Strongly sharp fright in the early period of pregnancy. Pregnant Superstitions

The human body is arranged in an amazing way: Nature has created a practically ideal mechanism that regulates not only all the human body systems together, but even each separately, forcing people to grow, grow old, develop physically, psychologically and emotionally. An even more work is necessary to make a female organism - pregnancy, tooling and birth to the baby's light are the natural mechanisms that are laid on the deep level of the subconscious. Nevertheless, it is impossible to show carelessness and let the "interesting position" on samonek. In order for the child to be a healthy, future mother, it is necessary to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and try not to respond too emotionally on a variety of life circumstances. Why is pregnant one you can not be nervous? What is so terrible to occur from fright or stress, strong manifestation of joy or experiences?

First difficulties

At the very first stage of the fetal extension, the woman's body is experiencing maximum loads. The formation of the embryo, the intensive growth of the future child, which appears literally from nothing, developing from several cells to a person is an incredibly complex process, during which the baby is transformed and changes every day. The central place in all of these metamorphoses occupies the growth of nerve cells forming the head and spinal cord of the baby. Violation of the psycho-emotional state of the mother can lead to disorders and pathologies of the neurological nature of the fetus. This is the main reason why pregnant can not be nervous.

Any malfunction in the normal state of Mom may entail irreversible consequences: the lag in the subsequent development of the child, and according to the latest data, even autism. It turns out a lot depends on the floor of the fetus, and the nervous shocks affect girls and boys in different ways. Since this effect in any case is painted in negative tones, it becomes clear why pregnant women can not be nervous and worried and just need to try if not excluded a variety of factors that do not affect the mood, then at least minimize them.

Small miracle

It is clinically proven that at first an organism perceives the child as a foreign body, and if a woman does not have time to adapt to new conditions of existence, a changed hormonal background, there are bursts of emotions, and toxicosis, and general poor health.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period. A woman may not guess about such meaningful changes in his body and what is waiting for a child, so does not always understand the nature of irritability, fatigue, that it does not even happen to her and why. Pregnant woman can not be nervous throughout the nine months of tooling the baby, but it is at the initial stage that excessive emotionality often becomes the cause of abortion.

Distribute instincts

Those who are going to become a mother is planning their every step, it is easier to prepare for future difficulties, but they can expect many frightening changes to which the girl will simply be ready. What we can talk about future moms, for whom the new situation turned out to be a surprise, and except for the awareness of the shocking fact of the coming birth, the body sends different incomprehensible messes that need to be properly interpreted and decipher.

In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, the body is preparing for this monthly, and ideally everything should go naturally. The most important thing is to carefully listen to the fact that the subconsciousness, sensations and emotions prompt, then there will be no problems and excitement, and the question of why pregnant women cannot be nervous and cry, it will not disturb either future mothers or dads, nor their leading doctors .

Strong man

Western doctors love to spend all sorts of research, including with future mothers. One of the latest works by scientists of husbands was the observation of 500 pregnant. The task of the doctors was to study the influence of stress on the process of navigating the fetus, as well as on the subsequent childbirth and the psyche of kids in general.

In the course of research, doctors received curious results. It turns out that stress at the mother, if she puts out a boy, can cause such problems:

    rejunction of the fetus;

    prolonged childbirth;

    psychological disorders in the kid (nervousness, plasticity, autism).

The most dangerous consequence explaining why it is impossible to be nervous to pregnant women - this is a possible miscarriage. During stress, the strongest pressure jumps occur, blood circulation is disturbed, air circulation in the body, the feeding of the baby necessary for the livelihoods of substances, which results in very serious pathologies.

Cute baby

With girls, the situation is a little different. Scientists argue that the increased nervousness of the mother can provoke premature childbirth, a departure of the fetus umbilical cord, possibly asphyxia.

An unfavorable influence on the psyche of a newborn, which brings the nervous voltage of the mother during the extension of the fetus, is subsequently manifested by a variety of neurological and psychological problems.

The greatest impact of stress as a factor affecting the kid, manifests itself in late terms, starting from 28 weeks, but why pregnant women can not be nervous in the first trimester? This period is a sign, up to 12 weeks the fruit is so fragile and gentle that even the strongest emotional tension can provoke his death. Therefore, learning about an interesting position, it is important to avoid any stress.

Mountain from happiness

What does the phrase of "any stress" mean? What is such stress? This is the reaction of the human body on a variety of external stimuli, which can be not only bad emotions or impressions, fatigue or overvoltage, but also good, joyful events, moments of strong happiness.

Some people with positive emotions are experiencing such a strong feeling that they can cause serious, albeit short-term disorders in the body. For a pregnant, it can pour out in its abbreviations, spasms, or even premature birth, and the baby will experience Mother's delight in the form of a lack of oxygen and discomfort, sincerely not understanding that he disrupts his peace and why. It is impossible to be nervous, but what to do if the stress situation still happened, how to quickly come to yourself?

How to overcome stress?

Many mammies remember a slight feeling of the inhibition, which they experienced during pregnancy. Nature thus protects both mom and her baby, creating a natural barrier for a different kind of stress. This measure is sometimes not enough. How can a woman help themselves to find a feeling of peace and pacification?

    soothing herbal teas;

    favorable for recreation atmosphere;

    light sedative preparations, tinctures and fees (according to the recommendation of the doctor);

    stop massage;

    if the term is not late, you can take a warm bath, go to the pool, rinse the contrasting shower, but without sudden temperature drops, this perfectly relieves irritation and fatigue, tones the body.

Text: Tina Hakki

Pregnant women are extremely concise, and superstitions associated with the waiting of the child, a lot. You can not sit on the threshold, raise your hands up and visit the places of massacre of people ..

If the thresholds are all more - less understandable - the seat on draft is unlikely to be called a useful occupation, then some other signs should be thought about.

On pregnant women can not shout ... Some signs may be even useful

  • 1

    You can not raise your hands above your head

    Than frighten: Kroch may get confused in the umbilical cord.
    Actually: The campus of umbilical cord happens in those cases who the crumb in the womb is very active, and the length of the umbilical cord is more average. Influence the size of the sizes will reach, it is impossible - this parameter is laid genetically. But, if you are in the "Hand Up" position for a long time (for example, riding in transport, holding the top handrail), then the baby can begin to test the lack of oxygen.
  • 2

    You can not cut and paint hair

    Than frighten: You can lose the "connection with space" (the longer the woman's hair, the better this space connection is established) and thereby harm the baby.
    Actually: As a rule, pregnancy is the best time to grow hair, because of the hormonal restructuring, they begin to grow much faster than usual. But if the hair is annoyed by the future mother, interfere, climb into the eyes - it's better to cut. The dyes can "lead" themselves differently, and the result of staining is impossible. In addition, it is unlikely that any of the manufacturers tested the chemical formula for pregnant women - it is better not to risk.
  • 3

    It is impossible to buy the most dowred baby

    Than frighten: If the clothes are already cooked, and the child has not yet been born, her "assigns" other people's angry mystical powers (they are spirits) and the pregnancy will end unsuccessfully.
    Actually: Those who believe in this strange will adopt, so far a lot. In the maternity hospital, there are no rare cases when kids are taken in new, with bills and price tags, things. This happens when dad is prepared for the discharge. The question is that more useful - things that were not washed and not stroking, or Mamino calm remains open.
    If you decide to "refer" this important thing to relatives, provide them with descriptions from online stores and pictures, otherwise risk obtaining a cotton blanket and ribbons, instead of a comfortable envelope on zipper I.T.D.
  • 4

    Cannot look at unpleasant things

    Than frighten: "The child will suffer" - will be born ugly or red, if Mom looked at the fire for a long time.
    Actually: Oddly enough, this sign (except for the birth of red children) has a scientific substantiation. "What we see affects our mood: can bring joy or create stress. However, we do not even suspect how much this influence is influenced by our mental and physical health, "said our expert, Dr. Biological Sciences, Director of the Moscow Center" Video Ecology ", Professor Vasily Antonovich Filin.
    Psychological discomfort causes, for example, monophonic wallpapers or buildings, which use huge surfaces from glass, the same type of typical building buildings in "sleeping" areas. Pregnant women are better to avoid unnecessary stress and admire the perfect, as far as possible walking through the historical center of the city. And at home to dilute the "monotonous" wallpaper by frames with photos or floral compositions.
  • 5

    You can not sew, knit and put patchwork

    Than frighten: Due to knitting umbilical cords, the sewing will be guilty that the baby will block the way into this world, and the sewn buttons and the patchwork set - the reason for the appearance of the kid of moles.
    Actually: There are no real rationale for these superstitions. Is it necessary to persecute that there is no long time in the same static pose. It is better to change the position of the body from time to time - to get up, walking by etc., so that the crumble gained enough oxygen.
  • 6

    You can not sleep on your back

    Than frighten: If a pregnant woman sleeps on his back, the baby in the womb may suffocate.
    Actually: Syndrome of the grass of the lower hollow vein, alas, no one has canceled. When a pregnant woman (especially, if the pregnancy is multi-way, the fruit is large, or twins or triple is expected) lying on the back, then the growing uterus presses on the lower hollow vein, located under it. Thus, the venous return to the blood to the heart decreases, the blood pressure drops, breathing is readily, dizziness appears, and in the eyes it becomes dark. It pleases only that when the syndrome has no special treatment, it is not required, it is enough to change the position and turn on the side. But even if it is so convenient for you to sleep, remember, with long-term compression of the lower vein, very unpleasant complications are possible - from detachment placenta and dysfunction and renal blood flow to a violation of the blood supply and the emergence of hypoxia of the fetus.
  • 7

    Can not play with a cat

    Than frighten: If you take a cat in your arms, then the crumbs will have a lot of enemies.
    Actually: It is not necessary not only to touch the cat (special alien!), but also to follow the cleanliness of cat trays. Toxoplasmosis, the pathogens of which transfer cats - an extremely dangerous disease for pregnant and fetus. The virus penetrates through the placenta in the blood flow of the fetus and causes severe and unpleasant consequences. Because, if some kind of commissioning "Certificate" to restore order in a cat toilet, then be sure to wear rubber gloves. The feature of the toxoplasmosis is that he does not have any special symptoms, most often it is very similar to the usual cold.
    In principle, only primary infection is dangerous if the cat lives you for a long time, nothing to happen should not happen (most likely you have already silent toxoplasmosis before pregnancy and did not even notice it). But in any case, it is better to be restrained and pass tests in a veterinary industry to find out if your animal is a source of threat.
  • 8

    You can not sit, putting my leg

    Than frighten: In this case, "predict" the birth of a child with curve legs or closure.
    Actually: Perhaps the emergence of problems with legs, just not in the baby, but at the future mother. Such a pose is harmful not even to pregnant women who have a predisposition to varicose veins. If you sit so often, there may be violations of blood flow both in the legs and in the organs of the small pelvis.
  • 9

    It is impossible to inform the estimated date of delivery

    Than frighten: If you share this information with everything in a row, then the birth will be heavy.
    Actually: No mystical connection between the stories about the date of birth and the severity of their flows, of course, is not. But there is a relationship psychological - human curiosity is indestructible. So, if you do not want, having heard a thousand times "How are you doing", to answer nervously answered the beaten phrase "I have not yet born" (but it will only be interested in your relatives and friends in the last weeks of your pregnancy), it is better to really silent .
  • 10

    You can not walk where there are a lot of people

    Than frighten: Pregnant can jiggle!
    Actually: Even in the best times, when the flu is not rampant, and the streets do not wear gauze bandages on the streets, visiting christening, weddings, alert, club concerts should be postponed "for later." As a rule, any viral diseases are transmitted by air-droplet, and pregnant women due to reduced immunity are always in the risk group. We add that medicines allowed during pregnancy, very little - and get a complete, very convincing picture.

And you, dear our readers, what are the signs associated with pregnancy know and what do you believe?

It is known why! As always, the hormonal background is to blame for a pregnancy, or rather, its hurricane changes, literally removing the soul from the future mother. These unfamiliar disposal of the radical drops of mood and force it to experience not only positive emotions.

By the way, for many women, the signal of the coming pregnancy serves just:

  • unexpectedly
  • suddenly rolling anxiety
  • the feeling of childish helpless suddenly (which also does not add calm).

It is believed that it is in the first trimester that future mothers experience the strongest nervousness, because the female organism began to adapt to the recently began, but already very stormy changes, and reacts to them, including emotion drops.

Nothing strange or unhealthy in it: we say "hormones" - mean "emotions", we say "emotions" - I mean "hormones" (may Vladimir Mayakovsky forgive me).

What pregnant women are prone to mood drops stronger than others?

In the early periods of pregnancy, the nervous overvoltage or brightly expressed emotional instability are subjected to those future mothers who:

  1. Overly nervous in life or have neurological diseases before pregnancy.
  2. They suffer from hypochondria: used to worry about their own person, and now also the health of the future child is an inexhaustible source of anxiety.
  3. Received unexpectedly nigandanno, pregnancy did not plan.
  4. Do not get during pregnancy moral support from loved ones: husband, relatives, friends.
  5. Even before pregnancy, the endocrine system disorders or acquired complications on this line with its occurrence.

Possible consequences of nervous disruptions and hysterics in the period of tooling the child

The question of why pregnant women cannot be nervous, in my opinion, it is nervous to future mothers even more. The woman in the period of tooling the baby and so in the body the hormonal storm is raging in the body, and she is still constantly reminded: "You can not be nervous and cry, remember, it will hurt the child, forget about your experiences, it's a throat for your emotions!"

In my opinion, such advice launch a mechanism similar to anecdotal: to know the truth, drink a specially cooked potion and do not think about the white monkey! Also during pregnancy: no nervous, not nervous, not nervous!

The future mother will be rapidly unwilling, if she is constantly reminded about it. In addition, even unable to people cannot constantly keep calm - except that one hundred percent phlegmatic people succeed. Sometimes, even "calm as elephants" people come to the rage, what to talk about pregnant women experiencing crazy hormonal restructuring. Just everything is good in moderation.

Dear pregnant future moms! I want to cry - pay a little bit, I want to rummage, let's release your anger. Just do it consciously. Do not give in extras. In other words, do not fall into your hysterics, because it is really dangerous.

Yes, you have an excuse: Along with all other hormones, the cortisol stress hormone is enhanced. But, please, be aware that in your power to cope with negative emotions, and refrain from hysterics and nervous disruptions.

Risk of miscarriage

At an early term, nervous breakdowns can lead to miscarriage. A sharp emission of cortisol leads the uterus in tone and makes it shrink. It is dangerous throughout the pregnancy, since at its beginning it can provoke miscarriage, and closer to the end - premature birth.

In this, in fact, the main danger of hysterics and nervous breakdowns during the hysterization of the child - here the direct threat of life and the future kid, and the future mother.

In addition to the "incompatibility with life," there are a number of negative consequences of emotional incontinence during pregnancy.

Negative influence on the psyche and the development of the future child

First, the nervous mother makes the fruit nervously than a detrimental effect on the formation of a nervous system and a psyche of a child. Correlations between stress in mothers during pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia or autism are already found.

Especially strongly maternal nervousness affects the psyche of boys. Perhaps the desire to avoid such a perspective for your baby is a good antidote from the need to be nervous during pregnancy.

The threat to the development of stress in crumbs before and after birth

Secondly, even if we exclude serious mental illness at the future child, the maternal stress during its toaling can lead to long-term stress at the kid before and after birth.

While the child lives in the maternal womb, it receives hormones through the overall blood supply system and through the placenta of the pregnant. Cortisol changes the chemical composition of the blood and fabrics of the placenta, which, in turn, makes it difficult to breathe the fetus, imperts it in hypoxia and affects the slowdown in development.

When the baby is born, all this hormonal cocktail, received from the nervous mother, continues to interfere with him calmly live: the crouch is crying a lot, he sleeps badly, fade away.

The vicious circle of stress closes: the mother was nervous during pregnancy - the fruit received unwanted hormones. As a result, a nervous child was born, he sleeps badly and eats, which means he does not give to her parents. His unstable development frustrates mother, - in the end, the woman does not get out of stress.

Threat of weakened immunity at the future kid

Thirdly, an even more distant perspective for worsening the health of future sins or daughters due to nervousness of the mother is weakened immunity and hyperactivity, and therefore painful childhood and reduced learningability.

Factors provoking increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormonal background

Our chief factor is already described: this is an unstable hormonal background. It is the hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for the mood, and not only in pregnant women, simply on future moms, all this is more effectively affected.

And then it remains only to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, it means that emotions can change, for the endocrine system is rebuilt, and all this happens inside me pregnant. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change the female mood from outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but they are somehow more noticeable).


It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal and quite hormone-dependent, but it is provoked by weather changes: I want to cry, anxiety increases from the wind, the temperature difference is headache and longing, the sun - quiet happiness.

Or vice versa, anger: I, unhappy puzzled, suffering here, and this "yellow muzzle" got out again!

Lunny cycle

Since ancient times, it is known that the menstrual cycle is associated with the lunar, for the blood is liquid, and all tides and flows on the ground are controlled by the moon. Pregnant menstruation, of course, stop, but, first of all, the body still "remembers" about these cycles is about the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the womb is filled with all kinds of additional waters like an ocellular, plus the blood volumes, lymphs and intercellular fluid increase, so that the moon is there to be managed in a pregnant body. And when tides and fifts occur inside, the mood will start to change, at least only due to changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around pregnant

Well, here we are talking about all the well-known things like the support of the father of the child, the parents of the pregnant, her all kinds of relatives and friends of the girlfriends ... When all this is, pregnant feels like her, and the baby loves, calm in the soul somehow more.

Although there is a medal about two sides: I have repeatedly heard the complaints of young mothers on the fact that after the birth of the child everything has changed, the husband and other relatives are concentrated on the sibling, and to her, the poor thing, no longer gets so much care how much it was during pregnancy. So too good too bad.

Unexpected pregnancy

I really don't want to mention such a reason for the hysterium of the future mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desirable. The awareness of "unplanitiousness" of its position with a unstable hormonal background enhances nervousness in a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

Make it pretty easy.

  1. If possible, do what I want a pregnant body: yes, drink, sleep, walk. If the body wants only to lie and eat - turn on the brain and withdraw yourself for a walk.
  2. Observed with a suitable doctor, listening to him and following the recommendations: among other things, it calms down. In addition, the doctor knows well that it is impossible to be nervous during pregnancy, and decides what to do in extreme case: appoints a sedative.
  3. Attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming, bath (unless, of course, all this is not contraindicated due to the peculiarities of your pregnancy). Confident care of myself and the future child also gives peace.
  4. Take care not only about the body, but also about the soul: read interesting books, specialized publications for future parents, study their pregnancy. If you are working pregnant, and love your job, "work on health, it is an excellent prevention of intellectual stagnation.
  5. And, finally, another advice. It is rescued, but often works, so this simple method is actively used in sports. If it fails to calm down, and you literally sausages, remember the child and tell me: "Well, gather, rag!"

Supervision in pregnancy is difficult to explain, but many of them are observed. It is good or bad, they know only pregnant women.
We will now tell you about the most basic superstitions associated with pregnancy.
What superstitions during pregnancy exist?

Can not kill the snake
In those times, when women worked in the field, there was such a belief that a pregnant woman is forbidden to kill the snake. A woman should not pass under the rope. You can not pass through the log, as the childbirth can be severe or miscarriage. And if a pregnant woman step across a broom, then the house is offended.

Cannot knit
Such signs include knitting. It is believed that a woman can not be sewed and knit, as the umbilical cord can be stolen around the baby several times and strangle him. Doctors believe that this occupation on the contrary affects a woman positively, and also brings a lot of positive emotions. However, they do not advise for a long time to be in the same position, since the influx of oxygen is hampered to the fetus.

You can't eat rabbit meat
There is a sign of pregnancy that the future mom can not eat rabbit meat, otherwise the child will be cowardly. It is impossible to eat secret - the child will be fearful.

Sketches for pregnancy about the form of a belly
There are also superstitions during pregnancy about the field of the child. If mom is a sharp belly, then a boy will be born, if a wide and round girl. Fast heartbeat is observed in girls, the boys slowed down. If a woman walks wide foot - there will be a boy, and the girl is born right. If the first trimester passed easily - there will be a boy, heavily - a girl.

Pregnant can not refuse. If she asks something, she must definitely give, or fulfill, otherwise a person who has refused pregnant women will not be happiness.

You can not beat dogs and cats
It is forbidden to beat the dog or a cat, it is believed that the child will become evil in the future. You should not take a cat in my hands, stroking her - the child will have enemies. But doctors believe that touching animals can cause a number of different diseases. And they are a completely future mother for nothing. Approximate mom is a pledge of healthy pregnancy.

You can not laugh at cripples
During pregnancy, a woman can not laugh at cripples, dumb, patients not to "make" a child in the same way. It is forbidden to look at terrible and ugly, otherwise the child will be the same.

You can not pump an empty cradle
It is undesirable to swing an empty cradle, since the baby will not be the place in it.

It is impossible to raise hands
You can not reach the top, hang underwear, as this can provoke premature genera and influence of the oily water. Doctors agree with this statement and advise you to avoid such situations after 20 weeks.

Supervision in pregnancy.

Cannot go to the funeral
During pregnancy, a woman is forbidden to come to the funeral, as the child can be born as ugly and sick. Many doctors advise adhere to such signs, because in this position it is necessary to experience only positive emotions. A woman needs to be calm, relaxed, avoid stress, do not swear and not quarrel so that the child is calm and happy. So that the child was born in a donkey, pregnant can not be asked to give her something to try from food.

A few more in pregnancy

You can't cut hair
Does women cut hairSince the baby can be born with short eyelashes, very painful and weak. Such belief has long ago, and long hair was considered a distinctive feature in women. They never cut them, the exception was only illness. It was believed that a woman with short hair was very painful and weak. And where there is a child to be born healthy!

Cannot steal
A woman cannot be stealing, it is believed that the child will have a scar or a birthmark in the form of a stolen item.

If a pregnant woman was frightened and at that moment grabbed a part of his body, then at this place the child would have a birthmark or scar.

Pregnant women can not be squatted, beat cattle, swearing with anyone
True truth. Any excitement is reflected in the child. Speaking, angry, a man stands out of his soul black energy, which can damage the child.

You can not look at the scary- the child will be ugly

You can not swear with pregnant - The child will have a birthmark

It is impossible to iron beast - The child will have a bristle

Can not sit on the threshold - There will be difficult labor

You can not sit on foot- The child will be closing

Do not squat - There will be premature birth

You can not sit on the edge of the tableand - the child will grow lonely

It is impossible to eat secret - The child will be grateful

You can not dry baby clothes at night on the street - Clothes will be convicted of evil spirits

During childbirth it is necessary to remove all the golden things - They fail

Son can not be called the name of the Father
Yes. And not only the Son. With baptism, each person with the name receives the Heavenly Angel named. If two people in the same house have the same names, the angel can take care of only one of them, usually senior. Therefore, it is impossible to call a child with the name of any living person in the family - Moms, Pope, Grandparents ...

Cannot be photographed
Many believe that it is impossible to draw and photograph, as this can provoke a stop in the development of the fetus.

Hide the date of birth
The most stringent ban is considered that During childbirth, it is impossible to inform about the approach of such an important event.So that everything went well and without complications. As soon as a woman goes to the hospital, it is necessary to open all the doors of cabinets, windows, oven and not to close before the return of the woman in labor. At the same time, anything can not be made from the house for three days. During the approach of childbirth, the woman is given to silent hair. It is believed that observing this belief, childbirth will be lightweight, prosperous and fast. That's how important the future motherhood implies.

Note "Born in a shirt"
If the child was born in a "shirt", then it will be happy. In this case, doctors should immediately cut the frenzy bubble so that the kid does not suffocate. It is customary to dry and protect the "shirt" with things.

Funny signs for pregnancy
There are funny signs: you will share a woman with water during drought - rain will not be able to meet pregnant in its path - to be successful and luck. It is impossible to refuse pregnant in anything, even if it is a strange desire, since the farm will be a loss. The man is fed salted and bitter. The meaning of this belief is that the man understands how the woman is "bitter and salt".

and from pregnant women can not be taken-Tell sign

You can not buy in advance things to a child

And finally the most important sign that cannot be eradicated since ancient times. You can not buy in advance who else who came to the baby sprawers, sliders, hats, cribsSince there is a chance that the fruit can measure. In those days, "the bang" nobody did not do, right up to baptism. Only then began to sew and knit clothes for the baby. Many women still adhere to this belief, and all the preparations for the appearance of the kid are doing after delivery. Such a sign is not justified, because preparations for the appearance of the baby can only bring the joy and satisfaction of the future mom.

However, whether to follow such signs during pregnancy or not - your business. The most important thing is the health of your babies!

Material taken from the site

Pregnancy - special time for future parents. The experiences and unrest of the future mother affect the child and affect its perception of what is happening.

Imagine during pregnancy

Bear during pregnancy occurs due to a number of reasons or injuries of a woman in a position. Unrest affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

The reasons

Hormonal restructuring occurs in the body of the future mother: its behavior, reactions to external stimuli and stress resistance changes. Its psycho-emotional instability is expressed in the fear of the future, in incoherent experiences and panic fears.

Fright during pregnancy can be intensifying:

  • events to which the woman is not ready;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • protracted stress;
  • phobias.

Every person can be frightened, but for the future mother, experiencing stress, or for an unstable in an emotional plan, a concentration occurs on one negative event - on fright.

Not so important than the spontaneous response of the body is caused, more importantly, which preceded the weakening of the protective mechanisms of the psyche.

Stress for pregnant women is undesirable

Superstition and prejudice

In the people there is an opinion that because of the fright, the future child will be born with injury or marked in the form of a ugly godpody spot. Variations superstition a lot. The basis of such prejudices is the fear of loss of control. In essentially, the playback is a normal reaction that should not be written off on rock or fataum.

There is no confirmation prejudice. The relationship between random fright and the birth of an ugly child was also not found. Fears overcoming a woman who is not ready to take responsibility, find a way out - they are aggravated by superstitions and terrible predictions.

Possible consequences

Random fright during pregnancy is not dangerous for the body. Sweat palms, extended pupils and rapid breathing - frightened symptoms that quickly go back to normal. The child, being in the womb, reacts to maternal fear. He feels danger and trying to defend. For the kid, the world around us is feelings and experiences of the mother. If a woman calms down quickly, the child continues to be in a stressful state a few more hours.

Psycho-emotional communication between mother and her unborn child obliges a woman not only to avoid danger, but also not to feed the inner fears.

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