Exercise “Dream Collage” is a technique for working with goals. Psychological collages: how do they work? Exercises aimed at forming the image of “I”, increasing self-esteem, developing a positive self-attitude

Target: to more clearly form for yourself images of what you want in order to more accurately guide the subconscious to the desired goal.

Materials: sheet of A4 paper, felt-tip pens; materials for making a collage: newspapers, magazines, postcards, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, scissors, a silhouette image of a butterfly, music player, music records.


1. Think about what you dream about in different areas of life. Please note that at least these 5 areas must be taken into account: relationships, family, material sphere, self-realization, health.

Analyze in which area you have the maximum number of gaps: the most dreams will be connected with it. But don't forget about the rest.

2. Now, from different pictures, create a collage that reflects this. If you don’t find a suitable illustration, draw what’s missing. Give the finished piece a title.

Issues for discussion:

    Now do you understand where you are going?

    Ask yourself often: how does what I am doing at this moment bring me closer to my dream?

    Do you like how it turned out?

    If something confuses you, think about how to change it?

Game "Surreal game" (drawing in several hands)

The first participant in the game makes the first sketch, depicting some element of his idea. The second player, starting from the first sketch, makes an element of his image, etc. until the finished drawing.

Exercise "Clothesline"

Each participant has a sheet of paper. The sheet is attached with clothespins to a clothesline. You should try to draw a greeting picture on a sheet of paper with paint. You need to remember your feelings, compare them with those when you draw on a hard surface.

Exercise “My Planet”

– What planet is it, who inhabits this planet, is it easy to get to it, what laws do they live by on it, what do the inhabitants do. What is your planet's name? Draw this planet.

Exercise "Exhibition"

Leading. A man who is looking for talent has come to our city. All the residents of the city decided to demonstrate their abilities to him. But this man, since there were too many people interested, decided to organize an exhibition in which unusual paintings would be presented. Now you will draw pictures for this exhibition: you need to remember one of your talents and draw it. You have 10 minutes.

Exercise “Ice Wall”

Target: assistance in eliminating internal barriers that interfere with normal life and relationships with people.

Materials: simple pencils, brushes, paints, crayons, charcoal, sanguine, A3 paper, colored paper, plasticine, old magazines and pictures, tape recorder, audio cassette with calm music.

Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Notice how air fills your lungs as you inhale and leaves your lungs as you inhale. Switch your attention to the breathing pause - a short period of time between inhalation and exhalation. What is happening at this moment? Are you moving somewhere? Just notice and stop thinking about it. Your breathing is smooth and relaxed, you are relaxed, thoughts come and go, do not hold your attention on them.

Imagine that you are wearing warm white clothes and sitting on a sleigh at the North Pole. Snow and ice fields stretch to the very horizon. But you're not cold at all. The sun is shining brightly, snow dust sparkles in the transparent air. My face tingles a little from the fresh, clean frosty air. Clearly imagine this picture, your feelings, your location.

Sitting in the sleigh, in the middle of the kingdom of purity and light, feel how with every breath (through your nose) your body is filled with sparkling transparent air. Please note: this air is saturated with light. You bathe in radiance, breathe in radiance.

Stay in this state for some time. Let thoughts come and go, there are no “right” or “wrong” thoughts and feelings for you. You just need to note what your body is experiencing, what comes to mind. As you continue to stay warm and comfortable while sitting on your sleigh amidst the snowy glow, imagine an ice wall slowly rising out of the ground. This wall contains all your internal barriers, all your fears and anxieties, everything that prevents you from living.

Take a close look at this wall. What is it - smoky or transparent? High or low? What is its thickness? Perhaps the wall is thicker in some places than others. Where is it thicker - at the base or at the top? There's no need to worry about what all these features might mean. Your consciousness should not bother itself with this, trust your subconscious.

Notice how bright the sun is shining. Its hot rays illuminate the ice wall and fall directly on you. You bathe in the sunshine, bask in the sun's rays. You're welcome. The sun is shining so brightly that the wall of ice begins to melt. Clearly imagine that it all consists of your internal obstacles, fears, anxieties. Watch carefully how the ice wall melts under the scorching rays of the sun - drip, drip, drip. This takes time. Unpleasant sensations may occur. More and more unpleasant feelings are possible. In this case, you just need to mentally mark them and let them go. Under the rays of the sun, the wall melts, becoming smaller and thinner until it completely melts. When the ice barrier completely melts, you will feel warmth spreading throughout your body. I wish I could melt so much internal “ice.” Everything that interfered with normal life is gone forever.

Look at the slush, at the water left from the melted wall. Under your gaze, the water begins to take on certain shapes. It produces strong, good-natured dogs. These are snow-white Eskimo huskies, they are shaking off the dirt, they are ready to pull your sleigh. Take a deep breath, and when you exhale, pull on the reins and the huskies will set off. You fly faster and faster in the sleigh, and the clean, cool wind blows more and more into your face, refreshing your body.

Feel how from now on your free body is filled with vigor and joy on the eve of a new life. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, imagine how your sled rushes forward, overcoming the last meters and moments that separate us from the present. Take a few more deep breaths, beginning to exhale and return to the “here and now.”

Do this slowly, like a cat stretching after sleep. You can stay in this state for as long as you need, and then open your eyes.

Depict your images, feelings and sensations in a drawing, collage or composition.

Game "Two with one chalk"

Target: development of cooperation, establishing a psychological climate in the group.

Equipment: A4 sheet, pencils.

Progress of the game: Divide into pairs and sit at the table next to your partner. Now you are one team that must paint the picture. You are given only one pencil. You must take turns drawing one picture, passing a pencil to each other. There is a rule in this game - you cannot talk while drawing. You have 5 minutes to draw.

    What did you draw while working in pairs?

    Was it difficult for you to draw in silence?

    Have you come to the same conclusion with your partner?

    Was it difficult for you because the image was constantly changing?

The purpose of the classes: to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the children's team, aimed at further unity.

Expected result: classes develop the following skills and abilities:

  • goodwill, interest and ability to build trusting relationships with each other;
  • emotionally empathize with a peer;
  • cooperate and act together;
  • coordinate your actions with others and jointly solve assigned tasks;
  • resolve conflict situations;

All this helps to bring children closer together and develop a sense of “We” in the children’s team.

Conditions, number and frequency of classes: classes are designed for children 10-12 years old, a total of 5 classes are held with a frequency of 1 time per day for each group. The first three lessons are 45 minutes each, the last two are 1.5 hours each.

Each of the classes is designed as a complete mini-training, i.e. includes greeting, warm-up, main exercise, discussion, ending ritual or exercise.

Lesson program

Lesson 1 “Self-esteem”

1) Getting to know each other. Establishing contact with children.

Participants sign badges. The presenter introduces himself and says a few words about what will happen.

2) Rules for working in a group.

The leader sets certain rules for working in the group, which are necessary to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe. The rules are written out in advance on a piece of Whatman paper, and after acceptance by the group, they are fixed in a visible place. During all subsequent classes, the group rules are located there and are reminded by the presenter at the beginning of each lesson.

List of rules:

  1. Listen carefully to each other.
  2. Don't interrupt the speaker.
  3. Respect each other's opinions.
  4. Speak up on your own behalf.
  5. Non-judgmental judgments.
  6. Activity.
  7. Stop rule.
  8. Confidentiality.

Each point of the rules is explained by the presenter.

3) Warm-up “Swap places.”

Description of the exercise: participants sit on chairs in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle and says the phrase: “Change places, those who... for example, know how to fry eggs.” At the end, some attribute or skill is called. The task of those who have this skill or trait is to change places. The presenter’s task is to have time to sit in any vacant seat. The one who did not have time to sit down becomes the new driver.

The exercise creates conditions for children to get to know each other better, understand how much they have in common, and increase the participants’ interest in each other.

4) Dialogue and Mini-lecture.

The presenter invites each participant to think for a minute and answer the question: “What is self-esteem?” Anyone can speak out. Then the presenter summarizes and talks about the importance of self-esteem and what it depends on; about feelings, such as boasting, that mask low self-worth, about the desire to be a perfect person and what this can lead to. Then he suggests doing the main exercise.

5) Basic exercise “Good and bad deeds.”

Description of the exercise: Participants are randomly divided into two teams. Each team is given a sheet of Whatman paper, felt-tip pens or markers and A4 paper. The task of one team is to write as many actions as possible that allow a person to respect himself more. Accordingly, another task is to write down as many actions as possible, because of which a person’s self-respect is lost. If desired, each team can support the words with pictures of corresponding actions. After completing the task, each team presents its list, then there is a general discussion, at the end the presenter summarizes everything that was said. It is very important to draw the children’s attention to the fact that everyone has a choice between these and other actions, but every time we choose one or another behavior, we gain or lose self-respect.

By performing this exercise, children realize the connection between actions and self-respect, and discover the connection between self-respect and mutual respect. And this is a necessary condition for full communication, without which the development of cohesion is impossible.

6) Final exercise “Thank you!”

Description of the exercise: participants stand in a circle, and the leader invites everyone to mentally put on their left hand everything that they came with today: their baggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on their right hand - what they received new in this lesson. Then, everyone simultaneously claps their hands hard and says, “THANK YOU!”

This exercise is the final ritual. It allows you to reflect on the content and result of the last lesson, and also helps to end it beautifully on a positive emotional note.

Lesson 2 “Beautiful Garden”

1) Warm up. Exercise "Let's say hello."

Description of the exercise: the presenter invites everyone to shake hands, but in a special way. You need to greet two participants with both hands at the same time, and you can only let go of one hand when you find someone who is also ready to say hello, i.e. hands should not remain idle for more than a second. The task is to greet all participants in this way. There should be no talking during the game. The exercise helps establish contact between participants. A handshake is a symbolic gesture of openness and goodwill. It is important that eye contact occurs in this case - this contributes to the emergence of closeness and a positive internal attitude.

The fact that the action occurs without words increases the concentration of attention of the members of the lesson and gives the action a sense of novelty.

2) Basic exercise “Beautiful Garden”

Description of the exercise: participants sit in a circle.

The presenter suggests sitting quietly, you can close your eyes, and imagine yourself as a flower. What would you be like? What leaves, stem, and maybe thorns? High or low? Bright or not very bright? Now, after everyone has presented this, draw your flower. Everyone is given paper, markers, and crayons. Next, participants are invited to cut out their own flower.

Then everyone sits in a circle. The presenter spreads a cloth of any fabric, preferably plain, inside the circle, and distributes a pin to each participant. The fabric is declared to be a garden clearing that needs to be planted with flowers. All participants take turns coming out and attaching their flower. You are invited to admire the “beautiful garden” and capture this picture in your memory so that it shares its positive energy. Notice that although there were many flowers, there was enough space for everyone, everyone took only their own, the one they chose.

See what different, dissimilar flowers yours is surrounded by. But there is also something in common - some have the color, others the size or shape of the leaves. And all flowers, without exception, need sun and attention. In this case, the exercise allows you to understand and feel yourself, be yourself, express your thoughts and feelings freely, and also understand the uniqueness of everyone, see the place you occupy in the diversity of this world and feel part of this beautiful world.

3) Final exercise “Thank you!” (see lesson No. 1, exercise 6)

Lesson 3 “Development of communication abilities. Non-verbal communication"

1.) Warm up. Exercise “Let’s line up”

Description of the exercise: the presenter offers to play a game where the main condition is that the task is completed silently. You cannot talk or correspond during this time; you can only communicate using facial expressions and gestures.

The presenter says: “Let's see if you can understand each other without words?” In the first part of the exercise, participants are given the task to line up by height, in the second part the task becomes more complicated - they need to line up by date of birth. In the second option, at the end of the construction, the participants take turns voicing their birthdays, while checking the correctness of the exercise.

The exercise demonstrates the possibility of exchanging information without using words, developing expression and non-verbal communication skills. The unusual conditions in which participants find themselves include interest, force them to find ways to more accurately convey their thoughts to another person, and contact each other in order to achieve a common goal.

2) Mini-lecture “Awareness of non-verbal body language”

Children are explained that often facial expressions, posture, gestures, manner of sitting, standing, and walking involuntarily express their internal state, and that nonverbal manifestations are the most important components of the communication process. Awareness of one’s own physical “I” helps to better understand oneself - to identify the internal state and feelings, and it is easier to express some emotions in physical action. The following explains what congruent communication is.

Congruence, which implies the coincidence of internal experiences, their awareness and forms of expression (sensations + touch + message), determines the reliability of communication, its clarity and implementation without protective mechanisms and barriers. Congruence is a precondition for positive and productive interactions.

To gain insight into communication, participants are asked to look for inconsistencies (differences) by acting out scenes: for example, saying the words “I want to help”, “I love you” with a frowning face and clenched fists (inconsistency between verbal expression and “body language”). They then explain that this may or may not be conscious. For example, a person at a party has been bored all evening, but in parting, smiling, he says to the hostess: “What a pleasure it was to spend the evening with you...” He deliberately says not what he feels, not wanting to offend the hostess. Another example is when a person, unaware of his own anger and aggressive tendencies, speaks politely, but his posture and tense facial expressions do not correspond to his words.

3) Basic exercise “Drawing on the back”

Description of the exercise: participants are randomly divided into three teams and lined up in three columns in parallel. Each participant looks at the back of his comrade.

The exercise is performed without words. The presenter draws a simple picture and hides it. Then the same picture is drawn with a finger on the back of each last team member.

The task is for everyone to feel and convey this drawing as accurately as possible to the next participant. At the end of the exercise, those standing first in the teams draw what they felt on sheets of paper and show it to everyone.

The presenter takes out his picture and compares it. Participants are invited to discuss in teams the errors and discoveries that were made during the exercise. Draw conclusions, then, taking these conclusions into account, repeat the exercise. In this case, the first and last team members change places. Then there is a discussion in a general circle. What helped you understand and convey sensations? How did the first and last team members feel in the first and second cases? What prevented you from doing the exercise?

The exercise helps in developing communication skills, responsibility, and cohesion within the team. Realize how important it is to tune in to the understanding of another person. Demonstrates the ability to adequately exchange information without using words.

4) Final exercise “Thank you!” (see lesson No. 1, exercise 6)

Lesson 4 “Team building”

1) Warm up. Find and Touch Exercise

Description of the exercise: the presenter suggests moving around the room and touching different objects and things with your hands. For example, find and touch something cold; rough; things whose length is approximately 30 cm; something that weighs half a kilogram, the words “Forget-me-not”, etc.

The exercise develops sympathy and trust in others, but at the same time activates observational and analytical abilities. Participants communicate with each other, paying attention to different aspects of reality.

2) Basic exercise “Puzzles”

Description of the exercise: the squad is randomly divided into teams of 5 people and each team member is given a puzzle. (The presenter cuts a sheet of paper with some bright large picture into pieces in advance and thus creates puzzles for this exercise). The team's task is to collect the picture as quickly as possible. The exercise is then discussed in a general circle. Each team tells what helped or, conversely, hindered the completion of the task.

The exercise helps develop communication skills, promotes cohesion within the team, teaches you to coordinate your actions with the actions of others and solve assigned tasks. Next, the facilitator suggests applying the experience gained from the previous exercise in the next task.

3) Exercise “Bumps”

Description of the exercise: each participant is given a piece of A4 paper. Everyone gathers at one end of the room and the leader explains that there is a swamp ahead, the leaves are hummocks, all participants are divided into two teams, 1 - “frogs”, and 2 (leaders) - “crocodiles”. The task of team 1 is to get to the opposite end of the room without losing a single “frog”. You can only step on bumps. “Crocodiles” can “sink” (take away) unattended hummocks.

If the “frog” stumbled, or not all the frogs were able to get over to the other side because there were no hummocks left, then the “crocodiles” won and the game starts over. After completing the exercise, participants talk about what helped or, conversely, hindered the completion of the task. How did those “frogs” who walked first feel, and how did those who closed the chain feel?

The exercise promotes the development of communication skills, cohesion among group members, and awareness of the importance of these qualities for effective work in a group. Develops the ability to make concessions, cooperate and act together.

4) Final exercise “Balls”

Description of the exercise: participants, united in threes, are given the task: first, inflate 3 balloons as quickly as possible, and then try to make them burst, holding them between their bodies. At the same time, you should not step on them, use any sharp objects, nails, or parts of clothing.

This exercise promotes team unity and breaks down spatial barriers between participants. After completing a short exchange of impressions.

Lesson 5. Collage on the theme “Friendship”

1) Warm up. Exercise "Locomotive"

Description of the exercise: the leader invites the participants to move around the room with their eyes closed, one after another, holding onto the shoulders of their comrades. Improvised obstacles can be placed on the path of the first participant.

The exercise promotes team unity and creates an atmosphere of trust.

2) Main exercise Collage “Friendship”

Description of the exercise: the squad is randomly divided into teams of 5 people, each team is given a sheet of Whatman paper, as well as a pack of magazines, brochures, postcards suitable for the theme “Friendship”. The presenter explains the task and explains what is meant by collage. The teams are given the task of making a collage “Friendship”. After the teams have completed their collage, each team presents it to everyone else. The presenter praises each team, sums it up and suggests combining all the work to create an overall picture of the team’s friendship.

The exercise helps to expand children’s ideas about themselves and others as talented, unique individuals, establish closer emotional contact, develop cohesion, the ability to coordinate their actions with other team members, as well as comprehend and consolidate the experience gained during the training process.

Completion of the training.

A general photo of the squad against the background of the work performed.

Exercise “Burning Candle”

Purpose: for relaxation, relieving anxiety.

The relaxing property of exhalation is used when breathing with a burning candle. Place a lit candle on the table and sit in front of it so that the flame is 15-20 cm from your lips. Round your lips and exhale slowly into the candle flame. Do not put out the fire, but deflect it with a gentle, slow, strong stream of air. Try to blow so that the angle of the flame is the same from the beginning of the exhalation to its complete completion. Do this exercise for five minutes. In this way, you will learn a smooth, long, relaxing exhalation, which will “take out” all the accumulated mental “garbage” from you and burn in the flame of a candle, freeing you from everything that prevents you from being free and calm.

Exercise “Resource state”

Goal: increasing confidence.

The most reliable source of resource is yourself, because everything you need has already been in you for a long time. It is only important to be able to take advantage of it in time. The technology for updating resource states provides such an opportunity. Let's say you see that to perform optimally, you need a sense of confidence. Think of a situation in which you always feel confident: driving your bike, on the tennis court, or somewhere else. It doesn't matter what the memory is. The main thing is that at the moment it is positive and strong for you. Experience it again in its entirety, as if it were all happening now. Feel confident and strong. With this feeling, enter a stressful situation and act based on your confidence. Act on the basis that what is in the foreground is no longer the drama, but the existing chance to cope with it. Use it. A victory brings a sense of pride in oneself, a sense of strength and the ability to respond to a serious challenge. Your self-confidence increases and you discover that you have enough strength to endure any challenge that comes your way. Using the technique of updating resource states, you can call upon any feeling you need to help you: calmness, competence, concentration, endurance, and so on. All you have to do is take it from where you had it and move it to where you need it now. If you do not have experience of experiencing the desired feeling, use the technique as if you are mastering this feeling. The only thing you can do without, for example, courage, is pretend to be courageous, and coordinate your behavior with it. You can also borrow the required resource from your hero by imitating his behavior.

Exercise “Sculpture of state (mood)”

Goal: promoting the formation of self-control skills.

Materials needed: wire (any wire you can find), wire cutters.


Make a sculpture of your state (mood) from wire, come up with a name and legend (what, where, why, etc.).

Exhibition-presentation of sculptures. The classroom space is organized in such a way that teenagers can choose a convenient place for their sculpture, place it there and put up a sign with the name. The presenter glues blank pieces of paper next to the sculptures. The task of the group members is to walk around the “museum” and sign the names of each sculpture (their associations). As a result, a list of names for each sculpture should appear on each blank piece of paper. Then the whole group goes on an excursion. When the group stops near the sculpture, its author presents his work, telling what mood it reflects, as they say, the legend, as well as his thoughts about the associations of the group written on the piece of paper.


Participants share their impressions of the work and the exhibition and express their feelings. If one of the participants has a bad mood or a destructive state and would like to get rid of it, invite him to change the sculpture, remove or add something.

To complicate the task, invite teenagers to make not one, but several sculptures that will reflect contradictory states (moods). You can have a dialogue between the sculptures, agree on something, etc.

Exercise “Review of Relationships”

Draw yourself and the people around you in your life symbolically, in the form of circles.

Draw arrows from you to other people and from them to you.

Indicate what exactly you give to others, and what they give to you. It can be anything: feelings, objects, phenomena, actions.

Label these arrows.

Also draw arrows indicating what you are giving not to these people, but to the rest of the world around you, and also draw the same signs from other people: what they are giving not to you, but to other people.

Now look at your drawing and answer the questions:

With whom and how do you contact: with whom more, with whom less?

From whom do you get more? From whom - less?

Who do you give more to? And who has less?

What is common, what patterns do you see?

Do you avoid contact with anyone? Why?

Did you want contact with anyone? Why?

Do you avoid anyone's desire to contact you? Why?

Did you want anyone else to contact you?

Are you getting everything you need from others?

Are you able to release into the environment everything you want to give away and everything you don’t need?

Now draw a long line of needs for contact, one end of which corresponds to complete avoidance of contact, and the other - a complete and continuous desire for contact.

Answer the following questions:

Where would you place yourself on this line?

By what signs of your life and events do you know that you are in this particular place on this line?

Where would you like to be located?

By what signs can you know that you have arrived at what you would like to achieve?

Exercise “Living space”

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and colored pencils or markers.

Draw a circle, and, dividing the area of ​​the circle into sectors, indicate the areas of activity of your life. For example, raising children, work, hobbies, sports, the Internet, etc.

Divide the area of ​​the circle into areas of activity as a percentage. Take all your time for 100%.

Now color each activity area in the color that you think best suits it.

Answer the questions and write down your answers:

Was the picture colorful?

What do you mainly spend your time on?

Are you satisfied with everything in this scheme?

What would you like to change?

Now take a new clean sheet and organize your living space the way you want, with all the “I want” and “I don’t want”.

Give free rein to your imagination, and it doesn’t matter that “.... this will never happen in my life.”

Create for yourself the conditions that are important to you, at least on a piece of paper.

Exercise “Beliefs”

When you have a problem in business or in life and you feel fear, despair, powerlessness or something similar, ask yourself the following questions out loud, answering them also out loud:

What does it mean for me... (insert problem you are facing here)? (The answer to this question is precisely a negative belief that needs to be dealt with.)

Why do I think this?

Is this really true?

What would happen if I didn’t believe in it?

What can I learn from this?

Answering these questions will help you neutralize negative beliefs.

Exercise “Enabling Positive Motivation”

Goal: developing skills for expressing emotions that contribute to the process of professional adaptation.

The trainer invites participants to take a comfortable position, close their eyes and relax; focus on your feelings.

Next, the trainer asks a question for everyone: “What makes your life interesting (joyful, creative, etc.)? What is the “trigger” for interest (joy, creativity, etc.) in your life?”

After some time (5-7 minutes), given for individual visualization of a given topic and getting out of a state of relaxation, the trainer invites participants to discuss the results in a group.

Exercise "Collage"

Goal: revealing a person’s potential, involves a greater degree of freedom, is an effective method of working with an individual, and is based on positive emotional experiences associated with the creative process. In addition, when making a collage, there is no tension associated with the lack of artistic ability of the participants; this technique allows everyone to achieve a successful result. Collaging allows us to determine the current psychological state of a person, to identify the current content of his self-awareness, his personal experiences.

It is effective to include in the collage drawings, personal photographs of the participants, the authors of which they are, or in which they are depicted, as well as the use of collage in performance and installation.

The theme for creating a collage can be different depending on the needs of the group (“Man and woman”, “body”, “I”, “past - present - future”, etc.)

The material for a collage can be glossy magazines, various images, photographs, natural materials, objects made or transformed by its creators.

Instructions: cut out figures of people, animals, etc. from magazines, and then arrange them into a composition. You can do whatever you want with the elements, you can supplement the work with inscriptions, comments, paint over and decorate empty spaces, be concrete or abstract.

Collage analysis: arrangement of elements on the sheet, size of the elements, their location relative to other elements, reasons for choosing one or another element, elements fit together, complement the general idea of ​​the collage, the general plot can be traced.

Target: to more clearly form for yourself images of what you want in order to more accurately guide the subconscious to the desired goal.

Materials: a sheet of A4 paper, felt-tip pens, materials for making a collage: newspapers, magazines, postcards, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, scissors, music player, music records.


1. Think about what you dream about in different areas of life. Please note: at least these 5 areas must be taken into account: relationships, family, material sphere, self-realization, health.

Analyze in which area you have the maximum number of gaps: the most dreams will be connected with it. But don't forget about the rest.

2. Now, from different pictures, create a collage that reflects this. If you don’t find a suitable illustration, draw what’s missing. Give the finished piece a title.

Issues for discussion:

Now do you understand where you are going?

Ask yourself often: how does what I am doing at this moment bring me closer to my dream?

Do you like how it turned out?

If something confuses you, think about how to change it?


Bedtime story

Evgeniy Klyuev “Tear-off Calendar”.
The Tear-off Calendar had everything calculated: one sheet for each day. And in total, therefore, there are three hundred and sixty-five sheets - exactly the same number as there are days in the year. And they also hung it carefully: strictly in the middle of the wall.
“A place of honor...” thought the Tear-off Calendar and even became a little embarrassed.
And anyone in his place would be embarrassed: is it a joke to hang in front of everyone! Whether you like it or not, you will have to take care of yourself.
Within a few minutes, the Tear-off Calendar became acquainted with the inhabitants of the apartment: there were many of them - and they were so different! Everyone greeted him cordially and introduced themselves. Every time the Tear-off Calendar said: “Very nice!” – and also introduced himself in response. With them he had to live a long and interesting life, which, of course, made the Tear-off Calendar terribly happy - and this joy was directly written on his face.
“Let me read what’s written on your face,” the Picture-from-the-Opposite-Wall looked closer at him and read: “Joy.” And for what reason is there joy? – she asked.
“About life,” the Tear-off Calendar answered readily. – Long and interesting life.
– Long and interesting? – the Picture-from-the-Opposite-Wall laughed. – Life is short and boring!

The Tear-off Calendar wanted to argue that if life is really short and boring, then why, they say, live it... but he remained silent: he still didn’t know enough about life to insist.
And in the morning of the next day the first leaf was torn from it - the first of January had never happened! And so his life moved forward - day after day: the second of January, the third, the fourth... February, March. And every day was full of events that he had to remind everyone in the house about. Two days ago, for example, it was the first day of spring - the most important event of the year!
“Sorry if this is too personal a question,” the Thick Cookbook addressed him one day in April, “but what is your diet?”
- What is my... what? – the Tear-off Calendar was surprised. The Tear-off Calendar did not notice that he was losing weight before his eyes. And when was it noticed? He liked life so much and seemed so long and interesting that the days flew by completely unnoticed!
– He simply leads the wrong lifestyle! – Lazy Chair intervened.
- How is this possible? – the Tear-off Calendar was puzzled.
- Yes, so... you waste your life left and right - and that’s why you’re losing weight! Meanwhile, life is short and boring - it must be protected.
The Tear-off Calendar wanted to argue that if life is really short and boring, then why should it be protected... but he kept silent: he still didn’t know enough about life to insist.
And she, meanwhile, walked and walked - there was more than enough to do! And the days were getting shorter: one minute was lost from the daylight hours, then two, three... and this also had to be constantly reminded - so that everyone had time to use vacations and holidays until the last minute. And on the first of September, the children still had to remember to go to school... Oh, how diverse it is,
This life is so long and interesting!

DAY 6.


Dance with benefit

The main goal of dance and movement therapy is to gain feeling and awareness of one’s own “I”. People turn to a therapist who works according to this method because they, being alienated from the body, do not feel integrated. In our modern culture, we often treat the body as a thing, an object. We have learned to control the body, give it certain forms, a certain appearance, restrain it, and we think that it will remain unresponsive. Dance therapy invites the body to talk, giving it the opportunity to speak out. Dance therapy sees the body as an evolving process. The body and consciousness are considered as equal forces. This therapy is more interested in how movement feels than what it looks like.

Joan Smallwood identified three components of the therapeutic process when conducting dance therapy:

Awareness (of body parts, breathing, feelings, images, non-verbal “double messages” (when there is dissonance between a person’s verbal and non-verbal message).

Increasing the expressiveness of movements (development of flexibility, spontaneity, diversity of movement elements, including factors of time, space and force of movement, defining the boundaries of one’s movement and expanding them).

Authentic movement (spontaneous, dance-movement improvisation, coming from an internal sensation, including the experience of experiences and feelings and leading to personality integration).