All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy. All about the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy What does the baby look like 26 27 weeks

On the calendar is the last week of the second, most comfortable trimester of pregnancy. But do not worry, because the 27th week of pregnancy is a special, turning point, when, despite the growing belly and the size of the baby, you feel surprisingly light.

The reason is hormones. You are at the mercy of progesterone, which prepares your nervous system for responsible childbirth and motherhood.

Week 27 is the second half of the 6th month of pregnancy, and you have 13 weeks before delivery.

Baby development at 27 weeks

Of course, you are wondering, at 27 weeks of gestation, what happens to the baby. At this stage of development, all organs of the fetus have already been formed, but the work continues: they are being improved, the interconnection of all systems and organs is being established.

  1. General form;
  • By the 27th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus and height are 900 grams and 36 cm, respectively, in a week he will gain at least 100 grams. About how the baby grows throughout the entire period of pregnancy, read the article Development of the child in the womb >>>;
  • Outwardly, it already looks like a newborn baby, only much smaller in size. But he is gaining shape, the skin is no longer so red, and by the formed face one can already judge which of the parents the baby looks like;
  • The curls of a child can reach 2 cm in length, and on tiny fingers you can already see delicate nails.
  1. sense organs;
  • By the 27th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus enters a new stage - the baby already opens its eyes and distinguishes not only light, but even colors;
  • The child hears sounds and distinguishes voices, he has developed taste buds and even has his own culinary preferences, and he also distinguishes smells;
  • In addition, the baby feels warm or cold, may be nervous, or vice versa, smile blissfully;
  • Yes, and everything is normal with the vestibular apparatus, the child controls his body, can stroke his face and knock with his fists if he is dissatisfied with something.
  1. Respiratory system;

At this stage, the alveoli are improved and the process of accumulation in the alveolar ducts of surfactant, a special substance that will help the lungs to open at the first intake of air at the time of birth, begins.

In the meantime, the lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and the baby receives oxygen from your blood through the placenta. By the way, the child is already training the lungs, making up to 40 breaths and exhalations per minute.

  1. The immune system;

The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy is protected not only by the placenta, but also has its own immunity. Therefore, it is important to create positive conditions for the growth of the child and the development of a stable immune system.

  1. Physical activity;

The uterus grows with the baby, so the baby feels very comfortable and cozy. At the same time, it can roll over and make movements with arms and legs.

But his physical activity cannot be hidden from you: you can even notice the palm or leg with which the child rests against your tummy. Yes, and the blows themselves become more serious. By this stage, the fetus has already formed a daily routine and more often its rampage begins in the evening, when you decide to lie down and relax.

  1. Hormones;

The baby's body already independently produces some important hormones.

  • So, the thyroid gland produces a number of hormones that normalize the level of calcium in the baby's body and other metabolic processes;
  • The pancreas provides insulin
  • And the brain produces its own growth hormone. Thanks to the latter, the development and growth of the child accelerates in the following weeks.

This week, the baby, in the case of premature birth, outwardly differs little from a newborn born at term, and with a little hardware assistance, the likelihood that he will survive is high.

Mom's well-being

Of course, your belly and weight, which is increasing every week, can cause you certain inconveniences, but if you perceive them as temporary problems, then the process of communicating with an unborn baby will more than smooth out all the inconveniences.

Yes, and hormonal changes will be in your favor, at week 27 you can feel relief, since the child's body already independently reduces growth hormone, and the stabilizing mother's hormone owns you.

Uterine size

  1. The uterus at the 27th week of pregnancy reaches 28 cm in length, while it rises 5 centimeters above the navel. It is clear that at such sizes you may feel discomfort from the compression of the internal organs;
  2. With long sitting, especially in a cross-legged position, the vena cava can be compressed, resulting in dizziness and even fainting;
  3. Be alert even in a dream: the optimal position is on your side, resting on your back and, especially, on your stomach is prohibited;
  4. As for the cervix, during pregnancy of 27 weeks it should be up to 4 centimeters in length, while its walls are elastic, and the external pharynx is tightly closed.

Pain at 27 weeks

Most of the pain at the 27th week of pregnancy has a physiological explanation and all of them will pass after childbirth. So be patient and learn how to minimize discomfort.

  1. Pain in the abdomen;
  • The situation when the stomach pulls at the 27th week of pregnancy is quite common. The explanation is simple - the size of the uterus is impressive, the muscles are in constant tension, hence the pulling pains;
  • Another reason is training contractions that scare you from time to time. If they are unsystematic and not painful, you have nothing to worry about. So your body is preparing for the upcoming birth;
  • The stomach can also pull after a long walk, in which case a support bandage will help to cope with discomfort (an important article on this issue: How to wear a bandage for pregnant women ?>>>);
  • If the stomach constantly hurts at the 27th week of pregnancy, while the lower abdomen becomes stony and there is discharge with bloody patches, then call an ambulance. Don't delay.
  1. Back pain;

You may be worried about back pain, the causes of which may be a shift in the center of gravity due to an enlarged abdomen at 27 weeks of gestation, being in an uncomfortable position, wearing heels.

If you are afraid of pain in the sacrum, then there is a reasonable explanation for this symptom: your pelvis gradually expands, the bones soften and this is a normal physiological process of preparing for childbirth.

Other causes and ways of relief are described in the article Back Pain During Pregnancy >>>.

  1. Pain in the legs;

Cramps, swelling, veins are a common problem for pregnant women.

  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition;
  • Remove harmful products;
  • Drink enough clean water without gas and give your legs more rest.
  • With varicose veins, you can apply special ointments and wear slimming stockings;
  • But cramps, most likely, indicate to you a deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body. Start changing your diet and you will reduce discomfort and get rid of cramps;
  • In addition, by making changes in nutrition, you can solve a lot of problems that arise in the second half of pregnancy.

You will receive not only a list of foods that you need to eat daily, but also learn about 3 foods that you should start actively eating if you want to give birth easily and naturally from the e-book Future Mom's Nutrition Secrets >>>.

  1. Headache;

Dizziness in the morning and when you get up is a traditional problem associated with stress on your circulatory system.

The cause may be squeezing the vena cava, and obstructed blood circulation in this place. Migraines are excluded.

You need to relax more, spend a lot of time outdoors, and not in a stuffy room, and, importantly, tune in to a positive wave and enjoy pregnancy. In this case, migraines and other pains will fade into the background.

  1. Pain in the chest;

By this time, your mammary glands are in full swing preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding. At 27 weeks, colostrum may be released. In no case do not squeeze it out, observe strict hygiene and change clothes more often.

  1. Haemorrhoids;

A problem that cannot be ignored. Improper nutrition, long sitting, squeezing of the veins lead to the development of hemorrhoids and pain during bowel movements.

  • It is necessary to completely revise the menu, remove muffins and fastening products, more fruits and vegetables, cereals, be sure the first dish every day.
  • To relieve irritation and treatment, potato gruel, lotions with honey, chamomile are suitable;
  • And to relieve inflammation, you can turn to folk recipes.
  1. Pain when urinating;

During pregnancy, you urinate more often as your uterus presses on your bladder. But, often, when you come to the toilet, you can’t do your job normally. Part of the urine stagnates, which is fraught with inflammatory processes in the bladder.

Pain during urination is just the signal to you about these problems.

Do not forget that at the 27th week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother is transmitted to the child. Do not leave discomfort unattended and try to reduce pain.

Bleeding. Allocations

Discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy is considered normal, with a clear consistency and in moderation. At this stage, the discharge may increase slightly, and this is due to the formation of a mucous plug, which will additionally protect the fetus from infections and bacteria.

  • Curd secretions;

Pronounced white discharge with a sour-milk odor, accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area, is a signal of a fungal infection or thrush.

Your immunity during pregnancy is weakened and the growth of pathogenic protozoa is becoming more and more difficult to restrain, so this problem is common and with proper nutrition and the use of safe suppositories allowed in your position, it is completely solvable.

Detailed information and methods of treatment can be found in the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>.

  • Discharge of yellow or green hues;

Yellow, greenish or cloudy-gray discharge with a putrid odor is an indicator of inflammatory processes. Additional tests and examination are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

  • brown discharge;

This color is given to the discharge by bloody inclusions. If they are rare, they may indicate cervical erosion. Abundant brown discharge is a dangerous signal, there is a threat of abortion.

Please note that even transparent selections, but in abundant sizes, are not a good signal. If you notice a sweet smell, then this is not physiological discharge, but the flow of amniotic fluid.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Your body undergoes tremendous changes and stress during pregnancy, and what seemed normal before conception now raises a lot of questions and focused attention.


A temperature of 37 degrees at the 27th week of pregnancy is considered normal. In addition, you may be disturbed by asthma attacks and increased sweating, due to hormonal changes.

But a higher temperature, accompanied by a runny nose, cough, sore throat, aching joints, cannot be ignored. An increase in temperature can also indicate to you hidden inflammatory processes.

Cold at 27 weeks pregnant

Treating a cold, like any other disease during pregnancy, is problematic. The range of acceptable drugs is minimized, and not all folk remedies are allowed for you.

A cold at 27 weeks of gestation is dangerous with complications. High temperature is dangerous for the fetus, and dehydration of the body cannot but affect the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid.


If there are no contraindications, such as a low placenta at 27 weeks of gestation with the threat of detachment, or inflammation of the genital organs, then there is no reason to refuse sexual relations with your regular sexual partner.

But it is necessary to reconsider the sexual intercourse itself, making it more gentle and not deep, special attention is also paid to hygiene. Sex at 27 weeks pregnant is a good way to relieve stress.

Alcohol at 27 weeks

At the 27th week of pregnancy, there is an active development of the baby's brain activity and additional stimuli, in the form of alcohol, he does not need anything at this stage. Even a glass of wine for the fetus is an impossible task, its kidneys and liver are not able to cope with the poison.

Examination of mother and child

  1. At the end of the second trimester, you will be invited for a scheduled checkup twice a month. And at each appointment you come with the results of a urine test, which will tell you if everything is normal or if there are pathologies in the form of inflammatory processes;
  2. Another common type of examination is a blood test.
  • Under close supervision, hemoglobin, which tends to decrease with iron deficiency, and the level of leukocytes and erythrocytes, an increase in which indicates inflammatory processes;
  • At this stage, you may be prescribed a sugar test, especially if your parameters are far from normal weight at 27 weeks of pregnancy. By the way, by the end of the second trimester, you should gain no more than 8 kilograms.
  1. During a routine check-up, the specialist will measure your weight, blood pressure, fundal height, and abdominal girth. Can also listen to the baby's heartbeat, while using a regular stethoscope or tube;
  2. The doctor will also take an interest in the frequency of movements. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby's activity time is 4-6 hours a day;
  3. If you are the owner of Rh negative blood, then you cannot do without a special analysis for the Rh conflict with the baby;
  4. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional tests, such as a swab from the vagina, a culture from the nose and throat.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy is rather a forced method of examination, dictated by the suspicion of a threatened miscarriage, a miscarriage.

An unscheduled ultrasound specialist can perform after you have had an infectious disease in order to assess the condition of the placenta, amniotic fluid. Ultrasound can also be performed if a complex entanglement of the umbilical cord is suspected.

Lifestyle at 27 weeks pregnant

By the 27th week of pregnancy, you are firmly on the path to a healthy lifestyle. It is clear that active sports are left aside, but swimming and walking in the fresh air are only welcome.

It's time to start preparing for childbirth. Theoretical training should take a lot of time. We, modern women, are used to preparing for important events with our heads. Therefore, the theoretical online course Easy childbirth + practical breathing exercises, warm-up is what you need.


What you eat for two should not affect portion sizes. In this case, the quality of the food matters.

  • In terms of calories, your daily diet should range from 2000-2200 kcal, if you are overweight, calories can be reduced, but vitamins and nutrients must be present;
  • During pregnancy, it is worth giving up smoked, salty and pickled, various sauces and mayonnaises, muffins and culinary masterpieces with useless calories, soda and coffee, hot chocolate are also not desirable;
  • Even if you feel disgusted with meat products, you should not refuse them, just experiment with varieties. Meat, in addition to protein, contains a lot of useful substances and amino acids, as well as a wide range of B vitamins.
  • Well, you can learn more about what is useful to eat during this important period from the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>.
  1. Maternity leave is still 3 weeks away, so be patient and take care of your health. Take a moment to walk or give your legs a rest, air your office more often, avoid crowds during epidemics;
  2. Start the day with a contrast shower that will give you a boost of energy and your skin - elasticity;
  3. Always take a snack with you, even if you leave the house for half an hour. The kid will not like your fasting, but he drums, in case of dissatisfaction, quite strongly;
  4. Start psychological preparation for childbirth, including a small change in lifestyle, exercises to train the respiratory system, prevention of ruptures in childbirth. Recommendations for each item are waiting for you in the mega-useful online course Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth >>>>

Stay healthy and have an easy delivery!

The 27th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the third trimester. Due to the growth of the fetus, the increase in the size of the uterus, the load on the body, many mothers experience a number of ailments (headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling, pressure surges, dizziness). The danger of unpleasant sensations of this period lies in their similarity with the symptoms of serious diseases that occur latently, negatively affecting the health of the mother and fetus. Consider how the pregnancy goes, the fetus develops, what hidden diseases may appear by the third trimester.

27 weeks pregnant: how many months?

The twenty-seventh week "opens" the third trimester of pregnancy. From the day of conception, only the twenty-fifth week comes. And if you calculate the obstetric period in the usual way, then six months three weeks come. Literally after 15-20 days, most pregnant women will begin to feel such ailments as swelling, insomnia, hypertension, and convulsions. But all the troubles are smoothed out by communication with the baby, who tries to cheer up his mother with pushes and movements.

There is very little time left before the birth. The threat of miscarriage is no longer so important, since doctors can leave premature babies at this time. By the way, this is why many mothers calm down and begin to make “culinary” indulgences at 27 weeks of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus can increase significantly even in two weeks.

And the consumption of citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, and other “allergic” products causes redness in the child. If premature birth occurs, the baby will be with a red rash. Mothers begin to eat forbidden foods because they learn about the restrictions during breastfeeding. But your taste weaknesses negatively affect the baby, who may have a predisposition to allergies.

Mom's feelings: how to overcome heartburn?

The long-awaited 27 weeks of pregnancy have come, what happens to mom? The stomach rises to the ribs, because of which there is pressure on the lungs, intestines, and peritoneum. Weight by this point adds about nine to thirteen kilograms. Because of this, a woman suffers from frequent shortness of breath, heartburn, constipation, and frequent urination. These ailments should be put up with, as they can accompany a pregnant woman until childbirth.

But some of them can be alleviated. If heartburn rarely occurs, then try simple tips.

  • Every morning, have breakfast with oatmeal or oatmeal without sugar, butter, jam. Prepare porridge with milk diluted with water. For sweetness, add a little honey.
  • Eliminate spicy, fried, fatty foods from your diet, from which there is no benefit to either your body or your child.
  • Eat small meals six times a day. After seven weeks, you need to reduce meals to four or five.
  • Move for half an hour after any meal.

If the feeling of heartburn torments the pregnant woman constantly, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for a drug that is safe for the health of the fetus.

Varicose veins, hypertension

Weight at 27 weeks of gestation is a huge inconvenience for many women. Due to the increase in body weight, there is a huge load on the legs. Some mothers develop varicose veins. The causes of this complication can be hormonal disruptions (lack of estrogen, an excess of testerone, relaxin), placenta previa, increased venous pressure. Do not underestimate this complication, as it can appear in the rectum, vagina, abdomen, chest, buttocks, legs.

Varicose veins do not directly affect the development of pregnancy (week 27), but can cause premature birth. The uncontrolled nature of which can lead to brain disorders, injuries of the spine of the newborn. This happens due to premature rupture of amniotic fluid, placental abruption, bleeding, weak labor activity. Doctors forbid women suffering from varicose veins to give birth themselves.

Most mothers suffer from hypertension by this time. High blood pressure (greater than 140/90) is most dangerous for fetal development. What is associated with compression of the blood vessels of the uterus. Because of this, the fetus does not receive a full amount of oxygen and nutrients. Its growth slows down, and with prolonged restriction of normal blood flow, the placenta exfoliates, bleeding appears. Therefore, urgent medical intervention is needed.

Edema, gestosis

Almost every pregnant woman is faced with edema throughout the entire period, the 27th week of pregnancy is no exception. Only some women are limited to mild, rare edema, while in others this ailment turns into a serious disease of preeclampsia.

  • Do not drink liquids more than one and a half liters. This applies to juicy berries, fruits, especially watermelons. Because of this, the stomach at the 27th week of pregnancy will only swell, the feet and fingers will immediately swell.
  • For long walks, get comfortable shoes.
  • Once every two weeks, arrange a fasting day (with the permission of the doctor). Drink a liter of kefir and eat four hundred grams of fatty cottage cheese. This will help drive up to 1.2 liters from the body.

If a pregnant woman suffers from hypertension, kidney disease, overweight, then edema can gradually and imperceptibly develop into preeclampsia. It, like varicose veins, blocks the access of oxygen to the fetus, causes intrauterine growth retardation. In a pregnant woman, brain activity is disturbed, bleeding appears, loss of consciousness occurs. Preterm labor is then uncontrollable.

General health of a healthy mother

If the 27th week of pregnancy proceeds normally, then the woman may experience mild ailments, characterized by mild fatigue, shortness of breath, frequent urination, and back pain. All this is due to an increase in the load on the internal organs and the spine. Wear a pregnancy brace, it will help alleviate the condition. Choose comfortable shoes and loose-fitting clothing to prevent unnecessary pressure and weight on your feet.

If the belly is very large (large fetus, multiple pregnancy), then there may be discomfort with sleep or insomnia. Then contact your gynecologist to prescribe harmless drugs that help improve nighttime rest.

Appetite is normal at 27 weeks pregnant. The weight of the fetus is actively increasing. By the way, cravings for certain foods can sometimes arise. This organism signals a lack of a vitamin-mineral complex. Tell your doctor about your wishes to determine which tests to take.

Occasionally there are pains on the sides in the abdomen. This is due to the stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. Wear a bandage, and also lubricate the stomach with a special cream that the gynecologist will advise you.

Analyzes and examinations

In general, the 27th week of pregnancy does not require unscheduled tests. Each pregnant woman has her own calendar of doctor visits. Usually the interval is three to four weeks between doses. The fewer complications during pregnancy, the less frequent visits.

This week, expectant mothers undergo “examinations based on complaints” according to the same plan:

  1. Reception at the gynecologist.
  2. Delivery of blood and urine tests.

Sugar tests will have to be taken by women who have relatives with diabetes in their family.

From the twenty-eighth week for all pregnant women, a visit becomes mandatory every two weeks. The closer the birth, the more often medical examinations become. At this time (27 weeks of pregnancy), the development of the fetus is examined by ultrasound diagnostics, especially with any complications.

Due to the fear of childbirth, problems with pressure, swelling, and sleep may appear. Ask your doctor to prescribe sedatives and sign you up for pregnancy courses. Communication with other ladies in a position will give confidence and strength.

27th week of pregnancy: fetal development

The child has almost reached the parameters of a newborn. In case of premature birth, his internal organs will be able to function normally. However, it is better to reach the deadline, since the baby still does not know how to maintain body temperature, and therefore will be placed in an incubator.

His lungs produce surfactant, which will be needed to straighten the lungs and breathe spontaneously at birth. The kidneys work, removing urine into the amniotic fluid, the intestines function, which digests the amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus, turning it into meconium.

At this time (pregnancy 27 weeks), the weight of the child is actively increasing. Now his body weight is more than a kilogram, and his height is thirty-five centimeters. Despite its large size, the fetus continues to move in the abdomen. His tremors can be painful, strong, frequent with a lack of oxygen, or smooth, pleasant. He sleeps for twenty hours, but even during rest you can see protrusions of heels or priests on his stomach.

Immunity begins to function actively, but still receives most of the antibodies from the mother's body. At week 27, his immunity is most susceptible to allergens, so be careful with citrus fruits, chocolate and other foods that cause allergic reactions in a child. The endocrine system functions independently, so the fetus does not need the mother to produce hormones.

Ultrasound parameters

Ultrasound diagnostics is prescribed if the child at 27 weeks of gestation has malformations, complications of pregnancy are observed, or there are problems with the health of the mother. The doctor reveals the norm or pathology of the development of the child, the state of the placenta, the position of the fetus. If the baby takes the wrong position, then an ultrasound scan may be prescribed just before the birth to indicate the type of obstetric care (caesarean section) in the exchange card. Also, this examination is prescribed for pregnant women, if the parameters of the abdomen have not changed since the last gynecological examination.

By the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus has the following parameters:

If there are abnormalities in the development of the fetus, then a Doppler of the artery of the umbilical cord and uterus is also performed.

The main danger for a pregnant woman

The main risk is preterm birth. They can be uncontrollable, pass very quickly, and therefore, the child will receive a number of injuries to the cerebral vessels, hypoxia, intracranial hemorrhage, spinal injuries.

The causes of premature birth can be awkward falls on the stomach, endocrine system disorders, genital infections, abnormalities in the development of the uterus, malformations in the child, multiple pregnancy, large fetus, polyhydramnios, stress, isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Therefore, follow the sensations during this period (pregnancy 27 weeks), the movement of the fetus will intuitively tell the mother that something is wrong. Aching systemic pain or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, cramping cramps, vaginal discharge of amniotic fluid, a change in the number of shocks indicate the threat of premature birth. Remember, if the birth starts prematurely, then a caesarean section will not be done. And this is a big risk for the child and the mother.

The Hidden Dangers of the Period

Many severe illnesses in terms of symptoms resemble the usual ailments of a pregnant woman at 27 weeks of gestation. What happens if women do not pay attention to their well-being? Most importantly, precious time is lost when it is possible to eradicate the disease at an early stage.

If you ignore your well-being, then the following complications may appear.

  • Preeclampsia. This disease causes abnormalities in the development of the fetus, disrupts the work of the vessels of the mother's brain. Accompanied by edema, high blood pressure, poor urine tests (protein appears).
  • Anemia. The disease disrupts the activity of the brain, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and immune systems. Accompanied by low hemoglobin, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, distraction, nausea.
  • Preeclampsia. The disease causes pathology of fetal development, and in severe forms (eclampsia) is dangerous for the life of the mother and child. Accompanied by high blood pressure, rapid weight gain (from a kilogram per week), edema, the presence of protein in the urine, insomnia, vomiting, flies or white spots before the eyes, stomach pain.

Do not be afraid to seem stupid in front of the doctor, talking about all the sensations of your body. It is better to endure and give birth to a healthy child than to regret your mistake all your life.

27th week of pregnancy: fetal development, woman's condition

The 27th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by many different sensations, both pleasant and not very, experienced by the expectant mother.

The twenty-seventh week is, one might say, a certain milestone, after passing, which there is very little time left before the birth. True, the remaining weeks are quite difficult, since at this time the size of the child increases significantly, which creates additional difficulties for the mother.

But she knows: the remaining time period is much less than the path that she has already traveled. In addition, at twenty-seven weeks, many women are already learning to communicate with the child and understand him: they find ways to calm the "raging" baby, talk to him, sing lullabies to him. And the child already hears the mother's voice well and distinguishes it from others, as studies show.

  1. Changes in well-being

27 weeks pregnant: how many months is it?

If the doctor says that the 27th week of pregnancy is coming, this means that 6.5 months are behind. Possible dangers of the beginning of the exciting period of bearing a child are behind: there will be no miscarriage, the mother's body will not reject the fetus. In addition, analyzes and examinations have already been made, which show that the development of the child is normal. The woman has almost entered the third trimester. Now, if the child "asks" to be born, it will no longer be a spontaneous abortion, but childbirth, and the born baby will be able to survive.

27th week of pregnancy: what happens at this time?

What happens to the fetus a couple of months before the expected birth? The child reaches an “impressive” size: it weighs from 800 to 1000 g, and its height is approximately 35-38 cm. The weight of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation can be a little more and a little less, it all depends on individual characteristics. The fetus can be located both head and legs down: it has not yet fully “decided” on its position.

Interesting changes occur at this time: the baby will soon acquire normal vision. He:

  • opens and closes eyes;
  • blinking;
  • distinguishes between light and darkness.

Parents on ultrasound will be able to see facial features and even try to understand who the child will look like.

At this time, the child hiccups a lot and often. This is the norm. You should not worry about this. Knowing which month is the 27th week of pregnancy, the doctor is more or less likely to calculate the day of birth. According to ultrasound and analyzes, a specialist can also judge whether a child is ready for birth at 27 weeks of gestation.

Belly at 27 weeks pregnant: photo

If you look at the pictures of the tummies of future happy mothers, you can see that the size of the stomach is already quite impressive.

The stomach at the 27th week of pregnancy can become a source of some discomfort:

  • the stomach stiffens;
  • pulls in the lower abdomen;
  • weak pains are observed;
  • sore pubic bone and muscles a little higher.

These phenomena occur in all pregnant women (with varying degrees of severity) and are explained by the process of preparing for the onset of labor. They say that according to folk signs, you can find out whether a woman is pregnant with a boy or a girl. Sometimes this is not visible on ultrasound, because the child stubbornly turns his back. In this case, pay attention to the shape of the abdomen: if the sides are “distributed”, then there is a high probability of the birth of a daughter. If the stomach "leaves" forward, and from the back it is not always possible to understand that the woman is in position, then, they say, one should wait for the birth of a son.

The weight of the baby at 27 weeks of pregnancy has a strong influence on the lifestyle that the mother usually led. It becomes difficult for her to bend over, walk quickly, and shortness of breath may become noticeable. The size of the belly makes it difficult to put on any clothes that even slightly restrict movement. You don’t need to do this: now loose tunics, light sundresses, swing dresses should become your favorite models.

Sometimes the ribs hurt, this is due to the rapid growth of the uterus and the displacement of the internal organs upward. The doctor will recommend gymnastics, including such an exercise as the periodic occupation of the knee-elbow position, as well as a series of breathing exercises to unload the spine. It's time to learn.

Movement at 27 weeks pregnant

The expectant mother should keep track of the number of fetal movements. How many movements should be normal? The movements of the baby are about 15 times during the day. Normal is the amount of 10 perturbations. If the baby moves a little, it is possible that he is just sleeping. But if this happens for more than a day, consult a doctor: you may need medical intervention if it is confirmed that not everything is fine with the child.

Movements in the lower abdomen can be felt in different ways: someone talks about light sensations, and someone talks about quite sensitive “kicks”. The complete absence of fetal movements may indicate a missed pregnancy, so reducing their number is a reason to visit a antenatal clinic.

Discharge at 27 weeks pregnant

At 26-27 weeks, a woman should not be bothered by any unusual discharge. Any change in the nature of the vaginal discharge should be alarming. Normally, the discharge is light, not too plentiful and odorless.

If lumps of white color appear in combination with itching, the thrush "visited" the woman. She will not harm the baby, but she cannot be left without treatment. The baby will pass through the birth canal and become infected. If an admixture of blood suddenly becomes noticeable (and this is brown, beige, pink discharge), you need to consult a doctor to find out if there is a danger of childbirth.

A hard stomach at 27-28 weeks, clear abundant discharge, regular pain in the lower abdomen - all this may indicate the beginning of the birth process.

Delivery at 27 weeks pregnant

Of course, doctors will try to take the necessary measures so that a woman can safely carry a child. But it doesn't always work out that way.

Babies born after 26 weeks are most likely to survive. And yet it is better to bring the fetus to the moment of its complete physiological readiness for life. What signs may indicate a possible preterm birth (about their increased risk)?

  • uterine tone;
  • short cervix;
  • frequent pain in the lower abdomen.

Feeling the approach of childbirth, a woman should immediately call an ambulance. In multiparous, rapid labor is possible, lasting just a couple of hours. The woman pushed, and the baby was born. Such childbirth should take place under the close supervision of doctors in a hospital, as they carry the risk of bleeding and ruptures.

What does a baby look like at 27 weeks pregnant after a sudden premature birth? In principle, like a normal newborn, only he is still very weak and needs special care.

Due to the possible danger of childbirth, doctors begin to pay attention to the breech presentation of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation. They recommend special exercises for the woman to help the baby roll over.

27 weeks pregnant with twins

Normally, movements at the 27th week of pregnancy are from 10 per day, but they can be much more if twins are expected. The development of pregnancy at 27 weeks in this case may be accompanied by more “sharp” sensations: weight gain, even with a moderate diet of the mother, is very significant, ticking or farting in the lower abdomen, caused by the movements of children, is felt more strongly. This new sensation most often occurs when the inferior vena cava is clamped, when the mother lies on her back, and the twins press on the vein along with the enlarged uterus.

To alleviate the situation, you need to lie on your side if possible, never cross your legs, be sure to wear a bandage. With multiple pregnancies, the risk of preterm birth increases, so the expectant mother should report any strange sensations to the doctor.

The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy is normally reliably protected, and therefore there are no contraindications for sex. Of course, this statement is true only in the absence of the slightest threat of premature birth. Is it possible to have sex? Why not - if everything is fine, the development of the baby goes according to plan. Some women even claim that the orgasm during this period becomes brighter. It seems to be due to hormonal changes.

Cold? This is no reason to panic!

Everything was going well, and suddenly - the temperature, nausea and diarrhea begins. Do not be scared right away: most likely, a slightly weakened body "missed". At the same time, the temperature may rise to 38 ° C and vomiting may begin.

You should take a mild antipyretic and an adsorbent, for example, activated charcoal, if it doesn’t get better in a day, call a doctor.

Ordinary flu is also not excluded during the period of bearing a child. Its signs:

  • muscle aches;
  • a sharp jump in temperature;
  • dry hacking cough;
  • fever.

Or, perhaps, the expectant mother talked to someone who is sick with SARS, and picked it up.

Any of these diseases must be treated. But do not be too upset: the disease will not cause much harm to the child, he is protected by maternal antibodies. Ensure yourself peace, bed rest, drink plenty of water.

Changes in well-being

Week 27 on the calendar - what range of new sensations will it bring? From the discussions of women, it is clear that at this time they are very concerned about the location of the fetus, the activity of the child.

The position of a woman changes a little: she may begin to suffer from heartburn, pain in the ribs, varicose veins (and). The mother's weight is significant (she has already gained about 9 kg), and the baby in the uterus is not so small. However, these are temporary difficulties that you just need to endure. Expansion of the veins must be monitored to prevent the transition of the disease to an advanced stage.

Serious complication. It is expressed by edema, nausea, weakness, dizziness. In , blood pressure rises, . This is dangerous for mother and child: doctors will definitely take action. The reasons for the development of such a state are not fully understood, so everyone needs to be attentive to themselves.

With signs of a threat to the life of the mother or fetus, doctors decide to induce labor. Don't be afraid: although your baby will be born weak, he will quickly gain weight. The main thing is that he will live.

But still it is better to bring the child to the term appointed by nature. Therefore, rest, do not think about business and problems, eat well, communicate with positive people. Everything will be fine!

At the 27th week of pregnancy, a woman is examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist once every two weeks. On the eve of the examination, it is necessary to take blood and urine for analysis. So the doctor will be able to control the presence of protein, as well as the level of hemoglobin, sugar, red blood cells, white blood cells.

During each examination, the doctor checks the pregnant woman's blood pressure, and also uses a centimeter tape to measure the circumference of the abdomen, the height of the uterine fundus, and listens to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope. All these data, including the weight of the expectant mother, are entered into the medical record.


Ultrasound examination as part of the management of pregnancy at this time is usually not done. An exception applies to those cases when, based on the results of tests, examination of the pregnant woman and on the basis of her complaints, the doctor decides to conduct an additional study in order to exclude possible pathological conditions.

During an ultrasound, the doctor assesses the location of the fetus, its size and heartbeat.

Of great importance is the condition of the placenta, as well as the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid.


Prenatal screening is a complex of studies that allows you to identify many congenital diseases. It is carried out three times during pregnancy, once in each trimester. In the first trimester, screening is scheduled for 11-13 weeks, in the second trimester at 16-20 weeks, and in the third trimester usually from 30 to 36 weeks.

Accordingly, the screening of the second trimester during pregnancy at this time is already behind, and the turn of the next one will come in about 3-4 weeks.

What does a child look like

This week, the baby weighs almost 900 g. In Western reviews for expectant mothers, doctors like to compare the size of the unborn baby with a vegetable or fruit. So, for a period of 27 weeks, the fetus weighs like a head of cauliflower. The body length of the baby from the crown to the heels is about 35-36 cm.

Already in the womb, the fetus has a peculiar daily routine: at certain hours he sleeps and is awake.

The baby opens and closes his eyes and even sucks his fingers.

The structure of the brain is developing very actively in a child.

The respiratory organs of the fetus are almost formed, but not mature enough, so if a child is suddenly born at this time, he will need special equipment to carry out the respiratory function.

Sometimes a woman notices that some weak, but rhythmic movements are taking place inside her stomach - this is a baby hiccuping. Each such episode usually lasts only a few minutes, it does not cause any discomfort to the child, so the mother should not worry, on the contrary, you need to relax and enjoy a light tickle.

Read more about why a baby hiccups in the womb, read

Determination of the sex of the child

It is still possible to determine the sex of the child at the 27th week of pregnancy. The fetal genitalia are fully formed, and ultrasound can clearly distinguish the labia in girls, the scrotum and penis in boys. Another thing is that the baby may not turn on the most successful side for the "observers", and then the doctor will not immediately be able to find out what gender the fetus is. Here you need to be patient and wait until he takes a more comfortable position.

In the future, the child will be larger and smaller, and there will be less and less space in the mother's stomach, and it will become more and more difficult to see the genitals.

What happens at the 27th week of pregnancy: sensations

The second trimester is coming to an end, changes are still taking place in the body, and a woman may notice the appearance of new symptoms. For example, in addition to back pain, the expectant mother may be disturbed by cramps in the calves. Of course, with the added weight now on the legs, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from the legs to the heart, as well as on the nerve tissue that runs through the torso and lower limbs.

Unfortunately, cramps will recur more frequently as the pregnancy progresses.

They usually occur at night, but may occur during the day.

When a cramp appears, some relief comes from pulling the calf.

At the time of the cramp, you need to straighten the leg, and then gently pull the heel and toes towards you. Sometimes just walking around for a few minutes or giving a calf massage is enough.

Stomach ache

Such pain during pregnancy can be associated primarily with the growing uterus, due to which the muscles that support it are stretched. These are temporary discomforts that quickly pass.

This type of pain must be distinguished from pain associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The latter can appear with malnutrition, when the expectant mother ate inappropriate food.

For example, she may be bothered by bloating, constipation, or, conversely, indigestion.

To avoid such unpleasant sensations, the elementary observance of the rules of a healthy diet during pregnancy will help.

But pain in the abdomen can also occur with uterine tone.

The woman feels that the stomach becomes hard, as if turned to stone. In this situation, it is better not to wait, but to immediately consult a doctor. If there is no threat of premature birth, the expectant mother may be prescribed antispasmodic drugs, as well as advised to rest more, not to overstrain and avoid any stressful situations.

Lower back pain

Almost all expectant mothers are familiar with pain in this part of the body. They are connected with the fact that the center of gravity is shifting, and it is becoming more and more difficult to “wear” an enlarged belly.

Special exercises that are included in the complex for pregnant women help relieve such pain. Sign up for these classes close to home or find videos online.

Wearing comfortable shoes is also important. The main thing - no high heels and narrow capes. Stable, soft, comfortable shoes will help to avoid many problems in the next 13-15 weeks of pregnancy.


Discharge is clear or whitish in color, odorless, and a slightly sour smell is also acceptable.

If a watery discharge appears, from which the linen becomes noticeably wet, you should immediately inform the doctor about this, since amniotic fluid may leak this way. If there is a strong outpouring, you must immediately call an ambulance. You can distinguish amniotic fluid from ordinary discharge by color: the former have a yellowish tint.

The expectant mother should be alerted by greenish, brown, reddish discharge.

Be sure to inform the doctor if the consistency of the discharge has become cheesy, in the form of flakes and has acquired an unpleasant odor. This may be a symptom of thrush (candidiasis), a disease that is not so much dangerous for the mother as for the fetus. It requires prompt treatment before delivery, as the baby may become infected during passage through the birth canal.


Symptoms of toxicosis are left behind, but may appear as early as the third trimester. In the meantime, the woman is worried not so much about nausea as heartburn. The reason most often is malnutrition, adjusting it, you can avoid discomfort.

Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios

Amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is necessary for the fetus not only for free movement, they also protect it from external influences, prevent compression of the umbilical cord between the uterus and the body of the child, and are important for opening the uterus in the first period of the birth process.