What kind of meat is best to eat? The healthiest meat for men

In terms of the amount of nutrients and microelements it contains, meat occupies one of the leading positions in the human diet. However, it is worth noting the difference in types of meat, since each type has its own beneficial features and its own contraindications for the body. In this regard, many people have a question about which meat is the healthiest.

Rabbit meat

Young rabbit meat is rightfully considered one of the most dietary meat products. In addition, rabbit meat has the highest protein content - more than twenty percent. The human body absorbs rabbit meat by ninety percent (while beef is only sixty percent). We can conclude that the healthiest meat is rabbit. Also, one of the advantages of this meat is a large amount of fat, with low cholesterol levels. The content of useful acids is at a high level. Rabbit meat is recommended for consumption by small children, as it has hypoallergenic properties.

  • content of vitamins B6, B12, PP;
  • high content of phosphorus, iron, cobalt;
  • sufficient amounts of fluoride, calcium, potassium.



Venison is quite tough meat that needs to be soaked for a long time. Cooking this meat correctly is also not easy. But the beneficial properties of deer meat make venison dishes very popular. The fact is that the deer’s diet includes moss (a healthy moss that has many healing properties, including antibiotic). It is thanks to this nutrition that venison becomes extremely useful for humans.

Venison is characterized by a low fat content and a high concentration of vitamins and microelements. In addition, the meat can be eaten raw. In terms of the degree of absorption by the human body, venison is better than lamb, beef, pork and chicken.

Venison has a preventive effect. Regular consumption of this meat reduces the likelihood of diseases such as:

  1. diabetes;
  2. hypertension;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. various heart diseases.


Beef is the most popular meat among the population of our planet. It contains all the amino acids that humans need. In terms of nutritional composition, a serving of meat can compensate for a liter of milk. The beneficial properties of meat consist in neutralizing all kinds of irritants that are found in gastric juice (hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes and others). Cow meat is rich in zinc and iron, vitamins B, H, E, PP.

Cows are animals that are subjected to mass breeding. Sometimes animals are kept in poor conditions and fed compound feed with antibiotics. Therefore, an increased amount of beef in the diet can be harmful to human health.


There is also little fat in this meat, and it is absorbed by the body better than pork. How is this meat useful? The lecithin contained in it improves cholesterol metabolism in the human body. For this reason, lamb can be found in various diets.

Lamb fat is often used to treat colds. The vitamin and mineral balance of this meat is ideal for humans.

Negative aspects: Lamb is difficult to digest and is not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system.


Pork is a fatty meat, which is why it is considered not very healthy. But it has a sufficient number of beneficial properties, since it contains large quantities of B vitamins, which is not typical for other types of meat.

Chicken meat is known for its tenderness and virtually no fat. It is nutritious and easily digestible. Chicken broth helps normalize digestive processes, as it improves the production of gastric juice. In this regard, it is not recommended for use by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In terms of the amount of phosphorus, chicken is second only to seafood.

Turkey meat is the lowest in calories, but at the same time quite nutritious. It is considered the healthiest of dietary poultry meats. Its cholesterol level is low, and the amount of minerals, vitamins and amino acids is high. The meat does not cause allergies and can be used to feed small children. The low level of fat and cholesterol allows you to consume turkey meat when eating on a diet.

Vitamins A and E contained in turkey meat support the vitality of the body and prevent aging. Turkey meat contains large reserves of sodium, iron, and calcium. This composition allows you to use turkey for preventive purposes against osteoporosis.

Duck meat contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of brain cells, the functioning of the heart muscle, and gives the skin a healthy glowing tint.

Due to the high content of vitamin D, the presence of duck meat in the diet helps the body better absorb calcium, improve immunity, and strengthen bones and muscles.

Goose. Despite the high fat content in the meat of this bird, it is very valuable for the balance of microelements in the human body. Goose meat contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, many vitamins B, A, C, calcium, and zinc. Regular consumption of this meat prevents the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and spleen.

Composition of different types of meat

Dietary meat: the best types of meat

Dietary foods in our diet

Dietary meat: what are the benefits for the body?

Choosing the right dietary meat is a rather complicated process, because dozens of different product names look at us from store windows, and not all of them are dietary. For example, pork or lamb can never be called a low-calorie product due to their high fat content. Although beef is less fatty, it is quite difficult to choose the right dietary meat without knowing some rules and features. At the same time, turkey or rabbit meat are recognized by all experts as the lowest calorie types of meat, rich in beneficial microelements, but their cost will be slightly higher than usual. Let’s figure out what the benefits of such a product are and why it’s worth paying for this overpayment for the sake of your health.

Dietary meat is called this, first of all, due to the fact that it contains less animal fat, and therefore less cholesterol, which over time has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart, clogs blood vessels and can lead to blood clots. But there is much more protein and amino acids useful for the body. Also, dietary meat contains a huge amount of extremely important and beneficial microelements for humans: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and a number of vitamins. So eating such a product will give the body everything it needs. A balanced diet, as you know, is the key to a healthy diet, and for many, a safe way to lose weight.

Is poultry or animal meat better?

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of types of dietary meat, and everyone can find something close to them in this list. It is believed that poultry meat is the healthiest, and to some extent it is so. However, many people, switching to diet food for various reasons and giving up fatty lamb or pork, cannot get used to light poultry meat for a long time, and this is not necessary. It turns out that the meat of many animals is no less healthy and dietary than poultry.

Healthy animal meat

So, here you can safely include:

  1. Beef - however, not all of its parts can be called dietary. For example, the thigh is quite fatty and difficult to digest, but the tenderloin or thin part is the healthiest part of beef.
  2. Veal is essentially the same as beef, but it is much healthier, contains less fat and is a fairly dietary product.
  3. Horse meat is a rather original and even unusual meat. It is considered one of the lowest calorie.
  4. Rabbit meat is perhaps the healthiest and most dietary meat of all. Moreover, it is believed that it almost never causes allergies, and it is recommended for starting feeding to young children.

Dietary poultry meat

Poultry has always been considered the most dietary product. However, it is worth noting that the goose and duck are unlikely to be included in this list. This is a very fatty bird, which in terms of calorie content can be compared with the same lamb.

However, poultry meat, which is more popular in our diet, is really low-calorie and extremely healthy. There are two types of dietary poultry meat:

  1. Chicken is a dietary meat, the most popular on our table. It contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins, as well as protein. That is why chicken meat is dietary and is recommended to patients as the best way to strengthen the body.
  2. Turkey is less popular than chicken, but no less healthy. This bird is considered hypoallergenic meat and contains a number of important amino acids that help the body get rid of cholesterol.

How best to build a diet

The best way to cook meat

Diet foods: useful does not mean expensive

Meat is healthy because it contains a lot of protein, vitamins, minerals and iron - substances necessary for the human body, especially during the period of growth. The undoubted benefits of meat are denied by fans of vegetarianism, who consider the harm from its consumption more from an ethical point of view.

Beneficial substances contained in meat

Vitamin B12; - vitamin B2; - vitamin B6; - vitamin D3; - vitamin A; - carnosine; - docosagescaenoic acid (omega 3); - protein; - iron; - phosphorus; - zinc; - selenium; - amino acids; - minerals; - a nicotinic acid; - choline; - creatine; - pyridoxine; - organic acids; - lipids; - extractive substances.

There has long been a debate about the benefits and harms of meat. Nutritionists argue, as well as adherents of a healthy diet, who eat more raw vegetables and fruits. In order to competently conduct a conversation about the benefits of meat, you need to know what kind of meat you should eat, what side dishes are best served with meat, so that the combination of these products is not harmful to humans. In order for meat to be healthy, you need to choose it correctly, given that it is often supplied to stores frozen and chilled. Meat that has already been thawed cannot be re-frozen. It should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator without contact with other products. It is best, of course, to eat fresh meat. But this does not mean that it should be eaten immediately after slaughter. It should sit refrigerated for two to three weeks. It is recommended to choose beef of a rich burgundy color, without gray weathered marks, veal - soft pink. More than half of the meat fats are monounsaturated, that is, beneficial for the body, so you should choose meat with streaks of fat. But the fat should not be yellow; this indicates that the animal was fed not grass, but feed. Meat foods, rich in proteins and other substances that stimulate active activity and growth, are more needed by people who work physically, at a young, active age, or more precisely, by those who have not yet developed the aging process. In order for meat to be safe for the body, it should be boiled, stewed, grilled, or baked. The meat must be soaked before cooking. The first broth must be drained, then filled with clean water again. Under no circumstances should meat be smoked or fried. When stewing meat, do not overuse seasonings.

What meat is considered the healthiest to eat?

From an environmental point of view, lamb is such meat, since sheep have long eaten nothing other than grass. However, lamb fat is one of the most refractory. Therefore, it is undesirable to use lamb dishes in the diet of children, the sick and the elderly. There are many different opinions about which meat is most beneficial for humans. It is difficult to argue about the taste of meat and its biological value, but there are studies by scientists that sometimes refute each other. There is a statement that the most harmful meat is mammalian meat: beef, pork, lamb. Less harmful is poultry meat (chicken fillet) and offal. On the other hand, it is known that pork contains less cholesterol than beef and chicken, and more purine bases than beef and veal, but less than turkey and chicken meat. Turkey is considered one of the leanest meat products. Turkey meat is similar to chicken. Rabbit meat contains less purine bases than chicken meat. Therefore, rabbit meat can be included in the menu of patients with atherosclerosis, anemia, and liver diseases. Rabbit meat is considered the lightest, followed by lean poultry meat. Duck and goose meat is difficult to digest. “White” meat (veal, poultry) is considered healthier than “black” meat (beef, game). However, people have been eating meat since ancient times and are unlikely to give up the pleasure and charge of energy and strength that they get from eating it. But this does not prevent you from listening to the advice of nutritionists and having fasting days twice a week. And in order for the body to get more benefits from meat, you should use green vegetables as a side dish, such as cabbage, green beans, lettuce, etc.

Daily replacement of one serving of any meat (pork, beef, veal, lamb and products made from them) with chicken or turkey reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 19% (CHD is the main disease of our time, manifested by heart pain, arrhythmia, heart failure, heart attacks and sudden death). Scientists from Harvard came to this conclusion after evaluating the results of the Nurses' Health Study, in which more than 84 thousand female doctors aged 30 to 55 were observed for 26 years.

At first, they were all healthy, but with age, the burden of diseases accumulated, and experts assessed how they were related to diet, lifestyle and other factors. These nurses have already given humanity a lot of advice on what is worth doing in life and what it is better to refrain from. In this latest work, the protection against CHD is not just due to chicken. Scientists have generally assessed how healthier it is to replace meat proteins. After all, one serving a day increases the risk of CHD by 16%, and two – by 29%. It turned out that the best substitute for protein foods is nuts: their daily serving instead of meat reduced the risk of CHD by 30%. Replacing one meat dish with fish reduced the risk by 24%, and low-fat dairy products by 13. As you can see, in this ranking of meat substitutes, poultry ranks second to last, ahead only of cottage cheese, cheeses and fermented milk products.

Breast and legs - apart

Of course, in real life it is difficult to replace one meat dish with chicken every day - it quickly becomes boring. And in relation to us, Russians, we need to talk about giving up not only cutlets, steaks and all kinds of entrecotes, but also sausages and frankfurters - after all, they are also included in the department of meat dishes. There is another Russian aspect that may weaken the usefulness of American advice: chicken here and in the USA are two different products. Remember: why is the chief sanitary doctor Onishchenko fighting only with Bush's legs, and not with breasts or chicken in general? This is exactly what is left for us from the American table. The Yankees prefer the healthiest part of the chicken - the breast (it contains less harmful fats and cholesterol), the legs are sent to us, and the rest is sent to fast food and processing. Please note: skinless breasts contain 11 times less fat than Bush legs and 14 times less fat than wings!

Be like the Yankees

In relation to white chicken meat, so popular in the USA, these numbers can be multiplied by 2 - it is the leanest. Even if you skin the thighs (they contain the most fat and cholesterol), they will contain 4.5 times more fat than breast meat and 9 times more fat than white meat. In terms of the content of harmful cholesterol, Bush legs are the leaders, and in the breast and fillet from it there is little of it, but there is a lot of healthy proteins.

In a word, we need to learn to love American-style chicken - not juicy, but dry and without a crispy crust. In terms of harmful substances formed during cooking, chicken is not much inferior to meat: at high temperatures, carcinogenic heterocyclic amines and harmful end products of glycolysis are also formed in it. There are especially many of them in a deliciously crispy crust. However, chicken has one advantage that is not related to fats: it contains less so-called hemes than meat. These substances give the red color to blood and meat and the pinkish color to chicken. They produce toxins that contribute to the development of colon cancer. And studies have shown that poultry, unlike meat, does not increase the risk of such tumors.

Expert opinion

Viktor Konyshev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutrition specialist:
- The undoubted advantage of chicken over cattle meat is its easier digestibility. This property is used in dietary nutrition for a number of diseases.

In addition, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in chicken meat is slightly more favorable for the absorption of calcium than, for example, in beef. However, the latter contains more iron. Waterfowl meat (goose, duck) is somewhat richer in essential linolenic acid than chicken and cattle meat. When comparing poultry and mammalian meats, it is important to consider the age of the animal, the category of the product, and what parts of the body we are talking about. Chicken breasts contain less animal fat (and this is healthy) than legs, but the legs contain more iron that is beneficial to us than the breasts.

Ginger tea: Beneficial properties and method of preparation Nutritionist Galina Nezgovorova spoke to the program “Breakfast with TV” about the benefits of eating meat and what its daily norm is for the human body.

For Ukrainians, meat is an integral element of the daily diet. Usually, lovers of this product do not think about which one is healthier - red or white. However, nutritionists are confident that there is a difference between types of meat, and that its proper consumption can have a positive effect on the entire functioning of the body.


  1. Meat is a unique source of protein.
  2. It is a source of B vitamins.

Meat contains a huge amount of microelements involved in metabolism, says Galina Nezgovorova.

  1. Ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
  2. Contains iron, which is essential for hematopoiesis.

By the way, red meat has much more iron than white meat,” notes the nutritionist.


All meat is conventionally divided into white and red.

White meat includes poultry, as well as rabbit, fish and other seafood. Red meat - lamb, beef and pork. Duck, although a poultry meat, is also considered a red meat.

Nutritionists believe that red meat is less healthy than white meat. It's high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which contributes to weight gain and can also be bad for your heart. Eating red meat in unreasonable amounts can lead to cancer.

White meat, on the contrary, has almost no contraindications from doctors; it is ideal for those who are trying to lose weight, lower blood cholesterol and lead a healthy lifestyle.

They recommend choosing rabbit meat for your daily diet, because it is better absorbed by our body than all types of meat, is low-fat and contains more protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are vital for our body.

If you are on a diet, it is better to choose rabbit meat. No less caloric, contains much more protein, says the expert .

Of the red varieties, veal is considered the best; it is recommended for anyone on a diet, and even for small children. However, it is difficult to say unequivocally which meat is healthier - white or red. It all depends on how much of it is in the diet and in what form it is consumed.


It is believed that the daily norm of meat should be 1 g per 1 kg of normal weight. That is, for an adult, this is approximately 70 g of meat per day.

The daily allowance of meat should be the size of a palm, with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm, emphasizes Galina Nezgovorova.

It is better not to eat fried or smoked meat. It is healthier to eat it boiled, stewed or grilled.

It has been proven that it is advisable to limit processed meat in sausages, sausages and other smoked products or completely eliminate them from the diet. Because the consumption of these products, especially in excess, leads to a halving of life expectancy and a 4-fold increase in the development of cancer, warns the nutritionist.


It is better not to consume meat for people who have diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, such as coronary disease or cardiovascular diseases.

Statistics say: more and more people are giving up eating meat. Some for aesthetic reasons, others for reasons of conscience, others - under the influence of fashion trends. And yet, what is better - to eat meat or to give it up completely? If you think that the passion for vegetarianism has sunk into oblivion, you are seriously mistaken. We are all for meat and its presence in the daily diet of a mature woman! And to finally convince you, we have prepared a clear example of how giving up meat affects a woman’s health and appearance.

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Many are convinced that meat is a purely male food. It gives the stronger sex endurance and perfectly saturates. But fragile women can’t live without meat! "So simple!" will tell you why representatives of the fair sex need to regularly and without any “buts” consume products of animal origin, and which meat, according to nutritionists, is most beneficial for the sensitive female body.

Which meat is healthier?

A resident of the Netherlands, Christel Kasumi, demonstrated from personal experience what changes occur in a woman’s body if she gives up meat for a long period and then reintroduces this healthy product into her diet. A very young girl adhered to a vegan diet for no less than 4 whole years, eating only fruits, vegetables and vegetable fats.

After several years of a seemingly healthy diet, Crystal developed health problems: constant anxiety arose, the condition of her skin and hair worsened, her digestive processes went crazy, and her periods stopped altogether for 4 months. When food became a source of illness for the girl, she decided to give up veganism and noticed that she began to transform literally before her eyes.

The prettier girl shared her joy with her followers on her Twitter: “Left: Vegan with lots of fruits and vegetables in his diet. Right: 3 weeks of eating quality animal products. The skin improves and the face is less swollen. But most of all I like to realize that I am no longer driving myself into a grave.".

Now Kristel from time to time shares her meat-eating menu and encourages women not to give up this valuable product. We have definitely decided: there should be meat in the women’s diet! But what to choose, chicken or beef, or maybe pork? The healthiest meat for a woman - what is it? The 4 types of meat presented below are the most beneficial for the female body.

  1. Rabbit meat
    Rabbit meat is one of the most dietary, which is why we put it in first place on our list. A generous source of protein and beneficial microelements, this product should be consumed regularly, especially by women. Rabbit meat helps to quickly satisfy hunger without causing extra pounds, and therefore is the No. 1 product for dietary nutrition with a focus on health and beauty.

Which meat is the healthiest is a question, the answer to which, first of all, depends on. Now we are not talking about how the meat was prepared (although this is also very important), but about what kind of meat it was donated to us. For example, pork is by definition a fatty meat, but beef is not.

This does not mean that lean pork does not exist or that bulls do not have fat as a class. In the world, everything happens, even twice, but on average the average situation is exactly this: beef is more dietary meat, pork is less so.

This again does not mean that pork is harmful to humans in much the same way as potassium cyanide. Yes, this meat is far from the healthiest. But even outright lard is not harmful at all and contains a lot of useful substances. The question here is quantity - about 50 g per day are useful. This is about two small pieces - just enough for a sandwich. More is unnecessary and will only bring harm.

Also, different places contain different amounts of fat. Brisket, for example, contains much more of it than tenderloin.

But the average situation is this:

The solution to the question “Which meat is the healthiest?” It is also complicated by the fact that the original product can be degreased to some extent. A simple, simple way is to simply not consume it or carefully separate areas where there is a lot of fat. The same chicken, for example, will be dietary only if the skin is carefully removed from it (as well as subcutaneous fat, if any). But only to pamper the cat. The author understands that he is encroaching on what is sacred for many people (“How?! Fried skin thoroughly soaked in spices is the most delicious thing in chicken!”). Agree. However, it is the chicken skin plus the area immediately adjacent to it that conceals all the harmful things that this domestic and generally dietary bird was able to scrape off.

So, what kind of meat is the healthiest?

To sum it up, we can say this: if you have a choice, it is better to stick to the following priorities (the healthiest meat is on top, less healthy meat is on the bottom).