Spiritual development of personality. How do you know if you are developing spiritually? What does it mean to develop spiritually?

When you choose awareness, you go through different stages of spiritual development.

You change, consciousness expands, but sometimes there are periods of disbelief in yourself and a lack of understanding where to go and how to act.

In this article I will talk about stages of spiritual development. In their description I relied on my own experience.

Therefore, I do not claim to be the ultimate truth.

This material will help you navigate where you are now on your spiritual path and understand what to do.

I hope after reading you gain confidence to move forward boldly.

1. "Sleep mode"

If you are reading this article, then you have already moved to the next stage. Otherwise, it is unlikely that she would have caught your eye.

I suggest you remember what happened to you when you were still in a “sleeping state.”

People who are at this level are completely immersed in the 3D world. They have a lot of unresolved problems.

They live in hope that one day they will open their eyes in the morning and find that their problems have evaporated on their own.

But that doesn't happen. More precisely, this happens, but only if you engage in self-transformation.

Some problems actually go away. This by-effect from practicing spiritual practices, supported regular actions.

What does it mean? In meditation you declare that you are freeing yourself from resentment towards your mother; in life you try to be tolerant of her character traits, set boundaries, etc.

You don’t just speak, but confirm your words with actions.

At this stage you have victim consciousness prevails.

If you compare the 3 stages, then at this level you suffer the most. At the same time, you cling to your suffering with a death grip.

And if you don’t want to understand, it’s up to you whether to suffer or be free.

Because it’s hard to accept the fact that you brought on all the terrible circumstances in life yourself. You did this to yourself.

At this stage you NOT ready to take responsibility for your actions and thoughts.

Therefore, many people twirl their fingers at their temples and laugh when they hear about the materiality of thoughts, the laws of the universe, etc.

At the same time, a huge number of people believe in horoscopes, fortune telling, predictions and God knows what else.

Because it’s easier to believe in all sorts of fables than to face the truth and admit: Yes, it was I myself who created these circumstances with my thoughts, fear, anxiety, and condemnation.

Being responsible is not an easy task. Therefore, most people on the planet do not dare to go further. They're just not ready.

One of the reasons is not wanting to hear what they have to tell you. Find out the rest from the article.

At this level, people are divided into several categories:

Ossified materialists

These people do not want to expand their views in any way and admit that there is something more in the world than material wealth. That there are other points of view different from their concepts about the structure of life.

Doubters (loyal)

But they don’t want to take this or that position seriously, because they are already happy with everything.

They listen to the advice of sages, even read articles on spiritual topics, but they do not have a serious need to change their lives.


Such people are looking for their way, answers to questions, but they just can’t find it. I belonged to this category.

These are people who have found their true selves through a traumatic event.

I searched for my answers until I was ready to take on this challenge and awaken. Until then, all information on this matter was not available to me, or I did not see it and could not perceive it.

I was looking for a local solution to the problem, but I should have looked globally, widely.

Need to have courage to stop running away from the problem and face it. This often happens when living in the old way is no longer bearable.

Each person has his own time and his own trigger - a moment, an event after which insight occurs.

But until then, you pass by and do not see the obvious.

2. Spiritual awakening

At this stage of spiritual development, you are inspired because you have made a huge quantum leap in the upward spiral of development.

Until you have strengthened your new beliefs, there is a danger of returning to the previous stage.

Therefore, the support of not only like-minded people, but also spiritual mentors is important here. And it is during this period that their help is especially felt.

They guide you until you are strong enough to take your power.

Here you are just learning to take responsibility, realize it and begin to actually apply universal laws in life and monitor how they work.

At this stage laying the foundation of spiritual knowledge.

At first, you strive to tell everyone about what has been revealed to you, to convince others, to help with advice.

Remember how you, as a child, told your parents and peers about what you yourself had just learned.

But remember that you made this discovery for yourself. Don't force your point of view on others.

Every person has at least one painful topic, which ultimately brings him to catharsis, and then to the moment when he is ready to awaken.

This is enough to begin spiritual growth.

You have overcome a big problem, reached a new level and can even share your experience with other people who are in a similar situation.

Your soul remembers the peak point of vibration, the sensations that you have achieved, and strives to experience these feelings as often as possible.

So you strengthen your spiritual core and cut off your path back forever.

From now on, if you fall into the matrix, you will somehow get out of this state.

At the previous stage, general dissatisfaction, fatigue, boredom, bad mood, and complaints about the world were the norm for you.

And if you compare these two polar states: flight, inspiration and the consciousness of sacrifice, the soul, of course, chooses something new, high.

This state is your anchor, which will always keep you vertical.

It is impossible to constantly be in balance and harmony, but let you be glad that the consciousness of the victim is now a temporary phenomenon.

If you do not change yourself, your true Self, this guest will appear less and less often in your life.

Seek the support of like-minded people, strengthen your spiritual core. The article will help you with this.

3. Conscious creation

When you recognize your power, declare to life that you are a creator, feeling from within that this is truly the case, you move on to conscious creation.

If at the previous stage you could be compared to a teenager who already understands a lot, but has no experience, now you confident in their beliefs and your strength.

Even if you are wary of proclaiming your truth, believe me, this is only at first.

It all depends on your past beliefs, their depth and the presence of courage. Everything will come in time.

At this stage of spiritual development, the desire to talk about one’s discoveries, how the world works, either disappears completely or takes on a different form.

Now you accept that people have the right to their opinion, they can be mistaken, they have the right to make mistakes, even to their detriment.

You are ready to share your experience only if you have been asked to do so (more than once). You respect the boundaries of others and their will.

You are more balanced and calm. There are cases of falling into the matrix, but you no longer scold yourself for it, but allow yourself to experience this state.

The main reasons for loss at this stage are the lack of internal resources and cyclicality (periods of rise and fall).

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Starting from childhood, each person, consciously or not, develops. And this happens not only to the body. Scientists cannot explain the concept of a “human soul,” but all people, from the earliest moment of self-awareness, know that they have a soul.

What does the concept of spiritual development mean? Some say it is the development of man through a variety of cultural programs that abound in theatres, art exhibitions or concerts. Some argue that for spiritual development it is necessary to read books of occult content and maintain the aura with the help of yoga and meditation. Some associate this concept with reading sacred books and going to temples and places of pilgrimage.

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Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the spiritual development of a person is his learning and taking all kinds of actions to maintain his life in a positive and creative direction. For a psychologist, the human soul implies an abstract concept that includes the joint work of a person’s consciousness and subconscious. Therefore, experts in the field of psychology have come to the conclusion that spiritual development includes:

  1. Human self-improvement;
  2. Maintaining a person’s physical body in good condition;
  3. Giving thoughts and emotions a positive nature;
  4. Performing actions that help a person enter into harmony with himself and the world around him, be it or listening to music.

Today, problems of spiritual development are considered more occult than psychological or even philosophical.

Believe it or not?

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People who have achieved some heights in this area often pass on their experience through books or audio recordings to other people. Why are there so many different methods and options for spiritual development? In fact, the answer to this question is simple: there is a path for each person, and others may not be suitable. For a simpler comparison, we can use the example of taste or musical perception.

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After all, even those people who eat the same prepared dish or listen to the same song they like perceive it differently. Therefore, a technique that helped one person may not have an effect or even have the opposite effect on another. It depends on the perception, and on the state, and on the mood, and even on the character of the individual.

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Which development path to choose?

As mentioned above, development paths should be chosen individually. Look through the descriptions of the works of the authors of books on this topic, decide what is closer to you, and familiarize yourself with all the possible options. Some people create their own path of spiritual development by collecting and combining several techniques.

There are people who simply need to go out into nature to find harmony, and there are people who need the company of certain people. Therefore, always strive for what helps you achieve “balance.” But don’t blindly trust even the chosen method; always listen to yourself and analyze the result.

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What about the world around us?

If a person is closer to the path of spiritual development, which implies unity with nature, this person still should not isolate himself. It’s enough just to devote some time to be in your own “path,” going out of town after work, for example. Man is a social creature, and, one way or another, will not feel good in complete solitude. If the people around you are annoying, the easiest way is to find like-minded people and in your free time pay attention to them and your inner world. But don't distance yourself from others!

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If everything in life is bad and you can’t find positive aspects, you can, for the purpose of self-development, organize a trip to orphanages or to places where the homeless live. Of course, everyone has enough problems, and each person thinks that his problems are more serious than others. Therefore, force yourself to look around “soberly” and understand that there are always those who are worse off. Yes, there are those who feel better, but this is another reason to strive for something!

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When should you start spiritual development?

It is best to start it at the moment of realizing that it is necessary. Each person comes to this conclusion at one time. How to implement it depends on the person himself. In fact, people develop spiritually from the moment of their awareness. This is facilitated by family, kindergarten, and school... Much in a person’s life is carried out unconsciously. Conscious development is possible only after the individual realizes this need.

What can hinder a person’s spiritual development?

Of course, modern man is subject to the “trend of the transience of time”; it is difficult to keep up with everything, and even pay attention to his inner world. However, the real obstacle is the person himself: his constant haste, unwillingness to pay attention to the “little things” or use all his capabilities. Everyone can find time for themselves. It’s just that not everyone uses this time profitably.

Irina Chikunova

What can lead to degradation?

Psychologists answer this question even more clearly than the question of the path of spiritual development. According to the advice of experts, you should:

  1. avoid unnecessary stress and stressful situations;
  2. do not allow yourself to fall into apathy;
  3. do not allow daily household problems to occupy yourself all day;
  4. remove evil emotional states as much as possible;
  5. devote time to yourself every day, pay attention to intuition and feelings of the subconscious “I”.

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Is it possible to stop in spiritual development?

Bashar's collection

In fact, spiritual development can be compared to the development of the body. If a person ceases to develop physically, he either begins to age rapidly or degrades. "Frozen" in one position of spiritual development can also be equated with degradation. In addition, the subconscious, being in a non-apathetic state, is itself subject to changes due to changes in the world around a person, and a person’s consciousness can easily control the perception and consequences of such changes. Therefore, a person thinks about his spiritual development. And just because of the predominant work of the unconscious in the field of such development, it is difficult for a person to develop a correct methodology for himself.

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Some people live by increasing material wealth, while others believe that the main wealth is spiritual. As one of my friends says, assuming that a person has several lives: “You cannot take material trash with you into another life, but spiritual wealth will always remain with you, be it in this life or in another.” Maybe she's right. In any case, a person who has developed spirituality in himself will never be stymied by difficulties under any circumstances. Does this mean that we need to develop spiritually? Undoubtedly, because it is easier for a spiritually rich person to adapt to life without losing his moral character.

What does it mean to develop spiritually?

Any development involves moving forward in the direction that makes a person better. Spirit is a natural part of a person’s personality and it also requires development. The development of spirituality is a person’s desire for perfection and the discovery of inherent abilities.
Thoughts and actions aimed at creation also constitute the path to the development of spiritual qualities. Learn to perceive people as they are, without getting irritated by the weaknesses of their essence and without judging them. One of the main points in development is learning to observe yourself from the outside. And it is not so important to correct the negative aspects of your personality as it is to realize that they are such. Awareness is a huge work in the development of a person’s inner state.
The first stage on the path of spiritual development was and will be the acquisition of information. It comes precisely at the moment when a person is ready for a new stage in his life, but does not yet know how to develop spiritually. A randomly seen book about spirituality on a shelf at a friend’s house; watched a film that makes you think about the meaning of your existence; meeting people, a conversation with whom gives a tangible impetus to learn something more - all this is not without reason. These are clues that you are ready and you need to develop spiritually. Often this development occurs intuitively.

How to develop spiritually

Working on yourself throughout your life, sometimes consciously and sometimes not, you develop spiritually. If you have already learned to think positively, then we can congratulate you - with such thinking it is easier to move up the steps towards spiritual perfection. Positivity deflects negative emotions that slow you down. And the question no longer arises before you - how to develop spiritually.
Getting rid of wrong concepts about life, from illusions; awareness of one's true essence; the desire to become more patient and tolerant; rising above the circumstances that influence your mood and mind - all these are stages in the development of your spirituality. As it grows, your inner strength increases.
Of course, there are situations when you do not have the strength to deal with the problems that hinder your growth with dignity. This is precisely why there are mantras for specific occasions and meditation. By using them, you will not lose control of yourself.
It is never too late to learn to develop spiritual qualities in yourself - each person has his own period for this.

Spiritual development− this is the study of the structure of REASONABLE LIFE, through knowledge of YOURSELF, your feelings and thoughts, where and how they are born, how they affect us, on a personal and general level.

The real Spiritual path of development (growth of the Soul) is not possible without real knowledge of yourself (your inner world of feelings and thoughts).

Not everyone is able to come to this Path. Someone is busy getting their daily bread, someone needs to arrange their personal life, that is, most people are immersed headlong in “everyday life” and they simply have no time to stop and think about something else. Fear also has its place. After all, even realizing the meaninglessness of the “race” for new acquisitions and growth of one’s social significance, it takes a lot of courage to boldly look into oneself and try to change the usual way of life, and at the same time transform oneself.

Such people can be forced out of their “comfort zone” only by some out-of-the-ordinary event that can shake a person - it could be stress, a sudden insight caused by shock, the death of loved ones, etc. The event should make him understand the illusory nature of such a life, where values ​​come, but human life, by and large, has no meaning.

When understanding comes and the familiar world collapses, a person faces a choice - how now to live on, what to believe in, what or whom to serve? What can stimulate a person to believe in himself and think about eternal and unshakable values? At this moment, a difficult path of changes and transformation of his spirit opens before him, an opportunity opens up to touch his Divine principle.

Evolution of Spirit and Soul

Spiritual development is the Path of the evolution of the spirit and soul, which distinguishes people from animals, and for the sake of which we all incarnated here on Earth. After all, the meaning of life lies in the fact that by moral victories over one’s shortcomings, character traits and habits, clear the mirror of one’s soul from dirt, strengthen the spirit and continue improvement beyond our reality, in higher worlds and in more subtle matters.

Real Spiritual development is possible only under these conditions, when a person goes beyond the Destructive Mind, in which there is the creativity of illness, death, doubts…

Our body is the seat of the soul and is connected with the Creator (God or Creator) through the spirit. It can also be said that each person, animal, insect, plant, mineral or atom together constitute the body of God, or it manifests itself through everything that surrounds us and it all evolves and develops according to cosmic laws and cycles.

Having reached human nature, the soul and body are subjected to severe trials. On their way, obstacles arise in the form of ego, dubious desires, negative emotions, a sense of self-importance, etc. In the fight against these factors, a person sometimes lives many lives until conditions mature and form in which a person can no longer continue to live like this without changing yourself.

The essence of Spiritual improvement

The most important thing on the path of Spiritual development is to find the integrity of your views and aspirations with the desires of your soul, and then it is possible to become like God not only in image, but also in content. Love is the key to unlocking limitless possibilities within yourself. Love is the language of God. Learning to truly love is not easy and many have no idea what it is. Their understanding does not extend beyond carnal friction against each other and a possessive attitude towards their lovers.

We must learn to give love to the entire world around us, without expecting anything in return, because God has already rewarded a person with everything he could have dreamed of even at birth. However, for some this is not enough and they rush from one extreme to another. Hence wars, rivalry, and fornication... This is the path of suffering and dissatisfaction, which destroys the body and destroys the soul.

But how, by what means and methods do you come to an agreement with yourself? Perhaps prayer will be a consolation for someone, but it is not capable of providing an impetus for evolutionary growth. Religion is an unnecessary intermediary between man and God. Nowadays, it increasingly serves as a tool for manipulating people, a means of profit and dirty machinations on the part of the church or higher authorities.

Only evolution matters now. Therefore, by choosing a voluntary, firm and conscious intention to know and change yourself, you can achieve the desired result. As they say, there are many who seek the Creator, but not many find Him. The Creator lives in each of us, but without awakening him, we turn away from ourselves. He does not hear the voice of our desires, requests or laudatory odes - he responds only to manifestations of the spirit expressed in actions.

Doubts in one’s abilities and fear of an unknown future and, most importantly, an unconscious choice of the Spiritual path will very quickly return an immature person to a familiar and comfortable way of life. To remain faithful to your choice, especially at the initial stage, you need to be vigilant, listen to yourself and stop whenever the ego begins to dictate its terms - complete control of thoughts and actions.

  • You need to accept yourself, having understood your delusions, mistakes, grievances, albeit not immediately, but over time. First of all, you should learn to always remain honest and be yourself under any circumstances. There is no need to blame anyone for the current situation, or even yourself - after all, this is a school where we all undergo training and grow our souls with each class.

Freed from the burden of past mistakes and grievances, a person gains lightness and self-confidence. The surrounding world begins to create favorable conditions for a person, fills space with guiding signs, life becomes joyful and transforms right before our eyes. Having felt inner peace and the desire to live, a person in the future will never be able to repeat the mistakes of the past and will not make new ones.

Reading philosophical literature, spiritual practices, and meditation will help speed up evolution. Religious literature contains too many conjectures and falsehoods, so a person ignorant of such matters can easily accept anything on faith. There are a lot of ancient and modern literary artifacts that can acquaint the traveler with the structure of the universe, with cosmic and spiritual laws, with concepts that reveal the very essence of a human being and much more.

Spiritual development is possible only if a person sincerely wants to know his inner world, really change the structure of his feelings, give himself the opportunity to find out how to really live, breathe, love, without feelings of fear.


E.P.Blavatskaya, D.L.Andreev, Roerichs, Sri Aurobindo, Osho, ancient Indian epics - “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Philokalia, AllatRa and many other books that are recommended for deep study by those who chose the path of the spirit.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

The problem of spiritual development is topical and exciting. With any cultural and civilizational changes, there are those who either intuitively or consciously seek their path and understand that spiritual development for them is a vital process and goal. At the same time, few understand what spiritual development is. They don't know how to achieve it.

And indeed: millions of works have been written and billions of words have been spoken about spiritual development, thousands of schools have been opened preaching their way, but no one has yet given unambiguous and universal instructions. Seekers of the secret of spiritual development say that one should develop through spiritual work. It is logical, but such statements are not able to fully reveal the essence of the problem.

To understand how to achieve a goal, you first need to define the goal. Define the concept of “spiritual development.” There are many interpretations of the concept of spiritual development (spirituality), but despite such diversity, each interpretation contains its fundamental foundations. First of all, spirituality is selfless love, faith, meaningfulness and.

Selfless love

Selfless love is all-encompassing love towards everything that surrounds a person. Such love excludes the desire to receive something in return, it does not set restrictions or conditions, it is devoid of love. But selfless love is an oxymoron. People always love for something. Even a mother loves a child because it is her child.

It is almost impossible to achieve selfless love, but what is important here is not the achievement of the goal, but the path to it. To progress in spiritual development through selfless love, you need to accept the world around you and people as they are. Unpretentious, .

It is important to observe and study people, try to understand the motives of their actions and the causes of anxiety. By understanding what lies at the heart of people’s intentions and actions, you can get rid of bias towards them and gain respect. Selfless love is love not because of something, but in spite of everything.


Faith in this case is not what world religions preach. Faith for spiritual development is not faith in someone, it is the understanding that everything is possible, and that limitations exist only in our heads. To grow through faith, you need to review your own limiting beliefs and eliminate them. At the same time, you need to acquire new useful beliefs, identify existing ones and tirelessly develop them.


Meaningfulness is a state of being in reality, living every moment of life, the ability to focus on the outside world, and not just on one’s own person.

It is extremely important to be able to live in the moment; this allows you to control your behavior and emotional state, and makes it possible to enjoy the process, and not just the result. The ability to live “here and now” will eliminate the past and disappointments from unfulfilled dreams and dreams.

To learn to live meaningfully, in everything you need to follow the principle of the Zen masters, which says: “When I eat, I eat, when I carry water, I carry water.” To understand how it works, try . To do this, take a banana or any other fruit and, instead of quickly swallowing it as usual, chew each piece for a minute. Concentrate on the texture of the pulp, every note of flavor and aroma, and try to make absorption as long as possible. It's important that you squeeze as much pleasure and sensation out of the banana's flavor and aroma as possible. In this way, you will learn to realize the significance of every particle of whole things and phenomena. Learn not to generalize, but to feel and see diversity.

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is clarity of thoughts, a serene state of mind, irritation and anxiety. Inner balance and harmony.

Peace of mind is achieved through feelings. Free yourself from hatred, etc. Achieving complete cleansing is difficult, but even trying to get rid of everything unnecessary brings relief.

There is a secret to finding peace of mind. Nature abhors a vacuum. Therefore, clearing the mind of garbage, you need to fill it with constructive thoughts, useful ideas, pleasant feelings and good mood. Otherwise, the void may be filled again with impurities.

What is spiritual development?

In general, spiritual growth can be described as a transformation of the general understanding of the world and oneself in it. Such transformation entails the purification of consciousness from negative beliefs and destructive thoughts, and forms a creative lifestyle.

A highly spiritual personality is peace of mind, acceptance of oneself and the environment without distortion.

Why develop spiritually?

Development is needed to improve life.

His life is like the flow of a pure mountain river. Such a person feels many times better than a frightened, aggressive person, full of hatred and anxiety, trying to hide from reality in a world he has made up.

Spirituality makes it possible to free and fruitfully use energy reserves that were wasted on negative feelings, thoughts and actions. Developing spiritually, a person moves towards harmony and creation.

How to develop spiritually?

Progress in spiritual development depends on the formation of its fundamental foundations: selfless love, faith, meaningfulness and peace of mind. You are now waiting for instructions on how to achieve spirituality and enlightenment. They won't. Such a desire is just an example of a limiting belief. Patterns of human thinking have developed in such a way that people necessarily expect conclusions and further instructions. But this is not an axiom. Life does not always give a person answers to the questions posed to him, and instead of waiting for manna from heaven and a guide, a person needs to take an independent step forward.

Start your path to spiritual heights by working on this belief.

In general, development is a natural process. This is a natural physiological mechanism that functions if a person creates the necessary conditions for its manifestation and operation.

Life gives no other rule than the unconditional acceptance of life. Everything we turn away from, ignore and run away from, everything we deny and hate, ultimately turns against us and becomes the cause of our destruction. And what we perceive as offensive and unhealthy or seems disgusting and reckless will become the key to beauty, joy and strength when met with an open mind. Every phenomenon and moment will become gold to those who see them that way.

Physical body

At the same time, it is important to remember that in addition to the subtle body (soul), a person also has a physical body. While developing spiritually, one must not forget about physical development. It is not without reason that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. Through bodily sensations a person perceives processes occurring both within himself and outside the body itself.

The body is a large, complex, but sophisticated conductor between the outside world and human consciousness and spirit.

For a guide to work well and contribute to spiritual development, it must be treated with love and care. Otherwise, this large mediator, like a broken telephone, will transmit distorted and untruthful signals from the surrounding world to the consciousness.

Harmony of form and content

Harmony of form and content is another law of human development. Besides exercise and healthy eating, there are several mental principles that affect physical health.

First principle. A person needs . A person without a global goal-mission, without awareness of the reasons for his stay on earth, will not achieve success in life and a high level of development. Neither physical nor spiritual. But, taking this principle into account, remember that for each person the meaning of life is (again) different and it is embodied differently for each person.
Principle two. This principle is about self-improvement. If a person does not move forward, then he will certainly move backward. Following this principle, a person receives daily physical and spiritual growth.
Third principle. The principle of balance and optimism. A person adhering to this principle maintains emotional balance and an optimistic outlook on life.

The path to spiritual development is long and thorny, but those who reach the heights understand that the path could not and should not be any other way. For this the person is grateful.

A parable about the path to spiritual development

The sage went to travel and find out how people live. On his way, he saw a noisy crowd of people dragging heavy stones up the mountain. It was clear from the people that they were tired. People's palms were covered with calluses, and sweat poured down their faces. The sage became curious.
- What are you doing? – he asked one man.

— I’m carrying stones up the mountain.

- And you? – he asked the second one.

— I earn food for the children.

- Well, what are you doing? – he asked the third.

- I am building a temple of God!

Then the sage understood: it doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is your attitude towards it. One thing brings pain and torment to a person, but gives joy to another.

1 April 2014, 17:38