Personal life of Xenia Syabitova. Ksenia Syabitova first spoke about the divorce from her husband

The people's matchmaker of the Russian Federation is Roza Raifovna Syabitova. She is unique and original. Has charm. It can strike anyone on the spot with its sharp tongue. The woman opened her own agency that helps unite lonely hearts.

Syabitova is quite actively involved in the TV program "Let's Get Married". She impresses with her words. A woman quite often gets into scandalous stories. She does not hesitate to look stupid, believing that this helps people understand the depth of her soul.

After watching the TV show “Alone with Everyone”, any resident of the Russian Federation found out how tall, weight, age, how old Roza Syabitova is. Fans say that the woman is incredibly beautiful and young, despite the fact that she is already 56 years old.

Rosa Syabitova, whose photos in her youth and now differ significantly, weighs 58 kg with a height of 155 cm. The TV presenter practices yoga and uses the services of a beautician. The woman used the services of a plastic surgeon more than once, which she herself spoke about without hesitation.

Biography 👉 Roza Syabitova

The baby was born in the metropolitan metropolis of the Soviet Union. Father - Khasanshin Raif worked as a locksmith, mother - Khasanshin Louise worked at a weaving factory. Rosa's childhood years were not easy, so she does not like to remember them. The girl in the family was not alone, she had 12 brothers and sisters who were older than her.

Our heroine loved to learn everything new, in all subjects she received only excellent and good marks. In parallel, the girl loved to skate, she dreamed of winning the figure skating Olympics. Due to problems in the family, Rosa was not able to fulfill her dream. Syabitova spent all her summer holidays in suburban pioneer camps, where her parents sent her, taking free tickets so that she would not get under her feet.

Having received the coveted certificate, the girl decides to become a programmer or an artist. They did not take her to study at VGIK, as they considered that she was not professionally suitable for artistic activity.

After the institute, the national matchmaker of the country is engaged in the sale of jewelry, but soon the recruiters requisitioned him. It was the star's fee "Let's Get Married!" for the life of a little son taken hostage by them. At the same time, the woman begins to do charity work, distributing humanitarian aid from Europe and the United States of America.

In the harsh 90s of the last century, the biography of Rosa Syabitova is subjected to various difficulties. To earn money, she takes on any job: working as a maid, babysitting children. In the mid-90s, she took up entrepreneurship by opening a marriage agency, in which she helped people find their halves.

In 2008, the people's matchmaker of the Russian Federation was offered to host the Let's Get Married TV show in company with Larisa Guzeeva, which has been successfully broadcast on Channel One to this day.

The popular TV presenter took part in various show programs. She truthfully told the story of her life in "Secret in a Million", "Let them talk." Showed herself to be a polymath in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. For Syabitova viewers watched in the show "Without insurance".

Rosa shares the secrets of marital relations in a number of her books, which are considered bestsellers and are sold out from store shelves quickly.

Personal life 👉 Rosa Syabitova

On the TV show "The Secret to a Million" Rosa told almost all the details of her personal life. She said that her first love was a young man who participated in dubbing one of the cult films of the Soviet era. The lovers dated for 3 years. But when the girl became pregnant, her chosen one began to avoid meeting her, and then completely left. Frightened by the wrath of her parents, Rosa decided to have an abortion.

Then the matchmaker tried twice to become happy. But the relationship ended over and over again.

It is currently known that the personal life of Rosa Syabitova runs in parallel with a businessman from one of the European countries. So far, the woman is in no hurry to share the details of her last relationship with the general public. She says that she is afraid to jinx her happiness.

Family 👉 Rosa Syabitova

The family of Rosa Syabitova is herself, her daughter and son. The woman is glad that she has children, and tries to help them in everything.

The TV presenter's mother and father drank alcoholic beverages in large quantities. Fights between them happened very often, so the matchmaker of the country says that he hates drunk men and women.

Mom worked in a weaving factory. After work, she often drank, after which she became angry. She quarreled with her husband and beat the children. Alcohol abuse negatively affected women's health. She died at the age of 62 within minutes. After an autopsy, it was found that the cause of death was cirrhosis of the liver.

Dad also often drank alcoholic beverages. But the man was always sober when he was engaged in children. He tried to stand up for them. The TV presenter considers her parent to be similar to Afonya.

A woman does not have a very trusting relationship with her brothers and sisters. But if necessary, she can come to their aid.

Children 👉 Rosa Syabitova

The children of Rosa Syabitova were born after eight miscarriages. The woman says that it did not break her. She wanted children so much that she went to any lengths to have them born.

The reason for the infertility of the popular TV presenter was an early abortion, which she had from her first lover. After that, the woman was treated for a long time. After the birth of her son, and then her daughter, Rosa was very happy. She still advises long-awaited children what to do in this or that case.

The matchmaker calls children who need help her children. She helps raise money, which she donates to charitable foundations.

Son of 👉 Rosa Syabitova - Denis Syabitov

For the first time, the star of the show program "Let's Get Married!" became a mother in the late 80s of the last century. The woman had a long-awaited son, who was named Damir. In the Russian manner, friends and relatives called the boy Deniska. She was incredibly happy, although she had to lie on conservation throughout her pregnancy.

In the mid-90s, the son of Rosa Syabitova, Denis Syabitov, was stolen by racketeers. To redeem the boy, the matchmaker transferred her jewelry business to them.

Now Denis works on television, he hosts one of the programs on the Friday TV channel. The man has not yet married, despite the efforts of his mother to find him a bride.

For several years the young man lived with a woman who was much older than him and had two children. In 2015, the lovers broke up.

Rosa brought her son to the show program "Let's get married!". He left the studio with the girl, but after a few days they broke up.

Rosa is currently looking for a bride. But so far, all the candidates do not suit the guy.

Daughter of 👉 Rosa Syabitova - Ksenia Syabitova

3 years after the birth of her son, the woman became a mother for the second time. This time she gave birth to a girl, whom it was decided to name Xenia. The girl was an ordinary child. She was a regular school student. From the age of 5, the daughter of Rosa Syabitova, Ksenia Syabitova, was engaged in folk dancing.

After school, the girl became a psychologist. She works in one of the social institutions of the capital, where she provides psychological services to everyone.

Syabitova brought the girl to her program several times, but the search for the groom here ended in nothing.

The star mother nevertheless arranged the fate of the girl. At the end of 2015, the wedding of the daughter of Rosa Syabitova Xenia with her lover Andrei took place. It is known that he works in the legal field. It turned out that the people's matchmaker decided that this young man was a very profitable match for her beloved daughter. The woman invites Andrei to marry, which he did.

The wedding was held on a grand scale according to Tatar traditions. The celebration was attended by several hundred guests. Several million dollars were spent on the preparation and holding of events, which the popular TV presenter did not tire of repeating.

A few months after the celebrations organized on a grand scale by the star mother herself, it became known that the newlyweds did not live together. There were many rumors in the media about this, but nothing was known for sure.

At the beginning of 2018, the program “Secret for a Million” was released, after watching which it became known that the daughter of Rosa Syabitova Ksenia had divorced from her lover Andrei. Why the daughter of Rosa Syabitova broke up with her husband, what details of this scandal remained unknown. The matchmaker refused to answer these questions.

The spouses themselves keep everything a secret. Andrei simply said that his ex-wife was not at all as good as her ex-mother-in-law praised her. Ksenia, on the other hand, said that her ex-husband is a little miser.

Ex-husband 👉 Rosa Syabitova - Mikhail Syabitov

The future spouses met in the mid-80s of the last century. The woman honestly told her beloved about her failures with men and about the abortion. But he suddenly offered to marry him. The wedding was quiet and modest. It was attended by only a few guests. It was this man who gave her a surname and long-awaited children.

The ex-husband of Rosa Syabitova, Mikhail Syabitov, was setting up equipment in one of the medical institutions in the capital. In the early 90s of the last century, he went into business.

In the mid-90s, a woman was left without a livelihood with small children in her arms. Her husband died suddenly. The ambulance arrived too late. The cause was myocardial infarction. He was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Ex-husband 👉 Rosa Syabitova - Yuri Andreev

At the end of 2008, on the TV show "Let's Get Married!" a guy came who worked in the fitness room and trained people. He came as a member. None of the girls participating in the release was chosen by him. It turned out that the guy liked Rose. He was not embarrassed by the 10-year age difference. Soon Syabitova decided to try to become happy.

The marriage took place. But a few weeks after the celebration, the ex-husband of Rosa Syabitova, Yuri Andreev, began to beat his wife. The matchmaker was silent for a long time, but then filed for divorce. She told in detail about her story so that other women would not get into a similar situation. After the divorce, the famous matchmaker does not communicate with her ex-husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Roza Syabitova

The famous matchmaker of the Russian Federation is very active in social networks. The woman leads the pages, since only she, in her opinion, can correctly and in detail tell about her life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Rosa Syabitova provide the most detailed information about the popular TV presenter.

On the Instagram page, you can view countless different photos and videos regarding her relationship with the opposite sex. The information is updated every day.

On VKontakte, the TV presenter gives advice on how to get to know the opposite sex and build relationships.

Didn't the great experience of the TV matchmaker Rosa Syabitova with numerous examples of marriage (related to work) help her daughter save her marriage? So, the other day the daughter of the famous TV presenter Rosa Syabitova told that she decided to break off her relationship with her lawful husband Andrei Snetkov. The girl herself told about this news in the studio of the show program “Let's Get Married!”, Where the TV matchmaker Syabitova works.

Why did the marriage fail?

Ksenia Syabitova, who came to the TV program, could not clearly explain the reasons for her divorce from Andrei Snetkov. Recall that in 2015 the couple got married, and a chic wedding was organized by Rosa Syabitova herself.

The TV presenter did not regret anything for her daughter and arranged a grand feast, which the Russian media spoke about for a long time. According to Syabitova's acquaintances, she spent 15 million rubles on her daughter's wedding, most of which she borrowed from friends and acquaintances.

Naturally, a bunch of photos appeared on the network, where young loving hearts are captured together. From the photographs one can judge mutual love, but what happened?

A few weeks after the luxurious wedding, the newlyweds stopped talking and showing their personal lives. Basically, photos of a girl with her mother began to appear on Xenia's Instagram. Even then, netizens began to talk about the separation of the TV presenter's daughter from her husband. But, neither Ksenia, nor Andrey, and even more so, neither Roza Syabitova, commented on such assumptions in any way, so the guesses remained just guesses for two years.

A shoemaker without boots or a TV matchmaker is given in marriage ...

In the new episode of the show program "Let's get married!" Roza Syabitova herself played the role of the bride, and the son and daughter came to support the bride. Ksenia, who was sitting next to her famous mother on Channel One, admitted that she broke up with her husband some time after the wedding. For her, the divorce was painful, so Ksenia kept it all a secret. Moreover, the daughter of the TV presenter does not quite understand the reasons for the divorce, the only thing that the ex-husband said in the registry office was that he was not ready for married life. As it turned out, Andrei Snetkov wanted to abandon the wedding and even upset the engagement, but fell for the girl's persuasion. It turns out that Andrey Snetkov himself initiated the divorce. In this situation, only Rosa Syabitova herself is sorry, because she herself did not have a happy childhood and marriage. And having learned that her daughter was getting married, Rosa got into debt, wanting to arrange a wedding, which in the end did not bring any results and happiness to her only daughter.

Personal life of the Syabitovs

Unfortunately, the TV presenter herself did not have a personal life. Her parents were alcoholics, so her childhood was difficult, and she divorced her husband when the children were still very young. Rosa Syabitova raised her children alone, and she probably had to go through a lot to raise and put her son and daughter on their feet. Unfortunately, the well-known matchmaker of the country could not help Xenia find happiness. Roza Syabitova made the wrong choice of a groom for her daughter, because in the end, the young man ran away from his wife.

Ksenia herself was born in the 90s, went through devastation, studied at a regular school and at the age of 23 met a young lawyer who helped her mother with personal matters. Andrei Snetkov is several years older than Ksenia, they met for several months, and the couple decided to get married. At the moment, Andrei teaches law at the university and does not communicate with the Syabitov family.

Ksenia Syabitova broke up with her husband about two years ago. However, only now has she found the strength to talk about parting with her beloved. The girl made a confession on the program "Let's get married!", The guest of which this time was her star mother. Ksyusha came to the talk show to support her parent and talked about the breakup of her family.


Larisa Guzeeva asked Syabitova Jr. what caused her divorce. “To be honest, I don’t know…,” the girl admitted. “The only reason that was specified by her husband in the registry office was that he was not ready for married life.”

It is still hard for her to remember the parting with her lover - Ksyusha has tears in her eyes. Note that since the divorce, the heiress of the famous presenter did not communicate with Snetkov.

Ksenia Syabitova also said: there was a moment when Andrei wanted to break up the engagement. This happened after he proposed. "He came and said:" Can we reschedule the wedding for later? For September-October." At first I say: "Andrey, don't worry ..." When the situation repeated itself several times, I could not stand it: "If you don't want to, don't get married," the TV matchmaker's daughter shared.

Publication from Rosa Syabitova (@syabitova_roza) May 20, 2017 at 2:47 PDT

Roza Syabitova also spoke about her daughter's divorce. She said that Snetkov ran away from Xenia shortly after the marriage. “A month passes, and he doesn’t live with her. Ksenya talks about some excuses, they say, he’s stuffy spiritually. I say: “Well, let’s bless the apartment.” I bought a car for them, they have an apartment - I don’t want to live. But some excuses began.

The other day, the topic of the failed marriage of the daughter of the famous television matchmaker Rosa Syabitova Xenia again surfaced. Apparently, divorce is not far off. This was confirmed by the former PR director of the TV presenter Ivan Irbis on the air of the We Speak and Show program.

He said that Ksenia and her husband Andrey Snetkov parted just a month after the wedding.

What the audience suspected was confirmed. Ivan said on the TV show:

There's no love in the eyes. The guy avoided Xenia. He arrived in Moscow, Roza Syabitova gave him a place in her business, an apartment, maintenance, a car with the words “Only Ksenia take mine as a wife at last”

Roza Syabitova diligently hides the departure of her son-in-law

No matter how the famous matchmaker tried to save her daughter's marriage, the result was disastrous. It is clear that Syabitova all this time carefully concealed the details of the relationship between her daughter and her son-in-law. After all, the unsuccessful marriage of the heiress in the first place casts a shadow on the professional reputation of Rosa herself. How can you trust a matchmaker who cannot organize a happy family history for himself or his daughter?

But it all started so beautifully! The magnificent wedding of Ksenia Syabitova, which was full of reports from all the news media at one time, cost her mother about 15 million rubles. Photos of happy newlyweds flaunted on the pages of the largest glossy publications. The wedding of Ksenia Syabitova took a place in the TOP of the brightest weddings of 2015.

Despite the obvious collapse of Xenia's family life, her mother continues to pretend that everything is in order in the family.

Even in the new house that Rosa built, there are rooms for future grandchildren. However, everything did not work out as planned.

Children's rooms are still empty, and Ksenia Syabitova ponders the plot of the book about her unsuccessful marriage. Mother, known for her tenacious commercial acumen, actively supported this venture. It is necessary to somehow compensate for the costs of the wedding and keep afloat your shattered reputation as the main matchmaker of the country!

Program host "Let's get married!" Rosa Syabitova regularly gives advice to women and men on how to find your soul mate and create a happy and strong marriage. Guided by this knowledge, the celebrity married her daughter Xenia two years ago. Then Rosa told the press that she was very proud of her son-in-law, a successful lawyer Andrei Snetkov. Syabitova arranged a luxurious wedding for the heiress and her chosen one, which, according to rumors, cost her 15 million rubles.

But a year after the celebration, rumors began to appear in the media about the separation of Xenia from her husband. The TV presenter denied these gossip for a long time. However, she recently admitted that her daughter's marriage was unsuccessful. And a few days ago, a celebrity told why the marriage of her heiress broke up. As it turned out, Andrei broke up with Xenia immediately after marriage. He left her without even starting to live with her.

“Ksenia sobbed simply. He didn't sleep with her! He did not live with her. He left and that's it, ”Rosa said. The TV presenter's daughter refuses to answer any questions related to her marriage and subsequent divorce. Apparently, this topic is still very painful for her, and she does not want to reopen old wounds.