Technique of programming yourself for wealth. How to develop wealth consciousness to attract more money? Set up for a rich life

WE ATTRACT MONEY. Psychological attitudes or affirmations to attract money Andrey Levshinov


Psychological attitudes or affirmations to attract money

Andrey Levshinov

To get the necessary benefits of life.

I am a wonderful person. I deserve all the best in life. I deserve prosperity. I'm fine. My business is flourishing. My life is getting better. I am very optimistic, positive now, because I know that my financial situation is already improving. I have every right to flourish.

I trust the world in which I live. This world is kind to me, it takes care of me. I open up to the world - and let it take care of me. I take care. I am now letting the blessings of life that I need into my life. I welcome them with joy and delight! The blessings I need come into my life in a continuous stream. I am happy to open doors for them! As soon as I have some kind of material need, it is immediately satisfied. The necessary things, the money themselves go into my hands. I keep getting what I need! New and new sources of financial and material income are opening up for me. My life becomes abundant! For me, this is normal and natural. I gladly let wealth, abundance, material well-being into my life!

To attract significant financial income

Now I am connecting to the most powerful source of monetary energy. This source is inexhaustible, endless. I am gaining strength to connect to this source. His energies are streaming towards me in powerful currents, coming into my life. I am open, I am ready to perceive these energies. I am a strong person, and I can handle the strongest energies in my life! I feel these living, powerful currents with my whole being. I am happy to open doors for them! I express my firm intention to start receiving significant sums of money. I deserve it. I'm ready for it. I calmly and easily open to cash flow. I am bathed in a powerful stream of abundance! He lightly, festively, joyfully breaks into my life and instantly transforms it for the better! Now only the best comes to me. My life is overflowing with abundance. Cash flows never dry up, but become more powerful and richer day by day. I enjoy the high level of my income. My life is rich and wonderful.

For wealth

I live in a world of abundance. There is something here for everyone! There is enough wealth here for me. Wealth is a natural law of nature. Being rich for me is as simple and natural as breathing. I relax - and breathe easily, joyfully, enjoying the simple fact that I live. Just as easily, with pleasure, I open myself to the wealth of the world. Everything that is best in the world - for me! I am grateful to the world for the fact that he has in store for me many of his gifts. Now my hour has come - I am ready to accept these gifts! I accept them with joy and gratitude. Wealth enters my life simply and naturally. Sources of income arise by themselves. Generous gifts come to me from everywhere. Abundance just falls on me from the sky! Life showers me with its blessings - and I get all this in full right! So it should be, everything is right, wealth is for me! I don't worry about anything. I just enjoy life. Life is beautiful and abundant! I am rich and happy!

To find new money making opportunities

The energies around me are surging. The energy, the power of the world in which I live, never dries up. I am part of this world, and I am now in the very center of powerful energy flows! They wash me from all sides, they permeate me and my life through and through, and I am saturated with new forces! As an underground river necessarily breaks out, so a new financial flow bursts into my life! As a spring springs from under the ground, so new monetary energies make their way to me! As if to a healing source, I now fall down to a gushing and sparkling energy flow! He made his way to me despite all the obstacles. I have found a powerful source of monetary energy and, like a thirsty in the desert, I fall to it to quench my thirst, to fully satisfy my financial needs. The monetary energy of this source is abundant, inexhaustible! There is as much of it as I need, and even more! Enough for everything I need, and more to come! I enjoy how wise the world is. If one source disappears, another immediately appears. Money energies in my life never run out!

Out of poverty

Now I finally let go of the past. It no longer has power over me. Everything that prevented money from entering my life remains in the past and leaves my life forever. Now I am completely free of fears, worries, insecurities. I boldly open to a new life. I am confident and I know that I can get everything I need. My self-esteem increases. I was rightfully born and live in this world and have the right to all the riches of this world. Now I am tuned in to the wave of monetary energies. They are close, they are close, now I feel them very well. I draw them into my life - with my will, with my increased strength, with my powerful intention. Cash flow paths now run through my life! I tune into their vibrations and gladly accept them! I attract monetary energies to myself and, saying goodbye to the past, create for myself a rich, abundant present and future! My life is improving day by day. Every day the source of my well-being is strengthened. Now my financial well-being is in my hands. It depends on me. And I voluntarily create for myself a prosperous, financially secure life! Money is entering my life right now. And I accept them with gratitude and joy!

To ensure financial stability for years to come

Powerful light energies touch me, saturate me with their power, enter my life. I let in a powerful, bright energy flow that brings happiness, well-being, a charge of strength, joy, optimism, new opportunities. I bathe in this powerful energy flow. He is like a wide, full-flowing river, the water in which never dries up. A wide, full-flowing river powerfully, evenly, calmly carries its waters. This is the river of my well-being, my financial stability. I can fall into its deep, clean, transparent waters at any moment. Nothing will ever make this river run dry! My cash flow is so strong and stable that no power in the world can drain it! The more I take energy from this stream, the more it arrives there. I boldly, confidently take as much as I need! I receive - and I spend, without fear and doubt, with full confidence that much more will come to me than I spent! It’s like I’m on the bank of a powerful, wide, deep river, which always, no matter what happens, splashes at my feet and generously shares its water. At any time I can take as much as I need. A full-flowing river of monetary energies is always with me. Any amount of money is always available to me. Money comes and comes! So it is now and so it will always be.

To get financial support in a difficult situation

I relax and calm down. I have nothing to fear, because the energies of the world are already ready to come to my aid. The world in which I live is kind to me and reasonable. Everything that is happening to me right now is happening for my good. So it is necessary that I find new opportunities, new strengths. New energies are already entering my life. And I become a strong, confident, calm person, able to easily accept these new energies. Difficulties are temporary. They are going away. And now I have enough strength to defeat them. I firmly know that I will solve all problems. I attract the energies necessary for this. Right now, the source of monetary energy necessary for me is being born. Right now the world is sending me their help and support. I thank the energies of the world for the fact that they are already in a hurry to help me! I open myself to the flow of money and accept it. I know for sure, he comes exactly at the moment when I need it. I drive away all doubts. I know for sure that help is coming! I mobilize all my strength for success. I deserve help, support, success. I deserve to win!

I let go of all the worries, worries, stresses. The tension is gone. Peace and confidence come to me. I am calm, I am balanced. I firmly know that my problems are already being solved. I relax and let go of my current situation. I look at what is happening as if from the side. I know for sure that there is not even one, but many ways out of this situation. Relaxed and calm, I find these exits. I know for sure that I have real opportunities right now to find a decent way to get the money I need. I am filled with peace, confidence - and the energy that attracts money enters me. This powerful flow inside me spirals and begins to attract monetary energy. I myself turn into a magnet for money! I attract the amount I need. She really exists, she is very close to me. Money is attracted to me easily and simply, like iron filings to a powerful magnet. I relax and just let them be attracted. It's very simple and easy. I completely calm down and allow the amount I need to come into my life. I reach out my hand - and I get the money I need. It happens as if by itself, without effort. I am absolutely sure of success. The situation is already resolved in my favor. I have all the power to do this. I get everything right!

Thoughts, both positive and negative, can affect your lifestyle. There is a simple, effective and free way to create the ground for attracting good luck and financial success through your positive thinking, for which you need to say certain affirmations - statements. Affirmation for money is a short phrase of a powerful message that forms in the subconscious mind of her pronouncing the mood for abundance and wealth, motivating for actions, awareness of new ways of making money, aimed at a prosperous life.

What are affirmations and how do they work

The influence of positive kind thoughts and emotions on a person's life actions, on what is happening around him is enormous. Verbal formulas of affirmation and suggestion are significant in achieving aspirations in many areas of life, accelerating the fulfillment of desires. Affirmations change the negative perception of life to a positive one, keeping affirmative attitudes in the human mind: translated from Latin, affirmation means “confirmation”. Their power is enormous in acquiring financial stable success.

Evidence-based studies by physiologists have shown that words, as signals from the higher nervous system, coming from the brain into the inner world of a person, reconfigure the vital activity of the body for a long time. Speech formulas help the mind to work on a positive wave. Repeated repetition of words fixes the required setting in the human subconscious, improving the psycho-emotional background, causing better changes.

How to write an affirmation for money

When starting to compile verbal formulas, it is important to understand that affirmations for money and success carry a positive statement - the use of a negative particle “not” is not perceived by consciousness. In order to achieve an effect with a word, follow the rules for compiling affirmations:

  1. The statement is formulated as a fait accompli in the current time. If you say: “I want to be rich,” then the subconscious mind understands how: “you want, then continue to want further,” and if you say: “I am rich,” the answer will be: “you are rich.”
  2. The phrase should be short, bright, containing specific images.
  3. You need to choose the formula that suits you.
  4. The statement can end like this: "I will get more than I expect."
  5. Believe in the spoken words.

affirmations for wealth

Many want wealth and financial well-being, but internally have obstacles on the way to achieving them. The affirmation technique is used to reprogram the subconscious for financial success. Affirmations concentrate consciousness on wealth, stimulating for this to do something more, revealing their maximum potential. They remove the limiting blocks on the path to enrichment that most people have:

  • feeling unworthy of financial prosperity;
  • lack of faith in the ability and opportunity to make good money;
  • fear of taking concrete actions to create material abundance;
  • the opinion that money is a source of evil, wealth cannot be achieved by honest work.

Affirmations for work and money

The information received by the mind is processed at the level of the subconscious, which does not distinguish between certain information and fantasy. If you tell yourself that there is not enough knowledge for a career and a large salary, that life is not going well, then the subconscious mind believes this, regulating all the actions of a person accordingly. If you say affirmatively: “I am a strong and confident specialist with extensive experience, the prospect of career growth, income”, naming the desired salary, then with the help of affirmations for money and career, everything will start to turn out well.

Set for money and success

How to become successful and live in wealth? You just need to want it, but first you need to understand what attitudes received in childhood prevent you from becoming successful. If your parents argued that it is better to live a poor and honest life, and you agreed with them, then under the influence of such an attitude you will not become a billionaire. Having identified problematic definitions, you need to get rid of them. It is necessary to clearly name these negative attitudes for you, formulate what you want to have, and then say a phrase like: “I delete everything old!” and say a statement that sets you on a path to success.

Affirmations to Attract Customers

Many entrepreneurs, beginners and already established ones, are wondering if it is possible to make a business effective using the affirmation technique. A positive attitude keeps you mentally at work, helping you avoid stress and extending to other areas of your life. Speech formulas, in order to attract clientele, must form a flow of prosperity and abundance in thoughts. There are certain rules for creating affirmations:

  • they must be attractive to customers and buyers;
  • affirmation should purposefully formulate the desire to attract customers;
  • its reading should become habitual;
  • it is necessary to repeat the installation as many times a day as you consider necessary;
  • if the affirmation is no longer inspiring, consider a new one;
  • You can't mix affirmations for different purposes.

How to work with affirmations

Practicing speech settings is simple, but you need to follow the rules for their use:

  • Make sure the affirmation is positive, formulated in the present tense.
  • Work with one or two formulas, no more.
  • Words can be sung, spoken to oneself, said out loud, written down many times on paper, recorded on the browser's home page, or saved in audio format.
  • A phrase can be from a couple of words to several sentences.
  • It is necessary to pronounce affirmations to attract money with an expression.
  • Affirmation for money is repeated daily, three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening.

When they start to act

The action of speech statements has a cumulative effect and is comparable to the effect on the body of Eleutherococcus, a drug to strengthen the immune system. It is taken for 1.5 months, for four weeks it does not manifest itself in any way, accumulating in the tissues. Active action begins from the 29th day after administration. So is the affirmation for money: the first month it takes getting used to, causing certain efforts on oneself. A month later, the subconscious already accepts the installation, the affirmation is firmly fixed in the head, becoming your conviction.

How to pronounce

An affirmation uttered in front of a mirror, when a person looks into his own eyes, is a powerful tool! During the repetition, you need to relax as much as possible. The more you concentrate on saying the affirmation, the more noticeable, the faster the result will be. More effective is the pronunciation in a higher voice than the usual tone, while speaking with a positive feeling, clearly pronouncing each word, not hurrying.

Why Affirmations to Raise Money Don't Work

If you do not feel shifts, the main thing is not to despair! You should not expect a quick miracle if your attitude to finances and wealth has been negative for a long time, but many people make common mistakes when applying the technique that interfere with the effect of affirmations:

  • doubt, let in negative thoughts;
  • mechanically, without emotion, they read the installation;
  • visualize the desired image, combining the image of desire and the pronunciation of the text, without understanding their differences;
  • the formed habit is not consolidated by quitting the practice for three months, then the old attitudes begin to influence you again.

The Best Money Affirmations

To attract money into your life, create affirmations that are comfortable for you, or select from the list:

  • I am a magnet for wealth and money.
  • I love and choose abundance and wealth, I feel pleasure from them.
  • I have as much money as I want!
  • I am worthy of a rich life, I am moving towards it with confident steps.
  • My income is growing every day!
  • I am a happy, successful, rich businessman!
  • Unexpected money flows to me easily and in large quantities.
  • I have a good salary, my work brings me a lot of money.
  • My financial well-being makes me happy.
  • I'm comfortable with big money.


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Powerful affirmations to attract money

I have noticed more than once that the more chances to successfully do something, the more persistently people are taken to its implementation. Still, when an idea seems impossible, excuses often appear in our head. So what do you do in such situations? Yes, just...

You need to set yourself up for success. It can be confused with motivation, but the attitude to success is just the belief that you will reach the end. And this is not self-confidence, as many might think. By the way, I already wrote about that, I advise you to look.

We will really increase the possibility of a positive outcome of your actions - achieving the goal. And let us convince your inner consciousness of this. It doesn't matter what you want to achieve - write a book, make a million, lose weight or redecorate your apartment. These methods are suitable for anyone, in absolutely any situation.

I have collected 7 simple but very effective ways on how to set yourself up for success. You can apply them all, or maybe the first one will bring a tangible result. But these tricks really work.

1. Get support

You can ask for support from your friends, relatives or colleagues. Remember how before some difficult exam they asked you to keep your fists for you? So why not do the same in other situations?

Direct assistance is also possible. For example, if you want to make repairs in an apartment, you can ask friends to come to help. I think if they don't have some important things to do, they will really agree.

Another option is indirect assistance. That is, they seem to take away some of the cases that weigh on you at the time of achieving the result. Parents, for example, can babysit while you finish a chapter in your book. Or your wife takes care of household chores while you write your business plan.

2. Save more money

No matter how trite it may sound, but the more money we have in reserve, the more secure we feel, and, therefore, more confident. And we just need to achieve absolute confidence that we can reach the end. Even if your goal does not involve any financial expenses, then saving is still a good idea.

You will know that even if the crisis deprives you of your last assets, you will always have some amount left to allow your plans to develop further. In addition, this money will help you achieve other goals that will appear later. And this is an additional mood for success.

If every week you save 300 rubles, then in a year you will have about 15,000 at your disposal. With this money you can buy some kind of equipment or create a profitable website. I use the method that I read on the Neverlex `a blog. Namely, I just put all the little things that are stored in my pockets into the piggy bank, every time I come home. And also 10% of monthly earnings also go to the piggy bank.

3. Start taking care of your body

Taking care of the body is the key to stability. What happens if you suddenly get sick during an apartment renovation? Live for two weeks in a half-dismantled house? Not a bad prospect, yes… So start taking care of your body today. Are you reading material on how to set yourself up for success for a reason?

Many imagine this concern as exhausting workouts, from which you fall off your feet every evening (this has its own charm). However, for normal support of physical condition, it is enough to spend only 10-20 minutes daily. These can be regular exercises and walking, but they must be done. I bet that soon you will get the taste and you will want to diversify your workouts. You can read about.

It is also very important to eat healthy food. Avoid junk food and junk food. Watch your sleep. Don't let yourself sleep too little or too much. In this blog, I have already written a lot on this topic. I advise you to look at the following posts:,.

4. Be positive

Many people think very negatively and skeptically. They constantly criticize something and are always dissatisfied with something. This is an extreme form, but it can also manifest itself in ordinary people. If you constantly hear objections in your head like “Yes, this is just nonsense”, “Real stupidity, this is impossible”, “You will not succeed”, then it's time to become more positive.

Just block out all negative thoughts. Yes, just take and delete them permanently. If you start thinking negatively, just close your eyes and say out loud (preferably) or to yourself, “La la la, I can’t hear you” and immediately think of something good. For example, "how I skillfully pasted this wallpaper" or "How damn well I came up with the image of the main character."

5. Reminders

If you are going to do something for a long time (and most often these are the main goals), then try to make yourself constant reminders. You can write down your goal on a sticker and hang it on your monitor. Draw a picture and stick it on a mirror or door. You can use tricks from the material "".

I also advise you to write a list of all your goals on a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket. Every time you have a free moment, reread them and imagine yourself as if you have already achieved them. First of all, it's very motivating. Secondly, it increases your chances of a positive result and you no longer have to be interested in how to tune in to success, because you will be literally immersed in it.

I also advise you to comply with all deadlines. In general, there is an excellent post on this topic "", where everything is very (even too) detailed.

6. Break it down into small steps

Surely your goal is not so small that it can be achieved in one day or at least in one week. For example, I won't be able to run a 7 o'clock race right away. I need to prepare long and hard. You can't write a book in one evening either. Every day you need to slowly increase the pages.

Often such goals lead to discouragement very quickly, because we do not see the real result. It's like a newbie who just got a new job and wants to be a director right away. And as soon as he realizes that for this you need to work for years, they immediately discard this idea.

I recommend that you simply break down your goal into smaller sub-goals. That is, if your goal is to earn 1,000,000 rubles. Then, for starters, you can set yourself the task: “register as an individual entrepreneur”, then “successfully complete the first order”, and so on. It is much easier to achieve such goals and you will have a desire to move on, because you have already felt the mood for success.

7. Don't try to do too much

In the wake of motivation, we tend to set ourselves too many tasks. You need to keep a blog, and translate texts, and draw designs, and do taekwondo, and get a Nobel Prize in chemistry, and feed the parrots ...

It is, of course, good that you have so many aspirations, but it is ineffective. That is, you cannot be successful in all areas at once. It is much better to focus on 1-2, maximum 3 tasks and do them as well and efficiently as possible. Then you can definitely enjoy the taste of success.

I'll finish with this. Maybe you have some of your own ways to tune in to success? Feel free to write them in the comments, if they are worth it, I will add them to the material indicating the author. If you have any questions - ask there. And do not forget that you can receive new posts in your mail or Reader if

Do you want to learn absolutely free of charge the method of programming your own subconscious for wealth? And it will only take you 5 minutes a day… You don’t need to meditate, you don’t need to read mantras, you don’t need start-up capital, you don’t need to ask for anything and you don’t need to go anywhere, and you don’t need to have experience to be able to program yourself. The program will start working in any case, since our brain is a computer, and only the quality of the software of this computer depends on productivity - the volume of our success in life. Well, is it interesting?

Do you remember what a worldwide sensation the book and the film of the same name "The Secret" made? At the beginning of the article you can see a video of the principles of the Law of Attraction by one of the authors - Rhonda Byrne. This is a kind of program to draw the attention of the Universe to your personality and desires. Actually its essence: it is possible to program yourself for any desired result in life and this will happen.

There are many methods that explain what “rituals” are needed for this: NLP technologies, Ericksonian hypnosis, visualization of the Law of Attraction ... But they all boil down to one thing - how successful and satisfied you will be with your life depends on how good a programmer you are. subconscious.

Most of us sincerely believe that all the joys in life and the disappearance of all problems lies in the presence of money, the accumulation of wealth, since it is money that represents security for most of us in a modern consumer society.

Well ... and for wealth, all you need is your own brain. Here is a simple, tried and tested programming method that works for well-being.

Step 1. Any program is written in pieces - in small logical blocks

First, you must choose a goal to increase your own well-being and it must be specific. And secondly, this goal should make you act to achieve it, and not just stick out your pocket and wait for a piece of gold to fall into it from the sky.

Many teachers and coaches in motivation, self-development, and goal setting usually encourage you to set ambitious goals for yourself. Like, the higher the goal, the higher you will fly ... And most of those who try to learn from them usually set incredibly large goals that are ten times higher than what they will ever be able to achieve. The fact is that this can work well for people who are already confident in their abilities, who have already been able to achieve something in practice thanks to their own efforts. But for beginners or for people who are not yet familiar with tangible success for themselves, this approach is like a disaster.

For example, if you have never flown a hang glider, then you are unlikely to agree to jump on it from the edge of the abyss, no matter how great this achievement may seem for your self-development. For those who had at least some experience of soaring through the air on this thing (albeit with an instructor) - this is just the next logical step in development.

Yes, in theory all goals are certainly achievable! But in reality, you probably will not believe in your own strength (the subconscious will not believe in this), no matter how you persuade yourself that you can “move mountains”. Instead of choosing a goal that you do not internally believe in, choose a goal that seems to be within your power. A goal that you will find difficult, but not impossible.

So, in relation to our conversation ... Do not set yourself the goal of earning a million dollars by the end of the year. Inwardly, you yourself will not believe in such a possibility. Better program yourself for something that is quite capable of happening in the next three months. Say set yourself a goal
increase your salary (or sales) by 10 percent. I understand that it doesn’t look very exciting, but it’s important to start - start writing “working program blocks”, which you then combine into a powerful, well-functioning software package that will really work without failures.

So, the first step is to program a small subconscious block with a goal that you internally believe in and think that you can do it. Once you force your brain to carry out this program, you will gain the necessary self-confidence and see that this is exactly how it works. It is from the small that you start moving towards the big.

Step 2. Any program must be written down - brought into a readable working form

No programmer keeps the program being created only in his head. I don’t know how Mendeleev dreamed of his periodic table of chemical elements, but mere mortals usually write down their ideas, then analyze them, correct errors, and so on, until they make a working product. That is what you have to do as well.

Once a day, every morning, write down the goal you have chosen. What would you like to achieve? Just write down your mini-goal every morning in your diary - let each day start with this goal. Moreover, each program has its own language, which will be understood by the computer. Your program must be understandable to your brain and, as the Law of Attraction teaches, understandable to the Universe. That's why…

A good format for programming your subconscious is to use sentences such as “I am determined…”, “I choose…”, “I intend…”
For example:
"I'm up for a promotion."
"I choose a job - now I will sell 10 percent more."
"I intend to close this deal within the next month."

It is vital to formulate your goal in such a way that the subconscious mind agrees with your attitudes and statements. For example, the statement “I will get richer every day” does not work, because if this is not confirmed, then subconsciously you will feel that you are deceiving yourself even before you finish writing your own thought. If you write down the installation as: “I intend to achieve an increase in salary by so much in 2 months,” then such a formulation does not have any contradictions in your goals, emotions and the environment around you.

That is, the main principle is that your attitude should not contradict the life situation, should not lie, because this dissonance will be immediately detected by your subconscious and, of course, nothing will work for you.

Step 3. In programming, you always know the expected result - visualize your future success.

After you have written down your goal, you should imagine the result you are striving for. In general, how do programs begin to be written? First, the result that is being sought is known, even the terms of reference are drawn up in such a way that it becomes clear how everything should look and work at the end. It's the same with programming your own mind. You must see the ultimate goal - visually imagine what you are striving for. You must clearly imagine yourself in the future, when your goal will be achieved, and a sense of satisfaction will fill you.

For example, you must clearly imagine that, say, you are closing a profitable deal. You must clearly imagine the moment when the interested parties will sign, and you will see the desired figure on your own account. You must clearly imagine both this moment and the feelings of satisfaction that you will experience.
What is this for?
You must believe in it, your subconscious must believe that it is possible, which means removing all possible contradictions and doubts. And just direct you to this event, to this goal.

Joy, a sense of success, confidence in the goal - these are all components of subconscious motivation. You are a stretch, but you can convince yourself of something, but you cannot convince the subconscious. The subconscious must believe you so that there is no contradiction. If the subconscious mind sees the result, then the program will start correctly. How to do it?

Just generate consistently positive emotions within a few minutes of making a daily goal entry in your diary. It's even better if you attach some positive anchor of your own to it. For example, it is easy for you to be positive when you are drinking a large cup of coffee, holding it between your palms (this is an abstract example). Well, and visualize the goal in this way - right after you write your program in a notebook.

Step 4. Increase the power of the program - ask yourself for help

Now that you're enjoying the positive feeling of visualizing your own goal, take a look at your upcoming day and ask yourself, "What can you do today to help your goal come true faster?"

Your subconscious mind is set up, the program is running, but you still don’t know if it works correctly. Your mind does not yet know what steps you need to take in order to arrive at the result within the time frame indicated by you. Therefore, your brain-computer needs to be helped to optimize the process of program execution. You need to ask yourself, “what is the next most practical action you can take to get closer to your goal?”

For example, you know perfectly well that in order to grow in your career, you must demonstrate to your superiors the certain activity that they need for the position you are applying for. No one will give you a position simply because you launched some kind of program in your head. Your bosses have completely different programs of their own... Well, help your mind recognize the need to "get active" in the workplace in order to get a promotion.

When you get an answer, write it down in the same notebook where the goal was set. And then take targeted action to help your own program of success. Your actions strengthen your own subconscious in that you are not just wishing for something, but actually acting towards it. As a result, you will not deceive yourself and will not interrupt your own program to achieve what you want.

As a result, you will find that your actions, which may have gone with a creak before, now go like clockwork, and most importantly, let's say in our example, the management notices your efforts and puts positive notches on your person ...

Step 5. The program must run constantly

At this point, a real programmer would write only one phrase: "Go to Step #1." I'll explain a little more...

Do the above steps daily, that is, constantly, until you achieve what you want. Moreover, do not suffer from the illness of Julius Caesar, who did several things at once. Program yourself for only one goal and work daily only with it! Also - do not change your goal and your program! Scientists say we only use 20% of our brains. So don't load that 20% with stuff you can't handle. Well, or learn to use the brain at least 80%. True then, it will be you who will teach others and give advice. Then I was the first to be your student ... 🙂

If you have changed your goal or are no longer striving for it, then choose a new goal and start all over again. Any change in goal is a new goal and you have to start all over again. If you do not do this, you will again begin to deceive yourself, and the subconscious mind will quickly “bite through” this.

Lack of persistence is the number one reason why so many people fail to reach their goals.
If you give yourself some slack before you reach your goal, then obviously you didn’t really want to achieve it ... right?
Choose a goal that you cannot do without, that you simply need - and act! Program yourself and act!
This technique takes about 5-10 minutes with morning coffee and works flawlessly once you practice it.

I tested this on myself. It works for me.
It will work for you too!
Be confident and achieve what you want! For example, wealth ... :))

How to use NLP to tune your brain and body for a lot of money?

With the help of 4 simple techniques described in this article, I guarantee a powerful motivational and energetic boost that will allow you to realize any dream. By running the proposed programs in your head, you can, as Richard Bandler used to say, earn four times as much, twice as fast. And most importantly, you will not lose your taste for life in the pursuit of money.

Why do you need money, Shura?

“Why do you need money, Shura?” Ostap Bender once asked his companion in the wonderful film The Golden Calf.
So I'll ask you to start, why do you need money?
The most typical answer is: "Money will give me freedom, great opportunities, fame, power, success with the opposite sex, adventure."
Surprisingly, some even try to “buy” health, love, friends, harmony with themselves and the world around.
"What's wrong with that?" - you ask.
Let's think together.
From the point of view of NLP, those who think that happiness (success, freedom, etc.) is in money, create in their brain the condition "until there is money, I am unhappy." And this condition starts to work like a program.
As a result, a person remains unhappy until he earns money. And even if he earns the necessary amount for happiness, it turns out that he is already used to being unhappy. His brain has already learned to make a "earning" person unhappy.
And this is just the beginning.
Can you imagine how many people are walking around with the program “As long as there is no money, I cannot be successful, happy, famous. Without money, I can't enjoy life"?
Now think about how much a person who considers himself weak, unsuccessful, unhappy, unknown, unable to enjoy life can earn?
I'm not talking you out of making money. I'm just hinting that happiness is a separate job, not always accompanied by money. I'm also hinting that there is a "richer" and "happier" way to think about money.

What is the strength in, brother?

I had a prime example. One of my colleagues believed that freedom is in money.
I want to use his example to demonstrate how “self-delusion” takes place through money.
I ask him a classic "NLPersky" question:
- What do you want most in life?
- I want to be free, I'm tired of this damn job, I want to do my own thing, open a company, be my own boss.
"So what's stopping you?"
“But this requires money, start-up capital, otherwise you won’t be able to open your own business.
- And right now you can’t feel free and start building a business with this feeling?
- I can, of course, but this is self-deception. If I earn enough money, then I'll be really free.
It would seem that my colleague lays out everything logically. But, if you look closely, what is fixed in his head?
"Until I make money, I won't get my freedom." Here it is, the program of poverty and unhappiness.
How much do you think a person who is not able to feel free can earn? Who will deal with a person who has a ban on freedom before receiving money?
Sometimes in such cases, a tricky question from the NLP arsenal helps:
- How many rubles, dollars, specifically, do you need to feel free?
Well, probably a million dollars.
- And if you have 900,000 dollars, can you already feel free? Or do you need exactly a million and not a penny (cent) less?
There may be some light on this issue.
In the above example, I wanted to show that a person’s freedom is “hung on money” and removed from the arsenal of available tools. The most interesting thing is that by "hanging" freedom with money, a person actually excludes freedom from his possibilities.
And in the end, as luck would have it, it is precisely the freedom of thinking, the freedom of decision-making that such a person will lack to achieve his goal. It was the same with my colleague.
That is, if the program of "suspension" for money has worked, then a person does not have the money or the strength to earn it, since he thinks about wealth incorrectly.
Made success dependent on money - lost access to success.

Money needs to be brought up.

First you need to understand one simple thing: success, wealth, happiness - all this is inside us, and money is outside. And don't confuse personality with cash.
“We are not for money, but they are for us” - a very “money” thought.
Your inner forces must obey only you. I mean freedom, happiness, harmony, self-confidence, love, health and so on. Don't depend on money.
I am for the fact that happiness, success, wealth, pleasure from life never get out of your control.
But not only on money you can “hang out” all your inner strength.
Someone "hangs" for money, someone - for a car, for a cozy apartment, for clothes. The essence of this does not change: having “hung” the internal force on external things, we lose this force.
Let's get back to money.
Well, what is money? These are just colored papers or simple iron circles.
These are the tools by which we can either get or not get what we dream of. Tools, and NOTHING else.
Therefore, start treating money as ordinary things - just like you treat a table, a sofa, a phone. Only, please, without fetishism and other fanaticism.
Clear money from "emotions", and you will be able to manage money more intelligently, in an adult way. And your own emotions and internal forces will be completely under your control. Try it and they will thank you.

Your honestly "earned" happiness - right now!

Now it would not hurt to get our happiness into real use. Not some semblance of happiness, but the most natural, “realistic” one. And you need to get this happiness not someday, but RIGHT NOW. And along with happiness, everything that accompanies it: success, self-respect, freedom, confidence, inner strength ...
What, right now?
Yes, yes, right now.
So that later, with the already existing happiness, to achieve anything, more and faster, without losing the taste for life. Including money, if they are still so important to strive for them.
I hear your skepticism.
- How will I get happiness, success, fame, health right now? That doesn't happen. That's when I earn a million "green presidents", that's when there will be success, happiness and all that.
- No-o-o. Until I earn five thousand dollars, I cannot feel free, happy, rich. Need a wheelbarrow, an apartment. And so - WILL NOT GO!
But I insist that everyone can, if they want to feel happy, even you RIGHT NOW.
Try it, it's easy! You ALREADY have what you dream of: success, power, happiness, fame, wealth, health. You have it all RIGHT NOW. And not because you have a lot of money, but simply have it, and that's it.
Don't believe? Want to check it out?

The "correct" line of success.

Well, let's take a control measurement of your happiness and success.
Let us take, for example, a Negro of advanced years who has nothing, who has not eaten anything for several days, not even garbage, and who, in our understanding, is very far from the images of happiness, success, power, fame, wealth.
Yes, our own bums are a good example. Imagine one of these for a second. Represented? And this is not the most miserable and dirty option.
Do you now have more wealth already earned, a sense of already existing happiness and newfound power?
It may not have increased at all. But, you must admit, everything that you ALREADY have has become much “convex” on the example of a homeless person, isn’t it? It seems that there is a place to live, you are not starving, there is work, relatives, education. Yes, you are still wow!
Let's turn to health. How are you with him? Is something messing up?
Let's compare. Let's take a person who is near death, whose heart stops, his kidneys fail, he has no legs, because he got into a terrible accident. How do you assess the degree of his health? Don't worry, this man survived.
Now take a look at your health. Well, are you still groaning that somewhere something is not completely healthy with you? What if we compare again? 🙂
What a healthy person you are! It just takes envy.
Similarly with happiness, love, success. Make the right comparison to appreciate what you already have.
And why, by the way, is this necessary?
Everything is simple. To "get big money", you need to use all your abilities and inner potential. But how are we going to use them if we don't even RECOGNIZE them?
Do you understand?
Then let's see what happens.
A healthy, happy, successful, free, beloved, educated person. And all this is you. Yes, yes, it is you. Impressive? With such happiness and success and freedom - amazing 🙂
But before you rush forward to money, with wealth and prosperity in your head and body, you need to learn one more little trick.

The most powerful "energizer" for the brain.

A dream is very easy to distinguish from a simple goal. It should be incredible, unattainable, exciting, incendiary. Everyone has a dream, it's just that someone is embarrassed to even think about it. Shyness aside: there is no time for it. We are waiting for the second series!
So, we took the dream. If not found, take the usual goal, the desire to get something - we will call it all a dream. What to do with her now?
Everything is very simple: we will apply the dream to apply - for the most powerful charging of the brain and body. A dream is a colossal source of energy, probably the most powerful of all that a person can come up with.
Want to try?
Well, let's experiment with the first and easiest way to recharge "as if". We take the most selective and unrealizable dream. And we present right now that your dream has come true. Here right now...
Look very clearly, listen, feel with your whole body, smell the dream come true. Yes, yes, it is she who is the very unattainable dream, your dream has come true right now.
It takes some time to really feel it... And absorb the energy of achievement...
Well, how? Now imagine what kind of energy will be created if your dream actually comes true. For unknown reasons, she took it and, spitting on everything, came true ... Can you imagine the level of your emotions ???
A dream come true is the best source of energy, self-confidence, joy, creativity, spiritual and physical health. If only every day was “filled” with a dream come true!
Still can't believe this is REAL?
Well, the last touch remains - to make the dream a reality, the most real reality 🙂
After all, the head, imagination - these are not the best places to store dreams. A dream works much more powerfully when it is in reality, in our everyday life. When you can touch it, smell it, hear it.

Let's change the dream to reality right now.

Now we will try to use all the "atomic energy" of our dreams. Ready? Everything is as easy as shelling pears: in order to make your dream come true, you need to create a “VAK-layout of a dream”!
- Haha. Indeed, it couldn't be easier. Just create, like you said? WAC what? - I assume your "optimistic" reaction.
Of course, for those who are not familiar with NLP, the "WAC Dream Layout" is complete nonsense. Perhaps even those who are familiar with NLP will not immediately understand what I mean by VAC layout.
"VAK-model of a dream" is a real symbol, prot;;; type, a model of your dreams, which you can see, touch, smell. It can be any object associated with a dream, any thing created by you, some kind of space, image, sound. All this can be a real dream come true.
The more the layout will be like a dream, the more connected with the dream, the better. Try to hang EVERYTHING that you can extract from the dream on the layout - all the characteristics.
By the way, now, I hope, you understand what “the first earned ruble, dollar, cent, million” is for many famous millionaires? Yes, yes, you are absolutely right - these are “VAK-layouts” of wealth.
So, do not let this thought cool. Grab at least a pen and paper and "sketch" your dream or make it out of plasticine, make it out of bottle caps - embody it in ANY way available to you. RIGHT NOW.
To make it clearer, I will share with you my dream layout in the field of business. My very first dream model was a small pile of soda bottle caps, which symbolized my future business empire. These plugs stayed with me after lunch when I was still a hired management consultant. And every day at lunch I "built" my future empire.
Anything can be your dream layout: an icon, a photo, a drawing, a craft, a tattoo, a bracelet, etc. any item.
When creating a good layout, it is important to do two things:
1. Make at least part of the layout with your own hands.
2. Assign the layout as the initial symbol of a big dream, placing at least 30% of the dream, its meaning and content in it.
Start making your dream come true right now and don't stop until at least 10-20% of your dreams come true.
Well, how?
What is it like to make your dream come true? If you have done everything correctly, you will have a special feeling of CREATION. Because when you make a dream come true, you put your soul, all the best that is inside, into CREATING YOUR DREAMS.
But a dream can be “placed” in any of your activities. Think about it.

All life is a dream.

The next steps are simple - make a big dream out of a small one. Add more reality to your dream at any time, in any way you like. Bring a dream into any of your activities and achieve the maximum of your perfection and efficiency. Invest in your life and the lives of others...
Now you can achieve any goal, any dream.

Results of the first session.

1. We found out where happiness lives, and whether it is worth burying it in money.
2. We separated emotions from money, so now money will work for you, not you for them. And emotions will now be completely yours, native and responsive.
3. We have gained access to happiness, success, power, glory, freedom, having learned to find all this in ourselves and appreciate what we have already achieved. To do this, you just need to compare correctly.
4. And finally, We have learned to make dreams come true. Make them real. Put your soul into any business, turning it into a dream come true. This is called CREATION, CREATIVITY. And what did you think? 🙂

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