GUF (Guf) - Biography, personal life, Versus, Bird, photo. Isa about a divorce from Guf: “We are parting forever And because of what you had a fight

Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) and Alexei Dolmatov (rapper Guf) continue to quarrel over their son Sam. After the divorce of his parents, the boy lives mainly in Bali with his mother and her new husband Dmitry Anokhin, whom Aiza lovingly calls "Chuvie" (a character from Star Wars), and Guf "Yeti". Aiza Anokhina is now pregnant with her second child.
Aleksey Dolmatov recently came to Bali to visit his son and, under circumstances unknown to the general public, received a concussion there. Isa published, but subscribers suspected that everything was far from being so rosy.

Considering Aiza and Guf's craving for media, new details of their relationship appeared on Instagram. Dolmatov published a post in which he wrote the following: “therealguf I actually had a very difficult vacation. The only plus in this whole trip is Sam. We spent a lot of time together, we discussed everything and I once again reminded who dad is here. But for three weeks I never once felt that I was on vacation. Most likely, the former will ask to delete this post and I will delete it), but at least someone will see it. I wish her only good (God is my witness), she is my dear person and will always be so. Yes, we broke up. And now only our son unites us. But, while we were together, I climbed out of my skin just so that she would not be sad. Time passes, everything is as it is ... But since it’s gone like that, I still want to see her happy. Fuck who, this woman deserves to be happy. Maybe I'm wrong that I'm climbing where I don't need to and I'm to blame for everything, but I fly in for the second time to check as a small one and I understand that everything is not very good ... I fly away with a lump in my throat. I am absolutely not happy with what is happening there. God forbid that she be happy with him, but I'm worried about my son. I didn't rest, I didn't tan. I lay with a concussion for a week without leaving the house and realized that it was superfluous there) at that time I thought, it seemed to me, this time I’m sure. I wanted to cut Sam at 0.3 on the last day), but I feel sorry for her ... Well, time will tell. But God forbid me to hear that someone offends my son. Yeti has no insta. Aziz, tell him) a track about him has already been written) I thought that your person would prove himself and it would not be necessary, but for this trip he threw another verse) I'm flying home to my beloved. And I put it on everything) almost everything;) ???”

Isa naturally did not remain in debt and posted several posts in which she expressed her point of view and her claims to her ex-husband. She also suggested that Alexei was simply jealous of her ex's new husband, and also “beautifully misses” her son, who now lives in another part of the world.

A copy of Aiza's post on Instagram: aizalovesam “Why do I rarely post photos of Dima and Sam, so as not to upset his father, who doesn’t appreciate fucking! I'm ready to give Sam to his father now, but in a couple of days Sam will be with my parents! And I don't blame Lech! He can't! Didn't want to study! I didn’t know how, but I wanted to be a mother! The best for your child! Yesterday, when Dima and I came to say goodbye to the guys, everything was fine, everyone laughed and joked, but there was one minus, Sam played with Dima, climbed up to him, and Dima pushed Sam away so as not to upset Lekha, but the reaction went! The jealousy of a father for another man, for a man who does not pretend to be a father to Sam, but he loves me, and knows that my son is my universe. And that means him too! Am I unhappy?) because I didn’t want to flirt with my ex, and in general it’s not decent, and stupid!) I’m unhappy for what reason ??)) because I live in a villa of 500 square meters overlooking the ocean?) I eat delicious food) beautiful)) pregnant) dressing up) doing what I love?)) and my husband helps me with this, supports our entire family! Which should not contain! And you think I'll let anyone hurt Sam? Even the most beloved person??? Never!!! And what about Papa?) Papa is beautifully bored. Once again I repeat, I can send Sam to him, but everyone knows the outcome of events. I will no longer talk about the financial side of the whole story and sink to a miserable level, but everyone who knows us all knows how things are! And it disgusts me that for the fifth time all this rises, but there is no other way! Otherwise my sense of justice is hurt! Otherwise I feel bad! If you think that I am acting here for show, then you are mistaken, if I feel bad, then I show it, if I feel good, then too! And I don’t know how to lie, I won’t and I don’t want to!

Singers-rappers are not very well known to the general public. They are known and loved among connoisseurs of rap and hip-hop. Perhaps someone has heard of such a performer as Guf. If earlier the public was only interested in his work, then recently everyone has heard only the details of how the former married couple - Guf and Aiza - once again sort things out.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes in their personal lives. Whether you are a famous person, or only friends and relatives know you, parting with a once loved one can happen to anyone. Aiza Dolmatova and Guf also believed that their love would be long and happy. Everything turned out to be completely different.

Guf - biography and creativity

Guf - stage performance by Sergeevich Dolmatov. He is a fairly well-known personality in the world of hip-hop and rap music. The main themes of the direction of creativity are personal life, a story about oneself and about the problem of narcotic substances.

Like many musicians who came to rap culture, Guf went through a stage. For several years he lived with his parents in China and even managed to study a little at one of the local universities. According to unverified information, Aleksey suddenly left China precisely because of drug problems. In this country, they are very severely punished for their use and distribution. According to another version, Guf was simply bored with living in China, and he returned to Moscow. Then he lived with his grandmother, with whom Dolmatov had the best relationship until the end of her life.

In Moscow, Guf entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin and there for the first time, at the age of 19, together with his student friend, he wrote the song "Chinese Wall". The track was so good that it was played on the radio. However, then problems with drug use began again, and Guf dropped out of musical life for two years. All this time his grandmother helped him.

In 2000, he became a member of the Rolex-X group. In 2004, Dolmatov became one of the founders of the CENTR group. In 2009, he leaves her.

2006 - the rise of Guf's career. By this time, he takes on a pseudonym named after the famous Disney cartoon character - Guf. The singer's track "Gossip" literally explodes on the radio and becomes super popular.

Alexey Dolmatov is a rather self-ironic person. In his songs, he often calls himself "Kagtavy Guf" because of his slight burr and barely noticeable stutter.

rapper granny

Being extraordinary is a tradition in the Guf family. The rapper dedicated one of his tracks, "Gossip", to the person closest to him - his grandmother, Tamara Konstantinovna. In it, he spoke about her life and hobbies. Grandmother turned out to be a bright and talented person, she recorded the track “Original Ba” with her grandson. After that, in the world of hip-hop, they began to call her that.

Tamara Konstantinovna died from the consequences of a stroke on October 28, 2013. After the first stroke, in 2012, she was in a very serious condition and was connected to a ventilator.

Aiza Dolmatova - biography and creativity

Aiza Vitalievna Vagapova is a native of the city of Grozny. As a child, she moved to Moscow with her parents, where she received a higher economic education. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Aiza is Sagittarius, outwardly a fragile girl, has an iron character and determination. She is fluent in English and enjoys snowboarding. Twice she was chosen as the "Best Snowboarder of the Year". “Night life with Aiza” - such a column was led by a girl in a magazine. Hip-hop and rap were infinitely far away for her until she met Guf.

After Isa became the rapper's wife, she completely immersed herself in family life. Guf had certain concerns about the birth of a child. He believed that he was not ready to become a father. However, Isa, as a loving wife, fenced him off from all the problems associated with a small child. But she did not want to be completely dependent on her husband. In addition, the girl dreamed of somehow realizing herself. Isa started creating jewelry that is popular.

The history of dating Guf and Aiza

Guf and Aiza met at the very beginning of the rise of a rap musician's career, in 2005. They spent time with friends in the same club and caught a glimpse of each other. After that, Guf and Aiza crossed paths several times at different parties, but met later, at a snowboarding party. The rapper did not know how to ride, and Isa agreed to become his instructor. After the party, Guf could not forget the charming girl and wrote a song for her. And then he called and offered to meet. From that moment on, Guf and Aiza, whose photos immediately appeared in the media, became a couple. Guf introduced the girl to his grandmother, and Isa introduced her chosen one to her father.

Couple's wedding and life together

A few months later, Guf made an official proposal to his girlfriend. They had already lived with the rapper for three months, and at that time he could not imagine his life without his beloved girl. The wedding of Guf and Aiza took place in 2008. Two years later, the couple had a son, Sami.

Guf never called his family relationships easy and even. Heat, passion - it was always present between him and Aiza. Several times they even decided to live separately, but usually after a few hours the rapper took his wife home.

When there was talk that Guf and Aiza were getting divorced, the fans blamed everything in the first place on the rapper's unhealthy addiction to drugs. Before meeting his future wife, he had already tried to be treated for his addiction, but did not last long. Isa, at the time of their acquaintance, had no idea what terrible problems existed in the life of her young man. The rapper's friends opened her eyes to what was happening. And Aiza, a determined girl, went to extreme measures - she locked Guf in an apartment for a week and helped her survive the period of drug withdrawal. As Guf himself said more than once, if it weren’t for his wife, drugs would have consumed him completely.

Why Guf and Aiza broke up - different reasons for the gap

Five years in the relationship of the couple was, although not everything was cloudless, but they were quite happy. In 2013, talk began that Guf and Aiza were getting a divorce. What caused the problems in the most famous rapper family? Friends and fans of the couple named three reasons for the discord: Guf's passion for model and singer Leroy Kondra, Aiza's romance with snowboarder Sergei Sterin, and the rapper's drug problems that had reappeared.

Each of the spouses blames the other for all the problems. Guf talks about his wife's betrayal. Isa denies everything and explains the reason for the divorce by saying that she is tired of being her husband's personal narcologist and does not want to endure parties until the morning anymore.

If in August Guf and Aiza had not yet taken out family quarrels in public, then the appearance in the life of a rapper overflowed the cup of patience of an extremely temperamental girl without this. The couple began to publicly quarrel on social networks, vehemently blaming each other.

Guf and Aiza are together again - is it so?

In August, Aiza packed her things and left her husband with her son. However, divorce papers were never filed. 9 years together is not so easy to cross out. Isa admitted that she still loves her husband very much and hopes that they will be able to overcome the difficult time for their family and be together again.

In winter, Aiza attended Guf's concert at Luzhniki. They spent a lot of time behind the scenes, and the paparazzi even filmed how the rapper kissed Aiza in a fit of feelings. Immediately everyone started talking about the reconciliation of the couple. Isa herself said that she intended to fight for her husband. And Guf, it seems, is completely confused in relations with his two women. He already lived with Leroy Kondra, but at the same time hoped to restore relations with his wife.

Final parting

In early March 2014, Isa gave several interviews in which she said that she had filed for divorce. The couple was given three months to make a final decision. But since Guf does not take steps towards reconciliation, and Aiza has a new boyfriend, whom she does not hide. It can be said with a high degree of probability that Aiza and Guf broke up completely.

However, Aiza, even after breaking with her husband, remained the person who would always come to his aid. In April, Guf, while at a concert, broke his arm. An urgent operation was required. Isa spent all the time in the hospital, supporting her ex-husband and caring for him.

Couple relationship after divorce

Aiza is a girl with a very explosive character. She often acts according to her mood, and this is not always a good thing. She gave several of her scandalous interviews, being in a state of rage at Guf, so many unpleasant words were said about her ex-husband. Guf himself, knowing the explosive nature of his wife, does not take the words spoken under the influence of resentment to heart. He says that he and Aiza now themselves do not understand what is happening in their lives. He maintains a relationship with him and constantly sees his little son. With whom the child will remain, he and Aiza have not yet decided, but Guf himself reacts extremely negatively to this question if journalists ask him.

Aiza is now taking care of her son and plans to launch a clothing line under her own brand. Parents gave the girl a three-room apartment, and she and her son Sami dream of a quiet life together. Will she marry a second time? Isa does not deny this. She always dreamed that she and Guf would have another child - a girl. Perhaps her dream will come true, but with another loved one. Now she has flown out of the country for a month to rest with her son in Bali.

As for Guf, in the spring he and Lera broke up. The rapper is currently busy preparing his new solo album.

Who is Guf / Guf

Real name— Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov

Nickname- Guf / Guf

Hometown- Moscow

Activity— Rapper

Family status- Not married

Guf biography

Aleksey Dolmatov, better known as Guf, is a Russian rap artist, a former member of the legendary band CENTR.

Guf before he became famous

The Russian rap artist, whom everyone knows under the stage name Guf, in real life - Alexei Dolmatov, was born on September 23, 1979 in the capital of the USSR - Moscow. After the collapse of a great country, the parents of the future rapper decided to move to China, and the young man finished his school program in a foreign country. In the same place in China, he received a higher education, in the direction of linguistics.

In total, the young man lived in the country of the Red Dragon for more than seven years, but continued to remember his homeland. Unable to bear the longing for his native land, he returns back to Russia. Where he decides to get a second higher education.

goof rapper

Despite the fact that music attracted Alexei Dolmatov from an early age, he began to study it seriously at the age of 19. But after a short period of work on himself as a musician, the young man completely goes into his studies. But a number of publications claim that the future rap artist had drug problems at that time. However, Guf himself confirms these rumors, once declaring that he took almost everything out of the house in order to buy himself a new dose. The addiction was overcome, thanks to a new period of passion for rap music.

In 2000, a young rap artist as part of a team called Rolexx makes his stage debut. It is concerts in the group that bring the musician his first popularity. Guf decides to use the name of the group in his stage name. Over the next five years, all music albums are released under the authorship of Guf aka Rolexx.

In 2002 Alexey Dolmatov started working on a solo album. At the same time, together with the rap artist Slim, he recorded a song called "Wedding". This was the beginning of a long joint journey of the two musicians.

Guf and the Centr group

In 2004, Alexey Dolmatov and rap artist Princip form the idea of ​​​​creating a new musical group, which soon received the name - Centr. The first album of the new musical group - "Gifts" was recorded on only 13 discs, which were presented to the friends of the musicians for the New Year.

The turning point in the life of Guf was 2006. It was then that a work called “Gossip” was released, which gained popularity not only among connoisseurs of the rap scene, but also among ordinary people. Moreover, the song was played for a long time at Russian discos. In the same year, the REN-TV channel begins to play another clip of Guf for the song "New Year", and the entire Russian rap party enjoyed the next hit of the young musician, "My Game". After 2006, Alexey Dolmatov was talked about all over the country.

In the fall of next year, the Centr group is recording another musical collection, "Swing". The composition of the team has increased to four members, and its fame has skyrocketed. But life is such that at the peak of fame, many famous musical groups broke up. The principle falls into the field of view of the Russian police, and Guf is increasingly engaged in a solo career.

In 2009, Dolmatov decides to leave the group completely, but for what reason he did this, no one knows. Fans felt that the rapper could not continue to work in an oppressive atmosphere.

Guf Slim and the Center group

Guf and solo career

Two years before leaving the Centr group, Guf recorded his first solo studio album, City of Roads. Later, the musician, in collaboration with the rap artist Basta, recorded several tracks. In 2009, Guf's second solo album, entitled "At Home", saw the light of day. The music collection received the best reviews from critics and fans and was nominated for the title of "Best Video" and "Best Album".

The following year, the musical composition "Ice Baby" was born, which immediately became popular in Russia. In 2010, Guf decides to re-start cooperation with Basta. Together they release a music collection. In 2011, the MUZ-TV channel awards young people with the title of "Best Project of the Year".

At the end of autumn 2012, fans of Guf's work will be happy to learn about the release of the next solo album, entitled "Sam and ...". In the same year, the musician was expelled from the Gas Holder project, and Basta states that Dolmatov was invited for a short-term collaboration.

At the end of April 2013, on the unofficial day of marijuana use, Guf publishes a music collection called "420". The album was recorded together with the rap artist Rigos. At the end of October of the same year, Alexei Dolmatov recorded a music video clip for the song "Sad". In this work, the singer says that it was he who caused the collapse of the Centr team, blaming himself for star fever and love of money.

In 2014, Guf participates in a joint work with the Caspian Cargo group on the musical work "Winter". In this project, the rap artist Slim was also noted. A little later, Guf announced a possible joint concert. At the same time, the eminent rapper takes part in the filming of the film "Gasholder". A year later, another solo album by Alexei Dolmatov, “More,” saw the light.

Guf personal life

Guf and Aiza

For a long time, Alexei Dolmatov met with Aiza Vagapova. And in 2008, a couple in love decides to get married. The singer in many works spoke about his love for his wife. Two years later, the first-born son of Sami was born in the Dolmatov family. For five years, the couple was happy, but in 2013, a rumor spread in the media about Guf's future divorce from his wife. The Dolmatovs initially denied the rumors, but soon broke up. The couple's divorce turned into a real show, in which the former spouses accused each other of all mortal sins through the publication of posts on social networks.

Guf now

Guf and Katie Topuria

In 2016, journalists started talking about the rapper's new hobby. In the media, the singer's new girlfriend was called the singer Katie Topuria. And the rumors were justified, because the young people spent the Christmas holidays together on Koh Samui. At the official level, the lovers did not confirm the romantic relationship, declaring friendly relations. At the end of December of the same year, the studio single "About Summer" was recorded, which became the singer's first work after drug addiction treatment in an Israeli clinic. In the same year, Guf returned to the Centr group and, together with his colleagues, recorded a studio album called System. A little later, the single "Far" appears.

In 2017, Guf received an invitation to star in the film "Egor Shilov", where he was to play one of the main roles.

Guf Mowgli 2

Guf and Bird battle versus

He became the initiator of the verbal duel, stating that there were too many reasons for the conflict, but the last straw was the text voiced by Guf in one of the clips. He decided to organize a rap duel, but Dolmatov said that he was ready to agree to a duel only after he was paid two million rubles. And the organizer of the fight agreed to this condition. Initially, the rap battle was scheduled for January 2018, but later, for unknown reasons, it was postponed to February of the same year.

Ptah summoned Guf to the battle

Aiza Anokhina (maiden name - Vagapova, after her first husband - Dolmatova) - designer, blogger, known to many as the ex-wife of rapper Guf.

Childhood and youth

Aiza was born on December 10, 1984 in the capital of Chechnya, in the family of FSB General Vitaly Vagapov. Soon his father was transferred to work in Moscow, where he moved his family. Mother and Aiza often visited relatives in Grozny and stayed there for several months.

On one of these visits, the Chechen war began. Due to constant shelling, the woman and her daughter had to hide in the basement; evacuation in the first months of the war was out of the question. Communication with them was lost, so the father no longer hoped that he would ever see them alive. When Isa and her mother nevertheless managed to return home, the door was opened to them by a completely gray-haired man, who had aged dramatically during this time from grief.

Aiza did not immediately get used to metropolitan life, it was difficult to get along with her peers, who teased her for her Caucasian accent and exotic name. Understanding this, her parents sent her to the School of Health, where, with the help of experienced teachers, the girl managed to gradually adapt to new conditions and overcome her complexes.

What is known?

After graduating from school, Aiza entered the Linguistic University at the Faculty of Law and Economics. However, after defending her diploma, she did not begin to work in her specialty, but took up the design of clothes and jewelry. Since adolescence, the girl was interested in beauty and fashion, so she was aware of the latest global trends. Together with a friend, they opened a showroom where they sold products made according to their own sketches. Gradually, they had rich clients from the metropolitan party, who began to invite Aiza to secular parties.

Star cosmetic bag: what are the beauty secrets of Aiza Anokhina?

Personal life of Aiza Anokhina

At one of the Moscow parties in 2005, Aiza met her future husband, Alexei Dolmatov, better known as rapper Guf. The musician immediately liked the spectacular girl, and he invited her on a date. Further events began to unfold, as in romance novels. Guf literally carried Aiza in his arms, dedicated songs to her and, not being afraid of the dad-general, proposed to the girl.

In the summer of 2008, the lovers got married, and two years later they had baby Sami. At first, Aiza literally did not remember herself with happiness, and then serious problems began in the family. The girl found out that her husband was taking drugs, and began to desperately help him get rid of the addiction. Together they were able to solve this problem, but then Guf began to have numerous intrigues on the side, and in 2013 the couple broke up.

Aiza Anokhina in the program "Ask for It"

Isa painfully experienced this gap, did not allow Alexei to see her son, and painfully reacted to his new relationship. To distract herself, she plunged headlong into work: she opened a beauty salon and a barbershop, began to maintain a beauty blog on the Internet, record songs, appear on television and even voice cartoons.

Gradually, everything improved in his personal life. In the fall of 2015, Aiza married businessman and avid surfer Dmitry Anokhin; The wedding took place in Las Vegas. Her new husband by that time had already lived in Bali for several years, only occasionally visiting Russia on business.

Fans are wondering if one of the most beautiful love stories, the development of which was once followed by the entire hip-hop party of the country, will end.

Passions in the family of the popular rapper Guf and his wife Aiza have not subsided for several months. What awaits them? Divorce after nine years of marriage or is it still a long-awaited truce?

Fans are wondering if one of the most beautiful love stories, the development of which was once followed by the entire hip-hop party of the country, will end. was the first to whom Aiza Dolmatova agreed to speak frankly about life with a famous rapper and the reasons for the upcoming divorce.

Aiza, dispel the rumors, are you reconciling or are you still getting a divorce?

- I want to appeal to all the people who call our divorce a PR: Lyosha and I are not the people who can joke and play with such things. Yes, we are breaking up. Let's break up forever. I hope we stay on good terms, but so far it hasn't worked out.

What was the reason for such a decision?

- Everything is very banal, in fact: fame, fame, women, money. Fun for everyone but me. I think that my husband just lost love for me, since he was with other women. But until the last day I believed that everything could still be fine. There is a son, there is me, I try so hard. I tried to work, to make myself. But nothing worked out for me, because I was constantly in a hassle.

Well, did you know who you married?

“No, I didn't marry a man of that reputation. Initially, I fell in love with a very modest, kind, sweet person who gave me gifts every day and pleased me with a good mood. I believed in love when we first met, when everything was just beginning.

Do you think Guf left you himself if you didn’t decide to leave first?

- He left me. Points are placed and bridges are burned. It will be immoral for me if we reunite again. I don't understand myself. I, in principle, with a not very normal psyche. I have many quirks. Pride is what I lost in my relationship with Lyosha and gained again just now.

Doesn't it bother you that Alexei sends you his candid photos with other girls?

He always wanted freedom. Always wanted a lot of girls. He's also a rapper.

Not all rappers behave like this. Vasya Vakulenko, aka Basta, is an exemplary family man, a role model. Even despite his image of a bully.

Well, yes, his wife was lucky. My husband is also an exemplary family man and a role model, but not for me. For some it might be perfect. I have always had a plan B in my life. I wanted to dump on another continent and enjoy existence there. Healthy eating, sports, beauty - I am an esthete in life. I was very afraid of the word "divorce". I thought that I would have one spouse, and my friends said: “Don’t promise!” Now it's just boiled over. I stopped developing. I stopped respecting myself. And I need to keep growing.

Well, as far as we know, Guf still calls you at night?

- He remembers me out of inertia. Because I'm a big part of his life. Even today, he confessed his love to me on Twitter. But only a few understood: these are lines from his new song. Good rhyme. I will fill five more albums with my name.

But in the video for "For Her", your husband chose not you as the main character, but Lera Condra, with whom he is said to have had a sexual relationship.

Only because she paid. It's her style. My husband asked me not to talk about her. Even though he is a complete freak, I will keep my word.

So you think he's already dating someone now?

- I'm sure not one! Now Alexey is an absolutely free person.

- Now the passions will subside and I will go to file for divorce.

In your life there were not only bad moments, but also good ones. Tell…

- It was a long time ago. Once we woke up in the morning at Lesha's house. I wanted to eat, I saw old seeds scattered on the carpet on the floor. Ate them. Then for the first time he said that he loved me and would not give me away to anyone. This happened two days after the start of our relationship.

Divorce for Aiza and Guf is now just a matter of time, the girl is sure

And yet, who initiated the breakup?

- The first brick was laid three years ago, when I found out about his first betrayal. Naturally, this was far from the first betrayal in his life, but the first that I learned about.

Were you pregnant at that moment?

- Yes. You know, I was a good wife. I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful child. It was stupid of him to go through all that.

In 2010, Aiza gave birth to Gufu's son. Now the father refuses to even see Sami.

Guf - what kind of person is he?

- He is a wonderful person. The only problem is that it depends very much on the opinions of others. But if I had not been his wife, I would not have become his friend. Because I love devoted people, and I would not trust him. Now all the stories in my life are connected with him. Even when I meet friends, I have nothing more to talk about with them, except for him ... I remember how he cried once when I felt bad in Jamaica. I had severe sunstroke. I was taken away in an ambulance, and he was terribly worried. Then I even thought that he loves me. That relations began to improve for the first time in a long period. This is as recently as July 17 of this year.

But there were more pleasant things in the relationship, holidays, memorable dates?

- All the holidays in our life together were ruined. I have never spent a single birthday without tears. Every Valentine's Day, every March 8th, we fought. And then he disappeared and hung out somewhere with his friends. While we are so shocked by what is happening that both behave inappropriately. Watch our showdowns, imagine that you are watching a bad movie.

Do you plan to get married in the future or will you work and provide for your son yourself?

Of course, I would marry a second time. I am a wife and mother - I can’t do anything else. On February 4, 2014, it was supposed to be 9 years since Guf and I were together. They planned to give birth to a daughter, but did not have time. It's a pity, of course. I really want a daughter anyway. I think I'll be stealing sandbox girls soon. Kidding. After parting with Lesha, by the way, I even learned to cook. As for work, I am launching my own clothing line, which will be called Chic by Aiza. I have always been fond of design, I know how to sew and draw well. But with Lyosha, all my interests have always been secondary. And now that I'm free, I finally have time to find myself.

I know that you were given an apartment recently?

Yes, I didn’t even think that I could be so lucky. My parents gave me a huge 3-room apartment in one of the best areas of Moscow. We will live there with my little one. Let's paint all the walls, I'll do it just the way I want it myself. I always dreamed of my own apartment with Lyosha. But it didn't work out.

But what about the apartment in which you lived for so many years? Isn't she yours?

- No. We rented this apartment for 200 thousand rubles a month. Now they've moved out. It's just that Lyosha and I are absolutely not commerce. They did not think about their own housing when they lived together. We are both creative people, butterflies. Flutter, each in his own world.

They say that a new man has appeared in your life, are you making serious plans, or is it just a hobby?

Yes, there is such a person. I didn't even think it would be so serious. But for now I don’t want to say anything about him, because it’s too early. And wrong for my son. But I won't mourn my past relationships. Stupid is he who, because of the departed, spoils his future. I learned a lot thanks to my marriage to Lyosha and I will not make these mistakes in the future.