How to meet a girl in contact. What to chat with a girl about - examples and rules

The Internet is an integral part of the life of almost every modern person. On the Internet, people work, have fun and, of course, get to know each other. In order to get acquainted, you need to put your page in order, find a suitable girl and write an interesting message to her.

Tidying up the page

It is not enough just to register a profile and wait for quick responses from the girls you like. The Vkontakte page needs to be put in order! We do this in a few simple steps.

We put a good avatar.

Do you like cats, dogs, cars, bikers, famous people and much more? Forget! You can save everything listed in your albums or publish on the wall. But the avatar should be your photo.

At the same time, it is desirable that it be of high quality and beautiful. Forget all kinds of frames, inscriptions and other “decorations” - the last century. An ordinary photo is enough, which would allow you to get a clear idea of ​​​​your appearance.

Fill out the form

Forget about "gags", questionable quotes and flat jokes. Are you ready for a serious acquaintance? So your profile must be serious! We write briefly, informatively and, most importantly, honestly.

We publish photos

If in real life one person arouses interest in another, first of all, with a “wrapper”, and only then with “content”, then in a social network everything is almost the same, but publications on the wall and in personal albums.

You can fill them in at your discretion. Add your photos and pictures of what you are interested in. Are you into sports, music, cars, etc.? Great! Make interesting collections and publish them on your page - the girl will immediately be able to understand if she has common interests with you.

We refrain from publishing indecent photographs and "black humor" - an adequate representative of the fair sex is unlikely to appreciate it. And we don’t need inadequate ones, right?

Getting rid of "compromising evidence"

We carefully study the list of our communities. Sadism, eroticism, black humor and other similar things - girls are extremely rarely interested in such things. And what's more, your membership in such communities may not make you look good. Therefore, we either leave all compromising communities, if we are members of such, or simply prohibit other users from seeing the list of our groups in the privacy settings.

We get rid of ambiguous statuses: “Brother for brother”, “Mother gave birth, brought up by the street”, “Life for thieves, freedom for boys”. Such statuses have long been the subject of ridicule, moreover, by any adequate person, regardless of their gender.

It is also better to get rid of phrases left in a fit of passion, anger, or, which happens much more often, in a state of intoxication - a potential chosen one is unlikely to appreciate them from your point of view.

Family status

The best option is not married. One could also put it “in active search”, but men with such a status are mainly regarded by girls as frivolous and fickle.

We support the "life" of the page.

We publish our favorite photos, videos, news, audio recordings. The main thing is that everything is decent.

Finding a girl

Everything is simple here: open the “People” section and enter the parameters we need: gender, age, city of residence.

There is an important nuance: there are a lot of fake accounts on Vkontakte. These include:

  • "Stars". Some girls like to "sit" under profiles filled with photos of famous and not so personalities. Apparently, certain complexes are affecting. The calculation is made on the fact that the average citizen may not know many of these celebrities.

    So if the profile pictures seem too suspicious to you, make inquiries. For example, do an image search on Google. If the photo shows a more or less famous person, the search engine will gladly inform you about it.

  • Banal fakes. It is not known why, but some people like to steal photos of people they know and don't know. At the same time, “robbed” people can be completely simple, unknown and not outstanding. This is done for various reasons. In most cases, it is possible to bring such a fake to clean water only through personal communication.

If you have any doubts whether the girl's account is real, then here are some simple tips that will help you.

  • The age of the page. The younger the account, the more likely it is fake.

    More than 200 million users are registered in the contact. Each of them has its own "serial number" - ID. We open the user page and see the ID in the address bar of the browser. If the user replaced the ID with some word, we open the list of our friends and look through it for the address of the page of interest. If the ID is within 100 million, the page was created a very long time ago - in 2010 or even earlier. If the "serial number" is about 180 million, the page was created around 2012. If the user ID looks something like this - 290 124 684 - it can be a freshly registered account;

  • Account activity. Bots, in order to create the appearance of a real page, actively fill it with photos, reposts and other content. Look at the publication date of the materials. If all of them are posted on the same day or in another suspiciously short period of time, you most likely have a bot in front of you. Real users fill their pages gradually, not in a day;
  • Advertising. A clear sign of a fake page created in order to generate income or promote a product / service is a large number of advertising posts;
  • Number of friends and followers. For a real user, if he is not a famous person, the number of subscribers and friends is unlikely to be too large. Fakes, on the other hand, use special services to cheat subscriptions;
  • Special services. Additionally, you can check the page through one of the specialized services, for example, The service analyzes the information presented on the page, collects statistics and issues its conclusion.

None of these methods can be 100% accurate.

Found a suitable candidate? Place of residence, age, marital status, appearance - everything suits you? It remains only to find out if you have common interests. To do this, simply go to the page of the girl you like and study her publications, photos, videos, music, list of groups and, in general, everything that can be studied.

Now you can start chatting.

Let's start communication

Although the Internet has somewhat blurred the notion of ethics in communication, we, nevertheless, will observe the limits of decency. Let's start with the usual greeting and an explanation of the purpose of our address.

A few examples:

  1. "Hello! I saw your page in the feed, and I really liked you. How are you?".
  2. "Hello! I accidentally stumbled upon your page and saw that we have the same musical tastes. How do you like the last song %artist_name?
  3. "Good afternoon! I saw your comment in the group %group_name and could not pass by without writing to such a beautiful girl.

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting how to quickly make your Vkontakte page attractive to girls and how to learn how to write truly “catchy” messages? Then we highly recommend reading new free book by Yegor Sheremetyev"Secrets of successful VKontakte dating." Our reading impressions and download link can be found in.

We continue communication

The object of sympathy replied to the first message? Amazing! Now the main thing is not to miss your chance.

You can communicate on any adequate topics that are interesting to you and the interlocutor. Remember only a few simple rules that are relevant both in life and Vkontakte:

  • We communicate without jargon and slang expressions. Of course, a girl may know all these phrases, and maybe even use them herself. But by starting communication with Priffet Krosavcheg, you obviously will not add points to your standings.
  • We write well. Everyone should know the elementary rules of punctuation, the peculiarities of writing “not” with adjectives, and the order of using “-tsya” and “-tsya”.
  • We do not impose ourselves. The girl stopped responding to messages? We must try to find out the reason. No answer? Alas! Constant messages like “where are you?”, “why aren’t you answering?”, “what happened?” and so on. You definitely won't win back her sympathy. You need to stop communicating.
  • We communicate in clear and simple language. Whether you are at least three times a professor, it is not a fact that the interlocutor will be able to normally accept and understand your complex adverbial constructions and encyclopedic expressions.
  • Emoticons are used minimally. Of course, they are an integral part of modern online correspondence, but there should still be more letters than icons and stickers.

Transferring communication offline

Communication with a girl develops even better than you expected? So why not bring it online! The main thing here is not to rush, but also not to delay too much. It is important to catch the moment when a real meeting would be appropriate. In each case it is individual. You yourself will understand when the “time” will be!

Here you can find even more examples and find out what must be in the first message, and what should not be written under any circumstances.

Another great way to start a conversation with a girl you like is to write a compliment to her photo. How to do it right you can read in.

Carefully monitor the mood of the interlocutor, remembering that girls love some secrecy, veil and, of course, hints. And you, as a man, need to be able to solve all these puzzles.

The best time to make an appointment is by phone. Ask for the number of the interlocutor. And if she writes it without unnecessary excuses, then you have almost achieved success!

If the girl does not agree to give her number, again, remain discreet and do not impose. It is quite possible that she is not opposed to transferring communication into real life, but she still doubts, is not ready, or is she interfered with by some circumstances.

No need to get too hung up on people you met on Vkontakte and never met in real life. Online interlocutors often disappear as easily and quickly as they appear.

Choose a place for the first meeting on your own, taking into account your preferences with the girl. Or you can use neutral universal options such as a park, embankment, cafe, etc.

Follow the recommendations received, do not forget about logic and common sense, remain restrained, well-mannered and courageous in any situation, and very soon a casual online acquaintance can turn into something much more serious.

Nowadays, young people are increasingly dating girls on social networks, believing that this gives them a number of advantages. This is not to say that dating on the Web is undoubtedly better than dating in “real” life, but if everything is done correctly, then there are obvious advantages to this.

How to start a conversation with a girl in contact

Original greeting in the first post

Greetings can be picked up without much difficulty, but the original is more likely to get a response. The banal phrase "Hi, how are you?" most girls are not enthusiastic. An exception may be the case when you have a really interesting page, a lot of photos that can attract many web users without further ado. Otherwise, it will be better to show resourcefulness. For example, you can write: “Hi! I finally found you!" Then you can clarify for what reason you were inspired by this fact (to compliment some side of her personality, appearance). You can also immediately show a serious attitude: “Hi! You are very interesting! Do you want to take a walk, get acquainted? Of course, a rare girl will immediately agree to a meeting, but, for sure, it will be noted that you are not writing with the goal of just “getting worn out on the Internet”, but have real intentions for a meeting.

What to talk about with a stranger you like

It would be best if you start a conversation about the girl herself. Show interest in her person, ask a few questions, make compliments, comment on some of her photos (not under the pictures themselves, but in private messages, so that you can definitely count on a response).

What can be asked in the course of correspondence in order to get to know her better

Ask what she does - work to study or something else. Find out if she has any hobbies, what places she likes in your city, where she would like to visit (both in your city and in any other).

Questions that should not be asked in a text message

You should not be actively interested in her personal life at the first stages of correspondence. Often, information about the presence or absence of a lover can be found on the girl's personal page. In any case, if the interlocutor willingly answers you and is clearly interested in dialogue, then you should hardly worry. Be that as it may, the first meeting or rejection of it will clarify everything. Of course, you should not ask those questions that are, in principle, rather tactless, if people are not close - about the amount of wages, about the availability of property, and the like.

What to tell interesting things about yourself to impress her

Tell us about your achievements - perhaps you have some in sports or career. It is possible that you are interested in some kind of hobby - this may also interest her. If you don’t have any special hobbies, then it makes sense to find them! So you will increase the chances of being an interesting conversationalist, and in general, a new step in self-development will never be superfluous.

What to write so that she is pleased and she smiles

Most girls are very fond of compliments, and, of course, they help lift their spirits. It is important that they are not banal! She, of course, will be pleased to read that she has "beautiful eyes", "a gorgeous figure" and the like, but it's better if you really pay attention to her features. Example: "Your eye color is so unusual, it looks like amber" (appropriate for light brown eyes).

Examples of messages when meeting

Consider a few examples of messages at the initial stages of dating: “You have a very cool playlist, “stole” several masterpieces from you”, “Add new photos more often, it’s nice to look at you!” etc.

How to get the girl you like interested

Comment on her private photos or like

If a girl posts photos on her page on a social network, then it is obvious that she wants them to be noticed and appreciated. Regularly tag photos in which she is present. To avoid the impression that you like everything in a row, mark neutral pictures selectively, but do not deprive those where it is present. Also, some photos should be commented on - especially those that she puts on ava. For example, in VK it is absolutely not necessary to leave verbal comments of the same type under the picture. Instead of words, you can easily attach some cute gif expressing your delight or a musical composition hinting at your train of thought.

Compliments about your favorite music on her page

Surely, any girl will be pleased if her musical tastes are appreciated. In general, any person likes when his choice is considered interesting. If a girl attaches the composition she likes “on the wall” (to you or herself), be sure to mark the entry with a like, you can add a suitable comment. If you see interesting songs in her playlist, then mention it.

Build a simple dialogue with questions so that she can easily answer

If you want the interlocutor to be comfortable communicating with you, then build the dialogue so that it does not cause ambiguous feelings in her. That is, forget about tactless questions. Perhaps you doubt whether this or that question is tactless - in this case, consult with a more experienced friend or girlfriend. Many girls do not like questions about weight, family problems or past relationships, and so on. Try to communicate with her on topics that are close to her - you can probably find out about her interests on her personal page (in information about yourself or using posts on the "wall").

How to complete the first communication-acquaintance, so that there is a desire to communicate in the future

The main rule: do not delay the first communication, trying everything possible to find out about the interlocutor and “load” her with a lot of information about yourself. Let the girl have at least some space for thoughts and guesses about you. It is important to show that you are interested in her, but you should not write yourself down as crazy admirers, who almost like a wedge converged on a new acquaintance. These guys quickly fall into the friend zone. After talking a little with the girl, and arousing a reciprocal interest, write that, unfortunately, you need to leave the Web, but you hope for further communication. It's better to mention that right now you're going for a workout, a bike ride, going to a water park with friends, or something like that. So the girl will fix in her mind that now something interesting will happen to you, and, probably, in this case, you yourself are quite an interesting person, and you will not get bored.

If you notice that there is clearly mutual sympathy on the part of the interlocutor, then it will not be superfluous to ask her for a phone number. In case she does write it to you, be sure that she is considering the possibility of meeting you, and if you start to delay this event, then her interest may fade. Also, do not be upset if the interlocutor does not give the number, arguing that she would first like to get to know you better by correspondence or something like that. For many girls, this is really important.

How often should she write

If she's online all the time

In this case, as in others, it is important not to be intrusive. If you do not have one hundred percent certainty that a girl is sitting in VK solely for the sake of communicating with you, then you do not need to constantly write messages to her. Note that she may not be online at all for the sake of dialogues - perhaps she just listens to music, reads interesting information to her in any group. It's easy to check. Write a message and wait for a response. If there is no answer, then you should not write after: “Are you ignoring me?”, “Hey, why aren’t you answering?”, “Ay!” etc. This can be very annoying! An exception is a question of paramount importance, which requires an answer within a few minutes, and at the same time you have no other way to contact the interlocutor. Note that this happens quite rarely or not at all.

If you want to get a response to your message, then make sure that it has at least some content. Some guys may write in response to a joke: “Ha ha!”, And wait for a response from the interlocutor. At the same time, many girls do not at all consider that it is necessary to answer something. Subsequently, the guy may even be offended by such "inattention". If you recognize yourself in such a scheme, then try to get rid of the habit of "artificially maintaining a dialogue." you need to correspond with interest, and not play ping-pong with meaningless phrases, emoticons, etc. Many girls gradually get tired of such communication and try to avoid it.

If she practically does not sit on the Internet

If a girl rarely sits on VK or another social network, then, of course, with all your desire, you will not have time to tire her with your messages. However, this feature of the girl reveals a certain trait of her character. Apparently, she is little interested in virtual communication or she does not consider it to be something significant and serious. Then you should not expect much development in this direction. This suggests that you should transfer communication with the interlocutor to a different format - ask for a phone number or arrange a real meeting.

What to do if a girl does not respond to messages

First, try to determine why this might be happening. We propose to consider several possible options for such behavior.

1. She doesn't have time

Perhaps she needs VK exclusively for business communication, and she simply does not have time to communicate with friends and acquaintances. However, if so, then the girl will most likely tell you about it.

2. She is not interested in talking to you.

Alas, such an option is not excluded, and there can be many reasons for it. Maybe she was initially not very interested in you, and over time you did not manage to change this situation. It is also possible that at first she considered you as a serious fan and had some far-reaching plans, but for some reason you failed to keep her interest.

3. She is passionate about others

Many girls prefer not to waste on communicating with several young people at once, and focus on one chosen one. If a girl is seriously passionate about another person, then most likely she will answer you quite rarely and in monosyllables, and, perhaps, will not see the point in further communication at all. Of course, it may be that soon she will lose interest in another object of sympathy and pay attention to you. Often, girls are very vulnerable when parting with young people, and often try to drown out the disappointment by communicating with another guy - it is quite possible that it will be you.

4. She is offended

Think about whether the reason for the coolness of the interlocutor could be that she is somehow offended by you. Analyze your last correspondence with her. Were there any tactless jokes on your part, inappropriate questions, incorrect remarks, extra information about another person. Perhaps, for some direct or indirect signs, the girl concluded that you have an interest in another person.

5. You are too intrusive.

It is possible that the interlocutor is not enthusiastic about the style of communication you set. Think about whether you are being too intrusive. This option is likely if there is a much larger message on your part, if the girl does not ask you any questions to support the dialogue, if she does not write first, does not read your messages for a long time (being on the Web), tries to give monosyllabic answers that do not imply further development of the dialogue .

Having determined the reason for the silence of the girl, act on the basis of this information. If you understand that the girl is not interested, then the situation will not change from demonstrating resentment or an abundance of additional messages. You need to interest her in other ways. Gradually stop writing to her (she will probably notice the loss of a fan), and do something really interesting. You can visit beautiful places or unusual establishments by posting a kind of photo report on VK, you can also find an exciting hobby and also show its fruits to your friends online. The main thing is that it should not be a "one-time action". Fill your news feed with interesting events, and you will attract the attention of not only this girl, but many others. Note that some girls, even when they are highly engaged, don't write to guys first, especially after a long pause in communication. After the described personality changes, write to the girl yourself, just asking how she is doing. By her answers, you will understand if she has an interest in you. If this did not happen, then it is better to pay attention to another person.

Also, in order not to get lost in meaningless guesses, you can directly ask the girl why she does not answer you. There is a high degree of probability that she will give you a sincere answer to this question.

Many guys pay attention to the fact that some girls prefer not to start a dialogue, but only respond to their initiative. It is important to understand that this is not always a sign of the interlocutor's low interest. It just so happened that a significant number of girls are convinced that it is almost a bad form to write to a young man first. What arguments do they use for this?

"Nice girls don't run after boys." Quite often, many mothers inspire their daughters with such an attitude to their daughters from childhood. Relying on their own experience, which often corresponds to reality, young women explain to girls that often young people do not appreciate persons who “go into their own hands” and “hang themselves around their necks”. Also, girls from a young age hear the statement that “men are hunters by nature”, which means that they can only really be attracted to what they still need to fight for. It is for this reason that some girls not only do not write to young people first, but also do not call them, do not initiate meetings and the like. They are simply afraid, thus, of losing the interest of the chosen one. If this is true, then, probably, at the moments of your initiative, she will react vividly.

She doesn't like you. As sad as it may seem, this option is quite possible. The girl did not see you as a potential boyfriend, and therefore she simply sees no reason not only to initiate some kind of communication on her own, but sometimes supports him rather sluggishly. It is possible that she initially indicated her attitude towards you, but you continue to be persistent, but it may also be that, out of politeness or for some other reason, do not clarify this point, believing that you yourself will guess about it.

She doesn't want to be in the crowd. The girl assumes that even without her you have enough pen pals, and it is unlikely that she stands out for you with something special. Most girls want to feel "chosen", and do not agree to the role of "extras". It is quite possible that she is mistaken, and you do not have an abundance of interlocutors at all, but this does not change the essence - she really believes that you already have someone to communicate with, and she does not plan to sit on the “bench”. It is possible that you yourself created the appearance of your popularity. This spurs some people on, but there are those who, on the contrary, are “slowed down” by this state of affairs.

Humiliation. Surely, this will seem strange and stupid to many guys, but some people actually believe that writing to a young man first is something akin to humiliation. It is difficult to say where such thoughts come from in the head of this or that person. Most often they are dictated by negative experiences experienced earlier with another guy. Perhaps the girl often wrote to someone, showed a clear interest, and as a result was somehow humiliated. Girls who treat the manifestation of initiative in this way are rare, but they still happen.

Resentment. If earlier the girl nevertheless periodically initiated a dialogue with you, but this gradually faded away, then it is highly likely that she is simply offended by you for something. Surely, you can guess for yourself what could be the reason for resentment - for this, read the latest correspondence or put the question directly.

Considers himself intrusive. Perhaps, in the past, the girl often wrote to you first and gradually she began to get bored with this state of affairs. She felt that she was being too intrusive towards you and did not see enough interest on your part. Not wanting to look in an unsightly light anymore, she decided not to initiate communication anymore, and thus test your true attitude towards her.

You are not her type. She may like you as a person and as a friend, but she does not want to give you too much hope for a possible relationship. Many girls in their thoughts have their own idea of ​​​​what their ideal chosen one should be, and they try not to deviate from the intended “course”.

Be that as it may, at the initial stage, do not focus the girl's attention on the fact that you do not like her lack of initiative. Until you become her boyfriend or potential boyfriend, and you don’t have much value for her, so such claims will most likely only push her away. Just let her know that you always expect messages from her, and you are pleased when she writes to you. Subsequently, if relations move to a serious level, then, of course, it makes sense to raise this topic and find out the reasons for lack of initiative.

Pickup phrases and topics for dating a girl on the Internet

If you want to hook a pen pal "at the start" of your conversation, you can use some of the phrases below.

  • "I like you! And I will like you, do you want to prove it? - after that, bring the girl to a personal meeting.
  • “I can’t understand - are you really so beautiful or is it still photoshop? Just kidding, you can’t create this with Photoshop ”- after that you develop the topic, describing what impressed you in the girl.
  • “I finally found my muse! Whether you like it or not, you will be my inspiration,” such a passage will certainly be appreciated by a potential interlocutor.

Write to the girl you like in contact much easier than admitting sympathy in the face. Of course, this does not apply to confident people, but what about shy guys who, seeing a girl, begin to blush and stutter.

First, watch this video. Second: you can write to a girl who likes a message in a contact, as you will have time to correctly express your thoughts and express your feelings.

What to write to a girl who likes her to answer?

Gone are the days when boys sent letters to girls in paper envelopes. Now we have social networks and email boxes. You no longer need to find out from your friends where the object of your love lives, you go to Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, fill in your first and last name, and here it is - the page of your beloved. But at first glance, everything is so simple, but in practice it often happens that the girl does not respond to messages in VKontakte, or answers in monosyllables like “How are you?” “Good” ... and further communication does not work. So how to get to know a girl on VKontakte so that she communicates with you with interest, and then goes on a date?

The very first rule that many guys forget when they are tormented by the question “what to write to a girl on VKontakte so that she likes it, what should be the message so that she likes me ...” This is that in addition to the message itself, you should also have a cool page - what to write about yourself in Contact, and how to compose it is described in detail here.

But these 2 things, if you certainly want to please a girl and get an answer to your letter, are interconnected: your cool page in VK and an interesting first message that will interest the girl.
To begin with, you need to think carefully. Ask yourself questions: “Why do you want to meet this girl?”, “How do you feel about her?”, “Do you want to have a serious relationship with her?” The text of your message will depend on your answers and what you can write to the girl when you meet, and what is better to refrain from (at least in the first messages).

1. Simple clear sentences without subtext.
A message like “I need to know where you are located” will obviously be superfluous. Sometimes guys want to appear smarter than they really are. This is an error because ease of communication this is the key to success. Write in a language everyone understands, avoiding jargon or specific words. But there is another extreme - do not write too politely, and even more so when addressing a girl as you. The simplest advice is to write the way you write to your just good friend (removing obscenities and slang words and expressions)

2. Literacy.
Girls are also illiterate, but as they say, you can’t see for yourself, but for others, even very much. If you have mistakes in every word, it will play against you. Do not use incomprehensible abbreviations "I am a student at the university" and slang words "let's fall for a cool party." Of course, there is a type of girls who communicate like this, but they are no more than 15-18 years old. An adult girl will not appreciate this type of communication.

3. Emoticons.
To begin with, you don’t need to reinforce your words with cool emoticons in the very first sentence, by doing this you will show your super interest (a bunch of roses and flowers) or insecurity (a wink, an embarrassed smile - instead of male words). But even this case needs to be approached with imagination. Then, depending on how your communication in contact goes, yes, of course, you can and even need to use them to create a cheerful and positive mood that will definitely cause a smile and cheer you up.

To make it more clear to you - 1 smiley for a cheerful mood can be used to show that you are not a loaded abstruse type, but a cheerful ordinary simple (but at the same time interesting and cute) guy. But 5-10 emoticons, especially if there are few words in the first message to the girl you like, 100% do not need to be used.

4. Interesting text.
You need to write a text that will interest the girl.
To the letter "Hi. How are you? My name is Sasha, I really like you, let's meet, ”you will not wait for a response from a girl in most cases ...

In general, I advise you to write anything in the first message of the girl, but not this phrase “Hello, how are you?”, Dozens if not hundreds of guys write this phrase to more or less pretty girls on VKontakte, you can believe me, and it will most likely only cause irritation in them , and you will at best get the standard response "Hi, it's okay ..."

As well as in ordinary life: there are 2 types of approach: fast and contextual (when you start a conversation for any reason and look for interesting clues in the profile and photos of a girl on a site in contact or classmates).
The first option (possible, but not recommended): “Hi Rita. I have liked you very much for a long time, but I still do not dare to approach you, because your beauty leaves me speechless. Therefore, I decided to write you this letter, which will allow me to express my feelings for you ... "will make the girl think ... But this can only work with a girl you already know, and you know that she pays attention to you ...

Because each girl needs a little individual approach. Such a letter is suitable for a romantic lady who loves bold men - and you know that she likes you. But for an active woman who never sits still, it is better to offer an exciting pastime. After reading her profile and looking at the photos, you can understand what type the object of your sympathy belongs to.

Also, in no case should you write this message to an unfamiliar girl.

Therefore, it’s better to start dating a girl on the Internet with the second option “Hi, your photos are cool - you are so smiling and positive everywhere, my mood immediately rose. And you ride (walk) on a bike much more often (rollerblading, hiking, going to the movies, with friends), etc.”

Another important point - the first message to a girl on the Internet should not be short - once it should encourage her to also answer you with a more or less long version. Here is a message with the words “Hello, good ...” It is difficult to answer. And usually girls also write phrases of several words, where they like to relax, where they have been. And the more details in the response message of the girl, the easier it is for you to continue further interesting conversation and correspondence with her.

a simple example of what you can write to a girl in the first message

If You Want To Learn More Information About Dating In Contact Which Is Guaranteed To Help You Quickly Meet Girls On This Social Network...

Everything will be shown there on the examples of my personal profile and the page in Contact ...

How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte further

5. Action
If the girl answered your letter, then you can exchange a few more messages and be sure to make the girl very interested in yourself. Your subsequent messages in VK should be as non-standard and also interesting, like the first message. Only in them you will not only be interested in the life of a girl, but also show what an interesting life and hobbies you have, and after that you must definitely offer to meet.

if there was an interesting communication in the previous days - offer the girl to meet later

Since then a very long even interesting correspondence can come to naught. Catching her interest in some kind of pastime, be sure to invite her to go to the museum together, to the skating rink, to a concert, to drink delicious green tea in a cafe ...

If there is a relaxed and interesting communication, in further messages it is already possible and even necessary to use emoticons, as if showing that you are constantly cheerful and positive.

In order to make the girl even more interested and like her on VKontakte, make a lot of interesting photo albums from different places on your page, write purposeful and positive statuses on the wall, add various videos, change your profile picture, putting the best new photos on it. It will also not be bad if you have comments and likes from other beautiful girls on your page ...

I can offer very modest romantics one more option: write a letter and send it by mail along with a cute postcard - a woman can also appreciate this romantic act ...

But in any case - if you do it in real life, it will make an impression much stronger. Because few people like shy and weak men!

All the Other Secrets of Dating in Contact in this 20-minute video, which I recorded recently ...

Using the social network VKontakte is not only listening to music, chatting in groups and exciting attempts to drive up to it. The account owner, who knows how to communicate pleasantly and has intelligence, can easily meet a girl here, and then start dating in real life. How to interest the person you like - let's try to figure it out.

How to get acquainted with a girl on VKontakte?

Of course, the easiest way to get acquainted with a girl on VK is to simply write to her and offer to chat. It must be said that he is the only one with a return: other options that involve the involvement of third parties, girlfriends, friends and even random interlocutors in the process are too complicated and unreliable. It will take days, if not weeks, to try to please "from the outside" - while you can get acquainted in personal correspondence in a couple of hours.

Advice: Before you start studying the instructions, you need to decide on your goals and your own capabilities. If it’s difficult to write correctly in Russian, but you can speak very well, it will be right to move on to acquaintance through friends or in public places - and leave the Internet for viewing.

Designing your page

The first step when meeting a girl in VK is the design of your own page. A user who wants to get to know each other on a social network and, accordingly, counts on reciprocity may not be afraid of excessive aesthetic or intellectual requirements of the second side of communication - but it definitely won’t hurt to make your account more attractive, as well as fill it with useful information for correspondence.

So, before you start meeting and liking the girls on VKontakte, you need to log in to the social network and carefully consider your page. Putting yourself in the place of a potential visitor, as advised in abundance by non-psychologists found on the Internet, is not worth it: each person has his own preferences, and trying to adapt to random, just invented ones is a waste of time.

Setting up a profile so that an average girl can like it is no more difficult than; The page owner needs:

  • Consider it and honestly answer yourself how informative it is and how it corresponds to general ideas about morality.
  • If the page contains not a real photo, but some random picture, the chances of meeting a girl drop sharply: in any case, it will be interesting for the interlocutor to look at the one who writes to her. So, you need to set your real picture in your profile - by selecting the "Update photo" option.

  • Finding a suitable image on the hard drive.

  • And fine-tuning the thumbnail displayed at the top of the page is as quick as figuring out .

Important: the photo displayed on the main profile page can be any. The main thing is that the user of VKontakte on it should be in a free position and, if possible, smile. Another option is a strict business photo demonstrating the solidity of the account owner who is about to get acquainted in VK, or a picture demonstrating any significant achievements: winning a competition, receiving a diploma, an academic degree, and so on. Only the owner of the page should be on the main image - the surrounding ones need to be cropped.

  • Now, by clicking on the "Edit" button, you should.

  • Indicate your real name and surname in the upper fields - the girl needs to know them long before meeting in real life. It is better to write, as VKontakte advises, in Cyrillic, using full forms - this will allow you to convince your future interlocutor of the seriousness of your intentions.

  • Choose an appropriate marital status. It is quite logical that using "Engaged", "Married" or "Civil union" is not recommended. “In active search” and “Everything is complicated” are not among the ideal options - they, according to many girls, indicate the frivolity of the male user rather than the prospect of a future acquaintance. It is better to prefer the neutral "Single" - this provision raises a minimum of unpleasant questions.

  • Next - indicate your real date of birth, including the year; in order to properly get acquainted with a girl on VKontakte, you need to at least approximately approach the interlocutor by age.

  • Enter your hometown and the languages ​​that the profile owner can speak in the bottom fields - this will help you find common topics for conversation.

  • Optionally - add links to relatives registered in VK; it is not necessary to do this, and sometimes, especially if communication is not maintained with them, and it is completely undesirable - in the end, it will be possible to introduce the girl to her family later, that is, in real life. Upon completion - click on the "Save" button and go to the "Contacts" tab.

  • Here, a user who wants to meet a VKontakte girl should indicate their mobile phone, Skype login and, if any, a website: the more data about the interlocutor the girl can find in the public domain, the more he will inspire her confidence - and this, Undoubtedly, the most important factor in the right acquaintance. On the same tab, you can add your profiles on Instagram and Twitter.

  • With special responsibility, you need to approach filling out the “Interests” tab: the girl will certainly look at her, and how pleasant her impressions of what she sees will be, the chances of the VK user to continue communication will increase or decrease as well. In the appropriate fields, you should describe your work, hobbies, favorite music, movies, TV shows.

  • Books, games and quotes, and add a few words about yourself in general. Of course, in all cases, one should observe the norms of decency, not rushing to shock the interlocutor even before the start of live communication. If some fields cannot be filled in or there is nothing to fill in, you can leave them empty, and then click the "Save" button again.

  • On the following tabs, provide data on secondary and higher education.

  • current work.

  • Service in the army.

  • Political preferences - it is better not to accidentally scare away the girl you plan to meet in VK, mark "Indifferent" or "Moderate".

  • Life position - here, thanks to the efforts of the developers of VKontakte, any option will do.

  • Attitudes towards smoking and alcohol - as in the previous case, it is recommended to select "Neutral" or "Compromise", unless the user wants to get acquainted with a purely athletic girl.

  • And, having figured out what exactly inspires the account owner (some beautiful quote from the Internet will do here), click on the "Save" button.

  • Return to "My Page" and make sure that the changes have taken effect.

  • Now - to remove from the "Albums" unnecessary photos that are irrelevant, undignified or clearly compromising.

  • Particularly valuable pictures can not be deleted, but hidden from prying eyes by clicking on the oblique cross in the upper right corner.

  • Almost all. It remains to set some fashionable and thoughtful status for your page that can interest a girl. To do this, click on the "Change" button.

  • And enter the appropriate entry - finding examples on the Internet will not be difficult.

Fabulous! The page has acquired a more respectable look, and now you can finally proceed to the main thing - to find a girl in VK and try to get to know her.

Search for a girl VKontakte

There are several ways to find a suitable girl on VKontakte, in order to subsequently write to her and continue communicating live.

According to the given parameters:

  • On your profile page, click on the "Find Friends" button.

  • Switch to Advanced Search.

  • In the menu on the right, select the parameters of the girl you would like to meet: country of residence.

  • City.

  • Age - under the fields "From" and "To" it does not hurt to indicate "Female", because this will greatly simplify the search.

  • Marital status - here it just makes sense to select "In active search", although any other options are possible.

  • And additional factors: the presence of a photo on the page, the status of "Online", religious, political views and preferred values.

  • Now, having set the filters, it remains to click on the photo of the most attractive girl in the remaining list - and start dating.

The second way allows you to meet a girl based on common interests:

  • By going to one of the groups in which he is a member.

  • The owner of the VK account finds the "Subscribers" field at the bottom right.

  • He opens it, looks for a nice girl in the list - and, having visited her page, begins to communicate.

You can meet a girl on VKontakte by visiting the thematic group:

  • In the search bar on his page, the user enters the word "Acquaintance" and selects any community from the list that opens at the bottom.

  • Joins a group - this is necessary in order to be able to establish communication through the group and find mutual friends.

  • In the "Participants" list, select a suitable girl and start dating.

Advice: in order not to miss important news from the group, it is worth turning on notifications - this is done in the list of communities on your page.

The beginning of acquaintance and conversation

So, a suitable girl is found; you can start dating. It's best to do it like this:

  • Going to the girl's page and once again making sure that it is worth getting to know her.

  • Put a like (heart) under one of the fresh photos on her page - it is advisable not to go further than the third or fourth from the top, otherwise the future interlocutor will not notice anything.

  • And write some nice comment - the simpler and at the same time more intelligent the first compliment left, the better.

  • Next, click on the "Write a message" button.

  • And say hello. In communication, you can immediately switch to “you”, and the first phrase that sets the tone for the dialogue for at least the first day can be anything, depending on the mental capabilities of the author: both simple and intricate.

  • Send a message to VK and wait for the girl's response. The user should immediately tune in to receiving a refusal or a protracted silence: if the interlocutor does not evaluate his profile or is on VKontakte for other purposes that exclude personal communication, acquaintance will not succeed. Further attempts will be a waste of time - it is better to immediately switch your attention to another girl, since more than one of them is registered on the social network. If the answer came, you need to write the next sentence so that it emphasizes or suggests that the interlocutors have common hobbies and interests. It can be books, music, a professional field of activity, friends, acquaintances and even distant relatives. You need to write in the most natural manner - for a long time pretending not to be who he is, the user will not have enough strength.

  • If a girl hints at the end of the dialogue or clearly says goodbye, do not be upset: the reasons can be completely objective. It is only necessary to hint at the continuation of communication the next day; having received a positive answer, the user can go about his business outside the VK with a calm heart or prepare for tomorrow's dialogue.

  • At the same time, you should request to be added as a friend on the girl’s page - you should not rush into this stage, but it’s stupid to postpone after the first successful conversation.

  • The next day, after waiting for a convenient time (preferably in the afternoon), you should say hello and continue communication.

  • Later, when communication begins to move towards a personal meeting, the VKontakte user will be able to start communication in the morning, as well as continue it at any time - of course, if the girl has the appropriate opportunity. During the first stage of acquaintance, it is recommended, among other things, to send gifts to the interlocutor by clicking on the button next to "Write a message."

  • And choosing beautiful pictures in the subject.

Important: Emoji can also be used during communication. The main thing is not to put them in the text too often, and also not to replace punctuation marks with them.

Translation of communication into reality

As soon as the dialogue has improved, you should not delay: after a week of productive communication, it makes sense to translate the acquaintance into a real plane. The easiest way to do this is to invite the girl to some upcoming event that matches her interests, or simply invite her to take a walk - the status of a good friend acquired during the correspondence gives the right to such an act.

Now it remains to properly prepare for the first meeting - and continue to get acquainted with the girl already without the mediation of VK.

Advice: if the proposal is refused or the interlocutor assigns obviously unrealizable conditions for the meeting, you should ask to change them - or, without wasting more time on the chosen girl, move on to communicating with others.

Examples of competent correspondence with girls

Below are two examples of the correct start of communication with a VKontakte girl. The user can be guided by them in his attempts to make acquaintance; the main thing is to refuse blind copying of style and expressions and do not forget to improvise.

Important: in both cases, P is a VK user, and D is a girl.

Example #1

P: Hello! I noticed you in the Tarantino Fans group. Great hairstyle))

D: Hello, thank you)) Are you familiar?)

P: No, but why not get to know each other?) What are your hobbies besides films?)) I looked at your page - cool pictures, but so little about myself ...

D: I like to watch movies, go to clubs and have fun)) I also dream of having a kitten... What are your interests?)

P: Oh, I also love kittens))) A lot of things coincide, we should get to know each other better)

D: I don't mind

P: I work at the Alneft-Torfgaz company, in my free time I write poetry and compose music. I'm still into modern electronic music))

D: How interesting)) Will you drop something from yours??)))

P: No problem

P: Listen, are you at home for the weekend? Let's go for a walk?) I invite you to the premiere of a new film by our favorite director)))

D: With pleasure) Where will we meet?)

P: I can take you in a taxi))

D: Write the address ...

Example #2

P: Hi)

D: Hi, I'm not interested in communication.

P: Yes, I don’t even communicate, just say that the angle in the photo is good. Can you tell me what you filmed?))

D: A friend took this photo last month. Thank you))

P: Do you know how to choose the perspective yourself? You look so good in the pictures, it’s impossible not to understand the photo)))

D: There are a few) Sorry, busy today)

P: Will I write tomorrow? Let's discuss the best cameras of last year and all that?)

D: Come on

…dialogue in a few days…

P: We've been talking with you for a week and a half already)) We started with photos, and then somehow everything turned to serious topics ... Maybe we'll meet in real life?))

D: Come on) Call me on the phone in the profile, we will discuss.

Summing up

To meet a VKontakte girl, you need to first set up your page, giving it the most attractive and solid look possible. Next - find a suitable interlocutor by any of the methods described above. Now it remains to start a conversation, focusing on the presence of common interests - and, developing communication, after a while invite the girl to meet in person, referring to some significant event or arguing your idea with the desire to see her in person.

Do you want to know how to get to know a girl "VKontakte" without disappointment, how to draw her attention to yourself and your page, what to write about in the first message of an attractive counterpart so that it does not go unanswered? So, you will definitely find time and read this article to the end.

Dating in social networks has become an integral part of our lives today. This is a wonderful and very convenient way to find a friend or even your soul mate. But with all the simplicity of virtual communication, many young people face certain difficulties when trying to establish a dialogue with the girl they like.

Of course, this is not detailed instructions with a stamp in the warranty card, similar to those that are issued when buying household electrical appliances. Much will depend only on you. However, the following basic principles and rules will allow you to easily achieve your goal.

We are looking for a girl, or Where to start the search for "VKontakte"

Let's start from what you already know well about using the "Search" field in social networks. Now we need to figure out how to find a girl "VKontakte" who will please you and in whom you can evoke mutual feelings. Here are a few simple suggestions.

  • First, decide what you need this acquaintance for, what it will become for you: an easy hobby, sincere love or friendship. It is also important to understand what type of girls attracts you the most: romantic natures, thoughtful intellectuals or bright party girls. Indeed, in each specific case, you will need to apply a certain strategy (but we will tell you about how to get to know a girl "VKontakte" depending on her type of character a little later).
  • The next step is search. Set the necessary parameters (age, city), open the pages and start studying information that will tell you who to choose and what to talk about with the VKontakte girl.
  • One of the best and almost win-win options is to search in interest groups. After all, starting a conversation with a person with whom you have common hobbies is always much easier.

Caution, fake, or Who is on the other side of the monitor screen?

5 signs of a fake page:

  • The presence of superficial, often illogical information in the "About Me" section. Missing data in the "Interests" block.
  • Overabundance of advertising on the wall and on the personal page.
  • A small number of friends and photos.
  • Photos that do not match the specified age or personal photos that show similar but different girls.
  • Photo images of an erotic nature with a call to go to another site for further acquaintance.

Working on our page

Often, young people who are wondering how to get to know a girl "VKontakte" pay little attention to their page. And therein lies the big mistake. Your page can say a lot about you, forming the right image. How to properly prepare it?

  • Place an unretouched photo on your avatar with a well-placed light, in which you will be well recognizable. It is better if you have an open smile on your face (this always attracts attention). Do not immediately try to conquer a girl with your naked torso or demonstrate your success with women with the help of pictures taken at a corporate party.
  • Remove videos and photo albums with the fair sex (even if it's your sister or just a work colleague), they are unlikely to help you start a conversation with the VKontakte girl. Ladies, as a rule, react negatively to such selections, subconsciously perceiving other women as successful rivals.
  • Pay attention to the comments on the wall. There should be nothing "criminal" here. Posts with enthusiastic memories of the evening spent with you, containing obscene language or demonstrating your addiction to alcoholic beverages, will be clearly superfluous. Leave congratulations on the holidays, recommendations for books, TV series or travel, business questions.
  • Add descriptions of your favorite books and movies, photos from your travels, tell us about your hobbies.

First post

We have come to the key stage - the first message. Let's figure out what the first "VKontakte" should be? Your first post is the main lead. And she must be successful. To do this, you will have to become original, not like others, attentive and tactful.

Beautiful girls often hear compliments addressed to them. Therefore, the excitement about a cool photo, an amazing outfit or amazing eyes will leave her indifferent. At best, she will simply thank you with a banal “Thank you!”.

You can hear a lot of advice on how to get acquainted with a girl "VKontakte". Various examples are given. One of the best options is to ask an extraordinary question, pushing for a detailed answer, beautifully beating any part of the wardrobe and causing her a pleasant surprise. An excellent clue can be a pet or a photo taken on a trip.

In any case, before writing the first message, carefully study the photos of a beautiful stranger. They will definitely tell you how to start a dialogue with a Vkontakte girl.

Effective Approaches

  • Humor and provocation. The owners of a sense of humor are always attractive to girls, and a message dressed in a playful form, causing a desire to enter into an argument, almost never goes unnoticed.
  • When deciding what to talk about with a Vkontakte girl, use the contextual information provided in photo albums, videos, and a questionnaire. Perhaps you recently visited the same exhibition, read the same book, or share her musical preferences. Although the option to "cheat" has every right to exist. The only thing to consider: your message should not be boring and banal. Show a little imagination - and your efforts will not go unanswered.

Topics for messages. It works!

Briefly summing up all of the above, we can single out several topics that open up wide opportunities for starting a dialogue "In Contact" with a girl. All of them are quite simple and do not require supernatural knowledge from you.

  • Current events (events, concerts, parties, tourist trips).
  • Pets (for example, discussing her adorable "fluffy" or showing a photo of you with a touching kitten or puppy in your arms).
  • Sports (if it is one of her hobbies).
  • Music (for example, club music if there are photos from parties), books, films.

Lyceum or party girl

Before you finally decide what to write when meeting a VKontakte girl, pay close attention to her social status, character type and circle of hobbies.

Lyceum students are students of lyceums, schools, gymnasiums, students of elementary courses of colleges. It is quite easy for an average guy to get acquainted with such girls, since the circle of their interests is predictable and not very extensive. As a rule, we are talking about discos, gatherings with friends in a cafe, going to the cinema, country trips and picnics in the bosom of nature. To achieve success, it is enough to find out what is most interesting for her, start communication and support a given topic.

Party girls are lovers of spending time in nightclubs and discos. Nightlife is the main stimulus for them, a source of positive energy and a unifying interest. Their chosen ones are cheerful guys. Therefore, if you are counting on reciprocity, your first VKontakte message should sparkle with a positive attitude and incendiary humor.

Your chosen one is an intellectual

Does the girl you like study at a higher educational institution, regularly attend art exhibitions, is interested in painting, loves classical music, poetry, theater? Congratulations! You have chosen a real intellectual.

You will have to forget about the strategy that is acceptable when dealing with lyceum girls and party girls. Tact, gallantry, politeness, romance and subtle humor should come to the fore. This approach will bring you luck if, of course, your arsenal of books read is not limited to school textbooks and Harry Potter, and your interests include not only sports bars.

We continue communication

The first message is written, you received a detailed answer (we were able to interest her - this is the first small victory that must be developed). "VKontakte" further, how to continue acquaintance?

Choose any topic that is interesting for her, show that you can not only listen, but also hear. You will have a great chance to learn more about her, her character and preferences. Try to be yourself, do not embellish yourself, do not try to create an image of the owner of virtues that are not characteristic of you. Be sincere, because the lie will appear already at the first meeting in reality.

Moving on to a closer communication "VKontakte", take the next step - ask for a phone number and make an appointment. At the same time, offer several options for a place for a first date (park, cinema, cozy cafe), giving the girl the right to choose.

  • Away with obsession! Correspondence with an annoying opponent will repel any girl. Your dialogue should not turn into a routine procedure that will not awaken anything but irritation.
  • Be simple. Leave aside slang and slang words, do not write abstruse phrases, trying to appear smarter than you are.
  • Pay attention to literacy. Messages containing rude will only cause a smile.
  • Do not disappear for a long time and do not drag out the virtual acquaintance phase. wait for concrete action.
  • If the girl gives you her phone number, call her immediately. She is waiting for your call. Otherwise, your chance may be missed.


Obviously, there are no standard answers to the question of how to get to know a girl "VKontakte", in which everything will be sorted out and detailed descriptions of actions are given. And there is nothing surprising in this. Individuality has not yet been canceled.

So that dozens and hundreds of tips that you read do not turn out to be useless information, learn to be attentive, notice the little things and nuances that are insignificant at first glance, try to gain more self-confidence. After all, it is up to you to act!