I dreamed about a guy spilling sour cream. How to make sour cream at home: recipes and cooking secrets

Sleep is an integral part of human life. At this time, the body and mind rest, and the subconscious mind rethinks the mistakes of the past and simulates situations that may occur in the future. It is very important to pay attention to dreams. They can tell and suggest a lot. “Why do you dream about sour cream?” - a question that worries many who like to interpret dreams. Let's try to understand this issue.

General value

As a rule, the dairy product called sour cream does not cause bad associations. Previously, it was believed that if people have a cow (and therefore milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter), then they are quite wealthy people.

Even in the most difficult times they managed to survive, because in any village dairy products were always in good demand. This means that the question of why sour cream is dreamed of can be answered like this: profit and wealth. In fact, any liquid in a dream most often means the flow of money in a person’s life. If in a dream you see sour cream literally flowing into your house, it means that you will soon significantly improve your financial situation. This could be either receiving an inheritance or something that you have been striving for for a long time. A more accurate interpretation of a dream with sour cream will depend on many small details. So, try to remember what the consistency of the sour cream was, whether it was fresh or missing.

Freud's interpretation

The Austrian psychologist Freud devoted a lot of time to the interpretation of dreams. To the question “why do you dream about sour cream,” he answered as follows: “Our subconscious perceives sour cream as something good and tasty. It is important to note that it is not an independent food product. So, sour cream, for example, is added to borscht or dough. And most often it is associated with such a dish as pancakes. In a dream, this could mean that a person will soon receive good news that will help him improve his affairs.” In other words, sour cream in a dream is interpreted as a sign of some help and support that a person will receive (or expect to receive). If we talk, for example, about love relationships, then such a dream can promise marriage.

Buy, sell and make sour cream

The actions that are performed with a product or thing in a dream are of decisive importance. Why sour cream? Such a plot means that a joyful event awaits you soon. The dream in which it was brought or given to you has almost the same meaning, but in this case the dream will mean that luck itself is floating into your hands.

Selling means that your plans will not be realized in the near future. You missed an important moment somewhere, and luck passed you by. Why dream of sour cream that you make yourself? This means that the luck that awaits you is your personal merit. You have worked hard and are finally getting a good reward for it. Now things will get better, and no one can stop it. We can say that you are the architect of your own happiness. If you dream that you are being offered sour cream with pancakes, then in real life you should be wary of this person (who is giving the treat). If you are the one giving the treat, it means you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved ones. Perhaps you have offended someone greatly by your actions.

Sour, liquid, thick sour cream

The consistency of sour cream is also very important. She can tell you exactly what changes will happen in the near future. The best sign is thick and fatty sour cream - it symbolizes prosperity and profit. Liquid may indicate some conflicts in family life. If suddenly this product turned out to be sour in a dream, it means that something unexpected will happen soon. Eating sour cream in a dream that is spoiled means strong conflicts and negativity in your direction. In addition, such a vision may mean that you are paying too much attention to yourself.

Such selfishness has a bad effect on relationships with acquaintances and friends. In combination with other products, for example in salads, in dough, in cream, sour cream signifies good news, holidays, the arrival of guests, luck, success in business and at work.

Esoteric dream book

This particular dream book gives a rather interesting interpretation. Sour cream can dream of a love relationship and an imminent wedding. Perhaps this may be due to the fact that in many villages there was such a tradition: a wedding cake was baked for a wedding. It was called kurnik. A sauce was always made to it with the addition of either sour cream or cream. In addition, the pie itself was also often mixed with sour cream. Most likely, this is why this dairy product in a dream promises a quick wedding or festivities.

Sour cream in a dream can also mean that you will soon meet your soulmate and a bouquet and candy period will begin in your life. Sour sour cream with an unpleasant odor, on the contrary, promises conflicts with a loved one.

It is very important to pay attention in a dream to what container the sour cream is in. As a rule, the smaller it is, the smaller its positive value. For example, a whole barrel of sour cream in the middle of the house symbolizes decent wealth, but a small plate with a dairy product can mean receiving a small amount of money. It is also important to note your personal attitude towards this product. If you can't stand sour cream, this may spell trouble for you. If, on the contrary, you really love this product, then you should expect good news.

Bad interpretation

Sour cream in a dream may not always be a harbinger of good news. A negative interpretation is found in such a collection as the Small Veles Dream Book. Sour cream in it denotes difficulties and troubles. In particular, this applies to those cases when in a dream a person constantly eats it and cannot get enough. The dream may also indicate strong feelings of guilt and remorse. In addition, it is with pancakes that sour cream signifies betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. This is explained by the fact that pancakes in a dream themselves have a negative meaning: they symbolize a bad start, failure, illness.

In combination with dairy products, this means that loved ones are deceiving you. It is important to note that this only applies when you are treated to pancakes. If you see sour sour cream spilling in your house, it means that all your plans will be disrupted and you will not be able to complete your endeavors. If such a dream came to you before the trip, most likely it needs to be postponed for several days. Perhaps the journey will be in vain and will not bring any benefit.

People have been making homemade sour cream since they domesticated cows, goats and sheep and began to receive milk from them.

Since then, the production of fermented milk products has not undergone significant changes, with the exception of improvements in the technological process.

How to make sour cream at home - basic technological principles

Probably, each flavor of sour cream has its fans.

Some people prefer a low-fat product, with a sour taste, from the supermarket, in a beautiful original packaging, while others like homemade sour cream, country-style, like grandma's, in childhood.

Many private farms still make sour cream the old fashioned way, fermenting milk and collecting the fatty part that has risen to the surface.

In peasant farms, where milk yields are more significant, stable and sour cream is constantly sold on the market, there are household separators that facilitate the process of obtaining cream for homemade sour cream. But this method, although partially mechanized, is still far from the technological process at a large milk processing enterprise.

It should also be noted here that farm sour cream is often superior in quality to the products of large manufacturers, since the conditions for its production are closer to natural.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely reproduce the entire technological chain of sour cream production at home, even without taking into account packaging, but understanding the essence of the technology and all its stages will help to achieve the most approximate result, especially if you want to have a fresh homemade product with properties close to factory-made sour cream.

Of course, the most important role in making sour cream is played by feedstockmilk. Since the most traditional and popular raw material for sour cream is still cow's milk, and the technology of sour cream from the milk of other domestic animals is complex even for production conditions, we will focus on the first option.

The quality of sour cream can depend on many factors, and its fat content is directly proportional to the fat content of the original product. It follows that it is impossible to obtain sour cream from skim or low-fat milk, even with a low percentage of fat content. The minimum fat content of sour cream is 10%, and the maximum is 58%. In homemade sour cream, the fat content can reach 75%.

Of course, fatty foods, from a nutritional point of view, are harmful, and it’s hard to disagree with this. But if you do not forget about a sense of proportion, then the harm of a natural product is nothing in comparison with the benefits of a dietary analogue created artificially.

It’s no secret that often, when buying sour cream, you have to deal with some incomprehensible moments:

    date of manufacture and sale: sour cream, as a natural fermented milk product, cannot be stored for more than 5 days. How can a natural fermented milk product be preserved for more than a month?

    product composition: natural sour cream, except cream and sourdough, cannot contain any other components. At this point, sometimes the manufacturer generally shows miracles of ingenuity;

    and, if we look at the issue very strictly, then storing a real product in plastic or cardboard is also unacceptable;

    if the packaging says that the fat content is 10% and the consistency is thick, you should also refuse such a purchase, or to finally make sure that the sour cream product is not only not healthy, but even harmful to health, bring the packaging home and conduct an experiment : add 1-2 drops of iodine to a spoon of sour cream. If the product turns blue, then, in addition to fermented cream, it contains something else, which the manufacturer “modestly” kept silent about;

    Quite often in retail chains you can find “sour cream” with insoluble grains. This only means that there is no other benefit from such sour cream, other than its presence on the table. Often there is not even a trace of cream in such products, and natural products are replaced by artificial ones. How can an artificial component organically interact with natural enzymes involved in digestion?

Our ancestors did not have measuring instruments that would allow us to determine the fat content of sour cream in order to classify it among the range of dietary products, so ideas about the properties and benefits of products were the result of centuries of observations and personal experience.

Has anyone ever noticed that full-fat milk or cream causes a feeling of heaviness in the body, while sour cream is easily digestible? The fact is that as a result of the natural souring of fresh cream, natural milk proteins and fats pass into a different biochemical state, most suitable for digestion.

Of course, you shouldn’t reject offers from large dairy product manufacturers too categorically, because among them there are many bona fide sellers of milk processing services. At the very least, to learn how to make sour cream at home, you can take their experience into account.

Briefly stated, the production stages that meet the requirements of GOST consist of successive stages, which can be partially reproduced in the production of homemade sour cream. Let's try to list these stages, while simultaneously finding ways to reproduce them at home.

1. Milk collection. This stage occurs in the same way at any enterprise: the purchase of milk from the population, with accompanying laboratory tests, in order to determine the fat content of milk and identify (exclude) the possible presence of harmful bacteria.

2. Separation of milk raw materials. Cream is separated from the collected natural milk. But first they are kept at a fairly low temperature (4ºϹ) and then heated (up to 40ºϹ) to increase the plasticity of milk fats and improve their separation from milk protein during separation.

3. Normalization. This production stage is not feasible at home without special, rather complex, and unsuitable equipment for domestic purposes. The purpose of this stage in production conditions is to redistribute the percentage of fat in the feedstock for the production of sour cream of various fat contents.

4. Pasteurization, during which the separated cream is heated, reduces the viscosity of the fat. This is possible at a temperature of 62ºϹ. In addition, temperature conditions during the production of sour cream are established in a certain relationship with the activation and suppression of the activity of lactic acid bacteria, which are contained in raw milk and are involved in the ripening of sour cream.

5. Homogenization. The essence of the process is the crushing of larger fat molecules, which are naturally separated from the protein. The breakdown of fat is achieved by heating and squeezing out the raw materials. That is, warm cream is passed through a narrow tube under high pressure. This operation helps to change the cream and obtain a more homogeneous mass, which, after fermentation, does not separate into whey and curd. At this stage, the heating temperature increases to 90ºϹ, the pathogenic environment is destroyed.

6. Leaven. The addition of a certain group of lactic bacteria, used specifically for the production of sour cream (thermophilic yeast), starts the fermentation process. The favorable temperature for the growth and development of thermophilic yeast is approximately equal to normal human temperature and is maintained for 10 hours so that lactic acid bacteria have the opportunity to spread throughout the mass of pasteurized raw materials.

7. Aging or maturation. The finished sour cream is transported to cooler chambers, with a temperature no higher than 8ºϹ, where it ripens for at least 14 hours, until the moment of packaging and subsequent sale. In some cases, sour cream is packaged during the ripening process and at the same time it is partially cooled so that the sour cream ripens.

How to make sour cream at home, knowing all the basic technological aspects?

First you need to buy whole milk. It is advisable to do this on the market, where products are checked by a sanitary doctor and an epidemiological laboratory before being allowed to be sold. An alternative step is to buy milk from a farmer you know. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the container and the neatness of the seller. The fat content of milk can be determined visually. 3-4 hours after milking, lighter milk fats separate from the protein and float to the surface of the bottle. They are creamy in color, and the boundary between proteins and fats is clearly marked. In milk, with a high fat content, per 3 liters of the total volume there is up to 1/3 of the fat. This means that the milk contains at least 30% fat and can be used to produce high-quality cream and sour cream. It is enough to lower, for example, a plastic tube from a medical injection system to the bottom of the bottle and pump the lower, protein part of the milk into another jar, which is at a lower level at that time. In this case, the milk will contain a sufficient amount of fat and can be used for any purpose.

If you have a household separator, you can separate more milk fat to make homemade sour cream, but the remaining milk (skimmed milk) will be skimmed. Nevertheless, skimmed milk is also suitable for culinary processing and consumption, as it contains a valuable composition of vitamins and minerals.

In the absence of a separator, before making sour cream at home, it is in any case better to warm up natural milk. If you plan to ferment sour cream naturally, then heating should not exceed a temperature of 42ºϹ. During pasteurization, natural bacteria will undoubtedly die, and they will have to be added artificially to pasteurized cream by adding sourdough. Everything is simple here: any natural fermented milk product can act as a starter. The ratio is determined simply: 1% starter to the mass of cream. If a fermented milk product acts as a starter, its mass can be increased to 10%.

As for homogenization and normalization: with these stages of preparing homemade sour cream, the situation is more complicated. It is difficult to provide such conditions in everyday life. Is it only possible to buy homogenized homemade milk? But then you will have to ensure the preservation of sour cream by adding modified corn starch and at least aspirin.

If this option is necessary, try it, but in the meantime we offer more natural and less radical ways to make sour cream at home.

Recipe 1. Homemade country-style sour cream


Milk, whole (fat) 3 l


Let homemade milk sour at room temperature. At the same time, cover the bottle with milk with gauze folded in four and do not shake it. How much cream collects on the surface of the milk will depend on the quality of the product.

After two or three days, whey should appear at the bottom of the bottle - this is a signal that the milk has soured.

Carefully, use a spoon to collect the cream that has collected on the surface into another jar and place the homemade sour cream in the refrigerator for ripening, covering with a lid.

Fermented milk can be heated to separate the whey and drain the mixture through a colander lined with gauze.

Use the resulting sour cream, cottage cheese and whey for their intended purpose.

Recipe 2. How to make sour cream at home from pasteurized cream


Pasteurized cream (33%) 1.0 l

Kaymak 450 ml (40%)


To prepare homemade sour cream for this recipe, you can use cream purchased in a store, but it is important that the product is made from natural milk and there is no inscription on the packaging indicating that the cream can be stored for more than 72 hours.

Heat the cream to 20-25ºϹ. Pour the kaymak into a container with a volume of more than 1.5 liters and pour the cream into it in a thin stream, stirring the dairy products until smooth. Cover the cream mixed with kajmak with gauze and leave for 10 hours to sour. There is no need to stir or shake the contents of the jar anymore. Place homemade sour cream in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3. How to make sour cream at home from skim cream


Whole milk 5 l

Curdled milk, natural 50 ml


You will need natural milk, not skimmed.

Skim the cream using the method described above, warm it, but do not boil it.

When the cream has cooled to approximately 36-40ºϹ, add yogurt and stir until cooled by another 20ºϹ.

Pour the mixture into glass jars, cover with lids and leave in the room overnight. In the morning, refrigerate the sour cream, and you can eat it for dinner.

Recipe 4. Homemade sour cream from homogenized milk and natural cream

This sour cream has a low fat content, it is almost a dietary product.


Milk, homogenized 1 l

Cream, homemade sour 450 g


Heat the milk until it is close to boiling, but do not boil.

Then cool them at room temperature to 25-30ºϹ. The challenge is to ensure that introducing milk into the cream does not curdle it.

Place the cream in a large container and add cooling milk while continuously stirring the cream.

The initial temperature of the cream should be the same as the temperature of the introduced milk.

It is advisable not to stop stirring. You cannot use a blender or mixer: only hand whisking.

Recipe 5. Homemade creme brulee sour cream

The extent to which this product can be considered sour cream is unknown. The fat content of the cream, which is 30%, indicates that this product has every right to be called sour cream. The cooking technology is reminiscent of a recipe for “creme brulee” or homemade fermented baked milk. But there is no doubt that this is a tasty dish.


Cream 30% (any) 300 ml

Sour cream 20% 150 g


Pour the cream into a 0.5 liter ceramic pot and place it in a cold oven.

Do not use the lid.

Turn the oven on to the lowest heat and let the cream simmer in the pot until a golden crust forms on the surface.

Turn off the oven without removing the pot.

When the cream becomes slightly warm, pour sour cream into it, carefully pushing away the edge of the resulting baked film.

The pot can be removed from the oven, covered with a lid and left indoors for 10-12 hours.

Recipe 6. How to make sour cream at home from cream and lactose


Cream of any fat content 0.5 l

Lactose 1 tablet


Bring the cream to a boil and keep it in this mode for 15-20 seconds.

When cooled to room temperature, add crushed lactose tablet. If you bought tablets in capsules, then you need to throw away the shell.

Stir the cream, cover loosely with a lid and leave for 10 hours indoors, and then keep for the same amount of time in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Homemade sour cream from separated farm cream


Cream, homemade 25%, not pasteurized 1.5 l

Yogurt, homemade 150 ml


Divide the purchased cream into 250 g portions (6 glasses or 0.25 ml cans).

Also divide the yogurt into equal parts and add it to each portion of cream.

Wait until it completely sours at room temperature, then put the sour cream in the cold. T

This sour cream should be consumed within 5 days.

    Sour cream “loves” the right storage conditions. At temperatures below 0Ϲ, sour cream freezes and loses its beneficial properties. Such sour cream cannot be used for making creams.

    Long-term storage at temperatures above 8°C causes the product to sour, resulting in the death of lactic acid bacteria that are valuable to the body. Peroxided sour cream can be useful for preparing any unleavened dough. In this case, it is enough to add soda or ammonium, but do not use oxidizing agents.

    Season fresh vegetable salads with sour cream. Try to use mayonnaise less often in these cases. Even the fattest sour cream is more healthy and dietary than the lowest calorie mayonnaise.

    Sour cream can be fermented in any available way. The main goal is to obtain complete organic lactic acids. Any lactic acid product of natural origin benefits the body.

If you dreamed of sour cream, then get ready for a streak of wonderful luck. In a dream, it is also a symbol of improving material well-being and all the good things. Why else would you dream of such a delicious image? Specific examples and popular dream books will give you a hint.

Interpretation of sleep according to Aesop's dream book

Sour cream, according to this dream book, is not such a good symbol in a dream. She hints that you will regret some wrongdoing. If you dreamed that you ate sour cream, then you will be able to restore the trust of others or correct the situation in your favor.

Did you happen to spill sour cream? Get ready for unpleasant troubles and worries. There is a possibility that you will lose what you have been striving for a long time and persistently.

Interpretation from the dream book of spouses Winter

Why do you dream about sour cream? In a dream, this is a sign of excellent health and stable income. After such a dream, your plans will go well, and troubles will be avoided.

Did you dream that you were buying sour cream? Alas, family matters will force you to spend a lot of money. If the product was tasty and appetizing at least in appearance, then spending, on the contrary, will bring satisfaction.

Spilling sour cream in a dream is worse. Well-being can suffer due to stupid carelessness. Sour sour cream warns of a domestic quarrel. In order not to spoil relationships with loved ones, the dream book recommends showing patience and compassion.

Opinion of the White Magician's dream book

Did you have to eat sour cream in a dream? The dream book believes that in real life you often forget about business and responsibilities, indulging in idle pleasures. Essentially, you are wasting your time, leaving everything important and meaningful for the future. One day you will realize that you have acted stupidly all this time, but the moment will be lost.

Why do you dream about buying sour cream in a dream? You probably think that you should definitely pay for the pleasure you receive. And this outlook on life prevents you from relaxing. You place work and responsibilities above all else, remaining an obligatory person even on vacation.

People around you shamelessly take advantage of this, often dumping some of their own worries on you. In principle, such an attitude towards life is commendable, but you shouldn’t forget about yourself. A little entertainment and idleness won't hurt you.

Did you dream that you spilled sour cream in a dream? Be prepared for the whole next day to be filled with problems and difficulties of various kinds. And what you have planned for a long time will not come true, even if you put all your effort into it.

Why do you dream of thick, liquid, sour sour cream?

Very thick homemade sour cream in a dream can symbolize pleasant communication with loved ones or an idle party. An unnaturally liquid product in a dream promises conflicts and misunderstandings in reality.

Seeing thick and fatty sour cream means that there will be an excellent chance to earn a little extra money. Sour and terribly tasteless sour cream symbolizes a misunderstanding that will darken joy.

What does it mean to buy, sell, make sour cream?

Why do you dream if you happen to buy sour cream? Perhaps in the sublunary world you will have a loved one. Selling sour cream is bad. A romantic date will not take place or will go worse than you hoped.

Did you dream about a lot of sour cream, for example, at the market or in a store? Wealth and good health await you ahead. Making sour cream yourself in a dream literally means that happiness is solely in your hands. If for some reason you were unable to buy sour cream, you will be disappointed in love and will remain lonely for a long time.

Eating sour cream in a dream

Why do you dream if you happen to eat sour cream? You are overly confident in yourself and pay little attention to the needs of others. If you don't change immediately, you will lose all your friends. Seeing and eating sour cream in a dream at the same time means receiving big money and good luck. For lovers, this is a sign of imminent marriage.

If you ate sour cream greedily, straight from the jar with a spoon, then it’s time to pay attention to your own digestion. If you dream too often that you eat sour cream, then the scales in the real world will soon reach its limit.

Sour cream in a dream – even more options

Why do you dream about sour cream? Most often, there are two interpretations of a dream: either you passionately desire something, but cannot get it, or, on the contrary, you got something in a clearly forbidden way.

  • fat sour cream - happiness
  • seeing her is a legacy
  • eat - health, luck
  • sour cream – wedding, mutual love
  • whipped sour cream - respect
  • sour cream with dumplings - positive changes
  • with pancakes - a stab in the back
  • with pancakes - success in business, at work
  • with horseradish - a pleasant acquaintance
  • with mushrooms - contentment
  • with meat - luck
  • with greenery - sadness, disappointment
  • in a salad (any kind) - a good buy
  • to get dirty with sour cream - to think

Did you dream that a cat was licking sour cream? In reality, get ready to receive guests or go visit friends or acquaintances in honor of a big holiday.

In your dream it may be associated with the famous phrase: “The cat knows whose sour cream he ate!” This means that you will feel guilty for one of your misdeeds.

If in a dream you eat sour cream- means that you will cope with the situation, be able to correct the situation and restore the trust and disposition of those around you.

If you spilled sour cream- this portends you troubles and a situation in which you will have to be humiliated so as not to lose what you have long and persistently achieved.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Buy sour cream- a sign that household chores can lead you to unexpected expenses, but if the sour cream in your dream looks appetizing and fresh, then these expenses will turn out to your benefit.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Eating sour cream in a dream- in real life, you strive for pleasure, forgetting about your responsibilities and affairs. You are wasting your life, hoping to make up for lost time someday “later.” But instead of catching up, you lose the already small reserve of time allotted to you by fate. Be careful: when you finally catch on, it will be too late.

Buy sour cream in a dream- you sincerely believe that in life you have to pay for everything, even for pleasure, and therefore you do not allow yourself to rest and relax once again. You always have work, responsibilities, and affairs in the foreground, so you can undoubtedly be called a responsible person. But you haven’t noticed that all the holidays and parties go by without you and you become in demand only when your help and your business skills are needed. For some reason, you are valued only for your ability to bring significant benefit to others at the right time.

If in a dream you spilled sour cream- this means that all tomorrow you will be accompanied by failures and you will not be able to do anything planned, no matter how hard you try.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Sour cream- characterized by two phrases: “like a cat for sour cream...” and “the cat knows whose sour cream it ate.”

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sour cream, cream- mutual love, wedding.

Culinary dream book

Sour cream- greedily eat sour cream not as a seasoning, and by itself and without bread- acquire stomach illness from excess food.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Sour cream- profit, good luck, wedding (for lovers).

Esoteric dream book

There is sour cream- to prosperity.

spill- for the holiday.

Cat licks sour cream- go on a visit or on a holiday.

Ukrainian dream book

Sour cream as a dream- this is a beautiful sign, profit.

Sour cream

Sour cream:

  • mutual love, wedding;
  • inheritance;
  • a sign of good prosperity and good health. Such dreams foretell that you will not face any troubles in the near future and things promise to go well.

Peroxided sour cream- a sign of a possible quarrel in your home. After such a dream, it does not bother you to show more sensitivity towards your loved ones.

There is sour cream:

  • news;
  • income, wealth, luck;
  • you will cope with the situation, be able to correct the situation and restore the trust and disposition of those around you;
  • in real life, you strive for pleasure, forgetting about your responsibilities and affairs. You are wasting your life, hoping to make up for lost time someday “later.” But instead of catching up, you lose the already small reserve of time allotted to you by fate. Be careful: when you finally catch on, it will be too late;
  • full health;
  • for lovers- quick marriage.

Eat whipped sour cream- you will achieve respect.

Eating sour cream greedily, not as a seasoning, but on its own and without bread- acquire stomach illness from excess food.

If you spilled sour cream:

  • this portends you troubles and a situation in which you will have to submit to humiliation so as not to lose what you have long and persistently achieved;
  • all tomorrow you will be accompanied by failures, and you will not be able to do anything planned, no matter how hard you try;
  • a warning that some oversight threatens to greatly harm your well-being

Buying sour cream in a dream:

  • you sincerely believe that in life you have to pay for everything, even for pleasure, and therefore you do not allow yourself to rest and relax once again. Your work, responsibilities, and affairs are always in the foreground, so without a doubt you can be called a responsible person. But you haven’t noticed that all the holidays and parties go by without you, and you become in demand only when your help and your business skills are needed. For some reason, you are valued only for your ability to bring significant benefit to others at the right time;
  • a sign that household chores can lead you to unexpected expenses, but if the sour cream in your dream looks appetizing and fresh, then these expenses will turn out to your benefit.

Cat licks sour cream- go on a visit or on a holiday.