Amethyst is a stone where it is mined. Amethyst stone - types, magical and healing properties, application

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One of the most beautiful varieties of quartz is amethyst. Its crystals reach a size of 10 to 45 centimeters, with the largest of them having a more cloudy color. Iron, manganese and some organic acids are responsible for the violet tint in quartz. Depending on where it is mined and the presence of impurities, you can find such shades of stone as blue, pink and purple. There are many amethyst deposits for which different extraction methods are used. How is amethyst mined and what is needed for this?

natural stone amethyst

Studies have shown that this mineral originated in the depths of the Earth under the influence of water and high pressure. Amethyst is often found in volcanic rock, sometimes in rock crystal.

Depending on how the light falls on the stone, it changes its color. If the rays of the sun, even of medium intensity, fall on it for a long time, it becomes discolored. But these properties are not characteristic of all varieties of amethyst. Amethysts that are mined in the Urals are considered valuable, precisely because they are not exposed to the sun.

When heated, the stones change their color to yellow or colorless. Sometimes this property is used to imitate topaz or aquamarine. If amethyst is heated to 400 degrees, citrine can be obtained.

Amethyst mining methods

Depending on the origin, there are several ways to extract a stone. Most often they are very simple and no additional equipment and scientific base is required.

1) It is isolated from rocks using quarries or underground workings.

In such deposits, specific formations are found, which are called geodes. They are a cavity with walls of dense chalcedony, inside which precious minerals are found. If the stone is mined underground, then this method of extraction is the most expensive. This greatly affects the cost of stones, so this method is rarely used and only if the mineral is there.

For such extraction, adits are laid in the rock. They are horizontal workings. In addition, vertical workings for ventilation and transportation are also needed. All this comes at a cost, which is why amethysts are rarely mined this way.

2) The easiest way is to collect stones from the surface of the earth. It is chipped off using chisels, hammers, crowbars. Some minerals can be knocked off rocks with hammers or by blasting the rock.

Extraction of amethyst by hand

3) Stones from alluvial deposits are mined by washing methods or using dredges. This is usually done from dried up rivers, on the coast near the surf, in rock crevices. The latter method is used for the extraction of amethysts on the shores of the White Sea. In the river, mining is carried out by washing the soil in baskets and other devices.

Types of amethysts

In nature, an amethyst crystal rarely grows to an impressive size. Amethyst druses usually combine thousands of small crystals, and fragments of such druses become elements of interior decorations in private collections. There are different varieties of amethyst found in different deposits. The most expensive Deep Siberian has a brighter color and a play of color in the edges. More common varieties, such as Rose of France, are many times cheaper.

When heated, as already mentioned, amethyst changes color. At a temperature close to 500 degrees, it acquires a bright yellow color, and at a temperature of 575 degrees - orange.

Jewelry with amethyst was popular in all stores of the USSR. This is due to the fact that a technology was developed at the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences that made it possible to grow huge quartz crystals of any color. Such an artificial amethyst has the qualities inherent in all artificial stones - it has no defects.

Where is amethyst mined? The highest quality stones come from Mexico. In second place are stones mined in the Urals. In addition, stones from Brazil, the USA, Canada and Germany are highly valued. In the US, you can even do it privately in specially equipped fields. After that, the find will be processed and inserted into the metal.

Magnificent mineral - gemstone amethyst, from which you can not take your eyes off, captivates with its beauty and unusual color. This luxurious creation of nature will win the heart of everyone at first sight. Its history stretches from the depths of centuries, however, even now it remains very popular: jewelry and talismans are made from it, and it is also used in magic and lithotherapy.

Amethyst stone is one of the few that reveals to its owner the secrets of being, bringing him to a high level of spiritual development. An unusually beautiful variety of quartz, amethyst is surrounded by mystery and mystery, which entail, leaving no one indifferent.

Amethyst legend

The mineral got its name in ancient times. There is a legend about amethyst, in which a young beauty of indescribable beauty - a nymph with the beautiful name Amethys - became the object of passion for the god of winemaking - Dionysus. But the beauty was in love with the simple shepherd Sprikos, and Dionysus was rejected. However, this did not stop the immortal, and he decided to achieve his goal in a different way, turning a blind eye to decency. The girl was frightened by this turn of events and decided to flee.

But the fact is that she is a mere mortal, and he is a god, and she did not manage to hide from the not quite sober Dionysus, who, despite his attitude, could not harm the beautiful nymph - a preoccupied Artemis intervened in the situation, turning the beauty into stone. Dionysus tried to bring Amethys back to life by sprinkling her with magical wine, but it only soaked into the shining mineral, giving it an unsurpassed purple hue, but the girl did not come to life.

Dionysus went all out of grief, and Zeus, so that mortals would not forget to worship the gods of Olympus, with the help of lightning split the petrified nymph into many pieces, which turned into wonderful, sparkling amethysts.

A bit of history

In Russia, the stone was valued for its transparency, purity and unusual color range. High-ranking persons and noble citizens wore purple quartz products, which was considered a sign of high position in society.

Amethyst attracted the attention of the clergy and the church. Ancient monks mined amethyst crystals on the shores of the White Sea and decorated church utensils with them. Priests encrusted their clothes with them. The stone was used so widely among religious adepts that it acquired the name "episcopal" or "cardinal".

In ancient Greece, he was very much appreciated because, according to the Greeks, he helped get rid of drunkenness. Another name for amethyst is “not drunk.” To protect themselves from excessive consumption of alcohol, products with alcohol were put on when going to festivities, and cups were decorated with it.

The Italians, for the same reason, put minerals in a glass when drinking wine, and in Egypt, magnificent quartz was a symbol of peace and wisdom.

In ancient China, it was believed that if you wear amulets with amethyst, you can avoid death in battles and battles.

Description and properties of amethyst stone

The mineral belongs to the quartz family, but is its most expensive representative. What does an amethyst look like? In nature, the stone is found in the form of many diamond-shaped crystals fused with each other (druse amethyst), as well as scepter-shaped crystals (expanding upwards).

The color varies from pale purple to dark, almost black. The color depends on many factors - dark stones are obtained from the increased content of impurities in them and the rigidity of ionizing radiation. Under the influence of high temperatures, the stone changes its color: at temperatures above +250 degrees, lilac and lilac specimens turn into faded green or pale yellow stones. Upon cooling, the color of the mineral can be restored.

It has been noticed that natural pebbles, when worn continuously for 25 years in a climate where there is a lot of sunlight, lose 20% of their color - amethysts from geodes are the least resistant. Those specimens that were extracted from the veins of rock crystal are not afraid of sunlight.

Png" alt="" width="47" height="78"> The chemical formula of amethyst is SiO2. The physical and chemical properties of the stone largely coincide with quartz. It has a high hardness (7 points on the Mohs scale), a transparent structure and a relatively uniform density.

In Soviet times, a technique was developed for growing and coloring artificial crystals. The low cost of such quartz was combined with high jewelry qualities, but it was precisely the fact that the stones did not have any defects and practically did not fade, which was their main difference from natural ones.

Mineral types

What color is a Drusa amethyst found? Classic - Violet amethyst comes in different shades: from soft lilac to deep purple. In the light of the sun, it loses its color, which it restores with great difficulty.

It has the following types:

  • One of the rare - green mineral (prasiolite) is characterized by needle-like inclusions, has colors from emerald green to lemon.
  • Another rare species - pink amethyst is distinguished by opaque inclusions - specks. It is very sensitive to the sun, so it is necessary to store the stone in the dark.
  • The rarest type - the black mineral is the most mystical of all existing types of purple quartz. It is mainly used by people with superpowers - magicians and sorcerers.
  • If the simple rose quartz is processed appropriately, then a more noble stone can be obtained - lavender amethyst.
  • It is very rare to find a crystal of a blue tint.

Amethyst can be a precious and semi-precious stone - it all depends on its appearance and properties (purity of the stone, its transparency, as well as the color of the mineral). The most valued specimens are deep purple. Cut is also important - the price of amethyst products depends on it.

Meaning of amethyst

The meaning of the amethyst stone is quite versatile, but it is believed that the stone symbolizes the recently arrived era of Aquarius. He also personifies spirituality and wisdom, modesty and sincerity. Lilac amethyst is used in spiritual practices - as a connecting thread with the world of the mysterious and unknown. The crystal is a symbol of wisdom, high spirituality and purity, it helps its owner to become fairer and nobler.

It is believed that the mineral protects against poisons and poisoning, and also brings peace and tranquility to those who wear it all the time, brings good luck and calms the nerves. A person who owns an amethyst can always avoid conflict situations.

Amethyst - a stone of loneliness

Amethyst, or as it is also called "widow's stone" is not at all such. He, most likely, attracts love more than loses, but the name went, probably for the reason that women who lost their loved ones and did not want to have any more love relationships wore rings with amethyst, which helped them to remain faithful to their departed lovers letting others know about it.

Place of Birth

Amethyst deposits are available:

  • in Brazil and North America. Brazilian deposits of these minerals are quite extensive, but the stones mined there are not of high quality.
  • The mineral is also mined in South America;
  • Africa;
  • Asia;
  • Russia;
  • Germany;
  • Armenia;
  • on the island of Ceylon;
  • in Madagascar.

Stones mined in different places differ in their properties and characteristics. In Asia, high quality nuggets are mined, but their number is very small.

Where is amethyst mined in Russia?

In our country, purple quartz is mined in the Urals. Ural stones are of the highest quality and are called "deep Siberian". There is another Russian deposit, which is the most unique. They call it "Cape Ship" or "Amethyst Coast". It is located in the Murmansk region on the Kola Peninsula. The crystals mined in this place are distinguished by a valuable dark purple color.

The world's largest amethyst was found in Uruguay and was called the "Queen of Uruguay". It reaches a height of 3 meters, and its weight is 2.5 tons.

Amethyst magical properties

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The magical properties of amethyst are based on its purple color, which represents high spirituality and purity. It promotes the opening of the "third eye" and belongs to the Ajna chakra. The magical mineral opens the gates to the unknown for its owner, reveals a different vision and knowledge of higher spheres.

The stone protects from alcoholism, drug addiction and bad intentions, relieves aggression, irascibility and encourages good deeds.

The crystal is able to neutralize any negativity, as well as free from negative emotions - anger, anger, envy, jealousy, etc. It helps a person achieve harmony with himself and the world around him.

Violet quartz is the very first assistant in the fight against insomnia. If you put it under the pillow, then all disturbing thoughts will disappear, anxiety will go away, and the dream will be strong and serene.

Amethyst crystal is a wonderful talisman in love relationships. It is able to attract love and bring mutual understanding, as well as unleash the creative potential of its owner.

The mineral is also used to keep homes clean, fresh and vital. It supports positive energy, cleanses the house of negative impacts, if a stone is placed at the window, and if moonlight falls on it, it will bring peace to every inhabitant of the house.

Before the approach of rain, thunderstorm or hurricane, the stone changes its color, which is able to predict cataclysms and natural disasters. It is for these reasons that it is used by sailors and fishermen, who consider the stone to be their talisman.

Healing properties

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The mineral is used to boost immunity and treat viral diseases. To do this, it is placed in water at night, and in the morning the liquid charged with the stone is drunk. This water also cleanses the liver, blood vessels, kidneys and intestines.

The healing properties of amethyst are widely used in lithotherapy. With the help of a crystal, they treat:

  • headache;
  • diseases of the blood and lungs;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • pain in the joints;
  • skin diseases.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" amethyst jewelry" width="110" height="147">!} Also, if you wear amethyst jewelry, your eyesight will improve, emotional excitement will go away, insomnia will disappear and the work of the endocrine and nervous systems will return to normal. The mineral is able to relieve pain if applied to a sore spot. Those who want to lose weight will be able to overcome the feeling of hunger with the help of a natural healer.

How to wear a stone? In order for the healing properties to fully manifest themselves, it is necessary to wear the products correctly - the ring is put on: women - on the ring finger of the left hand, men - on the right. The most effective for men is the black amethyst amulet.

Amethyst - who suits

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Aquarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Twins" width="50" height="48">.jpg" alt="Scales" width="50" height="50"> Основным знаком зодиака аметиста является Водолей, так как камень относится к стихии воздуха. Также его любимчиками можно назвать Близнецов и Весы, которым он принесёт пользу в любых сферах их деятельности. Водолеям подарит удачу и поможет развить интуицию, а Близнецам — раскрыть все их способности, а также камень принесёт в жизнь этих знаков счастье и гармонию.!}

Jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овны смогут унять свой эгоизм и негативные эмоции. Женщинам — Овнам минерал подарит долгожданную беременность.!}

Jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50"> Стрельцы найдут мир в семейных отношениях, разрешив все конфликтные ситуации.!}

Jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Все знаки земной стихии также смогут извлечь пользу из прекрасного талисмана. Козероги заглянут внутрь себя и займутся самосовершенствованием. Девам аметист добавит сил и твёрдости духа. Тельцы с его помощью построят карьеру.!}

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38">.jpg" alt="Fish" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="50" height="50"> Водные знаки тоже попадают под его магическое влияние. Раки, нося изделия из камня, смогут поправить здоровье, Рыбы обретут уверенность в себе, а Скорпионов амулет оградит от негативного воздействия.!}

Jpg" alt="Lion" width="50" height="50"> Единственный знак зодиака, для которого минерал является нейтральным, — это Лев. Ему подойдут более сильные камни.!}

Amethyst belongs to the quartz family and is the most expensive gem of this type. Translated from the ancient Greek language, Amethyst means "not drunk." It is connected with a beautiful legend from Greek mythology. The god of wine and fun, Dionysus, once fell in love with the charming nymph Amethys. But the beauty's heart was occupied by another. Persistent Dionysus for a long time did not leave his attempts to achieve the location of the nymph.

The situation was resolved by the goddess Artemis. She turned the girl into a very beautiful stone of a bright purple hue and, in memory of the unrequited love of the god of wine, endowed the mineral with the ability to protect from intoxication. The ancient Greeks often decorated their wine goblets with Amethyst, and it was customary to wear rings with gemstones on holidays to protect themselves from the excessive effects of the intoxicating drink.

Description of the stone

Amethyst is a variety of quartz and belongs to the silica family. In its composition, impurities of such elements as iron, manganese, cobalt are observed.

Most often, the mineral grows in rocks on an opaque gray substrate. In nature, the stone is found in the form of separate crystalline transparent or translucent formations having a diamond-shaped elongated shape.

The main attraction of the stone is its vibrant purple color. In terms of color saturation, the mineral is found from very pale to dark, almost black. The most impressive color is revealed in natural light, which emphasizes both the depth of the shade and the brilliance.

Minerologists explain the origin of the unique purple color of Amethyst in different ways. It is believed that the violet gives cobalt, manganese and iron contained in the stone. Others see the reason in the presence of organic coloring pigments. Some are inclined to believe that the reason for the color lies in violations of the crystal base of the gem and in the presence of iron ions.

Under the influence of sunlight, the mineral burns out and loses its color intensity. If the stone is heated to 200 degrees, then it begins to change its color from yellow to greenish and completely colorless. As it cools down, Amethyst restores its original color. For every 25 years of its life, the mineral loses approximately 20% of its color intensity.

The mineral has a significant hardness, which is estimated at 7 units. according to the Mohs evaluation table and a density of 2.6 g per cubic centimeter.

Mineral deposits

Amethyst deposits are located in South America, on the African continent, in Asia and in Russia. According to their characteristics, the extracted stones differ depending on the depth of the deposit. In Asia, very high-quality nuggets are being developed, but their number is insignificant.

There is a large deposit in Brazil, but the stones from it do not differ in quality. The most valuable stones in terms of beauty and value are mined in a deposit being developed in the Urals. The rating of the Ural amethysts is the highest. According to the name of the place of development, they received the name "deep Siberian".

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists, experts in the treatment with minerals, claim that Amethyst enhances the production of various hormones, contributes to the normalization of the endocrine glands and strengthens the nervous system. The mineral makes it possible to saturate the blood with oxygen more. Amethyst helps patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, cores, it is used for skin diseases. It is believed that if you massage the skin on your face with a mineral, you can achieve a decrease in the sharpness of wrinkles and improve complexion.

Water with Amethyst placed in it at night is drunk to cleanse the vascular system, liver and kidneys, to get rid of a cold. The stone helps to relieve swelling and bruising. It also helps with joint diseases.

Specialists use the mineral for hearing impairment. The stone helps well for the treatment of night insomnia, migraines and various headaches. To do this, it is enough to warm Amethyst in the palms of your hands and apply it to the forehead or temples. If you put a stone under the pillow, then the dream will be strong and without nightmares.

The mineral has properties to reduce nervous tension and stressful arousal. In some cases, some mental disorders are treated with it, but not paranoia or schizophrenia.

A person who carries Amethyst with him can defeat drug addiction and drunkenness, and subsequently completely lose interest in alcohol. To enhance the healing properties of the stone, it must have direct contact with the skin, and silver can serve as the best frame for it.

The magical properties of Amethyst

The stone in its meaning personifies such concepts as spiritual purity, devotion to ideals and purity of thoughts. He is able to drive away bad feelings, strengthen sleep, preserve memory and protect against the vice of drunkenness and drug addiction. If the owner of the gem is honest and disinterested, then the stone will bring him health, a happy life, protect him from the evil eye, black magic.

It is believed that the stone is a symbol of harmony and relaxation, therefore it brings its owner protection from conflicts and quarrels, evil thoughts. But in case of conflicts, the stone can reconfigure itself to negative energy. Therefore, at the time of quarrels, it is better to remove the jewelry with amethyst, and after the conflict, hold it for some time under a running stream of water.

Violet color represents the "third eye", and a stone of this shade is able to give its owner the possibility of omniscience, open before him the highest wisdom and understanding of other spheres.

The mineral will save the owner from the insincerity of the environment and promote peacefulness. In addition, it has long been believed that Amethyst is able to preserve youth and beauty for many years.

If you constantly carry a gem with you, then anxiety and mental pain, evil thoughts, aggression, irascibility will go away, calmness, prudence and kindness of spiritual impulses will come.

For the family, the stone has an ambiguous magical meaning. A presented Amethyst in the shape of a heart can bring love and understanding to the family. However, a stone can also bring discord, parting, especially if it is presented as a gift to one of the family members for the purpose of reciprocity with the donor. The stone may destroy a strong marriage, but will not bring happiness to the destroyer.

The gem does not only affect love spheres. It helps its owner in revealing talents and creative possibilities.
It is noticed that amethyst changes its color shade depending on weather changes. Sailors used this and took it on long voyages.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

The mineral belongs to the element of Air and personifies the planets Saturn and Neptune.

People born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries and Leo are very fond of the attention of others, they always strive to be in the center of events. Amethyst is very suitable for them, having purple and lilac hues. Purple stone will help them make important decisions and help them take into account the interests of others. Lions and Aries, having an increased emotional background, are not always able to cope with their emotions. The stone will help calm down, relieve stress and ward off negativity.

Aquarius, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn suit Amethyst, which has a very rare pink color. A stone of this shade personifies tender and deep love feelings. These signs of the mineral will help improve the functioning of the heart, strengthen the nerves and relieve stress. For the children of these signs, pink Amethyst activates additional energy centers and enhances the possibilities of creative development.

Black King - Rare black amethyst suits people born under the sign of Virgo and Scorpio. This stone will bring peace in the soul, good luck, drive away black thoughts, humble the selfishness inherent in these signs. The mineral will help its owner to more deeply open the inner world and magical abilities given to these signs by nature.

For Cancers and Pisces, lilac Amethyst is very suitable. It will help in the development of business and partnerships. The stone will extinguish angry feelings, envy, help in internal transformations and bring peace of mind.

It is believed that Amethyst is the main stone for Aquarius, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. The stone is a “triple” mineral, that is, but it enhances its effect on those who have the numbers 3, 12, 21 and 30 in their date of birth. It is better for Taurus to refuse to own this gem.

Amethyst - talisman

As an amulet or talisman, Amethyst can be worn by those people who need protection from the dislike of the authorities, the anger of others, those who have the vices of alcoholism or drug addiction.

If a person wears a ring with Amethyst as a talisman, then it is best to put it on the ring finger of the left hand for women and the right one for men.

The setting for the stone is also of great importance. Amethyst in silver keeps friendship, contributes to a positive decision in business negotiations. For women suffering from infertility, an amulet with Amethyst can give a long-awaited child, and for men - to improve family relationships.

If the mineral is set in gold, then such an amulet is able to restore and maintain a person’s energy.

Care and storage

In order for Amethyst to retain the brightness of color and brilliance for a long time, it should be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight and overheating, protect the stone from scratches and bumps.

From time to time the stone needs cleaning. To do this, Amethyst is briefly placed in a soapy water solution, then thoroughly washed under running water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Amethyst is a very beautiful, expensive and spectacular stone. Jewelers love it. Jewelry with Amethyst can not only decorate its owner, but also serve as a talisman, amulet and magical protector.

Shining amethyst crystals enchant with their beauty. The stone is a hexagon with a pyramidal top. For its formation in the soil, a substance SiO 2 is needed, a certain temperature and pressure. This is a variety of quartz that acquires a purple hue due to impurities of manganese and other substances. A transparent mineral is a semi-precious collection stone, and an opaque one is used as an ornamental material.

A bit of history

In the Middle Ages, stone was used in European and Eastern countries to decorate the clothes of clergy. When a cardinal was ordained, he was given a ring with this mineral. In Rome, China and Ancient Greece they made trinkets from amethyst: gems, caskets.

In Tsarist Russia, the stone was valued for its beautiful color and transparency. Noble persons emphasized their high position with items made of purple quartz. In ancient Greece, they believed that the gem could get rid of addiction to alcohol. The Greeks inlaid goblets with it, put on decorations from it when they went to festivities, and the Italians put it in glasses of wine.

From the ancient Greek word "amethyst" is translated as "to be drunk." There is another version, according to which a nymph named Amethys chose to turn into stone so as not to become a victim of the god of wine Bacchus.

Characteristics and varieties

Amethyst is composed of silicon dioxide and iron. The crystals contain tunnels with liquid or gas, inclusions of the brown mineral goethite and gray hematite. Quartz has a violet-red, blue-purple and violet color. It is transparent with a pearly or glassy sheen. The density of the stone is in the range of 2.65, and the hardness is 7. The mineral may slightly change its shade if it is exposed to bright light for a long time.

Jewelry amethyst comes in two varieties:

  • Intense Siberian.
  • Rose of France.

The first grade is the rarest and most expensive. It has a rich purple color with red and blue blotches. The second option is more common. It has a soft lilac hue with pink highlights.

The chemical composition of the mineral

Unlike other quartzes, the chemical composition of amethyst contains a large amount of iron. It is from this element that the intensity of the color depends. Today, the exact content of aluminum and alkali is not known, and there is no information on the refractive index. The physical constants of the crystal are about the same as those of colorless quartz, but amethyst has a higher refractive index.

The density index of quartz is constantly fluctuating. Scientists conducted many spectral analyzes of the stone. The results showed that it contains several main impurities: Cu, Ti, Mn, Cr, Mg, Ca, Li, Al, Fe.


Today, several varieties of amethyst are known with a certain intensity of hue. Brandberg is mined in Africa - a combination of smoky quartz and amethyst crystals. Sometimes frozen insects are found in it.

The bright purple stone is a chevron. It includes light layers of quartz and is mined in Mexico. Ametrine combines golden, lilac and blue colors, as it consists of citrine and amethyst.

A popular amethyst crystal is lavender. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, it changes color and is often used in the manufacture of jewelry. Also in nature there are green minerals proselytes, pale pink and black stones. The latter option is very rare and has been created by nature over millions of years. Jewelers emphasize the beauty of black amethyst with an unusual cut.

Stone extraction methods

Amethyst is mined on an industrial and amateur scale. In the second case, special training and skills are not required, so stone mining can become a hobby.

Mineral extraction methods:

  • Extraction of crystals from placers. Deposits of stones are located on the shores of the White Sea. Amethyst can be found in coastal rocks and near the surf.
  • with the help of workings and underground quarries. Quartz is extracted to the surface of the earth using special equipment. The method is rarely used because it requires large financial investments.
  • collection of amethysts from the earth. Crystals were mined in this way many years ago, but today they are rarely freely available. They are chipped off the rocks with a pick, or the rock is blown up. The shape of the quartz will not be perfect, so the material will have to be processed.
  • artificial cultivation of stone in the laboratory.

Where can you find the mineral

Until the 18th century, amethysts were mined from placers on the island of Ceylon, known today as the island of Sri Lanka. In the first half of the 18th century, deposits of stone were discovered in Germany. Today, semi-precious crystals are mined in Namibia, Mexico, USA, Brazil. In Uruguay, an amethyst weighing 2.5 tons and 3 meters high was mined.

Many stones are found in the Kandalaksha Bay, in Armenia, Eastern Siberia, Azerbaijan, near the Omolon median massif. Stones of violet, pale lilac color are mined here. They are used to make jewelry, souvenirs and fakes.

In the Russian Federation, quartz is mined in the Middle and Polar Urals. We have a lot of amethyst deposits, but today domestic crystals are rarely found on the world market. The deposits are abandoned and practically not developed.

Druses and geodes

Amethyst drusen are numerous crystals that grow on the same substrate. They are similar to quartz, but differ in purple and bluish tint. From German, "druze" is translated as "brush", because the stones are very similar in shape to it.

In nature, identical druze are rarely found, so they are very much appreciated and used in the manufacture of jewelry.

Amethyst geodes form in the ground. Inside them there may be a void or crystals, the sizes of which range from a couple of millimeters to a meter. Today, geodes with crystalline druze inside are often mined. A small hole is made in the quartz shell and illuminated with a flashlight. If the mineral is promising, it is processed manually. Amethyst geodes do not need to be further polished because they have their own luster.

Artificially grown amethyst

Modern technologies make it possible to artificially grow a stone in the laboratory. For this, hydrothermal conditions and the method of temperature difference on seeds made of synthetic quartz are used parallel to the faces of the pinacoid. Manganese nitrate and iron dioxide are added to the mixture of starting materials.

The stone is given a rich color with the help of ionizing radiation. To increase the color intensity of the artificial crystal, a mixture of silicon-containing materials is used. In addition to impurities of manganese, lithium and iron, cobalt is added. The rest of the technology remains the same. Improvements increase the color intensity score by 0.1.

How to distinguish from a fake

Outwardly, a natural mineral is difficult to distinguish from an artificially grown one. The physical properties of the stone will help. You need to lower it into a glass of water and look at the edges. If they are clearly visible, then the gem is artificial. Facets of natural amethyst will lose color and be barely visible.

You can identify a fake with a magnifying glass. You need to look through it at the mineral. Natural amethyst will show slight imperfections and an uneven hue. Artificial mineral is of perfect quality.

Natural amethyst is harder than steel, so you can determine the naturalness with a knife. If you pass the tip along the surface of the mineral, it will remain unharmed. There will be a scratch on the fake stone.

stone care

The mineral needs regular care. It should be washed in warm soapy water and wiped with a soft cloth. Rigid sponges and brushes are recommended as a last resort to avoid damaging the quartz. If the dirt is very strong, you can clean it with a soft-bristled toothbrush. In no case should you use chemicals, otherwise the stone will be irreparably harmed.

It is best to take the amethyst to a jewelry workshop. There, experts will clean it with ultrasound, which will bring the mineral to its original state and not damage it. Amethyst is strong and hard, but other stones can scratch it. Therefore, it is better not to store the mineral in a jewelry box and always wrap it in a soft cloth.

How much does it cost and what stone can be confused with

The price of amethyst fluctuates constantly. Today, a 3 carat mineral 15x30 in size can be purchased for an average of 3 thousand rubles. A 14-carat amethyst is sold for about 3.5 thousand rubles, and a 51-carat amethyst for 6.5 thousand rubles. The price of a stone is affected by material defects.

Quartz mined from volcanic rocks is worth more because it does not change its hue when exposed to direct sunlight. The price also depends on the color of the stone. The richer it is, the more expensive. Another criterion is clarity. Qualitative quartz is transparent and free of inclusions. Low prices for amethyst are due to the large volume of synthetic stones that have appeared on the market. They practically do not differ from natural stones.

Amethyst stone has been known to man for a very long time. It got its name from the name of the nymph Amethis and is translated from ancient Greek as "non-drunk". According to legend, the god of wine, Dionysus, fell in love with the nymph, but she did not reciprocate. Fleeing from the persecution of an angry god, the beauty prayed to the goddess Artemis for help. She heeded her prayers. When Dionysus overtook the fugitive, she turned into a statue. Trying to revive the statue, Dionysus doused it with wine. The nymph remained a statue and was painted purple. According to this legend, it is Dionysus who owes humanity the appearance of the amethyst stone.

The ancient Greeks believed that lilac amethyst helps to avoid alcohol intoxication. In ancient Rome, decorative ornaments were made from it, in China - vessels for storing aromatic oils, and in ancient Egypt, the stone was endowed with magical properties. In Russia, the high clergy and nobility loved the precious stone amethyst. He was credited with the ability to protect against illness and spiritual sadness.

Properties and deposits of the mineral

The composition of this mineral belongs to quartz. In addition to quartz, the composition contains a small amount of cobalt, iron and other minerals. The chemical formula is SiO2.

The following physical properties of amethyst stand out:

Amethyst - a stone that "grows" on a gray substrate, has an elongated shape resembling a scepter. The most common color is purple, but there are blue, green, pink black amethyst.

Amethyst is both precious and semi-precious stone - its value is determined by the color and transparency of the mineral. Jewelers prefer transparent and translucent lilac-colored mineral, transparent lavender amethyst is in demand. No less valuable is the gem of a dark deep, almost black tone. Such a difference in color scale depends on the presence of impurities and the structure of the crystal lattice.

Amethyst loses color when exposed to sunlight. When heated, the amethyst crystal changes color from purple to yellow, and with a longer exposure to temperature, from yellow to transparent. When cooled, it can restore the original color.

Amethyst is found in nature in the form of single crystals or in clusters, which are called. It is mined in Asia, South America and along the Ural mountain range. Ural stones are highly valued all over the world. Occasionally, this gem is found in Africa. Quality and value are largely determined by the fact in which country and how amethyst is mined (the depth at which the rock occurs, geographical location, the presence and composition of impurities).

Types of gem

The intensity of the color depends on where the amethyst is mined. There are several varieties of these fossils. In Africa, namely in Namibia, brandberg is found - a special gem. These gemstones combine amethyst crystals and smoky quartz. Often you can see frozen insects in them. This mineral is credited with a special magical power, the ability to treat serious ailments.

In Mexico, you can get acquainted with a special kind of mineral - chevron. Its uniqueness lies in the combination of layers of bright purple amethyst with light layers of quartz. Such a stone is not of particular value to jewelers, but is popular among magicians and psychics. It is believed that it helps in spiritual journeys, healing the soul, removing negativity.

Ametrine is a stone that combines shades of blue, lilac and gold. It consists of amethyst and citrine, which determines such an interesting combination of colors. This mineral looks spectacular in jewelry.

Rutilated amethyst is rare, the stone combines lavender and brown hues. He is credited with the ability to normalize the emotional state of a person, to fulfill cherished desires.

Lavender amethyst is a sought after mineral. It is in demand among jewelers. It is believed that lavender amethyst preserves youth and improves health. It changes color when heated and in the sun.

Among the jewels, a pale pink amethyst stands out. This is a symbol of love, peace in the family, reconciliation between lovers, it is preferable for making a talisman. The stone is afraid of sunlight, ultraviolet rays turn it into gray quartz.

Proselytes are green minerals that are rare. Highly valued by jewelers, they are used to create beautiful jewelry.

The rarest variant of this mineral is black. Such stones have been created by nature for millions of years. To emphasize their exquisite beauty, complex and unusual types of cutting are used. Its characteristic includes the ability to neutralize the radioactive effects on a person, to develop extrasensory abilities.

Growing stone

Artificial amethysts have learned to grow in the last century. In addition, today they are able to paint them in the desired color, setting not only the tonality, but also the saturation of the shade. In the laboratory, you can get a red stone.

By growing create any types, shapes, sizes of amethyst. At the same time, an artificial gem is not cheaper than a natural one. The undoubted advantage of such a creation is its jewelry value. Artificial amethysts grow without defects, are not subject to loss of color as they are mined in nature.

Rules for storage and care

The initial characteristics of the stone may change over time. With improper storage and care, the mineral loses its brightness, transparency, and fades. In this case, it will not be possible to restore it. Therefore, the happy owners of the gem should pay increased attention to proper storage and care.

When wearing jewelry, dust, particles of fat accumulate on the surface, and other contaminants appear. Over time, any stones need to be cleaned. It is recommended to clean amethyst in a jewelry workshop using ultrasound. This method allows you to return the original appearance of the gem, without violating its aesthetic qualities.

If it is not possible to clean the product in the workshop, you can do it at home, following simple recommendations:

  • For cleaning, choose a non-aggressive detergent. Normal soap solution will do.
  • The product is immersed in a soapy solution for half an hour. If there is heavy dirt, you can use a brush with soft bristles. The movements should not be strong, otherwise scratches may remain on the surface of the stone.
  • Clean jewelry should be wiped with a dry soft cloth. and polish to a shine.

Abrasives and ammonia solution are not suitable for cleaning amethyst. In this case, an expensive stone may deteriorate. The mineral is also afraid of aggressive detergents, washing powders and dishwashing detergents.

In order for the decoration to please its owner as long as possible, you need to store it away from direct sunlight. A cloth pouch or a separate padded box would be ideal.

How to choose natural stone?

How to choose natural amethyst, and not a fake? The easiest way is to immerse it in cold water and see what the stone looks like. If it turns pale around the edges, then we are talking about a natural mineral. Artificial does not change its color in water. You can scratch its surface with a blade. If scratches appear, then we are talking about a glass fake. Real amethyst after such manipulations will remain unchanged. Also, the mineral grown by man will not change. Artificial stone is not inferior in hardness to natural.

To determine a fake, it is enough to know what color amethyst is natural and grown by man. If the color of the stone is perfect, does not contain flaws and inclusions, bright, deep and saturated, then it is ideal for jewelry. But in nature, such minerals are extremely rare, therefore, most likely, we are talking about synthetics.

Amethyst and zodiac signs

Amethyst is a magical stone. Possessing magical powers, it will suit almost all signs of the zodiac. He will help Aries learn to control their emotions, Gemini - to cope with nervous tension and insomnia, Cancers - increase immunity, Taurus will bring good luck in business.

With its help, Lions will gain peace of mind, Virgos will feel more confident in solving difficult life tasks. Libra with the help of this mineral will develop their intuition.

Amethyst is ideal for Scorpios. For people born under this constellation, it will become a real talisman against the evil eye. Sagittarius and Aquarius, the mineral will give harmony and peace of mind, Pisces - good luck.