Dreams and goals. Practical exercises

What underlies human behavior? Why do people read newspapers, collect stamps, volunteer for war, or go to modeling school? What motivates people to do certain things? Psychologists call this force “motivation.” It is believed that motivation is based on certain unrealized needs, which, refracted through the prism of personal characteristics and individual life experience, direct a person to certain actions. For example, one of the needs is the desire of a person to become the best specialist in his field. On this occasion, the Nobel laureate Hans Selye wrote: “People of the most diverse cultural, mental and physical abilities: domestic servants, artisans, engineers, secretaries, poets, philosophers, scientists or athletes have a need to reach the “tops”. Any profession gives satisfaction and a sense of self-expression, if we have done a great job, and it has received recognition, even if only our own.

There are many classifications of motivations (needs). For example, they can be divided into biological, social and spiritual. Biological include the desire of a person to maintain his existence (the need for food, clothing, sleep, security, etc.). Social needs include a person's desire for communication, popularity, dominance over other people, etc. A person's spiritual needs are the need to know the world around him and himself, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization. It is believed that these three groups of motivations (biological, social and spiritual) form a kind of pyramid, where biological needs represent the basal layer. When they are fulfilled (when a person has satisfied his hunger, thirst, etc.), he has social needs, and then spiritual ones. Therefore, philosophy - the search for truth, in ancient Greece could only be engaged in by the elite - those who did not care about the problem of food and a roof over their heads. However, it also happens that the highest social or spiritual needs of a person are stronger than biological ones. And then the soldier rushes to the enemy machine gun, and the doctor deliberately infects himself with pathogenic microbes in order to find a cure for a devastating epidemic.

Usually a person simultaneously has more than ten unfulfilled needs at the same time, and in order to avoid confusion, our subconscious mind arranges them in order of importance, thus forming a rather complex hierarchical structure. The famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow believed that, despite the different "momentary" significance of certain needs in a person's life, they initially differ in their importance. He proposed his “pyramid” of motivations, the lower level of which is physiological needs, then there is the need for security, higher - the need for love, then the need for respect and recognition, and at the very top of the pyramid - the desire of the individual for self-realization. Let's analyze the structure of this "pyramid" in a little more detail, as this will help us better understand our own actions, as well as the motives for the behavior of other people.

The purpose of physiological (biological) needs is to satisfy a person's urgent need for food, drink, rest, sexual activity, etc. These needs are extremely important, but as soon as they are satisfied, their strength immediately weakens sharply. If you are hungry, you will only think about food, but when you have satisfied your hunger, then you want something else - for example, read a fresh newspaper (need for information).

The need for security and stability - includes confidence in the future, the feeling that nothing threatens you, and old age will be secure. When I, as a psychologist, worked with loan officers of the Central Black Earth Bank of Sberbank of Russia, I drew their attention to the need for an individual approach to clients. In the classroom, they asked me why the same arguments in favor of lending either worked great or failed, why some directors of enterprises listened to their arguments with interest and readiness, while other managers with fear and distrust, as they say, “ right off the bat” dismissed the loan offer. And this at a time when the economic situation favored economic growth, and the money invested in production could bring tangible profits in the near future.

The answer lay not in the realm of economics, but rather in the realm of psychology. The directors who rejected the loan offer had an overdeveloped need for security and stability, and their consciousness automatically cut off all the magnificent prospects that the loan officers presented to them. As a rule, these were business executives of the old Soviet style, not accustomed to taking risks, for whom the main goal was not to make a mistake. Instead of thinking along the lines of, “How can I benefit my firm by getting more subsidies? How can I expand and modernize production? How, having additional funds, can I push competitors out of the market?” First of all, they thought about the possible negative consequences of borrowing funds: “Credit is a responsibility. What if I fail to return it on time, and the bank takes my collateral or, worse, bankrupts me? No, I lived without loans on my own, maybe I will live further ... ” It is clear that for such a person, the argument in favor of lending should be built in a completely different way than for a person who is aimed at success and has an increased risk appetite. The director from the second group needed not so much to talk about what opportunities would open up for his enterprise with additional working capital, but to emphasize the reliability of cooperation with the bank, the low probability of failure and the ease of repaying the loan. Therefore, given the existence of two categories of people - aimed at success and avoiding failures, at my seminars I taught loan officers to identify the main needs of clients and, accordingly, during “presentations” to place accents in different ways.

The third group of needs according to A. Maslow - in love and belonging to a group - currently often remains unsatisfied. Many people, while desiring love and affection, are simultaneously afraid of these feelings. It seems to them that the realization of these needs involves dependence on their neighbor, which means for them the loss of freedom. Therefore, such people with pronounced individualistic tendencies are torn between the desire to be strong and independent, on the one hand, and the desire to dissolve in another person or small group, on the other. That's why many successful careerists, despite all the tinsel of their outward success, sometimes feel miserable and lonely, trying to drown out this dissatisfaction with overtime or alcohol.

The fourth group is the need for recognition, which includes a whole range of needs that can be divided into two subgroups: a) the desire for freedom and independence; desire to be strong, competent and self-confident. b) the desire to have a high reputation, the desire for prestige, a high social position and power. It should be noted that, contrary to the stereotype that prevailed in the Soviet era, ambition is the most important positive incentive for professional growth, and if it is properly cultivated, it serves as a powerful engine of personal progress.

The fifth and highest need according to A. Maslow is the need for self-realization - the desire to do what you like, for which you have the abilities and talents. When a person does what he loves, there is a feeling of harmony, but if a person could not fully realize himself in his favorite business, he, sooner or later, begins to experience a feeling of dissatisfaction and boredom. The discoverer of stress, Nobel laureate Hans Selye wrote about such a situation: “For people engaged in typical work for modern society in industry, agriculture, in the service sector (from a simple assistant to a manager with limited liability), the main source of distress is dissatisfaction with life. disrespect for their work. Aging and approaching the end of a career, a person begins to doubt the importance of his achievements. He feels wrecked at the thought that he wanted to and could have done something much more significant. Such people often spend the rest of their lives looking for scapegoats, grumbling and complaining about the lack of conditions, about burdensome family responsibilities - just to avoid the bitter confession: there is no one to blame but themselves.

To live happily, it is very important to understand your purpose in this world, because on a planet inhabited by more than six billion people, there are no two identical human beings. Each is unique and unrepeatable. And your first step to success is to realize this great fact. It means that there is a business (business, occupation, vocation) that you will do better than others. Because your hands or eyes are arranged this way, or your metabolism is like that, or the nerve cells in the brain are intertwined in a special way ... Just do not forget one small detail, otherwise you will feel dizzy prematurely from the realization of your greatness. Even the most magnificent diamond, which adorned the crown of the most powerful earthly kings, was only a light stone when it was discovered, and only after the appropriate cutting, turning from a diamond into a brilliant, began to radiate thousands of iridescent splashes and arouse admiration for its beauty. You can potentially do something better than others, If: A) understand what you can do well; b) you will train and improve your abilities("cut your diamond"). For even the great Mozart would not have written a “little night serenade” or “Requiem” if he had not played musical instruments for many hours from early childhood, and Leonardo would not have given us the “La Gioconda” if he had not previously made tens of thousands of pencil sketches, drawing everything that caught his eye - from soaring birds to hanged criminals. Therefore, thank the Universe for giving you this magnificent need for self-realization, but do not forget to improve your abilities daily.

Definition of a long-term goal

For a man who does not know which harbor he is heading for, no wind will be favorable.


Let's think about this paradox: most people are busy with something, striving for something, in a hurry, but few of them have a clearly formulated life goal. I'm not talking about the philosophical question "Why does a person live?", To which, apparently, there is no unequivocal answer at all, but I mean very specific goals that determine a person's behavior, his thoughts and aspirations.

Alexander the Great wanted to conquer the world, Schliemann wanted to dig up the legendary Troy, Magellan wanted to circumnavigate the globe, and, I must say, these people succeeded in their dreams. But our goals do not have to be so global. Quite specific and serious can be such less ambitious goals as buying a jeep, writing a book, earning a million rubles or becoming the mayor of your city. Among the worthy and beautiful goals, one can also safely include three things that, according to legend, a man must fulfill in his life: plant a tree, build a house, conceive and raise a son. In general, the goals that people set for themselves can be different, however, before formulating them, you should keep in mind a few important points.

1. History shows that the larger, the larger the goal a person sets for himself, the more he achieves in life. Don't be afraid to set the bar too high. If you decide to become a marshal, then you will become at least a general. If you rely only on captain's shoulder straps, then you are unlikely to even reach the rank of major.

2. By and large, the most important goals for us that guide us in life are not determined by our mind, but are born in the depths of the subconscious. In fact, consciousness helps to achieve only what the unconscious offers us. Therefore, it is very important to understand our subconscious hidden desires and adequately compare them with rational goals lying on the surface of our consciousness.

3. When formulating major goals in your life, it is very important to go beyond the usual framework, beyond the boundaries of ordinary ideas. Remember that your capabilities are hundreds of times greater than our ideas about them. When making plans, we are accustomed to looking for reasons and circumstances that can interfere with us, trying to morally secure ourselves in case of a possible failure.

“Where can I go to this prestigious institute - only thieves, children of the“ new Russians ”or geniuses go there,” the young man thinks and chooses an institute where he will master an unloved profession for five years.

“How can I come up to meet such a beautiful girl - she won’t want to do business with me, or even worse, she will make fun of me in front of everyone,” the shy guy thinks, and chooses a girlfriend with whom he will have to toil all his life.

“In our time, without connections and huge money, it is impossible to open your own business,” the failed entrepreneur reflects and goes to bend his back on the owner.

Perhaps in some ways they are right, but it is also true that each of them had his chance, but did not use it. In any, the most prestigious institute, a certain number of people enter according to knowledge, any, the most beautiful girl, wants to be loved, and for some of the women it is not so much money that is important, but the spiritual qualities of a loved one, but from people who are engaged in entrepreneurial activity with minimal initial capital, someone is sure to reach shining financial heights. Thus, people who gave up their dreams because of fear of failure, missed their chance, and will be content with little for the rest of their lives.

But how to get rid of this fear, how to learn to be free and courageous in your dreams? It's funny that help here can be obtained from a small, weak and inept creature, which, nevertheless, has an important advantage over us - it has not yet bent under the yoke of real and invented failures, has not stiffened from insults and ridicule, and whose brain is still not blinded by iron plates of restrictions and regulations. This creature is you yourself, dear reader, only in childhood.

Think back to when you were 4 or 5 years old. The whole world is beautiful and interesting, you are full of curiosity and spontaneity - and everything is possible! If we could also remove these boring adults with their prohibitions and the stupid word “No!”, then the world would be perfect.

Remember the children's attitude: "The world is a place where everyone loves me and wants to make me happy", try it on yourself and try to stay in it first for five minutes, then an hour, and then a whole day, and you will see how your mood will change .

But back to the principles of setting goals. I want to emphasize once again that if you want to achieve real success in this life, which will fill your soul with joy and pride for the frontiers you have taken, then before setting off on a journey, you should very carefully determine the purpose of the journey. An ancient oriental wisdom says: "He who hobbles along a straight road will outstrip the runner who has gone astray." It’s bad when, in the middle of a journey, you suddenly realize that your goal is unattainable, but you can still come to terms with this, as Christopher Columbus came to terms with the idea that instead of going to India, he discovered America. It is much worse in the soul when, having achieved some goal at the cost of incredible labor, a person realizes that he was chasing a ghost, a goal that, by and large, does not correspond to your true aspirations at all. It was precisely in this position that the revolutionaries found themselves in the eighties of the last century, who decided to kill the tsar in order to make life easier for the working people. After numerous assassination attempts that claimed the lives of both the revolutionaries themselves and innocent people, the goal of the extremists seemed to have been achieved - Alexander II was killed by I. Grinevitsky's bomb. However, instead of the murdered "tyrant" (in fact, Alexander II was a fairly progressive ruler and a decent person), Alexander III ascended the throne, who without pity or hesitation defeated the revolutionaries and established such a cruel regime that the surviving fighters for the people's happiness more than once deeply regretted what they had done.

The path to a serious, big goal can take many years. Therefore, it makes sense to carefully weigh everything, think it over and take it into account before embarking on a long journey. But in any case, the dream should serve as a starting point, because the life goal is a concretized dream.

A person needs a dream. It gives him enthusiasm, gives the pressure of energy necessary for great achievements, adds sparkle in the eyes and joy in the soul, it fills a person's life with deep meaning. Psychologists say that you should not hide your dream from the world, on the contrary, you need to tell other people about your goals and dreams, because in discussions and disputes the truth is clarified and a better understanding of your goal arises. True, only one clarification should be made - you should not communicate with people who are hostile to you. Discuss your goals and share your plans with those who love and support you.

Many manuals on psychology emphasize that without a clear definition of one's purpose in life, a person has almost no chance of achieving serious and long-term success. For example, the American psychologist Bill Fitzpatrick notes that if a person himself does not determine the line of his life, then the circumstances of life or other people will do it for him. “You are the sculptor of your own destiny,” he says. - Look around, are there people around you who have already achieved the results that you planned for yourself? Take a closer look - their experience can be very useful to you. Start anytime, right today, now, and stand your ground. Don't worry about what others think of your abilities. Believe in yourself and your strengths. Be confident in yourself to challenge your problems. This is your life, live fully every day.” Hans Selye wrote in his book Stress Without Distress: “To maintain peace of mind, a person needs some kind of goal in life that he considers high, and the pride that he works for its implementation. Each person must somehow release the energy hidden in him, without creating conflict with his fellows, and, if possible, win their favor and respect.

B. Fitzpatrick advises to fix your goals on paper, and also regularly note how you are moving towards them. When the effort expended is reflected in a clear and visual form, all mistakes and successful ways of solving problems are better visible. This allows you to work more productively and avoid repeating inefficient moves.

In order to competently and accurately build your life goal, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules, which can be called a strategy for developing life goals. Let's analyze this strategy in more detail. But first, let's do one small but important exercise.

Exercise Metaphor of my life

Take a piece of paper and write on it:

MY LIFE IS... _______________________________________


After that, think about what your life is like and write the first image (metaphor) that comes to your mind.

Then write below on the same sheet:

I AM IN MY LIFE AS...– and continue this sentence.


Now let's decide on your desires. Write the third sentence on the same sheet:

I WANT MY LIFE TO BE LIKE... __________


And fourth:

THEN I WOULD BE LIKE... __________________________________


Take a few minutes to analyze these associations, think about what you would like to change in your life. Ask yourself the question: "What do I want to get from this life?" and try to answer it honestly and frankly.

Now specify your dream and ask yourself: "What do I want to achieve in the next five years?", that is, by "___" ________ 200_.

Write on a piece of paper ten goals that you would like to achieve in the next five years (in the left column of the table):

Exercise Definition of conscious goals.

My goals, in the order they came to my mind

My goals are in order of importance (conscious goals)

After that, rank the goals - that is, arrange them in order of importance. Decide which goal is most attractive to you at the present time, which milestones will bring you the most satisfaction, what you lack in life in the first place. You should not be embarrassed that there may be several goals - this happens with most people, and on this occasion Selye wrote: “The search for an acceptable philosophy of life should begin with introspection. We must honestly answer ourselves what we want from life. Usually we have two (or more) distant goals, of which one is almost always dominant. Therefore, if you have several goals, just determine which one you will start with. The rest will wait. Over time, you will either take on them, or they will lose interest for you. Also, try not to forget the difference between ends and means, as Hans Selye wrote: “Let's start by drawing a clear line between the ends that give meaning and meaning to life, and the means to achieve them. So money will never be the ultimate goal, it does not mean anything in itself, but serves as a means to help achieve the final goal, which has unconditional value for us. Few people think about the fundamental difference between ends and means, but without understanding this difference, one cannot find peace of mind. Funds are only needed to acquire what we truly respect deep down.”

So, we will assume that you have completed the first stage of work - you have defined your conscious goals. However, you may also have deep subconscious goals, which may be too vague and unformed, may be contrary to the opinions of others, may be so bold that you do not dare to voice them, because you think that you will not achieve them anyway. It is possible that some of your desires were not included in the compiled list because consciousness considered them too "indecent" from the point of view of generally recognized social morality. This is often found in the practice of goal setting, and you should know that in fact, for our subconscious mind, there is nothing "indecent" or forbidden. Only the "Super-Ego" puts prohibitions, and it is this that often makes a person unhappy. Therefore, our goal is to find a compromise between the three components of the psyche, and it is such a compromise that brings harmony, happiness and a sense of satisfaction to the human soul.

To more accurately determine your deep goals, you can ask yourself a number of questions:

What do you want the most?

What did you dream about as a child?

What would you do if you had unlimited possibilities?

Where would you like to see yourself in ten years if you could live out your dreams?

What activity gives you the most pleasure?

Exercise 2.3. Work with subconscious goals.

Prepare a tape recorder with a blank cassette, turn it on for recording and sit comfortably in a chair. First check the recording level - the tape recorder should record even a quiet voice. Settle in comfortably. Fix your attention on the air currents that enter and leave your body as you breathe. Notice how cool air enters your airways, passes through your nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, and fills your lungs. It gives you oxygen, warms up and leaves your body warmer. During this exercise, breathe calmly and relaxed, trying not to change the natural rhythm of your body. At the first stage of the exercise (3-5 minutes), your task is only to track the air flows in and out of the body.

Then, when you relax, disconnect from the external environment and enter the so-called "autogenic state" ask your subconscious mind:

"What do I want to achieve in 5 years? What goals are really important to me?"

Speak your goals into a tape recorder. They can be from 5 to 20. Speak them all in a row, regardless of whether they are big or small, serious or frivolous, moral or immoral, real or fantastic. For our subconscious there are no such criteria - and if you really want something strongly - voice this goal and record it on a tape recorder.

After you have voiced your deepest goals, return to your normal state, take a sheet of paper and write down your conscious and subconscious goals on it in two columns. Integrate them, that is, compare them with each other and determine a list of 10 goals that are of interest to both the conscious and the subconscious.

Immerse yourself in the autogenic state again, turn on the tape recorder and ask your subconscious mind to tell you the goals you should start with. After coming out of the trance, write down on a piece of paper a list of your goals in the order in which you slandered them on the tape recorder. Underline the first one - this is your priority, and the rest of the goals will have to wait. The sequence of actions is very important here - you can not disperse your strength. It is necessary to concentrate on the chosen goal, as a ray of light, concentrating in a magnifying glass, burns paper.

Usually, the implementation of the above recommendations allows you to clearly formulate the main life goals. If for some reason this did not happen, and you have not decided on your subconscious goals, then you can use one more exercise (No. 1) given in the "Appendix" to this book. This is a fairly strong remedy and is not recommended for especially impressionable people or people with mental illness.

Specify your dream.

So, you have defined your goal, but it may be too abstract and distant to inspire you to make significant efforts to achieve it. The goal needs to be concretized, saturated with color, volume and sounds, make it so bright and material to inspire you to action.

Think about the goal you want to achieve... What image do you get from this?

It could be the image of the house you are building, the car you want to buy, the position you aspire to. Perhaps you have an image of the road, along which you need to go a long way to your goal. Someone presents his goal in the form of a mountain peak that needs to be conquered, and someone - as a target that needs to be hit.

Psychologists consider it very useful to create in your imagination the appropriate image of achieving the goal.

Now I will give a few exercises for clarifying and setting a life goal. After completing all the exercises, delve into the results. Next time do these exercises in 3 months and compare the results. Only after productive work on goals will you clarify them for yourself. And without a goal, why do anything at all? Perhaps you are moving away from your happiness and success.

Life Goal Exercise #1

1. Name two of your unique personal qualities, for example fun and tranquility

2. List one or two ways you enjoy communicating, such as soothe and uplift.

3. Assume that the world has now become perfect. What did he look like? How do people interact with each other? How do they and you feel in the new world? Write your answer in present tense, as if you were describing what you are seeing now. For example There are only comedies on TV. People smile and joke. Everything around is very joyful and free. The world is full of love....

4. Combine the previous three points into a general statement.

For example: My goal is to use my cheerfulness and calmness in order to cheer up the people around me, so that around me it would be joyful and calm, and the world would be full of love ...

Exercise #2

This exercise is recommended by Stephen Covey in order to write down your life mission, your constitution, in accordance with which you will act. You need to be guided in your life by the program that you create for yourself. It gives inner balance and strength.

Sit comfortably, take a piece of paper and a pen. Close your eyes and imagine that you are at a funeral. You come through many people to the deceased. You look into his face and see ... that it's you. You've been through enough. Many people came to your funeral. Now the farewell speeches will begin. Describe what kind of person the deceased was. Wife / husband, children, friend, neighbor, people with whom the deceased worked will perform. What will they say? What would you like them to say? Imagine in detail their speeches and write them down.

From them you can make your life goal, and already having the last station - you can move back to today, make intermediate goals. Record performances...

Wife husband________________________________________________________________




acquaintances at work ________________________________________________________

From these statements you can begin to draw up your personal constitution. Your Life Mission will be reflected in the Constitution. your creed. How are you going to live your life? What are the laws and regulations? For what? When you make this clear to yourself, it will be easy for you to test all your intermediate goals and decisions by this Constitution.

My constitution. My Mission, ________________________________________________

Either you yourself write the plan and script of your life, or you play the role of an extra and extras in someone's play. In any case, the responsibility is on you. Even when other people control your life, it's only because you wrote in your short script: I WILL DO AS OTHER PEOPLE TELL ME.

The next cue of artists of this kind will be: NOTHING DEPENDS ON ME. THEY ARE GUILTY…. Everyone chooses their own roles to their liking. Some sit on the podium, while others play on the court. Both those and others die, and sometimes ahead of time .... and always sooner than expected.

Exercise number 3.

Life consists of two things: being and doing. Of course, your destiny lies in who you become and what you do. To find the great meaning of your life's meaning, follow these three steps and begin to discover your life purpose.

Step 1: Remember what you wanted as a child to be when you "grow up", and also the times when you felt really "on horseback".

1. With your eyes closed, remember when you were five, six, seven years old. What did you want to be when you grow up? Why did you want to be him? What feelings did you hope to experience?

  • What did you like to do?
  • Why did you want to do it?
  • What sensations did you hope to experience from this?
  • Who were your role models?

I wanted to be an archaeologist, an athlete, a writer.

2. Think about something else you wanted to be when you were growing up. Why did you want to be him? What feelings did you hope to experience? Find a life purpose

3. Think of three things you would like to be. Again, why did you want to be him? What feelings did you hope to experience?

4. Now, with your eyes closed again, think about a time when you were truly on horseback, where everything was effortless. What did you do, feel, experience?

5. Think of another time when you were at your peak, where you felt like "This is what life is about." What's happened? What did you do, what did you feel? Were other people included? What were you and what did you do? Master not only the idea, but also the sensations.

6. Think a third time about a period when you felt great. Remember what you did, created, shared, felt.

Step 2: Write your goal

Write a simple phrase, sentence or two. For the first time, it doesn't have to be perfect. Start brainstorming, write several until you find one.


The purpose of my life is to be a cheerful, happy and grateful person; enjoy life and share your love with others.

Your required criteria in the goal:

1. Be positive

2. Be concise

3. Include emotional words

4. Tell us what you are going to be, what you are going to do

5. Turn on yourself and others

6. Be achievable in your lifespan

7. Be able to gain experience every day

8. Make yourself happy...really happy!

The purpose of my life is...

Step 3: For the next month, keep your goal statements in front of you.

Make a copy and hang another copy on the near wall. Since you look at it every day, think about how you can move towards your goal even faster….

I can follow my goal even faster with...

"There is no thing in the world that can resist the desire of man" - Sages of the Torah.

“Determine what you love to do as early as possible, and then put all your energy into figuring out how you can make a living doing it.” Pat Williams, senior vice president of the Orlando Magic basketball team

« To get everything you want out of life, you must first determine what you want. Ben Stein, actor and writer.

Before any speech, think about your Mission and life goals.

Think about how this talk will bring you closer to realizing them.

Make EVERY performance the FOUNDATION for your goals and Mission, and they will be POWERFUL, ENHANCED AND BRIGHT.

The same as YOU, Dear Reader - now for sure, A PERSON WITH A MISSION AND GOALS! (Which sounds VERY COOL AND PROUD!)

I Know - You Can!!!

Read more development articles:

Explanation: “Values ​​are the most general education, they do not lie on the surface and nevertheless determine our life. In this lesson, we have done a great and important job. Usually, values ​​are specified in goals. It is much easier to talk about goals, because they are more conscious of a person. The point of setting goals is to focus on the desired results! A goal can be defined as something that is time bound and measurable in terms of a state. We will begin the task, which you will continue at home.”

Purpose: determining the priority goals of each member of the group and comparing the goals and the level of their implementation in the intended profession.

Instructions: 1. Write down everything that you want to have, who you want to be, what to do. Don't worry about the order of writing, the possibility of achieving what you want or its importance. Write down everything that comes to mind. Make a list of at least 10-15 items. We urge you to make this list, because in the end it can be thrown away. Perhaps the resulting list will surprise or upset you, but in any case, it will be an occasion for self-analysis and a reason for reflection.

The execution time is 10 minutes, after which the leader continues to give instructions.

2. When you've finished the list, include what you already have and would like to keep. If you do not want to get rid of something in life, then saving it will take time and effort (favorite things, house, car, family, relationships ...).

Runtime 5 min.

When the list is complete, the facilitator asks to write down further instructions to complete as homework. Work with a list of values.

1. Take a list. If you have come up with something after the end of the lesson, then add it.

2. Read the list. Cross out what seems stupid or small.

3. Reread the list. Think about the meaning of your life. Cross out what contradicts it. If you have not yet discovered the meaning of life, go to the next paragraph.

4. Divide all desires into three categories: A - very, very important, B - very important, C - important. If the desire is not even included in category B, then cross it out.

5. Rewrite all A - desires on a blank sheet of paper. If there are less than 10, add B to them - desires. If even now it turned out to be less than 10, then it is necessary either to start all over again, or to revise the classification.

6. From the new list, choose the one thing you want the most. Write it down on a new piece of paper. From the rest, select the most desirable and rewrite under No. 2. In the same way, bring the list to 10.

Here is what you want. You should not concentrate on other desires now. Look at your ten. Imagine how much fun you will get from each item. How will you feel when it's all yours? You can imagine and feel it now.

Ask group members to complete the tasks in the order listed, although this may seem like a long process. But effective elaboration of goals can only be achieved by carefully following the instructions.

Final part.

Duration: 5 - 6 hours.

Target audience of the training: managerial, pedagogical, project personnel whose activities are related to planning, analysis and responsible decision-making.

Training plan:


4. Working with goals. SMART - goals. Cartesian system.

5. Dealing with fears according to the Cartesian scheme.

6. Kelly lattice.

7. Process "Who Am I?"

8. Process "Personal Emblem and Motto".

Block 2. “Control loop. Planning and control".

9. Control loop.

10. Control loop. Stage 1. Goal setting.

11. Control loop. Stage 2. Planning. Planning tools. Setting parameters.

12. Control loop. Stage 3. Monitoring. Control methods.

13. Control loop. Stage 4. Analysis and adjustment.

14. Summing up. Completion of the training.

15. Collection of written feedback on the training.

Necessary equipment and materials:

1. Tablets.

2. Paper for writing (A4 format).

3. Whatman (2 - 3 sheets).

4. Colored markers (if possible + felt-tip pens).

5. Positive attitude and initiative.

The course of the training.

1. Greeting, establishing contact and attention.

2. Setting goals for the training. Arrangements.

We are talking about the fact that, as practice shows, only 5% of people in the world know how to correctly set goals for themselves and achieve them. A correctly set goal is 90% of the success of the plan. Next, we outline the content of the training. After that, we stipulate the rules of behavior and interaction at the training.

We invite each participant to write down their goal for this training in the goal-setting sheet. Then, if desired, voice.

3. Exercise "life goals".

Step 1: Spend 15 minutes looking for the answer to the question "What do I really want out of my life?" Do not think for a long time, write down everything that comes to your mind. Pay attention to all areas of your being. Fantasize. The bigger, the better. After that, within 2 minutes, decide what you would like to add to your list.

Step 2. Now you have two minutes to choose from your list.

What would you like to dedicate the next three years to? And after another two minutes - to supplement or change the list. Goals must be realistic.

Step 3. Now we will set goals for the next six months - two minutes to make a list and two minutes to correct it.

Step 4. Take two minutes to work on your goals. How specific are they, how do they fit together, how realistic are your goals in terms of time and available resources. Perhaps you should enter a new goal - the acquisition of a new resource.

Step 5. Review your lists periodically, if only to make sure that you are moving in the direction you have chosen. Doing this exercise is similar to using a map on a hike. From time to time you turn to it, adjust the route, perhaps even change direction, but most importantly, you know where you are going.

Answer the first question as if you have an unlimited resource of time. But when making lists of mid- and short-term goals, write as if they were your final years, days, and months. The first frame will help you remember everything you are striving for. The second frame will allow you to focus on the things that really matter to you.

4.5. Working with goals. SMART - goals. Cartesian system.

Goals must be SMART

To make the goals clear and specific, it is necessary to answer a number of questions (Cartesian scheme):

Now, having clearly outlined and understood our goals, let's talk about the payment for achieving them. Let's try to answer the following questions:

· What difficulties can I face on the way to my goal?

What am I willing to do to achieve my goal?

What am I willing to sacrifice in the name of my goal?

Having written down the answers to these questions on paper, we will try to identify our most serious fears and concerns on the way to the goal. Then pass through the Cartesian scheme, evaluate their objective significance.

6. Kelly lattice.

After carrying out the actions described above with the goals, we will try to determine what attracts and repels us the most in people.

Take a blank sheet of paper, cut it in half. Cut one half into six equal pieces. On three of them, write the names of three of your friends with whom you sympathize. On the other three - the names of acquaintances to whom you have neutral feelings. Now turn these cards face down and shuffle. Cut the uncut half of the sheet in half. Now take three of the six name papers and open them. Find one positive quality that two out of three of your acquaintances have, whose names will be on pieces of paper. Record this quality in the right column of the half. Write the opposite quality in the left column. Repeat the procedure 15 times, then rank the qualities recorded in the right column.

Note: it is better to express qualities with adjectives, so it will be easier to select opposite ones in meaning.

The resulting list is a rating of the values ​​of a particular person. It reflects the person's value system. And to some extent it is a criterion for evaluating the actions of other people. It should be shown that each person has his own value system, it is unique. This should be taken into account when communicating and respect the views of other people.

7.8. Process "Who am I?" Process "Personal Coat of Arms".

Process "Who am I?"

Everyone answers the question in no more than ten words and writes the answer on a card. 5 minutes. They walk, look, get acquainted with each other's answers.

You just saw how many different ways to answer this big question "Who am I?" Someone considers the most important one, someone else. The first three answers, perhaps, represent a reflection of the outer surface layer of our Self - the image. Let's work with this surface layer for now in order to clarify and clarify for ourselves and others what our Self represents - an image in the first approximation.

So, underline the first three answers to the question "Who am I?". Each of these answers reflects some side of your personality. I ask you to think precisely from the positions of this side. What could be your motto, adequate to the description formulated in the first paragraph? Anything can act as a motto: a well-known aphorism, a proverb, a line from a song or your own statement. The main thing is that it reflects the essence of your self-characteristic as accurately as possible. Write it down on a separate sheet. Now turn to the second, third paragraph, come up with mottos for them and write them down on separate sheets. The next task is to come up with a symbol for each item that embodies the internal content of self-characteristics in the form of a sign.

Are there people among us who have noble blood in their veins?

Process "Personal Coat of Arms".

But let's fantasize a little. Imagine that we all belong to noble ancient families and are invited to a ball in a medieval royal castle. Noble knights and beautiful ladies drive up to the gates of the castle in gilded carriages, on the doors of which coats of arms and mottos flaunt, confirming the noble origin of their owners. So what are the coats of arms, and what mottos are they equipped with? It was easier for real medieval nobles - one of their ancestors performed a noble deed that glorified him and was displayed on the coat of arms and motto. His descendants inherited these heraldic attributes and did not puzzle over what their personal coats of arms and mottos should be. And we will have to work hard on creating our own heraldic signs.

On large sheets of paper, using felt-tip pens, you will need to draw your personal coat of arms, equipped with a motto. You already have the material for development. But maybe you can come up with something even more interesting and more accurately reflecting the essence of your life aspirations and positions in knowing yourself? Ideally, a person who understands the symbolism of your coat of arms and read your motto would be able to clearly understand who he is dealing with.

Here is an approximate form of the coat of arms: the coat of arms is divided horizontally into two parts, the upper one is divided vertically into three. 10 min.

The left side is my main achievements in life.

The middle part is how I perceive myself.

The right side is my main goal in life.

The lower part is my main motto in life.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, you each have a minute to present your coat of arms and motto. Option: break into pairs and after five minutes of preparation, each must introduce his partner.

9. Control loop.

Think about an important task or project that you planned and completed but caused problems for you. What were the main causes of the problems you experienced?

Many managers would say that most of the problems in fulfilling plans are related to people and unexpected events. Therefore, we will discuss these issues below, but first we will consider the theoretical foundations of our planning and control practice.

The essence of the rational theory of planning and control is illustrated in the figure, which is known as the "control loop". We can define "planning" and "control". Planning is the process of developing what to do and how to do it in order to achieve some goal (steps 1 and 2). Control - the process of ensuring the successful completion of planned tasks (stages 3 and 4).

Control circuit.

Stage 1: set goals

If you are going to take on any initiative, big or small, first be clear about what you want to achieve. It is also useful to establish certain criteria for the successful achievement of the goal, in order to know whether you have achieved it or not.

Goals must be SMART

When setting goals, it is in the interests of all participants to make sure that they are clear and unambiguous. This means that they must have certain characteristics. These characteristics can be remembered by the first letters of the English abbreviation SMART, i.e. goals should be:

Specific (specific - S) - clear and precise in relation to what should be achieved.

Measurable (measurable - M) - i.e. specify how and by what success will be measured.

Agreed (agreed - A) - with the goals and mission of the organization, and ideally with the person who will work to achieve the goals, and with anyone who may be affected by the result of their achievement.

Realistic (realistic - R) - achievable, taking into account the existing restrictions and the need to coordinate with other goals.

Timed (timed - T) - the required time is set to achieve the goal.

And yet, if we have SMART goals, we still need something else to help make sure those goals are achieved. We cannot afford to wait until the end of a project to hear about our success or failure. We need to know, as we move forward, how things are going, and for this we need a plan and parameters by which we can control the movement towards the goal.

Step 2: Plan, Set Parameters, and Execute Tasks

Once you've figured out what you want to do, it's important to plan ahead and then start doing what you've planned. At this stage, you need to define parameters - intermediate benchmarks, which can be considered as criteria for assessing progress towards your goals. From the plan drawn up, indicators can be obtained that determine the amount of the planned progress towards the specified date.

Considering the creation of plans at this stage, we will deliberately simplify some issues. Essentially, the planning process is:


Ø Setting clear goals;

Ø Definition of tasks to be performed;

Ø Allocation of resources needed to complete tasks;

Ø Drawing up a work plan that meets your needs as a manager.

· Control:

Ø Monitoring progress towards the goal (control);

Ø Revision of plans according to the control loop. (correction).

Thus, assuming that the goals set earlier are reasonable, we must determine what tasks need to be performed to achieve these goals. To do this, we will consider two different methods.

The first method is memory cards. On a simple mind map - sometimes called "spider" diagrams - you can see the main problem (or idea) in the middle of the page, from which you draw branches to each component of your understanding of the problem. Each of these components, in turn, is divided into more detailed parts. In this way, mind maps can help uncover and capture your understanding of the problem as a whole.

The second method is the “task tree”. Such a scheme is more logical and structured than memory cards. The planned project is divided into component parts. You start with the proposed work as a whole, and then ask yourself the question "what two or three (four, five) main elements make up this scope of work?" Then each of these elements is sequentially considered and crushed to the level of detail that you need. Drawing up such a diagram is a good way to ensure a certain level of logical consistency, measured by the number of formulated subtasks at each level of the diagram.

Having defined the list of tasks, you can start graphical representation of their sequence in a plan format. The most commonly used tool for this purpose is the Gantt chart, which is a form of bar chart. A Gantt chart is simply a grid with all tasks listed on the left side of the page and a timeline at the top of the page. The grid is filled with bars indicating the duration of each task

People adapt such a diagram to their purposes, so its appearance may be different. For example, some people use a dotted line to extend the bar to indicate how long a task can take beyond its due date without causing problems. Another option is to leave enough space under each bar so that you can then use a different color to indicate here the real results of moving towards the goal on the date of interest.

Step 3: Monitor progress towards your goal

It is not enough to simply determine the relevant indicators: there must be a process of comparing current real results with planned indicators.

You have set goals, identified tasks to be completed, made a plan, and identified various milestones that will serve as indicators. Now it is necessary to check what is happening and form some kind of judgment based on the information received. We list the range of monitoring methods, both formal and informal:

· Observation and personal involvement: it is important to simply observe what is happening and be available to both staff and colleagues;

· Regular reporting: eg preparation of written reports to management;

· Report on exceptional situations: preparation of a report only in case of deviation from the plan;

· Polls and discussions: possibly during project meetings or visits;

· Accounts and typical statistics: for example, compilation of budget printouts.

Step 4: act on monitoring results

Monitoring the results achieved may show that everything is fine, but most likely it will fix it. That real progress does not go according to plan or even changed the original goals. Thus, we could continue without changes, revise the objectives or, if it is within our competence, revise the original goals. Then we continue the process of monitoring, checking the current state of affairs for possible deviations from the planned plan, making decisions and rescheduling, if necessary, going through the control loop again and again until the task is completed.

After monitoring, you can choose one of three actions:

· Review goals. This is a drastic measure, but it sometimes happens that as the plan is carried out, the true nature of the originally stated goals becomes apparent, and it is very reasonable to change them.

· Make changes to tasks that still need to be done to avoid deviation from the plan (or compensate for them). This is the most common course of action. Usually, if monitoring shows some delay has occurred, then more tasks should be completed in the coming weeks, or scheduled tasks should be completed faster to compensate for this loss of time. This may require a reallocation of resources.

· Continue without changes. This may be reasonable if the deviations are small.

Goal exercises are important and in demand not only in goal-setting trainings, but also in success trainings, sales and negotiation trainings, trainings for managers. After all, competent goal setting is the basis of success in any area of ​​life.

What are goal exercises? These are exercises that teach set goals wisely. And exercises that clearly demonstrate that Goals are not set correctly. And exercises that help participants achieve their goals in life faster, increase intrinsic motivation.

High-quality, interesting, memorable exercises about goals will help the participants of your trainings competently work with goals, increase their success.

The experts of the professional portal for trainers have selected the site for you The 7 Best Goal Exercises which can be found in the public domain. Let these exercises help you create effective workouts.

Exercise "A little better"


Time: 5-7 minutes

Band size: Any

We call one volunteer. Please approach the wall of the room, raise your hands and reach as high as possible. We mark the place to which he reached out, and then ask him to try again. We mark again (as a rule, this time it always turns out higher).

You can invite several volunteers at once. So the exercise will be even clearer.


  • How does this exercise relate to planning and goal setting?
  • What conclusions can we draw from this exercise?

The main conclusion in this exercise may sound like this: “When there is an obvious bar, we are always capable of more. Goals are bars. They allow you to achieve more in life!”

Exercise "Goldfish"

A great goal setting exercise from a portal expert website of a professor of psychology
N. I. Kozlova.

Target: The exercise teaches participants to correctly formulate their goals.

Time: 15 minutes

Band size: Any

Any volunteer is called (or the leader himself calls). Start talking faster so that there is a moment of confusion. Plus, throw a phrase into the audience: “Look carefully what will happen now.”

You have caught a goldfish. You have 15 seconds to make her three wishes.

Next, the coach counts or bends his fingers in seconds. Silent? Thought, but did not speak. If you haven't spoken your wishes, how will they know? If spoken, the host repeats them exactly as it was said.

- A house, a lot of money, a car ...

The coach draws a house.

- What's this?

House. Get it!

Or: Okay, I'll have a house next year. You didn't say who you wished for a house, did you?

- A lot of money.

Throw off the ruble! Get it.

- I want to be happy!

Definitely: next month you will be happy, even several times. Or you will always be happy, starting in 2050.

- Beloved woman?

In 150 years you will have it.

- I won't make it!

And these are your problems.

More members can be invited...

Coach: "I can bet any amount of money that even now none of you can handle this!"


  • What happened now?
  • How did you need to make wishes so that they were fulfilled?

The trainer leads the participants to set goals for:

  • Specific - specific
  • Measurable - measurable
  • Agreed - agreed (with higher level goals)
  • Realistic - realistic
  • Timed - defined in time

Another exercise option:

all participants imagine that they have caught a Goldfish that will fulfill three wishes - one personal (for example, I want a new car), and two workers (for example, I want to work less, etc.). Participants write down their desires on pieces of paper. The leaves are collected, and the trainer does the same work with them.

Often participants, after the first “fulfilled” desires in this way, display some SMARTs themselves.

You can read more about SMART technology in our section on the portal.

Exercise "Map of the Future"

Target: This exercise helps you get clearer about your goals.

Time: 30 min. plus a discussion of the exercise - 3-5 minutes each. for each participant.

Band size: Any

Draw a map of your future. Designate your global goals as points in the area where you would like to be. Designate also intermediate big and small goals on the way to them. Think of and write names for the “goal points” you strive for in your personal and professional life. Draw also the streets and roads that you will walk on.

  • How will you get to your goals? The shortest or workaround?
  • What obstacles do you have to overcome?
  • What help can you expect?
  • What areas will you have to cross on your way: flowering and fertile lands, deserts, deaf and abandoned places?
  • Will you make roads and trails alone or with someone?

Discussion of the results of the exercise:

  • Where are the most important targets?
  • To what extent do they fit together?
  • Where are you in danger?
  • Where will you draw strength in order to achieve what you want?
  • What feelings does this picture evoke in you?

Presenting their future as a map of the area will allow participants to more clearly understand their goals. Metaphorically expressing goals as points on a map, and ways to achieve them in the form of streets and roads, helps participants create a visual picture of their future in their imagination. After creating such a map, everyone will be able to relate the goals to each other and understand how they fit together, what obstacles are encountered on the way to them, what new opportunities open up.

With the number of participants up to 12 people, you can do and discuss this exercise in a general circle. With a larger number, I recommend dividing the participants into micro groups for more confidential communication and saving time.

Crumpled paper exercise

Target: This exercise illustrates the importance of goal setting.

Time: 10 minutes

Band size: Any

For this exercise, you will need A4 paper and a wastebasket.

Using this exercise as an example, it is very convenient to show the results of goal setting. We invite a volunteer for this exercise. We ask him to stand two meters from the basket and throw as much paper as possible into it. After a minute, we stop it and recount the paper. For example, it turned out 20 sheets.

Now call the next volunteer. His task is to throw more than 20 sheets. As a rule, he gets more - 25-30 sheets.

Now it's the turn of the third volunteer. We call him and give an introductory: “You saw what results the previous participants achieved. What do you think you will achieve?"


  • Do you think we can relate this exercise to goal setting?
  • In your opinion, when did the participants achieve the best results - when they just threw paper, or when they had a specific task in front of them?
  • When this goal was set someone or by themselves?

Exercise "Milestones of my future"

Target: The exercise allows you to more clearly understand your goals, prioritize and outline a sequence.

Time: 20 minutes. plus discussion - 3-5 min. for each participant.

Band size: Any

In this exercise, participants make a list of things they would like to do in the future in order to streamline their goals. The advantage of this way of working is that it enhances the sense of direction and continuity of life.

Decide how far into the future you want to see. Maybe you are interested in seeing your life in a year or two, or maybe in ten years?

Now think about what you want to achieve during this time. What do you want to create? What to learn? Who to become? What would you like to give up or be free from?

Imagine that every important goal of this life segment is a milestone on the path of life that you are walking. When you get to the next milestone, you might say to yourself, “I already did that!” Choose only those goals that are positively colored for you and worthy of striving for them. And there should be no more than six or eight of them. Arrange them in the correct time sequence and label each milestone with a few keywords.

Discussion of the results:

  • How do you feel after doing this exercise?
  • How do you feel about your goals now?

Exercise "Life path"

: The exercise allows you to more clearly understand your goals, prioritize and outline a sequence.

Time: 40 min. plus discussion - 4-5 min. for each participant.

Band size: up to 12 participants

Participants begin to make a collage on the following topic: "My life path." They are asked the following questions: “You are walking along the road, the name of which is Life ... Where are you going and where? Do you have major achievements? What gives you strength to follow the path of life, and vice versa, what hinders you? What objects are around you? And what is the end goal? ...

The collage is created by the participants in order to demonstrate their life path, taking into account various plans, environments and achievements. This exercise should be performed independently and individually, but at the request of the people participating in it, it can also be done in separate groups.

About 40 minutes are allotted to create collages, then the participants make a presentation, as a small excursion, where they all become guides in turn, demonstrating their work to the group. It is recommended to allocate approximately 4-5 minutes for each participant.

The meaning of this exercise is to develop the ability to plan your life path. This lesson allows you to reflect on the importance of certain events, striving for goals and solving difficulties.

Discussion of the results:

After completing the exercise, the participants begin to discuss it. They are asked the following questions:

  • What impressions and emotions appear when looking at your own collage?
  • Did you manage to notice new details of your life?
  • Is the future drawn on the collage real?
  • How can you try to achieve it?

For this exercise, you will need large sheets of paper for the number of participants, a lot of magazines for cutting images.

Exercise "Three years later"

Target: Exercise allows you to more clearly prioritize your current life, start working more on important goals.

Time: 30 min.

Band size: Any

Participants are given the task - to make a small list and write in it the most important things that occupy them in a given period of life, and the biggest problems at the present time, no more than 5 points.

After compiling the list, the participants try to imagine themselves being three years older and then think about these issues and activities as if three years later.

When thinking about this task, you should answer the following questions.

  1. What can you remember about this problem?
  2. What happened to her and how does she affect life now, after three years?
  3. If this problem appeared in front of you right now, would you find a solution to it? What would it be?

This exercise is done in separate groups of 3-4 people; each participant informs the rest of the items from his own list and answers specific questions. It is also possible to allow those who wish to work independently, without group discussion, as a result, the exercise is performed by the participant in writing, while all the notes remain with him.

The meaning of this exercise is to analyze all life problems, in accordance with your future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. So, psychologists have officially established that about 80% of success can be achieved through only 20% of our efforts, and the remaining percentage of efforts helps to ensure 20% of our achievements. Analysis from the "future" allows you to realize the degree of importance of certain cases.

After the exercise is completed, it is discussed. Participants ask themselves the following questions:

  • Which activities seem to be more important with this view and which are not?
  • Does this opinion fully coincide with the position of the present time?
  • What impression does the fact that in 3 years you will not remember a single problem or case that you are solving today make?

Each participant must draw certain conclusions only for himself.

I also recommend to draw the attention of the training participants to whether their attitude to the current problems that they have written has changed?Usually this technique helps to reduce the significance of current problems, to switch the attention of participants to the future.

We have presented to your attention 7 high-quality exercises about goals that are freely available. We hope that they will become a worthy filling of your trainings.

Since these exercises are taken from free sources, you need to consider that they:

  • Available to many trainers and may already be known to your training participants. It is worth clarifying this before exercising.
  • They do not contain detailed instructions for the exercise. And it’s not a secret that just knowing the exercise and knowing exactly how to conduct it are two big differences. Usually, in practice, it takes 2-3 times to do the exercise in order to understand how to do it in the best way.

When you need:

  • Exclusive Exercises known only to a small circle of professional coaches
  • Exercises with detailed coaching methodology for their implementation, revealing the entire “underwater part” of coaching and explaining exactly how to conduct the exercise and sum up the exercise in order to arrive at the best result

Then you can always pick up such exercises on.

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest training center "Sinton". For more than 30 years of work, the Sinton center has collected, probably, the largest database of the best games and exercises for business training and personal training.

And when we realized that trainers are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of quality training material, we assembled a team of professional trainers who:

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The exercise is aimed at developing a meaningful attitude towards the goals that they set for themselves among the participants of the training. One of the goals of the exercise is to find those inspiring goals that the person will truly enjoy pursuing, and to separate those goals from artificial, imposed goals, or intermediate goals.

If a person has an inspiring goal, idea, mission, then any, even the hardest work can be done with joy and pleasure.

A powerful exercise for goal achievement training or negotiation training. The exercise clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training their habitual patterns of behavior when achieving goals or when it is necessary to negotiate. Helps to uncover negative attitudes, beliefs that prevent them from easily achieving their goals or negotiating. Provides training participants with new resources.

Exclusive exercise - developed by Professor of Psychology N. I. Kozlov. The coaching manual of the exercise contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching "chips" that allow you to carry out the exercise with the maximum result. You won't find this anywhere else!

Unique author's technology from professor of psychology N. I. Kozlov.

A powerful and deep exercise, during which the participants of the training clearly see how satisfied they are with various areas of their lives, choose their priority goals And set specific goals for a certain period of time.

"Wheel of Life" is one of the best technologies which helps to consciously organize your life, determine your life goals and development priorities for the near, medium and long term.

An energetic and powerful exercise that allows, through a metaphor, to let the training participants feel the power of their own internal resistance on the way to the chosen goal.

Participants will be able to vividly, fully, deeply experience their resistance in a short time and will be motivated to change. As a result of this exercise, the participants of the training form a strong emotional demand for finding solutions, and their internal motivation to achieve increases.

A very good and effective goal-oriented exercise that provides the participants of the training with the opportunity to work through their doubts and possible obstacles on the way to their goal. Increases the energy and motivation of the group for further learning.

Suitable for any training related to the topic of achieving goals. First of all, of course, these are goal-setting, self-confidence trainings, motivational trainings, as well as trainings for personal growth and stress tolerance.

The trainer has the opportunity to visually demonstrate to the participants how minor obstacles that arise can interfere with the achievement of goals, and how easily they can be overcome, simply by having the right focus.

We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Role-playing game "Slalom"

    A beautiful and effective exercise "Slalom" will decorate any training for managers as well as sales training, negotiations or communications.

    Exercise allows you to quit call the ability of participants to effectively and harmoniously negotiate in a limited time, the ability to prioritize, quickly make decisions. The exercise will help not only to activate the creative potential of the group, but also to maximize its attention on further learning.

    Your attention is invited exclusive coaching manual exercises that describe all the pitfalls of its implementation, all coaching subtleties and nuances.

  • Warm-up exercise "Magic wand"

    The exercise is recommended by professional trainer D. Shvetsov, author of the books "Strengthening the Personality", "Guilt: Antivirus".
    A fun and effective exercise, great as a warm-up, but with a simple modification, it can become a deeper, more basic exercise. Creates a light, positive atmosphere of trust and activates the creative mood of the participants.

    The Magic Wand exercise helps participants identify what makes them happy and find new opportunities to be happy. In addition, participants better understand the needs of others and find ways to make them happier too. Despite the seeming simplicity, the exercise, depending on the goals of the coach, can be both easy and more "deep" for awareness.

  • Role-playing game "Promotion-Firing"

    Great exercise!
    An interesting, rich in conclusion exercise for negotiation training or training for managers. As part of the negotiation training (sales, oratory), the exercise will allow all participants to actively practice their skills persuasive argument. As part of a management training exercise, this exercise will provide participants with a powerful experience complex negotiations with employees and fast decision making.

    Exclusive recommendations from professionals! A unique coaching exercise manual developed by professionals especially for the coaching portal. RU. and contains a lot of exclusive recommendations, tips and coaching "chips" that allow you to carry out the exercise in the best possible way and with maximum results. You won't find this anywhere else!