Why is the cottage cheese diet good for health? Why is cottage cheese bitter and can it be eaten? Types of product by origin

We all know that real cottage cheese is an incredibly healthy product. Sometimes you buy cottage cheese, but it is completely tasteless. But if you season it with milk, sand or sour cream, it’s okay, you can eat it. Cottage cheese is often counterfeited and becomes harmful. So let’s not let ourselves be deceived, and let’s learn to choose the most delicious, high-quality and healthy cottage cheese.

How to choose good cottage cheese and not bad one?

Optimal fat content

The healthiest cottage cheese is medium-fat (up to 9 percent) or low-fat. The choice depends on your weight and your dietary preferences. For overweight and elderly people, low-fat cottage cheese with a fat content of 0 to 3 percent is more relevant.

Cottage cheese contains saturated fatty acids. Frequent consumption of fatty cottage cheese (18 - 20%) will contribute to the development of early atherosclerosis.
Children are not recommended to eat fatty cottage cheese; it is better to choose one containing a medium amount of fat. For older people, less than 5 percent cottage cheese is useful.

If there are no contraindications, such as liver disease, obesity, it is better to choose classic cottage cheese with a fat content of 9 and 18 percent. 100 grams of such cottage cheese completely provides the calcium requirement per day.

Which cottage cheese has the best consistency?

Cottage cheese, crumbly in consistency, consists of highly hydrolyzed proteins. To assimilate such protein, more energy will be required, and it will not be completely absorbed.

Cottage cheese with a soft, viscous consistency is better digestible. This type of cottage cheese usually has a milky color. Real cottage cheese smells only of milk, no foreign odors. A good product contains more potassium, which removes excess water from the body.

Cottage cheese tends to have more sodium than usual. This cottage cheese also contains cream, although the fat content is low.

Taste of real cottage cheese

The rule applies to cottage cheese: less sour - more healthy.
The usual acidity of cottage cheese is 225 degrees on the Turner scale. 225 degrees indicates that this product is dietary. For children, the ideal sour product is 150 degrees, the norm for the elderly is 175.

Cottage cheese that is too sour means that it has probably expired. An unpleasant, greasy taste in the mouth indicates that palm oil has been added to the curd.

The taste of cottage cheese depends primarily on its fat content, so be sure to look at the fat content in the product. Low-fat cottage cheese is usually crumbly with low fat content and whey. Its taste may seem empty. Classic cottage cheese with 4 to 18 percent fat content is much tastier. It has a soft plastic consistency and is therefore ideal for casseroles.

Which cottage cheese is better to choose for a child?

Children are the most precious thing we have, therefore, when taking care of their health, it is worth choosing the best. From all of the above, we can conclude that good healthy cottage cheese should be softer, less sour and not greasy. For children, it is better to choose cottage cheese with a medium fat content (up to 9 percent). For casseroles, classic cottage cheese with a fat content of 4 to 18 percent is ideal. The acidity level of the product is 150 degrees. It is better to drip cottage cheese in a package rather than in bulk - it can be dangerous (see below).

How to determine whether cottage cheese is real or fake?

Pay attention to the label

Real cottage cheese should contain only milk and sourdough. Some manufacturers, to save money, dilute the cottage cheese with water and add starch for thickness. You can check this fact using a regular alcohol tincture of iodine. Add a drop of iodine to the cottage cheese. If it turns blue, it means the cottage cheese contains starch.

When choosing a fermented milk product, look for the inscription on the package “Cottage cheese”, but not “Curd cheese” or “Curd dessert”. Good cottage cheese has the GOST mark (state standard), the TU mark means that the cottage cheese is prepared according to the technical conditions developed by the manufacturer himself.

Expensive and cheap

If cottage cheese is made from whole milk through conventional ripening, such cottage cheese will be expensive. Cheap cottage cheese is almost guaranteed to contain palm oil, skim milk, and other additives.

Vegetable fats are added to cottage cheese to reduce the cost of this product. Many producers are forced to do this due to a shortage of dairy raw materials. Willy-nilly, you have to get sophisticated and replace the product, instead of cow's milk, use fat substitutes and even soy.

The color of real cottage cheese

Real cottage cheese is pure white. Yellow curd almost certainly contains dyes. These can be both harmless dyes, for example, beta-carotene, which is even beneficial for humans, and chemical dyes, which are unsafe for health. The pinkish tint of the cottage cheese indicates the vigorous growth of microorganisms. That's why we buy only white cottage cheese.

Why is cottage cheese by weight dangerous?

Some loose curd products are not only tasteless, but also dangerous due to the high content of mold and E. coli. They often use palm fat instead of milk.

Good cottage cheese by weight: does not smell of yeast, does not taste acidic and does not have a distinct graininess, friability, there should be a good neutral smell.

Problems: Bacteria often develop as a result of improper storage and transportation.

Cottage cheese sold by weight has the shortest shelf life - only 36 hours.
Research shows that 85 percent of large dairies add vegetable fats to cottage cheese. Often this is a curd product and not cottage cheese, which is either not indicated or skillfully disguised on the packaging. In the case of cottage cheese by weight, this fact is especially difficult for the average buyer to track.

Cottage cheese is “solid milk”, a traditional fermented milk dish with high value for human health. It is produced by removing the whey from fermented milk. In some countries it is considered to be a type of soft young cheese, and they really have a lot in common. In Russian culture, cottage cheese is a separate product, revered for its healing properties and high nutritional value.

By methods of product production

The product is produced in two main ways: traditional and separate. Traditional production allows you to get two types of cottage cheese:

  1. Acidic, usually prepared from skim milk by introducing starter cultures into it. Formed under the influence of lactic acid.
  2. Acid-rennet is produced by using rennet or pepsin together with cultures of lactic acid bacteria to coagulate milk protein.

The separate production method means that purified milk is separated into skim milk and cream with a fat content of 50-55%. Using the acid-rennet coagulation process, skim milk is produced from milk, which is then cooled and mixed with cream. Using this method, you can obtain a product with any fat content, for example, soft dietary and peasant cottage cheese.

Types of cottage cheese with different properties

Based on the lipid content of the product, it is divided into four categories:

  • low fat (up to 1.8%);
  • low-fat or semi-bold (2-3.8%);
  • classic (4-18%);
  • fat (19-23%).

Cottage cheese is prepared using cream and table salt. The addition of consistency stabilizers is not allowed; rennet imparts hardness to large grains. It is added to pasteurized milk pre-fermented with lactic acid streptococci along with calcium chloride.

Dietary cottage cheese is produced by adding a solution of citric acid, calcium chloride and starter culture to skim milk. To obtain table cottage cheese, a mixture of buttermilk and skim milk is fermented with a pure culture of lactic acid streptococci. The product may also have additives (raisins, candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate), and be produced in the form of sweet mass, cheese curds, creams and cakes.

The production of calcined cottage cheese involves adding a 10% calcium chloride solution to fermented milk, which makes it possible to artificially increase the proportion of the mineral in the product and, accordingly, the benefits of cottage cheese for the human skeleton. It has a uniform consistency and a relatively bland taste due to low acidity.

Warning: The daily intake of calcined product should not exceed 100 g for an adult; large doses can be harmful to the body. Its introduction into the children's diet must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Types of product by origin

The origin of the product is determined by the type of animal from which the milk for fermentation is obtained. The most popular is curd made from cow's milk, followed by goat's milk, and other varieties are much less common. Cottage cheese made from sheep's milk is tasty, unusual and very healthy.

Albumin curd

A special type of product is albumin curd. It is produced from whey, its main protein is not casein, like any “regular” cottage cheese, but albumin, whey protein. It goes well with fruits and herbs, and is widely used for the production of confectionery products.

Homemade cottage cheese

The benefits of homemade cottage cheese and its taste are difficult to overestimate. It is fresh, natural, and does not contain stabilizers or other foreign substances. It can be purchased from small private farms or prepared independently from raw or pasteurized milk.

Homemade cottage cheese recipe

Pour fresh whole milk into an enamel pan and place in a dark place to sour (the process takes about 24 hours). Heat the curdled milk in a water bath until the whey separates and curd clots appear, let it cool. Place the resulting mixture in a colander or hang it in a gauze bag to drain the liquid.

Video: Homemade cottage cheese recipe

Useful properties and contraindications

Cottage cheese brings great benefits as a source of complete protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body. It requires significantly less effort from the digestive system than whole milk or yogurt. The dish is used as part of diets in the treatment of obesity, heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Cottage cheese diets are recommended for athletes to gain muscle mass, especially during intense training. The product has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and produces a diuretic effect. Regular consumption of cottage cheese for 6 months helps increase the amount of testosterone in men by 50%.

Cottage cheese calcium is indispensable for children during periods of active growth and formation of teeth and bones, for older people - in order to prevent osteoporosis. It is well processed by the body. The product also promotes hemoglobin synthesis and restoration of the nervous system.

The benefits of albumin cottage cheese for the body include maintaining immunity and stimulating metabolism, cleaning the bile ducts and restoring liver tissue. It improves vision, removes cholesterol, improves the quality of milk of nursing mothers, and is useful for pregnant women and diabetics.

Video: “Living healthy!”: Elena Malysheva’s opinion on the benefits of cottage cheese

Using cottage cheese for weight loss

Cottage cheese, especially albumin cottage cheese, is indispensable for people suffering from excess body weight. It helps remove excess fluid from the body and speed up metabolism. The large amount of protein in the product makes it easy to satisfy hunger, preserve and build muscle tissue, while getting rid of fat.

Warning: To lose weight, you should use a product with a fat content of no more than 5%, otherwise it will not bring the expected benefits.

Recipe for high-protein dish "Belip" ("without lipids")

Cod (fillet without skin)
Low-fat cottage cheese without salt
Bulb onions
Raw egg white

Mix cod, cottage cheese and onion in equal proportions and pass through a meat grinder, add the white of a raw egg, and prepare meatballs or casserole from the resulting mixture.

Contraindications to the use of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is harmful to health in case of an allergy to its components or individual intolerance to the product. You should include it in the menu with caution in case of kidney disease, and avoid excesses. Regular consumption of cottage cheese slightly reduces the level of serotonin in the brain. You can compensate for it with dates, bananas, soybeans and lentils, eggs and tomatoes.

Cottage cheese: rules for selecting and storing the product

Fresh cottage cheese usually has a slightly spreadable, crumbly and soft consistency. Whey may be present in small quantities, and milk protein particles of different diameters may be present. The taste and smell should be pure, characteristic of fermented milk products, and the color should be uniformly white, with a slight creamy tint.

A slight bitterness of the product, especially in winter, and a woody taste are acceptable. Attention should be drawn to signs that indicate damage to the product or a violation of the technological process of its production and that can cause harm to the human body:

  1. A musty, unclean smell and taste are evidence of the work of putrefactive bacteria that have multiplied as a result of violation of storage rules, production conditions, or the use of inactive starter.
  2. Too sour taste is the result of lactic fermentation; its causes may be insufficient and untimely cooling, excessively long pressing, the content of disinfectants or detergents, or antibiotics in the milk.
  3. The smell and taste of vinegar arises from the activity of acetic acid bacteria and is a consequence of storing the product at elevated temperatures.
  4. A rancid taste means the presence of mold and microorganisms in the food, which can happen with fatty cottage cheese if the milk is not pasteurized at an insufficient temperature.
  5. A bitter tint is a clear sign that the cow ate grass or hay of a peculiar taste (wormwood); it can also indicate the presence of putrefactive bacteria and an increased content of pepsin.
  6. A yeasty taste, “blowing” of the lid of a container or package are consequences of the action of yeast during long-term storage of an insufficiently cooled product. The cause of swelling can also be E. coli.
  7. The “rubber” consistency of grained cottage cheese suggests the introduction of an excessive dose of rennet during its production or fermentation of milk at elevated temperatures.
  8. A large amount of whey is released from the curd when it is not pressed sufficiently.
  9. Mold and mucus in the product appears as a result of its storage in damp conditions and loose packaging.
  10. The bland taste of cottage cheese is caused by the use of low-active sourdough.

Long-term storage of cottage cheese is impossible even at a low temperature of 0-2°C. If frozen, it can be stored for 6-7 months at a constant temperature of -18°C.

At a temperature of 2-6°C in the refrigerator, cottage cheese and curd products are stored for 36 hours; for a low-fat product with stabilizers, the shelf life is 7 days, for heat-treated products - 2 weeks. Increasing the shelf life in this case reduces its benefit to the body.

Advice: If the quality of cottage cheese has deteriorated during storage or freezing, it can be improved by mixing it with cream. Soaking it in milk for 2 hours and then squeezing it out also helps to refine the product.

Composition of the product

Cottage cheese is rich in micro- and macroelements, contains some vitamins and a lot of protein. Depending on the fat content, the composition of the product varies, as does its calorie content. The energy value of cottage cheese 0.6% is 88 kcal, soft dietary cottage cheese 4% is 136 kcal, 9% is 169 kcal, 18% is 232 kcal.

Fatty types of cottage cheese are rich in vitamins A and E, but contain less B vitamins than low-fat varieties. There is slightly less calcium and phosphorus in the low-fat product, and the amount of other mineral salts also varies slightly.

Nutritional value of low-fat cottage cheese 0.6% (per 100 g of product)

The high value of cottage cheese for a healthy diet is often used by some manufacturers as an opportunity to make money on a fake of this popular fermented milk product. In a supermarket or market, the buyer is guided by the quality information provided by the manufacturer, which is not always true. Self-checking the naturalness of cottage cheese at home will help answer two questions: is it worth referring the purchased cottage cheese to a dietary dish and whether to become a regular customer of its manufacturer. So let's check it out!

Why cottage cheese should be checked for quality

Cottage cheese is a traditional product for Russians, the demand for which is increasing not only due to national food preferences, but also due to its relative cheapness compared to cheese and butter. The nutritional value of this popular fermented milk product is represented by a high, up to 18%, content of high-grade easily digestible protein and a low content of carbohydrates, not more than 3%, as well as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and enzymes. Such dietary indicators make cottage cheese an indispensable product in children's, medical and sports nutrition, which naturally increases the interest of unscrupulous manufacturers in filling such an attractive niche.

Cottage cheese is cheaper than cheese and butter, but no less useful

They forged "milk", including cottage cheese, back in Soviet times. But these days, falsification of a dietary product has become a mass phenomenon.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the counterfeiting of cottage cheese in 2014 amounted to 6.5%. The last two years have not improved the situation. Rospotrebnadzor for the 1st quarter of 2016, during the inspections, identified 234 enterprises producing counterfeit dairy products.

Cottage cheese is called the second product after butter in terms of the frequency of fakes. The most common “additives” to cottage cheese that affect its cheapening are starch and vegetable fat, less often chalk and soda.

Cottage cheese or cottage cheese product?

A curd product is a new and not yet entirely clear concept for the buyer. Nevertheless, products with a similar name stood in the neighborhood on the shelf with cottage cheese, quite noticeably pushing the latter. The state standard that regulates the production of cottage cheese gives an unambiguous answer about the raw materials and the method of preparation. According to GOST R 52096–2003, cottage cheese is a product manufactured exclusively from milk raw materials by fermentation of milk protein. There are two ways of fermenting milk: acidic - adding bacterial starter to the raw material, and acid-rennet - together with bacterial starter, rennet and calcium chloride are added.

Table: possible differences in the composition of cottage cheese and curd product

Under what conditions is the curd product useful

It should be noted that the curd product is incorrectly considered a low-quality product a priori.. The negative attitude towards such products is caused by the negative reaction of deceived consumers, to whom dishonest producers sold supposedly “cottage cheese”, deliberately hiding the addition of non-dairy components.

The curd product can be of different quality, both high and low.

A high-quality and “honest” curd product, enriched with vitamins, low in fat and sufficient in protein, can be no less useful than cottage cheese with a high fat content. But to find one in our stores, unfortunately, is still difficult.

About Fat and Palm Oil

Palm oil, a popular substitute for milk fat today, is also becoming a stumbling block. Even if this component is put on the label, no manufacturer will indicate information about the oil fraction.. Although it largely depends on the quality of palm oil, classify the product as useful, harmless or unhealthy.

Palm oil is a cheap substitute for milk fat, which comes in high and low quality.

The ideal option, in which each buyer is sufficiently informed and has the right to choose based on complete and open information, is not being implemented in Russia yet. Therefore, it turns out that it is better to avoid palm oil, because we do not know whether it is of high quality in this or that curd product or not.

"Curd analogues" today, in fact, most often sin overestimated, in comparison with what is stated on the label, the fat content and the scarcity of protein in their composition.

Home laboratory

Knowledgeable buyers carry out the initial assessment of the quality and naturalness of cottage cheese directly when choosing a product in a store or on the market.

We read the composition and count the bacteria

If the product is packaged, then the following are studied:

  • Lactic acid bacteria index. It should be at least 1x10 6 CFU per 1 g.
  • Compound. As mentioned above, natural cottage cheese contains only dairy products and sourdough. The use of calcium chloride, pepsin is allowed.
  • Storage periods. Real cottage cheese has a short shelf life (36 hours) and slightly depends on the fat content of the product.

If the cottage cheese is weighed, then it will not be difficult to evaluate its color, humidity, smell and taste. It is also worth asking about the shelf life: only a curd product can be stored for three days or longer.

The purchase is made, but doubts about naturalness remain? At home, it is easy to conduct informative and reliable tests for the presence of non-dairy components. There are several such ways.

The naturalness of cottage cheese - the test of time

A small amount of cottage cheese should be left for 8-10 hours at room temperature. Milk fats oxidize very quickly when exposed to air. As a result, the delayed lump should acquire a strong sour smell.. If instead the lump turned yellow and crusted, most likely there is an excess of palm oil in the curd.

Iodine will indicate starch

In this case, iodine will help. It is enough to drip a couple of drops. If the cottage cheese turned blue - iodine reacted with starch, if not - no starch was added to this product.

A change in the color of the product to blue or purple indicates the presence of starch.

The presence of chalk and soda will reveal acid

This method is not always effective, since chalk could be added not to the final product, but to the milk from which the curd is made. Nevertheless, you can try to identify chalk, just remember that it reacts with acid. A teaspoon of cottage cheese should be diluted in a small amount of water (about a third of a glass), then add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice there. Chalk or soda, if they are present in the composition, will react with the acid, and the release of carbon dioxide will begin. Simply put, the liquid will hiss and bubbles will go.

Vegetable fat - check the taste

After tasting cottage cheese, does the sensation of an oil film remain on the tongue? There is a high probability of replacing milk fat with vegetable fat. Give your pet a taste of this mass, if he does not appreciate the treats, then most likely there is a lot of palm oil in the product. Finally, the consistency can also indicate “vegetable” cottage cheese: in natural it is granular, and in non-natural it is more uniform.

Real cottage cheese - grainy and does not leave a greasy taste on the tongue

Video: mass to mass - what is the danger of a curd product

Video: what should be real cottage cheese

Video: the myth of cheap "village" cottage cheese

In modern realities, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of acquiring counterfeit and low-quality goods, but only if you have sufficient and reliable information about the product. The manufacturer does not always provide this right in full, so “getting” to real, healthy cottage cheese is not so easy. Home testing is one of the ways to insure yourself against further commodity-money relations with a dishonest manufacturer.

Cottage cheese is the most popular fermented milk product today. This product is obtained by fermenting milk. Cottage cheese is consumed both in its pure form and mixed with jam, preserves or honey.

Cottage cheese is not only a very healthy product, but also a common ingredient in many dishes.

Cottage cheese is medicine.

Many nutritionists consider cottage cheese a universal medicine. So, what is its use? First of all, it helps in improving the digestive system. Cottage cheese helps the stomach cope with problems and strengthens the immune system. There are a large number of people in the world whose stomachs cannot properly digest lactose. This means that they are prohibited from consuming milk, a source of large amounts of nutrients. Cottage cheese comes to the aid of such people. You can get the same nutrients from it as from milk, without the fear of bloating or diarrhea.

Eating cottage cheese can help people suffering from dysentery.

Children love cottage cheese very much. The presence of this product in a child’s diet will help deliver the necessary microelements to his body and keep him busy for a while, because cottage cheese can be eaten with your hands. This method will completely suit your baby and you won’t have to force him to eat.

Cottage cheese is a product that optimally combines proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. If you are preparing breakfast for children, then simply mix fruits or muesli with cottage cheese and a nutritious and healthy meal will be ready for your child. By the way, muesli will add healthy fiber with a low sugar content to the beneficial substances of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese can be used to replace butter when baking desserts. Baked potatoes with sour cream are very tasty and a favorite dish of many people in our country. But not many people know that sour cream can be replaced with healthy low-fat cottage cheese. Moreover, sour cream is inferior to cottage cheese in many ways. It has more calories. Sour cream contains a large amount of fat and cholesterol. Cottage cheese, on the contrary, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and can also help normalize blood pressure.

Cottage cheese is a source of calcium.

Calcium helps improve bone tissue and help fight osteoporosis. The best product for replenishing calcium in our body is cottage cheese. One plate of low-fat cottage cheese contains 400 mg of calcium, which is equal to 40% of the daily value of this microelement. For comparison, one glass of skim milk loses this indicator by almost 2 times. Calcium from cottage cheese is easily absorbed by the body and helps strengthen not only bones, but also teeth.

Casein is the protein of cottage cheese.

Casein is a protein from cottage cheese that is absorbed by the body in 3-4 hours. Together with fats and carbohydrates, casein can supply the body with energy for up to 5 hours. It is thanks to casein, and its share accounts for 50% of all curd protein, that this product is loved by people involved in heavy sports. If you consume cottage cheese before training, you can fuel your body with energy. Cottage cheese after training will give the body building material for muscles.

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product known to everyone and loved by many. Its benefits for the human body are undeniable. Cottage cheese is especially useful for a developing organism, as it promotes the construction of new cells and the growth of muscle mass. In this article we will look at the question of why you can’t eat cottage cheese in the morning.

Therefore, cottage cheese must be included in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and athletes. And cottage cheese, thanks to its properties, helps to get rid of extra pounds.

In order to understand why our body needs cottage cheese, and who should not eat cottage cheese in the morning, let’s analyze what nutrients and microelements it contains.

Composition of cottage cheese and its properties

Low-fat cottage cheese containing no more than 2 percent fat is considered the healthiest. The daily intake of cottage cheese recommended by nutritionists for an adult (no more than 250 grams) contains:

  • About 30 grams of protein, which is almost completely absorbed by the body;
  • Within 7 grams of carbohydrates, providing the body with energy and giving a feeling of fullness;
  • No more than 4 grams of fat, which makes low-calorie cottage cheese a dietary product;
  • A third of the daily norm of microelements necessary for the body, such as selenium, phosphorus and sodium. These microelements are necessary for humans for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, biliary tract and kidneys;
  • A quarter of the daily value of B vitamins such as riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B12. The body needs them to maintain healthy skin, nails, hair and the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • One-fifth of the daily dose of calcium, which contributes to the formation of the skeletal system of a growing organism. In adulthood, calcium found in cottage cheese helps prevent osteoporosis;
  • In addition, cottage cheese contains zinc, potassium and magnesium, which ensure good blood composition.

Why can't you eat cottage cheese in the morning?

Some people eat cottage cheese every day just because they like it. Then the question of when it is better to eat it, in the morning or in the evening, does not arise.

But many people consciously introduce cottage cheese into their diet. They set a goal for themselves and want to achieve it by using this product. In this case, it is worth considering at what time of day eating cottage cheese will bring the desired result.

Most often, cottage cheese is eaten with the goal of losing extra pounds.

To complete the task, you cannot eat cottage cheese in the morning. According to the recommendation of nutritionists, to lose excess weight it is better to consume it in the afternoon.

Cottage cheese is a protein food, and to digest it the body needs to expend a lot of energy, much more than to digest the same amount of carbohydrates or fats. Knowing that in the evening all metabolic processes in the body slow down, by consuming cottage cheese you can boost your metabolism and increase its speed.

Thus, not only does the risk of gaining extra pounds decrease, but those already gained are also burned off. You cannot achieve this effect by eating cottage cheese for breakfast.

Thanks to casein, which is contained in cottage cheese and is absorbed very slowly, after a cottage cheese dinner a person does not develop a brutal appetite in the morning. As a result, you won’t want to eat anything extra for breakfast.

In order to achieve a slim figure, in addition to dieting, physical activity is usually necessary. If you eat cottage cheese for dinner after training and strength training, weight loss will continue even the next day. If you want calories to continue to be consumed both at rest and even during sleep, you should not eat cottage cheese in the morning.

And as an additional bonus to a toned figure, eating cottage cheese in the evening will improve your sleep. In addition to all of the above beneficial substances and microelements, the presence of cottage cheese helps prevent depression, insomnia and anxiety.