Japanese gymnastics for the body. Does Japanese gymnastics for weight loss work with the Fukutsuji roller? Types and their characteristics

What is Japanese facial gymnastics? Sooner or later, every woman notices signs of aging on her face and thinks about a way to solve these problems.

It is not at all necessary to resort to plastic surgery or. An excellent replacement would be Asahi, a Japanese facial gymnastics known to many professional cosmetologists.

A special complex eliminates many age-related changes: wrinkles, jowls, sagging. Experts say that existing deficiencies can be corrected in 90 days.

What is Japanese gymnastics?

Japanese women have always looked well-groomed and attractive at any age. To lift and maintain clear contours, Japanese women use a special massage “Tsogan”, or “facial creation”. The more well-known name for the technique is Asahi.

The creator of Japanese facial gymnastics is Yukoko Tanaka, a professional cosmetologist and stylist. For several years she has been developing an effective massage that preserves youth and attractiveness.

Yukoko studied in detail the relationship between the skin, the muscular system, lymph glands and bones. The result of productive activity was Asahi gymnastics and a book describing it - “Facial Massage”.

The technique consists of influencing certain areas of the face by pressing, smoothing and rubbing biologically active points and activating the outflow of lymph. The massage applies to muscles, bones, and connective tissue.

With regular use of the method, you can achieve significant facial rejuvenation in a short time. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of women who have experienced the miraculous properties of gymnastics.

Indications for use

You can perform a massage if you have the following aesthetic deficiencies.


  • loss of skin tone;
  • folds and wrinkles;
  • double chin;
  • fat deposits.

When performing gymnastics, it is important to take into account age indicators:

  • 20 years. Neutral techniques are used to maintain an attractive appearance and youth.
  • 30 years. The effect is aimed at eliminating swelling in the eye area.
  • 40 years. The emphasis is on reducing facial wrinkles and folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Particular attention is paid to the chin and cheeks.
  • 50 and 60 years old. It is important to pay attention to lifting the cheeks and chin muscles.

According to cosmetologists, Japanese facial gymnastics for wrinkles allows women at 50 to look 35. This is confirmed by numerous before and after photos.

10 contraindications

Japanese gymnastics is designed to influence the deep layers of the epidermis and the muscular system, and also has a healing effect. It is for this reason that cosmetologists, before performing the procedure, clarify the presence of contraindications.


  1. inflammatory processes;
  2. pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  3. dermatological diseases: psoriasis and others;
  4. viral infections;
  5. pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  6. ailments affecting the throat, ears, nasal cavity;
  7. increased body temperature;
  8. malignant neoplasms;
  9. any mechanical injuries: burns, ulcers, abrasions, cuts.

Basic exercise options (by zone)

Each technique is performed with gentle massage movements, without strong pressure. Fingers should glide gently over the skin.

Each complex begins and ends with a special manipulation. To perform it, the ring, middle and index fingers are placed at a point near the ears.

Area near the eyes

The eyes are closed. The tips of the index fingers are carefully drawn along the border of the lower eyelid, in the direction from the outer part to the inner. The fingers return to their original position along the eyebrow growth line.

The movement seems to surround the eye, inward with ease, outward with slight pressure.


On the inner side of the eyebrows there are fingertips. Next, the skin moves to the bridge of the nose, then back. The technique is performed without haste and with little effort.

Area between eyebrows

The tips of the index fingers are located in the middle of the eyebrow arch. The skin is pulled down, while at the same time the muscles resist this movement.

It is necessary to perform the exercise at least 15 times, holding the tension for a couple of seconds.


To correct the cheeks, the following are performed:

  1. Strong inhalation and deep breath through the nose. The position is delayed, after a few moments the cheeks relax, and exhalation is made through the mouth.
  2. The cheeks swell as much as possible for a couple of seconds. Then the air slowly rolls in the mouth from one cheek to the other, like a gargle.

Nasolabial triangle

The following exercises are used to smooth out wrinkles in this area:

  • The tips of the middle fingers are placed on the wings of the nose. Circular movements are performed - 5 times. After execution, the fingers are placed on the bridge of the nose, and slow manipulations are performed up and down.
  • The fingers are placed below the nose, parallel to the nasal septum. Fingers slowly move along the upper lip. First left, then right.

Lip corners

To strengthen and lift the drooping edges of the lips you need to:

  1. Clench your jaw and smile as you exhale, with effort. The lips are folded into a tube, the air is exhaled through the mouth.
  2. The index fingers are placed at the edges of the lips and move evenly up and down. The final approach involves stretching your lips with your fingers, as if smiling.

Double chin

To get rid of this drawback, you should follow these steps:

  • The head is tilted back so that the chin tenses. Attempts are made to bite the upper lip with the lower teeth and hold the position for 5 seconds. As you exhale, the head returns to its original position.
  • Three fingers of each hand are placed on the chin and massage this area with gentle sliding movements. Reception continues until the fat deposits warm up. It is important not to overdo it, so as not to stretch the skin.

With proper regular massage, you can achieve significant rejuvenation in just a few months. The video in Russian will teach you how to perform Japanese gymnastics for the Asahi face correctly.

Question answer

Spider veins on the skin of the face are not an absolute contraindication to Japanese gymnastics. In some cases, massage will be helpful. You should first consult with a cosmetologist.

To carry out a full set of exercises, 3 minutes are enough, some can increase up to 10 minutes.

Getting rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging with the help of Japanese Asahi facial gymnastics is possible only if the following rules are strictly followed:

  • the ideal time for classes is the morning, but you can devote the evening to self-care;
  • the skin is cleaned of dirt, dust and particles of decorative cosmetics, wiped with lotion;
  • the epidermis is warmed up for 10 minutes with a special compress, after which a cream with moisturizing properties is applied;
  • gymnastics, according to tradition, is performed in a sitting position, but some experts say that it is better to lie down; the back should be straight in any case;
  • techniques are carried out with the tips of the fingers or the entire palm;
  • After each exercise, wait at least 10-20 seconds, during which time the fingertips are tapped on the surface of the skin;
  • movements are repeated 3 times, if there are severe problems, the number increases to 5;
  • all movements are performed slowly, and the fingertips are placed perpendicular to biologically active points;
  • It is important that the fingers do not turn over, this leads to stretching of the skin;
  • You can’t put too much pressure on the points so that you feel pain;
  • the thicker the fatty deposits under the skin, the more noticeable the effect should be;
  • each movement is performed calmly and evenly, pressure lasts no more than 5 - 7 seconds;
  • After doing this, you need to wash your face with cool water and apply a cream suitable for your skin type to your face.

7 advantages of the complex

Regularly performing suitable exercises allows you to get noticeable positive changes:

  • bags and circles under the eyes disappear, the skin acquires elasticity and freshness;
  • wrinkles located in problem areas of the face are reduced or completely disappeared;
  • the oval tightens, sagging disappears;
  • the quality of the skin improves, elasticity and density are restored, color is evened out;
  • facial muscles acquire tone, and facial expressions become more pronounced;
  • , and at the same time the number of blackheads decreases;
  • the frequency of migraines decreases.

The consequences of doing gymnastics for the face

  1. If there is a rash on the skin, allergic or acne, it is worth postponing the complex of manipulations for a while. The latter can lead to the spread of rashes to healthy tissue, which aggravates the condition. Sometimes the cause of allergies is hypersensitivity to the components of oils or creams that are used for massage.
  2. Exercise leads to facial weight loss. Slender women, as well as those with sunken cheeks, need to reduce the frequency of appointments.
  3. If rashes appear on the skin, you should not use gymnastics in the evenings.
  4. Development risk. When the first signs of a problem appear, you should not move in places where there are spider veins. Along with this, you will have to stop using scrubs and start using products to combat rosacea.

There is another version of Japanese facial gymnastics called “korugi”. It involves the correction of problem areas by influencing the bones of the skull, which ultimately move in the desired direction, and the face acquires relief and retains its youth and beauty.

Japanese gymnastics is very popular among our compatriots. A special technique, simple and accessible, quickly and effectively eliminates folds and creases and models contours. Exercise can be a viable alternative to plastic surgery.

Expert opinion

Domestic consumers have special confidence in all products that were manufactured or invented in the Land of the Rising Sun. This also applies to weight loss systems - Japanese gymnastics has acquired its loyal fans in our country. The tempting thing is that you don’t need to exert much effort when doing the exercises, but the results the authors of the methods promise are simply amazing.

The concept of “Japanese gymnastics” includes 3 main systems: Tabata, Fukuji technique and Imabari. All types of exercises are aimed at overall health of the body; weight loss is considered a pleasant “side effect”. You need to perform very simple manipulations; even a physically unprepared person can handle them. Very little time is spent on classes, which also attracts those who want to become slimmer.

Claimed effectiveness of exercises:

  • improved blood flow;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improved posture;
  • stabilization of the work of all internal organs;
  • acceleration of lymph outflow;
  • preventing problems with joints and spine.

Weight loss, according to the authors of the methods, occurs precisely due to the acceleration of metabolism and the breakdown of accumulated fats. In just one session of performing the exercise with a roller from Fukutsuji, you can become 1 cm taller and as much as 4 cm slimmer!

The result is impressive, but is everything happening as miraculously as the Japanese promise us?

Types and their characteristics

The Japanese come up with techniques that do not require effort and energy. At first glance, it may seem like it's just magic. This policy is connected with the fact that in the Land of the Rising Sun neither women nor men like heavy physical exercise; for them, lifting weights is associated with something forbidden. Simple schemes that do not require large energy consumption, on the contrary, cause delight in Asian countries.

Popular gymnastics techniques:

And what's the catch?

All three methods promise very fast weight loss that practically does not require much effort and time. However, it is worth understanding what actually happens when performing exercises.

The famous “lying gymnastics” by Fukutsuji really helps to reduce waist size, since it uses a yoga technique that allows you to move the pelvic bones apart and put the spine in the correct position, hence improving posture, increasing height, and slimness. But doing such manipulations on your own is strictly contraindicated, especially if you have problems with the spine. This method does not help fight fat deposits.

Imabari will also not help you become slimmer, since it is a simple exercise that can replace morning exercises. Using a towel will help you wake up your body and set it up for productive work, but will not help you lose weight.

Tabata involves the use of special combinations of exercises; it can only be effective if the program is compiled by a specialist and not taken from video tutorials on the Internet. Considering that one exercise is performed for only 4 minutes, it would be more appropriate to add this technique to fitness programs than to use it as an independent measure for losing weight.

Features of Japanese gymnastics

Copyright for the Japanese is akin to a lotus - it is sacred, therefore it is quite difficult to find exact recommendations on how to correctly perform exercises using a particular method. On the Internet you will be offered to buy special books and CDs with training videos, but it is almost impossible to find valuable information in the public domain.

Therefore, if you still decide to improve your health with the help of Japanese gymnastics, it is best to contact a specialist who will help you create the optimal program and teach you how to perform the movements correctly.

Remember that the methods themselves do not provide any weight loss effect; they can only become an additional measure for weight loss.

Contraindications for performing exercises:

  • problems with the spine;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • underdeveloped supporting muscles of the back;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • some chronic diseases during exacerbation.

Feasibility of classes

The exercises that all three Japanese methods offer are effective to some extent, but they cannot fight fat deposits on their own. Reviews and results from those who have tried gymnastics confirm that it can enhance the effectiveness of a balanced diet and active training in the gym.

Lose weight with the help of effective and safe programs for the body and always be healthy!

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss is something more than effective methods that allow you to give your body slimness and beauty. Such exercises also contribute to the health of the spine and the entire body as a whole. The training is based on karate-do techniques, the roots of which go back to the distant past. Gymnastics itself as a real way to lose weight began to be used relatively recently. This is not just one, but various, sometimes diametrically opposed methods, in which there are both static and dynamic components.

Features of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss

Exercises that seem simple at first glance require a special technique. Tonic muscle tension (sensation of trembling and vibration), the ability to listen to your body and concentrate on sensations are the basic rules and the key to the effectiveness of classes. Another important aspect is breathing. It should be uniform, deep, sometimes slightly slow, that is, it should contribute to the regulation of internal processes in the body. A very desirable component of such training is the Japanese diet, because in the land of the rising sun it is considered very important that both spirit and body are in harmony, and this is inextricably linked with nutrition.

To lose weight in Japanese, active training according to the Tabata protocol and two original methods are most often used, which are perfect for those who are not ready for significant loads, but still want to get rid of fat ballast. This is the Fukutsuji method, which suggests losing weight while lying down, and a set of elementary exercises using the Imabari technique, performed with an ordinary towel.

Fukutsuji Method - statics with healing effects

The Fukutsuji technique is named after the author who developed the system and described it in his book. The publication's circulation amounted to 6 million copies and was sold out in record time. The Japanese doctor came to the conclusion that the discrepancy of the costal and pelvic bones causes an increase in body volume in the waist area. He came up with an original exercise for the back and spine, which helps return the pelvic bones to their place and restore the normal position and functioning of the internal organs. To complete the exercise you will need:

  • a flat and hard surface (floor or hard couch);
  • regular terry towel;
  • ribbon, lace or string to make a roller;
  • 5 minutes of free time.

You need to take a towel of such a size that you get a fairly dense roll that matches the width of your body. Before you start, you can measure your height and waist to compare before and after. In untrained people, in 5 minutes spent on a towel, the waist can decrease by 5 cm. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. You need to sit on the floor and place the cushion across your body behind your back, approximately at the place where your lower back will be.
  2. Slowly lower yourself onto your back and adjust the position of the folded towel. It should be located clearly at the level of the navel.
  3. Relax and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your feet in such a position that your heels are on the floor and your big toes are touching. To avoid the temptation to change the position of your legs, you can place a small pillow on top.
  4. Extend your arms, bring them up behind your head, turn them palms down and connect your little fingers. If you can't keep your arms straight, that's okay. Do the best you can, everything will work out over time.
  5. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. You can relax, but it is important to ensure that your fingers and toes remain closed.
  6. You should not suddenly get out of a lying position. First you need to turn on your side, rest a little and only then get up.

This is the initial version of the exercise. You can change it a little in the future. To obtain a more impressive waist, the roller is placed under the lower ribs. High breasts can be achieved by placing a “sausage” under the shoulder blades. The apparent simplicity of such training is captivating, but in practice it is sometimes difficult to withstand even half the specified time. You should not make extra efforts; the duration of the lesson can be increased gradually. Please be patient, because for a positive result you will need regular implementation.

It may seem that such Japanese gymnastics for weight loss contradicts all common sense, and it is impossible to just lie down and lose weight. This is partly true because Dr. Fukutsuji's development is not aimed at traditional fat burning. The spine is stretched, and the pelvic bones gradually return to their anatomical position. Due to this, you can notice a decrease in body volume, especially in the waist area, and an increase in your own height.
This method is strictly prohibited for people with any form of scoliosis. Various spinal injuries, protrusion or herniated intervertebral discs are also an obstacle.

Imabari method - basic exercises with a towel

Strength sports using weights are not popular in Japan - fragile Japanese women prefer to maintain their slim figure with calmer and more harmonious exercises. Unlike the previous method, here the towel is used in the form of an expander. If you don’t know how to organize morning exercises, you can safely use the following easy exercises:

  1. Grab the edges of the towel with your hands and stretch at chest level with maximum effort. Helps strengthen the arms and chest muscles.
  2. Raise your arms up and, stretching the edges of the expander, bend left and right.
  3. Helps fight fat deposits around the waist.
  4. Stretch the towel behind your back. Aimed at improving posture.
  5. From a lying position, do a stretch for your legs, grabbing your feet with tissue. Strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdominals.

Other useful exercises that will give you energy and put you in a great mood in the morning are shown in the video:

Such Japanese gymnastics for weight loss can be adopted by untrained people and those who are recovering from illnesses, injuries, and childbirth. It is unlikely to help a sports person lose weight - a special complex for drying the body will be more beneficial here. But for beginners, a towel as a very basic exercise machine can serve as an excellent incentive for further development and improvement of the figure. Moreover, Imabari gymnastics has no contraindications.

Active weight loss using the Tabata method

This method is radically different from those discussed above. It is built on the principle of interval training, which consists of short-term alternation of intense exercise and rest. At the same time, the body tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, metabolism is accelerated many times over, and fat cells are actively destroyed. The workout is very tough, although it lasts only 4 minutes. This short period of time contains 8 cycles of 30 seconds, in which 20 seconds are allocated for active work and 10 for relaxation. To get the desired effect, you need to properly organize Tabata classes and remember the contraindications.

Japanese gymnastics is a breakthrough in the treatment of spinal diseases and the fight against excess weight. To lose weight, you no longer need to abuse your body with diets; you don’t need to buy expensive ointments for your back to relieve pain in the spine. Gymnastics for weight loss helps not only to reduce excess weight, but also to improve the health of the entire body. Such exercises for the back from various Japanese scientists will allow you to never go to the doctor again.

Two golden principles of health

Gymnastics from the Land of the Rising Sun is based not only on performing exercises for the back, but also on observing two principles. By following them, you can not only further strengthen the entire body, but also revive lost health.

First principle

The first principle is a firm and level bed. Man is created in such a way that he has the gift of walking upright - this makes the spine vulnerable. If at least one part of the spine is subluxated, you can lose this gift, which leads to a number of different diseases. That is why the spine must be treated with special care. It is very difficult to help your spine relax during the day, but it can be done at night. People who have spinal subluxation (this is not uncommon nowadays) do not allow their spine to relax sufficiently when sleeping on a soft mattress. From such a night's sleep, the nervous system is destroyed, so it atrophies and becomes paralyzed. Also, while sleeping on a soft mattress, the intervertebral discs are warmed, as a result of which they are easily displaced, and the circulation is disrupted.

For a proper night's sleep you need:

  • Avoid soft spring mattresses. You need to sleep on a hard, flat surface. Ideally, this should be a floor, a wide board or a sheet of plywood.
  • When choosing a blanket, pay attention to the thinnest one, since when you cover yourself with a blanket at night, you should not expose your body to overheating.
  • During the night's rest, the spine should be straight. This will distribute the body weight evenly, allows all muscles to rest, and the vertebrae to return to their previous position, thereby removing the negative impact of the loads that the spine received throughout the working day.

Thanks to sleeping on a hard surface, you can correct minor vertebral subluxations that were acquired during the working day. While sleeping on a hard bed, the spine is pulled into line and returns to its correct state. This allows not only to avoid some disorders, but also to cure other complex diseases of the spine.

Advantages of a hard bed:

  • It is a good support for the entire spine.
  • While sleeping on a hard bed, blood circulates better throughout the body, thereby improving all metabolic processes in the body. During sleep, the blood and blood vessels are cleansed.
  • Such a bed allows you to relax all motor nerves and prevent their overstrain.
  • Provides an opportunity for the intestinal tract to restore function during sleep. On a hard bed, in an even position, spasms in the intestines and constipation disappear.
  • Improves and restores the activity of the nervous system.
  • Gives the body complete relaxation and ensures sound sleep.
  • Leads to the development of good posture.

Second principle

The second principle is a hard pillow; it is needed to create favorable conditions for the spine to rest. The ideal pillow is a bolster pillow that will provide good support for the cervical vertebrae.

Advantages of a hard pillow:

  • Sleeping on a bolster pillow allows the nasal septum to be in an optimal position - this will help avoid the occurrence of various diseases.
  • Allows you to correct subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, which leads to pain in the neck and back of the head.
  • Sleeping on a firm pillow stimulates blood circulation in the brain.
  • Helps improve and restore vision, as blood circulation in the eye capillaries improves.

A bolster pillow can be made of various materials (even wood), stuffed tightly with cotton wool or pebbles. If you do not have the opportunity to make or purchase a bolster pillow, you can use a tightly rolled towel.

It is important to know: the pillow is selected with a roller personally. It should be of a shape that matches the depression between the back of the head and the shoulder blades. Leaning on it, the spinal column should remain straight.

Katsuzo Niche technique

Japanese gymnastics is a whole range of exercises for improving the health of not only the spine, but also the entire human body. It was developed by the Japanese Katsuzo Niche, who not only created a whole set of exercises for the back, but also proved that they are effective by his own example. Nisha was sickly from childhood. Many doctors, based on his diagnoses, gave a prognosis that he would not be able to live even to 20 years old, since he was frail and sickly. Nishe Katsudzo did not fold his arms, he began to study various healing techniques and philosophies of various countries. As a result of his research and experiments, he realized that the body is one whole. So Niche created a set of exercises that can not only improve the health of the body, but also rid it of extra pounds. After all, many who performed exercises according to the Katsuzo Nishe system claim that this is not only a health-improving technique, but also gymnastics for weight loss.

Physical activity according to the Katsuzo Niche method

Gymnastics consists of a set of exercises that need to be done daily. They will prevent physical and psychological diseases. Exercises are recommended not only for sick people, but also for those who do not complain about their health. For people who do not have health problems, these exercises will not only strengthen it even more, but will also make it possible to live a long life without any illnesses. For people with any illness, back exercises will be the initial step towards recovery.

Improving posture - fish technique

This exercise is specifically designed to correct spinal deformities. In people who lead an almost immobile lifestyle, over time the spine becomes rigid and deformed. Over the years, the cartilage and discs in the spine begin to deteriorate. People with a lack of physical activity already experience pain in the back by the age of 50. Exercise not only helps to straighten all curvatures of the spine, it additionally improves heart function, blood circulation, and intestinal functions.


  1. Lie horizontally on the floor or hard bed, face up.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbow joint, while closing your fingers together under the cervical vertebrae.
  3. The legs should be straight out and pressed against each other.
  4. Then begin to pull your toes towards you, while vibrating your whole body from right to left.

The vibration of the body should resemble the movements of a fish, but the spine should be motionless. This exercise for the back should be done every day for 1-2 minutes.

Improving blood circulation in the body - the “baby joy” technique

The “Baby Joy” exercise is aimed specifically at improving the health of the body. This exercise not only has a beneficial effect on the spine, but also improves blood circulation throughout the body. As a result, the lymphatic fluid in the body is renewed, and there is a fight not only against cellulite, but also against excess weight. The “Baby Joy” exercise is a kind of Japanese gymnastics for weight loss.


  • Lie on your back on the floor or hard surface.
  • Place a hard pillow or rolled up towel under your head.
  • Raise your straightened upper and lower limbs upward until they form a right angle with your body.
  • Raising your arms and legs, begin to make trembling movements with them (such movements are made by newborns when they are happy).
  • Continue doing the exercise for 2 minutes, and then lower your legs and arms.

When performing the “Baby Joy” exercise, all 4 billion capillaries that are in the limbs will begin to contract even more actively. This will improve blood circulation and speed up all metabolic processes in the body.

Fukuji technique

Based on the research of the Japanese doctor Fukuji, a breakthrough has been made in the treatment of diseases such as scoliosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. Also, the Japanese scientist, after lengthy research, made another discovery. He came to the conclusion that the divergence of the costal and pelvic bones and the curvature of the spine greatly influence the volume of the body. Such disturbances in the structure of the human skeleton greatly affect the functioning of internal organs. A Japanese scientist has developed a special exercise that allows you not only to return all displaced bones to their place, improve the functioning of internal organs, but also get rid of excess weight. Currently, it is the Fukuji method that they say is Japanese gymnastics for losing weight and improving the health of the whole body.

Physical activity according to the Fukuji method

Thanks to the Japanese scientist and his unique exercise for the back, all organs take the correct position and begin to function well. All metabolic processes in the body improve, which contributes not only to the restoration and strengthening of the spine, but also to significant weight loss. In order to improve your health and get rid of extra centimeters at your waist, you will need a terry towel (which will need to be rolled up), comfortable clothes and 5 minutes of free time.

Exercise technique:

  • Roll up the towel. Its thickness should be 8-10 cm. Take the rolled roller in your hand and sit on a hard horizontal surface.
  • Gently lower yourself onto your back, taking a horizontal position, place a cushion under your back. It should be right under your lower back.
  • Spread your outstretched, straight legs to the sides, but so that when you tilt your feet inward, you can connect your big toes together.
  • Extend your arms behind your head, while turning your palms down and clasping your little fingers together.
  • For the first time, you need to remain in this position for 2 minutes, and over time increase the duration of the exercise to 5 minutes.

Morning exercises in Japan

Get ready to exercise!

Japan is a country that always honors, protects and observes its traditions and customs. It’s especially good because traditions associated with a healthy lifestyle take root here. It’s not for nothing that there are so many centenarians in Japan, and this is despite the not-best environmental situation in the country! One of the interesting parts of Japanese culture is the morning radio gymnastics, which has been broadcast every morning in Japan on local radio stations for almost a century (since 1928). The secret of such ethereal longevity lies in a well-thought-out set of exercises and, apparently, in the conservatism of the Japanese people.

Radio gymnastics consists of two alternating sets of exercises, which take only 3 minutes 15 seconds to complete. In this short period of time, participants manage to do 13 different types of exercises: aerobic exercises, which involve many muscles and consume a large amount of oxygen, stretching and coordination exercises, as well as exercises aimed at strengthening muscles. The result of such daily gymnastics is to increase endurance and flexibility, and strengthen the entire body as a whole.

If you are looking for a well-chosen and proven set of exercises for morning exercises, try it! Maybe these quick exercises are exactly what you need right now?!

The first set of exercises - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YZZfaMGEOU

Second set of exercises - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi1TbzML2cU

Gymnastics for everyone (which can be done even while sitting at the computer) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MGsuinRElk

Charging in Japan is popular among all segments of the population. It is done by children and adults, office workers, workers in factories, medical staff in clinics, teachers in schools. It is believed that gymnastics helps to bring people together and increase cohesion in the team.

During the summer holidays, many district parent committees organize “morning exercises” for children right in the courtyards of houses or next to schools. Each child is given a participant card, which must be filled out with stamps, one stamp for each day. Anyone who has not missed a single lesson and filled out the entire card receives a prize in the form of sweets, juices and stationery at the end of the holidays.

Previously, such children's gymnastics were carried out everywhere, in almost every yard, but recently its distribution has declined. This is largely due to the general aging of the population in Japan. Elderly people also happily take part in morning exercises, which are carried out for them in parks and special institutions.

Morning exercises begin early, at 6:30 am, but the Japanese are used to getting up even earlier and by this time they already have time to do almost all the important things around the house.

Many Japanese women have time in the morning not only to water the flowers, load the washing machine, and do the cleaning, but also to make a herbal foot bath and devote about an hour to their beloved (the ritual of washing, cleansing and moisturizing the face and body). At the same time, they also manage to prepare a traditional breakfast for the whole family, which includes a huge variety of dishes. (We wrote about what the Japanese eat for breakfast in this article - ).