Magnesia ("Magnesium sulfate") during pregnancy: indications for use, safety and effect. Magnesia and pregnancy: why are droppers and intramuscular injections prescribed for pregnant women in the early and late stages? Magnesia dropper during pregnancy

For the first time in obstetric practice, magnesium sulfate (magnesium) was used at the beginning of the last century as an anticonvulsant.

Since then, magnesium preparations have been widely used in medicine to prevent obstetric complications, improve the condition of pregnant women and prevent magnesium deficiency in the body.

However, in recent years there have been alarming reports that the active use of magnesium during pregnancy can pose a threat to the unborn baby.

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, etc.) is a colorless powdery substance of natural origin, which has found application in various fields of human activity.

In medicine, magnesium sulphate is used as a solution of 25% concentration, in a single dose of 20-40 ml, if necessary, or as a suspension for oral administration, previously prepared from a powder.

Medical magnesia is a preparation consisting of a single main component and not containing any auxiliary substances. The range of indications for the use of magnesium sulfate is quite wide:

  • hypertensive crisis (including the risk of a crisis);
  • acute magnesium deficiency in the body (including the risk of developing acute hypomagnesemia, during periods of increased demand for magnesium);
  • spasms of smooth muscle;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • the need to stimulate defecation (, before medical procedures, etc.), and so on.

Moreover, the achievement of the desired effect from the effects of magnesium sulfate on the body depends on the form in which the patient takes the medicine: in the form of a suspension for swallowing or in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections. During pregnancy, most often, there are indications for the injection of magnesia.

The list of contraindications to the use of magnesium sulfate solution and the risk of developing a negative effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman is quite large. In addition, there are strict procedural rules for introducing magnesia into the patient's blood. Therefore, injections of magnesium sulfate should be carried out in a medical institution.

Indications for the use of magnesia during pregnancy in themselves require continuous medical supervision, therefore, the appointment of droppers or magnesia injections is carried out for expectant mothers undergoing inpatient treatment.

Why is Magnesia prescribed to pregnant women: at what time is the drug indicated?

The wide spectrum of action of magnesium sulfate, its effectiveness and relative safety for the mother and fetus, its availability and low cost make magnesium one of the most popular means in the treatment of pregnancy complications such as:

  • caused by myometrial tone.

In this case, first of all, the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate as a tocolytic agent is important. Magnesium ions, acting as calcium channel blockers, remove the ability of smooth muscles to spasm, eliminating uterine tone.

At the same time, the vasodilating effect of magnesium has a positive effect on the quality of blood circulation, including oxygen exchange in the "womb-placenta-fetus" system;

  • Often the cause of excessive uterine tone during pregnancy is hypomagnesemia.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity with magnesium injections allows, among other things, to replenish the magnesium content in the body of a pregnant woman. Also, a sedative, calming effect of magnesia has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the expectant mother in case of a threat of premature birth;

In the early stages, magnesium is usually not prescribed for pregnant women.

Doctors consider it expedient to prescribe magnesium to preserve pregnancy from the second trimester of pregnancy, since in the early stages the risk of premature rejection of the fetus by the uterus is, most often, hormonal in nature.

  • Terrible complications of preeclampsia (with nephropathy, convulsive syndromes).

In the later stages, magnesia is indicated for use as a rapid response agent for the relief of convulsive eclamptic seizures in a patient.

The narcotic-like effect of magnesia in certain doses inhibits the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, including acting as an anesthetic.

Magnesia has a beneficial effect on the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions, has a hypotensive effect. In addition, magnesia stimulates the urinary process, thus reducing swelling in a patient with preeclampsia.

Forms of application of Magnesia during pregnancy: injection or drip?

Indications for the use of magnesium sulfate during pregnancy require the intake and presence of a certain concentration of the drug in the patient's blood, which cannot be achieved with oral administration. In addition, the consequences of taking magnesia when swallowed can provoke the development of contractile activity of the uterus.

Therefore, expectant mothers, as a rule, are prescribed injections of the drug:

  • intramuscularly, in the form of injections;
  • intravenously, by drip.

The effect of the use of magnesia in both cases is the same. Moreover, with intravenous administration of the drug, its action begins immediately, since the drug instantly enters the woman's blood. Whereas with intramuscular injection, the agent begins to show its properties within an hour after administration.

In recent years, doctors have given preference to the intravenous use of magnesia for pregnant women, since injections of the drug into the muscle are very painful, cause the formation of hematomas at the site of injection of the syringe, and require careful, unhurried procedure from the staff.

The exact dosage of magnesium should be calculated for you in the hospital. You should not give such injections at home, as this drug has a number of serious side effects.

It is necessary to inject 5-20 ml of 20-25% solution of Magnesia per day by drip or by injection. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Is Magnesia safe?

In many countries (including Russia), doctors often resort to long-term course use of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of pregnant women with.

Statements about the safety of such treatment for the fetus are based on the experience of previous generations, while there is no evidence for this from evidence-based medicine.

On the contrary, in the recent past, American scientists stated that, according to the results of a study of newborns whose mothers received long-term therapy with magnesium sulfate (more than 10 weeks), data on the negative intrauterine effect of magnesia on the fetus were confirmed.

In the observed infants, skeletal abnormalities were noted, which scientists attribute to hypocalcemia resulting from the leaching of calcium from the bones of the fetus in the prenatal period, due to attack by magnesium ions. However, pathological changes in bone tissue, apparently, are short-term and can be corrected.

Research on this subject is ongoing, but Western doctors strongly recommend prescribing magnesium only in cases where the likely benefits of treatment outweigh the risk of adverse effects on the fetus and adhere to the time limits for therapy using magnesium sulfate in the treatment of expectant mothers.

Of no small importance is the rate of administration of the drug to a pregnant woman. Magnesium ions freely penetrate the placenta, ending up in the blood of the fetus in the same concentration as in the blood of the mother.

The rapid intake of magnesium sulfate, especially during labor (for example, in the treatment of eclampsia during labor, when trying to slow down premature labor, etc.) causes a decrease in blood pressure, respiratory depression, impaired brain activity in a newborn, as a reaction to a sharp hypermagnesemia.

This can lead to death for the baby in utero or in the neonatal period.

If it becomes necessary to use magnesium in the prenatal period, then, in order to avoid the adverse effect of the drug on the fetus, the administration of magnesium sulfate is stopped at least 2 hours before the expected onset of labor, if this does not threaten the life of the mother.

Side effect

Often, future mothers, receiving conservation therapy with magnesium, complain about certain changes in their well-being, quite rightly associating them with the side effect of the drug, namely:

Contraindications for taking Magnesia during pregnancy

The use of magnesia in the treatment of a pregnant woman may be contraindicated under certain conditions:

  • chronic arterial hypotension, or severe hypotension, as a reaction to the drug;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • intolerance to the drug (dangerous disruption of the functioning of the vital organs, as a reaction to the drug).

In recent years, physicians have expressed an ambiguous opinion about the use of magnesium sulfate in obstetric practice.

On the one hand, there is evidence of adverse effects of the drug on the mother's body and, to an even greater extent, on the well-being of the fetus.

On the other hand, many complications of pregnancy, for which magnesium is prescribed, arise due to a deficiency of magnesium in the body and are curable with replenishment of the substance.

The search for an ideal alternative to injectable magnesium sulfate continues. In the meantime, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers at the stage of pregnancy planning to review their diet and, if necessary, include magnesium-containing supplements in it.

Doctors around the world, in the event of various deviations in the health of a woman carrying a child, prescribe a magnesia preparation intravenously. For this, a special medical device is used - a dropper, which allows you to administer the medicine very slowly.

The chemical name for this compound is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. The drug has a symbol of the chemical composition MgSO 4 7H 2 O.

This compound was isolated and described by an English botanist, Nehemiah Grew. At the end of the 17th century, a learned botanist conducted research on the composition of water taken from a mineral spring, the English town of Epsom, and isolated colorless crystals from it, which then began to be called, in honor of the country of discovery, Epsomite or Epsomite.

In pharmaceuticals, this compound is called magnesia and has been used to treat people since 1906, as a drug to help cope with convulsions and the pain that accompanies them. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution in ampoules or a white crystalline powder.

Magnesia is effective in the treatment of:

  • gynecological pathologies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • gastroenterological abnormalities.

Such a wide range of use of the drug is possible due to its many positive properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body.


If you dilute the white crystalline powder of the drug with pure water, and then drink the resulting suspension, then the laxative and choleretic effect of the drug will affect the person. Also, ingestion of a mixture of magnesia with water will help to remove toxic substances from the body in case of poisoning with chemical elements.

These are the following elements:

  • mercury;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • barium salts.

Magnesia, administered by injection intramuscularly or by a medical dropper intravenously, will act on the body as a hypotonic, antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsant, sedative and vasodilator. For women in position, then the tocolytic effect will also work.

The use of magnesium sulfate for compresses improves blood circulation in tissues, produces local anesthesia and resorption of edema. Athletes rub their hands with sports magnesia to ensure good grip with the projectile, the effect is achieved by drying the skin on the palms of their hands.

Why magnesium is needed: properties:

Why is a magnesium dropper prescribed during pregnancy

Abroad, American and European medical specialists prescribe the use of magnesium sulfate in a 3-month cycle to prevent the development and treatment of abnormalities when a woman carries a fetus (preeclampsia) and its complicated form, which appears at the 20th week of pregnancy (eclampsia) and is characterized by disorders and interruptions in the work of several body systems at once.

In the Russian Federation, magnesium is used for a wider range of symptoms of the development of deviations in the health of the expectant mother:


Magnesium sulfate should not be used by people suffering from following diseases or in a certain condition:

  • Low blood pressure in the chronic phase (arterial hypotension).
  • Heart block, when the electrical impulse that sets the rhythm does not pass well from the atria to the ventricles of the heart (atrioventricular block).
  • Very low heart rate (severe bradycardia).
  • Depressed state of the respiratory center of the human body.
  • Before childbirth.
  • Inflammation of the intestines (appendicitis).
  • Inability of the kidneys to fully perform their functions (renal failure).
  • With a strong loss of water by the human body.
  • When bleeding from a person's anus (rectal bleeding).
  • The state of the body in which acute intestinal obstruction is formed.

Is it possible to give magnesia injections in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

In the first 3-month pregnancy cycle of a woman, in the event of uterine hypertonicity, spontaneous abortion may occur, so emergency treatment is necessary.

In order to counteract the development of painful symptoms, the use of magnesia is strongly discouraged, due to the lack of full-fledged medical research on this issue, other medical drugs should be used.

Magnesia during pregnancy (the dropper provides a gradual, not rapid intravenous flow of the drug) and is used in the second three-month cycle of gestation for the prevention of preeclampsia and elimination of deviations of the placental circulatory system of the fetus.

Such a medical procedure effectively restores the health of the future mother and protects the cerebral lobes of the head of the child being born from injuries associated with oxygen deficiency in his circulatory system.

To treat late toxicosis and its acute form - eclampsia, as well as to prevent premature birth in the third three-month pregnancy cycle, you can use magnesium sulfate. It is forbidden to use the drug "magnesia" less than 2 hours from the expected birth.

Is it possible to refuse a dropper with magnesia

Women with complications during childbearing, especially when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy and miscarriage, are sent to the pathology department.

When determining therapy by a doctor, you should ask him about the negative effect of drugs on the child being born. If a woman believes that her unborn child will be in danger, then she can refuse any medication, including magnesia. Under these conditions, the doctor cannot take responsibility for the normal course of gestation.

It must be understood that in some cases, the use of the medical preparation "magnesium sulfate" is the only way to ensure normal, full-fledged gestation in the mother's womb.

Methods of use during pregnancy and dosage

During pregnancy, a woman has the right to administer magnesium in 3 different ways:

If there is a need to use a laxative and choleretic agent, a woman should take a suspension of magnesia orally. Depending on the strength of constipation, 10-30 g of white, crystalline powder of magnesium sulfate is used to prepare the solution, gently dissolving it in half a glass of warm water.

Suspension of magnesia is taken approximately 2 hours before the morning meal, no more than once every 24 hours.

The introduction of magnesia with the help of injections into the muscle tissue is prescribed by a doctor quite rarely, because of their severe pain and the need for a very slow introduction of the drug into the body (3 ml in 3 minutes). This procedure is practiced by emergency doctors with very high pressure, for this they mix Epsom salts with pain medication.

Magnesia during pregnancy (a dropper is a medical device for delivering medicinal preparations into the patient's venous blood) is administered intravenously slowly, due to the fact that when the drug enters the woman's circulatory system quickly, there is a possibility of severe hypotension and oxygen starvation of the fetus.

The doctor usually prescribes a dosage of 5-20 ml per procedure, it is possible to administer the drug 2 times a day, the duration of the treatment course is a week.

Is magnesium safe

Doctors around the world often use a long course of Epsom salt treatment for pregnant women with increased uterine tone.

The drug is safe, but long-term therapy of women in the position of magnesia (more than 70 days) leads to an adverse effect on the development of the fetus in the womb.

Babies born had malformations of the skeletal structure associated with hypocalcemia. It arose in connection with the interaction of magnesium ions with bone calcium, and its leaching during the development of a child in the womb. Although the same studies have shown that such a pathology has a short period and can be eliminated.

Magnesia during pregnancy is used mainly in the form of a dropper, since the slow administration of the drug reduces the risk of severe hypotension and oxygen starvation of the fetus

Experts continue to investigate this problem. European doctors insist, when using magnesia, to assess the risk of harm to the fetus after using magnesium sulfate and the positive effect of the treatment. Be sure to observe the timing of therapeutic therapy for pregnant women.

Impact on the fetus

In the first 3 months of childbearing, when the birth and development of the organs and systems of the child to be born occurs, even with the threat of miscarriage, the use of magnesium sulfate is categorically not recommended.

A short and well-dosed use of magnesia by injection is considered not dangerous for expectant mothers and for their gestating children in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

It is very important to understand that the speed of injection of magnesia determines the intensity of its action on the human body. The woman's placenta cannot retain free magnesium ions, so they freely enter the circulatory system of the fetus. The amount of the substance in the circulatory system of the child to be born does not differ from the concentration of the drug in the circulatory system of the expectant mother.

The high rate of magnesia saturation in the blood of a pregnant woman at the beginning of labor leads to:

  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • disruption of the normal blood supply to the gray matter of the brain;
  • breathing problems in a newborn baby.

All of these factors can kill a child.

In extreme, severe cases, the use of magnesium sulfate is allowed 2 hours before the possible onset of constant contractions in a woman. There is an opinion that a short-term use of magnesia has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, protects its nervous tissues and prevents the development of cerebral palsy, accelerates metabolism, providing a normal body weight for the newborn.

Influence on the course of childbirth

Medical practice has shown that the use of magnesia in an unfavorable pregnancy significantly increases the possibility of full-fledged bearing and birth of a child with excellent health on time.

It is believed that a dropper of magnesium sulfate, made 2 hours before the start of regular contractions, does not affect the course of normal labor activity. With the threat of early childbirth, magnesia relaxes the muscles of the uterus, ensuring the extension of a woman's normal pregnancy.

Side effects

The use of Epsom salts during treatment can lead to the following side effects of the medication:

  • The occurrence of severe sweating.
  • The appearance of constant thirst.
  • Manifestation of the oppressed work of the human heart.
  • Severe drop in human blood pressure.
  • The occurrence of an arrhythmia.
  • Redness of the skin on the face due to congestion.
  • Inhibition of higher nervous activity.
  • The occurrence of a headache.
  • Embracing feelings of anxiety.
  • Clouding of consciousness.
  • The appearance of severe weakness (asthenia).
  • Decrease in human body temperature.
  • The occurrence of vomiting or nausea.
  • The appearance of diarrhea.
  • manifestation of flatulence.
  • Inducing polyuria.


Magnesia during pregnancy (a dropper is a very precise medical device that perfectly controls the rate of drug administration) is administered intravenously in two ways, by injection or by a dropper, to avoid the administration of a therapeutic agent with an incorrect, increased rate of entry of the substance into the blood, a dropper should be used.

Due to the fact that magnesia has a wide range of applications and is a strong medicine, its high concentration in the body can disrupt the normal functioning of the higher nervous system and lead to respiratory depression in humans.

Symptoms of drug poisoning when taking a suspension by mouth are severe diarrhea. The medicine should be stopped and the diarrhea should be treated.

In case of an overdose of taking the device intravenously or intramuscularly, the following symptoms are observed:

  • low heart rate and blood pressure
  • no knee jerk
  • severe nausea and vomiting.

In order to stop the symptoms of poisoning, it is urgent to introduce an antidote (10% solution of chloride or calcium gluconate). The antidote solution is slowly injected into a vein in 5-10 ml.

Interaction with other drugs

Magnesium sulfate introduced into the human blood system can change the effect of drugs (enhance or weaken the medicinal properties) when they are used together.

These are the following drugs:

  • Tetracycline antibiotics - lower their productivity and worsen their intake from the human intestinal tract.
  • Ciprofloxacin - the drug enhances antibacterial properties.
  • Phenothiazine, cardiac glycosides, Anticoagulants (oral) - reduce their productivity.
  • Nifedipine can cause severe muscle weakness.
  • Tobramycin and Streptomycin - the antibacterial properties of the drugs decrease.
  • Muscle relaxants of peripheral action - increase their effectiveness.

Magnesia should not be used with the following remedies:

  • Hydrocortisone.
  • Barium.
  • Tartrates.
  • calcium.
  • Phosphate carbonates.
  • Hydrocarbonates of alkali metals.
  • Procaine hydrochloride.
  • Strontium.
  • salicylates.
  • Clindamycin.
  • Arsenic salts.


The global drug manufacturing industry produces drugs similar to magnesia, similar in structure to the main, active element:

What you need to know about magnesium treatment during pregnancy

Only a medical specialist can prescribe a medicine for use, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug and observe the time period for its use. It is not recommended to use magnesia in the first 3 months of bearing a child. Magnesium sulfate must enter the blood very slowly.

It is safest and most effective to inject magnesia into the circulatory system for a woman in a position through a dropper, which will ensure the correct and constant rate of administration of the drug.

A woman can always refuse treatment that, in her opinion, will harm the child she is carrying. But you need to do this thoughtfully, sometimes magnesium sulfate is the only way to save a child being born.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: magnesium dropper during pregnancy

The use of magnesium during pregnancy:

How to put a drip at home:

Throughout the entire period of gestation, there may be situations when a woman or her unborn baby will need treatment.

injections Normalization through a drip
Magne B6 Side Effect Side Effects
pregnant at the doctor's accuracy

Among the variety of medications that can be prescribed to a future mother, magnesia during pregnancy is not the last. If a pregnant woman is in the hospital, then she definitely will not do without the introduction of magnesium sulfate.

Indications for the use of the drug

Magnesia injections during pregnancy have a number of useful properties that help to cure certain diseases and conditions of women in position, as well as prevent possible abortion and the development of complications.

Let us consider in more detail why they put magnesium droppers during pregnancy:

  • promotes relaxation of the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • a dropper with magnesia relieves hypertension during pregnancy;
  • promotes muscle relaxation;
  • has a calming effect;
  • eliminates cramps;
  • magnesia during pregnancy improves overall well-being;
  • relieves swelling, promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body.

In the form of injections

Thus, magnesium during pregnancy is used in the following cases:

  • there is a possibility of premature birth;
  • the presence of gestosis;
  • severe convulsive conditions;
  • lack of magnesium;
  • hypertension;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • stagnation of urine;
  • the need to remove heavy metals from the body.

Treatment methods

Method of administrationImpact on the bodyReason for appointment
1. IntravenouslyThe introduction of magnesium intravenously during pregnancy can reduce the activity of substances that transmit impulses from the nervous system to peripheral nerves. Thanks to this effect, magnesia during pregnancy normalizes blood pressure, relieves convulsions.Convulsive syndrome, high blood pressure
2. IntramuscularThe use of magnesia intramuscularly during pregnancy helps to relax smooth muscles. Thus, magnesia injections during pregnancy can relieve uterine hypertonicity.Uterine hypertonicity
3. PowderThe instructions for the use of magnesia during pregnancy indicate that it can have a laxative effect, since this substance practically does not enter the bloodstream from the intestines.constipation
4. Electrophoresis with magnesia during pregnancyMagnesia inhibits the spread of nerve impulses to peripheral nerves, but is characterized by a lesser degree of effect.Predisposition to thrombophlebitis, eclampsia, swelling

Magnesia may be given early in pregnancy. The main indications for its use are:

  • problems with miscarriage of a child;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • lack of magnesium in the body.

If any of the above pathologies occurs, an immediate decision is made to eliminate it, for which magnesia is dripped during pregnancy. Injections in such cases are very rare.

Normalization of blood pressure with magnesium

It is worth noting that with the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, magnesia is prescribed only in injections. This procedure has its own characteristics.

  1. The process is quite painful and brings a lot of discomfort. Incorrect administration can cause the formation of an inflammatory process and subsequent tissue death.
  2. Before injection, the solution is first heated.
  3. For the procedure, it is imperative to use a long needle.
  4. The drug is administered very slowly, just like in a dropper.

Dangers of taking this drug

If your doctor has prescribed magnesium sulfate for you, be sure to ask about the side effects. Of course, hypertonicity for the expectant mother and baby is much more dangerous than this drug, but no studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on the baby.

Introduction through a drip

It has always been believed that long-term use of the product confirms its safety.

It is worth noting that some experts are generally against the use of magnesia, because they are sure that it does more harm than good. However, the remedy is prescribed to almost all pregnant women who find themselves in a hospital bed for various reasons.

There are a number of side effects that can occur when magnesia enters the body of a pregnant woman.

  1. Headache.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Sleepy state.
  4. An increased sense of anxiety.
  5. Vomit.
  6. Reduced blood pressure.
  7. Feeling of weakness.
  8. Speech disorders.

There are also some features associated with the appointment of the drug:

  • the use of magnesium sulfate is contraindicated at low pressure, a clear decrease in blood pressure is the main reason for discontinuing this drug;
  • the intake of dietary supplements, calcium and magnesia is contraindicated;
  • it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the drug, since if the dose is exceeded, it can act like a drug: breathing is disturbed, oxygen supply to the fetus is difficult;
  • short-term use of magnesia during pregnancy is considered harmless to the mother and baby only in the later stages, in the first trimester the drug is contraindicated;
  • in the prenatal period, the introduction of magnesia is also contraindicated. Therefore, just before the birth, the doctor must stop taking this remedy, otherwise it will prevent the opening of the cervix.

Side effect of taking - drowsiness

When prescribing the drug, all possible risks for the expectant mother and child should be taken into account, because magnesium sulfate has very significant side effects. That is why this drug should be used under the strict supervision of specialists, strictly according to the instructions in compliance with the dosage.

What do patients think?

Consider the reviews of women who took magnesia during pregnancy, and find out their opinion about the drug.

Anna Kobyakova:

I have had high blood pressure throughout my life. Before pregnancy, I underwent a thorough examination, all the time I am under the close supervision of a doctor. At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the pressure exceeded all norms, so an urgent hospitalization was carried out. I am currently on intravenous magnesium sulfate daily. There are no unpleasant sensations, the pressure immediately returns to normal, but after the injections, the state of health is simply disgusting. It probably has to do with the pressure drop.

Marina Devyatova:

The pregnancy proceeded well, there were no deviations. At 29 weeks, she felt pain in the lower abdomen, she was very drawn. I went to the doctor and they diagnosed uterine hypertonicity. I drank a course of medicines - it did not help. The doctor sent me to the hospital. They immediately began to give injections of magnesia. They are administered very slowly, almost like a dropper. The sensations are very unpleasant, the whole butt hurts - I can’t get up. However, the remedy is quite effective - the tone passed quickly.

Galina Borodyashcheva:

Literally at the 8th week of pregnancy, terrible swelling appeared. My gynecologist always advised me to drink less liquids, eat less foods containing a lot of water. I followed all the recommendations, but the swelling only increased. Maybe the whole thing was in the terrible heat - it was +32 degrees outside. In general, I was hospitalized with severe edema. My weight even increased by 3 kg from this extra fluid. The hospital put magnesium sulfate droppers. There were no unpleasant sensations, only sometimes after the procedure a little dizzy. But the effect was almost instantaneous! The swelling went down in a week! I do not recommend taking this drug without consulting a doctor, as it has too many side effects. The health of the baby is much more expensive.

Anastasia Solomatina:

She was treated for high blood pressure. In principle, I have always had a norm of 140/90, but during the gestation of the baby, the gynecologist said that this is very dangerous. Almost no drugs are available. At first, I followed some of the doctor's recommendations, but still periodically lay down for preservation. Then they put me on treatment for high blood pressure. Put on magnesium. There was a high weakness, lethargy, I wanted to sleep all the time. However, the drug is really effective: after a couple of days it was already canceled - the pressure dropped very much! Therefore, be careful with this remedy and in no case take it yourself! A big risk for both you and the baby.

Alesya Bortko:

At the first birth, I was injected with magnesium sulfate due to premature birth - I gave birth at 33 weeks. Tribal activity lasted the whole day! Thought it would be the end. My blood pressure dropped so much that I couldn't walk. If I may say, I crawled along the corridor. This drug may help with certain indications, but irreparable harm can be done to yourself. Never experiment on your own - it is very dangerous for health.

Victoria Losco:

She often suffered from seizures. Nothing helped. During the bearing of the child, it became simply unbearable - sometimes she could not reach home. The gynecologist suggested hospitalization, where they immediately began to put magnesium sulfate on me. The drug is effective, although it has many side effects. I was worried, at least it would be good to give birth. I went through a whole course, and the convulsions never returned to me. Therefore, do not be afraid to trust your doctor, perhaps everything is only for the best.

Also learn about the unexpected application and what is the real one.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Magnesia in pregnancy is widely used throughout the world to treat primarily pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, preterm labor and related symptoms. Pre-eclampsia, also known as late toxicosis, preeclampsia or hypertension in pregnancy, is characterized by a dangerous increase in blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine and edema. In severe cases, the condition also leads to visual impairment, kidney failure, hemorrhages in the liver and intestines, placental abruption, and fetal growth retardation. Pre-eclampsia can develop into eclampsia, when there is a loss of consciousness and convulsions begin, and also lead to a pathological change in the composition of the blood, which is deadly for a woman and a child.

Long-term empirical and clinical data support the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate, however, questions remain about its safety and mechanism of action.

In domestic obstetrics, Magnesia is used at the slightest suspicion of, with an increase in pressure and, not to mention the appearance of protein in the urine, doctors suggest that pregnant women go to the hospital for preservation and undergo a course of treatment with the drug.

But Western studies say that preeclampsia affects only 2-8% of all pregnancies, so many women are prescribed the drug unjustifiably. So why are pregnant women injected with magnesia and why is it recommended for almost every second expectant mother?

Magnesia is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate or magnesium salt of sulfuric acid with the formula MgSO4*7H2O. The substance has another name - Epsom salt, since it was obtained at the end of the 17th century from the water of a mineral spring in the city of Epsom and was widely used in medicine, agriculture and industry. Since 1906, it has been used to treat convulsions. Today, this natural mineral can be found in any pharmacy in the form of a white powder or solution.

What is Magnesia used for during pregnancy

Magnesia during pregnancy is prescribed as a multifactorial agent with a wide spectrum of action:

  • the vasodilating effect is aimed at the peripheral vascular network and cerebral circulation;
  • protection of the blood-brain barrier;
  • diuretic action and protection against edema;
  • anticonvulsant.

In the US and Europe, Magnesia drops during pregnancy are prescribed for prevention and treatment, and are most often prescribed in the 3rd trimester.

In Russia, the indications for the use of Magnesia are much wider:

  • with edema of pregnant women as a diuretic;
  • with symptoms of preeclampsia: high blood pressure, protein in the urine, edema and convulsions in severe cases;
  • as a tocolytic - to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus and relieve tone;
  • as a sedative;
  • with a lack of magnesium;
  • as a prophylaxis with a predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • as part of the complex therapy of placental abruption and fetal growth retardation syndrome.

What else is Magnesia used for during pregnancy? Magnesia also has laxative, antiarrhythmic, choleretic properties. It has a protective effect on the nerve tissue of the child, protecting against cerebral palsy, and has a positive effect on metabolism, preventing low body weight in newborns.

In Russia, Magnesia is prescribed even in early pregnancy as a tocolytic agent, but in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, the use of the drug for this purpose is useless, since it acts on smooth muscles only during its contraction, that is, during contractions. Magnesium sulfate crosses the placenta, so the use of magnesium during pregnancy in the first trimester is not only inappropriate, but also incomparable with the risks for fetal development.

Also, electrophoresis with magnesia is often prescribed during pregnancy. On the one hand, this allows you to deliver the substance directly to the uterus, but on the other hand, late toxicosis and convulsions are a contraindication to the procedure. Thus, electrophoresis can be used exclusively as a means of prevention at a high risk of preeclampsia, but not in its direct treatment.

Release form

Magnesium sulfate is produced by various pharmaceutical companies, but there are only two dosage forms:

  • powder for the preparation of a suspension, which is taken orally;
  • 25% solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration in the form of 5 or 10 ml ampoules.

Features of treatment and dosage

There are 3 ways to introduce Magnesia into the body during pregnancy - intravenously, intramuscularly and orally:

  1. Inside, a 25% solution is taken as a laxative and choleretic agent.
  2. Magnesia injections during pregnancy are rarely used, as they are quite painful, in addition, the drug requires slow administration - the first 3 ml within three minutes. Intramuscularly, magnesium is injected into pregnant women mainly by emergency doctors with dangerously high blood pressure, for which the drug is mixed with an anesthetic.
  3. Intravenously, the solution is administered slowly, 5-20 ml up to 2 times a day, since too rapid entry of magnesia into the body can provoke severe hypotension and. The exact dosage and duration of treatment with Magnesia during pregnancy is prescribed individually depending on the patient's condition, but most often it is a weekly course.

The line between therapeutic and toxic doses of magnesium sulfate is very thin. The more the drug is administered, the greater the likelihood of serious side effects, therefore, when using magnesia, it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition: cardiac and pulmonary activity, electrolyte balance using urine and blood tests.

Magnesium sulfate is taken exclusively on prescription and take into account its interaction with other drugs. Magnesia is a calcium antagonist, so calcium gluconate or calcium chloride eliminate the effect of the drug, which is used in case of overdose, and calcium and magnesium preparations are injected into different veins.

Diuretics can cause hypo- or hypermagnesemia. Caution is required when simultaneously taking drugs that depress the central nervous system. Magnesia is used with special care in diseases of the kidneys and the dose is limited to 20 mg for 48 hours.

Side effects

Magnesium sulfate is classified in drug category D. There is evidence of a risk to the fetus, but the potential benefits of using the drug in pregnant women in certain situations may outweigh these risks.

Possible complications for the child:

  1. Newborns may show signs of magnesium poisoning (difficulty breathing or neuromuscular depression) if the mother was given intravenous drip during pregnancy shortly before delivery.
  2. Some studies show that the use of Magnesia is associated with a decrease in blood flow through the brain tissue in preterm infants. However, magnesium sulfate does not lead to a significant decrease in Apgar scores in newborns, even with a significant excess of magnesium in their blood.
  3. Prolonged intravenous administration, for example, during tocolysis, can lead to persistent hypocalcemia and congenital in the fetus.
  4. The combination of prenatally acquired magnesium sulfate and the antibiotic gentamicin (given after birth, passes into breast milk) can lead to respiratory depression in newborns.

In fact, Magnesia is more toxic to the mother than to the baby in the womb.

According to the instructions, the side effects of Magnesia during pregnancy may include:

  • decreased heart rate, sweating, depression of cardiac activity, nervous and muscle conduction;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting, increased urine production (with too rapid intravenous / intramuscular injection or ingestion);
  • flatulence, stomach cramps, thirst (when taken orally);
  • The most dangerous complications are respiratory failure and pulmonary edema.

Magnesia is an effective option for the treatment and prevention of eclampsia and its accompanying edema, high blood pressure. It is also used as a sedative, tocolytic agent, and when taken orally - as a laxative. The mechanism of its action covers both the vascular and neurological systems, removing the dangerous symptoms of preeclampsia and reducing anxiety. The drug crosses the placenta and affects the fetus, but when prescribed according to real indications, its benefits outweigh the possible risks.

Olga Rogozhkina


Magnesia is used to treat pregnancy pathologies exclusively in a hospital setting. Short-term and strictly dosed use of Magnesia is considered safe in late pregnancy for both the expectant mother and her child. That is, in the early stages, this drug is contraindicated. Even if there is a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester, it is strongly recommended to keep the pregnancy with other medicines. This is due to the fact that scientific studies on the effects of Magnesia on the fetus have not been carried out in full, and at the beginning of any pregnancy, when all systems and organs of the fetus are being laid and formed, any drugs should be limited as much as possible.

Useful video about the necessary measures to maintain pregnancy

During pregnancy, emergency conditions can occur not only in the mother, but also in the fetus, and their correct treatment is undoubtedly the most important aspect, since many types of medicines are prohibited during gestation. To maintain a pregnancy, doctors quite often prescribe magnesium to pregnant women, which will be discussed later.

Why is a magnesium dropper prescribed during pregnancy

In the hospital treatment of a pregnant woman, magnesium plays an important role, which is often prescribed to be injected intravenously or to make droppers. There are times when magnesium sulfate is dripped intramuscularly for pregnant women for quite a long time, and the expectant mother begins to worry about whether this method is safe for the child. Just the question of the appropriateness of such appointments will be discussed further.

Magnesium solution helps mainly in the treatment of neurological diseases of a pregnant woman, but it also has side effects and even contraindications, so the intake should be carried out strictly under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.

Pregnant women are interested in the question of what indications doctors prescribe for the use of magnesia, and this is certainly important to know, since reading anything on the Internet and making a decision on your own is strictly not recommended.

Indications for the use of magnesium:

  • Diseases of the organs that excrete bile;
  • Poisoning with heavy chemical compounds;
  • High blood pressure, dilated blood vessels;
  • Sleep disturbances or the work of the central nervous system;
  • Helps reduce swelling;
  • Eliminates the increased tone of the uterus;
  • Treats diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Helps relieve convulsive conditions.

The main indication for the use of magnesia in injections, tablets, or in such a variation as a dropper is an increased uterine tone, which, without medical intervention, can lead to early birth and prematurity of the fetus. Unfortunately, in modern times, many women, being pregnant, end up in hospitals in order to save their future child.

Indications for the use of magnesium intravenously

The period of pregnancy is a time when help is needed not directly by the mother, but by the fetus inside her, so it is very important to carefully monitor the general conditions of the course of bearing the baby. With unambiguous risk factors for the loss of a child, doctors put the pregnant woman in storage and use magnesia, and in particular they inject the medicine intramuscularly.