Meals for weight loss menu for the week table. Menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week

For many women and men, nutrition and weight loss, which is closely related to it, remains a pressing topic. Good health, mood and an attractive appearance, which brings with it confidence, depend on this. An incredible number of books are devoted to the topic of proper nutrition, diets, and choosing products for the menu, revealing the secrets of losing weight. But where to start? The best option is to choose a menu for the week for weight loss. In the future, you can use it as the basis of a power supply system.

Basic principles of nutrition for weight loss

There is no universal recipe for how and what to eat to lose weight. To decide on a suitable menu for the week for quick weight loss, you will have to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Over the years of research in this area, scientists have been able to develop a framework that reflects the principles of proper nutrition, taking into account important factors:

  • When losing weight, the menu should remain varied with a balanced content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • A healthy diet involves eating cereals for those who want to lose extra pounds.
  • To maintain the balance of vitamins in the body, you need to include vegetables and fruits in your daily menu.
  • When losing weight, you cannot exclude dairy products from the menu, but as you age, it is better to consume them in limited quantities.
  • The weekly menu must include fish, which is a source of healthy omega-3 acids.
  • It is absolutely impossible to completely exclude fats from the diet, but for weight loss it is better to replace animal products with plant-based ones.

Bad habits disrupt proper nutrition and interfere with weight loss, but physical activity is welcome. Without going to the gym, it will be difficult to lose weight: a menu of dietary dishes and a proper diet are only part of the necessary weight loss program. If you do not want to lose excess weight for a long time, you need to take into account two significant factors. To quickly lose weight, plan a menu for at least a week and eat fresh foods, including lean meat, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, and fruits in your diet.

How to create a menu correctly?

Planning your menu for the week is where you start. This will determine how effectively you can lose weight by getting rid of extra pounds. Another positive side of planning a menu for weight loss involves saving time and money, since meat, vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products, and drinks in a certain quantity will have to be purchased in advance.

Before you go grocery shopping, make or review your menu in advance. When choosing foods and dishes, rely on the daily intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and food compatibility. To lose weight, it is recommended to snack on fresh fruit or nuts between breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, which also needs to be taken into account when creating a menu.

Sample menu for a week for men and women

If you decide to lose weight, start implementing the task using a sample menu for the week for effective weight loss. The extra pounds will not go away immediately. Adhering to the correct diet, create a menu so that you do not experience discomfort in everyday life. Ideally, this regime should be followed all the time and include a variety of foods in the diet. An approximate weekly menu for those who want to lose weight looks like this:

1st day (Monday)

  • For breakfast: oatmeal (100 g), green tea. You can add raisins to the porridge.
  • Snack: 1 glass of low-fat kefir, grain bread (2 pcs.).
  • For lunch: 100 g of boiled rice, chicken breast, tomato, a glass of still mineral water.
  • Afternoon snack: kiwi or low-fat yogurt.
  • For dinner: crab meat, vegetable salad, mineral water.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

  • Daily calorie intake: up to 1200 kcal.
  • For breakfast: 2 pieces of bread, 1 boiled egg, tea or coffee without sugar. It is allowed to replace drinks with tea for weight loss.
  • Snack: nuts, pears.
  • For lunch: beef steak, cucumber or other vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: grain bread, carrot juice.
  • For dinner: stewed fish (low-fat varieties), green salad, still mineral water.

Day 3 (Wednesday)

  • For breakfast: buckwheat porridge (100 g), green tea or coffee.
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese, mineral water.
  • For lunch: octopus salad, soft cheese (60 g), tea.
  • Afternoon snack: natural yogurt (125 g), vegetable salad, dressed with lemon.
  • For dinner: omelet, tomato, mineral water.

Day 4 (Thursday)

  • Daily calorie intake: up to 1185 kcal.
  • For breakfast: oatmeal (100g), grapefruit, green tea or coffee.
  • Snack: 1 boiled egg, vegetable juice.
  • Lunch: risotto with mushrooms, mineral water.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, cottage cheese (125 g), tea.
  • For dinner: vegetable salad with cheese, mineral water.

Day 5 (Friday)

  • Daily calorie intake: up to 1150 kcal.
  • For breakfast: cheese (30 g), grain bread, dried apricots (60 g), green tea.
  • Snack: cottage cheese (125 g), mineral water.
  • For lunch: boiled veal (150 g) with green peas, vegetable juice.
  • Afternoon snack: fried champignons with tomatoes and onions, mineral water.
  • For dinner: shrimp (200 g), greens, mineral water.

Day 6 (Saturday)

  • Daily calorie intake: up to 1120 kcal.
  • For breakfast: buckwheat porridge (100 g), seasoned with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), tea.
  • Snack: fresh tomatoes with basil, mozzarella cheese (100 g).
  • Lunch: grilled fish (100 g), potatoes (boiled), vegetable salad with lemon juice
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt (125 g), mineral water.
  • For dinner: vegetable stew, tea.

Day 7 (Sunday)

  • Daily calorie intake: up to 1140 kcal.
  • For breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), dried fruits (100 g), coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Snack: yogurt (1 glass), grain bread (2 pcs.)
  • Lunch: stewed beans with herbs and lemon, green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: boiled egg (1 pc.), apple, tomato, mineral water.
  • For dinner: boiled veal (150 g), cabbage salad (100 g), mineral water.

Diet recipes for weight loss

For weight loss, it is important to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, you must also plan a menu and follow a diet. The principle of proper nutrition involves the rejection of junk food, the restructuring of the regime, eating in small portions. Together with recipes for dietary dishes, losing weight, bringing the weight closer to optimal parameters, will be faster, and the reward will be a slender figure and a charge of vivacity.

Diet meals for weight loss are built on the basis of two principles: low calorie content and simple cooking process. Preserving the maximum amount of nutrients in meat, fish, vegetables, fruits in the process of creating menu dishes is another important point that distinguishes diet recipes. In this form they will be useful for those who want to lose weight.

Beef with rice and herbs

Based on 800 g of beef tenderloin, take:

  • round rice (2 cups),
  • half a leek stalk,
  • fresh cucumbers (2 small pieces),
  • dill, parsley,
  • thyme (2 sprigs each),
  • soy sauce,
  • Bay leaf,
  • black peas.


  1. Pour plenty of water over the rice in the evening and leave it in the refrigerator until the morning.
  2. Place the meat in a saucepan with cold water, cook over high heat to degrease it, remove after 2 minutes, pouring the broth into the sink.
  3. Put the piece of beef back into cold water, after cutting it into four parts, and boil the meat again.
  4. Tie the sprigs of greenery with a thread with a leek stem and immerse them in boiling water, adding black pepper and bay leaf 10 minutes before the meat is ready.
  5. Preparing a dietary dish takes no more than 60 minutes.
  6. In parallel with the beef, a side dish is prepared. To do this, drain the water from the rice that has settled overnight, wash the cereal, pour water (4 cups) into a saucepan and put it on the fire, bringing it to a boil.
  7. After 15 minutes, remove from heat, add finely chopped cucumber, leek, and soy sauce.
  8. Lemon juice is suitable as a dressing for a dietary dish.

Diet salad (eggplant, apple, green peas)

To prepare a dietary salad, for 300 g of eggplant you need to take:

  • apple (1 pc.),
  • green peas (100 g),
  • boiled egg;


  1. Remove the skin from the eggplants and lightly simmer with a little oil in a frying pan.
  2. Add the diced onion, stir and immediately remove from heat.
  3. When the vegetables have cooled, mix them with chopped apple pieces, green peas and egg.
  4. Supplement the diet salad with dressing to taste. Vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) or lemon juice and salt are suitable for this purpose.

Omelette with cottage cheese and spinach

An excellent recipe on the menu for weight loss would be an airy omelette, which is prepared from:

  • low-fat cottage cheese (50 g),
  • eggs (2 pcs.),
  • olive oil (1 tbsp),
  • spinach (70 g).


  1. Beat the egg yolks with a little water, mix with the fried spinach, then add the whites.
  2. Place the omelette in a frying pan with cottage cheese in the center and fry the flatbread. Fold in half before serving.
  3. Use grated cheese to top the diet omelette.

Healthy eating: menu for the week , compiled taking into account the daily need for biologically active substances, helps provide all vital systems of the human body, brings gastronomic pleasure, and helps prolong youth and health.

Important! The main difference between a healthy diet and various diets is the need to change your eating lifestyle, and not just limit the consumption of certain food groups for a relatively short period of time.

Such nutrition implies a conscious refusal of foods that are harmful to health. The Dukan diet offers the same thing - a menu for every day, the table of which shows in great detail the permitted foods.

  • sweet carbonated water, energy drinks;
  • smoked meats, marinades and pickles;
  • chips and fast food;
  • mayonnaise and canned food.

Basic concepts of healthy eating

By following the simple rules of a healthy nutritional diet, you can achieve lasting positive results: ideal weight, slim figure, good health.

Set of rules for healthy eating:

  1. Breakfast is a must! Nutritionists recommend eating the most nutritious foods before 15:00, since metabolic processes are more active before lunch.
  2. Eating 5 meals a day ensures gentle functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Drink a glass of warm water before each main meal.
  4. Drink water according to daily needs and at least 1.5 liters.
  5. Daily adherence to a meal plan facilitates the work of the stomach, allowing it to produce the necessary amount of juice necessary for digestion.
  6. A balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily menu provides the nutritional value of food.
  7. It is recommended to plan your evening meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  8. The caloric content of food is of great importance, since eating high-calorie foods in large quantities leads to excessive obesity, while eating low-calorie foods provokes weight loss and exhaustion.
  9. When compiling an optimal diet, it is necessary to take into account lifestyle, climate, type of nervous system, age - all these concepts affect the speed of metabolic processes.
  10. You can diversify the dishes you eat with the help of spices, herbs and seasonings.
  11. High-quality products that have undergone minimal heat treatment are most useful in creating a healthy diet.
  12. Eating raw, boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods.
  13. Refusal of smoked, fried, pickled and salted foods.
  14. Increasing the consumption of plant foods rich in fiber: vegetables, herbs and fruits.These products help to naturally cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, toxins and carcinogens.

Did you know? Planning and carrying out the 1st fasting per week promotes weight loss.

Diet healthy eating: menu for a week that promotes weight loss

A weekly menu that promotes weight loss should be optimally balanced and varied, which is why it can be called healthy.

Interesting! You can include your favorite dishes in the weekly menu, but they should be repeated no more than once a week.

An important point in maintaining a healthy diet is constant monitoring of weight and well-being.

The following example will help you create an optimal healthy eating menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: porridge seasoned with a handful of nuts and steamed dried fruits, a boiled egg, a cup of cocoa.
  • Lunch: 2 baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins.
  • Dinner: chicken soup, whole grain bread, a portion of low-fat steamed or boiled fish.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or acidophilus.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad seasoned with kefir, balsamic vinegar or vegetable oil, stewed or boiled chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: porridge, a glass of yogurt, unsweetened tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: 100-150 g of a mixture of dried fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetable cream soup, chicken with stewed vegetables, fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with the addition of chopped herbs.
  • Dinner: rice with seafood, a handful of olives.


  • Breakfast: porridge, hard cheese, coffee or chicory.
  • Lunch: 1-2 citrus fruits
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, veal with vegetable side dish, berry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: skim cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew.


  • Breakfast: steam omelette, vegetable salad, ginger tea.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: meat soup with croutons, lazy cabbage rolls or vegetable stew, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 cup unsweetened yogurt with a handful of dried fruits or nuts.
  • Dinner: fish casserole, vinaigrette.


  • Breakfast: 100 - 135 g whole grain bread, a slice of cheese and red fish.
  • Lunch: 1 glass of acidophilus, yogurt or fermented baked milk, a handful of dried fruits.
  • Dinner: chicken broth, stewed or sauerkraut, baked chicken, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert: jelly or pudding.
  • Dinner: cheese casserole.


  • Breakfast: porridge, portion of lean pork, coffee.
  • Lunch: salad of fruits, berries, nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetarian pilaf, cheese, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of unsweetened yogurt, biscuit.
  • Dinner: steamed fish cutlets with grilled vegetables, unsweetened tea.


  • Breakfast: porridge, poached egg, cheese, coffee.
  • Lunch: a glass of juice and biscuits
  • Dinner: soup with meatballs, vegetable casserole, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with a spoon of honey or jam.
  • Dinner: rice babka with raisins or apples.

Important! The serving size should satisfy hunger without causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Optimally sized portions will fill you up without allowing you to overeat. You should not take very small portions, as regular malnutrition puts the body into a stressful state, thereby contributing to eating disorders, overeating, and, accordingly, the accumulation of fat reserves. Too large portions provoke a feeling of fullness in the stomach and the deposition of extra pounds on the hips and waist.

Sunday can also serve as a fasting day, during which you should consume seasonal vegetables, fruits, water, and tea.

According to fan reviews healthy eating: weekly menu with recipes can be compiled in the form of a table or list and hung in the kitchen. This technique will make it easier to solve the question: “What to cook today?” and will allow you to take into account the gastronomic wishes of all family members.

Conscious choice and adherence to the rules of healthy eating does not mean that now you cannot treat yourself to a piece of cake, chocolate, or delicious pastries. On the contrary, you can allow yourself goodies, but 1-2 times a week and, of course, within reasonable limits.

Following a healthy diet contributes better than any diet to good health, a good figure and an excellent mood.

All kinds of diets popular at the end of the 20th century are being replaced by proper nutrition (PN). These principles are followed by millions of healthy lifestyle supporters around the world. Correct is called fractional nutrition, which includes the required daily intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories. They are calculated individually for each person. PP is approved by nutritionists and adhered to by athletes.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

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    Concept and rules

    Basic principles of proper nutrition:

    1. 1. Often, but little. 4-6 meals in small quantities per day are considered optimal. The average serving is 300 grams for breakfast, lunch and dinner and 150 for a snack. The time interval between them is 2 - 3 hours. It is important to follow a regime so that the body gets used to the arrival of food at a certain time and works well.
    2. 2. Drink to stay slim. It is mandatory to drink plenty of clean, plain water - on average 35 ml per kilogram of weight or 8-10 glasses per day. At the same time, taking into account the physiological characteristics of digestive processes, experts recommend not drinking liquids during meals, but strictly 20-30 minutes before and 1.5-2 hours after. This speeds up metabolic processes and prevents dehydration.
    3. 3. No to sugar and white flour. Confectionery and white sugar are not welcome in the diet of adherents of a balanced diet; they are replaced with healthy sweets: fruits, dried fruits, marshmallows, jelly, dark chocolate and organic sweeteners: honey in limited quantities and products such as stevia, xylitol.
    4. 4. “No” to sausages, smoked meats and other meat substitutes with questionable composition.
    5. 5. The list of prohibited products includes store-bought sauces and food waste in the form of carbonated sweet drinks and snacks with flavor enhancers and flavorings.
    6. 6. The list of products allowed for consumption is quite extensive: various types of lean meat, seafood, most types of fish, eggs, fermented milk and dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, products made from rye and whole grain flour, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils and others.
    7. 7. In the process of preparing dishes, exclusively gentle heat treatment methods are used: in a double boiler, on a non-stick coating, on the grill, stewing, sautéing, boiling.
    8. 8. In the first half of the day, preference is given to carbohydrate foods, in the second and evening - protein foods.
    9. 9. The basics of combining products are proposed in the diagram.

    Proper nutrition is suitable for men, women, children of any age. It can be followed by both those losing weight and those not pursuing such a goal. To get rid of excess weight, the daily diet is composed of a calorie deficit, which is calculated individually.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss: menu

    Proper nutrition for weight loss is the best way to say goodbye to excess weight and not harm your health. The main advantage of this method is considered to be gradual, which allows you to maintain the result for a long time, and also that it can be followed throughout your life. The result will not come as quickly as with extreme diets, but from such a menu the body will become healthier and the general condition will improve. To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily caloric intake by 300 calories.

    In medicine, proper nutrition is considered an auxiliary method of therapy and prevention of most diseases.

    Products for the week

    Healthy nutrition is conventionally called smart, because its implementation involves detailed menu planning for the week, for every day and for the month, taking into account the ratio of microelements needed by the body. This allows you to diversify your diet. There are a lot of food options. Below you will find an approximate weekly diet, which can be adjusted to your own preferences. A complete list of necessary provisions for one adult for a week:

    1. 1. It is recommended to choose vegetables according to the season, giving preference to green ones: zucchini, cucumbers, white cabbage, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, green beans, asparagus, peas, spinach and others, as well as tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, greens. On average, about 4 kg of vegetables are needed for 7 days. Potatoes are not included in the list of foods allowed for daily consumption.
    2. 2. Fruits in season, a minimum of sweet ones - bananas, grapes, dates, the main emphasis on citrus fruits, berries, green apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums. You will need 3 kg.
    3. 3. Dried fruits and nuts - 200 grams of mixture or favorite type for 7 days.
    4. 4. Cereals: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, protein: lentils, chickpeas, mung bean - approximately 0.5 kg each, a portion of durum flour pasta.
    5. 5. Meat: beef, veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit - the favorites of proper nutrition, based on the calculation of 0.5 kg per day (raw).
    6. 6. Fish: preferably sea fish, up to 1 kg, seafood.
    7. 7. Eggs: chicken - 5-7 pieces, quail 10-12.
    8. 8. Dairy and fermented milk products: milk - up to 1 liter, low-fat kefir or yogurt - up to 1.5 liters, cottage cheese - up to 1 kg.
    9. 9. Rice and oat flour.
    10. 10. Sweetener, honey.
    11. 11. Vegetable oils: flaxseed, olive.
    12. 12. Whole grain or rye bread, lavash.

    Menu for the week

    For ease of use, the menu is presented in a table.

    Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
    1 Oatmeal pancakesFresh fruitsVegetable salad, boiled meatYogurtBaked fish and vegetables
    2 BuckwheatDried fruitsSteamed beef cutlets, vegetable sautéKefir, berriesStew with chicken breast
    3 Cottage cheese casseroleHomemade energy barVegetable puree soup, chicken sausages (homemade)CitrusFish cutlets
    4 Rice flour pancakesNutsLazy cabbage rollsApple baked with cottage cheeseBeef stewed with vegetables
    5 Oatmeal with dried fruits and honeyFresh fruitsBrown rice, boiled turkeyKefirChicken breast roll with cottage cheese and herbs
    6 SyrnikiDried fruitsPasta with seafood and spinachYogurtSalad with chicken breast, eggs, Chinese cabbage
    7 Oat pancakesNutsCabbage salad, meatball soup with any meatApple baked with cottage cheeseBaked zucchini stuffed with minced chicken


    Table with some recipes from the proposed menu.

    Dish Required products Cooking sequence
    Oatmeal pancakes
    Oatmeal - 100 g, milk - 100 g, egg - 1 piece, stevia - to taste1. Pour hot milk over oatmeal and leave to swell. 2. After 15 minutes, add the egg and sweetener to the oatmeal-milk mixture and mix well. 3. Bake on a non-stick coating for a few minutes on each side. 4. Serve with honey, fruit, cottage cheese or low-calorie jam. If you do not use a sweetener, you can use cheese, meat, mushrooms, and vegetables as a filling.
    Cottage cheese casserole
    Low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, 2 eggs, a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal or rice flour, sweetener, dried fruits1. Combine all ingredients using a blender until smooth. 2. Bake in a slow cooker or oven at 180 degrees for up to 20 minutes. Before serving, let the casserole rest in the bowl in which it was baked for 10 minutes.
    energy bar
    30 g each of nuts, dried fruits and oatmeal1. Grind all products in a blender until smooth. 2. Form a bar. 3. Bake it in the oven for 5-7 minutes
    Chicken sausages
    Minced chicken - 0.5 kg, milk - 150 ml, nutmeg - 10 g, salt, pepper1. Combine ingredients. 2. Wrap a tablespoon of the mixture in cling film that can withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees, in the shape of sausages. 3. Cook in boiling water for up to 10 minutes
    Rice flour pancakes
    Rice flour - glass, milk - 300 ml, 4 eggs, sweetener1. Beat the eggs with a whisk until smooth, but not to peaks, without separating the whites from the yolks. 2. Gently fold milk and flour into eggs. 3. Add sweetener. 4. Bake pancakes in a non-stick frying pan
    Chicken breast roll with cottage cheese and herbs
    1 chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese briquette, herbs, garlic, salt1. Beat chicken meat. 2. Beat cottage cheese with herbs and seasonings in a blender until a paste-like consistency. 3. Place the filling on the beaten breast, roll it up and tie it with thread. 4. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
    Oat pancakes
    100 g oatmeal, lemon or orange, 150 ml milk, 2 eggs1. Pour hot milk over the cereal and leave to swell. 2. Peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of half. 3. Grate the orange and lemon zest. 4. Mix the oatmeal-milk mixture in a blender until it forms a paste. 5. Add orange juice, eggs, sweetener and zest to the dough, mix well. 6. Bake pancakes on a non-stick coating. Can be served with honey and cinnamon
    Pasta with seafood and spinach
    Pasta - 80 g, seafood cocktail - 200 g, spinach - 50 g1. Simmer seafood and spinach in water for 10 minutes, leave to simmer over low heat. 2. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in salted boiling water until half cooked. 3. After about 5 minutes (depending on the type of pasta), throw the pasta into the seafood and spinach mixture, add salt and leave to cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes. 4. If the goal is not to lose weight as quickly as possible, you can add 50 ml of 10% cream to the water in which spinach and seafood are stewed.
    Baked zucchini stuffed with minced chicken
    2 medium zucchini, minced chicken - 200-300 g, greens, onion1. Peel the zucchini, cut in half, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. 2. Combine the minced meat with finely chopped onion and add salt. 3. Stuff the vegetables with the meat mixture. 4. Bake at 200 degrees for 12 minutes. 5. Sprinkle with herbs before serving


    As part of proper nutrition, it is allowed to consume forbidden foods at a certain frequency - once every 7-15 days. Athletes call this violation of the rules a “cheat meal.” It is necessary in such cases:

    • A pronounced food addiction, a healthy diet is difficult. Such “belly holidays” will help you get used to the new rules of eating psychologically and will serve as a good prevention of breakdowns.
    • The weight stopped falling - to shake up the metabolism.

    How to enhance the effect of proper nutrition?

    In the process of losing weight and building a beautiful body, it is important not only to get rid of fatty tissue, but also to keep the skin and muscles toned. To do this, it is best to use an integrated approach: training and body care procedures. Everyone should know that it is impossible to lose weight locally - only in the legs or stomach. The biggest contributors to weight loss are:

    • Cardio: running, cycling, brisk walking.
    • Strength loads: basic exercises with weights: squats, deadlifts, lunges, leg press.
    • Combined training using cardio and strength training.

    Proper nutrition combined with regular physical activity is guaranteed to bring results in weight loss. And if these 2 components become a habitual way of life, then the person will always be slim.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

The desire to improve the quality of life is a normal desire of a reasonable person. The first thing to start with is a healthy diet based on proper distribution of calories, taking into account the compatibility and environmental safety of products.

What is proper nutrition

The goal of proper nutrition is to:

  • supply the human body with enough nutrients so that all life systems work normally, the person remains cheerful and active;

Attention! Any strict restrictions (including fasting) lead to stress. You can have a fasting day once a week, but under no circumstances exhaust yourself with hunger.

  • the daily menu brought gastronomic joy and a feeling of fullness;
  • energy balance was maintained (the correct ratio of calories consumed and consumed is necessary - depending on whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or leave the weight parameter unchanged);
  • slow down the aging process at the cellular level (healthy nutrition differs from “usual” in that good-quality and natural products become a priority - with a complete rejection of various synthetic substitutes);
  • correct some diseases (for example, eliminating sugar against diabetes, avoiding marinades and smoked foods against gastritis, a diet rich in calcium to strengthen bones, etc.).

Basic principles of healthy eating

There are general principles underlying proper nutrition, regardless of a person’s age, gender and type of activity. Each of these principles contributes to the final positive result.

Meal frequency

Make a menu for the week in such a way that the body receives food daily in fractional parts, at least 3 times a day. The 5-day option is considered optimal;

Attention! With frequent intake of food into the stomach, digestion is adjusted to a gentle regime - the organs work without stress, easily coping with each successive portion of material.


Let all your menu items be sold on the clock - at approximately the same time every day. And so on all week. This approach adjusts the stomach to timely release digestive enzymes in the right quantities.


Avoid overeating, but at the same time, do not starve yourself for the sake of “greater goals.” Think over your diet so that you never feel hungry. It is a well-known fact that fasting people often begin to gain weight quickly after their weight loss diet ends;

Attention! The body, hungry for food, is in a state of stress, so it automatically adjusts to creating energy (and therefore fat) reserves.


There must be harmony in everything. Plan your fat, protein, carbohydrate, water and salt intake throughout the week in advance. Don’t try to “fulfill the plan” in terms of how much you eat. Emphasis on uniformity and reasonable protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios (BJU).

Also, always be mindful of calories. It is not visible from the outside, but each product, when included in the diet, supplies a certain amount of calories. Their excess will lead to an increase in fat reserves. Deficiency leads to depletion of the body.

Attention! People who are actively involved in sports or undergo a lot of physical activity should not underestimate their daily calorie intake.

According to scientists, the daily calorie requirement is:

Only the most useful

A healthy diet should include only good quality foods. Excessive heat treatment is also undesirable. The closer the structure remains to the original, the better.

Write down a set of basic rules in a visible place:

  • reduce the amount of fried, smoked, pickled foods;
  • preference - stewed and boiled food, as well as steamed;
  • Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible every week, and if possible raw. After heat treatment, fruits and vegetables lose the lion's share of nutrients.

Attention! The benefits of plant fiber are unprecedented as a natural intestinal cleanser. The body gets rid of toxins and carcinogens, which in today's environment cannot be avoided.

How to create a healthy menu for the week

Start planning your menu for the week in advance. You probably have your favorite dishes, but try not to repeat the same dish more than once every 3 days. Invent new recipes to achieve variety.

To begin, select any example from the list of recommended dishes for one day and count the calories. After that, go further, write down your diet for the whole week (then for a month). Here are some indicative meals to get you started with your planning.


Take any example from the list or modify it:

  • buckwheat, millet, rice, oat, wheat, barley porridge - prepare the dish with low-fat milk or water, season with vegetable oils;
  • a handful of nuts (various varieties, both individually and in the form of mixtures);
  • steamed dried fruits (no more than ½ standard bowl at a time);
  • curdled milk, kefir, whey with berry juice - 1 glass;
  • whole grain bread (110-135 g per meal);
  • low-fat cheese 3-4 slices;
  • a slice of lightly salted fish;
  • vegetable salad with fresh herbs;
  • fruit salad;
  • cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • omelet from 3 chicken or 5 quail eggs.

Attention! The diet should include items that correspond to the table of caloric content and ratio of BZHU.

Healthy eating for lunches

  • fresh fruit - apple, pear, a couple of kiwis, citrus fruits (orange, tangerines, ½ pomelo), banana;
  • dark chocolate - no more than 25 g;
  • kefir or yogurt - 1 glass;

Attention! Add a spoonful of pureed fresh berries, homemade jam or honey to kefir or yogurt. This will add sweetness and diversify the range of dishes.

Lunch on your menu

Your diet will be quite varied if the following dishes appear on the lunch menu:

  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • low-fat cheese for dressing pasta;
  • vegetarian pizza;
  • vegetable cream soups (tomato, onion, vegetable), seasoned with rye bread croutons;
  • lean meats (chicken breast, turkey fillet, veal, lean beef);
  • stewed vegetables (cauliflower and cabbage, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, celery, beets);
  • soy meat goulash with the addition of low-fat sour cream and flour for gravy;
  • fish boiled or baked in the oven;
  • low-fat lasagna (for example, mushroom, vegetable or mixed);
  • vegetable soup with lean meat (shurpa);
  • legumes stewed in water (lentils, beans, peas);
  • fresh vegetable salads;
  • boiled seafood (squid, shrimp).


Try to plan 5 meals a day throughout the week. The afternoon snack takes on part of the load from the upcoming dinner, thereby unloading the body and reducing the load on the digestive tract.

Interesting options:

  • natural juice from vegetables, fruits or berries - 1 glass;
  • a handful of steamed dried fruits;
  • cottage cheese with jam;
  • sweet yogurt;
  • buckwheat, rye or rice bread 2-3 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with fresh chopped herbs;
  • some fruits (grapes, plums, apricots, peaches);
  • unroasted nuts.


It is advisable that the evening menu contain as little animal protein as possible. Preference for dishes such as:

  • cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes;
  • vegetable casseroles with low-fat cheese in the oven;
  • vegetable salads, possibly with the addition of seafood;
  • a little boiled chicken white meat or a piece of steamed fish;
  • light omelette of 2 chicken eggs with vegetables;
  • chopped fresh herbs;
  • olives, olives;
  • boiled or steamed brown rice;
  • pancakes made from vegetables, sometimes with mushrooms;
  • kefir, yogurt - 1 glass;
    a couple of slices of black bread.

Menu for one week for a girl

Here is a good example of a balanced diet for a week for girls and young women. This category is most concerned about their diet, since it most directly affects their appearance.

It is the girls who are concerned about cellulite (it doesn’t threaten girls yet, it doesn’t bother older women anymore, and it doesn’t concern men at all). What should you eat all week in order to maintain both internal health and external beauty?

Attention! Cellulite occurs due to lipid metabolism disorders. Eat as little animal fat as possible. Against this background, drink 1.8-2.5 liters of clean water per day.


  • cocoa with sugar and milk - 1 glass;
  • unsweetened cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole;
  • dried fruits - 1 handful.


  • fresh berries (150-200 g) - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, etc. at your discretion;
  • whipped cream 100 g;
  • black tea with honey - 1 glass.
  • seafood soup with vegetables;
  • boiled brown rice;
  • a piece of fish, steamed or baked in foil;
  • sweet corn 2-4 tbsp. l.;
  • you can drink ½ glass of dry wine.
  • oatmeal cookies or light biscuit with added bran;
  • fruit juice (oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapple, etc.).
  • vegetable salad;
  • a piece of dietary meat cooked on the grill or in the oven (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • tea from currant leaves with honey.


  • milk porridge - millet or rice;
  • Cup of coffee;
  • bran bread;
  • 2-4 slices of low-fat cheese.


  • citrus juice;
  • crackers or large grain cookies;
  • sweet cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • thick borscht with meat broth;
  • sour cream for dressing 1 tsp. or tbsp. spoon;
  • potatoes stewed with meat;
  • vegetable mixture (green peas with onions or olives with bell pepper);
  • Rye bread;
  • a glass of any tea.
  • dried fruits with nuts;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk (can be without sugar, as dried fruits will provide enough sweetness).
  • light meat salad (vegetables, some boiled white chicken, chopped herbs);
  • green tea with honey.


  • coffee or tea - 1 glass;
  • fruit and cottage cheese casserole;
  • buckwheat bread with jam.


  • dried fruits;
  • sweet curd.
  • canned stewed meat;
  • side dish of vegetables or legumes;
  • green salad;
  • Rye bread;
  • tea or fruit juice.
  • tomato juice;
  • 1-2 crispy slices;
  • 3-4 slices of cheese.
  • a piece of steam fish;
  • stewed cauliflower and cabbage with tomatoes;
  • brown or red rice;
  • melissa tea with oregano.


  • boiled buckwheat with mushrooms;
  • cheese 3-4 slices;
  • tea with milk;
  • crackers.


  • yogurt with fat content no higher than 6-11%;
  • fresh fruits (banana, pear or apple, kiwi or grapes);
  • green tea.
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetable stew (green beans, beets, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, green peas, bell peppers, cabbage);
  • a piece of turkey baked in foil;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk and honey.
  • berry compote;
  • light biscuit or oatmeal cookies.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with herbs;
  • a glass of cocoa or tea;
  • a handful of dried fruits.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • fruit salad (banana, apple, nuts, tangerine, kiwi);
  • Cup of coffee;
  • a handful of nuts.


  • 20 g dark chocolate;
  • green tea;
  • yogurt.
  • pea soup with chicken giblets;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • chicken or rabbit cutlet;
  • greens, any vegetable salad;
  • tomato juice.
  • cheese 2-3 slices;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • crispy crackers 2-3 pcs.
  • Steamed fish;
  • vegetable stew;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • black bread.


  • omelette with mushrooms;
  • bran or black bread;
  • fresh sliced ​​vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers);
  • cocoa with milk or coffee with honey.


  • sweet curd;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt.
  • fish soup;
  • boiled brown or red rice;
  • fresh vegetable salad;
  • biscuit or marshmallow (1 pc.);
  • fresh fruit juice;
  • oatmeal cookies 2-3 pcs.
  • steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, etc.);
  • boiled pasta made from durum flour;
  • a piece of lean meat or light steamed fish;
  • green tea.


  • oatmeal, millet or barley groats, boiled in low-fat milk;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • Cup of coffee.


  • dark chocolate 20-25 g;
  • crispy slices 2 pcs.;
  • uncooked coarse bun;
  • fruit juice.
  • chicken soup;
  • vegetables stewed with garlic;
  • hard cheese 2-3 slices;
  • tomato juice.
  • a handful of nuts;
  • fruit salad;
  • whipped cream with jam or berry syrup;
  • stewed fish;
  • fresh vegetables in the form of salad or sliced;
  • brown rice or pasta made from coarse flour;
  • herbal tea (mint, oregano, thyme).

No matter how carefully your menu is, remember about additional measures to improve your health: good sleep, physical activity, positive thinking. As for the nutrition system, you need to monitor its effectiveness, monitor weight and other vital indicators. If you feel better, then you are moving in the right direction.

You may also be interested

Dietary nutrition helps not only to lose excess weight. but also saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements. You can implement such a diet at home, since the recipes use simple products, and even the lazy can do the cooking technology.

The main rules of dietary nutrition:

  1. 1. Drink water - regular purified or mineral water without gas - at least 2 liters per day.
  2. 2. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs (3-4 servings per day) and fruits (2-3 servings per day).
  3. 3. Avoid red meat.
  4. 4. Poultry meat should be consumed without skin.
  5. 5. Include healthy fats in your diet - fatty fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, cold-pressed vegetable oils.
  6. 6. Consume fermented milk products with minimal fat content.
  7. 7. Do not eat more than 2 yolks per day, the number of whites is not limited.
  8. 8. Avoid frying in oils for cooking.
  9. 9. Eat 5 times a day at the same time - 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
  10. 10. Control the number of calories consumed - roughly calculate using a special formula.
  11. 11. It is advisable to eat cereals, sweet fruits and vegetables in the first half of the day; after lunch you should eat proteins and low-calorie vegetables.
  12. 12. It is advisable to give up salt - this promotes weight loss by getting rid of excess water.

These rules are universal: they are suitable for both women and men of different ages. Already a month after following them, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg, depending on the person’s initial data.

The diet for drying the body provides for the distribution of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates as follows:

  • proteins: 60% - they should be present in all meals;
  • fat - 20% - it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach, other sources of healthy fats should be evenly distributed across all meals;
  • carbohydrates: 20% - they should be consumed during breakfast and the first snack.