If the child sucks a finger. How to wean a child sucking a finger: interesting facts and a soft solution to the problem The child sucks her mother's hand how to wean

Sucking fingers with a small child can turn into a serious problem. If earlier such behavior was considered simply one of the bad habits, trying to keep his finger with all the might, now the attitude towards this problem has changed. Why does the child begins to suck the finger and how to wean him from such actions?

The reasons

The main reason for the sucking of the finger is the desire of the child to satisfy the instinct of sucking. It is noted that children who have more feeding frequency, suck the fingers less often. Also those kids that suck milk faster, more often resort to sucking fingers than kids sucking milk for a long time.

The child can suck the finger, because:

  • He is hungry or still wants to suck the chest.
  • He's a teeth and want to scratch the gums.
  • Baby lacks attention and love of parents.
  • So the child soothes himself.
  • He is just boring.
  • Its too early or very sharply excised from the chest.


Most often, the sucking of the finger can be noticed in breast kids, and the type of feeding affects the development of this habit.

With breastfeeding

The kids receiving Mamino Milk, suck the finger rarely, especially if the mother gives a bough chest on demand and does not interfere with sucking. Mom does not see if milk is in breast, so gives the baby the opportunity to suck longer than when feeding from the bottle.

With artificial feeding

Often, artificial infants begin to suck the finger if they drink a portion of the mixture too fast. Normally, the baby must suck the milk from the bottle for 20 minutes (this is only sucking, without taking into account the recreation gaps), and the holes on the nipple should be selected in such a size to ensure the sucking of milk in such a time interval.

Children older than the year

The child is very rarely starting to suck the finger at this age, it was usually seen in this action before. Children over 12 months suck the sake of calmness, when they miss, grieved, tired or want to fall asleep. And therefore, to get rid of such habits, they need quite different measures than the first year of life with a strong sucking reflex.

Sucking thumb

In most cases, children suck exactly thumbs up. If such a habit is rooted and the child continues to suck a thumb over the age of 4, there is a great risk of bite disruption, as well as speech. The problem is that when sucking the skin of the finger is cut and even can inflame. Long-term sucking can also cause thumb deformation.

Influence on the growth of the teeth

Often, kids who suck finger suck, the upper milk teeth come back in front, while the teeth below are slightly tilted back. The longer the child will suck the finger, the more pronounced will be the displacement of the teeth. In many ways, the position of the teeth will be determined by the position of the finger in the mouth during sucking. However, it should be noted that this action does not affect the constant teeth if the child stopped sucking the finger until the six-year-old age.

How can not wean?

In the ways of teaching the sucking finger, parents show considerable ingenuity, but it is not recommended to do with the baby the following:

  • To smear the finger of Aloe juice, mustard, bitter varnish or something else with very unpleasant taste.
  • Binting fingers and tie hands.
  • Turn the tight mittens or sew them to the shirt.
  • Screaming to a child, forcing him to remove the finger.
  • Threaten the punishment or punish.

Why not bind?

Toddler's hands binding and other restrictive measures make the baby suffer. In addition, such actions do not get rid of the baby from the sucking of the finger. As soon as the mother stop tie the hands or smear the finger of something unpleasant, the child will return to his habit and will suck even more intense than before binding, since he will need to calm himself.

What do we have to do?

Take measures to sucking a finger need immediately, as soon as the parents noticed such actions of the baby. The baby's first three to four months of life are especially needed, and after half a year most children, a sucking instinct begins to decrease. And therefore, the first attempts to suck the fingers of the kids take up to 3 months. A little later, all the kids begin to suck and eat their fingers because of the cutting teeth. Such behavior should be distinguished with sucking finger.

If the baby on breastfeeding, the duration of breastfeeding should be increased to 30-40 minutes.In cases where mom for one feed gives a baby at once both chest, she should keep the baby as long as possible at the first breast. It is necessary to choose a child-artificial child to choose a nipple for a bottle so that the child suck the mixture long enough.

Reduce the amount of feeding in the baby, sucking the finger, is not recommended. On the contrary, sometimes you need to add one feeding, which can be canceled with time.

Children over a year should find out the cause of such behavior. Perhaps the child lacks the society of peers, toys, communicating with mom. Try to protect the karapuz from different stresses, as well as increase your mother's physical contact with the baby.

If a child is 3-6 years old, still sucks a finger, talk to him, as with an equal companion. Go with a child to the dentist, let him tell why it is harmful to suck his finger. Also tell the baby that a similar habit is suitable only to small kids, focusing on the fact that the child stopped sucking a finger becomes completely adult.

We find alternative

Parents can:

  • Teach a child to calm down in another way, for example, to express your own feelings with words, read the book, sit in the arms of mom.
  • Give a child toy, which he can hammer with his fingers, for example, a small rubber ball.
  • Make a little fashionable Cute manicure, similar to Mint, who does not want to spoil.
  • Kids can offer a teether who will be an alternative to the sucking of the fingers.

How old is it becoming a problem?

The sucking finger of infants practically does not cause adult anxiety. If the child has already been shown a year, and he continues to suck the finger, parents begin to worry, but it is not necessary to worry. Often, such sucking is still a reflex and unwanted habit of quickly goes into the past, if adults understood her reason and helped the baby.

The situation becomes more serious if the finger sucks 3-4-year-old Karapuz. First of all, it is necessary to estimate the psychological state of the baby, because such behavior can have very serious reasons. And to get rid of the addiction to suck the finger at the age of 3 years is already more difficult, and the risk of negative influence on the teeth and is increasing.


The main secret - if mom already falls into despair in his desire to wean the crumb from such a harmful habit in her opinion, she should stop. The sucking of the finger is indeed an alarm signal to which you need to react. But it is not necessary to consider it a catastrophe from which to urgently cope.

Be patient and act in succession. Try to create the baby the most favorable conditions for the development and life. Only from parents depends the well-being of babies. And if the mother understands it, the chances of successfully saying goodbye to the habit of sucking the finger will rise.

If the child is actively sucking only a thumb, you can offer him not to deprive other fingers, and sucking them too. Many kids trying to fulfill the instructions, so tired of sucking the fingers that they stop doing it at all.

Opinion E. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician, like other doctors, considers the reason for the sucking of the finger instinctive satisfaction of the sucking reflex. He proposes to switch the child's attention to a pacifier, experimenting with their different species. Komarovsky is confident that it is easy to deal with instincts - it is useless. If the parents "take" a finger from the child, they certainly need to offer something in return. Not to eradicate this phenomenon, but to create an alternative to him.


So that the baby does not start sucking his fingers, such actions will be suitable:

  • Breast kid give suck chest for a long time.
  • If the baby is strongly expressed by a sucking reflex, to teach a child to a pacifier.
  • In the period of rubberizing the teeth give the baby "Rodzuni".
  • More to communicate with the baby, play, show the world around.
  • Constantly engaged in what improves a small motorcy and takes hands - modeling, playing with sand, folding of puzzles, designer, mosaic and similar.

The habit of sucking the fingers is very common among young children. Some manage to shove a whole fist in the mouth. Although it seems common things, young parents have many questions about this. Why does a child suck a finger? Is it harmful? How to wean baby from this habit?

Why does a child suck a finger?

Sucking is one of the primary reflexes that appears before birth. In the womb of the kids, the fingers or cord rings suck, thereby soothing themselves. It has the strength of this habit and after birth, especially actively kids suck their fingers or cams in the first months of life, but closer to the year the reflex starts to fade.

In the first year of life, children suck finger for such reasons:

  1. Unsatisfied sucking reflex. In some kids, it is developed very much, so they are trying to fill the lack of available ways. Infants who spend little time in the chest or are on artificial feeding, often pull fingers in the mouth.
  2. Hunger. You can distinguish this cause by the behavior of a child: finding your finger and stuck it in my mouth, he begins to suck him greedily, trying to get milk. Sometimes you can see how the baby sucks a fist, and after a while, without having got the desired milk, it begins to annoy, nervous, cry.
  3. Boredom. Bound-karapuz can start sucking a finger or other items from nothing to do. Mom need to pay attention to this in time and try to pay the time to the baby.
  4. Research interest. Until the year, children will know the world through the mouth, and fingers, being subject to research, go there. In this case, having seen the subject of interest, the child takes it out of his mouth, considers, again puts in the mouth. This reason does not cause problems, the main thing is to be clean.

If the child is older than the year, the causes of others. These include:

  1. Stressful situations. Moving, appearance in the family of a newborn, illness or injury, the death of a loved one or a pet can provoke the appearance of habit of sucking a finger. Thus, the child is trying to calm down and feel safe. Family conflicts also negatively affect the psychological state of the baby, even if he has no year.
  2. The child lacks attention, care, he feels unnecessary. This is especially true for children who have not been desirable from the very beginning. Lained warmth and mother affection, children turn into a whole complex of neurotic habits.
  3. Boredom, fear, nervous tension, fatigue, overexcitation. Babes up to three years can calm themselves in this way. Then we can talk about the habit that was formed on the principle: I experienced negative emotions - my finger got into my mouth - I liked the child, it became calm, and he fell asleep. After some time, the situation repeatedly, the child went already known to him, and again it turned out to calm down. Now every difficult situation is accompanied by sucking the fingers.

If until the reason for the sucking of fingers in most cases harmless, then after a year, parents need to be particularly attentive to their crumb. Up to three years, this situation is also normal. If the child was not worried about some emotional shocks, in the family a calm atmosphere, and the baby love and care about him, then parents need to pay more attention to the chad at the moments of fatigue, stress, anxiety. Then sucking the finger will not turn into a serious problem.

If the habit is preserved and after three years, then parents need to think about the causes of such behavior, analyze whether the child does not have psychological problems. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a psychologist.

Not harmful?

The most important question that worries mothers is not harmful to suck fingers? If the habit goes to one and a half or two years, then, as a rule, does not bear serious negative consequences. But you can not forget about the danger to bring infection through dirty hands. If the child constantly sucks a thumb for a long time, it may adversely affect its development:

  • problems appear with a bite;
  • teeth deteriorate;
  • traumatization of the skin and nails occurs;
  • continuous skin irritation can lead to dermatitis.

Therefore, it is necessary to fight the habit of sucking a finger, but to do it right and consistently.

What can not be done?

Before you understand what to do is, it is worthwhile to ask what you can not do. Some tips are very common and seem efficient and effective. The fact is harmful to the baby.

Among such advice - to smear your fingers mustard, bitter varnish or something bitter or sharp. Logic is simple: the kid will try, it will understand that it is tasteless, and stop pulling your fingers into the mouth. In fact, everything is not so harmless. The gastrointestinal tract of the child is not adapted to digest an acute or bitter food, so even a small entry into the body can cause negative health effects. Especially this also applies to varnish, chemical, which even in small quantities can cause poisoning.

Other similar methods - to bind or interbnate the handles, put on the mittens. All these ways deliver great discomfort and even suffering. In addition, he is deprived of his usual way to calm himself, and this is even more reflected on the nervous system.

If the child is a little older, some parents are considered acceptable to crumble and defeat the baby, Velu will remove his fingers from his mouth. This either will not help in solving the problem, but, on the contrary, aggravate it. Feeling irritation of the parents, he is experiencing stress, as a result - the desire to calm himself familiar and the usual way.

In such cases, this habit itself is safer to the baby than the wrong adult response.

How to wean baby suck finger?

Then the question arises, how to wean a child suck a finger or cam safe and effective method? To help the child, parents first need to find out why he does it. If we are talking about a child up to a year, you can try the following:

  • If it is in a dissatisfied sucking reflex, then you need to fill it up. Baby on breastfeeding must be tried to keep the chest longer, even when the chest is empty, and the crumb is already sleeping, periodically sucking. If the baby is an artificial, then to satisfy the sucking reflex, you need to buy a quality nipple. It will help to form the right bite. And in purity it is much easier to keep the nipple than the hands of a child who explores the world.
  • If the child is experiencing anxiety from hunger, then you need to feed it. And the next time you try to react faster, feeding the kid even before it starts to show strong anxiety.
  • More often to take the Karapuza in the hands, play with him, spending time. Then he will not have time and reasons for sucking the fingers.

If the child is older than the year, then methods will help:

  • If this is a way to calm down, then watch the child, which still calms him. You can give him a toy that is pleasant to hold in your hands. But the most important "sedative" for crumbs is Mamino participation and warm embraces. Try to switch the child's attention to something else, distract it, to attach, read an interesting book. At the same time, without focusing on what he is doing wrong at the moment.
  • Talk with the child - explain why you can not put my fingers in your mouth. It can be said that when he stops sucking his fingers, it will become quite as an adult.
  • Some children helps a visit to the dentist - the doctor will tell about the dangers of such a habit of teeth, and this will encourage the baby to strive to get rid of this classes.
  • Use fairy tales, games that will help the baby to deal with the habit. You can use finger games.

Do not sharpen the attention of the crumbs on the problem of sucking your fingers. If parents constantly wander it, then it only aggravates the situation. If gently and imperceptibly switch the attention of the karapuz to another occupation, the habit can leave yourself.

It is important to remember about one extreme: if my mother begins to actively communicate with the baby only after the fingers notice the fingers in the mouth, then another reflex can work out - it will do it every time you wishes moms. Therefore, it is necessary to show interest and start communicating before the finger or cam will be in the mouth.

Think about the situation in the family: the clarification of relationships under children is always reflected on them negatively. So try to avoid such situations. If the child is experiencing a stressful situation, help him cope with feelings: pay more attention to him, treat with understanding to his feelings. Make the crumb to express your opinion on changes in his life - whether it is a moving, the appearance of a baby in the family or something else. Such an exchange of thoughts will help the child to see support from parents and reduce anxiety.

Sucking finger after a year

Usually by the year or one and a half years, a sucking reflex fade, the need for sucking fingers is disappeared. But some children continue to do up to three years and even more. By the age of six, this habit can cause problems associated with communicating with peers. In school, it is unlikely to avoid the defeats, so the issue of teaching will become particularly acute.

But parents are important to keep calm and not panic. Children feel the mood of their parents, and your anxiety can pass and crude. If the child continues to suck a finger after five years and no methods do not help get rid of it, then most likely will have to consult from a children's psychologist.

Many babies prefer their finger or cam pacifier. Mom is such a state of affairs. Imagination immediately draws anxiety patterns: it will bring infection, spoil the bite, it will grow, and the bad habit will remain.

First of all, do not panic! Neurologist Tatyana Stzkaya I advises to understand when and under what circumstances a child does it.

The sucking of the finger is before bedtime or at the time of boredom. Usually, children calm down so much, "satisfy their unconditional reflex," the doctor explains.

Tatiana Stadskaya neurologist prepared a "breakdown" in childhood, so that parents understand when the finger or cam in the mouth does not represent dangers, and when you need to take measures to teach crumbs from an unhealthy habit.

Up to 2 months Children do not differentiate their hands. It can be said that their sucking is obtained spontaneous thanks to sucking reflex and chaotic hand movements.

From 2-3 months The child begins to realize that he has hands + movements become less chaotic + cognitive interest.

From 5-6 months Sucking a finger / cam is already becoming intended. The child associates them with soothing.

Mommists are interested, where children arise in children, turning into dependence. According to the neurologist Tatyana Stetsk, the sucking of a finger or cam can be characteristic of kids in such cases:

  • large intervals between feeding;
  • in nursing mom, a large stream of milk;
  • mom went to work early.

Instagram @Doctor_Steckaya.

On average, the sucking reflex begins to weaken by 6-8 months, - notes the doctor.

And immediately focuses on when it's time to beat the alarm:

When the sucking of the finger shifts the breast to the background.

When a child over 6 months falls asleep and sucks a finger all night.

When a child at older (2-3 years old) sucks a finger while watching TV, games, from boredom, sleep.

What to do?

At the age of the child up to 6 months

After falling asleep immediately clean the finger / cam iso;

Put on the scratch;

Giving your breast when trying to suck your finger, but do not forget that at the time of flooding smooth movements to remove the nipple.

If a child over 6 months

Suggest an alternative - a sleepy toy, diaper, plastic embossed roses.

If it refuses sleepy assistants, you can help with a slight braid, patting, stroking. The most important thing is to remove the dependence on the finger.


In children aged 2 years

Be sure to switch attention to another type of activity, gently remove from the mouth. In severe cases, it is permissible to use a tissue plaster, a cohesive bandage.

Tatiana Stadskaya neurologist emphasizes the attention of parents on what you can not do with a child's habit of sucking your finger or cam:

  • hit hands, scold;
  • smear mustard;
  • ignore sucking your finger.

Does your baby pulled a finger or cam in his mouth? Tell us about your experience.

Remember, with what kindness you were viewed on the ultrasound of your baby, sucking my finger. But what seemed so cute during pregnancy or the first months of the child's life, after the year qualifies as a bad habit, with which not only desirable, but also need to fight. It is time for you to know what is dangerous sucking the finger to the baby and how to wean a child sucking a finger.

Causes of habits

You may notice that your fingers suck almost all babies, and this is a physiological explanation. As a rule, at the same time, the phenomenon takes place at the breast itself. Another thing is a psychological factor, or even pathological.

Physiology of sucking finger

Just imagine that the central nervous system, the brain, not to mention all muscles and nerve endings on the face, is involved in the process of sucking fingers.

  • Fingers in the mouth with loud combustion is a clear hint to you that the baby is hungry;
  • Your baby can actively pull your fingers in the mouth and at the time of teething. To say the exact time when this happens cannot, as the gums can swell both in three and 12 months. On the age of the start of teething tooth read in the article to teething teeth in children \u003e\u003e\u003e

Psychological reasons

The sucking of a finger kid may have a psychological explanation.

  1. Often, this habit arises in children who were early excavated from the chest. In this case, the suction of the finger is compensation and peculiar calm (at what age and how safer to complete breastfeeding? Read about it in the article oscillation of the child from the chest \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • Until the year there is no special problem, and if the child will feel the warmth and caress of the parents, the habit will pass by himself;
  • Another thing is age from year and older. Please note that your baby bothers something, he feels discomfort. Such a situation may occur when you went to work or during the move, perhaps the baby went to the garden or he just lacks my mother's and dadish attention.
  1. Nipple and a bottle - another real reason for producing a bad habit. When the child from childhood is offered breast substitutes for soothing, it will reflexively poke your fingers, and later a handle, pencil and other objects under the hand, in the mouth.

Pathological factors

Doctors can associate this habit with neurological disorders associated with sleep impairment, general weakness, as well as transmitted colds.

Age features habits

Talk about sucking as a bad habit after the celebration of the first year of birth.

  • Hogvasikov sucking a finger is reflexive. In this case, the reason or in the excavation from the chest, or in the increased voltage, which is subjected to its nervous system;

Such behavior is characteristic of children who are bad / little / disturbing. If it is about your child, then be sure to start working on improving a child's sleep at a sleep.

This is an online course that you will pass by being at home. Acting sequentially you in 2 weeks will help the child learn how to easily fall asleep and sleep peacefully all night. Come on the link: how to quickly put a baby to sleep? \u003e\u003e\u003e

  • At the age of 2 years it is time to call the sucking of the finger to the bad habit. The reason is already psychological, and the finger in this case is the remedy. It's time to think about how to wean a child for 2 years to suck your finger;
  • Three-year-old carapuz with a finger in the mouth - a phenomenon that can be explained by the first walks in the garden. The reason is psychological: the baby lacks your attention, he is experiencing that he is left in an unfamiliar place;
  • 4-5 years - the time of the first fears and phobias. If the baby, before that, who did not hang his finger in his mouth, began to suck him, it's time to talk to the child and find out what he was worried.
  • Sucking a finger over the age of 5 years - pathology associated with neurosis, phobias, uncertainty in itself. Watch, whether there is any accompanying bad habits, maybe a child nibbles nails or pencils, winds hair or edge of a finger. An active sucking need your help.

It is necessary to fight with bad habits, that's just waving your checker. At any age, it is necessary to move away from threats, instead to pay more attention to the child and affection.

The main principle of combating any harmful habit is at the very first signs to find the cause and eliminate it.


If your baby is on breastfeeding, then a plan of action, how to wean a child to suck your finger in a year, extremely simple: breastfeeding, do not limit the child's sucking in time, but at the same time keep clear boundaries in a child relationship. Pacipple not only will not help solve the problem, but will aggravate dependence on sucking, since it is absent, the baby will even more actively suck his finger.


  1. When, by virtue of circumstances, you are forced to abandon breast feeding, feed the baby more often, it may be thumbs in the mouth - this is a signal about hunger;
  2. Pay attention to the bottle that you give to the child. In priority there must be orthodontic tight nipples so that the kid to fully satisfy his sucking reflex;
  3. But when teething, the teeth will help ointments for gums and teethers with a cooling effect (there is an article on this topic on this topic: gels in teething \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  4. Do not forget about tactile contact, do not be afraid to wear a child in your arms, the time will come and he himself wants independence, and now he needs you.

Sucking finger children 2-5 years

To the question, how to wean a child to suck a finger at 3 years old, I can advise you to spend more time with your child.

  • Watch, in what moments the naughty finger turns out to be in the mouth. Perhaps the child is just boring or something does not work. Take the Karapuza, come up with an interesting, joint pastime, draw or read the books, play with mosaic or puzzles. When the kid's handles are busy, you will not notice the fingers in the mouth;
  • With the baby at the age of 2 and more years you can talk seriously. Find out what worries him, because it is through psychological experiences most often and a bad habit arises. Explain that the sucking of the finger has a harmful side, namely, microbes and bacteria, which are just waiting for the case to get into the child's body.

A good psychological move - to compose a fairy tale about the hero, who sucked the finger, but was able to defeat this bad habit.

Important! But what should not be done, it is to threaten the child. You will not help with cries or power, like grandmother's methods with pepper or green.

Sucking a finger in a dream

If during the wake period you can be with the baby nearby and control the location of the fingers, then in a dream it will be more difficult. Popular offers, how to wean a child to suck your finger in a dream, it is close to access to the fingers using a glove or scratch or smear the nickname lacquer "Nekusyka".

Note that this is only the technical side of the question, and you need to determine the reason for the sucking of your finger. Perhaps the emergence of a bad habit associated with the transition to a separate sleep, and the baby is simply afraid to sleep alone.

  1. Offer him a favorite toy;
  2. Buy night light;
  3. Do not close the door to the children's room.

By the way, you can choose such a toy that it will be easily placed in the palm and had silicone inserts-rodents (read the article

A small child requires constant attention and care, the lack of parental care often leads to the emergence of bad habits, such as lip peppering, sucking fingers and cams. If the child sucks a finger for a long time, it leads to the destruction of the enamel of the nail plate, deforming the phalange of the finger and can cause the bite curvature, as well as the lesion of the gums. In addition to the above-mentioned trouble, constant sucking fingers contributes to the body of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, which causes all diseases. Therefore, the optimal option will be the timely teaching of the crumbs from such a bad habit.

Why does a child suck fingers?

The sucking reflex in an infant is considered one of the most important, since in this process three main nerves are involved - a threefold, nasopharynk and wandering. The simultaneous work of such important bodies leads to an improvement in digestion, stabilizing the work of the nervous system and the psychological equilibrium of the baby, activating brain activity. The need of newborn crumbs in sucking breasts or something else is due not only to the feeling of hunger: thus the kids soothe and develop.

What to do parents to normalize the status of crumbs? First of all, to determine the cause of concern. Unified reason why the child sucks a finger, no, the prerequisite for this can be:

  • lack of breast feeding - If a child spends little time near the mother breast, his sucking reflex is not fully satisfied, so the crumb can suck fingers or toys;
  • pain from cutting teeth - The process of teething the first tooths brings quite painful sensations, and sucking the finger helps to calm the irritated lesions;
  • psychological factor - If the baby sucks his fingers aged 2-3 years, the main reason for this is most likely the lack of attention from the relatives. Thus, the crocha tries to calm down and fill the launch of heat and affection, most often in this situation the child sucks a thumb. Another reason may be fear or excessive excitability, for example, after active games before bedtime, sucking soothes and removes excessive activity;
  • boredom - habit of sucking fingers can be acquired due to the lack of interest in what is happening around, it happens that the kids suck fingers just boredom.

In any case, noticing his child to suck fingers, parents should take timely measures to eradicate such a harmful manner.

How to wean a child suck finger?

Few know what to do when the child sucks her fingers or other items, so often inexperienced parents are making radically irrational and unacceptable measures to eradicate this habit.

There are several ways to wean a child to suck your finger, you can do this:

  • for infantry Try to increase breastfeeding time, leaving him near mom for 30-40 minutes. If the crumb is on artificial feeding, choose a nipple with a narrow hole so that the child sucks the bottle longer;
  • older children who suck fingers to a greater degree for calmness, it is important to take something. Invite the child new classes: or clay, folding puzzles or constructor, etc., so hands will be busy and the need for sucking will disappear;
  • often kids pull hands in mouth at certain points, For example, while watching TV or joint reading. In such a situation, the easiest way to switch to the crumb to another item is to give it a soft ball or a cube that can be arms;
  • girls easy to wean, offering to make them an adult manicureOf course, with a special children's varnish. Little fashionists will not want to destroy a beautiful coating, especially if you promise to paint your nail constantly;
  • you can visit the dentist togetherwho, along with a test, tells about the harmfulness of the sucking of the fingers, usually the opinion of such an authoritative person (which almost all kids fear) has a positive effect;
  • focus on age factors Also a lot affects the behavior of the child. Tell him that adult girls and boys do not suck fingers, and such behavior is permissible only for the smallest, remind him of this in those moments when Kroch claims that he is already an adult.

Such distracting maneuvers will have to do not be done one day, so prepare for long-lasting dumping from sucking your fingers and in no case scold the baby. Remember that the main reason for the appearance of any bad habits is the lack of your attention and caress, so try as much time as possible with your favorite and more often show him the word and how much you love him.

What can not be done to teach crumbs from sucking your fingers?

Many parents allow a lot of mistakes when tearing children from sucking fingers. There are some measures that no circumstances cannot be applied to such:

  • putting the handles and legs in gloves or diapers - the most common incorrect way to learn the infants from serving and resorption of the handles. This method does not give any result, because immediately after revealing the kid will again be sucking the cams;
  • finger flaws with bitter substances (mustard, red pepper, aloe vera, etc.) - This method can lead to an affect of the mouth mucous membrane and the stomach walls of the child;
  • sokhikov and physical action measures - a categorically unacceptable measure for the upbringing of kids, since it is impossible to punish a child for disobedience in any case, in no case cannot be avoiding the subsequent disorder of the children's psyche.

All listed means of combating the bad habit do not lead to a positive result, and on the contrary, exacerbate the position and cause whims and concern to the baby. It is worth noting that constant punishments and threats of physical reprisons negatively affect the mental state of the crumbs, and sucking the fingers in this case will be a protective reaction of the body for fear.