Bachelor season 4 life after. How life turned out for the winners of the show “The Bachelor” on TNT

Only three days left until the finale of the show “Bachelor” season 4, the hero of which was the artist Alexey Vorobyov. After Natalya Tkalina left the project last Saturday, only two girls are vying for the heart of the Bachelor - Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. Viewers on the Internet staged a real debate, discussing the latest news - who will win in the Bachelor 4 project?

“Bachelor 4”: who left in the last episode

Last Saturday, an episode was aired in which Alexey consults with his family regarding his upcoming choice.

The Bachelor's parents and sister met three girls, and formed their own opinion about each. During the conversation, Alexei’s mother was briefly left alone with potential daughters-in-law.

Like any mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna tried to understand how Alexey’s relationship with each bride would develop in the future. The artist’s mother was very disappointed with the answer from Natalya Tkalina, who frankly said that her and Alexey’s children would be raised by nannies.

With her careless frankness, Tkalina managed to turn both Vorobyov’s parents and his sister against herself.

Having listened to the advice of his relatives, the artist decided to break up with Natalya Tkalina in the last episode.

Finale of “The Bachelor” season 4: who is the winner?

Judging by the latest episode, even the main character of the project is in serious thought. One thing is clear: those who remained among the girls in the final of “Bachelor 4” have an equal chance of winning.

Another Saturday is approaching, “The Bachelor” has come to an end, but who Vorobyov chose still remains a mystery to the audience. Both Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova confidently walked towards the finale all season, so there is a difficult choice ahead for Alexey Vorobyov and bitter disappointment for that participant in “Bachelor 4” who will leave the project in the very last episode.

“Bachelor 4” - who Vorobyov chose in the final

Having tried to reveal the main intrigue of the Bachelor season 4 project - who Alexey Vorobyov chose, we decided to ask the opinion of viewers on social networks. However, there is no consensus among fans of the show. If at the beginning of the project many were confident that Alla Berger would win, now that the girl left two weeks ago, there is complete confusion among Internet users.

Some believe that from the first day Alexey Vorobyov chose Natalya Gorozhanova, who received the “rose of first impression.”

The second half of the project’s fans know for sure that Yana Anosova, who regularly received the first rose at ceremonies from Alexey, will win in the final of “Bachelor 4”, and was familiar with Vorobyov even before the project.

What happened in the finale of season 4 of the show “The Bachelor” did not just come as a surprise to viewers. The finale of “Bachelor 4” literally blew up the Internet, forcing people to argue for the second day about the unexpected choice of Alexei Vorobyov.

Violating the rules of the show at every step, Alexey Vorobyov in the finale of “Bachelor 4” caused a real storm of emotions among the audience, leaving season 4 without a winner.

Why Alexey Vorobyov could not build a relationship on the show “Bachelor 4”

In the first episodes of the Bachelor project, season 4, Alexey Vorobyov admitted that he came here in the hope of finding the one with whom he will remain for the rest of his life. It seems that from the first minutes the artist was disingenuous - it is impossible to build sincere relationships in the show format.

Only 10-year-old schoolgirls can believe that the Bachelor’s romantic dates were one-on-one. We must not forget that all the romance took place in the presence of an entire film crew. What kind of sincerity can we talk about if the date goes according to the script?

Alexey, who has experience working on a film set and incomplete acting education, easily coped with the role of an attentive, vulnerable simple guy who firmly believes in love. But the girls had a hard time revealing their feelings to the Bachelor under the guns of movie cameras and playing along with Vorobyov.

As you know, none of the three previous seasons ended with the wedding of the Bachelor and the winner of the project. At best, the couple pretended to be in a relationship for two or three months, after which they happily ran away in different directions. This state of affairs reduced the interest of viewers, and with it the ratings of the show “The Bachelor”. That is why the option with explicit scenes and an unexpected ending in the finale turned out to be a good move by the creators of the show.

The scriptwriters' calculation turned out to be correct. The latest news about the finale of season 4 of the Bachelor project turned out to be the most popular, and interest in the personal lives of the project participants and Alexei Vorobyov does not subside even after the end of the Bachelor 4 show.

How the personal life of Alexey Vorobyov changed after “Bachelor 4”

Even before his appearance on the show “The Bachelor” season 4, Alexey Vorobyov had the fame of a ladies’ man in the show community. Moreover, the artist’s personal life remained in plain sight for a long time.

While studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, Vorobyov began a relationship with Anna Chipovskaya. The couple tried to build a relationship for about a year, but things didn’t work out. By the way, Alla Berger, who was predicted to win the show “Bachelor 4,” somewhat resembles Alexei’s former lover:

The affair with Oksana Akinshina turned out to be stormy, but short-lived. Alexei Vorobyov was not even embarrassed by the fact that the actress was married. The couple was often captured by the paparazzi.

Alexei Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko had a serious relationship, but this romance did not last even a year. After the breakup, the singer took a long time to come to her senses.

After his affair with Victoria Daineko, Alexey Vorobyov does not comment on his personal life, preferring to share exclusively creative plans. On Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram, the topic about the girl he is dating is closed. It is impossible to say whether Alexey Vorobyov now has a girlfriend, or whether he is still alone.

The only love and affection that Bachelor Alexey Vorobyov is ready to talk about on his Instagram page is his favorite corgi Elvis-Melvis.

The singer regularly posts new photos of the dog on his microblog and even took Elvis to the set of “Bachelor 4.”

The personal life of Alexei Vorobyov after the finale of “Bachelor 4” does not seem to have changed. There is no information on Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram about whether there is love in his life. It seems that the artist is still waiting for his girlfriend and dreams of ideal happiness, creating it in his videos for now:

Which girl is Alexey Vorobyov dating after “Bachelor 4”?

When fans of the Bachelor project were watching the final 13th episode of season 4, Alexey Vorobyov flew off on tour to Kazakhstan.

During his stay in Almaty, the singer, judging by the pictures on social networks, enjoyed increased attention from his fans.

True, Alexey Vorobyov does not write anything on his Instagram after the broadcast of the last episode of the show “Bachelor 4”. Subscribers to the artist’s page bombarded his blog with thousands of comments, but Alexey prefers to remain silent and not discuss the ending with his followers.

Even if Alexey Vorobyov, after the show “Bachelor 4,” meets with one of the girls who came to the project, he is in no hurry to announce it publicly.

Alla Berger and Alexey Vorobyov did not resume their relationship after “Bachelor 4”

For a long time, viewers were sure that Alla Berger would become the winner of season 4 of the show “The Bachelor.” After there was no winner in the final, speculation arose on the Internet that after “Bachelor 4” Alexey Vorobyov returned Alla Berger.

Apparently, the hopes of fans of the beautiful model were not justified. On her Instagram, Alla Berger wished Alexey Vorobyov to find his soul mate after the finale of “Bachelor 4”:

The last episode just ended. And our bachelor @mr.alexsparrow remained a bachelor Lesh, be happy! Find your soul mate in this world Love and happiness to all

Natalya Gorozhanova and Alexey Vorobyov after the show “Bachelor 4”: will there be a continuation?

In the final of the Bachelor 4 project, Natalya Gorozhanova remained the main contender for the hand and heart of Alexei Vorobyov. Despite the fact that the show was staged, Alexei’s fans were able to see the “chemistry” between the singer and Natalya.

When Gorozhanova left the project, she said that she was ready to try to build a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov in the future.

In the comments to the latest news from the show “Bachelor 4,” many Internet users express confidence that Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova began dating again after “Bachelor 4.”

The attitude of Vorobyov’s relatives also speaks in favor of this development of events: in the penultimate issue, Bachelor’s mother noted that it was a wife like Natalya Gorozhanova that would be ideal for Alexey Vorobyov.

It is quite possible that the artist listened to the opinion of his relatives, and soon his fans will learn that after the finale the show “Bachelor 4” with Alexei Vorobyov had a continuation...

After participating in the “Bachelor” project on TNT, the fate of many participants changed: some got married, and some girls are still in search of true love. In any case, participation in the show only benefited the girls. Let's tell you how the personal lives of the winners of 5 seasons turned out after the show.

Olesya Ermakova

Model, famous blogger Olesya Ermakova from Moscow in 2014 married a businessman from Great Britain whom she had known even before participating in the project. The celebration took place without much publicity in the media, remaining on friendly terms. Relations with football player Evgeniy Levchenko broke down after 9 months due to frequent separations and flights from Russia to Holland. The young people parted on a friendly note, confirming the fact that it is impossible to maintain relationships at a great distance from each other. Levchenko’s ex-girlfriend Victoria Koblenko gave birth to a child in 216.

Olesya Ermakova was invited to film a movie as a producer. She lives with her husband in two houses, now in Moscow and now in London. The second girl who made it to the finals, Irina Volodchenko, went into politics. She works in the State Duma, heads the Russian Sovereignty club in parliament, and is a member of the Young Guard. Sometimes Irina appears in fashion shows. The girl is married to her lover, whom she knew even before the project. Both finalists are happily married, but have not yet added children to their family.

Maria Drigola

Maria Drigola, the finalist of the second season, broke up with bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky after a year and a half, although everything was heading towards the wedding. The reason for the breakup is still banal - the inability to maintain a long-distance relationship. Maxim remained in America, Maria never married, continues to live in St. Petersburg and work as a lawyer in her father’s company. The second girl who reached the final, Alena Pavlova, became a participant in the DOM-2 project, but found her destiny in real life, and not on the show. Alena's chosen one and the father of her son David was the famous video blogger Dmitry Zavyalov.

Daria Kananukha

The winner of the third season of the show, Daria Kananukha, returned to Kazan and continued her studies, which confirmed rumors about the end of her affair with Timur Batrutdinov, which lasted exactly as long as required by the contract. Daria announced her engagement to lawyer Mikhail Zhelaev on social networks. The couple in love has already celebrated a chic wedding in an original water style on July 22, 2017 with registration on the river bank.

After a honeymoon somewhere in the Maldives or the Dominican Republic, Daria opened her own etiquette school. Daria’s rival in the project, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, celebrated a lavish wedding celebration last November with businessman Evgeny Gromov. A couple is waiting for a new addition to their family.

Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

Alexey Vorobyov, a bachelor from the fourth season, did not choose anyone from the two girls finalists Natalia Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. Natalya is not yet married, but she does not complain about the lack of fans. On the Instagram page of the girl and her four-legged friend, the dog Eron, huge bouquets of flowers from Natalia’s fan are increasingly visible.

Yana Anosova, who also did not become Alexey’s chosen one in the finals, claims that after the project they often meet with Andrey at the same creative parties, but do not renew their relationship. Yana modestly keeps silent about her personal life, although the beauty has fans.

Ekaterina Nikulina

In the fifth season of the show “The Bachelor,” two charming girls, Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova, fought for the heart of the main character Ilya Glinnikov in the finale. Ilya's choice was in favor of Catherine, although the audience preferred Madina. Ilya proposed to Ekaterina after the end of the show, but nothing is known about the wedding date yet. Madina’s heart is still free, she travels a lot around the world, as evidenced by photos on social networks.

The winner of the show Bachelor 4 Anna Selyukova told the portal how she found her love. The girl hit the jackpot by meeting the world poker champion, with whom she travels around the world and even watches the new season together.


Last year, we all watched with bated breath as Anna Selyukova appeared on the romantic show Bachelor 4. Then I chose her among other participants in order to build relationships outside the project. But almost immediately after the end of The Bachelor, they stopped communicating and only occasionally texted. Now Selyukova is not sure that Kostya will be very happy when meeting her, maybe even try to pretend that he didn’t see her. But the girl no longer needs to worry about this, because her personal life, to the envy of other participants in the TV show The Bachelor, is arranged in the best possible way.

Anya Selyukova has been inseparable for a year now with Evgeny Kachalov, the world poker champion and the only member of the professional PokerStars Pro team from Ukraine, who has won a total of $8 million. It turns out that Evgeny was supposed to become a Bachelor, but something didn’t work out with his participation in the show, but Selyukova drew attention to him in absentia. When the project ended, she had mutual acquaintances with him, through whom they met. The first time they met was in New York, where Anya came to visit a poker player, and before that the couple had been promising for a month on Skype and Viber. When asked about what it’s like to be in a relationship with a millionaire, Anya laughs it off. She says that she doesn’t consider him a star, but in everyday life she tolerates him throwing things around and, for example, not putting a glass in the washbasin behind him.

Now the couple actively travels around the world, shares their impressions on social networks, and literally spends all their time on airplanes. Evgeny Kachalov says that he had an apartment in Las Vegas, but now there is no need for it, because there is no place in the world where they would stay for more than a month. But the couple has the most ties to Kyiv - this city is convenient for both of them. Anya Selyukova and her lover practically live out of suitcases, jokingly calling this lifestyle “the gypsies have flown.”