How to starch colored crochet doilies. How to starch a crocheted napkin - starch, sugar, gelatin, PVA glue

Since ancient times, napkins have been one of the main decorations in the house, and this is not surprising. They are easy to knit, but at the same time they look very beautiful. In order for your product to become an original decorative element in the interior, it is not enough just to tie it according to the chosen pattern. During work, the knitter crumples the napkin, which spoils its appearance. Moreover, openwork patterns do not allow the thread to maintain the desired shape. Therefore, such products look very careless. Starch will help solve this problem. A starch-impregnated napkin becomes stronger, more resistant to dirt and dust and, as a result, serves its owners longer.

Modern housewives rarely remember what a starched tablecloth is, we are used to achieving softness after washing, but in the days of our grandmothers, absolutely everything was starched at home - white shirts, and a white collar at a school uniform, and curtains, and napkins, and even if on the New Year tree, the girl was dressed in a snowflake - be sure that it was starch that gave splendor and unique whiteness to the New Year's costume. Starch solution, depending on the concentration, allows you to obtain a different degree of rigidity of the products. Things soaked in a strong paste can literally stand on the table after drying, and in a weak solution they can remain soft, acquiring only increased whiteness. In such a solution, even a knitted scarf can be slightly starched.

Each craftswoman has her own recipe, which she uses whenever she needs to give a knitted product the desired shape. All of them differ only in the substances that make up the solution.

You can starch products using:

  • starch;
  • PVA glue;
  • Sahara;
  • gelatin;
  • milk.

The process itself is very simple: as soon as the finished solution has cooled down, it is necessary to immerse the product in it and let it soak. Then the napkin is removed from the container with the paste, squeezed out and left to dry on a flat surface.

To received effect entrenched, it is recommended to immediately iron the product with an iron (medium heat). However, ironing should be done only through gauze. First, the edges of the napkin must be secured with pins.

But not all products can be starched. So, it is not recommended to cover with starch napkins related dark threads. The white film that forms on their surface as a result of processing will only spoil the appearance of the product. Do not starch products made from woolen and synthetic threads: they do not accept starch.

We have listed the main nuances, ignorance of which can lead to the fact that in the process of starching products you will only spoil your work. Now we will list the main recipes with which you can starch a napkin.

Starching a napkin is not so difficult: just prepare a paste and place the product in it. Starch for these purposes, you can choose any: potato, rice, corn. But when preparing a paste, one feature must be taken into account: different types of starch have different viscosities. Therefore, the amount of a substance diluted in water will depend on this indicator. Thus, the product obtained by processing potatoes has the highest viscosity.

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • starch.

The amount of starch also depends on the desired hardness of the solution. If you want liquid soft, add 1 tsp to the water. starch. For tougher solution, take 1-2 tbsp. l. substances.

The paste preparation process consists of the following steps:

Pay attention to the presence of impurities in the starch. Ideally, starch should not contain other substances. If the product still contains impurities, it must be thoroughly washed. To do this, the substance is poured with cold water, mixed and left to settle. Dirty water is drained. A similar procedure should be carried out until the liquid becomes clear.

As soon as the solution is ready, it is necessary to place the product in it. soak time depends on the threads from which the napkin is knitted. So, a product related to fine yarn, it is enough to keep in a paste for 5-7 minutes. If you used thread medium thickness, you can pull the napkin out of the solution after 10 minutes. 15 minutes is the optimal time for starching work related thick threads.

How to starch a napkin with sugar?

The shape of the product can also be fixed with the help of another substance - sugar. If you need to fix a colored napkin - in order to avoid the appearance of whitish stains on the product, it is better to choose the sugar method. There are several ways to properly starch a napkin with sugar. Some craftswomen prepare syrup from sugar and water, others are added to the solution starch. Let's consider both options.

In the first case, the hostess will need:

  • 3 cups of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups of water.

Add sugar to water and heat the solution over low heat. Cook the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as the liquid is ready, you need to turn off the heat and cool the syrup a little. When the solution has cooled, you can place the product in it.

The recipe, which includes starch, is slightly different from the previous one. To make this syrup you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp starch.

First you need to dilute sugar in water and bring the resulting solution to a boil. Remove the syrup from the heat, add starch to it and mix thoroughly. Once the mixture has cooled, the product can be placed in it.

How to starch a napkin with PVA glue?

A simple, affordable, but no less reliable substance with which you can starch a napkin is PVA glue. To work, you will need approximately 100 ml of this product. The substance must be diluted in 200 ml of water. When the solution is ready, you can put a napkin in it.

As soon as the product is saturated, it must be pulled out of the solution and squeezed out. It remains only to spread the napkin on a flat surface and dry it properly. However, this method has one small drawback. A white product starched with glue will slightly change its color and turn yellow.

How to starch a knitted napkin with milk?

A mixture of starch and milk is another popular method with which you can starch a knitted napkin. To prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon rice starch and 1 liter skimmed milk.

The paste is prepared in the same way as a regular solution with starch. First you need to dissolve the rice processing product in a small amount of milk. The remaining milk is brought to a boil, after which starch is added to it. A napkin can be placed in the finished solution. As soon as it is saturated, it must be squeezed out and dried.

How to starch napkins with gelatin?

Often, craftswomen shape knitted products using gelatin. To prepare the solution, you will need 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and 1 glass water.

First, gelatin is poured into 1/2 cup of water. As soon as the substance swells, it is necessary to pour another half a glass of water into the container. Heat the resulting solution, stirring occasionally. When the gelatin is completely dissolved in water, remove the mixture from heat and leave to cool.

How to starch a basket and a vase?

Openwork vases and crocheted baskets will certainly become the highlight of your interior. But before you give the napkin the shape of a basket or a vase, you need to prepare it. To do this, the product must wash with detergent.

Use a concentrated solution starch so that the napkin holds its shape well. Remember: the more substance you add to the water, the better the product will keep its shape. To prepare the paste you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch (if desired, the concentration of the substance can be increased).

Place the product in the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. As soon as the napkin is saturated, it must be removed and fix on a pre-prepared base. As a basis, you can use vase, basket, bottle etc. The product must be spread over the entire surface of the mold. Pay special attention to the bottom. Once all preparations are completed, leave the product to dry completely.

Despite the popularity of the modern minimalist style in the interior, many housewives prefer the traditional interior decoration of the rooms. Its integral part are knitted napkins. They add the finishing touches to the home atmosphere of warmth and comfort. But hand-made products in themselves do not hold their shape well and have a somewhat untidy appearance. You can solve this problem with the help of starching. Let's figure out how to starch a crocheted napkin with starch, sugar, gelatin and glue.

To create napkins, cotton threads of different thicknesses are used - "Iris", "Snowflake" and others. They are produced in pure form and with the addition of various fibers - viscose, silk, lurex. Good looking mercerized cotton. It undergoes a special treatment, as a result of which it acquires shine, wrinkle less and becomes stronger.

Regardless of the material, the product is wrinkled during the knitting process. In addition, due to openwork weaving, it does not hold its shape. During starching, the fibers of the napkin are covered with a thin film, as a result:

  • their density and elasticity increase;
  • light bleaching occurs;
  • the threads become less susceptible to dirt - the film prevents dust and moisture from penetrating deep.

Considering how to starch a knitted product, you need to know what can be useful for this:

  • starch;
  • sugar;
  • gelatin;
  • PVA glue.

Note: Do not starch napkins made of synthetic, silk or wool fibers, as well as dark products. Such processing can lead to a violation of the structure of silk. Wool and synthetics "do not perceive" starch. And whitish spots remain on dark napkins.

Traditional Starch Recipe

The answer to the question of how to starch a crocheted napkin is simple - you need to prepare a paste from water and starch and hold the product in it. Potato processing product is usually used as a raw material. It is inexpensive, gives the solution a thick consistency, and also has a whitening effect.

But you can also use starch from rice or corn. It should be borne in mind that it has a lower viscosity, so a larger amount is required.

The final hardness of the product depends on the concentration of the starch solution. Main ways:

  1. Soft. Water - 1 liter, starch - 1 small spoon. It is used to give elasticity to napkins, the ends of which should hang down, knitted tablecloths, curtains.
  2. Average. Water - 1 liter, starch - 1 large spoon. It is used if the task arose, how to starch lace, openwork collar, cuffs, napkins.
  3. Hard. Water - 1 liter, starch - 2 large spoons. Allows you to give the product hardness and a clear shape. Suitable for small items, individual parts, vases, plates, flowers and other crafts created on the basis of openwork knitting.

The process of creating a solution and starching napkins is the same for all methods.

Paste preparation steps:

  1. Dilute the starch with cold water (a small amount). Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. If they appear, filter the solution. Its texture should resemble liquid sour cream.
  2. Boil the rest of the water. Pour starch into it in a thin stream. Stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Turn off the fire. Leave the paste to cool to 30-35 ° C.

Important: If the starch has foreign impurities, it is necessary to fill it with water without heating, mix and let stand for some time. Then drain the dirty water. The steps must be repeated until the substance becomes pure.

Consider how to starch a knitted napkin so that it acquires a beautiful shape. Action algorithm:

  1. Pour the cooled paste into a bowl.
  2. Dip a clean and bleached napkin into it so that the threads are completely saturated.
  3. Wait a while. It is selected depending on the type and thickness of the fibers. Thin threads - 5-7, medium - 10, thick - 15 minutes.
  4. Pull the napkin out of the paste. Squeeze lightly.

Other Starch Recipes

For starching napkins and other openwork products, starch can be supplemented with various components - salt, milk, sugar, borax, talc. Textile processing is carried out according to the previously described scheme.


Salt gives a glossy sheen to the threads. Solution preparation:

  1. Make a paste as above.
  2. While it is hot, throw in a whisper of salt and mix thoroughly.


Milk provides haze to knitted products and increases the volume of fibers. For the solution, you will need 1 liter of low-fat milk and 1 large spoonful of rice starch.

  1. Combine starch and 1/2 cup milk (cold). Stir.
  2. Boil the remaining milk. Add starch liquid to it, stirring constantly. After boiling, turn off the fire.


Sugar increases the stiffness of the starch solution. You will need 3 large spoons of sugar, 1 large spoon of starch and 1 liter of water.


  1. Heat up 1 glass of water. Dissolve sugar in it.
  2. Pour starch into 1 cup of cold water. Mix.
  3. Boil the rest of the water. Pour sugar syrup and starch into it. Boil. Remove from fire.

Gloss starch

Let's find out how to hard starch a crocheted decorative napkin with starch and give it a shine. For this, gloss-starch is intended.


  • rice starch - 5 tablespoons;
  • talc - 3 tablespoons;
  • borax powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • cold water.

Stages of preparation and starching:

Dry way

If there is no desire to cook a paste, you can use the dry processing method. Action plan:

  1. Lay the napkin on a sheet of white thick paper. It is better to fix the edges of the product with pins.
  2. Sprinkle a thin, even layer of starch over it.
  3. Spray the top with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Cover the napkin with a clean white paper sheet and iron it with a not too hot iron or leave it for 2-3 hours to dry naturally.

In the store you can buy an aerosol with starch. It is enough to sprinkle them with a damp cloth and iron it with a warm iron through a layer of fabric. The method is very simple, but gives a short-term effect.

How to starch crocheted snowflakes, a collar, or a basket? You can give them rigidity with PVA glue, or you can starch them in a way proven by our grandmothers, which to this day has not lost its relevance. Do you remember in our grandmothers' house ironed and folded in a neat pile in the closet, crocheted napkins and tablecloths, snow-white, like swan wings? Do you want to know how such an unsurpassed result was achieved? Read our article. And if you don’t like to read, at the end you will find a video where you will not only talk about the process, but also show what and how to do.

For the manufacture of napkins, cotton threads are used, which may contain admixtures of Lurex, silk or viscose. Naturally, soft fibers are deformed during operation. And if we are talking about openwork products, they cannot keep their shape at all without additional processing, namely starching. The result will be the following:

  • the fibers will become denser;
  • light products will become snow-white;
  • a kind of barrier is formed that does not allow pollution deep into the fibers.

How to starch a napkin: the classic way

The best option on how to starch a crocheted napkin is a classic method that involves the use of potato starch. The tool is distinguished by its effectiveness and low cost. Our great-grandmothers successfully used it, which inspires confidence.

Solution concentration

Depending on how stiff you want your napkin to be, it's important to get the starch concentration right. As can be seen from the following table, there are three degrees of fiber stiffness.

Table - Options for the concentration of starch solution

The proportions may change if you use corn starch instead of potato starch. The latter will need half as much, since its solution is less viscous.

Starch Algorithm

Starch should be free of impurities and debris. If you find that there are any foreign inclusions in the product, fill it with water and let it stand for several hours. A clean product will settle to the bottom, and rubbish will float to the surface.

Solution preparation steps

  1. In a separate bowl, mix cornstarch with a little water. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps, similar to liquid sour cream.
  2. Put the rest of the water on the fire and boil.
  3. In a thin stream, add the starch solution to boiling water, stirring constantly.
  4. When the paste acquires a uniform texture, remove the pan from the heat and cool the composition.

starching process

  1. To starch a napkin at home, pour the finished paste into a basin.
  2. Dip the product in the liquid. Make sure that the thing is completely saturated with the composition.
  3. Soak from five minutes to a quarter of an hour (the time is determined individually based on the thickness of the threads).
  4. Remove the product and gently wring out excess moisture from it.

Synthetic, woolen and silk products cannot be processed with potato starch, as there is a risk of damaging the structure of the material. It is also not recommended to use this tool for dark and colored products.

Table of additives

If you want to give your decor items an even more dramatic look, starch alone may not be enough. To make your cotton napkin shine white and take the right shape, add some additives to the recipe.

Table - The best additives for starching

AdditiveQuantity per liter of waterApplicationPurpose
Salt- Pinch- Add to ready hot paste- Gives fibers a glossy sheen
Milk- Half a glass- Boil together with water before adding starch- Gives products a matte finish
Sugar- 3 tablespoons- Heat the water together with sugar until the crystals dissolve- Increases rigidity

dry method

It happens that there is no time for complex manipulations at all. In this case, you can quickly starch the napkin dry with starch. Take action in five steps.

  1. Line your ironing board with paper and place a napkin on top.
  2. Sprinkle starch through a sieve.
  3. Spray with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Cover the finished product with a sheet of paper and iron it with an iron.
  5. Shake off excess starch.

Alternative ways

Do not think that it is impossible to starch a colored crocheted doily. Of course, starch is not suitable, because white stains may appear on the product. Therefore, you will have to resort to the alternative methods described in the table.

Table - Ways to starch a napkin without starch

MeansCompoundInstructionHow to useNote
Sugar- 3 cups of sugar;
- 300 ml of water
- Connect the components;
- heat until sugar dissolves
- Soak the product in the composition for 3-5 minutes- A processed thing can become a delicacy of insects
PVA glue- Glue;
- equal amount of water
- Blend until smooth
- Soak a napkin and cover with cling film
- Helps to starch products to stiffness
Gelatin- A tablespoon of gelatin;
- half a glass of water
- Connect the components;
- after 10 minutes, melt the swollen gelatin in a water bath
- Impregnate the product with the composition- Does not crumble, suitable for bulky products

If you are looking for a way to starch a fabric napkin, PVA glue is best. It will clearly fix the shape of the product and will not spoil the color. However, this starching method is not suitable for products that come into contact with skin or food.

Features of drying and ironing

In order to properly starch a napkin, it is important not only to prepare a high-quality solution, but also to dry the product well. This process has four key features.

  1. Position. After impregnation in the solution, the napkin must be laid out on a horizontal surface. Usually the product is dried on an ironing board covered with a towel.
  2. Fixation. If you just starch the napkin and then dry it, it can become deformed. To prevent this from happening, straighten and fix the edges of the product. This can be done with invisible needles.
  3. Drying. Drying in direct sunlight or in a well-ventilated area is ideal.
  4. Ironing. When the napkin is almost dry, cover it with several layers of gauze and heat it with an iron.

Starch wipes should not be exposed to high temperatures, otherwise the fibers may turn yellow. Therefore, they need to be ironed in a gentle mode.

If you like to decorate your home with original knitted accessories, you just need to master the starching technique. So, if you dry the processed napkin on a convex surface, you will get an original openwork vase. And knowing how to starch a knitted napkin without starch, you can make crafts not only from white, but also from black and colored threads.

Home comfort is the dream of every housewife. A lovely addition to the interior will be a crocheted napkin. This is an airy product, starch will give it neatness. If you know how to properly starch, taking into account all the features of this procedure, napkins will retain their shape and impeccable appearance for a long time.

Starched napkins look much better in a table setting.

A tablecloth, a napkin are products that can easily get dirty, but if they are starched, it will be much easier to remove accidentally placed stains. Starch creates an invisible film on top of the fabric, which protects the product from hard-to-remove dirt: it prevents dust from penetrating deep into the fabric. Special whiteness, beautiful shape and elegance: another reason to starch your holiday napkin. Decorative plates and flowers and vases are also created using this technology.

Crocheted napkins without such processing look simply crumpled.

It takes very little time to starch a napkin.

The traditional way: starch

The use of starch is an effective and proven method for years. To process the product at home, you can take this type of starch: potato, wheat, rice or corn.

If you need to heavily starch the product, take 2 tablespoons of starch, 1.5 tablespoons are enough for medium processing.

Note! From the choice of starch will depend on its proportion for the preparation of the mixture. The consumption of corn starch is twice that of potato starch. Rice and potato starch are about the same consistency.

The concentration of the paste will depend on the degree to which you want to starch the prepared wipes. In total, three degrees can be distinguished: light, medium and strong. It is enough to process napkins and a tablecloth to an average degree. They are prepared as follows: light - one teaspoon per liter of water; medium - one tablespoon per liter of water; strong - two tablespoons per liter of water.

Take a napkin and immerse it all in the solution, wait until the paste is absorbed into the napkin.

Before starching, wash and bleach the product, then dry the napkin well. The preparation of a classic mixture using starch can be divided into several stages.

  • Dilute starch raw materials in cold water, make sure that there are no lumps, mix thoroughly.
  • Prepare a pot of water. Put it on fire and wait until it heats up to 100 degrees.
  • When the water boils, slowly pour in the prepared solution, stirring gently, you can add a pinch of salt for shine.
  • After the mass has turned into a homogeneous paste, remove the pan from the heat and cool the mixture.
  • Moisten the paper towel with water before starching.
  • Dip the product in the paste for 10 - 20 minutes, depending on the desired degree of hardness.
  • Remove and remove excess paste from the napkin. It is better to lay out the product after processing on a flat surface, and not hang it out.
  • When the napkin dries, iron it through cheesecloth to avoid yellow streaks.

After drying, the napkin must be steamed with an iron.

Attention! It is very important to take pure starch, without garbage. If you notice small particles in the starch, fill it with water for several hours, let it brew, the debris will float to the surface.

Other Starch Recipes: Creating a Glossy Surface

Knowing how to starch a napkin, make its surface glossy, you can give the object being processed a particularly beautiful look, because a crocheted thing, at first glance, is difficult to gently soak with starch, especially at home.

It is allowed to starch napkins crocheted from cotton threads, including those with an admixture of other materials - viscose, acrylic and even silk.

The glossy effect method is simple, you need to prepare a paste: 5-6 tablespoons of rice starch, 1 tablespoon of boric acid and 3 talc. The mixture should be without lumps: it should be thoroughly mixed. Take a cotton pad or a piece of sponge, lightly soak in the paste and treat the surface of the napkin. After you managed to starch and dry the knitted napkin, take the iron and gently iron it through cheesecloth.

A film of starch prevents particles of dust and dirt from penetrating deep into the fibers.

Attention! It is impossible to starch things of dark colors, untidy stains and stains will be visible on them.

Other Ways: Creating a Matte Effect

To create a matte effect, the solution must be prepared in milk, as a result, the thing acquires volume and a special pleasant shade.

The recipe for making such a paste is no more complicated than the classic one.

  • Before preparing the solution and starting to starch, thoroughly clean the crocheted napkin or tablecloth with soap and water, dry it.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of rice starch (or 2 tablespoons of corn starch) into a glass of cold milk, mix.
  • Eliminate all the formed lumps. For an ideal result, the mixture can be passed through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  • We take 1 liter of milk with 1.5% fat content, bring to a boil and pour the starch mixture into it.
  • Cool the finished paste to room temperature.

After starching, white products look especially impressive, acquiring a pure snow-white shade.

Sugar use

Sugar is always at hand, it can also be used in addition to starch. It is very simple to prepare the sugar product for processing the product: dissolve granulated sugar (5-6 tablespoons) in a glass of water. Heat the resulting mixture over a fire and add starch (1 tablespoon). The mixture should be homogeneous. Immerse the product for 10 minutes, wring it out lightly and iron it with an iron.

Treated wipes will become stiffer.

Attention! Napkins and tablecloths treated with starch and sugar attract insects. This method is preferably not used for products outdoors.

PVA glue

The long-term result is one of the advantages of this method, but it is worth remembering that such a solution creates a high degree of rigidity, it cannot be used for underwear and bed linen.

Napkins properly treated with PVA glue will become elastic and hard.

It is necessary to prepare a solution in the following ratio: a glass of water and half a glass of glue. This method is relevant when it is necessary to give a clear form. To do this, dip the crocheted doily into the mixture, wring it out and, if necessary, pull it over the desired shape.

So you can create a vase-napkin.

Gelatin processing

A good alternative to regular starch is gelatin. It must be immersed in cold water, let it brew a little. On average, one tablespoon of gelatin will require a glass of water. Heat the infused mixture in a water bath, pouring an additional 200 grams of water into it. Mix the solution well. After the solution has cooled, you can starch the knitted napkin to a state of medium hardness.

This method is good because the mixture remains on the product for a long time, does not crumble.

Gelatin does not crumble, so it is more convenient and faster for them to process products of large sizes and volumes.


The most modern and fastest method is an aerosol. You can simply and effectively starch a small thing in a short time, it is enough to evenly spray the contents of the balloon onto a crocheted napkin. Rules for spraying aerosol: shake the can well and slightly tilt, apply evenly to the product at a distance of 25-30 cm.

Unlike other methods, aerosol can be used on many types of fabric.

The product is simply sprayed onto a moistened knitted product and ironed.

dry method

You can starch the tablecloth and napkin without preparing the mixture.

This method is simpler, but after dry processing, the product quickly loses its rigidity and wrinkles.

  1. Lay out the thing on a cloth or on a sheet of paper, carefully straighten it.
  2. Spread starch powder on top in a thin "powdery" layer.
  3. Spray the product with water, it is convenient to use a spray bottle, leave to dry, covering with a cloth or paper.

The product should be covered with starch as evenly as possible so that all its sections subsequently acquire the same elasticity.

This treatment method is not long-term, after a short time the procedure will have to be repeated.

Advice. If the hardness of the product after drying is insufficient, the procedure can be carried out until the desired result is achieved.

The final stage in the starching procedure is drying and ironing, which will fix the result well. There are some helpful tips to keep in mind.

To give a perfectly flat surface to a starched napkin, lay it out on the table.

  • Do not dry in a room where the sun's rays directly fall on the product, there is a risk that it will turn yellow, stains form on it.
  • Spread the processed thing on a smooth and even surface, covered with a towel or a piece of thick paper.
  • Drying should be done in a room with open windows and in a natural way.
  • Use pins and invisible to secure the napkin. This is necessary to ensure that the thing dries properly and takes on the desired shape.
  • Iron the napkin at low temperatures using damp gauze.
  • Do not use hot steam when ironing a starch-treated product; it will destroy the starch.

Fold dry starched napkins so that their shape is preserved.

Attention! The deformed fringe on the product is easily put in order with steam.

All methods presented in the material involve the use of exclusively natural ingredients. Try each of them, choose your best option.

When you plan to get openwork balls or a convex part in the middle of the napkin, combine lining items that have this shape.

If we make a vase from the product, then we smooth the soaked napkin on an object of a suitable volume, and leave it to dry in this form.

The appearance of a starched napkin is solemn, the product looks neat and comfortable. Regardless of the method and substance chosen for starching: any crocheted item, tablecloth or napkin can be put in order in an affordable way at home.

Knit your first doily if you've never done it before. Starch it and decorate the coffee table.

VIDEO: How to starch a knitted napkin.

A white knitted napkin on a black table looks extraordinarily beautiful, such products can decorate any apartment or house. Each napkin is unique in its pattern, each of them is a real masterpiece of the author's craftsmanship. Knitted napkins can be flat and just lie on the tables, fulfilling their immediate role. But there are also voluminous napkins, they already serve as decoration, and can be both white and multi-colored.

The easiest way to starch can be considered processing with PVA glue.

How to starch a knitted napkin? Most often, napkins that serve exactly as decoration are treated with starch by housewives. This is necessary in order for the napkin to hold its shape. If you like knitted, openwork doilies and decide to try knitting them yourself, then it will be useful for you to learn how to properly starch doilies so that they retain their shape.

Everything you need to starch a napkin is most often found in every home, so there will be no difficulties with this. Even if you do not have any component, you can buy it at the nearest store. So what we will need:

  1. Potato starch.
  2. Granulated sugar.
  3. Edible gelatin.

You will need one of the above, which you prefer, this is your business, but the article will talk about all the ways.

Water and a sachet of starch are all you need to starch napkins.

How to starch a napkin with starch? Since Peter 1 brought the potato to the territory of Russia, and it came close to people's lives only in the second half of the 19th century, they also began to extract starch from it only then. When napkins began to starch, it is not known for certain, but at the beginning of the 20th century, housewives were already doing this widely.

The starching process itself cannot be called very complicated, but it is still necessary to follow some points in order for the napkin to be beautiful and structurally strong. How to starch a napkin crocheted with starch - the choice of ways is huge!
How much exactly to give starch per liter of water is up to you, it all depends on how strong you want to make the napkin. Proportions range from 1 tsp. for 1 liter, and up to 3 tbsp. for 1 liter of water. The most common use is 2.5 tablespoons of starch per liter of water.

  • Take 1 liter of clean water, pour 200 gr. into a mug, pour the rest of the water into a saucepan and put on gas.
  • While the water in the pan boils, you need to pour 2.5 tablespoons of starch into the left mug of water.
  • Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • As soon as the water in the pan boils, pour the solution from the mug into the boiling water in a thin stream and, stirring, bring to a boil again.
  • Don't try to just pour starch into boiling water, you'll end up with a lot of clumps and the solution will be unusable.
  • If desired, you can add half a teaspoon of salt to the solution. Such a napkin will have a glossy sheen.
  • The resulting solution should cool down to 30°C.
  • We dip our napkin into the solution and leave it there for 15 minutes.
  • We get and squeeze.
  • We lay out the napkin on the ironing board, the edges can be fixed with pins.

This is how you need to pour the finished starch into the pan.

We iron with an iron heated to medium temperature, and do it through gauze.

Be careful, because after ironing all the patterns will be fixed, and if you crumpled the napkin somewhere, this error will also be fixed. It will be impossible to fix, it will be necessary to wash the napkin and start all over again.

You can not iron, just put a wet cloth on the polyethylene, and leave it until it dries completely.

Granulated sugar

Not only starch can be used to strengthen napkin patterns, in the next recipe we will tell you about sugar. It will act as the main component, but you still need a little starch. So all the steps are:

  • Pour into a small saucepan, or 100 ml ladle. water, pour 3 full tablespoons of granulated sugar there, and bring to a boil over low heat.
  • Once the sugar is completely dissolved, add one teaspoon of starch, and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Set aside to let the syrup cool down to about 35° - 40°C.
    Dip a washcloth in the syrup and squeeze lightly.
  • We spread it on an ironing board and iron it through gauze with a heated iron. Gauze can also be placed under a napkin.
  • So that the napkin does not go astray, it can also be fixed with pins, as in the first recipe.
  • There is a minus in this method of starching - it is better not to use it in the summer, as mosquitoes and midges will stick around the entire sweet napkin.


It turns out that such a purely food product can be used for starching napkins. But this method is suitable only for napkins knitted from light threads. We read further, all the stages of using gelatin:

  • The gelatin solution is prepared in two stages. To begin with, we take 100 ml of water at room temperature, pour 1 tbsp. gelatin, stir until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  • Add 200 ml of water, and put on a small fire.
  • While stirring, bring the solution to a boil and turn off.
  • Then you have to wait until the solution cools down to about 35 ° -40 ° C.
  • Immerse the napkin in a warm solution, and leave for 15 minutes so that all the threads are saturated with gelatin.
  • We get and squeeze.
  • We form a napkin, it is best to do this on the table, on spread paper. There should not be radiators nearby.

There is another way to starch napkins: using PVA glue. Not every home has it, but if you have it, you can try it. By the way, this method of processing knitted napkins is considered the simplest.

  • In order to make the solution necessary for processing napkins, you will need at least 100 grams of glue. In this volume, glue can also be bought at stationery stores.
  • Pour the glue into a large plastic bowl and add 200 grams of room temperature water.
  • Stir this mixture until it is completely homogeneous.
  • Immerse the napkin in the resulting solution and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Take out and squeeze well.
  • Lay the napkin on a clean and flat surface.
  • Let it lie until dry.

Is it possible to starch a napkin without all these difficulties, without first preparing the solution? It turns out you can, and it works well. Read on for those who are interested in simpler ways to starch napkins.

Without water - dry starching

For some housewives, the preparation of aqueous solutions with any substance is somehow frightening, for them this process seems difficult and lengthy. Therefore, it was for them that someone came up with a dry method of starching, or, to be exact, almost dry.
On a flat, clean surface, spread a sheet of paper of such a size that the napkin can easily fit on it.

  • Lay out and straighten the napkin as much as possible.
  • Fill a half-liter plastic bottle with clean water, screw on the spray bottle, and moisten the napkin.
  • Align the napkin again and give it the desired shape.
  • Pour a large amount of starch onto a wet napkin.
  • We knead, rub the starch into the threads of the napkin, but we do it gently and carefully so as not to spoil the pattern.
  • On top of the starch we put another large sheet of paper and iron it with an iron heated to medium temperatures.
  • In this way, of course, you can starch much faster, but the quality of work, unfortunately, suffers.

Some little known but important facts

How to starch napkins - there is nothing complicated in any of the above methods, any hostess can handle them. But still there are some points that not everyone knows, but it depends on their observance - how beautiful your napkin will look and how long it will last you.

  1. It is better to straighten the napkin after washing immediately, rather than waiting for it to dry. To do this, it can be steamed in limbo. Or just iron it.
  2. A starched napkin should be straightened immediately, if it dries a little, then it will be harder to smooth it later.
  3. Do not store already starched napkins in the closet, if you want to hide it, wash and remove the starch.
  4. If you dry a lot of napkins, then the room should be well ventilated.

If you are fond of knitting openwork napkins, then be sure to try one of the above methods. You will get beautiful napkins that will become a real decoration of your apartment. A knitted tablecloth is starched in the same way, but if it is large, you will need 2 times the volume of the solution

On the video: starching napkins with starch.