Cheese and fish compatibility. What foods do mushrooms go with? What Doctors Say About Weight Loss

Meat, poultry, fish.
It is better to eat lean meat, poultry and fish. When cooking, remove all visible fat. Meat and fish go well with green and non-starchy vegetables, because this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps them digest and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with alcohol causes great harm.

Pulses (beans, peas, lentils, etc.)
Pulses go well with vegetable fats, sour cream, herbs and starchy vegetables.

Vegetable oil.
Vegetable oil is a highly beneficial product if consumed in unrefined form.

Sugar, confectionery.
Sugar and confectionery should be consumed in limited quantities or avoided altogether. All sugars inhibit the production of gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, they cause fermentation in the stomach. The result is sour belching and heartburn. Honey does not belong to this category of sugars, because. This is a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees. Honey is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after consumption, without loading the liver and all other body systems.

Bread, cereals, potatoes.
Starch is an extremely difficult to digest product, so all foods rich in starch should always be treated with great care. You should not combine animal proteins with starchy foods - this is the main rule of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate food, and not a mandatory addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition.

Sour fruits, tomatoes.
Sour fruits include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all others are to taste. Tomatoes also belong to this category of products due to their high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.

Sweet fruits, dried fruits.
Their combination with dairy products and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, because it's hard on digestion. But it’s better not to mix fruits (sour and sweet) with anything, because... they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons. Melon should generally be eaten separately from other foods.

Vegetables are green and non-starchy.
These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild “table” herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas. Radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to be green and non-starchy.

Vegetables are starchy.
This category includes: beets, carrots, potatoes, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation; other combinations are acceptable.

Milk is a separate food, not a drink. Once in the stomach, the milk must curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from the gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, and the digestion process is delayed.

Cottage cheese, fermented milk products.
Cottage cheese is a difficult-to-digest complete protein. Products that are homogeneous with sour milk (sour cream, cheese, feta cheese) are compatible.

Cheese, feta cheese.
The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Cheese cheese is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt.

This is a protein product that is not very easily digested. You can combine them with green and non-starchy vegetables, this will neutralize the harm from the high cholesterol content in the yolk.

Due to their rich fat content, nuts are similar to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats.

Food incompatibility according to traditional Chinese medicine dietetics

This time I decided to act outside the box and experiment a little. What is the experiment? Writing articles consists of two parts. Basic material and explanations for it. Most of the time when writing articles is spent on explanations. This time I decided to do it differently. I decided to post the main material so that you can read it, think about it, and I will post explanations to it (a lot of clear and important text) later, about which everyone will receive a notification by email.

Stay tuned!

Below I present to your attention a sign of incompatibility of products from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda for daily and seasonal nutrition.

I suggest asking questions about the plate after the material has been posted in full, since I plan to answer most possible questions in the text of the explanations.

So, what foods are incompatible from the point of view of Chinese tradition? Let's get a look:

Product: Not compatible with:
PeanutCorn, turmeric* 9, cucumbers, eggs, garlic, seafood
WatermelonWith nothing
Eggplant* 9Seafood, fish, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers
BananasMilk, yogurt
MuttonBuckwheat, soy sauce, cheese, honey, mercury* 1, pumpkin, tangerines, beans, radish, pork, seafood
WineCoffee* 8, sparkling water* 8, beer
BeefPork, fish, honey, millet, leek, chicken
PearDuck, goose
BuckwheatLamb, pork, pumpkin
MelonWith nothing
YogurtWith practically nothing. With sour, with sour fruits, berries, nightshades* 6, meat, eggs, lemon, bananas, mango, cheese, fish
PotatoYogurt, kefir, sour cream, beans, persimmon
KefirPotatoes, sugar, peas, fish
RabbitChinese cabbage, chicken, mustard* 9, tangerines
ChickenKefir, seafood, crayfish, cream, milk, mustard, fish, rabbit, beef, eggs, sour cream
LemonCucumbers, tomatoes, yogurt, carrots, milk, melon
LeekSpinach, beef
Bulb onionsHoney, sugar, dates, salted fish
MangoMilk, yogurt
MandarinLamb, rabbit, seafood
HoneyMilk, beef, onions, garlic, salted fish, fish, hot spices
MilkIn general, nothing. Especially with fish, seafood, garlic, black tea, wheat, lard, soybeans, honey, nightshades* 6, bananas, mangoes, yeast bread* 8, chocolate* 8, fruits, berries, eggs, lemon, sweets* 8
SeafoodChicken, milk, tangerines, pork, persimmons, apples, eggplants, with each other* 7, lamb, peanuts
CarrotMost acidic fruits and vegetables, pomegranate
cucumbersTomatoes, hot peppers, sour fruits, lemon, salted fish, peanuts, eggplants
Solanaceae* 6Sour cream, yogurt, milk, cucumbers
TomatoesCucumbers, eggplants, lemon, yogurt, milk, melon
RadishTangerines, lamb
FishEggs, dates, milk, beef, eggplant, mayonnaise* 8, honey, fruits, dairy products, sugar* 9
Salted fishGarlic, onion, honey, shrimp, cucumbers
PorkBuckwheat, seafood, soy, lamb
CeleryVinegar* 9
Sour creamNightshades, sugar, chicken, fish
SoybeansPork, other legumes, milk, spinach, eggs
CheeseLamb, yogurt, eggs
PumpkinLamb* 2, milk, buckwheat
DuckWalnut, tree mushrooms, pears
BeansLamb, potatoes
DatesOnion, fish
Raw fruits, sour fruitsIn general, nothing. Especially with yogurt, carrots, cucumbers, milk, fish
PersimmonSeafood, potatoes
Black and green teaMilk, tonic compositions* 5
GarlicHoney, milk, eggs, salted fish, peanuts
BerriesMilk, yogurt
Eggs* 4Garlic, milk, persimmon, soy, meat, fruit, cheese, chicken, yogurt, fruit, onion, peanuts

Comments on footnotes:

1. This refers to the “tamed” mercury used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
2. There are classic longevity recipes that include lamb, rice, pumpkin and dates. Dishes according to these recipes can be eaten no more than once a year, at a certain time and season. That is, as a medicine.
3. Eggplant is translated from Arabic as poisonous cucumber. Therefore, when preparing it, it is necessary to remove atropine-like substances, which give it bitterness. Soak with salt and cut off the skin with a knife.
4. Eggs are good to eat with grains and vegetables.
5. Especially for people with anemia and general physical weakness, you should not mix different tonic compositions with each other. For example, with lemongrass, mate, ginseng. Can be with jasmine, lemon, sugar, honey.
6. Nightshades are primarily tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and sweet peppers.
7. Seafood is not compatible with each other, that is, you should not combine shrimp with crabs, mussels or fish in one dish.
8. Yeast bread, chocolate, mayonnaise, vinegar, confectionery or overly sweet foods are not included in the table as unhealthful foods. There will be a separate article about this.
9. Vinegar, sugar, turmeric, mustard are not included in the table, as they are spices and not products.

It is important to understand what it means that one product is not compatible with another. This does not mean that a dish prepared from them will not be tasty. This means that eating such combinations of foods will lead to either acute or chronic diseases of the body. All this will be explained in more detail in the explanations.

It is also important to remember that many foods that are incompatible in a normal, daily or seasonal diet are compatible and are even often used as medicine. But only a doctor or a specialist in traditional Chinese nutrition can suggest and prescribe this for you.

Be healthy!


PS To the end of the article, for your inspiration, I will add a short excerpt about incompatible types of food from the ancient treatise of Tibetan medicine Zhud-Shi:

Chapter 17. Food prohibitions.

Then Rishi Vidyajnana spoke these words! O great rishi, listen! ...

Eating incompatible foods is like eating a compounded poison.

  1. Unripened sho and fresh wine are incompatible;
  2. Fish does not go well with milk;
  3. Milk and fruits from trees are incompatible;
  4. Eggs and fish don't go together;
  5. Pea soup with cane sugar and dar are harmful;
  6. You cannot fry mushrooms in mustard oil;
  7. Do not mix chicken with sour milk;
  8. Equal parts of honey and vegetable oil are incompatible;
  9. You cannot keep fresh oil in a bronze vessel for more than ten days;
  10. You cannot fry charitra meat on a barberry flame. (Haritra is an animal that is identified by Tibetan authors in different ways: green bird, parrots, partridge, hare, lion.);
  11. You cannot drink cold water after drinking ghee;
  12. You should not eat meat that has turned white with the smell of sour dough, as well as boiled meat that has been stored covered for a long time;
  13. You cannot eat sour foods with milk;
  14. You cannot eat new food until the old one has been digested, because they may turn out to be incompatible and start a quarrel;
  15. Unusual food eaten at the wrong time is also poison.

You need to move from compatible food to incompatible food or vice versa gradually, little by little, until the body gets used to it. And if you do this abruptly, then vices will arise.

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Discussing health, longevity and the five ritual actions, Colonel Bradford gives some advice regarding diet, nutrition and, in general, the important role that food plays in human life. According to Bradford, a proper diet promotes "signs of improved physical condition." Let's take a look at his dietary recommendations.

The time-tested secret of good health, the colonel is convinced, is simple food. He writes that Tibetan lamas who were engaged in hard physical work fed on the fruits of their own labor and adhered to a mainly vegetarian diet with the addition of eggs, butter and cheese.

In addition, at one meal, lamas invariably ate only one thing. Colonel Bradford does not insist on such extremes, but recommends that “fruits, vegetables and starchy foods be consumed separately from the meat of mammals, birds and fish.”

Colonel Bradford also warns against overeating, a common problem for many of us. After two years in the monastery, says Bradford, “almost the first thing that struck me when I arrived in one of the largest cities in India was the enormous amount of food consumed by people who had enough money for it. I saw one man eat enough food to feed four hard-working Tibetan lamas for a day.”

In addition, Colonel Bradford is horrified by the mixing of products. “Having become accustomed to eating one or two types of food at one sitting, I was amazed when one evening I counted 23 dishes on the host’s table. No wonder people in the West have such poor health. They have very little understanding of how diet, health and strength are connected.”

Colonel Bradford recommends eating slowly, chewing thoroughly what's in your mouth. “Chewing is the first and most important stage in the digestion and absorption of food by the body,” he explains. “Everything a person eats must first be digested in the mouth and only then in the stomach.”

Summing up the discussion about food combinations and the benefits of a balanced diet, the colonel states: “The right combination of foods, the right way to consume them and moderation in food add up to an excellent result. If you have extra pounds, you will lose them, but if you are thin, you will gain weight.”

  1. Never combine meat with starchy foods; however, if you are young and strong, you do not have to strictly adhere to this rule yet.
  2. If coffee is bad for you, don't add milk or cream to it. If everything remains the same, eliminate coffee from your diet.
  3. Chew food until it turns into a liquid slurry; eat less.
  4. Drink one raw egg yolk every day. Do this before or after meals, but not during meals.
  5. Minimize the number of meals you eat at one time. In this article we will try to develop Colonel Bradford's recommendations regarding diet.
In this article we will try to develop Colonel Bradford's recommendations regarding diet.

Natural hygiene and the fountain of youth

Although the basic content of Colonel Bradford's dietary system is similar to Tibetan dietary practices, Peter Kalder admits that its roots are in the popular diet of the 1930s. (as well as now) the Health School "Natural Hygiene".

Indeed, from the point of view of modern natural hygiene, the principles of nutrition professed by Colonel Bradford are absolutely correct. True, a representative of this school would advise giving up coffee altogether, and also not eating raw eggs due to the risk of salmonella infection.

Perhaps Peter Calder had heard or read something about the basic theses of natural hygiene from Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, the man who was able to almost single-handedly revive the 19th century school of philosophy known as “Hygiene.” Dr. Shelton put together, improved and updated the provisions of this teaching and gave it a new name, “Natural Hygiene.” Dr. Shelton published a monthly magazine, wrote a seven-volume textbook; He was also the author of articles in Bernard McFadden's magazines dedicated to physical culture, as well as in other alternative publications that specialized in health issues at that time. For a long time, natural hygiene had, although devoted, few adherents. In 1985, Harvey and Marilyn Diamond published Stepping Up to Life, which addressed health, diet, and natural hygiene. Written in simple language and filled with exciting stories about the successes of different people, this book soon became a bestseller. She taught many a smarter way to live and eat, thereby popularizing the ideas of natural hygiene.

Today, thousands of people are members of the American Society of Natural Hygiene. Despite the fact that hundreds of books have already been written about it, the essence of this system can be expressed in a few phrases. If you follow these simple rules of common sense, then both your health and your entire life will improve so much that it’s hard to even imagine:

  1. Eat simple, mostly uncooked plant-based foods.
  2. Combine products wisely.
  3. Breathe fresh air.
  4. Expose your body to the sun as often as possible every day. However, never allow your skin to burn.
  5. Drink plain clean water.
  6. Sleep and rest should last at least 8 hours a day.
  7. Spend at least 20 minutes on physical exercise three times a week. Some experts recommend aerobic exercises: jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.; others advise weightlifting or performing sudden movements. Most people agree that walking for half an hour every day at a brisk pace is an excellent and versatile exercise.
  8. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  9. Always strive to maintain emotional balance through action rather than reaction.
  10. Avoid extreme temperatures.
  11. Educate your family and friends.
Recognizing that not everyone is to the taste of the raw plant foods promoted by natural hygiene, Dr. Shelton developed several provisions of the system regarding food compatibility and aimed at optimizing digestion. When foods are chosen correctly, the gastrointestinal tract works more efficiently, nutrients are more easily absorbed, which contributes to improved health.

What does “product compatibility” mean?

The question of food compatibility relates to the topic of simultaneous consumption of different types of food: first a spoonful of salad from tomatoes and cucumbers, then steamed vegetables, then a mouthful of porridge or bread flavored with a piece of meat, a sip of fruit juice or some drink - and again to salad In most cases, this cycle repeats until the plate is empty, followed by dessert, washed down with something else.

This mixing of different products does not pass without leaving a trace; Digestion of each of them requires different time intervals (see below). The most concentrated food (usually proteins) is absorbed by the body more slowly than any other, while it begins to be digested first. The time required to assimilate proteins is calculated in hours, and if there are also fats in excess of the desired (absolutely negligible) amount, the process takes even longer.

At the same time, quickly digestible foods, such as vegetables and fruits, have to linger in the stomach, waiting for the “heavy” food to be digested. All this can take a good eight hours. While waiting their turn, fruits, raw and boiled vegetables begin to decompose and ferment in the stomach. The stomach, trying to digest this mess, releases gases, acid, even alcohol (not to mention indigestion).

Digestion of food ends when it reaches the intestines, from where additional enzymes must remove food residues undigested by the body, and minerals must neutralize acids. Clearly stated, food compatibility principles guide you on what you can and cannot combine with what to achieve optimal digestion and good health.

Consequences of the wrong combination of products

What can happen if you do not follow the advice of separate nutrition? Of course, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but, as a rule, when combining foods of different categories, fermentation occurs in the stomach, which causes at least indigestion and heartburn after eating. Other troubles include gas, belching, increased acidity, bloating, fluid accumulation in the body and some mental dullness, the inability to concentrate for a long time after eating.

The wrong combination of foods can slow down digestion for two to eight hours. In this case, a lot of energy is spent on the process of digesting food, which leads to rapid fatigue and the need for additional rest and sleep. All this can cause irritability, depression, hyperesthesia, bad mood, cynicism, as well as the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

In addition, the accumulation of toxins that occurs due to indigestion, provokes a runny nose, underlies many diseases, weakens the immune system, causes premature aging, reduces sexual desire and potency, and can make eggs more vulnerable. In short, the wrong combination of foods can lead to poor physical, mental and mental health, even shortening your life.

Benefits of the right combination of products

Those who practice separate nutrition note an immediate improvement in health, as the load on the gastrointestinal tract is reduced. The right combination of foods guarantees good nutrition, improved digestion, good health, and less stress.

Since fewer toxic substances appear in the body and fermentation processes almost disappear, many consider the problem of food allergies solved. Often, just a few days after starting the right combination of foods, those who have suffered from gas for many years feel completely cured. Perhaps, separate nutrition, like nothing else, helps to tone up and lose weight.

Below you can read about the benefits that the right combination of products brings:

  1. Improved digestion. Your body will digest food much better if you follow the rules for combining foods. Gas, bloating, constipation, belching - everything that has bothered you for years - will soon almost disappear or completely stop bothering you - it's just a matter of a few days. Many people say: “I can’t eat separately. It's too difficult." In this case, it may be advisable to conduct the experiment within one week. By offering this solution, we know that once they have experienced what good digestion comes from the right combination of foods, these people will no longer want to return to the old way of eating.
  2. Weight loss. When you start using separate meals, you will begin to look forward to the upcoming weigh-in with pleasure. Why? Yes, because all your extra pounds, fat thighs, piquant arms and cellulite folds will disappear, as if by magic. Most of those who correctly combine foods are pleased to note that every week they lose from one and a half to two and a half kilograms of excess weight, and precisely due to fat deposits, and not just due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
    As for me, in the first 4 months after I started eating only one category of food at a time and practicing the principles of natural hygiene, my weight decreased from ninety-six kilograms (with a height of 164 cm) to a comfortable seventy-two!
    Due to the fact that digestion will improve, the cells of your body will need significantly less water for cleansing, and your stomach will no longer be bloated due to its retention in the body; Your figure will become slim and fit. To feel full, you will need less food, which means your daily calorie intake will decrease, and with it your weight!
    Rapid saturation is explained by the fact that the body will now be able to process and absorb more nutrients.
    In addition, you will save a lot of money, since you will need much less food. The most important thing is that the less you eat, the longer you will live. The degree of wear and tear of the body from the process of digestion will decrease. Luigi Cornano, an Italian aristocratic writer of the 19th century, ate twice a day, eating a total of about 360 grams of food and drinking up to 420 grams of grape juice. Correctly combining products and thus preserving the energy of the digestive system, he lived for 102 years. He began to adhere to such a system at the age of 35, when, due to all sorts of excesses, his health deteriorated sharply. He heeded the advice of doctors to lead a more sensible way of life in order to avoid imminent death, and became one of the greatest promoters of health.
  3. Increase in energy. When you eat foods of one category, the body saves a lot of energy on processing food, as a result of which you will feel a surge of new energy.
  4. Good health. Separate meals will give rest to the gastrointestinal tract and make you feel refreshed, more energetic; you will feel better and you will need much less time to sleep. You will become more cheerful - because foods that do not combine with each other will not “conflict” in your stomach. All this will create a feeling of health and happiness.

Product compatibility table

Below is a table classifying foods by category, which will help you combine foods correctly and maintain a healthy diet. Some other components of different categories are listed in the section “Time spent by the body to digest foods.”

  • PROTEINS (proteins). Nuts and seeds, peanuts, eggs, soybeans (beans), dried beans, dry peas, milk, cheese, lentils, sunflower shoots, chickpea shoots, lentil shoots, meat (mammals, fish, birds).
  • STARCH PRODUCTS. Potatoes, chestnuts, bread, coconuts, mature starchy grains, sweet potatoes, yams, pasta, beans, fresh lima beans, autumn squash, grains and grains, salsify (oat root), Jerusalem artichokes, round artichokes, pumpkin, parsnips.
  • FATS. Avocados, olives, vegetable oil, seeds, butter*, nuts, cream, peanuts, margarine, soy, rendered pork fat.
  • SOUR FRUITS. Oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, strawberries, kiwis, tomatoes, kumquats, lemons, limes, pomegranates.
  • SWEET AND SOUR FRUITS. Mangoes, cherries, apples, peaches, plums, apricots, various berries, most grapes, pears, nectarines (smooth peach).
  • SWEET FRUIT. Bananas, dates, persimmons, Thompson grapes, nutmeg, papaya, dried fruits.
  • MELON. Watermelon, white cantaloupe, cantaloupe, cantaloupe, winter melon, Crenshaw melon, Christmas melon, Persian and Canary melon.
  • PRODUCTS WITH LOW STARCH CONTENT OR NO STARCH CONTENT. Celery, bok choy, cauliflower, kohlrabi, eggplant, onions, green beans, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, summer squash, bell peppers, asparagus, beets, garlic, cabbage, sweet peas, kale, carrots, spinach, young sweet grains, broccoli, bok choy, turnips, lettuce, alfalfa shoots.

The time it takes the body to digest food

Use the following information to determine the time required for digestion, the best food combinations, and the recommended amount of food.

  • Water. When you drink water on an empty stomach, it immediately enters the intestines.
  • Juices. Fruit juices, as well as vegetable juices and broths, are digested in 15-20 minutes.
  • Semi-liquid products. Mixed salads (mix lettuce, celery, cucumber and tomato in a mixer until liquid; eat it like soup), as well as vegetables and fruits, are digested within 20-30 minutes.
  • Fruits. Watermelon is digested in 20 minutes. It will be best if at one meal it is the only fruit (berry) on your table. Other melons (such as cantaloupe, crenshaw, and honeydew) require 30 minutes to digest. You can mix 2 different varieties of melons, but do not eat more than half a kilogram at a time.
  • Oranges, grapes and grapefruits also require half an hour to digest. Sometimes you can mix two types, but the total mass should also not exceed half a kilogram.
  • Apples, pears, peaches, cherries and other semi-sweet fruits digested in 40 minutes. You can mix two or three of their types, making sure, however, not to eat more than 350-500 g at a time.
  • Raw vegetables. Vegetables that go into salads raw, such as tomatoes, lettuce (romaine, Boston, red, leafy, garden), cucumbers, celery, red or green peppers and other juicy vegetables, require 30-30 minutes for processing. 40 minutes. If vegetable oil is added to the salad, the time increases to more than an hour. These vegetables can also be combined with each other, since they require the same amount of time to digest. Using the method described above (see “Semi-liquid products”), you can mix them with a mixer.
  • Vegetables steamed or boiled in water. Greens (escarole salad, spinach, kale) are digested in 40 minutes.
  • Zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, boiled corn with butter digested in 45 minutes.
  • For the body to process such roots, like turnips, carrots, beets and parsnips, it will take at least 50 minutes.
    Note: two or three types of these vegetables can be combined (120 g each; in total - no more than 240 g). Eat the greens first, then the roots.
  • Vegetables containing starch. Foods such as Jerusalem artichokes, acorns, pumpkins, sweet and regular potatoes, yams and chestnuts will take about an hour to digest. Any two types of the listed products can make up the main dish on your table.
  • Starchy foods. Hulled rice, buckwheat, millet (it is preferable to use these cereals), corn flour, oatmeal, quinoa, Abyssinian broom, pearl barley are digested on average in 60-90 minutes. The maximum amount intended for consumption is 120 g of dry weight, which when boiled gives 480 g.
  • Legumes - starches and proteins. Lentils, lima and regular beans, chickpeas, cayanus (pigeon peas), etc. require 90 minutes to digest. Maximum per person - 120 g dry weight (210 g boiled). 30-45 g of dry weight can be combined with 90-120 g of rice and eaten either all together or legumes after rice. Soybeans are digested in 120 minutes (maximum 30-120 g at a time).
  • Seeds and nuts. Sunflower, pumpkin, melon and sesame seeds take about two hours to digest. In total, you can eat from 30 to 120 g of two different types of seeds. Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts (raw), cashews, pecans, walnuts and Brazil nuts take 2.5-3 hours to digest. Eat only one type of nut at a time, and, unless you are engaged in heavy physical work, no more than 90 g. If seeds and nuts are soaked in water overnight and then crushed, they will be absorbed faster.
  • Dairy products (not recommended). Low-fat homemade cheese, cottage cheese and feta cheese are processed in about 90 minutes. Maximum at a time - from 120 to 240 g.
    Curd from whole milk is digested in 2 hours. Eat no more than 240g in one sitting.
    Whole milk hard cheese, such as Swiss or Mienster, requires 4-5 hours to digest. At one time - maximum 60-120 g.
    Note: Hard cheeses take longer to digest than all other foods due to the large amount of fats and proteins they contain.
  • Animal proteins: It takes 30 minutes to process an egg yolk, 45 for a whole egg. The norm is 1-2 eggs per day.
  • Fish like regular and small cod, flounder, and halibut fillet is digested in half an hour. Maximum - no more than 180 g, you can mix 2 types.
    Salmon, trout, tuna, herring (fattier fish) are processed in the stomach within 45-60 minutes. The rules are the same as in the previous paragraph.
  • Chicken (without skin)- in one and a half to two hours. Maximum - 120 g.
  • Turkey (without skin)- two to two hours and fifteen minutes. Eat no more than 120 g at a time.
  • Beef and lamb digested within three to four hours. Norm - 120 g.
  • To be reworked pork, it will take 4.5-5 hours. The norm is the same 120 g.
  • Vegetable oil, butter, fats: Olive oil and any other oil with the same production method can be added to salads, steamed vegetables and other foods. This applies to both salted and unsalted (which is preferable) butter, but dairy products should still be avoided. Add no more than 15-30 g of vegetable oil or 1-2 tablespoons of butter to your food.

Nine Natural Hygiene Rules for Combining Products

Now that you know how long it takes for your body to digest different foods and how they are classified, let's take a look at Dr. Herbert Shelton's tips on food compatibility:

  1. Avoid eating protein-rich foods with foods containing large amounts of starch. Colonel Bradford and the lamas emphasized the extreme importance of this principle. Why? Because proteins can be properly absorbed by the body if there is a lot of acid in the stomach, which destroys the amylase contained in saliva - and this enzyme is necessary for the breakdown of starch. As a result, proteins and starch cannot be processed simultaneously. Does this mean giving up meat and potatoes at dinner? Yes, if you want your digestion to be painless and your health to be strong!
  2. Don't pair starchy foods with foods that contain acid (see point 1).
  3. Don't eat more than one protein-rich food at a time. Different types of proteins require different periods of time for their processing and different work of the digestive secretion glands. If for the assimilation of even one protein product the body is strongly strained, then when processing two or more, too much energy will be expended. By limiting yourself to one thing that contains protein, you thereby conserve your energy, avoiding unnecessary waste and subsequent fatigue.
  4. Do not combine sour fruits with proteins. Pepsin, an enzyme necessary for the digestion of proteins, is destroyed by most acids, including fruit acids. Pepsin reacts neutrally only to hydrochloric acid.
  5. Do not mix proteins with fats. Fats prevent the secretion of gastric juice and interfere with the digestion of proteins.
  6. Do not combine starchy foods and sweets in one meal. When sugar and starch enter the body together, the sugar is processed first. The sugar in the stomach is fermented, producing an enzyme that breaks down the amylase in saliva needed to process starch. If you eat cereals and fruits for breakfast and then suffer from indigestion, then the reason is now known, as well as ways to avoid it. Eat only fruits - the body will digest natural sugars, and you will get rid of fermentation processes.
  7. Do not mix egg whites and sugar. Sugar also prevents the secretion of gastric juice, which interferes with the digestion of proteins. It is digested after proteins and, waiting for its turn, begins to ferment.
  8. Eat melon separately. Melon is digested unusually quickly. If you eat it before meals or just on its own, it will instantly pass through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Almost all my life I tried not to eat watermelons and cantaloupe melons, because after them I had terrible colic and gas. Now I eat one type of melon at a time and simply enjoy its sweetness and freshness and ease of digestion!
  9. Avoid milk and dairy products, but if avoiding them is not an option, do not combine them with anything else. The enzyme chymosin, necessary for the digestion of milk in sufficient quantities, is present only in infants. Proponents of natural hygiene, like many doctors (including, much to the regret of dairy industry magnates, Dr. Spock), call for eliminating milk and dairy products from the diet. Adults do not have an enzyme capable of digesting milk, which causes allergies. Milk cannot be combined with anything, since it contains a lot of fats and proteins.
At first, the rules for separate meals may seem complicated to you. The diagram on the next page will present them in a more simplified form and help you plan your meals.

As we can see, the lamas gave the colonel sound advice, largely intersecting with time-tested principles of natural hygiene. However, some of his recommendations deserve closer attention.

Thus, he states: “Your meal can consist of only meat. If you want, you can mix several different types. Eating butter, eggs and cheese along with meat won’t do much harm, you can even drink a little tea or coffee, but you definitely shouldn’t combine all this with something sweet or starchy - sweets, puddings, cakes.”

Of course, proponents of natural hygiene will never advise eating only meat at one meal, since they know (and modern medical research confirms this) that the oversaturation of meat with proteins poses a threat to health. In addition, the combination of bread and meat causes fermentation, gas and digestive stress in some people. The colonel's earlier advice to eat one thing at a time seems much closer to the truth than what he says in the above passage. Obviously, what he said is due to the search for a compromise that would help people take the first step towards switching to a new diet.

Colonel Bradford has nothing against milk, tea and coffee. This is also a compromise for beginners. Natural hygiene claims that your health will benefit if you stop eating these foods. Tea and coffee contain alkaloids harmful to humans, and a component of pasteurized milk is the protein component casein, which is part of the strongest glue known today that can hold wood together. Is it any wonder that, after eating a lot of cheese or ice cream, the next day you feel like everything is stuck together inside and you cannot do without a laxative? Now the reason is known.

Unfortunately, contrary to what you may believe in the expensive dairy product advertisements, milk is not good for your body. If in doubt, explain to me why hemorrhoids, which I suffered from for many years, disappeared as soon as I stopped (on the advice of a doctor) consuming milk and dairy products? And if you don’t believe this personal proof of mine, go to the library and look up medical research from the last twenty years, which clearly and unequivocally states that milk should be avoided altogether!

The Colonel doesn't talk much about drinks (except for tea and coffee), but almost everyone drinks something during meals. Representatives of the school of natural hygiene advise not to drink anything while eating, since liquid dilutes enzymes and stomach acids, preventing them from digesting food. By drinking something at the table, you do not allow the digestion process to complete. Some modern researchers disagree with this, but those who practice the “no drinking with meals” rule find that it only benefits them.

Listen to your body - it will tell you more reliably than any research what is best for it.

Colonel Bradford praises raw eggs; We also consider egg yolk to be the most optimal protein product. However, the eggs sold in supermarkets today too often contain the salmonella virus, so we would not recommend drinking raw eggs. To cook soft-boiled eggs, bring water to a boil and turn off the heat. Keep the eggs in it for three minutes, then remove and eat only the yolks. Discard the whites unless you are an athlete or do heavy physical labor.

It is believed that egg yolks have a good effect on the brain and physical health. Colonel Bradford agrees with this without reservation. Let us remember his words: “I already knew that egg yolks are nutritious, but I understood their true value only after meeting another European in a monastery who had previously studied biochemistry. He told me that eggs contain a good half of all the useful substances necessary for the functioning of the brain, nervous system, and the whole body in general. Although in tiny quantities, these elements must be supplied to the body to ensure mental and physical health.”

Colonel Bradford gives another valuable tip: chew your food thoroughly. The school of natural hygiene teaches us to chew food until it turns into a liquid pulp. A. Spallanzani (1729-1799), one of the first researchers of gastric digestion, discovered that ripe cherries and grapes, but swallowed whole, exit the body intact. This interesting observation once again shows how important it is to chew food thoroughly. Only that which is as close as possible to liquid in consistency is absorbed.

Consistent nutrition: the final touch to the right combination of foods

So, following the rules of separate nutrition will greatly improve your digestion and overall well-being. But if you want to go further and further improve your digestion and health, then you will want to try consistent nutrition, which we call the pinnacle of food combining.

The energy saved through consistent nutrition can be used for therapeutic purposes, used to cleanse the body of toxins, for mental work or emotional activity.

According to Colonel Bradford, food is digested one by one, layer by layer. What was eaten first will be processed first, and if you eat consistently, the enzymes needed for each type of food can be released freely without mixing with each other (see “The Benefits of Proper Food Combinations”). In this case, all the food will be digested in a few hours, without giving you any unpleasant sensations.

Patients who come to me and complain of poor digestion - abdominal pain, constant belching, bloating, constipation, diarrhea - are usually advised to switch from traditional foods to better ones. I say they should avoid highly processed foods and snacks of all kinds, and instead eat raw vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits. Some people flatly refuse to give up their established eating habits. But I don't write them off as hopeless - I suggest first simply changing the sequence of food they eat. In less than a week, many of their digestive problems disappear! Of course they are happy with the result. After this start, many take the next steps to change their diet.

I continue to work on the patient’s diet as long as he wants it and can follow my recommendations. But my main recommendation remains consistent nutrition. Those patients whose digestion has improved, due to which nutrients have become better absorbed, and their health has generally stabilized - these people are already ready to change their diet.

Another important result of consistent eating is rapid weight loss. Think about it: when you fill your mouth with all sorts of foods, your appetite works in earnest, as a result of which you eat much more than what your body really needs. By eating consistently, even without special selection of foods, you will still lose weight because you will eat less!

Basic principles of consistent nutrition

Contrary to popular belief, food does not mix in the stomach unless you mix it first. Swallowed food is digested one by one, layer by layer.

In Dr. William Howell's Textbook of Physiology we read: “Dr. Grützner fed the rats alternately pieces of food of different colors. When after some time the rats were euthanized and their stomachs were opened, it was discovered that the layers of food were not mixed with each other.”

Another well-known case confirming the hypothesis of the gradual digestion of food in the stomach occurred during the Civil War in the United States of America. It is described by the famous physiologist Dr. Beaumont: one soldier had a gunshot wound to the abdomen, which caused a hole in the stomach. It remained open for some time, and several doctors were able to see that food was being digested in the stomach in stages.

If you want to see this for yourself, eat watermelon first, then salad, and then cheese. When the time comes, you will be able to verify that your stool consists of different layers: first the remains of watermelon will come out - they will be reddish in color, then followed by a dark brown salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, and last will be the light brown remains of cheese. All this will leave the body in the order in which it entered. This experiment is available to everyone, but remember that watermelon, salad and cheese must be eaten sequentially.

When foods enter the stomach one by one, different digestive processes occur in different layers of food. For each layer, different enzymes are released from the gastric walls, resulting in increased efficiency of the entire digestive process.

Let me tell you the basic principle of nutrition professed by Natural Hygiene: eat foods in order of decreasing wateriness. Finally, eat the least watery and most concentrated food. NEVER do the opposite.

Colonel Bradford also emphasizes the importance of consistent nutrition. This type of eating is closely related to its promotion of eating one type of food at a time. In animals and primates, for whom it is natural to eat this way, digestion is not hampered in any way.

Below are simple rules for consistent eating:

  1. Start your meal with the most watery food and end with the least watery.
  2. Most drinks dilute and wash out digestive enzymes from the stomach, which creates difficulties in the process of digesting food. Don't drink anything with your meal.
  3. Vegetables and fruits go well together if eaten in the right order. Eat vegetable salad (without adding vegetable oil) before fruit to better absorb minerals.
  4. If you eat more than once a day, do not combine fruit with processed foods. If you eat fruits after starchy, protein or fat-containing foods, they will not be able to leave the stomach until the long-digesting food and what went there earlier are digested. If fruits remain in the stomach for hours, where starches, proteins and fats have accumulated in addition to them, then they will certainly begin to ferment. And this, in turn, will cause the formation of gases and acids, belching and indigestion. Whereas, if you eat fruit before everything else, no troubles will most likely arise.
  5. If you eat once a day, then for better absorption of food, take a half-hour break between fruits and cooked vegetables.
  6. Never eat acidic foods, including sour fruits, after starchy foods.
  7. Never eat anything sweet, drink syrup, or eat fresh or dry fruit after starchy, protein-rich, or fatty foods.
  8. Followers of traditional cuisine can eat fish, but it is better to do this before or after potatoes, because they are digested quickly. (The ratio of starch content in potatoes and cereals is expressed as 1: 10). This is one of the exceptions when you can combine starches and proteins.
  9. You can combine products from some categories because they have approximately the same digestion time. For example,
    • two different varieties of melons or three varieties of fresh and juicy fruits go well together;
    • you can prepare a salad from juicy raw vegetables - such as tomatoes, several types of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, red and green peppers, as well as other raw vegetables and herbs;
    • It is better to eat vegetables prepared in different ways in several stages: first greens, then vegetables of a denser consistency (zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli) and only then hard root vegetables such as carrots, rutabaga, beets and turnips;
    • Several varieties of potatoes are also compatible; Sweet potatoes, or yams, are best left for last. You can eat some grains before potatoes, and raw they can be used instead of fruit;
    • With good digestion, you can combine different cereals. After porridge it is good to eat some beans. For example, to 120 g of rice you can add 30 g of lentils (the weight of the dry product is indicated);
    • Two different types of seeds go well together - for example, sunflower and pumpkin or sesame. Sometimes two types of nuts are combined, but it’s better to limit yourself to one. If you soak seeds and nuts in water overnight and crush them before eating, they will be absorbed more effectively;
    • 2-3 types of fish can be freely combined with each other, as well as two types of poultry or meat. However, do not forget that excessive variety should be avoided, as it leads to overeating.

The right combination of products

Here is a plan for a properly planned meal:

  1. 240 g of carrot, celery and cucumber juice, which will take about 15 minutes to process;
  2. 240-360 g of vegetable salad (romaine lettuce, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers and red or green peppers, processed in a mixer until smooth), which will be digested in 20 minutes;
  3. 360-500 g of two varieties of melons or fresh juicy fruits (apple and pear). Processing time - 30 minutes;
  4. (optional) 30-60 g of seeds or nuts (2-3 hours for processing).

The diagram shows that vegetable juice occupies zone (a) in the stomach within 15 minutes.

Vegetable salad (6) leaves the stomach after 20 minutes, 5 minutes later than the juice.

Melon or fruit (c) remain in the stomach for 30 minutes, 10 minutes longer than salad.

If you eat sunflower or pumpkin seeds (g), they will be digested for about two and a half hours and will leave the stomach after the fruit.

Three meals a day according to Dr. Bass

Eat foods (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the order indicated in the text. When moving on to the next dish, do not return to the previous one. Each meal is completely balanced and contains all the nutrients necessary for health.


  • (A) 220 g vegetable juice made from equal parts carrot, celery and cucumber juice.
  • (B) 220 g vegetable salad of tomatoes, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, celery and/or red or green peppers.
  • (B) Watermelon - no more than 500 g. Watermelon can be replaced with the same amount of other fruits (two or three types) or 2-4 bananas.
  • (D) 240-500 g in the amount of your choice:
    • 1-2 soft-boiled eggs;
    • 30 g raw seeds or nuts;
    • 120 g of porridge (oatmeal, millet, hulled rice or buckwheat, potatoes, yams, cereals, squash. It is better to replace nuts and seeds with egg yolks).


  • (A) Vegetable juice (see "Breakfast"),
  • (B) 220-360 g of salad of greens, tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • (B) Any one fruit or 1-2 raw ears of corn.
  • (D) Raw seeds or nuts (30-60 g) or avocados (240 g). Twice a week, nuts can be replaced with feta cheese, unsalted and low-fat cottage cheese or cheese such as cheddar or Munster (60-120 g). Those who do not follow a vegetarian diet can eat fish twice a week.


  • (A) Juice from tomato, cucumber and zucchini (240 g).
  • (B) 240-360 g of salad of greens, tomatoes and cucumbers, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • (B) 1-2 steamed vegetables (each 120 g).
  • (D) Choose two products: one cob of corn, or pumpkin with potatoes, or potatoes with yams (in total no more than 500 g). Three times a week, follow this rotation: on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th days, eat an ear of corn, or potatoes with any vegetable from the pumpkin family, or potatoes with yams (all together - not over 500 g). On the 2nd, 4th and 6th days to (A), (B) and (C) add 90-120 g (dry product weight) of hulled rice, millet and buckwheat, as well as 30 g (also dry weight product) lima beans, lentils or chickpeas.

Those who eat meat should skip point (D) at lunch, instead of which you can eat one potato or 240-360 g of boiled husked rice, buckwheat, millet or other cereal, followed by 120 g of fish, meat, chicken or turkey. Even at first, do not eat meat more than five times a week, gradually reducing this frequency to two or three times a month.

You can eat fish two or three times a week, or chicken instead of fish, but only once a week. Chicken can sometimes be replaced with one or two eggs.

When you eat out, first eat a salad of greens, cucumbers and tomatoes, then potatoes, then fish or chicken. In a Chinese restaurant you can order vegetables, then fish, and then rice. Vegetarians will be able to give up meat by taking more vegetables and then rice.

If you want to lose weight, switch to two meals a day. Skip breakfast or lunch, but don't forget lunch. Your extra pounds will literally melt away! If you eat only raw foods, replace dinner with lunch (lunch in the morning and lunch in the evening). Change your lunch main dish daily. Make breakfast one of your three meals.

Perhaps you are unable to give up your usual diet. But even in this case, you can still avoid chaotic absorption of products. Just follow the basic rule of consistent eating: start with the most watery foods and end with the most solid and concentrated ones. However, a wise person will try to live as wisely as possible - he will eat foods of the highest quality, alternating them correctly and not exceeding the norm.

What is the nutritional norm? This is the minimum amount of food that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients for a long and joyful life, in which there will be no place for disease and decrepitude. Many nutrition experts advise eating three times less than we are used to; others recommend getting up from the table feeling hungry. Colonel Bradford gives the example of Tibetan lamas who ate little and lived very well on their meager diet.

Product Compatibility Questions

How to properly add vitamins to food?

If you follow the advice outlined in this article and stick to a vegetarian diet, your body will already be provided with all the necessary vitamins, except perhaps vitamin B12, which can be specifically taken a couple of times a week.

Although many experts argue that a vegetarian's digestive tract produces this vitamin itself, others disagree with them, recommending that B12 be taken from outside.

Will the body experience protein starvation without meat?

Numerous studies by doctors and physiologists have proven that Westerners consume too much protein, which contributes to the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, colon cancer, etc. By giving up meat, you will thereby stop poisoning your body with antibiotics, growth hormones (and more). God knows what), with which they stuff poor animals on meat farms so that they quickly gain weight so that they can be sent to slaughter. By eating 90-120 g of raw unsalted nuts or a couple of soft-boiled eggs a day, as Colonel Bradford advises, you will provide the body with the necessary amount of protein.

You advise not to drink milk or eat dairy products. How then can you replenish calcium reserves?

Studies have shown that plant foods contain enough calcium. Quite a lot of it is found in leafy greens, raw nuts and seeds, cereals, fresh and dried fruits, vegetables like broccoli or string beans, and fish like sardines and salmon.

How will such a diet affect the cholesterol level in the blood?

After giving up meat and dairy products and switching to a vegetarian diet, your cholesterol levels will decrease significantly.

To achieve a similar effect and/or lower blood pressure, some doctors prescribe medications that the person must take for the rest of his life. By replacing them with a plant-based diet, the Five Rituals, and maybe even brisk walking every day, you'll save money and avoid the terrible side effects of medications.

This diet does not fit in with the traditionally recommended four food groups, nor with the new nutrition system compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture. Should the latter be ignored?

A reading of the books of such medical authorities as Dr. John McDougal, Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Michael Claper would lead any reasonable person to conclude that meat and dairy products are one of the causes of disease and ill health. In Neal Bernard's book, Food for Life, you will read how the idea that the "true" four food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains and beans) are the healthiest foods has become the scientific basis for a vegetarian diet. You may also want to check out Dr. Dean Ornish's program, Making Heart Disease Go Away. Or study what is called the vegetarian's handbook - "The Path to Perfect Health and a Slim Figure for Life" by McDougal.

I am already over 60. Will separate meals eliminate the consequences of previous indiscriminate eating?

This cannot be guaranteed, but you will certainly feel better. Natural hygiene does not promise instant results. The school of hygiene claims that if you start eating right, doing exercise, getting enough sleep and rest, and following the other tips given above, the body will heal itself. Unpleasant phenomena such as indigestion, gas, constipation, heartburn, etc. will appear much less frequently or disappear altogether. Some note a significant improvement in health even with chronic diseases, although hygiene does not guarantee this.

Several years of a healthy lifestyle cannot always completely eliminate the results of many years of harmful effects on the body, but in any case, serious changes for the better can be achieved.

Do you need to ensure that children combine foods correctly?

If a child has gas, belching, upset or constipation, then separate and consistent nutrition should reduce or completely eliminate these phenomena. But if your family already consumes mainly plant foods, then it is not necessary to torment your child with the rules of combining foods, since natural food itself ensures normal digestion. Unlike adults, whose digestion is spoiled by years of consumption of food substitutes and all kinds of drinks, the child has not yet been exposed to the wrong combination and sequence of foods. Eating should be a holiday for the child (and adults too); it should not result in scolding, forcing rules and escalating the atmosphere at the table. If dishes are served in the correct sequence, children will quickly acquire healthy habits without unnecessary teaching.

Will separate feeding help people suffering from ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcers, hypoglycemia, etc.?

Most people who use separate meals benefit; they suffer less from disorders, gas and belching.

However, if you are concerned, talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet or lifestyle. If you feel unsure about the principles of separate nutrition, consult with a specialist knowledgeable in alternative diets. Most traditionally trained medical and nutritionists are not very knowledgeable about food combinations, vegetarian diets, and overall health. For example, most American medical students devote a negligible amount of time during their studies to nutrition. They study diseases and how to use medications to achieve partial relief from the symptoms of the disease. Modern medical education does not provide information about natural medicines and the body's ability to heal itself. Ironically, the average lifespan of doctors is shorter than that of many other professions.

So, if you want to get qualified advice regarding the compatibility of foods or nutrition in general, look for a specialist in “real” health.

What is the optimal amount of food for health?

This is the minimum quality food that provides the body with the nutrients necessary for a long and happy life without disease and infirmity. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Eat three times less than you are used to. Skip one meal several times a week. Don't snack. Don't eat anything after 19:00. Remember that Luigi Cornano, the Italian Renaissance writer, ate no more than 360 g of food and drank 420 g of grape juice per day! You don't have to restrict yourself this way, but you can actually eat less (see Dr. Bass's Three Meals a Day for how much you can eat).

Are there any side effects or complications associated with switching to separate meals?

Most will feel significant changes for the better. However, after a while, especially if you start eating a plant-based diet, you may experience headaches, stomach pain, runny nose, or flu-like symptoms. Do not rush to the doctor for medicine, just wait a few days.

Such symptoms mean that your body is being cleansed of toxins and poisons that have accumulated over the years due to a less than ideal diet and lifestyle. Stick to bed rest. When you feel thirsty, drink distilled water and eat as little as possible (mostly vegetable juices and citrus fruits). Get more sleep; the room should be well ventilated and with natural light. Take a break from the hustle and bustle for a few days.

When this cleansing phase comes to an end, you will feel lighter than ever!

Is it possible to list the basic principles of separate nutrition?

  1. The less you eat, the faster the food will be digested. More food means more time to process, more energy expended.
  2. The more thoroughly the food is chewed, the faster it is absorbed.
  3. The fewer types of food you mix and the less varied it is, the easier the digestive process will be and the less temptation to eat too much.
  4. One last thing: take Colonel Bradford's excellent advice and don't force things! The Romans built Rome in more than a day, and you can't expect to achieve iron health in a week. Move at your own pace and have fun with it. Five ritual actions and separate meals will bring health that you never dreamed of!
While discussing diet and nutrition, Colonel Bradford also left us with some instructions about the importance of sound and voice for human health and longevity. In the next chapter we will look at these instructions.

Natalia Glotova

Most often, questions regarding the compatibility of products begin to be of interest at the moment when they decide to switch to separate meals or “go on” any diet that requires separate consumption of food. What is the essence of proper separate nutrition, and how does the compatibility of products affect their absorption by the body?

The thing is that to digest different types of food, our body produces digestive juices that differ in composition.

Classification of types of food

When compatible foods are consumed, absorption occurs easily and quickly, since digestive juices of the same type take part in this process. Incompatible foods are digested by different digestive juices, neutralizing each other’s effects. The absorption of incompatible food products is delayed, fermentation and rotting processes develop, which very often becomes the cause of severe intoxication of the body.

A huge number of scientists are studying food compatibility issues and have developed a special food compatibility table. With its help, it is very easy to create your own menu, thereby helping the body cope as best as possible with the food that enters the stomach.

There is a certain classification of products; all their variety is usually divided into the following ten groups:

  • Sweet fruits;
  • Semi-acidic fruits;
  • Sour fruits and berries;
  • Starchy vegetables;
  • Non-starchy vegetables;
  • Moderately starchy vegetables;
  • Protein products;
  • Greenery;
  • Fats;
  • Sahara.

By adhering to the principles of separate nutrition, you can quickly and effectively lose excess weight and improve your body’s health. The compatibility of basic foods is the basis of many diets for losing weight and improving the body, thanks to which many people have become more self-confident and happier.

At first glance, it is not possible to take into account all the rules and remember what can be combined and what cannot, so often separate meals remain only in plans for the future. The product compatibility table was compiled in order to facilitate the memorization process. Over time, all this information will be stored in memory, and following the rules of separate meals will become a habit.

Sweet, sour and semi-sour

Sweet fruits and berries include dates, figs, bananas, persimmons and absolutely all dried fruits. They go best with semi-acidic fruits and kefir. They can be combined with milk, nuts, herbs and vegetables.

When they are mixed with any other food, the fermentation process is provoked, so it is best to consume sweet berries and fruits as an independent food. It is best to drink any juices 30-60 minutes before meals and never after them.

Semi-acidic fruits and berries include apricots, watermelons, mangoes, blueberries and blueberries. This group also includes sweet-tasting melons, pears, peaches, grapes, apples, cherries and plums. Tomatoes also belong to this group because of their properties. The ideal combination is with each other, with sweet and sour fruits, as well as with kefir and yogurt.

The compatibility of these products is ideal for proper nutrition for weight loss. If necessary, semi-acidic fruits can be combined with non-starchy vegetables, herbs, fatty cheese, and cottage cheese. Compounds with other proteins are unacceptable, and with moderately starchy vegetables they provoke fermentation. Blueberries, blueberries and melon are best eaten separately from any other food.

Sour fruits are lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, grapefruits, pineapples and oranges. This group also includes sour-tasting apples, cherries, grapes, plums, as well as blackberries, cranberries and currants.

All of the above fruits go well with milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, as well as semi-acidic fruits. If necessary, they can be combined with herbs, fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts, seeds and non-starchy vegetables. Sour fruits are incompatible with other proteins, starches and sweet fruits.

Non-starchy, moderately starchy and starchy foods

Non-starchy vegetables include cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers and cabbage. They pair best with fats, moderately starchy vegetables, greens and proteins. May occasionally be combined with fruit, but should never be combined with milk.

Moderately starchy vegetables include beets, green peas, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, as well as seaweed, turnips, eggplant and rutabaga. Combinations with herbs, fats, and vegetables are considered successful. Can be combined with cottage cheese, cheese, seeds, nuts and kefir. Combinations with fruits, sugars, proteins and milk are considered harmful to digestion.

The group of starchy products includes rye, oats, wheat, products made from them, as well as rice, pearl barley, buckwheat and millet cereals, potatoes and chestnuts. Starches go perfectly with herbs and vegetables. They can be combined with each other and with fats; it is not advisable to combine them with nuts, seeds and cheese.

Proteins, greens, fats and sugars

The protein group includes eggs, cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, meat and fish. Dry beans, beans, peas, nuts (except peanuts), pumpkin and sunflower seeds also contain protein. Proteins go well with greens, non-starchy vegetables, and can be combined with moderately starchy foods.

It is extremely undesirable to eat them together with fats, semi-acidic and sour fruits, and it is unacceptable to eat them together with sweet fruits, starchy foods and sugars. In the table, among the incompatible foods, the only exceptions are nuts, seeds, fatty cottage cheese and cheeses; they can be eaten together with semi-acidic fruits and sour berries.

The “greens” group includes horseradish, radish, sorrel, onion, dill, parsley, lettuce, as well as chicory, dandelion, acacia and coriander. They can be combined with absolutely any food except milk, so their compatibility with weight loss products is often used when creating diets.

Fats are vegetable oils, fatty sour cream, butter and ghee, lard, cream and other fats of animal origin. They pair best with greens and moderately starchy vegetables. Combinations with starches are acceptable. Harmful combinations: with sugars, fruits, animal proteins.

The group of sugars includes honey, white and yellow sugar, jams and syrups. It is best to consume them an hour or an hour and a half before meals, and always separately from other foods. Sugars can occasionally be combined with greens and non-starchy vegetables.

Hello readers of my blog.
Today I want to continue the topic of proper nutrition started in the article.

I have also already talked about proper nutrition and the importance of balancing them.

Here, I want to talk about another fact that needs to be taken into account when compiling our daily menu - the compatibility of products for proper nutrition.

Eating compatible foods will help our body fully absorb the nutrients of a particular product.

How does this happen?

All food products have a different chemical composition, which of course affects their “digestibility” in our body:
this is the time that needs to be spent on digesting a certain group of foods;
these are certain enzymes that process this food.

Let me explain this in a little more detail.

There are foods that are quickly digested, and there are foods that are slowly digested.
If we use them together, then food, which should quickly leave our body, will linger longer, the digestion process is disrupted - the food is not digested, but simply - rots or ferments!

So, for example, an apple eaten at work ( as a snack) leaves the stomach within half an hour. If we “snacked” an apple after potatoes and meat ( takes more than 4 hours to digest), then it remains with these “slow” products and after 30 minutes it is already completely fermented.

In addition, a particular product in the stomach requires a different environment. So meat needs an acidic environment, and potatoes are “processed” into an alkaline environment.

The large intestine is also involved in all this. In it, food is no longer “processed” by our enzymes, but by our microorganisms - bacteria.

Let's roughly divide them into good and bad.

Good They increase our immunity, help us “absorb” vitamins, process fiber, fight bad bacteria, etc.

Bad– these are all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms that are always present in our body. But some even help - they fight our “wrong” food, help quickly process it and remove it from the body.

So - raw plant food is processed by our well-wishers - beneficial bacteria, and the more and longer we consume such food, the more of them and the stronger our immunity becomes. And when we mix food - meat with salad, then a war begins in the intestines ( and the consequences are gases) who will win.

Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to properly combine foods with proper nutrition so that digestion time, enzymes, etc. more or less coincided, and there will be no imbalance in the process of their processing, because this is the basis.

Of course, we don’t know what we process with what, and what is combined with what.

But there was a doctor, Herbert Shelton, who offered us his table of food compatibility for proper nutrition.

There are controversial points in this table that modern scientists criticize (we know how they feel about everything that contradicts their dogmas).
Of course, we cannot determine the correctness of all combinations of products, so whether to believe or not is up to you.

And further. You can always check with your body, and it will always tell you whether you have chosen the right combination or not.

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition, Shelton table

Some explanations to the table - compatibility of products for proper nutrition

This table contains (vertically and horizontally) the products that we often use in our diet.
The skin product is assigned a number in the “product name” column, which is duplicated in the line with numbers.

For example, line number 9 is “semi-sour fruits” and column number 9 is also “semi-sour fruits”. Their intersection is highlighted in white.

How to Use a Food Combination Chart

The highlighted color means:
Green cell– compatible products.
Yellow– can be combined.
Red– incompatible products.

For example, let’s look at how butter and bread combine.
Butter - No. 3, bread - No. 7. We look at the intersection of No. 3 with No. 7 - we see green, ideal. That is, these are compatible products.

Explanation of some products from the table

No. 8. Tomatoes and sour fruits
These are tomatoes and fruits that have acid - currants, strawberries, pineapples, pomegranates, strawberries, limes, tangerines, grapefruits and oranges.

No. 9. Semi-acidic fruits
This includes - quince, grapes, gooseberries and raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, gooseberries, nectarines and peaches, pears and apples, plums and apricots

No. 10. Sweet fruits
These are figs, bananas, dried fruits, mangoes, persimmons, etc.

No. 11. Non-starchy vegetables
Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, parsnips, celery, sorrel, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, peppers (sweet), rutabaga.
Sprouts: wheat, barley, alfalfa, etc.

No. 12. Starchy vegetables
Artichoke, beans, carrots, corn, peanuts* Jerusalem artichoke, peas, potatoes, pumpkin.
* Peanuts, lentils, legumes and all grains combine both protein and starch.

How to combine food at the table, 7 rules

1. One type of protein food at a time
Let it be fish, or chicken fillet - but only one thing.

2. Carbohydrates and proteins - do not eat together
Protein foods require an acidic environment for digestion.

3. You can’t eat sour and starchy foods together.
Acidic foods neutralize the alkaline environment, which is so necessary for the processing of starch. As a result, fermentation begins in the stomach, as patients say - “the stomach does not cook.”

4. Protein foods and sour fruits should not be eaten together.
Such fruits suppress the secretion of our stomach, which digests protein. And undigested protein is decomposed by bacteria, not enzymes. Which can lead to toxic poisoning.

5. Eat fats and proteins in different dishes.
Some foods, especially nuts, have more than 50% fat, which takes a long time for our body to process.

6. Watermelons, melons - eat without anything
These products cannot be combined with anything in our body. Well, it’s easy - I think few people eat melon or watermelon with something.

7. Eat sweet fruits and protein foods separately

8. Never wash down food with water, tea, juice, etc.

Eh... my favorite sandwich with sweet tea...

The liquid that comes with food dilutes the gastric juice, making it less concentrated, as a result of which its “strength” of digestibility decreases. Food is not digested properly, a lot of unprocessed food enters the intestines and a heaviness is felt in the stomach.

If something is not clear, you can watch a video on the topic, it explains everything perfectly.

Well, that’s all for me for today. I look forward to your comments. Goodbye.