What the usual chest looks like. What are the forms of female breast and nipples

There are no two identical people in the world, for this reason each woman can have different types of breasts. Each person is unique, and differs from the other and on external signs, and internally. No person should give in to the classification by any signs. But still, in some cases, people distinguish some similar features of appearance, and the poet principle form parts of body parts.

And let every woman are unique, still in the structure and body are distinguished by some patterns. For example, different types of figures are distinguished, which, by the way, is very convenient, especially when it comes to choosing clothes and accessories. Similarly, there are various types of female breast forms.

The breast is classified according to the scientific principle, and they are called according to what they are most similar.Most often, part of the body is identified with fruits and vegetables or with geometric shapes.

Scientific classification of female breast forms is determined by their external similarity with fruits and vegetables, form of relief and not only. Classification units are artistic, shaped name, which fully characterizes a separate shape of the chest and its distinctive features. In this article we will give a short review of each of the forms of female breast. They are all different, but relying on the listed signs, you can easily determine your breast shape. And already on the form of the breast, you can define the features of your temperament. Do not believe? And check.

Main types of women's breasts

  • Snow holmiks. This type of bust is characterized primarily by a small amount. Most often, the owner of this type is carrying bras of size or even a nolik. A halo usually has a wide diameter, light. Nipples have a cone shape, slightly pointed. For the owners of this breast form, wealth and diversity of the inner world are very characteristic, an extensive worldview, dreaminess, they are often idealists.
  • The globe. In shape, such a breast is really very close to the ball. Breasts round, in size most often medium or more average. Nipples and apicles are characterized by a wide radius and often dark color. All forms are correct and well outlined. In women with such a breast, often strong and strict character, their behavior is characterized by a certain challenge. These women go through life with proudly raised head and look at men down. They are wonderful seductive, skillful mistresses, but impregnable and principled. These women know how to achieve goals, they are independent, demanding to themselves and others, and what is called "fatal women."

  • Renaissance. The name of this type "Dali" the pictures of the famous artist of the Renaissance of Rubens, or rather - depicted on these webs nude or semi-naked women. This breast shape is characterized by a sufficiently large volume, it is soft and seems to be fluffy. The chest leather is very bright, almost transparent, covered with small, but noticeable moles. Areolas are clearly defined, but the size is small. Nipples and apricots are dark and very well outlined.
  • Chloe. The owners of this type of breast characterizes the elastic chest of small volumes. Oleols are not very broad, nipples are very elastic. About the characteristics of the characteristics of such a chest, we can say that such girls "Eternal children." Behind them need to look after, caregot, patronate. Often they are very naive, trusting, of them, like children, just fool. They believe everyone who will be kind to them. But when the deception is revealed, they are hard to worry it. Women of this type are extremely wound and painfully perceive deception and betrayal in their direction. In a sense, they are irresponsible and frivolous, to make them think about the future you will not succeed, but it will easily allow everything to decide for her. Often there is such a feature as uncertainty in itself and their forces.

  • African savannah. As a rule, women with such breasts are very hot, sexy, feminine and immediate. This form of the chest, first of all, characterizes the dark skin color, from where and the name goes. They also have quite wide and well-defined nipples and apricots. The size is medium or more average. For men, such a woman is the most real find. In it, they will find the embodiment of femininity and sexuality, loyalty, beauty, hill, and at the same time these women are seductive and welcome. They become good mothers, smart and attentive wives.
  • Eyes of the Turkanka. It is a pretty big breast, it has nipples sticking in different directions with pointed tips and not very wide aroles. Chest skin dimly. With these women you need to be very careful. They are cunning and calculating. Very well know how to lie and let dust in the eyes. Men follow to be especially careful with them - if you deceive the woman with such a form of the breast, it will certainly dismiss you, and the revenge will be cruel without. These women are hidden, and can hide their true motives and feelings from the world. Who knows what thought roaming in the head of this mysterious woman? Her eyes say one thing, the smile is the second, and the words - the third, but they all lie.
  • Water surface. Women with such a breast - the best wives and mothers. The size of the chest is quite large, and it is slightly "breaking up" - slightly lost the form. Let the breasts are not so elastic, it has a very beautiful outline, and the opposite sex really appreciates just such a form. Nipples wide and not sticking out.

Features of water stroit

On the nature of such a woman say that this is the person who will come to help anyone who will need it. Women with breasts "Water surface" are sensitive and tender natures, open and sincere.

The body complex of such women is often quite dense. Although if the woman be followed by his figure, she will remain sexual for many years.

These women are rarely asking for help, preferring to cope with problems independently. Since they help everyone, and the help themselves are rarely asked, they can feel injustice to their address and begin to worry because of this, and completely unfair, because if not to hide their problems, someone will definitely respond and help.

Most often, they are completely deprived of career ambitions, but at the same time excellent hostesses, and can make a career in the field associated with economic matters - for example, a chef.

  • Circe. This form is considered the most perfect of all. Consequently, this breast shape has a good average size - "golden middle" between large and lumpy. The form of it is really at the best canons of ancient sculpture. Geometric shape shag-like, smooth, taut. The breast is quite elastic and remains such for many years.
    Speaking about the character, it is worth saying that these women are independent, or at least strive to be independent. They work a lot and achieve for themselves the best life. Often these women are successful both in the career and in the family. In bed with them it is interesting, every time they seek to achieve the feeling of some kind of novelty, which is undoubtedly attractive for the opposite sex.
  • Lady fingers. Probably, everyone knows how the shape of the grapes looks like, by whose behalf, it was given the name of this form of a female breast. This breast has an elongated form, just very similar to the berries of grapes of this form. The skin on the chest is light and smooth, but nipples and aroles, on the contrary, are dark. Such a woman has a light character, it is simple and pleasant in communication, smart and witty.

They are soft, pliable, slightly naive, know how to support the conversation perfectly on any topic.

Career is successful exclusively thanks to the execution and obligation. Rarely when they are engaged in your business - they prefer to execute orders than answering something and make independent decisions.

  • Alma Mater. Men love this form of female breast most. And indeed, it looks very seductively - large, the nipples are almost always well distinguished, the skin is elastic and tightened, light and smooth, and the chest themselves are soft to the touch.

And the name in this case is characterized rather not the form of the chest, but the qualities that are characteristic of women who have such a form. The thing is that such ladies seek everyone in all patronate, and children, and the soul mate. Their maternal instinct exceeds the instinct of all these species. It is not always good. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the mother cares about her children, but sometimes this concern is too much, because of what children grow not independent.

  • Breast "Loose Nose". In the form of these breasts and in fact resemble fox noses - elongated, small, with pointed small nipples.

What can be said about the nature of women with such a kind of breast? First of all, they are ideal for marriage women - can find an approach to a man, adapt to him, seduce and praise. In bed, you do not bother - they are impatient, active, love experiments.

In the career, they strive for more, but very often they prevent them from laziness. Perhaps if they were not lazy, they would have achieved heights in a large business, but often it happens that they lack initiative or desire, and they don't even start doing something that success and money could bring.

  • The next breast shape is pectic. In women owners of this form, breast size, as a rule, medium, nipples and alignment of small size, nipples are frightened forward and chest slightly pointed. The skin is elastic, the chest itself is soft.

Their character is strong, they are independent, independent, smart and cunning. Men will have to be not easy to build relationships with such a woman, because it will argue with you, to show an independent temper, which will not appeal to every representative of a strong sex.

And who knows, can this chip-eyed beauty just leads you for the nose? Women with the form of a chest "pears" - careerists, purposeful personalities, relentlessly following their goal.

  • "Lemons" - as a rule, not very big breasts, with large nipples, hurried in different directions. Nipples are light, most often pink. We can say about the nature of these women that they are playful, sexy, seductive, charismatic, witty. These adventurers, leaders, such a woman, undoubtedly, can even become a big friend for a man. But the loving relationship does not always have to build with her, because they are inconvenient in love, they change partners often and practically without thinking.

In the career they are lucky, and often build a business or make a career they manage to leaving only from their ability to spin and get out of any situation. But it is not necessary to underestimate them or consider because of this stupid - mind and resourcefulness to them at least, but they prefer to hide it to gain benefits and to let you dust in the eyes.

  • Pineapples. This, as you already guessed - large in size and oblong chest. Nipples of medium size, pink and appear well. As for the character, they are capricious, balobans, selfish. But at the same time, they often manifest themselves to the desire of something more than a successful career or a happy family.


At the end it is worth saying that the form of the female bust does not necessarily determine its character, but such regularities are in fact present.

And every woman will be interested to know what can mean the form of her bust. Also, this topic may be interesting to men who learn something new about the nature of their second half.

Familiarity, a date, sex - you see your partner completely naked, you can fully appreciate the chest, and with it, and what a companion of life can be its owner. The exciting forms from time immemorial are crazy with men, togging fire and fog of the mind in the hearts, causing them to worshilantly worship the beautiful. Separate scientists, instead of just enjoying, trying to analyze and systematize various forms of female breast, trying to bring out some patterns of them ... In real life, the tastes of men relative to the forms of breast vary amazingly, so any breast for someone will become The most desirable and attracting. Another thing is whether the woman herself is satisfied with the fact that at the moment of life.

Sexologists believe that the breast determines the character of a woman even more than the zodiac sign. They divided the shape of a breast of women to two dozen categories and for each of them identified the characteristics of the character of a woman, her attitude to sex, love and family. It is possible to determine the character of a woman in the chest, if the latter is natural, although the "improved" breast changes the woman not only externally - if it is satisfied with the result of the operation, then she rises self-esteem, it becomes confident - hence the changes in character and behavior. To confirm this, read the interview with the girls who increased their breasts. Also, the shape of the chest is often changing after the birth and feeding the child, although motherhood also imposes its mark on the character of a woman. Therefore, I suggest us with you to take a hypothetical broken young woman and try to determine its character in the form and size of the chest.

Lisys Noseza. The "owner" of such a breast has nordic traits and acute logical mind. Women having such a breast are very responsible and executive, quite often are middle managers, strive for altitudes in business, but practically do not reach them, because these women are overcome by such a state as lazy in the manifestation of their own initiative. The main line of "chanterelles" is loyalty and ability to adapt to the desired man, so marriage with such a woman is very successful. And in an intimate plan, it shows ingenuity, insatiability and discharge.

Apple. Alas, among the owners of such a breast, there is a relatively large percentage of frigidity. And, accordingly, to bring such a girl to orgasm, it is necessary to very much and very try. At the same time, she is ready for everything to deliver to his man unforgettable and true pleasure. The main feature of the "apples" is the constancy and reluctance to change their partners, so the early marriage is observed behind them, often with their first love these women pass all their lives. Of these, there are excellent wives and housewives living on the principle: my house is my fortress.

Grusheny. The breast in the form of a pear says, above all, that its owner is a strong and independent person who has its own will to achieve their goals. But at the same time, meaningless actions are often observed for such women. The main features of "pears" are the scandalousness of the case and the ability to drive men for their nose. In marriage, women give a man enchanting sex and even capable of perversion.

Eggplant. The chest reminiscent of eggplant is obtained by the corresponding name. The owner of such a breast of Mila, is pleasant in communication, life. She is always a hostess of his life, and any man next to her will be a "podkin". In my opinion, it does not make sense to tell further - men do not like to be under the heel.

Lemons. Women possessing the form of a breast, similar to a big lemon, are cheerful in everyday life, go on it with their efforts. They are actress according to their nature, as they always adapt to the circumstances and play their role to the end. The visits with breasts in the form of lemon are sincerely and devoted. Good party for men.

Diek. Such women love to feel the soul of the company. In general, they strive for power and almost always achieve it. And the money for them act as a means to achieve the goals. The main motto: I can do everything herself and still get, even where other ladies surrendered to me. In marriage they are leaders. They believe that men themselves must conquer or win. If strong women scare you, this option is not for you.

Oranges. The chest having the form of an orange, alas, suggests that its owner is practically not interested in the physical side of love. The main feature of such a girl is temperament and purposefulness. In an intimate plan, they are liberated and always deliver to their partner a lot of pleasures, relying exclusively on the feeling of love and devotion. Always manifest themselves with reliable partners in all spheres of life.

Soccer. The owner of such a breast is very hardy and scattered in life. They will not stop any difficulties, always and everywhere find the cause of any problem and immediately eliminate it. The main motto: Movement is life. Of the character damn it, it is necessary to note the syntitude and maliciousness. That is why a competitor from her is dangerous, it is better not to move the road to her, not offend and not angry - otherwise it will be more expensive.

Pancakes. Women with such a breast are always insatiable in sexy. They are always small and little. For them, life consists only of sexual merits. They do not know the concept of shame in life. Of the characteristics of the character, aggressiveness and jealousness are most pronounced. But his partners will not be injured. Of these girls, excellent porn actresses are obtained.

Bottles. The owner of such a breast is always confident. Loves to do everything herself, no one relying. Life's motto: I will do everything better than anyone else. All of her feelings are always managed only by mind. The main features of character are targeting and order in everything. The sex is quite restrained. Very good companions of life.

Chairs. Breast owner, in shape resembling custard chairs (when nipples are watching up), are inconstant in relationships, can meet simultaneously with several men. They need possession of several men, while they do not want to lose each of them, they fight for them hard. A rare example of polygamy among women. To men that they are not interested in sexual terms include windy and only tease them.

Grapefruits. Women endowed with nature such a breast shape, in all signs would have to possess pronounced sexuality. But no - they are shy, tied to one man and to the home hearth. In sex prefer tenderness and affection. And the main feature of the character is practicality in everything. It should be noted that self-control and self-critic analysis - "Woman with Grapefruits" always controls and evaluates himself and its actions, but often does not know the feelings of measure. As a wife, such a woman will be loving and tender, with a constant order in the house and ready dinner to the arrival of her husband.

Potatoes. The owner of such breasts always strive to possess one man, the only one for them. At the same time, they feel perfectly only when they are in demand for the opposite sex, when they love them, and love for a long time. This is the most important thing for them. Like a wife, such a woman is the most perfect option. Their originality will not allow their chosen one, and devotion will not force jealous and worry about the family.

Kukovo.. Women possessing such a small breasts are very cheerful. At the same time, they have a sensitive nature and live in "their" world - more fictional than real. Prefer a slow, calm and familiar rhythm of life. Nature, very attached to their home and family. Of these, excellent partners are obtained for any occasions. But sex is interested only in moderate quantities, like a measured pace of movements.

Hooks. The owner of such a form of the chest is very smart and calculated on all life positions. If you have fallen into her hands, then with the "hook" you will not be laughing until it wants it to do it. Life's motto: I do not need someone else, but I will take my own, whatever it should be worth it. In intimate life, it is very impermanent - it depends on mood and circumstances.

Peach. Women with such a breast - very sensitive nature. They always strive to satisfy, first of all, themselves in their needs, so the partner almost always see a tool to implement their sexual desires. In an intimate plan, it is easily excited, is always the leader, loves to take the initiative herself. Therefore, the best partner for sex you cannot find, but in family life with such a woman will not be easy.

Handbags. Women with such a breast very purposeful, always choose a partner for themselves, and only with him completely "reveal" themselves and show all the power of their feelings. With the rest of men they are cold and impregnable. The main feature of the character is capriciousness and demanding. Communication with such a woman requires patience and excerpt.

Bee bites. These are women who do not loving their habits. The main trait of character is perseverance and calm. Treason to your man is impossible from her part. She attracts money as a magnet. The favorite occupation of such a woman is homemaking and reception of the desired guests. She loves the attention of others, is always a soul of the company, loves fun. Perfect married wife. And with sex - how lucky.

Ears Spaniel. Many name causes a smile on the lips, and some sigh sympathy. But! It is these women are the most liberated and temperamental in sex. They are peculiar to them, they can change partners one after another, even for one day, and the men abandoned by them will "dry" and wander around them. Of these women, the most virtuoso confused are obtained. And the older woman, the urgent she is in bed.

Bombs. Women possessing very magnificent breasts - it would seem, they should be and sex bombs, but this is not always the case. Yes, they love to make love. But do not confuse love and sex. They are revealed only with one and the only man, constant in their choice. The main feature of their character is romanticism. In life, they are looking for their "Prince on the White Kone", but until they find it, can change men like gloves.

It is also worth noting that a lot of nipples can tell a lot about their owner. So, the nipple speaks about generous nature and the desire for power. And the rotten and little talks about secrecy and modesty. Pinkish-light arolats around nipples mean soulfulness and softness. And Dark - Passion and hardness

One of the most important decorations of the representatives of the fine sex is the chest. Girls believe that it is this outstanding part of the body directly affects the desire of men. A certain stereotypes of perfect female breast have long been imposed on various fashion and glossy magazines. Articles and advertising appear daily on how to increase breasts or change its shape, with the mandatory mention that the life of the woman will change for the better.

But why go on marketing campaigns? Every woman is beautiful and unique in its own way, just like her breasts. Well-groomed and confident woman will be able to present a bust of any form and size from the best side and will not leave men indifferent. And our article will help determine which forms, parameters and types of female breast exist how to properly pick up linen and care for bust.

What does the breast form depend on

Starting from the adolescence, the chest passes a lot of changes and only after puberty acquires its final size and shape.

However, after this period, these parameters may vary for a number of reasons:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • chronic and other breast diseases;
  • sports;
  • mammoplasty;
  • climax.

But still, the main factors that define the shape of the chest and its size remain the hereditary indicators that contribute to the development of the mammary glands in adolescence. Sex hormones also play a very important role. If there is interruption in their functioning, the growth of the mammary glands may stop or opposite to significantly increase. The subcutaneous layer of fat and the condition of the ligaments, the fortress of the connecting tissues and the muscle training is also determined by the shape of the chest glands.

Main settings

There are several basic parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. By arrangement on the chest, breasts are low and high landing. But you should not confuse sagging chest with low fit.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breast in women. Ideally, the bust must be elastic and soft. But during pregnancy and the lactation period, it can be less elastic or even sluggish. This problem is fixed only by surgical path.
  3. By the width of the base of the breast, the shape of the female bust is classified into narrow, medium or wide.
  4. By volume, the chest can be drawn, convex or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In a variety of cases, the breast will be varied with the classic option with its parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. Small breast size most often has a conical shape. This form of the female bust is characterized by the fact that her foundation is usual, but above it becomes a cone-shaped.
  2. Asymmetric. This form is characterized by the fact that one breast is more different. Usually this difference is not significant, the difference is in just one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sized, then the question arises about its change using the surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special form in which a very narrow basis. Such mammary glands look extended and incomplete.
  4. Sharo-shaped. Another name of this form "Omega". The basis of the bust of the same size as all the milk iron. This difference is not congenital and may be present only from girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection form. The bust of such a form has a rather small size, and the circle is standard. Thus, the inconsistency of two parameters is obtained.

Distance between breasts

There are other features that distinguish the female bust is the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breast.

Distinctive features depending on the distance:

  • the chest is very tightly adjacent to each other, the distance is not visible at all;
  • between the right and left milk iron is a distance of 2-3 centimeters;
  • the left and right dairy iron from above are close to each other, and to the bottom - the interval between them is diverged, forming a triangle;
  • widely placed bust, the distance is more than 5 centimeters;
  • rarely meets a mixed situation when the mammary glands are far from each other, and diverge to the bottom in opposite sides.


Distinctive features of the direction and types of nipples in women:

  • the perfect form is considered when the nipples look clearly directly and have a small range around themselves. Some girls even resort to the surgeon services to achieve such results;
  • a common feature is when nipples look at the opposite sides;
  • at the older age (after 40 years), the chest can blame and then the nipples become directed down.

Basic forms

American experts studying the mental features of the individual conducted an analysis of physical forms of girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that the nature of beautiful women can have a lot of breasts. Different forms of female breast talk about different temperaments of their owners.

Let's look at what female breasts are and how it affects the character of a woman.


This form meets quite rarely and is considered the most beautiful form of the breast. The most popular of all types of female breast, which is made in plastic surgery. The lucky with such a perfect form is often lifted by the attention of men, have overestimated ambitions and are careerists. Men capable of treason immediately fall into the blacklist, as this attitude to themselves will not suffer, will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, this type of bust has the girls-kilns. They are active, friendly, most often engaged in active sports and are fond of "male" hobby. Such girls are always a soul of a company and good girlfriends. Male attention to them does not occupy, and not rare their big mutual love appears from close friendship. They will be devoted and true to their chosen one, and for the child will become a good girlfriend.

Widely planted

Girls possessing such a form pretty sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. Always ready to come to the help of those in need, more often to the detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to make someone to touch someone, but simply because their nature is.


The owner of such a form is an exacerbated emotional sensitivity to the outside world. The girls are predisposed to "inflate from the fly of an elephant", the little problems do large, and on this occasion is nervous and worry. Such sentimental individuals are often looking for a "Prince on a white horse" in men, idealizing partners, any grill is taken to heart. The romantic gusts of the second half are very appreciated, they make a man who protects them and manifests care. In the future, become loved by moms.


Women with such a breast do not fall into despair Never. From the part, it seems that they have inexhaustible energy and optimism, but the truth is that they openly do not show their experiences. It also happens in society: a lot of acquaintances with which you can have fun, but real friends, how can she fully trust, of which there can be only a couple of people.


The girls are very emotional, with a changeable mood, which changes without visible reasons. Nevertheless, it is these people who are creative creative nature with non-standard ideas and original approaches to resolve problems. They know how to come up with several outlets at once in the current situations.


Other varieties

In different ages of time, there was a reference to a female breast. In some times, a big and lush bust was revered, the little chest was especially valued. But one remains unchanged - the breast is always in the men's attention and is the decoration of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main varieties of the chest are allocated, but even the original names are invented:

  1. "Dulles". Exquisite charms of narrow shapes that become wider in the dark nipple area.
  2. "Buds". Chest no more than 2 sizes with a slightly elongated narrow shape and sharp nipples.
  3. "Snowy Hills". Neat chest of small size with blond little sharp nipples.
  4. "Water smooth". Pretty weighty and soft bust (4, 5 and more size) with thin skin and translucent viennes through it.
  5. "Alma Mater". Bust significant size with low projection and highly elastic nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfect tight chest, size is a bit more medium, but not more than 3rd, with brown halo and nipples looking forward.
  7. "Ripe pears." Breasts of large size, slightly soft and sagging, with a large nipple and brown halo.
  8. "Globes". Significant size (4.5 and more) and rounded form of bust, with a clearly distinguished nipple, which is whiter along the edge and darker to the center.
  9. "Kashtanka". Slightly split, soft chest 3-4 size with large nipples and light.
  10. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with full top and slightly transparent skin.
  11. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. An adorable variety of female breast is elastic, large, with a gentle color with blond nipples.
  12. "Lady fingers". It has a large size and its shape is similar to the famous grapes.
  13. "Eyes of Turkhany." Extracted and narrow chest, with small nipples, looking at various sides.
  14. "African Savannah". It has a medium size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  15. "Sappo". Soft and even slightly sluggish chest, elongated to the bottom and no more than 2 sizes.
  16. "Chloe". Miniature and proper shape breasts with a small and light nipple.

There is still a mass of the names of this adorable part of the female body. Comparing bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, and such names are born: oranges, cunning, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, repka. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee bites, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, chairs.

Types of Nipples

The female breast is a unique organ created by nature, to produce milk and feeding infants to them. The nipple, just, is responsible for where the accumulated milk will come from. The nipple is surrounded by Area, which has a color from light pink to dark brown. Forms of nipples are: small, medium, large.

There are five types of women's nipples according to the degree of bulge:

  1. Normal nipple. Nipple significantly protrudes from the Area, even without the use of stimulation to it. If, use the last, then it increases and becomes solid.
  2. Convex nipple. The appearance of the nipple seems a little swollen due to the fact that the area is slightly raised around it. When using stimulation, the size of the nipple increases.
  3. Distracted nipple. Almost all the time the nipple is inside the AREOLA, but when excited can become noticeable.
  4. Flat nipple. Practically does not protrude due to the Area and sometimes it may not respond to stimulation.
  5. One-sided nipple. Another name is different nipples when one nipple is convex, and the second is not.

How to choose the lingerie

When the question arises about the choice of a bra, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • the bra must always be in size;
  • the bra with cups of thick foambone more suits the owners of modest forms;
  • the bra in the form of the letter "T" is better to purchase girls and women with a large size of the bust and the fallen form;
  • the bra with horizontal seam visually makes bust more rounded.

Selection of linen depending on breast shape

Different forms of female breast imply a wearing of different linen:

  1. "Circeda" or classic form. Girls with such an ideal shape of the chest are suitable for any brass models. When choosing linen can be focused only on personal preferences.
  2. "The globe". Recommended by the carrying bra with a jumper, which will fully fit into the bone of the chest or which will be absent at all. In order to raise the bust, it is better to choose a bone bones that reach the middle of the chest, the seams in the bodies of the lift must be stitched. A good choice will be the brake bra.
  3. "Renaissance". Particular attention requires only the right choice of size.
  4. "Chestnut". Suitable bras without bones, having contour cups, or bodies with a cup, stitched from three parts, as well as bodies in which the central seam in the lower half.
  5. "Water surface". The lift cups must be full-sized and have insertion on the side, in order to freely place the chest in them and send it forward.
  6. "Alma Mater". Suitable models with bones, smoothly tight-fitting breasts and made inserts from dense tissue, to compensate for volume. Perfect brass-minimizers will be perfect.
  7. "Buds". Bras with a contour cup and additional liners are excellent for this type of breast. Lifts with Push-Apom, Bando bras will become the best choice.
  8. "Sappo". Better is best suited with push-ap, with lower and lateral liners, to give breasts volume.
  9. "Chloe". For giving volumes, bones and soft contour cups are suitable.

Formula of an ideal female breast

Scientists from Italy opened the formula of the perfect female bust. To do this, it is necessary to present the triangle ABC, as shown in the picture. Cut the AU - we will be considered for the base of the triangle, the corners are on the nipples and in the collar coast.

The speaker length should be divided into 2, then the resulting number is divided into the length of the segment AV and find out the number of breast parameters. The correct and most beautiful shape of the chest corresponds to the number from 0.4 to 0.6.

The distance of the perfect breast parameters:

  • between the nipples should be from 20 cm to 21 cm;
  • from the navel to the nipple - from 24 cm to 25 cm;
  • breast base diameter from 12 to 13 cm.

Care and preservation of breast shape

What form and parameters neither possessed bust, timely care and properly chosen underwear will be able to keep it in great shape.

Correct care is as follows:

  1. Cleansing the skin of the chest with water and soft gel agents gentling peeling;
  2. Wearing the right and comfortable bra;
  3. Exercises for strengthening muscle breast tissue;
  4. The use of creams that improve the condition of the skin;
  5. Massage;
  6. Protection of chest skin from ultraviolet rays with special means;
  7. Monitoring posture and weight.

Follow these uncomplicated rules to save and maintain beautiful and elastic forms.


How to pull the breast muscles to give her a more beautiful form, you will learn from our video.

Women's chest. Songs sing about it, they write poetry and simply admire. For centuries, women's breasts were a mystery for men. Even sorry women We are not sure that you need to look for her answer. Continue to read to learn about the female bust more than you have ever been able to find out yourself. We will tell everything - from size to loss of form. And what can the child wink and be the subject of seduction at the same time? Before you 10 unknown facts about women's breasts. It is worth noting that women's breasts can be found among 10 parts of the body, which photoshop most often.

You can see the difference between busts of two different girls, promotion, but breasts are cousins, not twins. Also, like gas, breasts are not the same. Of course, we are talking about a bust given by nature ... Plastic surgeons can be created impossible.

Natural breasts can differ in size, height and form. In fact, most women have left chest more right, but you probably never noticed it.

Combination " double D."What do you say about anything? For a long time, it was used to designate the size of the DD cup bra and it was considered quite large. Now, it seems, double D - hit the season.

In fact, in 2013 reported that 34DD is the most common American bra size. Not sure I know how he really looks like. But allegedly they brag about the most 34DD-Kateit Appon, Kim Kardashian, and Tyra Banks.

Word " distribute"So ... noncommmary. It is difficult to argue about the big breast, without thinking that it will be later. Women at a certain age often make themselves " compliment"That breast is already at the level of the knees, it makes you think how chest can be saved.

According to the study, To the loss of breast shape lead age, smoking, pregnancy, the weight of a woman and the nearest breast size. So, if you are a woman who wants to enlarge breasts or a man who wants a partner chest more, think well, a strong accusation can be avoided.

Let's spend an anatomy lesson. Women breasts - two breasts located on the chest. Milk glands consist of three main parts:

  • body breast body
  • areolas,
  • nipple.

In the body of the breast there are connecting fabrics. Areola - small square, surrounding nipples, a little darker skin color. In the center of Areola is the nipple. Usually Area and Nipples are located in the upper half, in the center or bottom of the chest. It all depends only on the size and form! Although the whole breast is sensitive, the nipple is most reacting to touch and change the temperature.

The biggest breasts come from America and belongs to Annie Hawkins-Turner. The size of the bra - 48V, the largest bra size in history. In other words, her chest girth - 178 cm. Annie says that the breast began to grow when she was nine, and just continued to grow further.

On another, unnatural side, the largest breast implants that belong to the housewife from Brazil Sheilele Hershei, now a resident of Texas. The sheila implant has a size of 34FFF, which is much greater than its natural size B. We have heard that Sheila would like to even increase the breast in the future.

5. People want to # freedomes

Many believe that women should have the same rights as men, including, in the right to walk topless. Public movement under Huesteg # freedomes, supports women to have the opportunity to lay out the photos of topless in the network, as men make it.

This movement has become a reaction to the fact that US media introduced censorship on nipples (and chest as a whole), on the Internet, on television and in print editions. Movement for the equality of topfri believes that women have the right to bare breasts in public places on a par with men. What do you think?

If you have a big breast, exercise can be fatally dangerous. Running and jumping can cause discomfort in chest, abdomen and back. And besides, the big breast is actively moving during training, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Women with a large bust should know that aerobic exercises can stretch and break the chest ligaments, which will soon lead to stretching and severe breast sagging.

Support can be found in special sports bras, they reduce the feelings of discomfort to a minimum and, therefore, prevent cheating breast during training. A good bra will not rub nipples. Triple victory!

Women's breasts have similarities with men's ... dick? Yes, you understood correctly. Women's chest can show that the owner is excited, in several ways. When sexual excitement occurs, the nipple becomes hard and more sensitive. In addition, like a penis, the chest, during the excitation, may increase.

Milk glands can swell to one size when the woman is excited. The chest can be so sensitive that up to one percent of women can only achieve climax from stimulation of nipples.

When you next time, ask a man: " What do you first pay attention to a woman?"You can immediately call him a deceiver if he starts talking about a snow-white smile. Studies show that the chest is the first thing that men pay attention to. There is a scientific explanation, why the chest is so important. Evolutionary speaking, breasts - a sign of fertility and health, men are interesting to the fact that a woman can give birth and fade their child.

It's no secret that plastic chest surgery, one of the most popular procedures. Pamela Anderson became widely known for the contribution to fashion increase, after Malibu had changed his rescuers for something more. In 2014, 286,254 Americans went to breast augmentation. For comparison, less than half of this number of people made a face suspender in the same year.

In addition to the increase in breast, there are many other procedures for women who want to change breasts, including a reduction in breasts, restoration of breast shape, lipophiling and breast implant correction. From Taylor Swift to Coco Austin, breast implants are of different shapes and sizes! pay attention to

There is a common view that the strong floor with greater sympathy belongs to the lush female bruis than a small chest.

Many men will probably go to the discussion with reasoning, which is not the case, and attempts to prove the opposite.

But nevertheless, a woman with great breasts causes more visual responses from the male half of the population. For this character, it will be ahead of the same woman with smaller sizes. This fact is easily confirmed by the observation method.

What caused this phenomenon? Specialists of different directions, one way or another related to this issue, from psychology to sexology, allocate several main theories.

A large warm mother's breast, filled with delicious milk, is the first thing that the man is found in infancy.

In it, he finds a sense of security and security. In severe women's forms continue to attract his attention.

At the subconscious level, these forms resemble men about carefree time. About warm, comfort and saturation.

These "memories", in turn, cause sexual attraction.

A man wants to see in his beloved tenderness, affection and care, once donated by their mother.

In turn, a sexual desire caused, seemingly "related relationships", also has an explanation.

According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, each child on the subconscious level is attracted to the parent of the opposite sex.

Theory number 2. offspring

Partially echoes the previous one, but is associated with instincts not past, but rather, the future. In accordance with this breast theory, women are also perceived as the only and most important source of infant.

However, here subconsciously occurs the choice of future bombing of the offspring, which in the future will arise in the Union. That is, as in prehistoric times, the male, pushed by the mechanisms of evolution, is looking for a female, the most capable of providing the survival of his offspring.

Women's charming of small size, of course, associations with baby feeding are an order of magnitude less.

Theory # 3. Envy

Some researchers are noticed that lovers of a big female breast are most often inclined to surround themselves with great objects. If the cars are SUVs. If at home is the immense expanses and sizes.

If the companion is large, at least some of their own volumes. This is associated with the way of self-affirmation. The desire to cause envy with friends, rivals and others at all.

The paradox is that some of them have this part of the body can even cause antipathy. But the desire to cause envious glances overpowers and makes tolerate what can be unpleasant even visually.

Theory No. 4. Complex

A number of sexologists argue that the life companion with extensive forms choose men with a banal complex. This complex is associated with its own dignity.

Being dissatisfied with its primary sexual signs, men seem to "get" due to their beloved. It is for this reason that the female sizes cultivate, almost deifying them.

Theory No. 5. Feminine

The chest is the part of the body, which is the highest degree of female organism from male. That is, she herself has a manifestation.

And the more its volume and size, the greater the woman differs from the man, which automatically attracts attention. And the manifestation of desire follows attention.

However, this theory only applies to the discharge of reasoning and does not have completely no scientific justifications.

Theory No. 6. Propaganda

It is believed that a big chic bust is an imaginary beauty standard imposed by society interested in this industries. In particular, we can talk about plastic surgery, the production of underwear and other related industries.

With the help of the media, major representatives of these markets simply artificially planted a pyshnogoody image into the consciousness of both sexes.

This is done to build a queue in the cabins of plastic surgeons, and then to the adjustments of stores where women are offered already related products for artificial breast care, and all sorts of supporting and visually increasing volumes of methods and means.

So mankind, divided by the idea of \u200b\u200bnature, equally in all signs, rushed into pursuit of the achievement of "standard" and "favorite" sizes. In fact, recognizing that the size does not matter, the male and female half of the population continues to actively chop the wallets of smart uncle.


Anyway, a reliable explanation of the dominance of the attractiveness of a big female breast above is small. And the number of theories and speculation itself says that there is no predominance as such.

All this is only an object and a reason for pseudo-contaminated surveys and friendly conversations. In matters of human beauty, as in all other subjective issues, it is difficult to come to a common opinion.