Mushrooms in the forest according to the dream book. Mushroom picking: general rules and advice for a novice mushroom picker Dream interpretation of picking mushrooms in the forest with your husband

First, let's figure out what clothes to wear for going to the forest to pick mushrooms. Be sure to wear rubber boots on your feet so that tall grass does not get you wet and ticks cannot climb up the slippery surface. Moreover, taller boots perfectly protect against snake bites in the forest. In addition to a thick hat (to protect against mosquitoes and horseflies), it is necessary to wear thick clothing, in particular a special khaki suit or raincoat is suitable, which will also protect against insect bites.

Depending on what mushrooms you intend to collect, choose containers for them. It is better to use plastic buckets or baskets or baskets for salted mushrooms, but for ordinary mushrooms you can also use bags if there is nothing underneath. When you accidentally find yourself in the forest, you can use parts of your clothing, for example, a hat or a knitted one. Be sure to remember to take water to drink and a penknife. Mushroom picking requires a lot of physical exertion and your body will certainly need additional moisture.

How to pick mushrooms correctly

Once in the forest, many people begin to have poor spatial orientation and may get lost. To prevent such a situation, be sure to remember some details: dry wood, dead wood, anthills, clearings, the location of the sun on a clear day, and others. Mostly mushrooms grow in birch, spruce or mixed forests. They hide under fallen leaves in open sunny spaces.

When you see the mushroom cap, take out a knife and clean the mushroom from leaves and dirt. Decide on the name of the mushroom - it is better not to collect unknown ones, they may be poisonous. Carefully cut off the mushroom at the very base if it is an ordinary mushroom for drying or cooking (boletus, boletus, boletus), and for salted mushrooms (milk mushrooms, volzhanka, boletus), cut off only the cap. Do not try to pull the entire mushroom out of the ground first - this may harm the development of the mycelium next year. After cutting, turn the mushroom over and find out whether it is wormy or not. A wormy mushroom will have numerous small holes visible on the cut; a pure mushroom will not have them. In the future, wormy mushrooms can only be used for drying, and only clean mushrooms can be used for fresh food. And if it is completely rotten, throw it in a bright place, insects will eat it. When walking through the forest, never knock over mushrooms with your feet, even poisonous ones, they can serve as medicine for sick wild animals.

In general, it is necessary to respect the forest wealth that nature gives us.

In the forest? This dream is very interesting. Its correct interpretation depends on the details. It is very important whether the mushrooms in the dream are edible or poisonous. Each source interprets this dream in its own way. Below are the interpretations of this dream by various dream books.

Dream interpreter from A to Z. Interpretation of dreams

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream means that all a person’s efforts will be rewarded. Mushrooms in a dream can also be a sign of pregnancy, satisfied passion, or extreme fatigue. Buying them means unreasonable haste and unhealthy desires in matters of capital accumulation. They can bring the sleeper to litigation. Eating mushrooms means aging. If a person cooks them in sour cream in a dream, then in reality he will live for his own pleasure. Treating someone with mushrooms means being humiliated in reality. This dream can also mean secret love. When a dreamer sees poisonous mushrooms in a dream, in reality a lucky chance will allow him to get out of a difficult and dangerous situation. For a young lady, this dream promises an irresistible craving for carnal pleasures, but neglect of material things. dream of improved health, weight loss and relaxation. Selling or buying them in a dream means a good acquisition in reality.

Dream book of Grishina. Dream interpretation

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? This dream can foretell great success, small matters and great work. If a person in a dream walks through a forest where there are a lot of huge mushrooms, in reality he should not expect any changes in life. Cooking - to surprises. Growing mushrooms in a dream are a sign that it is difficult for the sleeper to understand spiritual issues. Breaking and trampling them in a dream means confronting your own inertia in reality.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This source interprets this dream in its own way. Picking mushrooms in the forest, according to this dream book, means receiving some kind of reward. Mushrooms in a dream also could mean receiving help that will come through advice. Eating them means longevity. If you dream of poisonous mushrooms, it means a happy occasion.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in the forest? Such dreams, as a rule, foreshadow dubious acquisitions and income. A forest clearing with beautiful, strong mushrooms promises unplanned profit. However, the one dreaming with her needs to behave carefully. Fly agarics, toadstools and other poisonous mushrooms mean a very tempting offer, which the sleeper should not agree to. It can be disastrous.

Modern dream book: picking honey mushrooms in a dream

This dream means that the sleeper will accidentally cause severe moral pain to one of his loved ones or acquaintances, as a result of which he will break off relations with this person for a long time. Drying honey mushrooms on a thread means victory over your enemies. For a woman, this dream means many fans. Eating honey mushrooms fried means a successful career.

French dream book

Mushrooms dream of longevity and good luck. If they have red hats, it means the successful completion of protracted affairs, and if they have black hats, it means sadness. Morels are a symbol of good health to those who collect them. Porcini mushrooms portend longevity for those who eat them in a dream.

Mushrooms are amazing creatures of nature, classified by scientists as a separate classification of living organisms. They combine the characteristics of plants and animals. Deadly, incredibly tasty, unusual shapes and colors. People’s attitudes towards them can be radically opposite: from complete avoidance to fanatical enthusiasm for “silent hunting”. The compilers of dream books, undoubtedly, in their interpretation of dreams about mushrooms unwittingly reflected this range of opinions.

There is a case when you should not look for hidden subtext in a dream and study the dream book. If the day before was devoted to hunting for forest products, and the evening, with good harvest, and part of the night were spent processing mushrooms, it is quite natural that they will “look” into the dream.

When analyzing a dream with the gifts of nature, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, then the interpretation will be as correct as possible and you can easily figure out why mushrooms are dreamed of.

Dream Interpretation: seeing mushrooms in a dream

Interpretations of dreams often differ greatly depending on the country in which they were written.

Russian folk dream book, which some 30 years ago copied from each other by hand in notebooks, is quite straightforward. Seeing edible mushrooms in a dream means success, poisonous mushrooms mean deception.

In Ukraine, on the contrary, good mushrooms predict a meeting with a not very smart person and the possibility of lies on his part. Conditionally edible ones promise profit.

English dream book reports: seeing mushrooms in a dream means that the dreamer is under the tutelage of a powerful patron. This can be either a real person or an indication of a guardian angel.

It’s difficult to say whether the decoding of dreams was influenced by the gastronomic preferences of a nation of gourmets, but french dream book predicts longevity and good health to those who see mushrooms in a dream.

The most popular dream book compilers also display a wide range of opinions

Psychologist Gustav Miller believes that there is nothing positive in a dream with mushrooms. He even sees criminal tendencies in this. Seeing mushrooms in a dream, according to Miller, means an insatiable thirst for quick enrichment, associated with a violation of the law and moral norms.

His famous colleague Sigmund Freud, known for interpreting dreams from the point of view of reflecting the subconscious in them, associates mushrooms with the symbol of the phallus. What is usually hidden in reality will be revealed by a dream in which a person is holding a mushroom in his hands. The founder of psychoanalysis defines this as a tendency to masturbation in men and masturbation in women. A dream with the appearance of mushrooms reflects sexual licentiousness, voluptuousness and indulgence of the “basic instinct”.

Vanga warns the person who sees mushrooms in a dream about surprises, and not always pleasant ones. At the same time, the legendary Bulgarian soothsayer recommends being careful and taking care of your health.

Occultist and multi-talented Evgeny Tsvetkov favors a special natural kingdom. He interprets edible mushrooms seen in a dream as soon receiving advice that needs to be heeded. Poisonous mushrooms, in his opinion, predict a pleasant surprise from Lady Fortune.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms?

A plot in which a person in a dream engaged in “silent hunting” is quite common. In order to decipher it most correctly, it is necessary to take into account the place of collection, the type of mushrooms, whether this happens alone or in company, even the gender of the dreamer and his feelings.

Collect mushrooms In the woods when it rains - a warning sign. Too many people indulge their sensual desires. You should be more selective when choosing a sexual partner.

Gather White mushrooms, strong and unspoiled, this is a dream with one of the most favorable interpretations. Foretells favorable events in life, unexpected pleasant surprises. The income the dreamer expected will even exceed expectations. Collecting boletus mushrooms with your family is family happiness. If you have friends nearby in a dream, this is confirmation that they are trustworthy and you can always rely on them.

Elegant boletus, one after another filling the basket, a sign that everything in reality is planned impeccably. High moral principles and hard work will help you achieve success.

Gather edible mushrooms- the work will be appreciated. The efforts will be fruitful, and the result of your efforts will please you.

Gather big mushrooms, without flaws and wormholes, generally a favorable sign, even if the exact type cannot be determined. This is an amazing reality event, a major success.

If man he dreams that he is picking mushrooms, hastily uprooting them; in reality, he displays too many Don Juan qualities. Too much casual sex. You need to control the desire to have a blast, otherwise it can get out of control and lead to sexually transmitted diseases.

There is a dream when picking mushrooms is interpreted sharply negatively. If you dream of mushrooms that are wormy, rotten, crumbling into dust, this is a danger of a serious illness. We must try to treat such a dream correctly, with gratitude for the warning. What can be done?

Firstly, try not to take rotten mushrooms even in a dream (learn to be the master of dreams), and secondly, pay attention to your own health. Surely, the dreamer himself feels the need to visit a doctor, and the subconscious pushes him to speed up the visit.

It is interesting that for representatives of the fair sex, the interpretation of dreams with forest gifts will be slightly different.

Why do women dream of mushrooms in a dream?

Gather edible mushrooms with pleasure, admiring each one, this is a reflection of the fact that the woman is completely satisfied with her intimate relationships. Too much gambling is a sign warning against sexual promiscuity. The gentleman does not take the dreamer seriously, has fun and does not plan a long-term relationship.

Eat raw mushrooms - haste in relationships. The dreamer has an overly impulsive nature, which sometimes complicates everything. Eating fried food - in reality the lady pays excessive attention to discussing someone else’s personal life. In this case, the negative value changes if sour cream is added to the dish. This predicts longevity.

If a woman washes and gets ready clean in a dream there are mushrooms - it means in reality she strives to do more than she can do. Rest is necessary to avoid nervous and physical stress.

Prepare in a dream, mushrooms are an attempt to streamline your own life and take control of all events into your own hands.

dreaming young girl noble mushrooms inform her of the appearance of a worthy partner in her life. The bride is promised a happy marriage. If she collects the gifts of the forest in the hem of a skirt or dress, she will soon find herself in an “interesting position.” Fly agarics are a sign of danger. There is a man nearby, ready to discredit or betray.

Dreamed mushrooms pregnant woman, inform her that she is carrying a boy.

Why do you dream about different types of mushrooms?

The interpretation of a dream largely depends on the type of mushroom. The differences in interpretations in different countries are indicated above. Often mutually exclusive transcripts are brought together here. We advise you to focus on personal emotions experienced during sleep. Even the negative context is softened or even reduced to zero with a positive perception of the dreamer.

See in a dream white, the most valuable and tasty mushrooms mean an improvement in your financial situation. Slightly damaged - you should be wary of loss due to your own gullibility.

For sick people seen in a dream mushrooms- great news. The disease is receding. Bad diagnoses may be wrong and need to be double-checked.

Chanterelles are mainly associated with the cunning red-haired cheat. The dream warns that some woman is capable of deceiving in the very near future. In reality, the vanity will be in vain.

Milk mushrooms They warn that sometimes it is better to remain silent. A scandal can break out out of nowhere, because of a word spoken in the heat of the moment. Losing in gambling promises a dream in which a person feasts on milk mushrooms.

Champignon, just like friendly honey mushrooms, they promise routine work in reality. You should take it seriously, then the payment will be more than expected and a bonus is possible.

Saffron milk caps seen in a dream - check all the information. Envious people want to quarrel with loved ones or set them up in front of their superiors. Don't believe gossip and be prepared to defend your good name.

Oilers- the most ambiguous in terms of decoding. They, by association, with their sticky hats, symbolize a “slippery” type or a lady with not very high moral principles. They can suddenly appear in the dreamer's life and harm his reputation. At the same time, boletus promises a well-deserved reward.

Aspen mushrooms- everything in life goes on as usual. Mutual love, especially in the case of red hats.

Fly agarics They are preparing for the fact that in reality there will be an open and rather fierce confrontation. The number of enemies will tell you the number of these beautiful but inedible mushrooms. Deceptions and lies, perhaps someone is trying to exert a magical influence of a negative nature (damage, love spell, evil eye).

Russula they say that all the problems that a person worries about are actually not that significant. Controversial situations will be resolved almost effortlessly.

Toadstools they promise complex obstacles ahead, and smaller problems piled up en masse. The dreamer is threatened by unrequited love.

Interpretation of dreams about mushrooms

In real life, the ambiguous attitude of the compilers of dream books towards the gifts of the forest can confuse people who are trying to independently interpret their own dreams. Systematization of the basic principles of dream interpretation leads to the following conclusions.

The larger the mushrooms in your dreams, the better! Large mushrooms in a dream are a sign of impressive profits. Great success is already very close. Personal relationships are harmonious both in the emotional and intimate spheres.

Wormy mushrooms, whether in a dream or in reality, mean trouble. Possible betrayal of a friend, betrayal of a loved one. An illness that appears as if out of nowhere. Therefore, the dream speaks of the need to be alert and visit a doctor.

Fresh mushrooms of excellent quality are a good sign (with the exception of some species described above). Dried plates of mushrooms - moderation will give results, for ladies - the effectiveness of the diet you have started.

In a dream cut For someone else, mushrooms mean losses due to one’s own excessive indecision and fear of taking risks, annoyance. In this interpretation of the dream, it completely coincides with the feelings of lovers of “silent hunting” who discovered the remains of legs in the place of former abundance.

Edible mushrooms that the dreamer eats raw - haste in reality. It’s worth thinking about decisions so as not to get into trouble.

Pickled Seeing and eating mushrooms in a dream is a wonderful symbol. Money wealth will be a faithful companion in the near future.

Salty the gifts of the forest warn of tears due to a negative event in reality. Forget your pride - ask your friends to help.

Why do you dream about a lot of mushrooms?

Seeing a lot of mushrooms in a dream In the woods- in the near future, life will simply be in full swing. Lots of surprises. If the forest planting is very sparse, you should carefully weigh your words and actions so as not to make enemies.

The forest edge, where a huge number of mushrooms grow, predicts happy changes only if they are noble boletus mushrooms. In other cases, in reality you will have to be vigilant to avoid scammers and deception from people you know.

Lots of mushrooms growing straight Houses, or in inappropriate places - extreme surprise. A certain person will open up from a completely different side.

Interpretation of a dream in which it was possible collect a lot of mushrooms, depends on their quality. This is a symbol of retribution according to deserts. Good will pay off handsomely, but you will also have to answer for evil deeds.

If in a bucket There were a lot of wormy mushrooms and toadstools - in reality you need to change your lifestyle. The troubles and diseases that this dream speaks of can be completely avoided. Be attentive to incoming information and check it.

A basket or wicker basket filled to the brim with beautiful mushrooms is an addition to the family. Sometimes the interpretation of this dream tells mushroom pickers, gardeners and gardeners that the harvest in reality will be simply stunning.

It is probably wonderful that there is such a variety of interpretations of dreams with the gifts of nature “in the leading role.” It's easy to choose exactly the option that you like best. The main thing is to believe that the appearance of mushrooms in a dream exclusively means great happiness, health, financial well-being and sensual pleasures with a loved one.

Sweet and auspicious dreams!

The meaning of dreams about mushrooms in many dream books often depends on who exactly had this dream: a man or a woman.

Why do you dream that you are picking mushrooms in the forest?

Women's dream book

Seeing mushrooms in a dream and picking them is not a good sign. Most often, this is a dream if a person strives to quickly increase his fortune by any means. Such cases often end in legal action. If in a dream a young woman saw that she was eating mushrooms collected in the forest, it means that very disorderly pleasures await her in the near future.


The interpretation of a dream in which a person walked and picked mushrooms is good. This means that the purchase you are planning to make will undoubtedly be successful and bring you joy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why dream of picking mushrooms in the forest - long, monotonous, petty work. If you dreamed about mushrooms on their own, this is a warning about dubious pleasures and unfulfilled plans.


If a person sees that he is picking mushrooms in the forest, let him rejoice. This means quick reward.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

If in a dream you walk through the forest and look for mushrooms, get ready for a salary increase or a move to a high-paying position. Your material well-being will improve significantly. Picking mushrooms is a good sign. All the efforts you put in will have results. But if you went to the forest to pick mushrooms in the cold season, be prepared that unpleasant events await you on the path of life.

XXI century

A dream of picking edible mushrooms in the forest means that a person will have pleasant chores or a job with good pay. The type of mushroom is also important. If it's fly agarics, think about what you did wrong. This is a warning that you have taken the wrong path. If there are champignons, it means that you have a tendency to imitate the tastes of the people around you. Perhaps you need to be more assertive and stand up for your opinions and views?

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If a person sees in a dream that he is picking mushrooms in the forest, it means that his work will be noticed by others and rewarded.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Picking mushrooms and wandering through the forest is a good sign. You will receive a long-awaited big gift.

Aesop's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were walking through the forest picking mushrooms, but someone had already gone before you and collected all the mushrooms, leaving only the mushroom stems, be careful. Your excessive suspicion and mistrust can play a bad joke on you. They can close your eyes so much that you simply miss your chance.

Picking mushrooms in the forest is a common thing for avid lovers of "silent hunting", but during night dreams this activity is quite unusual, especially if you are not a mushroom picker. Although there is nothing scary about such a task in everyday life, dreaming about it can bring a series of disappointments. To find out why you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest, you need to remember all the details of the dream and turn to dream books.

Interpretation from dream books

Miller believed that mushroom picking could be interpreted as a symbol of vicious or unhealthy desire. His dream book says that such a dream indicates the presence in a person’s life of many bad habits, an addiction to adventures and lies, or even a desire to break the law.

Other dream books offer the following interpretations:

If you are interested in why you dream of mushrooms and picking them in the forest according to the Ukrainian dream book, then it says that such a dream promises profit and good developments. Also it May be a symbol of longevity and family happiness.

Types and condition of mushrooms

One of the best signs for a dreamer is the collection of porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms). These forest gifts symbolize financial well-being and can promise profit for businessmen, salary increases and unexpected material bonuses. If you happened to see how the whole family collected mushrooms, this means that relatives and friends will not need anything.

A dream in which you were picking porcini mushrooms in a forest by the road indicates the need to be careful, because in the pursuit of money you may find yourself in poverty.

Those who collected mushrooms in night dreams should become calmer, because these mushrooms symbolize useless fuss. This means that your actions will not lead to any result, so you should spend your energy rationally.

Honey mushrooms are in a dream those who will soon be lucky enough to reap the fruits of their own efforts, therefore they are considered an excellent sign. If someone cut them off before you, then you need to be decisive in your work in order not to give competitors a chance to intercept a profitable project.

The appearance of toadstools and fly agarics in a dream is a favorable sign. He prophesies a happy occasion that will soon change your life for the better. Also, these mushrooms in night dreams can bring a pleasant surprise in reality.

Collecting boletus symbolizes that you own a major personal secret. If in a dream you collect and lose such mushrooms, someone may find out about this secret, which will lead to negative consequences.

If in a dream you collected a basket of chanterelles mixed with fly agarics or grebes, this means an upcoming risky offer. You can agree to it if there were significantly more chanterelles, since such a sign indicates a successful outcome of the event.

Fresh or wormy gifts of the forest

Equally important is the condition of the mushrooms that you collected during night dreams. The following options are possible:

Those dreamers who had to cut a lot of mushrooms, which later turned out to be inedible, should reconsider their own skills and knowledge, since such a sign indicates incompetence.

Other sleep details

When interpreting a dream, its general atmosphere is also of great importance, which in this case depends on what kind of forest you dreamed of. The following options may come up:

  • deciduous - to the emergence of solid capital or making big profits;
  • coniferous dreams of excellent health and quick relief from diseases;
  • mixed speaks of the need to reconsider your relationship with loved ones, since you can hurt them with rash words or actions;
  • picking mushrooms in a forest with withered trees is considered a bad sign, indicating that new beginnings will turn out to be failures;
  • the magical forest symbolizes financial well-being, so such a dream will lead to an unexpected bonus or profit.

Other details of the dream can also change its meaning. Those who have visited the mushroom meadow should become less gullible, since such a symbol indicates the presence in your life of hypocrites and traitors pretending to be friends. A mushroom meadow with toadstools or fly agarics speaks of empty hopes for some business that you will not be able to bring to life. If you have planned a new business, do not waste your energy on it.

If in a dream you watched a mushroom picker collecting forest gifts, get ready for new troubles. Such a sign can prophesy both failure in work and illness.

Dreamers who picked mushrooms with their loved one should not worry. Such a vision portends a strong and happy marriage. It is especially good if you collected not only mushrooms, but also berries. This means that passion, mutual trust and prosperity will be present in your family life.

If you dreamed that you collected a full basket of mushrooms, but then someone stole it, then soon expect deception from a loved one. Also, such a dream can mean future disappointment in one of your close friends.

In a dream, picking mushrooms in the forest can be both a good and a bad sign. If the interpretation of your dream turned out to be not the most pleasant, you should not be upset, because night visions do not always come true and can only be warnings.

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