Oleg Safonov, who called seaside holidays an “imposed stereotype,” sold houses abroad. Biography Little House by the Sea

Former Russian Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District

Former plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District (2007-2009). Previously - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2006-2007), auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia (2005), deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Southern Federal District (2003-2005), head of the personnel department of the State Fisheries Committee (2002-2003), coordinator of the fund " Cultural Initiative" (1994) and an employee of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg (1991). Served in the KGB. Retired police colonel general.

Oleg Aleksandrovich Safonov was born on August 24, 1960 in Ulyanovsk. In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Border School of the KGB of the USSR named after Mossovet, in 1989 - the Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR. In 1982-1991 he worked in the state security agencies. While serving in the KGB, he met Vladimir Putin and worked with him for some time in the GDR. According to some reports, since then Safonov and Putin have maintained friendly relations.

In 2000, when Putin was elected president of the Russian Federation, Safonov received the position of adviser to the governor of the Leningrad region Valery Serdyukov on economic issues. According to some reports, Safonov was considered as a candidate for senator from the region.

In 2002-2003, Safonov worked as head of the personnel department of the State Committee for Fisheries (Goskomrybolovstvo), which at that time was headed by Evgeniy Nazdratenko, , , . According to some reports, in 2003, Safonov supported a businessman, director of the Kaliningrad packaging plant, Andrei Krainiy, in a conflict with the ex-governor of Kaliningrad and the head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kaliningrad Sea Fishing Port" Leonid Gorbenko. As a result, a criminal case was opened against Gorbenko, and Krainy became the head of the port.

Also in 2003, Safonov graduated from the North-Western Academy of Public Administration.

In August 2003, Safonov became deputy plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District (SFD) Viktor Kazantsev. He retained his post after the appointment of new plenipotentiary representatives to the Southern Federal District: in March 2004, Vladimir Yakovlev became him, and in September of the same year he was replaced by Dmitry Kozak, , , , . The media mentioned that Deputy Plenipotentiary Safonov was robbed on New Year's Eve in Essentuki, where he celebrated 2005. From his room in the Shakhtar sanatorium, a Makarov pistol with two clips, identification cards of an FSB officer and a deputy plenipotentiary representative, a gold brooch and clothes, as well as 16 thousand rubles and 1 thousand 600 US dollars were stolen. An investigation was carried out and several local residents were detained, who were almost accused of terrorism, but then released. According to other sources, during the New Year celebrations, Safonov himself lost his weapons and identity cards.

In March 2005, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved Safonov as an auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia. According to some sources, Kozak contributed to this appointment. Formally, Safonov's candidacy was nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. In his new post, Safonov oversaw the expenditure of budget funds for national security and law enforcement activities. During his work at the Accounts Chamber, he became “famous” for sharply criticizing the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for violations of financial discipline.

In November 2006, Safonov took the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev, replacing Colonel General Andrei Novikov, who was considered one of the most likely successor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to media reports, Safonov’s appointment came as a complete surprise to employees of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In informal conversations, ministry employees noted that Safonov had no experience in law enforcement, which allegedly prevented him from effectively leading the criminal police service. It was also noted that the criminal investigation department, the department of economic security and the department for combating organized crime and terrorism, supervised by Safonov, practically stopped reporting on successfully carried out high-profile operations.

In February 2007, after reshuffles in the government and the Ministry of Defense, the media suggested impending personnel changes in the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Experts called Safonov a possible new minister of internal affairs instead of Nurgaliev, who allegedly could replace Mintimer Shaimiev as president of Tatarstan. Subsequently, this forecast did not come true. In August 2007, Safonov went on a long-term vacation, after which, according to some information, he no longer signed any important documents and in fact did not participate in the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On October 30, 2007, by decree of President Putin, Safonov was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD). In this post, he replaced Kamil Iskhakov, who had previously been appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development of Kozak. According to media reports, Safonov sought the post of plenipotentiary representative in the Southern District, but this appointment did not take place, as the Kremlin feared an aggravation of the situation in the region due to Safonov’s conflictual relations with the leadership of a number of Caucasian republics. In particular, the head of Ingushetia, Murat Zyazikov, opposed the appointment of Safonov.

On the day of his appointment, Putin said that one of Safonov’s top priorities as plenipotentiary envoy would be the decriminalization of the region. At the same time, the media noted a decrease in the overall crime rate in the Far East in recent years. Thus, in the first half of 2007, compared to the same period in 2006, there was a sharp decrease in the number of murders (by 22.8 percent), robberies (by 13.6 percent) and extortion (by 18.2 percent). The overall crime rate fell by 4.5 percent. At the same time, some sources claimed that Safonov’s main task as plenipotentiary would be to control the expenditure of funds allocated for the reconstruction of the Far East in preparation for the APEC summit, which will be held in 2012 in Vladivostok, and for the implementation of the federal target program “Development of the Far East.” East and Transbaikalia until 2013." The latter assumed financial injections into the district from the federal budget in the amount of 430 billion rubles.

In March 2008, the first deputy prime minister of the government, Dmitry Medvedev, won the presidential elections in Russia. On May 7, 2008, he took office as head of state, and on May 14 appointed seven plenipotentiary representatives of the head of state in the federal districts. According to the presidential decree, Safonov retained his post as plenipotentiary representative in the Far Eastern Federal District.

On April 30, 2009, by decree of Medvedev, Safonov was dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary representative with the wording “in connection with the transfer to another job.” The governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Viktor Ishaev, was appointed in his place. The media reported that the resignation of the plenipotentiary representative was preceded by a “wave of compromising evidence.” According to experts, the campaign against Safonov was caused by the interest of some representatives of the political elite in the 100 billion rubles promised by Deputy Prime Minister Putin to host the APEC summit in 2012 in Vladivostok.

Safonov is a retired police colonel general and has state awards. He is married to the daughter of Russian Presidential Assistant Viktor Ivanov.

Used materials

Timur Doktorov. Putin is scared by Medvedev. - Century, 30.04.2009

D. Medvedev relieved O. Safonov from the post of plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District. - Prime-TASS, 30.04.2009

Khabarovsk Governor Ishaev will replace Safonov as plenipotentiary representative in the Far Eastern Federal District. - RIA News, 30.04.2009

Ivan Gordeev. The same plus Ustinov. - News time, 15.05.2008. - № 83

Medvedev appointed his plenipotentiary representatives in the federal districts. - RIA News, 14.05.2008

Dmitry Medvedev signed decrees on the appointment of plenipotentiary representatives of the head of state in the federal districts. - Press service of the President of the Russian Federation, 14.05.2008

Medvedev took office as President of the Russian Federation. - RIA News, 07.05.2008

The Central Election Commission summed up the results of the presidential election. - Newspaper.Ru, 07.03.2008

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Birth: 26 of May(1969-05-26 ) (50 years)
Tselinograd, Tselinograd region, Kazakh SSR, USSR

Oleg Petrovich Safonov(genus. 26 of May ( 19690526 ) , Tselinograd) - head of the Federal Tourism Agency, financier.


Education: State Financial Academy with a degree in Finance and Credit (1991).


Became famous thanks to the statement:

The quote was widely circulated in the media and on the Internet, and the head of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, noted in his blog that Oleg Safonov himself for some time owned a house in a popular tropical resort - the Seychelles.

Personal life

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Excerpt characterizing Safonov, Oleg Petrovich

Pierre did not answer, but looked affectionately into the Frenchman’s eyes. This expression of participation pleased him.
- Parole d"honneur, sans parler de ce que je vous dois, j"ai de l"amitie pour vous. Puis je faire quelque chose pour vous? Disposez de moi. C"est a la vie et a la mort. C"est la main sur le c?ur que je vous le dis, [Honestly, not to mention what I owe you, I feel friendship for you. Can I do something for you? Use me. This is for life and death. I tell you this with my hand on my heart,” he said, hitting his chest.
“Merci,” said Pierre. The captain looked intently at Pierre the same way he looked when he learned what the shelter was called in German, and his face suddenly lit up.
- Ah! dans ce cas je bois a notre amitie! [Ah, in that case, I drink to your friendship!] - he shouted cheerfully, pouring two glasses of wine. Pierre took the glass he had poured and drank it. Rambal drank his, shook Pierre's hand again and leaned his elbows on the table in a thoughtfully melancholy pose.
“Oui, mon cher ami, voila les caprices de la fortune,” he began. – Qui m"aurait dit que je serai soldat et capitaine de dragons au service de Bonaparte, comme nous l"appellions jadis. Et cependant me voila a Moscou avec lui. “Il faut vous dire, mon cher,” he continued in the sad, measured voice of a man who is about to tell a long story, “que notre nom est l"un des plus anciens de la France. [Yes, my friend, here is the wheel of fortune. Who said I wish I would be a soldier and captain of dragoons in the service of Bonaparte, as we used to call him. However, here I am in Moscow with him. I must tell you, my dear... that our name is one of the most ancient in France.]
And with the easy and naive frankness of a Frenchman, the captain told Pierre the history of his ancestors, his childhood, adolescence and manhood, all his family, property, and family relationships. “Ma pauvre mere [“My poor mother.”] played, of course, an important role in this story.
– Mais tout ca ce n"est que la mise en scene de la vie, le fond c"est l"amour? L"amour! “N"est ce pas, monsieur; Pierre?” he said, perking up. “Encore un verre.” [But all this is only an introduction to life, its essence is love. Love! Isn’t it so, Monsieur Pierre? Another glass. ]
Pierre drank again and poured himself a third.
- Oh! Les femmes, les femmes! [ABOUT! women, women!] - and the captain, looking at Pierre with oily eyes, began to talk about love and his love affairs. There were a lot of them, which was easy to believe, looking at the smug, handsome face of the officer and at the enthusiastic animation with which he spoke about women. Despite the fact that all of Rambal's love stories had that dirty character in which the French see the exceptional charm and poetry of love, the captain told his stories with such sincere conviction that he alone experienced and knew all the delights of love, and described women so temptingly that Pierre listened to him with curiosity.
It was obvious that l "amour, which the Frenchman loved so much, was neither that lower and simple kind of love that Pierre once felt for his wife, nor that romantic love, inflated by himself, that he felt for Natasha (both types of this love Rambal equally despised - one was l"amour des charretiers, the other l"amour des nigauds) [the love of cab drivers, the other - the love of fools.]; l"amour, which the Frenchman worshiped, consisted mainly in the unnaturalness of relationships with women and in the combination of ugliness that gave the main charm to the feeling.
So the captain told the touching story of his love for one charming thirty-five-year-old marquise and at the same time for a charming innocent seventeen-year-old child, the daughter of a charming marquise. The struggle of generosity between mother and daughter, which ended with the mother, sacrificing herself, offering her daughter as a wife to her lover, even now, although a long-past memory, worried the captain. Then he told one episode in which the husband played the role of a lover, and he (the lover) played the role of a husband, and several comic episodes from souvenirs d'Allemagne, where asile means Unterkunft, where les maris mangent de la choux croute and where les jeunes filles sont trop blondes [memories of Germany, where husbands eat cabbage soup and where young girls are too blond.]

Safonov Oleg Alexandrovich, State Secretary - Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control (Gosnarkokontrol), former Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, former auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.


In 1982, he graduated from the Moscow Higher Border Command School of the KGB of the USSR.
In 1989, he graduated from the Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR named after. Yu.V.Andropova.
In 2003, he graduated from the North-Western Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Professional activity

From 1982 to 1991 - served in state security agencies.
From 1991 to 1994 - worked as chief specialist of the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall (chairman of the KVS -). He was a member of the Council for Casinos and Gambling Business at the City Hall of St. Petersburg. He was involved in hotel management issues.
Since 1994 - program coordinator of the International Foundation "Cultural Initiative".
Since 2000 - Advisor to the Governor of the Leningrad Region.
From 2002 to 2003 – Head of the Personnel Department of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries.
From 2003 to 2005 – assistant, deputy plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District.
In 2004, during the riot in the capital of Karachay-Cherkessia, Cherkessk, and the seizure of the building of the republican Government House (from where the president of the republic fled), he participated on the part of the federal authorities in negotiations with the invaders, promised them a meeting with the plenipotentiary, which soon took place.
From 2005 to 2006 – auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
From 2006 to 2007 – Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Supervised the criminal police. (According to Kommersant, Safonov’s transition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was facilitated by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. (Kommersant, October 31, 2007))
From 2007 to 2009 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District.
Since July 2009 - Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control (FSKN).

Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy.

Colonel General of Police
Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2008).

Married, has a daughter.
There is an opinion that O. Safonov is related to, in particular, this was mentioned in 2007 in Moskovsky Komsomolets (In “...in police circles they say without a shadow of a doubt that the promising Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Safonov is married to the daughter of an assistant President Viktor Ivanov" - MK, 10/25/2007). However, according to the declaration of income and property of Safonov and his family members for 2008 (published in April 2009), O. Safonov’s wife is Lyudmila Gennadievna Safonova. According to another version, Safonov’s daughter Elizaveta is married to V. Ivanov’s son Yaroslav (however, according to the same declaration, daughter Elizaveta is a minor).

Touches to the portrait

2009 | As a plenipotentiary representative, he did not work well with most of the Far Eastern governors, except for the protege of the Kamchatka governor. He was at enmity, in particular, with the creature governor of the Amur region Nikolai Kolesov(and achieved his dismissal in October 2008), also conflicted with the governor of the Primorsky Territory and the Khabarovsk governor. In these conflicts, the governors were defended by the Prosecutor General in the person of the Deputy Prosecutor General [Yuri Chaika] for the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Gulyagin, and the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office (i.e. e.). ("Vedomosti" dated 06/04/2009).

Alexandrovich is a rather interesting and versatile personality. Currently he works as Secretary of State. He moved up the career ladder quite recently, when he became the secretary of the chief deputy head of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control. Another name for this organization is Gosnarkokontrol.

Ex work

Until recently, he served as ambassador, authorized to represent our President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in the federal district of the Far East.

In the past, he worked as a deputy minister in charge of internal affairs of the Russian Federation.

Also in the work book of Oleg Aleksandrovich Safonov, the profession of an auditor in a state institution of Russia - the Accounts Chamber is noted.


Oleg Safonov was born in the city of Ulyanovsk. His date of birth is August 24, 1960.

His biography includes brilliant training at the Higher Command School of Border Guards of Moscow and the KGB of the USSR. He graduated from this school in 1982.

1989 for Oleg Alexandrovich was the year of completion of his education at the Krasnoznamensky Higher Educational Institution of the KGB of the USSR named after

Already in our millennium, namely until 2003, he continued to study at the Academy of the North-West in the civil service under the patronage of the President of Russia.

Professional work until 2000

In the period from 1982 until the formation of the CIS and the Russian Federation, that is, until 1991, he worked in the country's security agencies.

Between 1982 and 1994. was an expert at the St. Petersburg City Hall Committee for External Relations. At that time, I met the future president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who at that time was the chairman of the KVS. He led the solution to the issue of hotel management, and also solved problems related to the development of a network of illegal gambling and casinos, being in the status of a member of the Council on these issues.

Since 1994, he has been an active participant in the management of the development direction of the International State Fund called the “Cultural Initiative”.

Career in the 2000s

The year two thousand of Oleg Alexandrovich began with receiving the position of assistant to the head of the Leningrad region.

Three years later he was appointed patron of the Personnel Directorate of Russia for Fishing of the State Committee.

For two years, starting in 2003, he had the status of Deputy Ambassador of the President of Russia, authorized in the Southern Federal District.

The year 2004 became incredibly difficult for Safonov, as he became involved in dealings with terrorists on the side of the authorities of the North Caucasus Federal District. He managed to convince the invaders to meet with the plenipotentiary to resolve the conflict. The whole situation arose due to unrest in the city of Cherkessk, which is the capital of Karachay-Cherkessia. The rioters barricaded the main building of the Government House of the Republic, from which the head of this subject, Mustafa Batdyev, was able to escape at that time.

After this incident, until 2006, he was an auditor of the Russian Accounts Chamber.

Until 2006 he worked as Deputy Minister of Russia for Internal Affairs. Became supervisor of the criminal police. According to the Kommersant newspaper, Safonov switched to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs not without the help of who at that time was the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

In the period from October 2007, when he was relieved of his duties as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the country, and until 2009, he was the representative of the President of Russia authorized in the Far Eastern Federal District. The post of Far Eastern Plenipotentiary Representative became vacant when Kamil Iskhakov, who previously held this position, was promoted to Minister of Regional Development, which happened back in September.

From mid-summer 2009 to the present day, he has held the position of Deputy Director of the Federal Drug Control Service. Aleksandrovich is currently a member of the Russian Security Council, and also takes part in the Council for the Implementation of Important National Plans and Demographic Policy under the President of Russia.

Safonov Oleg Aleksandrovich is a Colonel General of the Police of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control and is today a first-class adviser to the Russian state.

Has a wife and daughter.

Relations with politicians

In the position of plenipotentiary representative, in the period from 2007 to 2009, Oleg was unable to establish good relations with any of the leaders of the Far East region. However, he began to communicate quite closely with Viktor Ivanov, who actively collaborated with the governor of the Kamchatka region, Alexey Kuzmitsky. He was also in a difficult relationship with Iskhakov’s protege, who at that time was the head of the Amur region. He achieved that Kolesov was dismissed in 2008. He did not see eye to eye with Sergei Darkin, who was the head of the Primorsky Territory, and Viktor Ishaev, the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, which also led to many conflicts. In these showdowns, Oleg’s interests were represented by the Investigative Committee, but the Prosecutor General’s Office stood up for the governors.

There is a suspicion that this person has family ties with what Moskovsky Komsomolets reported in 2007. This theory was first supported by the argument that the daughter of the adviser to the head of the country, Viktor Ivanov, was married to Oleg. However, official documents refute this opinion. The second hypothesis is that already the daughter Elizaveta married the son of Viktor Ivanov - Yaroslav. Again, Lisa has not yet reached adulthood. Therefore, this option is not possible.

Touches to the biography of Oleg Alexandrovich Safonov

October 2009 was marked by media headlines that Safonov was one of the most possible and suitable people for the post of Russian Minister of Internal Affairs. This post was vacated by Nurgaliev in the same year.

When Oleg Safonov was the head of the Far East, protests were constantly taking place in this region. A notable event, besides the riot of car drivers that took place during the election period for the governor of the city of Partizansk - in March 2009, was that 25.6% of residents decided not to elect anyone and threw away their ballots. This number of protesters resulted in the largest number of invalid ballots in the entire history of the world.

Oleg Safonov photography

In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Border School of the KGB of the USSR named after Mossovet, in 1989 - the Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR named after Yu.V. Andropov, in 2003 - North-Western Academy of Public Administration. Applicant for the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

From 1982 to 1991 he served in the state security agencies of the USSR - including, possibly, in the GDR together with Vladimir Putin.

In 1991-94. worked as the chief specialist of the Committee for External Relations (FRC) of the St. Petersburg City Hall (Chairman of the FRC is Vladimir Putin). He was a member of the Council for Casinos and Gambling Business at the City Hall of St. Petersburg. He was involved in hotel management issues.

From 1994 to 2000 - program coordinator of the international fund "Cultural Initiative".

In 2000-2002 - Advisor to the Governor of the Leningrad Region Valery Serdyukov.

As of June 2002, he was the head of the personnel and educational institutions department of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fisheries (chairman of the state committee is Evgeniy Nazdratenko).

According to rumors, he supported the current head of Roskomryblovstvo, Andrei Krainey, in a conflict with the head of the Kaliningrad port, Leonid Gorbenko. Polit.ru, 10/30/2007.

Best of the day

From the summer of 2003 to May 2004 - Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District (Plenipotentiary Representative - Viktor Kazantsev).

From May 2004 to the beginning of 2005, Assistant to the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Southern Federal District (plenipotentiary - Vladimir Yakovlev; from September 2004 - Dmitry Kozak).

In November 2004, during the riot in the capital of Karachay-Cherkessia and the seizure of the building of the republican Government House (from where the President of the Republic Mustafa Batdyev fled), he participated on the part of the federal authorities in negotiations with the invaders; promised them a meeting with D. Kozak (which soon took place).

On New Year's Eve 2005, the Shakhtar sanatorium in the city of Essentuki was robbed (the thief broke the glass and entered the sanatorium room; among the stolen items was a Makarov pistol with two clips and sixteen rounds, an FSB employee ID, an assistant plenipotentiary ID, 16 thousand rubles, 1600 US dollars, gold brooch and clothes). The capture of the criminal was not reported.

At the beginning of 2005 - again deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Southern District (plenipotentiary representative - D. Kozak).

On March 18, 2005, he was appointed by the State Duma as auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (nominated by the LDPR faction). In the Accounts Chamber, he was responsible for control over the expenditure of budget funds allocated for national security and law enforcement activities.

On November 14, 2006, Russian President V. Putin signed several decrees on personnel changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. O. Safonov was appointed new deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, replacing Andrei Novikov in this post.

In September 2007, there was a rumor that Safonov could be appointed plenipotentiary representative to the Southern Federal District instead of D. Kozak, who had moved to the post of Minister of Regional Development, but this was allegedly opposed by the head of Ingushetia, Murat Zyazikov.

On October 30, 2007, he was relieved of his post as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and appointed to the post of Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District. The post of plenipotentiary representative in the Far East became vacant in September 2007, after the appointment of Kamil Iskhakov, who held this post, as Deputy Minister of Regional Development.

Colonel General of Police.

Has state awards.

Married to the daughter of Viktor Ivanov.