Traffic Police Day is correctly called. Traffic police day: when it is celebrated, history, comic congratulations in verse

80th anniversary of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate / Photo:

Traffic Police Day is a professional holiday celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on July 3.

The State Automobile Inspectorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was founded on July 3, 1936. It was then that the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars approved the “Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD CCCP.”

Since June 1998, the traffic police became the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On July 2, 2002, the department received its second official historical name - State Traffic Inspectorate.

On July 3, 2009, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Army General Rashid Nurgaliev, signed Order No. 502 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On declaring the Day of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.”

State Traffic Inspectorate employees at work / Photo:

Interesting Facts

The functions of a traffic controller in the city of Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century could be performed by wipers. Their instructions can be seen in photographs of that time in the Central Museum of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Every year on July 3, our country celebrates the professional holiday of traffic police officers - Traffic Police Day (State Traffic Police Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), established by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 502 “On declaring the Day of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.”

The Road Traffic Regulations 1936 stated: “All street traffic must adhere to the following order: pedestrians give way to a hand-cart, a cart to a cab driver, a cab driver to a car, and a general-purpose vehicle to all special-purpose vehicles and a bus.”

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union acceded to the International Convention on Road Traffic, and the first uniform traffic rules came into force in the CCCP on January 1, 1961.

Since June 1998, the State Traffic Inspectorate has been the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and since July 2002, the State Traffic Inspectorate again.

Today it is difficult to overestimate the role of the traffic police. Every year the number of vehicles increases, and traffic on the roads becomes more and more intense. In this situation, the work of inspectors is extremely difficult, but also necessary.

In addition to tougher fines and penalties for violators of traffic rules, today the leadership and employees of the traffic police are taking a number of important measures on road safety, and for all road users and for all ages.

A wide promotion of the image of a law-abiding driver and pedestrian is being organized in the media, conferences are held with the participation of figures of science, culture, art, politics, and numerous public actions with the participation of traffic police officers. The active work of traffic police propagandists in educational institutions of the country gives noticeable results. For example, the number of Young Traffic Inspectors has grown to 200,000 or more schoolchildren.

Much attention is also paid to improving the professionalism of the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Joint exercises of the State traffic inspectorate and rescue services are becoming traditional. Ultra-modern buildings and traffic police posts are being built. Traffic police of the regions receive modern vehicles, the latest technical means of fixing violations and information.

In 2006, a Government Decree was issued that approved the Concept of the Federal Target Program for Road Safety, the main goal of which is to reduce the number of people killed in road accidents. To this end, work is underway to raise legal awareness, create a climate of law-abiding society, provide high-quality driver training, develop emergency care systems, and so on.

Statistics show that in recent years the number of victims of road accidents on Russian roads has decreased. The number of “drunk accidents” is also reduced. But, unfortunately, the level of accidents, violations by all road users remains high, the number of vehicle thefts does not decrease. Therefore, traffic police officers always have enough work to do.

On their professional holiday, they receive congratulations from friends, colleagues and management, and especially distinguished employees and employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate, as well as veterans who have made a great personal contribution to strengthening the rule of law, are awarded diplomas and state awards on this day.

July 1 The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia held a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the celebration of 80 years since the formation of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Opening the event, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police Lieutenant General Dmitry Mironov, read out the text of a congratulatory telegram from the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Police General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Addressing the audience, Dmitry Mironov emphasized that State Traffic Inspectorate employees have proven in practice that they are capable of solving the most complex problems and promptly responding to unusual situations and new challenges, and ensuring order on the roads.

According to him, in modern conditions, effective resolution of road safety issues is impossible without the active participation of authorities at various levels, the expert community, the media, public organizations, as well as ordinary citizens. “The results of joint work are thousands of lives saved,” said the Deputy Minister.

The ceremonial meeting was attended by the director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kochnev, the chairman of the committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Viktor Ozerov, the deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vasiliev, as well as the chairman of the synodal department for interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies Father Sergius.

During the event, the results of the IX All-Russian competition of television and radio programs on road safety were summed up, and the best employees were awarded.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev / Photo: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Congratulations from the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev on the 80th anniversary of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Dear Colleagues! Dear veterans!

Congratulations on your anniversary - the 80th anniversary of the creation of the State Traffic Inspectorate!

For decades, the ORUD-GAI-STSI units have been carrying out a large-scale set of tasks to ensure safety on the country’s roads and prevent road accidents. The result of your work is hundreds of thousands of lives saved and a significant reduction in the accident rate.

Every year in Russia the level of motorization of citizens and the intensity of road traffic are increasing. Therefore, your work becomes more and more, and the conditions become more tense. I thank the personnel of the State Traffic Inspectorate units for many years of conscientious work for the benefit of the country and our compatriots, courage, endurance and professionalism.

I am confident that all tasks facing you will continue to be completed in a timely and efficient manner. I express my gratitude to the veterans who dedicated their lives to the very difficult, but extremely necessary for citizens, work of a State Traffic Inspectorate employee.

The professional knowledge and skills and life experience that you pass on to the younger generation of employees are priceless. We count on your help and support.

The profession of a traffic inspector has always been associated with risk and danger. Today we remember with special feeling our colleagues who died in the line of duty and bow our heads to their memory.

I wish the leaders, personnel, and veterans of the State Traffic Inspectorate units good health, professional success and personal happiness. Happy anniversary to you!

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of Police of the Russian Federation V. Kolokoltsev.

When writing the material, data from open Internet sources was used:

Everyone associated with the traffic police service knows that there is a professional holiday - “Staff Police Day” (the old name is “Traffic Inspector Day”). It is celebrated annually on July 3. This holiday, unlike some others, does not depend on the days of the week and is always celebrated on the same day. In 2018, July 3 falls on a Sunday, making it especially convenient to celebrate.


In 1919, the first Automobile Inspectorate was established in Moscow. In the 1920s, due to an increase in the number of vehicles, there was a need to regulate traffic on the roads. In 1925, a traffic control department was created.

On July 3, 1936, a decree was issued on the creation of a traffic police service. Responsibilities of employees during the USSR:

  • emergency prevention;
  • transport accounting;
  • control of driver training.

Later, traffic police officers were given the responsibility to develop traffic rules on the roads. A draft driver’s license was also developed, the same for all citizens. Employees monitored the quality of roads, signs and markings. Their range of responsibilities was constantly expanding, due to the increase in the number of vehicles and the growth of cities.

Over time, the traffic police was renamed several times, but the essence of the service remained the same. Employees ensure road safety, prevent disasters and help drivers. On July 3, 2009, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an official holiday was established - the Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.


Traffic Police Officer Day is a tribute to road safety organizers. Traffic police plays an important role in the life of every city and the whole country as a whole. The work is carried out every day - traffic police officers are developing new rules, tightening penalties for the safety of all road users, monitoring the condition of transport and monitoring drivers, as well as their training.

On July 3, every year, management congratulates its subordinates. Certificates and awards are presented, congratulatory and laudatory speeches are heard. The most worthy and distinguished receive orders and even promotions. According to tradition, those who have received a promotion throw new stars into a glass of a drink (usually alcoholic) and drink the contents in one gulp. The units organize concerts and other festive events.

Some preschool institutions invite traffic police officers to teach children about traffic rules, safety, and signs. In a playful way, servicemen show how they can and cannot behave near the roadway. They also organize viewing of educational cartoons and themed games.

How to celebrate a professional holiday

July 3 is not an official holiday. However, many cities celebrate Traffic Police Day at the state level. Concerts are held in the main squares and words of gratitude are said. At such events, musicians, children's dance and choral sections perform, and famous and respected people are invited to give congratulatory speeches.

For every family that has a traffic police officer, July 3 is a real holiday. Wives give their husbands a gala lunch or dinner and give gifts. Children also participate in congratulations and learn special poems. They give gifts and remind dads of their love and respect. It is important for any employee to know that he has a reliable rear behind him in the form of a strong family that believes in him.

An example of a poem from the wife of a traffic police officer:

“My dear inspector,
Beloved husband, my protector,
You from work every day
It’s not too lazy to meet us for dinner!
I give you my love,
So that you remember again and again -
I appreciate your efforts!
And on Traffic Police Day I give
I’ll smile at you and say:
That your service is important to us,
And let her bring it to our house
Good luck, happiness and income"


Traffic Inspectorate Day is celebrated annually on July 3. Despite the fact that this date is not a state date and is a non-working day, the holiday is very important for Russia. All traffic police officers deserve congratulations, praise and gratitude. On this day, you need to remind children about the rules of the road and congratulate all your friends who serve in the traffic police. For families that have a traffic police officer, July 3 becomes an important and solemn day when you can congratulate your loved one and once again remind you of the importance and necessity of his service.

The traffic police was created in 1936, but expanded its capabilities only on January 1, 1961, when uniform and standard rules for all were put forward and adopted at the International Convention on Road Traffic.

However, in 1998, the traffic police was renamed the traffic police and only 4 years later it returned its name again. It’s good that after these innovations the state didn’t come up with anything new.

Now everyone knows the importance of the work of traffic cops. In a broad sense, they regulate traffic on the road, monitor offenders, which, by the way, are now recognized as pedestrians. This means that even a person running across the road at a red light can get a fine.

Unfortunately, the number of accidents, thefts and other problems has not decreased over the years and traffic cops always have a lot of work to do.

The question may arise, what date is traffic police day in 2017?

Traffic Police Day in Russia in 2017 will invariably be celebrated for 9 years in a row on July 3 - the day of its creation in the 30s. It was officially approved (by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 502). The holiday applies to all traffic police employees, but it is also celebrated by friends and family of employees.

In addition to keeping order on the roads, their responsibilities also include issuing documents for permits:

  1. Moving cargo;
  2. Transportation of passengers;
  3. Construction of structures near busy sections of the road.

About the traditions of celebrating traffic police in the Russian Federation

Traffic police officers work not only on the roads and nearby posts. There are many divisions:

  1. Road inspection service, where the car is registered and where the driving license is handed over;
  2. Stolen car recovery service;
  3. Services conducting technical inspections.

And in order to start working in the traffic police, you first need to serve in the army or get a specialized education in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It requires the ability to use weapons, knowledge of laws and rules that must be followed in the service.

Details about the holiday

Every year, the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs give out certificates and medals to distinguished traffic police officers and even promote them in positions and give them a new title.

On the day of traffic police in Russia, employees are given gifts, the feast is in full swing and congratulations and funny stories from the everyday life of the traffic police are heard all evening.

The holiday has its own traditions - the title, in the form of new stars, is placed in a glass of alcohol (traditionally vodka), after which the hero of the occasion must drink it in one gulp while colleagues and comrades shout solemn exclamations.

On July 3, some people wear a formal suit and cap in light colors. Concerts are organized, attended by famous pop stars, and fireworks are set off.

The first rules of the traffic police

In 1936, when the traffic police was created, life in the USSR was completely different. Therefore, the rules that drivers and pedestrians had to follow can now cause laughter:

  • Every pedestrian must have a handcart pass;
  • When a cab driver rides, the owner of the hand-cart must let him pass;
  • When an “outlandish” car is traveling, the driver must let it pass;
  • The driver of a regular car must let special vehicles through. motor transport.

Although traffic police officers have been making fun of for a long time and often, we must not forget about the national importance of their work.

Due to the increase in the number of motorists, and therefore road accidents, the rules are becoming stricter, and the work of the traffic police itself is more difficult and dangerous. Until we experience problems on the road ourselves, it may seem that the work they do is unnoticeable and unimportant, but if this is so, it means that they manage to maintain the stability of traffic day after day. And no matter how sad it may sound, traffic cops still serve on their official holiday, because no one has canceled violations and accidents on this day.

Events for traffic police officers

Quite often, on the date of the traffic police day in Russia, conferences are held in which famous people from cultural and scientific circles and politics take part. Seminars and trainings to improve skills are being conducted, a movement of young traffic police officers has been organized, in which more than 20 thousand children have already participated.

At the moment, the results of the measures taken to modernize work and situations on the road are tangible, but we still need to fight for victory. The work of traffic police officers, like that of other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is difficult, so there should be more celebrations so that those living in the city also appreciate the importance of this profession.

Gifts for traffic police officer's day in 2017

Unfortunately, it is not customary to celebrate while on duty. As is usually shown in Russian films, on their holiday, traffic cops get drunk and behave cheekily. But in real life, employees don’t behave this way. Although at the beginning of the working day they are given certificates and other awards, after that they begin a regular working day, in which there is not much joy. On the contrary, one might think that because of the festive feast expected after a working day, the day drags on longer and the mood deteriorates.

Many who are friends with a traffic police officer ask themselves the question: what to give for traffic police day and how not to go wrong with the gift?

Now it is very easy to calculate the approach of the traffic police day in the Russian Federation. In about a week, you can notice an increase in the assortment of holiday-themed cakes and pastries in pastry shops. You can buy a biscuit in the shape of a baton or a cake in the shape of a figurine of a traffic police officer.

In souvenir shops, you can find a variety of gifts - soft batons, traffic cop toys and other jokes. On this day, the girls and wives of the traffic police officers try to please them and arrange a holiday for them to the maximum. So many people receive a lot of different gifts on Traffic Police Day, both related to their profession and simply those that they have long dreamed of, and 2017 will be no exception. On such a day, friends and loved ones give all these souvenirs and delicious treats when they arrive directly at the service post. But it’s right - somehow you need to please a loved one who, even on an official holiday, carries out hard service and waits for the end of the day.

The professional holiday of employees of the Russian traffic police - the traffic police - appeared not so long ago. But it's official. And unofficially it existed before, and was celebrated on the same day. Let us remind you what date is Traffic Police Day in 2019, why this particular date was chosen for the holiday, when this day received its official status.

What date is Traffic Police Day in 2019?

The date of celebration of Traffic Police Day in 2019 is the same as in any other year - 3 July. The holiday of traffic inspectors is tied to a specific date, and not to any number of summer weekends, as sometimes happens.

The date chosen for Traffic Police Officer Day is, of course, not accidental. It was on July 3, 1936 that the State Traffic Inspectorate was created under the then workers' and peasants' militia of the NKVD.

Until the early 1960s, there were no uniform traffic rules in the USSR. Moreover, traffic rules in different republics and regions of the country were not subject to any general concept at all. Only in 1961 did the rules become common throughout the country. Then, in the 1960s, the Soviet Union signed the International Convention on Road Traffic. The rules for driving on the roads of the USSR became generally the same as in other countries of the world.

The Soviet name of the traffic police in 1998 was transformed into the modern name of the department - the traffic police.

Despite such a long history, the traffic police did not have their own professional holiday until the 2000s. Only on July 3, 2009 - exactly ten years ago - did the then Russian Minister of Internal Affairs finally sign an order declaring the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Day and its celebration on July 3 of each year.

In 2019, the future of the traffic police as an agency remains not entirely clear. This is not the first year that there have been persistent rumors about reforming the road inspection. It is possible to disband the traffic police and form a traffic police with slightly different, broader functions and tasks. Be that as it may, it is simply impossible to do without a special police service on modern roads. Therefore, in one form or another, the automobile inspection will exist, even if it completely ceases to resemble the Soviet traffic police, the anniversary of which is celebrated today as Traffic Police Day.

In 1919, the first traffic inspection was organized in Moscow at the auto department of the transport department of the Mossovet. And in 1925, the Department for Traffic Regulation appeared in Moscow.

The task of ensuring road safety and creating an organization that would supervise traffic arose in connection with the development of the road network and the growth of the vehicle fleet not only in Moscow, but also in many cities of the country. Therefore, on July 3, 1936, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, by its resolution, approved the "Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the USSR." This day is considered the birthday of the traffic police, whose employees monitor and supervise compliance with standards, norms and rules in force in the field of road safety.

In June 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Automobile Inspectorate was renamed the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (STSI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and since July 2002, the old name was returned - GAI.