What do psychics say about the Tu 154 aircraft. Aviation equipment failure or pilot error

The media again returned to the death of the Tu-154 near Sochi, the military aircraft in which the Alexandrov Ensemble died - as they say, the cultural symbol of the Russian army, and Elizabeth Glinka- Dr. Lisa, Mother Teresa of our Northern Spaces. And several more teams of journalists died, a total of 92 people.

The Tu-154 flew from Moscow, from the Chkalovsky military airfield to Syria, to Damascus to raise the morale of the personnel of the Russian Aerospace Forces at the Khmeimim air base on the eve of the New Year.

The flight was like a flight, the crew under the command of the pilot Volkova I have flown this route many times. At the Chkalovsky military airfield, near Moscow, it is known that this is a military airfield, the mouse, it would seem, will not slip through, everyone boarded. The plane flew to Damascus over the Caspian Sea, then had to refuel in Mozdok, fly over Iran, Iraq and through all of Syria to Damascus.

But this time Mozdok was closed and the board flew to refuel in Adler over the Caucasus, from the Caspian to the Black Sea. For an airplane, it’s like for a car to go to refuel at the nearest gas station, well, let’s refuel at another, by the standards of air transport, it’s within easy reach.

In Adler, the plane refueled, and supposedly no one got off and boarded the plane in Adler. They took off, and after a couple of minutes they disappeared from the radar. And then they found the wreckage of the Tu-154 in the Black Sea.

The newspapers wrote about all this in detail immediately after December 25. And about Tu already seems to be forgotten. And suddenly, just before the murder in Kyiv Voronenkov, and before the bulk riots in Moscow, suddenly again, look, a new portion of supposedly information about the death of the Tu-154.

More precisely, this is not new information, but an interpretation of some of the information that we already had.

Apparently, somewhere in the high spheres of management of our mental health, they decided that the version of the pilot's error, which we have been carefully sticking out all these months, looks unconvincing and now they add interpretations.

I remembered the main claims to the pilots.

They (in fact, we are talking about one, the main pilot - the flight commander Volkov) are accused of things hitherto unheard of in the investigation of the death of aircraft, namely:

- loss of orientation in space;

- in the illusory perception of reality;

The flight was at night and therefore difficult.

Say, the commander of the Volkov ship (now they began to say that the 4 thousand hours he had flown were not enough to call him an experienced pilot, and earlier they said that Volkov was experienced), mistook the stars reflected in the sea for the stars in the sky and behaved accordingly, began to decline, instead of taking off.

Against such defamation of their dead comrade, fellow pilots were indignant. Some significant part of them.

They said that night flying is a common thing and half of the flights are night, nothing extraordinary.

That in a night flight the commander of the ship “looks only at the instruments”, because what kind of stars are there! That the Tu-154 has a large flight team, that several crew members continuously report to the commander both the altitude and everything that is needed.

True, among fellow pilots there were those who actually blamed the pilot for the death of Tu, one “comrade” said so, I already quoted him that 4 thousand flown flights were not enough, he romantically said that “only after 10 thousand flown flights the pilot begins to feel bird."

Returning to the wording given in the media, in particular, to these “loss of orientation in space” and to “illusory perception of reality”, I said to myself: allow me, but these are symptoms of what happens to a pilot during an electronic attack.

The version of an electronic attack was once dismissed by the investigation.

But she was. And supporters of this version referred to interesting data.

On the eve of the tragedy, it turns out that the French reconnaissance ship Dupuy de Lome entered the Black Sea, which can cut down all the electronics of the aircraft with a radio pulse.

The authors of the version claimed that an electronic attack on the Tu-154 could have been launched from this ship. Russia also has means of electronic jamming, the supporters of the version claimed, they say, nothing fantastic, but the aircraft was military, so those who carried out the attack might not feel like bloodsuckers and murderers.

The status of the flight was the highest that exists (a military ensemble, even a conductor, a lieutenant general, a flight to Syria, and similar international political importance).

The nature of the wreckage and the nature of the injuries inflicted on the bodies (divers claimed that they were finely-finely chopped into gruel), as well as the scattering of debris over a long distance, indicate an explosion on board. If the plane had broken into the water, the wreckage would have been large. And the bodies would not have been finely chopped.

And finally, even the fact that in the morning all civilian ships were forbidden to go to sea in that area, and another fact: the National Guard was posted at the coastline, they say that they are hiding from us the true cause of Tu's death.

And now the second portion of misinformation. Apparently, they decided at the top that you and I may still have doubts about the veracity of the accusations of the pilots in everything.

Therefore, they are additionally blamed on them. A well-known technique in the criminal world - murders are always hung on dead comrades.

Now about the airfield in Chkalovsky.

Pilot Krasnoperov: “I flew from Chkalovsky to the east. And there was no screening, with security much worse than at civilian airports.

Writer Limonov: “And I flew from Chkalovsky ... There was no inspection, they didn’t look at passports, they didn’t check luggage. Well, I’m a well-known person, but there were three guards with me, and they didn’t demand their passports, nor did they check their luggage. ”

The crash of the Tu-154 liner of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which crashed near Sochi on December 25, 2016, continues to be in the center of public attention. For a long time, members of the commission and civilian experts could not understand why the plane fell into the Black Sea almost immediately after its takeoff and what happened on board. Finally the mysteries are solved...

Specialists who are investigating the Tu-154 crash near Sochi have established that all aircraft systems before it comes into contact with the water surface were in good working order and in good working order.. It was also found that explosion on board or near it before hitting the sea was also not. Explicit actions of pilots that would indicate piloting errors also could not be found. The only thing that could be established by means of objective control was the incomprehensible actions of the aircraft commander. The commander used rudder pedals, which are never used during takeoff. Why he did this was not clear until they discovered damage to the blades of the left and upper engines. From hitting birds such damage could not be. What actually happened?

The commission got the impression that some strange obstacle suddenly appeared in front of the liner, which the commander tried to get around. In this case, the use of the rudder pedals by the pilot becomes quite understandable. It was necessary to quickly evade some counter "impact". In addition, it becomes clear and the replica of the commander "Uh, yo-mine". Probably, it was not possible to avoid the oncoming impact with some object and the plane crashed, despite the attempts of the crew to save the situation.

There was no bomb on board, no MANPADS shot either. But the plane exploded immediately after contact with the water surface. There was a so-called volume explosion, which is well known in Rostekhnadzor. So what tore the fuselage and people into small pieces?

The main condition for a volumetric explosion should be damage to the fuel tanks. The airliner continues to fly for some time shrouded in a fog of tiny drops of fuel. And a small spark or detonation is enough for such a volumetric explosion to occur. In this case, it occurred at the moment of impact of the Tu-154 on the water. Therefore, in order for such an explosion to occur, it was necessary to first damage the fuel tanks of the aircraft. It is not realistic to do this on the ground, which means that it happened immediately after takeoff, that is, there was a collision with something in the air. Birds immediately fall off, they are too soft for this. A large plane also does not pass, it would be seen by the locator. Remains only unmanned aerial vehicle.

During a head-on collision (impact) with a Tu-154, the drone crashed into the aircraft or fired a shot at the lower part of the left wing. The aircraft was mortally wounded. The liner continued to fly, but its fuel tanks were already damaged, obviously the gondola with the landing gear also got it, and small fragments from this collision hit the left and upper engines, disrupting their normal operation. The fuel from the damaged tanks began to generate a deadly mist from the smallest drops, like from the wrecked bombers of the Second World War, which led to the explosion, - says an expert who gave explanations to the Russian News Agency.

Probably, the commission of the Ministry of Defense has long since drawn the necessary conclusions on the basis of the evidence received and reported the results of the investigation to senior management, the site reports. Now these materials are not advertised due to the preparation of a meeting with the new US President - Donald Trump. At this meeting, there will certainly be trade for zones of influence, and the Russian leadership needs to have an additional trump card on them. Remember the submarine situation "Kursk". Then the matter was hushed up, Putin did not advertise the information that Kursk was hit by an American submarine. As a result, the escalation of the conflict was avoided and multibillion-dollar reparations were received, both in the form of direct monetary subsidies and investments in various sectors of the economy. This is planned to be repeated now. And depending on how these negotiations develop, the public opinion will be presented with a "real" or "fictional" version of the plane crash.

Other versions of the crash of the airliner were analyzed in detail by us in previous articles. See the links to them in the comments below this post.

Watch a video about one unique institution below. There is information that it was from it in Sochi that some important passenger was delivered on board the Tu-154.

A message warning of an impending catastrophe appeared on Artem Dragunov's LiveJournal page in the early morning of December 24th. “There will be another downed plane. I don’t know where and when, but the ether will explode with resonances and everywhere there will be references to previous cases ... Watch out,” he wrote. Note that earlier in this blog, correct predictions about future disasters have already appeared.


However, not many subscribers took these words of the blogger seriously. However, they were soon confirmed by life itself. Artem Dragunov published a new post in which he expressed confidence that the crash was not the result of an accidental technical malfunction or pilot error.

"I'm more than sure that there was a failure of navigators and electronics ... And intentional," he wrote. Apparently, the blogger believes that the aircraft's systems could have been deliberately disabled using an unknown device installed on another aircraft, ship, on the ground, or even on a space satellite.

“I believe that the car was hit. I may be wrong, but still ... Who, how and with what - I don’t know yet. But my intuition says that it was not an accident. It was an attack!” Artem Dragunov emphasized. He also expressed his opinion about the possible motives for such an attack.

“The caliphate is surrendering the party. Or rather, not even he, but his rulers ... And they are very angry if they lose. I admit the start of a headhunt,” the blogger added.

As the site wrote, the Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense began its route from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow, and landed in Sochi for refueling and technical inspection. The plane disappeared from radar at 05:40 Moscow time, 2 minutes after taking off from Sochi airport. The wreckage of the liner was found several hours later in the Black Sea.

18:04 01/04/2017 under the heading Society igor..s

Psychics - about the disaster Tu-154 : the feeling of an artificially created situation

For the third day now, the authorities have not given any new information about the causes of the Tu-154 crash. In the absence of official data, "NI" decided to turn to psychics. What, in their mystical view, led to the crash of the liner?

We only warn you that we are not responsible for the RELIABILITY of the answers "NOR" ???. We give a transcript of the answers without cuts.

Albina Selitskaya, psychic, participant of season 7 Battles of psychics »

It's good that you called! I'm still in September, on the set of the program Russia-24 , said that a plane would crash in a city whose name begins with the letter "C". Everyone laughed at me! True, I did not think about the Olympic Sochi, it seemed to me that the tragedy would happen in my native Saratov ...

I kept everything a secret, but now I’ll tell you: there are clues in Moscow - three buildings on which there are graffiti with airplanes or stewardesses and signatures - St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan. One such house is opposite the theater " Commonwealth of Taganka Actors »… Air crashes occurred in all these cities. First there were drawings, then planes crashed. I call it a requiem. True, I don’t know if there is a house on which Sochi is written ... This is a pre-programmed tragedy. This is a terrorist attack ... They planned terrorist attacks in resort towns, but a plane turned up and they he was destroyed. According to one of the official versions, a bird could get into the air intake. But this is not a bird, it is either an explosive device or something loose that got into the engine in this way! The picture suits me - perhaps something was sprayed in the cockpit - they reacted inadequately to the situation.

My whole family is connected with military aviation. Husband is an engine engineer Su-27 , I myself worked at a military airfield. I have a taste for aviation! And once again I can repeat - there were prerequisites! Buildings with drawings and then crashed planes in these cities, I saw this as a dependence, and then I predicted a catastrophe, sabotage, in the city with the letter "C".

Zhanna Kostrova, psychic, clairvoyant

My opinion does not coincide with the official version. I'm afraid we'll never know the truth. Although I am a magician, I do not believe in miracles! There were no those "coincidences" that they talk about!

I am an asocial and apolitical person, I do not follow world processes . What I'll say - sharp intuition. Of course, insanely sorry for the dead people! But it was a terrorist attack. Answer for Syria. Most likely something was carried on the plane. It is possible that they put it in the air intake. This is my version. There was an object that caused the explosion and the crew was unable to react.

Rafael Zamanov, psychic, participant of the White-Black project on Channel 1

It's amazing that so many talented and extraordinary people gathered on one plane! And everyone died overnight ... I'm inclined to think that there were technical problems - most likely, an electrical failure or problems with fuel. Hypothetically, we can talk about the "human factor" - a pilot error or an oversight during aircraft maintenance.

Voodoo Sorcerer, Master Gahan

Lost on board Tu-154 taken by nature. This is revenge for the violence against the Earth... And the accident was caused by technical problems. The plane of the military department, it was checked many times. But I see that there was wear on the metal, closer to the turbines, to the bearing part.

Iolanta Voronova, participant of the projects "White-Black" and " The fight of extrasensories »

I don't see a terrorist attack, I don't see pilot error either. This is negligence when checking the technical condition of the aircraft. Something didn't work. All the specialists who were on board and understood what was happening were shocked. The plane did not explode. Now they are trying to find the "switchman". After all, it was a board of the Ministry of Defense, they were obliged to follow it. But the cause of the accident and death of people is negligence during the technical inspection. We relied, as always, on the Russian "maybe"! Did not replace a part that has worked out its resource.

Zeraddin Rzayev, psychic, clinical psychologist.

Ziraddin Rzayev

This is the result of the activities of America and Great Britain. I see that they have invented a new weapon - with the help of the satellite and the ocean they destroy planes. It's no accident that planes fall into the water - not onto land, but into the ocean. AND Malaysian the flight went missing in the ocean, and so did our plane. In the West, they found a way with the help of satellites, electric and radio waves. They disrupt navigation, create interference on the air, the crew cannot contact the dispatchers. This is targeted destruction. Not a terrorist attack. All those who are called terrorists are, in fact, freelancers, the unrecognized army of America and the West in general. They fight everywhere, they killed Nemtsov , create crisis situations in Russia ... But our people are wise, they did not succumb to provocation. It's the same with the Tu-154 accident - it was destroyed in order to provoke our state. All catastrophes and accidents are the result of America's activities!

Yulia Solovyova, finalist of the Battle of Psychics program, season 5.

I have a feeling of an artificially created situation. I can't say that there were pilot errors or technical problems. For what purpose and how this situation was created, I do not know, I do not see. But the fact that everything was planned in advance - I'm sure. After all, this is a Ministry of Defense aircraft. He was supposed to be "licked" and examined under a magnifying glass. I fly a lot and I know what a disregard for flight boards. But not to the board of the military department. There is no "accident". Everything is thought out and prepared, just like the terrorist attacks in Berlin and Istanbul. Why weren't precautionary measures taken in advance? I don't believe in accidents. The dead aircraft had few flying hours, it was taken care of. WITH what a hangover something will break in him? I can repeat once again - this is an artificially created situation, a terrorist attack. What officials say is complete nonsense, it cannot be! Unfortunately, I can say that in the coming year there will be continuations, there will be terrorist attacks. When and where - I can't say, it's politics. For psychics it is closed.


NI, of course, is not going to put on a show called "psychic battle" about the tragedy with the plane. Which of the clairvoyants turned out to be closer to the truth should show the conclusions of the government commission. Judging by the interest of the newspaper's readers, despite all the New Year's jubilations, the theme of the fallen liner remains MAIN in public attention. But no new information has been received from the commission. Did the generals and experts really give up their research and go unrestrainedly to celebrate the New Year?

Somehow their New Year's "holidays" do not fit with the scale of the disaster.

Because they themselves created it as a sacrifice. Even without an official answer, we know what happened and why and why??