People, how to pierce a second hole in the ear at home? When you need a doctor's help.

The Duchess of Sussex at an event in honor of soldiers who died in the First World War. November 11, 2018

Meghan and Harry had a great time traveling to Australia and New Zealand. Perhaps it has been a very long time since a foreign tour of members of the royal family caused such a stir among both the press and ordinary people. The popularity rating of the British royal family has clearly updated the record obtained during the time of the Princess of Wales. Of course, all this is thanks to the demonstration of the endlessly touching, literally and figuratively, relationship between the prince and his wife (Why Harry and Meghan’s tender relationship in public is a threat to the monarchy).

These loving glances, these sweet signs of attention shown to each other, this demonstrated (perhaps sincerely) cordiality towards ordinary people and especially towards children. Some admired Megan's naturalness, while others, on the contrary, saw this as a professional performance for the public. Doesn't matter. We will never know what is really there. The majority still believes what they see and are not inclined to analyze, just as they did not analyze what Princess Diana did (for some reason it never occurred to anyone to accuse her of marrying the future king for convenience, you must admit ?).

Meghan and Harry in New Zealand, October 2018

For more than two weeks, the Sussex couple have been in the spotlight. So much so that the gala concert at Buckingham Palace in honor of the upcoming anniversary of Prince Charles (and there were stars like Judi Dench, Stephen Fry and Kenneth Branagh), and three of the four appearances of Duchess Catherine, and even the first visit in many years, went almost unnoticed Royal couple of the Netherlands to London (read: ). To attract and capture attention, everything was used: dresses with slits, Diana’s earrings, price tags forgotten on clothes, see-through skirts, but, of course, the highlight of the program was the belly. Megan charmingly mixed successful exits with epic fails, smiling disarmingly and casually stroking her pregnant belly. And, let’s be fair, she deservedly won a close victory: during the tour (unlike Diana or Catherine), Megan did not look like just a beautiful doll next to her royal husband. She was a personality with her own voice (three public appearances in 16 days are clear evidence of this).

Harry and Meghan interact with fans in

Following the laws of Hollywood, after such success with viewers, Megan had to move to the list of “category A” stars and continue to play leading roles, bringing dividends to the company with which she has a life-long contract in the form of ratings. But the problem is that BCS is not Hollywood. Here, roles are given out not based on talent and number of fans, but according to the staffing table, that is, in the order of priority for claims to the throne. And neither an Oscar, nor a People Choice Award, nor an “excellent” overseas tour can change this. Nothing personal, this is simply the law of survival of the monarchy. Its younger members, the so-called “spare” princes and princesses, should not overshadow the elders. However, over the 16 days of October, a significant imbalance occurred in the balance of power.

The Sussexes tour Australia, October 2016.

In the royal office, figuratively speaking, they grabbed their heads: suddenly they received a “second Diana,” only smarter, more educated and more experienced in PR matters. Not only is the “spare” prince ahead of his older brother in ratings and it is he, and not William, who they would like to see as king, according to British media polls, but his wife is also rapidly gaining points. Obviously, the command to “slow down” was issued from above. And the car spun.

Megan was able to feel this fully very soon: during events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, on November 10 and 11. At none of them did she manage to find herself not only in the center of attention, but even just in the front row. Both days, the Duchess of Sussex seemed to be deliberately moved away from... the Duchess of Cambridge.

Members of the Royal Family in the Queen's Box (the Cambridges are seated in the lower left corner, the Sussexes are in the upper right, November 10, 2018.

At first, Megan found herself at the greatest possible distance from Catherine in the royal box at the Royal Albert Hall - this seating arrangement made many raise their eyebrows: why were Harry and Meghan literally sent to the gallery?

Three leading women of the monarchy: Duchess of Cornwall, Elizabeth II, Duchess of Cambridge, November 11, 2018

The situation repeated itself the next day, during the traditional laying of wreaths at the Cenotaph on Whitehall (a monument to soldiers killed in the First World War), when the Duchess of Sussex appeared not in the company of the Duchess of Cambridge, as everyone had hoped, but separately from all members of the royal family. Megan was accompanied only by Elke Büdenbender, the wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Catherine ended up in the same box with Elizabeth II and Prince Charles's wife, Camilla.

Meghan Markle was entrusted with an equally important mission - to become a companion to the First Lady of Germany, November 11, 2018.

And if the gallery in the Albert Hall might seem like a one-time event, then a separate balcony is already a “symptom”. Let us clarify that the Queen's aides had at least three options. First: place the wife of the German president next to the Queen and Camilla. Kate would have gone to Megan's balcony and the questions would have been answered. Second: invite Meghan to the central balcony - yes, contrary to the conclusions of some of our foreign colleagues who did not bother to look at the photo archives, there is enough space for four adults, as other members of the royal family have demonstrated more than once. In this case, Sophie of Wessex, who was also present, would have been assigned to Mrs. Elke - let’s not forget that the Countess has the status of Her Majesty’s ambassador at the international level. The third option: leave the Queen in the box with Camilla, and entrust Kate and Meghan to communicate with the First Lady of Germany for three. So why was the option chosen in which the Sussexes seemed to be specially removed away from Kate?

In this photo you can estimate how far apart the balconies from which the parade is watched are located.

And in this photo you can see that the Queen’s balcony and two on the sides are in the central part of the building, near which the parade took place.

And finally, at the service in Westminster Abbey, for the first time this year, the Sussexes and Cambridges were seated not next to each other, but at a respectful distance from each other, and Meghan again found herself quite far from Catherine.

The Royal Family and members of the British Government attend the traditional Remembrance Day service. Meghan and Harry are in the third row with the Gloucestershires.

Conspiracy theorists immediately suspected this arrangement and seating arrangement as signs of a conflict between the Duchesses of Sussex and Cambridge. Let us remember that until the start of the Australian tour, both couples demonstrated enviable unity at common events. No wonder they were dubbed the “Magnificent Four.”

When all the formal events were completed, both couples were finally able to chat and even pose for the camera.

So what's the deal? We repeat: nothing personal. The Queen still favors Meghan, and Catherine has no reason to cool the relationship. There is no doubt (and no hope) about this. This arrangement is normal at official events involving senior members of the royal family. Yes, over the past year since the engagement was announced, the entire royal family has generously deviated from its rules, providing every possible support for Meghan Markle. She was invited to the Queen for Christmas at Sandringham, she and Harry were given almost a tour of the country so that the initially very skeptical British could change their minds and accept Miss Markle as the prince’s bride (we wrote about this a year ago, by the way: You her fall in love: how the British are instilled with love for the “wrong bride” Meghan Markle). And the Queen, Prince Charles, and the Cambridge couple, in fact, provided enormous support to Meghan both before and after the wedding. But now, after the Australian tour, it becomes obvious that the adaptation period is over. The Duchess of Sussex has settled in. No more concessions or advances.

There is no doubt that the royal family has appreciated the success of the Sussexes in Australia and New Zealand. Perhaps no one could have done a better job than them in improving the image of the Firm and strengthening the love for the royal family in the former overseas colonies. But no one will allow Megan to “star” like that in London, in the presence of senior members of Megan’s family. It's just not allowed. In “The Firm,” of which the actress became a member on May 19, 2018, the main roles have already been assigned. All that remains is to play in the reserve team. And the Duchess of Sussex will have to get used to this.

If there is pain in the anus, the causes in women, as a rule, are the development of inflammatory processes and may be more serious than it seems at first glance. But at the same time, both women and men, before seeing a doctor, use a lot of methods, self-medicating, which, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. That is, then you still have to seek qualified help. Fortunately, damage to the anus is not always so serious. Most anal symptoms are treatable, the main thing is to seek help in time.

Structure of the rectum

The digestive system, as you know, has an end - this is the rectum, through which undigested food in the form of residues (feces) is excreted. Its structure is adapted for this, and the anus is surrounded by a muscle sphincter, that is, a sphincter. At the moment of emptying, the muscles of the lining of the walls of the rectum in women and men tense, and the sphincter opens. Immediately, due to the occurrence of force, the feces are pushed out. In this case, the fecal lump can be of different densities: from soft consistency to hard fecal mass. To prevent the dense lump from injuring the rectum when it comes out, there are special spiral folds on its walls. As a result, the feces are not just squeezed out, but seem to be screwed out. The rectum itself has a huge number of different glands. They produce a special lubricant in the form of mucus, which reduces the likelihood of injury to the rectum during bowel movements.

The digestive system, as you know, has an end - this is the rectum, through which undigested food in the form of residues (feces) is excreted.

Here, under the mucous layer of the rectum, there are venous plexuses known as hemorrhoidal veins. Their main function is to provide general blood flow directly into the vena cava, without entering the liver. This structural feature of the venous system of the rectum has long been used in medicine. After all, this is why substances from ointments and suppositories, after being introduced into the rectum, do not enter the liver, but act directly on the affected area, which is why this method for treating rectal injuries is considered more effective than injection drugs.

But pain in the anus is not only pain in the area of ​​the opening, it is pain that can manifest itself in any part of the body. It all depends on which part is affected and which tissues are damaged. In addition, there are a number of diseases that cause pain in the anus.

Provoking diseases

Pain in the anus, in the rectum, which intensifies at the time of bowel movement, indicates that the wall of the rectum has a crack - it makes itself felt during the act of defecation. Most likely, the rectal mucosa is damaged. This happens after excessive stretching of the tissue at the moment of pushing out a dense lump of feces. Sometimes the walls of the rectum can be damaged by foreign objects that enter the digestive tract with food, are not digested and are expelled. These can be all kinds of seeds (from cherries, plums, etc.) or even seed husks. That is, this once again suggests that when eating food, especially fruits, you should under no circumstances eat them with seeds, and crack the seeds together with the peel.

Also, the cause of pain can be called systematic diarrhea, or diarrhea. It is necessary to immediately establish the cause of debilitating diarrhea and do everything possible to stop the diarrhea, and then begin treating the inflamed area in the anus. If the pain is accompanied by diarrhea, the cause may be colitis or diverticulitis, a polyp or tumor.

If the sensation of pain in the anus does not disappear for a long time, but increases at the time of defecation, this means that the resulting crack, which has a chronic form, has worsened.

Unlike regular hemorrhoids, the pain resulting from a fissure is more intense. In some cases, it is oppressive in nature, which can even cause screaming. Because of this, there is an involuntary delay in emptying, which is the first stage of constipation. True, in the presence of a fissure, sometimes there is no pain in the anus. This usually occurs with a long-term illness.

In some cases, when women experience pain in the anus, they complain of discomfort in the sacrum and perineum, which affects the normal functioning of the genitourinary system. As a result, urination becomes difficult, and some women experience menstrual irregularities.

In addition, pain in the anus is a clear companion and provocateur of angina attacks.
In the case of long-term damage to the rectal mucosa, pain affects the nerve endings, which becomes the direct cause of the duration of spasms of the anal sphincter muscles. Such sensations can last for a very long time. Sometimes attacks of pain last for several hours, and in some cases, sensations of squeezing and acute pain can accompany the woman until the next act of excreting feces.

Some diseases of the digestive tract can also cause pain in the anus in women and men.

In other words, everything repeats itself over and over again: the cycle of pain does not stop, but only intensifies, because the irritation that appears in the form of a crack provokes sharp pain. And the pain, in turn, leads to spasms of the anal muscles, which only intensifies the pain syndrome, becoming unbearable.

Types of symptoms

Pain due to rectal fissures has 3 types of symptoms:

  • unbearable pain in the anus during evacuation;
  • the appearance of pain as a result of impact on the muscles, which leads to spasm of the sphincters of the anus;
  • slight secretion of mucus through the anus, with minor admixtures of blood.

Rectal fissures come in the following sizes:

  • crack length from 1 to 1.5 cm;
  • the width of the damage reaches 3 – 5 mm;
  • the depth of damaged tissue varies from 2 to 3 mm.

Moreover, they most often appear on the back of the rectal wall, very rarely they can appear on the anterior wall of the anal canal and almost never appear on all walls at the same time. If damage to the walls, cracks and wounds appear extensively, this indicates damage to the anus throughout the entire area, that is, a more serious disease. Most often, this picture is observed in cases of development of rectal cancer.

Signs of cancer

Cancer is a disease that does not go away without symptoms. Especially when it comes to anal cancer. The very first and most serious sign that cannot be ignored is the discharge of feces along with blood impurities of a bright scarlet color. The presence of feces in the blood should always be alarming.

The second, no less serious symptom of rectal cancer is severe pain in the anus. In this case, the pain appears at the moment of emptying, does not subside for a long time, but only intensifies, gradually becoming constant. In some cases, an unbearable pain sensation radiates to the genitals, extends to the thighs and lower abdomen.

Fortunately, such symptoms do not always indicate the presence of an advanced form of malignant neoplasm. The main sign of an advanced form of rectal cancer is severe pain and bleeding.

Hard chair

Not always pain in the perineum, pain in the rectum in the anal area indicates that it is cancer.
Some patients suffer from pain as a result of prolonged emptying of hard stools.

Pain may also occur due to a bruise of the perineum. This may include reasons such as a fall, injury or a strong blow.

Pain also appears during muscle spasms in the rectum. In proctology, this type of spasm is called fugue. Moreover, their distinctive feature is that such a spasm occurs mainly in adolescence and only during the night period, when the person is at rest. As for older people, in this case fugue attacks are not observed.

Dangerous diseases

But there are also more serious diseases that are a clear cause of pain in the anus:

  • abscesses;
  • presence of a venereal disease.

In addition, pain appears due to rectal prolapse. This happens mainly in older women who have had more than 3 births.


Acute pain in the anus occurs due to thrombosis or as a consequence of the inflammatory process of hemorrhoids.

The main causes of hemorrhoids are:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eating spicy foods;
  • systematic constipation;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

Main symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  1. Hemorrhoids usually develop very quickly. The main symptom is the rate of increase in pain, and in some cases the pain can be unbearable. It intensifies at the time of emptying, while walking and even in a sitting or lying position.
  2. Poor health, increased body temperature and the occurrence of dihedral disorder.
  3. The hemorrhoidal node (or nodes) swells as a result of inflammation, its structure becomes tense. In this case, the hemorrhoidal node increases in size, falls out, and is simultaneously pinched by the muscles of the rectum, that is, the sphincter, which can lead to necrosis of the node.

Subcutaneous paraproctitis and abscess

Subcutaneous paraproctitis is suppuration that occurs under the skin on one or both sides of the anus.

The disease develops quickly and immediately becomes acute. A fever appears, a person may feel chills, and in some cases intoxication begins to develop. In this case, the pain in the anus increases every minute and becomes unbearable at the time of defecation.

An abscess is not a direct abscess, but a submucosal one that forms in the rectum. This disease is considered very rare. Usually abscesses are subcutaneous-submucosal, as they are located at the very edge of the anal entrance to the rectum. In this case, patients experience a dull aching pain in the area of ​​the rectum and in the anus itself, which intensifies when feces are removed. Sometimes an abscess is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature and malaise.

When examining a patient with this type of disease, the doctor can easily determine the presence of an abscess. This disease is characterized by the fact that the anus does not visually change. But upon digital examination, lumpy changes are revealed on the walls of the rectum at the very edge of the anus. When palpated, they are painful. The initial stage of the abscess has an increased compaction density, the second stage is softer tissue, but with severe pain when palpated.

Unfortunately, many women, due to inattention or excessive shyness, do not take pain in the anus seriously. Some of them are ashamed to consult a doctor with a similar problem, and some simply do not know which specialist should be contacted if pain in the anus suddenly appears.

Thinking that everything will go away on its own, or self-medicating, is a big mistake, which will later be too late to correct.

Do not self-medicate, put aside everything and consult a proctologist who will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Unexpectedly and for no reason, you may notice red spots on your legs, which indicate that serious changes may be occurring in the body, and they are worth paying attention to. Such spots can be harbingers of serious diseases, so try to examine the skin daily and not only on the legs

With the onset of pregnancy, some changes begin to occur in a woman's body. Almost every second woman complains that swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy. Despite the fact that this fact is extremely unpleasant, in most cases it is the norm, especially in the later stages.
However, it also happens that such swelling may be a signal

The problem of spider veins worries millions of women around the world. , expressed in the notorious patterns and stars, spoils the overall appearance of the legs. Men, for obvious reasons, may not even pay attention to the fact that their legs no longer have their former luster, but women... Any lady, at a minimum, will lose self-confidence due to such an illness. But many women even shackle themselves in trouser products, fearing that blue patterns in a skirt will become public knowledge.
Fortunately, during

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have faced and continue to face such an ailment as swelling of the legs. There are a huge number of causes of edema, which will be discussed in this article. To be fair, it should be said that edema itself is not a disease, but only a symptom. There are a number of diseases that have it in their symptoms.
Edema is defined as expansion of the tissue of any part of the body, usually the arm

As practice shows, modern medicine has identified a record number of diseases associated with the vessels of the lower extremities. This has never happened before throughout the history of mankind. Experts claim that previously, as a rule, people involved in certain types of activities suffered from various vein diseases - athletes, salesmen, police officers, machine operators, and so on. But today, varicose veins and all kinds of arterial diseases are literally a mass phenomenon from which people suffer

Millions of people around the world are faced with the problem of spider veins appearing on their legs. For women, this is a real problem, because with its presence it is necessary to choose tights more carefully, give preference to longer skirts, or even abandon them altogether. A woman loses self-confidence knowing that her legs

To understand how to cure acute thrombophlebitis or its other varieties, you need to know what this disease is. Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory disease of the walls of a vein, where a kind of blood clot develops, covering its lumen.
A blockage occurs in the vein, which is accompanied by a blood clot, the so-called thrombus.

Unfortunately, nature has endowed man not only with a high intelligence and many talents, but also with various types of diseases, which sometimes causes extreme inconvenience. One such disease is lymphosis, a disease of the lower extremities of the body, also known as lymphedema and lymphedema.

A variety of factors are responsible for the appearance of brown spots on the skin of the legs. These can be various internal diseases, pregnancy, age, heredity and much more. The very color scheme of the skin spots on the legs can be of different shades: both light brown and very dark.

Acute thrombophlebitis in medicine refers to an inflammatory disease of the walls of the so-called saphenous veins. According to experts, the inflammatory process begins with the sequential formation of blood clots, which then migrate along with the bloodstream (including into the veins), significantly complicating blood supply throughout the body. As for the consequences of this pathology, they are very disappointing, since the lack of timely qualified treatment often leads to pulmonary embolism, as well as chronic venous insufficiency.

Piercing is the piercing of the skin and cartilage on the external parts of the body. This is one of the popular methods of body modification. Within this culture, the leading position is occupied by the piercing of the auricle and lobe. Even infant girls can become owners of earrings. Due to the widespread nature of the procedure, many people are not afraid to do it themselves. How to pierce your ear at home correctly and without pain?

Features of puncture at home

To ensure that ear piercing goes without complications and excruciating pain, you need to listen to the advice and valuable recommendations of professionals. Simple rules will help increase the comfort of the procedure and the rapid healing of wounds.

There are many reflex zones concentrated in the auricle. Each point is responsible for the functioning of a specific internal organ, and if it is damaged, problems with health and development of the nervous system are possible. The best place for a puncture is considered to be the middle of the lobe or an area located half a millimeter above it. This area does not contain cartilage and biologically active points, which facilitates the rapid and painless formation of a channel for jewelry.

The best time for the procedure is considered to be the end of spring. In winter, there is a high risk of holes being damaged by warm hats and scarves. In summer, due to the heat and dust, infection can begin. In autumn, cold and winds contribute to the wound becoming cold and inflamed.

Ear piercing is contraindicated:

  • if the child has not reached 3 years of age;
  • in the presence of skin diseases;
  • during viral and infectious diseases;
  • with a tendency to diseases of the auditory organ;
  • with high sensitivity to metals, various alloys and additives;
  • at elevated body temperature.

It is advisable to carry out puncture of the ear cartilage in a beauty salon. A professional knows the location of reflex points and will quickly carry out all manipulations.

Required Tools

To pierce the ears of yourself or your child or someone you know at home, you need to have a set of tools and medications in your arsenal.

  1. Disinfectant. Purchase rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a chlorhexidine-based solution from a pharmacy.
  2. Sterile cotton wool. Stock up on enough to last the entire procedure for treating the wound, hands and instruments.
  3. Decoration. The earring must be made of hypoallergenic materials - titanium, precious metals of the highest standard, medical steel. Never use silver to heal a fresh hole.
  4. Ammonia. If you are highly sensitive to pain, it is better to have a remedy on hand that can quickly bring you to your senses.
  5. Catheter. Sold in pharmacies. Experts recommend purchasing a catheter with a diameter of 1 mm for piercing. Homemade devices in the form of a sewing needle are not suitable for the procedure due to the presence of an expansion at the end, which contributes to tissue rupture and long-term recovery.
  6. Anesthetics. Buy painkillers to get your ear pierced at home comfortably and without pain.

Rules of procedure

In order for the holes in the ears to look beautiful, heal smoothly and quickly, it is necessary to maintain sterility during the procedure and during the healing period. It is difficult to pierce your ear on your own; professional specialists in the salon will pierce your ears with a gun, but purchasing one for your own use will be too expensive. Therefore, the main tool is a needle.

  1. How to make a puncture in the collarbone area
  2. How painful is it to get your nose pierced?
  3. How to care for a helix piercing
  • First step. Sterilization of instruments.
  1. Place the needle in a pair of tongs or other gripping object and hold over an open flame for 10-15 seconds. Next, use a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol, peroxide or chlorhexidine to wipe the surface of the needle.
  2. Spread a paper towel on a table or other flat surface, place a needle and leave to dry.
  3. Hydrogen (peroxide) or alcohol is used to sterilize earrings. First release the clasp from the lock. Place the decoration in the solution for 3-5 minutes. Then remove and place on a paper towel.

These measures will help protect against bacteria, but do not provide a 100% guarantee. The best option is to purchase a special piercing kit, which contains all the necessary tools and accessories that have been treated with a disinfectant.

  • Second step. How to prepare your ears for piercing at home.
  1. Soak a cotton pad in peroxide solution, vodka, chlorhexidine or medical alcohol.
  2. Wipe the lobe or cartilage with it 2-3 times, regularly changing the cotton wool.
  3. The skin must be thoroughly dry before inserting the needle.
  4. After processing, marking is carried out. The points are marked with a felt-tip pen or ballpoint pen.
  5. To make the puncture of the earlobe or shell painless, apply ice or lubricate it with an anesthetic for a couple of minutes.
  • Third step. Ear puncture with a catheter.
  1. Wash your hands under running water using antibacterial soap and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Treat your hands with alcohol antiseptic. Wipe not only the skin, but also the sterile medical gloves in which you will inject.
  3. Cut a small rectangle of antibacterial soap and place it behind your ear. This will help prevent the tip of the needle from going into your neck.
  4. Place the needle with the catheter strictly perpendicular to the lobe, otherwise the hole will be asymmetrical and ugly.
  5. Insert the needle quickly, with a confident hand movement. To pierce the skin painlessly, take a deep breath.
  6. Keep the instruments inside the hole for 1 minute, rotate it clockwise, and then insert the earring into the catheter and pull it into the canal, fix it. Insert slowly, being careful not to tear the fabric.
  7. Treat the wound with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic.

The second hole pricks in the same way.

How to make the process less painful

Is it possible to pierce your ear without experiencing pain? Thanks to modern medications, it is now possible to significantly reduce discomfort and carry out the procedure quickly and without complications.

Lidocaine. This product allows you to make the lobe completely insensitive to any influence. It is distributed in the form of a gel or spray. The gel formula is more convenient, it does not flow and acts precisely. Apply immediately before piercing the skin with a needle, as it has a short-lasting effect. It is important to have time not only to make the hole, but also to insert the earring into it.

How can you numb your ear with improvised means? Freeze with ice. Just 2 minutes of exposure to cold significantly reduces sensitivity. Insert the needle immediately after removing the ice, until the lobe begins to warm up.

Puncture care

Carrying out the procedure yourself is dangerous. You need to know how to pierce your ears at home and how to care for the wounds to reduce the risk of infection.

  1. Do not remove jewelry for 1-1.5 months.
  2. Treat with an antiseptic daily.
  3. Do not touch the earring or pull it until it heals. This is an important condition for rapid healing.
  4. Periodically apply a compress with saline or disinfectant solution.

If a little boy or girl asks for an ear piercing, remember that doing it yourself is dangerous. Symptoms of improper puncture include malfunction of internal organs, headache and infection. Similar consequences arise when technology and sanitary standards are violated. Experts recommend having your piercing done by a professional who has knowledge in reflexology.

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  • Sharon Stoun is beautiful, but you look. photo.
  • do you believe in le-che-nie ba-da-mi? or is all this nonsense?
  • You'll have to spend a month wearing lenses and then wait another 2 months for the next one.
  • tra-ge-diya in ker-chi. de-lim-sya after-ni-mi but-in-stya-mi and me-ni-i-mi
  • How do you like the tele-ve-du-shchaya ol-ga ska-be-va?
  • Are all autistic children smart-but-not how they behave?
  • she thinks I'm humiliating her with this! She doesn't like it! This
  • she doesn’t do anything on her own! everyone is shaking over her, saying
  • what do you look like at 20?
  • steam or pu-ho-vik - which is better?
  • but-si-those in the bag-ka-fo-na-rick, and the pepper-ba-lon-chik? What
  • child is 5 years old. what vi-ta-mi-ns do you give to your children?
  • after the trip there are small puffs. I don’t believe it and, naturally,
  • I can't f-k-you, I'm sorry! but the sediment is unpleasant
  • ba-kle-yat-sya and find-you-you-are-in-the-bed. Do you care
  • Is sex something that pre-la-guy or because-me-well! from the same for-ra-za!
  • look at your cool and beautiful ta-tush-ki.
  • how did the girls in your vicinity emerge after birth?
  • We've almost decided on a name for our son! lion or
  • Do you like the dwarf Gno-mych - the son of Plush-schen-ko and Rud-kovskaya?
  • in the washer-ke-le-zha-lo! grandfather got a wife, his daughter and she
  • po-stu-pi-la on for-och-ku. work part-time or bra-whether
  • went well with the years! I watch it in re-clam. agu-tin the same
  • my mother is an energy-ge-ti-che-ski you-feast. forever, but I'm not in
  • The boys don’t give me their years, their wealth! to me
  • va-sha love-bi-may letter-va al-fa-vi-ta!
  • I have to pay for the trip, otherwise we won’t go! my
  • Are there any actions for which you are ashamed?
  • The doctors say it’s normal. I think they just don’t want to
  • the nose is not breathing, the head is square! I have 7 months,
  • the drum doesn't spin in the washing machine. Is it really slo-ma-but?
  • I would be the same near the highway, I would become the poor one
  • children are a continuation of happiness and love that arose
  • gi-no-ko-lo-gi they insist you can’t shave! under-we-we-with-crowbar!
  • they think you're stupid. Husbands probably think the same way.
  • there was something slippery in my mouth. there is no excitement whatsoever.
  • What do you think of this photo-graphy? in this ra-kur-se you-look-zhu-de
  • which dogs do you know?
  • do you like the cuteness in appearance?
  • a week has passed and you are not here!
  • If I hadn’t given birth in a hurry, I would have found a husband! on
  • How do you like my lazy little girl? rate it! photo
  • svi-nar-nick, on the table on-su-yes, the cat you-rowed with-hold-my
  • the guy can't sleep or eat without me! what do you
  • ve-ge-ta-ri-a-nets, loves anime, communicates by writing.
  • Is it a very short dress or a normal one?
  • said, I usually choose who to sleep with, who to get to know!
  • I’m not afraid, but I don’t like it. and would never
  • the main thing is the raz-kre-po-sche-nose and sex-su-al-ness or modern
  • became a noob and an ego-ist! I just said ok, but that’s all!
  • We’re not on the way if it’s going to be on the second! Score

First punctures

The first holes in my ears were pierced at 6 years old. My grandmother worked at a clinic and took me there. The doctor made punctures with a thin medical needle. Did it hurt? I do not remember…

But when I went to 1st grade, the teacher was very wary of pierced ears. She raised two daughters, and apparently considered all the boys to be hooligans... She was afraid that they might rip off her earrings. I had to take them off...

As a result, my holes thickets... And since I really wanted earrings, I had to pierce again. This is something I will never forget! They pierced me again at the clinic, but this time for the “bumps” that had formed. I screamed at all three floors... But then she walked beautiful ?

Second hole in the ear

When did the fashion start additional piercings in the ears, I studied at 6th grade. I really wanted to be in trend))

I set a goal and achieved it! Mom pierced my second hole. At the same time, my friend Dinara got two punctures (the main ones), well... and herself too? Yes, yes, such a mini medical office functioned in our apartment that day! ?

The thought of additional punctures

The idea of ​​new piercings did not occur to me for a very long time - 17 years? But about a year ago I became interested cuffs. I liked many of the options. And although they did not require punctures (with the exception of models with a combined fastening), I The thought flashed that we could pierce another hole...

Next "beacon" It was August 4th of this year, when Natasha and Tanya came to visit me. Tanyusha just told about how she didn’t get to the dentist, but got a puncture in her ear - it was not for nothing that she “shaked” while sitting in line at the dentist! This is purely in our way, in a girlish way...?

And so I thought about this topic more seriously... I told my other friend Dasha about it. She reacted quickly - she said that she also wanted a couple more pricks! ?

Well... after that third "sign of fate" I have already decided to act! ?

Where to inject and how much?

There is such a crazy theory that people of non-traditional sexual orientation get pierced in the right. I never found out where this idea came from. Some write that this only applies to men, others that this is complete nonsense. However, almost everyone has heard about it. Was this somehow a little confusing? Although, during the 18 years that I walked around with two punctures in my right ear, no one said anything like that to my face. Maybe they were thinking in secret? ?

I'll tell you straight - have I always only liked boys? Despite the piercings in your right ear? But now that I was about to do more, I began to consider different options. And yet the third puncture in my right ear disappeared. Not 100% because of this theory, but, nevertheless, it played an important role in this.

So, m at ki must fall to the lot left ear. So How many prick holes? Maybe one. Those. with an additional one there will be two. And it turns out that in both ears symmetrically. By the way, I found quite a few fans of this choice on the Internet.

Of course, there is one big plus here - you buy a regular pair of earrings for the main piercings and a pair for additional ones. There is no need to constantly rack your brains over what to put in an odd hole or vice versa - where to put an extra earring, or even in general - why spend money on it?

I thought seriously about this option, but... came to the conclusion that I still don’t really like it. So I decided this - left ear - two new punctures. No sooner said than done! ?

What to inject with?

However, first I decided to take care choice of tool for this procedure. For the last 15-20 years, pistols have been leading the market for such services. And although there are a lot of positive reviews about them, for some reason they never inspired confidence in me.

In general, when I started looking for a master, I came to the conclusion that it was better to contact one who professionally deals with piercing Is your hand already full, and not only on your earlobe, but also in other, sometimes even the most unexpected places? I will probably never forget how I came across photos of nipple piercings. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. And if you also imagine the pain of punctures, then in general...

Anyway, I settled on piercer(piercer). And here is the tool - needle-catheter. Necessarily sterile, With with a diameter of no more than 1 mm.

It seems to me, a catheter has many advantages over a gun! Firstly, in terms of sterility. I bought a catheter, used it, and threw it away. But processing a pistol is more problematic. Secondly, in the case of a catheter the puncture is carried out with a needle, not an earring. Those. The tip initially enters the ear, not the blunt part of the stud shaft. Thirdly, you can insert it into a new puncture using a tube almost any earrings, which is impossible in the case of a pistol.

Hour X

This Wednesday, the 19th, is hour X? Both Dasha and I got two new punctures! Pain? It was small. The third hole was more painful. But everything is tolerable. Did anyone need any ammonia? Maybe because we calmed down with Dasha before with the help of coffee and donuts? ?

Now we walk around happy as elephants after a bath and admiring your ear piercing? Of course, there is a healing period ahead. Therefore, puncture treatment is now on the agenda. I will not be changing my star studs in the next 3-4 weeks. And then... Then it will be almost winter - time to wear silver. The holes will completely come to their senses and you can change your jewelry every day! ? The main thing is to find 5 matching earrings! ?

P.S.: and now I have wonderful “musical earrings”! Check out my options for combining them in five holes here! ?