When is Daughters Day in the year? Daughter's Day: the most beautiful Ukrainian mothers with their princesses

After more than a year break, without waiting for a return meeting with Khabib Nurmagomedov, on Saturday January 18, 2020 (in Russia it will be the morning of January 19, 2020) the Irish fighter Conor Anthony McGregor will appear in the octagon again, to the delight of his many fans.

Former UFC champion Conor McGregor will fight his next fight with an American mixed martial arts fighter Donald Anthony Cerrone, also known as " Cowboy".

36-year-old Donald Cerrone ranks 5th in the UFC rankings, weighs 77 kg with a height of 183 cm (according to other sources - 185 cm) and has won 36 out of 50 fights. It should be noted that the last 2 years in Cerrone's career is going through a "dark streak" - in 6 out of 10 fights he was defeated (including by Tony Ferguson, who, we recall, in 2020 is due to meet with McGregor's "offender" - Khabib).

That is, who will McGregor fight on January 18, 2020:
* with Donald Cerrone ("Cowboy").

Where will Conor McGregor fight on January 18 (19), 2020:

Venue of the fight Conor McGregor vs "Cowboy" Cerrone - T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas (USA, Nevada).

The fight will be the headliner (main event) of the tournament" UFC 246".

The T-Mobile arena hosts UFC events infrequently, about 3 times a year. And it was here on October 6 last year that McGregor suffered his “extreme” defeat. Therefore, the choice of this particular venue for his next fight looks like an attempt to frame the upcoming fight as a kind of “revenge”, an opportunity to rehabilitate himself in front of the fans.

What time does the Conor McGregor fight start on January 18 (19), 2020, where to watch:

The start time for UFC 246 is 3:00 pm local time on January 18, 2020 (2:00 am Moscow time on January 19, 2020, due to the 11-hour time difference between Las Vegas and Moscow).

The fight card of the tournament includes 12 fights, of which the fight between Conor McGregor and Donald Cerrone will be the final one. The fighters will enter the ring closer to 8 a.m. "Moscow time" 01/19/2020

The McGregor-Cerrone meeting will be shown live TV channel "REN TV". The start of the television broadcast dedicated to this event is scheduled for 06:30 Moscow time.

That is, the Conor McGregor fight on January 18 (19), 2020:
* what time will it start - after 6:30 am Moscow time.
* where to watch - on the REN TV channel.

When to swim for Epiphany 2020:

You should swim in an ice hole at Epiphany in 2020 on the night of January 18-19, 2020(from Saturday to Sunday), or during the day 01/19/2020.

Approximate operation mode of the baths (check for your bathing place):
* from 23:00 January 18, 2020 to 04:00 January 19, 2020
* from 12:00 to 18:00 during the day on January 19, 2020

Many people believe that the procedure of washing in ice water allows you to completely wash away your sins, but this is not so. The ritual of swimming in an ice hole has a different meaning: it gives people the opportunity to strengthen their will by performing a courageous act, give a positive impetus to health, get a charge of vigor and improve their mood.

When and how to tell fortunes for Epiphany 2020:

It is believed that the best time for fortune telling on this winter holiday is night from 18 to 19 January 2020 There is a great variety of fortune telling that allows you to lift the veil of the future, and if you are ready for this, we will tell you about some of them.

One of the oldest fortune-telling, popular to this day, is called " Calling a passerby" and allows you to find out the name of the future groom, as well as some of his "special features", such as height, eye and hair color, nose shape, etc. To do this, you should go out at midnight and ask the name of the first man you meet, and also take a closer look at those details of his appearance that interest you.

You can get a hint regarding the future using the second method, which is called " Fortune telling by book". To do this, we find a serious book, preferably a classic work of Russian literature, ask a question, name the page and line numbers that come to mind, open and read the first full sentence.

Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020 - where the announcement will take place:

On Wednesday January 15, 2020 President of Russia Vladimir Putin will speak with the next message to the Federal Assembly. This is one of Vladimir Putin's three most anticipated annual speeches, which are broadcast live, along with a press conference and a live line.

Venue the event will be Moscow Manege(Central Exhibition Hall, located at Manezhnaya Square, 1).

What will the President's Address to the Federal Assembly look like in 2020:

The President's Address to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020 will be 26th in a row in Russian history, and 16th performance personally by V.V. Putin(Boris Yeltsin also delivered the Message 6 times, and Dmitry Medvedev 4 times).

What time will Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly begin on January 15, 2020, where to watch:

Putin's address to the Parliament of the Russian Federation is scheduled to begin on January 15, 2020. at 12:00 Moscow time.

Below we tell you where to watch the 2020 Presidential Address online and live.

On the Internet, an online broadcast, as well as viewing a recorded message, will be available:
* on the website of the organizer of the address of the Head of State - the television company VGTRK.

Putin's Address to the Federal Assembly will be shown live on the following channels:
* "First", "Russia 1", "OTR", "Mir" .

The Message to the Federal Assembly 2020 can not only be watched, but also listened to on radio stations:
* "Mayak" and "Radio Russia".

Very soon Olga Freimut will become a mother for the third time, but for now the celebrity is thoroughly enjoying motherhood, raising her daughter Zlata and son Valery. By the way, the TV presenter has a special and very close relationship with her daughter. This is evidenced by their joint photos on Instagram.

This year marks 13 years. The girl is growing up to be a real beauty and every year she becomes more and more like her star mother.

This year, Svetlana Loboda’s daughter turned 6 years old. Looking at the pictures of the singer on the microblog, it’s hard not to notice that the girl has grown a lot and turned into a little princess!

Singer Anna Sedokova enjoys motherhood in one of the sunniest regions of the USA - California. Despite her busy schedule, the star mother tries to spend as much time as possible with her daughters and travel.

Vera Brezhnev can also be considered one of the most beautiful star mothers in Ukraine. She not only continues to build her career, but also tries to spend a lot of time with her daughters. And recently she appeared at a social event together with her eldest daughter Sonya Kiperman.

The longest-legged blonde in Ukrainian show business also boasts beautiful daughters. In the family of singer Olya Polyakova, two children are growing up - the eldest daughter Masha, who is very similar to her mother, and the youngest Alisa.

Despite the fact that the actress’s eldest daughter lives separately from her parents, the whole family always gets together during the holidays. For example, this Easter weekend the star family attended a church service together.

The daughter of TV presenter Liliya Rebrik is growing up to be a real copy of her star mother - she not only dances beautifully, but also often demonstrates her acting talent to her parents.

Another star child, Anastasia Prikhodko’s daughter Nanna, was lucky enough to inherit her mother’s talents. And the girl is incredibly similar to her mother!

Singer Kamaliya spares nothing for her little ones. Celebrity daughters, twins Arabella and Mirabella, live like in a fairy tale. And at social events, girls often appear in mini copies of their star mother’s outfits.

Holidays are an integral part of our social life, many of which concern us personally, our loved ones and friends.

Almost every day in Russia some holiday is celebrated.

In the calendar of socially significant holidays, many dates are designed to strengthen family relationships. The names of such celebrations contain an indication of one or another degree of relationship. For example, every country celebrates Mother's Day and Father's Day at certain times. There is also Sons' Day and Daughters' Day. Daughter's Day is international in nature and is celebrated annually on April 25th.

Information about the Daughter's Day holiday

It is unknown who and when added the holiday April 25, Daughter's Day, to the list of solemn dates. In English its name sounds like “Daughter’s day”. Whoever the author of the idea of ​​​​creating, albeit unofficial, such a Day was, he pursued several goals at once.

Firstly, the Daughter’s Day holiday should attract the attention of government leaders and special services and organizations to the problems of teenage girls. This is also the psychological support that young creatures need when developing their personality; and training in career guidance, and familiarizing female teenagers with their rights.

Secondly, Daughter’s Day is needed to strengthen and elevate the daughter’s status in the family. Over the course of thousands of years and centuries, it has turned out that girls in the family are less loved than sons. Among many peoples, having a daughter has always been considered something generally shameful, while being the parents of a son is very honorable. This trend has not yet been completely overcome. But in the 21st century there should be no place for discrimination against children based on gender, especially within a social unit. Thus, April's Daughter's Day is intended to destroy this relic of the past.

Thirdly, the holiday on April 25, Daughter's Day, shows the importance of daughters for humanity as a whole. After all, girls born are future women, and therefore continue the family line. If female babies are not born, very soon people as such will disappear from the face of the Earth. It is interesting that with boy sons the situation is somewhat different: women will have enough genetic male material for procreation for quite a long time. In addition, nature, in the absence of men, is able to turn on the mechanism of parthenogenesis in a woman’s body, in which fertilization of the egg is not required to give birth to a child. And as a result of this process, women will only have daughters, strikingly similar to themselves.

Finally, Daughter’s Day, as conceived by its initiators, is a holiday of tenderness and warmth experienced towards female children. Thanks to this celebration, fathers and mothers should learn to be proud of their daughters, find a common language with them, and love their girls with unconditional love.

Since Daughter's Day is a family holiday, it should be celebrated with family. On this day, daughters receive gifts, congratulations, and hear phrases expressing their parents’ kind attitude towards them. On April 25, loving mothers and fathers pay special attention to their children: they spend more time with the girls, study and play with their little daughters, take them to the cinema and the park. And, of course, the crowning glory should be a delicious festive dinner organized in honor of the daughter!

Etymology of the word

The expression "daughter" is of Slavic origin. It originates from the Proto-Slavic form “dъkťi” of the word “daughter”, used in the ancient Russian language. The old Slavic expression “dashti” and the ancient “doshtr” also played a role in the formation of the term. An interesting fact: as a derivative of the latter, the word “daughter” sounds in almost all languages ​​of the Indo-European group. For example, in Armenian “daughter” will be “dustr”, in Persian - “doχtar”, in Avestan - “dugədar”. The Germans use the word “Tochter” to designate this family status, the British and Americans use “daughter”.

At the end of the 19th century, in 1883, the German Franz Bopp, a linguist by profession, put forward a version according to which the expression we are interested in, as well as the word “children,” comes from the verb “to milk.” However, this hypothesis was later refuted. The reason for this was that if “daughter” were a derivative of the words “milk” or “milking”, subsequently, when the today’s form of the word was formed, its internal particle would change from “-oh” to “-e”. More precisely, instead of “daughter,” we would use the form “daughter” in our speech today.

Many famous linguists have tried to solve the riddle of the word. History names such names as Feist, Bernecker, Walde, etc. But none of them managed to give an intelligible answer to the question posed. The reason for the failure of these people was the wrongly chosen base - Sanskrit, although this language revealed a descendant of our word, but not the original source.

In reality, there is no secret, because the meaning of the form “daughter” lies on the surface - you just have to read it more closely. “Daughter” literally means “before separation,” that is, before moving to another family. In other words, a female person was called a daughter until she got married and became a member of another unit of society. This is still true today, however, of course, in the modern world it does not matter at all when and whether a daughter starts her own family - in any case, she remains a daughter for her parents and cannot be called anything else.

Who loves daughters more?

Despite the fact that we live in a civilized world, in the age of high technology, the attitude towards some things among the lion's share of the world's population does not change. Whether now or a thousand years ago, men dreamed of having a son. However, many women also have a similar desire - either out of solidarity with their husbands, or because, according to the established opinion, boys are less hassle in life. However, statistical surveys show: despite the strong desire of men to give birth to sons, they love their daughters more than them.

Why is this happening? Yes, because a little daughter evokes tenderness in a man, a desire to take care of the baby, protect her from harm, and thereby makes the father feel strong, courageous, and persistent. In addition, if a growing daughter begins to admire her dad, telling him that in the future she wants to have a husband who would be like her father - handsome, brave, smart, even the most callous and hardened male heart cannot help but melt. The daughter helps the father to feel in himself to the fullest extent what is called the parental instinct, makes him understand that the latter is inherent not only in women, as is commonly thought.

Psychologists say: for representatives of the stronger sex, their daughters are the ideal woman. At least, they unconsciously try to raise their girl in this spirit. To some extent, a man loves his daughter more than even his own wife and mother, because she is his flesh and blood, and his daughter’s intelligence, abilities and beauty are his merit.

Daughters reciprocate their dads. You can often hear the expression “daddy's girl.” It indicates that such a daughter loves her father more than her mother. This, of course, does not apply to all girls, but this phenomenon is quite common, especially in childhood. That's how nature decreed it.

We cordially congratulate everyone on April 25, Daughter's Day. May it be fun for all the girls in the world!

Knowing what date Daughter's Day is in 2019, you can prepare congratulations in advance. Parents give girls gifts, shower them with attention and affection, and show their love in other ways. And although this holiday appeared recently, thanks to the efforts of activists and people concerned with social problems, every year it is gaining more and more popularity.

When will it be celebrated?

There is no single date for celebrating Daughters' Day yet, and it is unlikely that anything will change in 2019.

On this day, the so-called Labor Day of Daughters and Sons is celebrated in the United States. Its main feature is that parents can take their children to work, show them what they do, how the work process takes place, etc.

You can also present congratulations to your child on the fourth Sunday of September. This holiday for future descendants of the family was approved by UNICEF, the UN Children's Fund.

History of appearance

Nowadays it is not known for certain who and when proposed celebrating this family holiday, which served as the impetus for its creation. Daughter's Day has a social basis, as it is intended to draw public attention to the problems of girls and adolescents. Activists call for assistance to future women in adapting to the world around them and socializing in society.

Some sources claim that Daughter's Day simply added to a number of family holidays that are dedicated to father, mother, sons, brothers and sisters, although there is another opinion. This holiday is an opportunity to emphasize the importance of the girl in the family, because in the future she will continue the family line. Previously, when a son appeared, parents felt proud, because they acquired a descendant, a protector, a warrior. They invested all their resources in him to raise a real man, a man with a capital M. The appearance of a daughter caused more shame. And although over time the trend lost its relevance, some families did not pay enough attention to their daughters. To fix this, the idea of ​​creating a holiday arose.


Different nations celebrate Daughter's Day in different ways. Due to the social overtones of the holiday, many cities organize conferences, seminars and other events aimed at solving the problems of modern youth and children. After visiting them, parents often change their attitude towards family values, begin to raise their offspring differently and show love for them.

At such events, the question of the importance of a woman not only as a mother, but also as a successful person is often raised. Achieving goals largely depends on upbringing, so training lessons are organized for parents and discussions are held at round tables. They usually share the secrets of good upbringing, tell the stories of successful women - actresses, politicians, diplomats, entrepreneurs, scientists, etc.

In some cities, girls are congratulated like this:

  • organize sports competitions (mainly among women's sports - gymnastics, athletics, etc.);
  • organize beauty contests and dance competitions;
  • hold concerts with the participation of local bands and stars;
  • They make interesting excursions on various topics, etc.

Interesting! Particular attention is paid to the holiday in India. In honor of Daughter's Day, a special campaign is being launched on social networks, in which parents and grandparents send congratulations to their children and grandchildren.

In the family

Since it is a family holiday, it is necessarily celebrated with family and friends. Gifts are usually prepared in advance for daughters. These can be inexpensive souvenirs or useful things (creativity kits, books, etc.), or electronic gadgets (smart watches, smartphones, headphones). The choice of gift depends on the age of the recipient, her hobbies and the financial capabilities of her parents.

In some families, the holiday is dedicated to entertainment or cultural development. To do this visit:

  • cinemas;
  • entertainment centers;
  • museums;
  • Exhibitions;
  • amusement parks, etc.

The main goal is to spend time with the child, show him love, care, and improve relationships. Relaxing together gives a feeling of harmony, gives confidence and gives a lot of positive emotions.

Important! You can congratulate not only minor girls, but also adult women on the holiday.

You can end the day with a festive dinner. Mothers usually prepare their child’s favorite dishes to once again emphasize their love and respect.

If you didn’t know what date Daughter’s Day was in 2019, now you have eliminated this knowledge gap, which means you can make a pleasant surprise for your child.

Look video about Daughter's Day: