb during feeding is distracted by something, you do not need to turn the meal. Wait a little, and the child will return to her mother's chest.

If possible, turn the fingering process gradually. At first, you need to reduce the number of day feedings, and then move to the night. This will allow the child to calmly survive excommunication from the chest.

If a child is an artificial, then the teaching from the harmful habit will be carried out by several other ways. In the case of Yves, children are fed according to a certain schedule, and the portion of the mixture is dosed. What to do in such a situation?

If the baby has a teeth, you need to purchase a high-quality teether with an additional cooling element. This device will help the child to abandon his fingers.

In general, the councils of specialists concerning the habit of sucking fingers at this age are reduced to the satisfaction of the sucking reflex. Mine breasts can come to the rescue, a bottle with a mixture or orthodontic nipple-dummy.

From 2 to 5 years

When the baby is 2 or 3 years old, the factors that make it sucking their finger, are no longer associated with reflexive behavior. Psychological reasons for obsessive behavior arise at the head of the corner.

Among the main reasons for the formation of a bad habit or return, experts identify the following "catalysts":

  • unfavorable family furnishings;
  • strict methods of upbringing;
  • mamina deficiency;
  • problems with addiction to kindergarten;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • fears.

Before switching to solving the problem, you need to establish its true cause. This can be done independently by analyzing your and child behavior, or contact a specialist who will prompt how to wean a crumb to suck the finger. General recommendations are as follows:

  1. Pay more attention to the child. Read books, communicate, engage in rolling games, more often play a small ball to take baby fingers. In general, give the child a warmth and safety sense.
  2. Reduce emotional or intellectual load. This is especially true of those mammies who are passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200bearly child's learning. Another rule - give up the load in the evening, instead of games, enter the swimming ritual in the bath.
  3. Closer to five years, the kids appear various fears and phobias: the fear of darkness, monsters, fabulous characters. An impressionable child seeks to suck the finger and calm down. It is better to deal with this cause with the help of psychologists.
  4. Refuse punishment, especially bodily. Three-year-old children are already able to explain the cause of their behavior. In turn, they can also be told about why sucking the finger is ugly and unhygienically.

If you spent a lot of effort, and the positive result did not achieve, you should contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will help to cope with a difficult problem.

From 5 years and older

If the child sucks a finger and after the five-year-old age, parents should be alerted. In most cases, such a habit testifies to serious psychological problems that require interventions of professionals.

Thus, some cases of sucking the fingers of school and adolescence children are a manifestation of neurosis of obsessive states arising from physiological and psychological reasons (for example, due to severe stress).

To make sure that the harmful habit is the symptom of this violation, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs. So, the suction finger of the child can demonstrate:

  • hair winding onto finger or pulling the curls;
  • nail biting or, for example, pencils;
  • cooling the skin or pinching it;
  • obsessive cough.

Senior schoolchildren often demonstrate obsessive thoughts, various ritual actions, high anxiety, various fears, depressive mood.

Naturally, to produce or exclude such a diagnosis, you need to contact a neurologist or a psychiatrist. The specialist will appoint the necessary drugs and psychotherapeutic procedures - gaming, cognitive or artistic therapy.

Parents in such a situation must comply with the following recommendations of specialists:

  • provide a comfortable home furnishings;
  • prevent emotional and intellectual overvoltage so as not to aggravate the course of illness;
  • refuse to sharpen children's attention on sucking fingers and other obsessive actions;
  • track each change in child behavior.

Scold baby for such addiction, of course, should not. Punishment will only strengthen the manifestation of negative symptoms and will extend the recovery period.

As withdrawal

It is necessary to go from this bad habit, but if nothing happens, you should stop and translate your breath. Sucking fingers, of course, an disturbing sign that requires adult response. However, it is impossible to consider his catastrophe.

The choice of preferred method will depend on several factors, among which the age of the child, the causes of negative addiction. It is better to abandon hard methods like mazania to fingers mustard or binding hands.

Thus, the process of teaching the habit of sucking the finger can take a lot of time. And yet it is not necessary to despair. Mom needs to be gaining strength and patience, and the baby necessarily completely refuses the idea to pull the fist in the mouth.