Quality depends on quantity. What does male fertility depend on and how to increase it? Their number depends on

The collection may be useful to managers and specialists of organizations when preparing and conducting certification of workplaces based on working conditions. The collection provides ideas about dangerous and harmful production factors in the workplace, assessment of working conditions by class, assessment of the risk of injury in workplaces, and certification of labor protection work. A regulatory and reference framework for certification of workplaces is also presented.

This is the first book in Russia on how to organize an effective workplace in an office using 5S. The 5S system is a tool that allows you to optimize and maintain a comfortable and productive work environment. In addition, the 5S system is useful in preparing for certification to ISO 9000 and 9001 standards. The book provides a step-by-step plan for implementing the 5S system with template forms, checklists and other necessary materials. The knowledge gleaned from this book can be successfully used in banks, insurance, consulting and other service companies, government, social and educational institutions. The advice offered on organizing an effective workplace is so universal that the book can be recommended to a wide range of readers.

The brochure attempts to substantiate the need to use a differentiated approach to the remuneration of class teachers, outlines the technological aspects of its application in the practice of educational institutions: the creation of a modern model of educational activities of class teachers, the definition of their main responsibilities, criteria for the effectiveness of their work. According to the authors of the brochure, the recommendations contained in it will significantly improve the quality of work of class teachers and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the educational process. The brochure is addressed to heads of governing bodies and educational institutions, as well as class teachers.

Secrets of professional work with "1C: Salaries and personnel management 8". Payroll calculations The manual discusses in detail, with illustrations using examples, the issues of using the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" (version 2.5) for calculating and paying wages and social benefits to employees, calculating personal income tax and insurance contributions for pension, medical and social insurance, drawing up regulated reporting on taxes and contributions, reflecting settlements with personnel for wages, taxes and insurance contributions in accounting and for profit tax purposes, managing financial motivation, as well as planning and accounting for labor costs for management accounting purposes. The manual is addressed to a wide range of readers. It will be useful to employees of various services of organizations and enterprises, from human resources management and line managers to accounting workers who use the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management program for automation. The manual is of particular interest to applicants for...

The textbook contains a complete course on inventory management in supply chains. The structure of the textbook corresponds to the approximate curriculum of the discipline "Inventory Management in Supply Chains" of the State Educational Standard for specialty 080506 "Logistics and Supply Chain Management". A wide range of issues are presented that affect the processes of inventory formation in logistics systems at various levels, theories of inventory management and modern capabilities and experience in applying various inventory management strategies. Contains a lot of computational examples, practical situations and illustrations. Intended for students and teachers of the system of basic and additional higher economic education, postgraduate students. For managers and specialists in logistics and inventory management of industrial and trade organizations, as well as scientists.

"The classroom in which you can create a leader has not yet been born" - one of Henry Mintzberg's favorite postulates, it was from him that the book "Managers Wanted, Not MBAs" arose. The author states that the current management style and the system of training managers are experiencing serious problems. The root of evil lies in the very approach to the problem of education in MBA programs; for Mintzberg, this is the admission of unsuitable people to business schools and the wrong methods of teaching them, which results in negative phenomena that corrupt management practices, organizations, and modern society as a whole. On the pages of the book, the author not only overthrows the principles of the MBA, but also puts forward his own ideas of reform, already proven in practice, talking in detail about his brainchild - the International Master's Program in Practical Management. Mintzberg's book, in his own words, is written for a thoughtful reader and is intended for all walks of life - from ...

A systematic approach to personnel management of an organization is substantiated, the essence of personnel activity is revealed, and its classification is given. Modern concepts of management and personnel policy are outlined, as well as methods of selection (hiring) and comprehensive assessment of personnel. The problem of a manager's human potential (essence, elements, assessment methods, effectiveness) is considered. A methodology for assessing the managerial potential of managers and directions for the development of human resources are proposed. For the first time, an approach to identifying people capable of management, developing the potential of managers and assessing the effectiveness of their work is published. The issues of adaptation of managers in organizations, career planning and personnel placement are touched upon. For managers of enterprises and organizations, personnel management specialists, teachers and graduate students.

The book discusses the theoretical patterns and practical foundations of the object management of innovation and innovation management, the most important problems of understanding the object of management, politics as the art of managing the object, the mechanism of managing the object. Based on the wide use of foreign and domestic practice, the emergence, formation and essence of the theory of innovation are analyzed, the methodology of innovation management, scientific discoveries and approaches to innovation management, trends and varieties of its evolutionary development are given. The central place is occupied by the object structure in the management of enterprises, tourist firms, the mechanism for managing them, the model range of the management object, the mechanism of economic methods of management at the macro level. The issues of creating a new tourism product and introducing it to the market, assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects are considered. The book is supplied with diagrams, tables, and a terminological dictionary. In design...

The book examines a wide range of issues in the field of organizational development and personnel management in large companies. The process of organizational design, the typology of organizational structures, the mechanism of organizational construction from simple functional changes to complex restructuring are analyzed in detail. The monograph also examines the main aspects of personnel management: history, theory, concept, principles and methods of personnel management; methodology for forming a strategy and personnel management system, personnel management technologies: planning the structure and number of personnel, selection and placement of personnel, assessment and planning of personnel quality, adaptation and training, career and personnel reserve management, labor motivation. A methodology for assessing and improving the efficiency of the personnel management system in large companies is proposed. The theoretical part is filled with specific practical examples and developments from the experience of personnel management...

Target : Creating conditions to reinforce the idea that the number of objects does not depend on their size.

Tasks :

consolidate the idea that the number of objects does not depend on their size and the distance between them;

learn to compare the number of objects (more less) and align them so that they are equal;

learn to lay out various plane figures from counting sticks.

Integration: O.O. “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Demo material : typesetting cloth with two stripes; color images of 10 large and 10 small leaves, 10 multi-colored flags.

Dispensing material: cards with two free stripes, on trays cut out of cardboard images of strawberries and raspberries (10 pieces of strawberries and 10 raspberries, counting sticks, 1 box for each child.

Lesson progress

1. Vs: Guys, a bear came to visit us from the forest. He is upset.

Today he ate apples and mushrooms for breakfast and he can’t figure out what he wants more ate: apples or mushrooms. Let's help him. Shall we help you guys?

Guys, look at the board. I placed apples on the top strip of the typesetting canvas.

And on the bottom are mushrooms (apples are placed close to each other, and mushrooms are at a short distance)

Can you tell how many apples and mushrooms there are without counting?

How can you check how many apples and mushrooms there are?

How many apples? (8) .

Now who will go and count the mushrooms? (the child comes out and counts them)

How many mushrooms? (9)

How can you place apples and mushrooms so that you can immediately see if they are equal?

(children do the task at the board)

How many apples?

How many mushrooms?

Which number is greater than 8 or 9?

What needs to be done so that there is an equal number of apples and mushrooms?

2. Next, the teacher calls 10 children, invites them to take one flag each and stand in a line facing the rest of the children. Then sets questions: “How many children do you see? How many flags did each child take? How many flags did they take? Are there equal numbers of flags and children? How to prove this? Does the number of objects depend on their size?

3. Physical education moment : "Bear Cubs"

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

Like this, like this, like this.

The cubs were looking for honey

Together they rocked the tree :

Like this, like this, like this.

And then they danced

Paws raised up :

Like this, like this, like this.

4. (Working with the handout material)

The teacher gives the task : put 6 mushrooms close to each other on the top strip of the card, and 5 apples at some distance from each other on the bottom strip.

Then turns to children:

What do you have more, mushrooms or apples? Why do you think there are more mushrooms? What needs to be done so that there are equal numbers of apples? Add one apple. What can we say now about the number of mushrooms and apples? (there are 6 of them, equally) How to prove that there are equal numbers of all items? Place the mushrooms and apples exactly one below the other, in pairs. Well done. Now remove one fungus. Is it possible to say, without counting, what is more? That's right, there are more apples than mushrooms. There are 6 apples and 5 mushrooms. This is recorded So: 6>5, or 5<6. Мишка, ты понял каких ягод ты съел больше? Мишка благодарит детей за то, что они ему так хорошо объяснили, что 6 больше 5.

5. (work in subgroups) - Guys, I’ll now tell you a fairy tale about a lion. Banification, and you must lay out from sticks what I say.

“Once upon a time there lived a lion named Baniface. He performed in the circus.

But in the summer he had a vacation, and he decided to visit his grandmother, who lived in Africa.

He decided to sail to Africa by boat. Guys, let's help the lion Banifatius make a boat (make a boat out of counting sticks) .

He got into the boat and sailed away. His grandmother met him in Africa.

She hugged Baniface and led him home.

And my grandmother’s house was square with a triangular roof (make a house out of sticks) .

Banifacius gave his grandmother flowers, and she put them in a vase. (lay out a vase of seven counting sticks) .

And the grandmother treated the lion Banifacius to a large candy (lay out the candy in the form of a rectangle and two triangles along the edges)

6. Well done. Everyone completed the task. Bear, did you enjoy working with the guys? Stay with us until the evening, our children love to play and you will play with them.

Today medicine is an industry that receives the closest attention at the state level. In July 2013, President V.V. Putin held a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On the tasks of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to increase the availability and quality of medical care,” at which, among others, one of the important topics was raised - personnel, their quantity, and, of course, the quality of training.

This topic is one of the most pressing for the Ashinsky district. Hospitals are in dire need of specialists. This is the case when the quality of patient care depends on their quantity. Therefore, at the December meeting of heads of budgetary organizations, the head of the Agency V.V. Chistyakov discussed the issue of providing medical personnel to medical institutions in the Ashinsky municipal district. Head of the Health Department of the AMR Administration O.A. Kurchatova spoke about the state of affairs in this area.

“AMR healthcare institutions are provided with 50% of doctors, 72% of paramedical personnel, and 77% of junior medical staff,” said Olga Anatolyevna. — In terms of the total number of medical personnel, we are somewhere in the middle of regional indicators.

At the same time, modern conditions require medical organizations to carry out certain measures to optimize their staff. Thus, in 2012, 77 units were cut: three

- nursing staff, 49 - junior, 25 - other, two pediatricians from the Minyar City Hospital resigned due to retirement. In 2013, 46 staff positions were reduced. These included non-medical positions, for example, carpenters who worked in medical institutions. According to the recommendation of the regional Health Insurance Fund, they should not be in the state and paid for from its funds. All recommendations of the Foundation are implemented.

“Also, in order to bring all indicators and bed standards to federal standards, we are reducing 24-hour inpatient facilities and increasing daytime inpatient facilities at clinics,” continued Olga Anatolyevna. — The building of the infectious diseases department and the former pathological-anatomical building of the Minyarsk City Hospital were removed from operational management. We are redistributing functional responsibilities and changing the scope of work of medical staff.

In pursuance of Presidential Decree No. 597, medical institutions are taking measures to increase the wages of medical workers and bring the average wage to the level of the average wage in the Chelyabinsk region.

The average salary level predicted for the beginning of 2014 in the Chelyabinsk region is 24,990 rubles.

In this regard, the average salary level for medical workers at the beginning of the year in healthcare should reach: for doctors - almost 32.6 thousand rubles, for nursing staff - 19 thousand rubles. What are the numbers in our area?

— In the Ashinsky district, the average salary of medical workers for 2013 . looks like this: doctors received an average of 38.3 thousand rubles, nurses - 19.4 thousand rubles, junior medical staff - 11.2 thousand rubles, - said O.A. Kurchatova. — In this case, the entire volume of funds received is taken into account, including birth certificates and paid services. All data is submitted to the regional Ministry of Health.

One of the main measures to achieve indicative indicators is the reorganization of medical institutions in the form of their merger. This issue needs to be resolved in the near future. The head of the district, V.V. Chistyakov, commented on this topic.

“Optimization will only affect the management apparatus,” said Viktor Vladimirovich. “So, for example, there are two hospitals on the territory of Asha, and, therefore, two chief doctors, two accounting departments and economists, which is wasteful. We have reviewed the optimization plan. First of all, it is planned to merge the Sima and Kropachevo hospitals. Next in line are Asha’s medical institutions. The next thing that worries us very much is the shortage of medical personnel. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. There is no finance yet to purchase housing for doctors, but we will solve the problem.

As reported by the head of the Department of Health of the USA, O.A. Kurchatov, in the last two years, only one specialist came to Sim after his internship. Two graduates of the Medical Academy, who were supposed to return to the region, went into private business. Unfortunately, in general, only 30% of medical school graduates come to regional hospitals, the rest are employed in private clinics. IN 2013 . At the request of the Health Department of the AMR Administration, the Ashinsky Municipal District was allocated 3 targeted places for admitting students to study at the South Ural State Medical University, who after graduation must return to work in our hospitals. Over the past 3 years, the administration of the Ashinsky district has purchased 4 apartments for doctors.

— Now, for example, there is a question about a pediatrician in Kropachevo. There is a good apartment. In my opinion, it is necessary to return to the proven system of distribution of university graduates. Then the issue of personnel shortage would be resolved faster,” added O.A. Kurchatova.

“To summarize what has been said, it should be noted that the region constantly provides assistance to the healthcare of our region,” V.V. concluded the discussion of this issue. Chistyakov. — This includes significant financial investments in hospital renovations and the opening of new departments (hemodialysis at ACCH), modern equipment. Just last December, five ambulances were added to the fleet of our hospitals. That is, the issues are being resolved. Perhaps not as quickly as we would like.

Prepared by N. Chalova

Dear readers!

As required by Russian law, comments are pre-moderated. We do not publish messages containing obscenities, reduced language and insults, even if letters are replaced with dots, dashes and any other symbols. Messages calling for ethnic and social hatred are not allowed.

Calories are the energy a person needs to carry out life activities. Therefore, any type of activity, even sleep, heartbeat and breathing, causes the body to expend calories. Their number depends on the action performed by a person. Therefore, people often ask themselves the question: “How many calories do I burn while doing everyday activities?” This is exactly what we will look into today.

How many calories are burned per day: what does it depend on?

How many calories the average person burns per day depends directly on individual characteristics and life cycle. It is not surprising that an office worker and a construction worker will spend different amounts of energy per day with the same calorie intake, respectively, the first will gradually increase weight, and the second will stand still or lose weight.

Also, the indicator of how many calories a person spends per day depends on age, gender, height, weight, individual characteristics of the body, hereditary factors, body constitution and even the time of year! Surprisingly, in the summer, additional kcal in the human body is spent on cooling food.

Remember, unspent calories turn into fat deposits not only, for example, in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, but also on the internal organs. Therefore, it is important to know how many calories we spend per day to maintain the health of the body. It is important that calorie expenditure is 20% more than intake. This is the key to successful weight loss.


How many calories does a person spend per day?

If you want to lose weight or maintain your body weight at a certain level, be sure to count how many calories you burn per day. It's very easy to do. We recommend keeping a diary for a week in which you will record all the actions you performed during the day, as well as the number of kilometers you walked. Then you need to compare your actions with the table below, which describes how many calories a person spends per day when performing a particular action.

Remember that kcal is consumed during any type of activity: breathing, sleeping, resting, showering, sedentary or active work.

How many calories does a person spend per day while eating:

  • Breakfast - 60 kcal;
  • Lunch - 85 kcal;
  • Dinner - 60 kcal.

How many calories does a person spend per day on sleep: approximately 65 kcal per hour. However, it is important to sleep at least 8 hours in a well-ventilated room, not to experience nervous tension before going to bed.

How many calories does a person spend per day at work?

  • Work with a low degree of mobility (office) - 550 kcal;
  • Work with an average degree of mobility (teacher) - 1050 kcal;
  • Work with an average degree of physical labor - 1500 kcal;
  • Work with a high degree of physical labor (loaders) - 2050 kcal.

How many kcal does a person spend per day on household chores performed within 30 minutes:

  • Go to the shower - 40 kcal;
  • Wash the floors - 120 kcal;
  • Wash dishes - 60 kcal;
  • Prepare lunch - 90 kcal;
  • Ironing clothes - 65 kcal;
  • Vacuuming - 205 kcal;
  • Change bed linen - 35 kcal;
  • Wash by hand - 110 kcal.

How many calories does a person spend per day at the dacha for 60 minutes:

  • Water the beds - 160 kcal;
  • Pick berries - 180 kcal;
  • Remove leaves - 150 kcal;
  • Weed the garden - 170 kcal;
  • Tree pruning - 180 kcal;
  • Fertilizer application - 200 kcal;
  • Harvest - 180 kcal.

How many calories are spent per day on leisure for 60 minutes:

  • Read a book - 15 kcal;
  • Play board games - 25 kcal;
  • Knitting - 25 kcal;
  • Walk with the dog - 105 kcal;
  • Walking with a stroller - 95 kcal;
  • Play bowling - 250 kcal;
  • Roller skating - up to 600 kcal;
  • Dance - 350 kcal.

Thus, you can calculate how many calories a man or woman spends per day, depending on the daily activities. If you play sports, it is important to add this parameter to your calculation. Sport is the most successful way to burn extra calories, we recommend doing a spot daily, for example, running. In an hour of running you can burn up to 300 kcal. On average, up to 800 kcal can be spent per hour of sports, depending on the type of physical activity.

How many calories does a person spend per day: table

In the presented table, we calculated how many calories a woman working in the office spends per day:

What do we spend energy on? Time "Passive" participant Time "Active" participant
Sleep, breakfast, lunch, dinner, personal hygiene, rest 14 hours 680 kcal 12.5 hours 680 kcal
Road to work 1 hour By car 120 kcal 0.5 hours On transport 60 kcal
0.5 hours
7 o'clock Computer work 840 kcal
Office work 8 ocloc'k Computer work 960 kcal
1 hour Walking around the office, up the stairs for 7-8 minutes per hour 240 kcal
The road from work 1 hour By car 120 kcal 0.5 hours On transport 60 kcal
0.5 hours Walking at an average pace 150 kcal
Fitness classes 0 No 0.5 hours Running at an average pace 240 kcal
0.5 hours Exercise bike at a medium-fast pace 180 kcal
0.5 hours Aerobics 240 kcal
Total for the day: 24 hours 1880 kcal 24 hours 2860 kcal

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

No matter how much useful information humanity has, there will always be questions that cannot be resolved.

Where is Andrey Gubin now? What is the secret of the cheerfulness of Boris the cat? And how many keywords should there be in a Yandex Direct advertising campaign?

If the first two concern only us, then the answer to the last interests many.

The time has come to give comprehensive explanations to it in order to forever exclude this issue from the section of the great mysteries of the universe.

Today we are in a particularly fabulous mood, so we pack an imaginary backpack and set off on an exciting journey through the land of online advertising.

How to hit the bull's eye: what affects the number of keys in Direct

It is impossible to say exactly how many words there should be in a Direct message. After all, their number depends on your goals. For clarity, let's go through the process of creating a campaign from the very beginning.

Without them, users won’t find your product, won’t learn about the existence of your brand, and won’t buy anything. In general, no keywords - no advertising. It's simple.

Determining the goal of the advertising campaign

The first question you must answer yourself is: what is the purpose of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

The answer will help determine the breadth of semantics that needs to be collected, the tools that should be used in the future, and the approximate budget.

For example:

Selling goods from an online store is a huge semantics task, because it is necessary to sort through all the products, categories, and areas of the store’s activities.

In the first case, you should use all possible tools (search, both text and image ads and graphic ads, retargeting).

In the second - only search, since other tools are unlikely to bring you conversions.

Exactly how many promoted queries are needed? Is less is more or more is better? Like any complex question, this one needs as detailed an explanation as possible.

So, it all depends on several factors:

  • Subjects

Business is different from business. You need to understand this and not tar the online store of building materials and the organization of children's parties with the same brush.

Naturally, in the first case, you will need to collect a more extensive SA, because you will have to create a larger number of ad groups for different types of products.

  • Budget

But only at first glance.

If you need to stay within a certain budget, daily consumption limits are always available.

In Google, you set any value yourself (even 1 ruble per day).

In Yandex, you can set the value for a day or a week. Minimum – 300 rubles. In addition, it is possible to control the timing of displays. If 300 rubles per week The amount is too large for the campaign, you can turn off impressions at the required time.

Yes, the more keywords, the higher the cost of an advertising campaign. But in this whole story, it is important to monitor not the quantity, but the profitability. The conversion for some keys may be small, but the keys themselves will provide the required sales volume at a profitable price.

Simply put: do not focus on the number of keywords or the percentage of conversion, but on the KPI of your advertising campaign.

  • Restrictions

No matter how many words you collect, remember, Yandex will prohibit you from using everything at once and in one place. You can add up to 200 keywords to one ad group. The total number of characters for one key phrase is 4,096 (including negative words).

In addition, it should not contain more than seven words.

  • Skill

This is a purely human factor. It is clear that advertising yourself using one or two queries is absolutely pointless. But working with a large number of keywords is quite difficult, especially if you run your own advertising campaign.

Not every beginner will be able to track statistics in a timely manner and make changes to get maximum efficiency. That is why it is better not to take risks, but This is a job for professionals. Why lose profit while trying to scale unknown heights? You've already done a lot, take a rest.

So, we have considered only the main points that are worth close attention. There is even more information and explanation ahead.

Number of keywords for a campaign in Direct: attacking the search

Yes, the world of context is multifaceted and interesting. The placement of advertisements on thematic platforms and in search differs in a number of ways, which can significantly affect the number of advertisements.

If we want to buy a gun, we inform Yandex about it. Oh, and they immediately give us offers.

This is what ads placed in search look like.

It should be understood that in this case the requests are determined by the user, who sometimes thinks very outside the box, and if you want to sell him your product or service, it’s worth collecting CN, taking into account some nuances:

  • Targeted queries

Let's imagine that we are trading martens. If we do this, then the set of our NL necessarily includes queries like “buy marten”, “marten price”. After all, they are the ones entered by users who are interested in our offer.

  • Synonyms

Consider that people think creatively and outside the box. Therefore, take into account words that are similar in meaning: smartphone - telephone, down jacket - warm jacket, etc.

However, in this case, one should not forget about the peculiarities of Direct’s morphology. It does not take it into account by default, so many queries in any cases and numbers can “stick together” and be perceived by the system as equal.

For example:

Adjective degrees:good = best.

Nouns child = children.

  • Competitors

It is imperative to study your competitors and know everything about them. Same. You shouldn’t create a folder on your desktop with the name “enemies”, but you can even include the name of their brand in the list of your keys. Imagine: they are looking for them, but they find you, what a trick. Here we reveal even more tricks and secrets on this topic.

In addition, you can find out what queries the most successful of them are promoting for and learn something new for yourself.

  • Geolocation

A good option for using low frequencies. The key “buy an apartment” is not very good, it doesn’t specify you in any way, but “buy an apartment on Tverskaya” is much better.

It is better for real estate agencies to take into account such requests.

“Rent an apartment in the Lubyanka metro station” - it’s immediately clear what a person wants. Can you imagine how many streets there are in your city? Do you feel your coverage area expanding?

  • Specialists

It often happens that when trying to find any services on the Internet, a person does not enter them, but the name of a specialist who, in his opinion, can help him.

This phenomenon is most common in medical fields. People are not always able to determine what kind of service they need, but they guess (themselves or on the advice of friends) that they will need the help of a specific specialist.

For example, if a person is constantly tormented by headaches, and pills no longer help, he will look for a neurologist or therapist.

Or another very real example:

A pipe burst in the bathroom. In a panic, we type into Google not “how to fix a pipe,” but “plumbing services.”

  • Minus words

This is a bonus that cannot be ignored. To avoid wasting money, carefully and carefully select the words for which your ads will not be shown.

My favorite New Year's salad is herring under a fur coat. If you did everything correctly, then an advertisement for your mink coat store will not appear to me when I search for “herring under a fur coat recipe.”

All this can make up your basic PL for a search advertising campaign.

Of course, in each specific case it will be necessary to refine the number of keys by expanding and increasing their mass or, conversely, getting rid of the excess. Each keyword in a group has a character limit of 4,096 characters, including the keyword itself.

But from this it is already clear that the more queries you decide to promote, the greater the conversion you will be able to achieve, covering a wide area of ​​users on your topic. The main thing is to do it wisely.

Dmitry Mazurov

It is not always possible to get a sufficient number of clicks from commercial requests in a specific topic. This often happens if the product or service is not popular, or the agreed upon click price does not qualify in the auction.

In situations like this, we work with .

Since these are in most cases information requests, we have to rely on experience, intuition and a large amount of analytical work. For example, requests « buy an autumn jacket » And « popular models of leather jackets autumn 2017 » – these are completely different things ;)

How many keywords are needed for advertising in Direct: hello, YAN

How many queries should you use when launching a campaign in YAN?

There are no clear instructions here. However, one caveat should be taken into account.If you place ads in the Yandex advertising network, then take into account the differences from search advertising that relate to keywords, their quality and, of course, quantity.

If in the first case the key will be compared with the request, then in the second - with the text posted on the sites.

But their semantics is much broader than an ordinary question generated by the user’s brain.

In the search, an excellent option would be “buy a warm jacket in Moscow,” but on the sites, “winter jackets” will work best.

What to pay attention to when creating the number of KS for advertising in YAN

  • By request frequency

In YAN, it is best to advance through HF and MF. It’s much easier to select sites based on them and increase user coverage. LF will not provide you with the required number of impressions. It is better to use these keys in searches, where a person most often deliberately narrows the topic, looking for the most suitable product or service.

  • On the contiguity of semantics

For example, if you produce corrugated sheets, then pay attention to the queries “roof repair”, “country houses”, etc.

  • Related topics

Do you provide accounting audit services? Look for the target audience on sites with similar topics, such as legal. To ensure your impressions on such sites, do not forget to include keys like “IP registration”, “tax consultations”, etc. in your SA.

We can say that using one key means ruining your hope for the effectiveness of your RC. After all, it is on the Yandex network that you can experiment unlimitedly, allowing you to cover an increasingly larger territory, so the number of KS here can be much greater than that used in search.

Your expenses, traffic, and conversion depend on how completely your campaign’s marketing information is collected. Select the right key queries so that they best match your topic, help you reach the largest number of users and create a campaign Only cool specialists can do this, for example, those who work for us.